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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le droit à l'accompagnement / The right to support

Bres, Charlotte 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le droit à l’accompagnement est un sujet à la fois novateur, original et fécond. Novateur, car c’est la première fois qu’une recherche est entièrement consacrée à ce droit. Hormis quelques rares analyses, il n’y a jamais eu d’étude de fond. Original, car il s’agit d’un droit unique en son genre, qui concerne plusieurs branches du droit. Et fécond, grâce à cette étude, il est désormais possible de mieux cerner les contours du droit à l’accompