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Analysis of symmetric function ideals: towards a combinatorial description of the cohomology ring of Hessenberg varietiesMbirika, Abukuse, III 01 July 2010 (has links)
Symmetric functions arise in many areas of mathematics including combinatorics, topology and algebraic geometry. Using ideals of symmetric functions, we tie these three branches together. This thesis generalizes work of Garsia and Procesi in 1992 that gave a quotient ring presentation for the cohomology ring of Springer varieties.
Let R be the polynomial ring Ζ[x1,…,xn]. We present two different ideals in R. Both are parametrized by a Hessenberg function h, namely a nondecreasing function that satisfies h(i) ≥ i for all i. The first ideal, which we call Ih, is generated by modified elementary symmetric functions. The ideal I_h generalizes the work of Tanisaki who gave a combinatorial description of the ideal used in Garsia and Procesi's quotient ring. Like the Tanisaki ideal, the generating set for Ih is redundant. We give a minimal generating set for this ideal. The second ideal, which we call Jh, is generated by modified complete symmetric functions. The generators of this ideal form a Gröbner basis, which is a useful property. Using the Gröbner basis for Jh, we identify a basis for the quotient R/Jh.
We introduce a partial ordering on the Hessenberg functions, and in turn we discover nice nesting properties in both families of ideals. When h>h', we have Ih ⊂ Ih' and Jh ⊂ Jh'. We prove that Ih equals Jh when h is maximal. Since Ih is the ideal generated by the elementary symmetric functions when h is maximal, the generating set for Jh forms a Gröbner basis for the elementary symmetric functions. Moreover, the quotient R/Jh gives another description of the cohomology ring of the full flag variety.
The generators of the ring R/Jh are in bijective correspondence with the Betti numbers of certain Hessenberg varieties. These varieties are a two-parameter generalization of Springer varieties, parametrized by a nilpotent operator X and a Hessenberg function h. These varieties were introduced in 1992 by De Mari, Procesi and Shayman. We provide evidence that as h varies, the quotient R/Jh may be a presentation for the cohomology ring of a subclass of Hessenberg varieties called regular nilpotent varieties.
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Variétés rationnelles et torseurs sous les groupes linéaires : obstruction de Brauer-Manin pour les points entiers et invariants cohomologiques supérieurs / Rational varieties and torsors under linear algebraic groups : Brauer-Manin obstruction over the integers and higher cohomological invariants over an arbitrary fieldCao, Yang 06 June 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s’intéresse à des propriétés arithmétiques des variétés algébriques. Elle contient deux parties : partie géométrique (sur un corps quelconque) et partie arithmétique (sur un corps de nombres). Dans la partie géométrique, j’étudie le quotient par sa partie constante du troisième groupe de cohomologie non ramifiée des surfaces (géométriquement) rationnelles et de leurs torseurs universels. Pour les surfaces de del Pezzo de degré au moins 5, je montre que ce quotient est trivial, sauf pour des surfaces de del Pezzo de degré 8 d’un type particulier. Pour les torseurs universels ci-dessus, je montre que ce quotient est fini et je donne une condition suffisante pour qu’il soit nul, en termes de la structure galoisienne du groupe de Picard géométrique de la surface. Dans la partie arithmétique, on étudie l’obstruction de Brauer–Manin à l’approximation forte. En collaboration avec C. Demarche et F. Xu, nous établissons l’équivalence de l’obstruction de Brauer-Manin étale et de l’obstruction de descente pour les variétés quasi-projectives. Ensuite, j’établis un théorème très général sur l’approximation forte pour les variétés ouvertes munies d’une action d’un groupe linéaire connexe G et dont un ouvert est un espace homogène de G. / In this Ph.D. thesis, we investigate some arithmetic properties of algebraic varieties. The thesis consists of two parts: a geometric part (over an arbitrary field) and an arithmetic part (over a number field). The geometric part is devoted to the study of the quotient by its constant part of the third unramified cohomology group of (geometrically) rational surfaces and of their universal torsors. For del Pezzo surfaces of degree at least 5, we show that this quotient is zero, except in the case of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 8 of a special type. For universal torsors as above, we show this quotient is finite and we give a sufficient condition for it to vanish. This condition involves the Galois structure of the geometrical Picard group. The arithmetic part is devoted to the study of the Brauer-Manin obstruction to strong approximation. In collaboration with C. Demarche and F. Xu, we establish the equivalence of étale Brauer-Manin obstruction and the descent obstruction. Then I establish a general theorem about strong approximation of open varieties equipped with an action of a connected linear algebraic group G and containing a G-homogeneous space as open subset.
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Derived Invariance of the Tamarkin-Tsygan Calculus of an Associative Algebra / Invariance dérivée du calcul de Tamarkin-Tsygan d'une algèbre associativeArmenta Armenta, Marco 10 September 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous démontrons que le calcul de Tamarkin-Tsygan d’une algèbre `associative de dimension finie sur un corps est un invariant dérivé. En d’autres mots, le résultat principal de ce travail est le suivant : une équivalence dérivée entre deux algèbres de dimension finie sur un corps induit un isomorphisme entre l’homologie de Hochschild et la cohomologie de Hochschild qui respecte simultanément le cup produit, le cap produit, le crochet de Gerstenhaber et la ´différentielle de Connes. / In this thesis we prove that the Tamarkin-Tsygan calculus of a finite dimensionalassociative algebra over a field is a derived invariant. In other words, the mainresult of this work goes as follows: a derived equivalence between two finite dimensional associative algebras over a field induces an isomorphism betweenHochschild homology and Hochschild cohomology that respects simultaneouslythe cup product, the cap product, the Gerstenhaber bracket and the Connes differential.
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Chern-Weil techniques on loop spaces and the Maslov index in partial differential equationsMcCauley, Thomas 07 November 2016 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two distinct parts, the first concerning S^1-equivariant cohomology of loop spaces and the second concerning stability in partial differential equations.
In the first part of this dissertation, we study the existence of S^1-equivariant characteristic classes on certain natural infinite rank bundles over the loop space LM of a manifold M. We discuss the different S^1-equivariant cohomology theories in the literature and clarify their relationships. We attempt to use S^1-equivariant Chern-Weil techniques to construct S^1-equivariant characteristic classes. The main result is the construction of a sequence of S^1-equivariant characteristic classes on the total space of the bundles, but these classes do not descend to the base LM. In addition, we identify a class of bundles for which a single S^1-equivariant characteristic class does admit an S^1-equivariant Chern-Weil construction.
In the second part of this dissertation, we study the Maslov index as a tool to analyze stability of steady state solutions to a reaction-diffusion equation in one spatial dimension. We show that the path of unstable subspaces associated to this equation is governed by a matrix Riccati equation whose solution S develops singularities when changes in the Maslov index occur. Our main result proves that at these singularities the change in Maslov index equals the number of eigenvalues of S that increase to +∞ minus the number of eigenvalues that decrease to -∞.
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Tropical geometry and algebraic cycles / トロピカル幾何学と代数的サイクルMikami, Ryota 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22976号 / 理博第4653号 / 新制||理||1669(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻 / (主査)准教授 伊藤 哲史, 教授 入谷 寛, 教授 池田 保 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Oriented Cohomology Rings of the Semisimple Linear Algebraic Groups of Ranks 1 and 2Gandhi, Raj 23 August 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, we compute minimal presentations in terms of generators and relations for the oriented cohomology rings of several semisimple linear algebraic groups of ranks 1 and 2 over algebraically closed fields of characteristic 0. The main tools we use in this thesis are the combinatorics of Coxeter groups and formal group laws, and recent results of Calm\`es, Gille, Petrov, Zainoulline, and Zhong, which relate the oriented cohomology rings of flag varieties and semisimple linear algebraic groups to the dual of the formal affine Demazure algebra.
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Facteurs locaux l-adiques / Local factors in l-adic cohomologyGuignard, Quentin 22 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de deux parties indépendantes. Dans la première, nous donnons une démonstration alternative du théorème d'aplatissement par éclatements de Raynaud-Gruson. Celle-ci repose sur la construction et l'étude de certains espaces valuatifs, et nous permet de dégager la notion de $Phi$-anneau, qui fournit un substitut algébrique aux anneaux topologiques adiques : la notion correspondante de $Phi$-schéma est aux schémas ce que les espaces rigides sont aux schémas formels.Dans une seconde partie, nous nous inspirons de travaux de Laumon et de Deligne pour démontrer l'existence de facteurs $varepsilon$ locaux dans un cadre géometrique. Nous démontrons ensuite, en usant de la méthode la phase stationnaire $ell$-adique, une formule du produit pour le déterminant de la cohomologie d'un faisceau $ell$-adique sur une courbe en caractéristique $p neq ell$ positive : cela étend des résultats précédemment connus pour un corps de base fini. Parmi les outils utilisées figure la théorie du corps de classes géométrique, dont nous donnons une démonstration géométrique s'inspirant de l'approche de Deligne pour le cas non ramifié. / This thesis is divided in two parts. We first give an alternative proof of the Raynaud-Gruson's theorem regarding flattening by blow-ups. The argument rests upon the study of certain valuative spaces associated to a refined notion of ring, which we name $Phi$-rings : these are algebraic substitutes to adic topological rings, and the corresponding $Phi$-schemes can be considered as generic fibers of schemes, in the same way that rigid spaces are generic fibers of formal schemes.In the second part, we prove the existence of local $varepsilon$-factors in a geometric setting. These results, which are inspired by works of Laumon and Deligne, lead to a product formula for the determinant of the cohomology of an $ell$-adic sheaf on a curve over a perfect field of positive characteristic $p neq ell$, which was previously known for a finite base field. One of our main tools is geometric class field theory; we provide a detailed proof of its global version by extending Deligne's approach from the tamely ramified case to the general case.
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Cohomology of the moduli space of curves of genus three with level two structureBergvall, Olof January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate the moduli space M3[2] of curves of genus 3 equipped with a symplectic level 2 structure. In particular, we are interested in the cohomology of this space. We obtain cohomological information by decomposing M3[2] into a disjoint union of two natural subspaces, Q[2] and H3[2], and then making S7- resp. S8-equivariantpoint counts of each of these spaces separately. / Målet med denna uppsats är att undersöka modulirummet M3[2] av kurvor av genus 3 med symplektisk nivå 2 struktur. Mer specifikt vill vi hitta informationom kohomologin av detta rum. För att uppnå detta delar vi först upp M[2] i en disjunkt union av två naturliga delrum, Q[2] och H3[2], och räknar därefter punkterna av dessa rum S7- respektive S8-ekvivariant.
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On a new cell decomposition of a complement of the discriminant variety : application to the cohomology of braid groups / Sur une nouvelle décomposition cellulaire de l’espace des polynômes à racines simples : application à la cohomologie des groupes de tressesCombe, Noémie 24 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne principalement deux objets classiques étroitement liés: d'une part la variété des polynômes complexes unitaires de degré $d>1$ à une variable, et à racines simples (donc de discriminant différent de zéro), et d'autre part, les groupes de tresses d'Artin avec d brins. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse propose une nouvelle approche permettant des calculs cohomologiques explicites à coefficients dans n'importe quel faisceau. En vue de calculs cohomologiques explicites, il est souhaitable d'avoir à sa disposition un bon recouvrement au sens de Čech. L'un des principaux objectifs de cette thèse est de construire un tel recouvrement basé sur des graphes (appelés signatures) qui rappellent les `dessins d'enfant' et qui sont associées aux polynômes complexes classifiés par l'espace de polynômes. Cette décomposition de l'espace de polynômes fournit une stratification semi-algébrique. Le nombre de composantes connexes de chaque strate est calculé dans le dernier chapitre ce cette thèse. Néanmoins, cette partition ne fournit pas immédiatement un recouvrement adapté au calcul de la cohomologie de Čech (avec n'importe quels coefficients) pour deux raisons liées et évidentes: d'une part les sous-ensembles du recouvrement ne sont pas ouverts, et de plus ils sont disjoints puisqu'ils correspondent à différentes signatures. Ainsi, l'objectif principal du chapitre 6 est de ``corriger'' le recouvrement de départ afin de le transformer en un bon recouvrement ouvert, adapté au calcul de la cohomologie Čech. Cette construction permet ensuite un calcul explicite des groupes de cohomologie de Čech à valeurs dans un faisceau localement constant. / This thesis mainly concerns two closely related classical objects: on the one hand, the variety of unitary complex polynomials of degree $ d> 1 $ with a variable, and with simple roots (hence with a non-zero discriminant), and on the other hand, the $d$ strand Artin braid groups. The work presented in this thesis proposes a new approach allowing explicit cohomological calculations with coefficients in any sheaf. In order to obtain explicit cohomological calculations, it is necessary to have a good cover in the sense of Čech. One of the main objectives of this thesis is to construct such a good covering, based on graphs that are reminiscent of the ''dessins d'enfants'' and which are associated to the complex polynomials. This decomposition of the space of polynomials provides a semi-algebraic stratification. The number of connected components in each stratum is counted in the last chapter of this thesis. Nevertheless, this partition does not immediately provide a ''good'' cover adapted to the computation of the cohomology of Čech (with any coefficients) for two related and obvious reasons: on the one hand the subsets of the cover are not open, and moreover they are disjoint since they correspond to different signatures. Therefore, the main purpose of Chapter 6 is to ''correct'' the cover in order to transform it into a good open cover, suitable for the calculation of the Čech cohomology. It is explicitly verified that there is an open cover such that all the multiple intersections are contractible. This allows an explicit calculation of cohomology groups of Čech with values in a locally constant sheaf.
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Equivariant Differential CohomologyKübel, Andreas 28 October 2015 (has links)
The construction of characteristic classes via the curvature form of a
connection is one motivation for the refinement of integral cohomology
by de Rham cocycles -- known as differential cohomology. We will discuss
the analog in the case of a group action on the manifold: We will show
the compatibility of the equivariant characteristic class in integral
Borel cohomology with the equivariant characteristic form in the Cartan
model. Motivated by this understanding of characteristic forms, we
define equivariant differential cohomology as a refinement of
equivariant integral cohomology by Cartan cocycles.
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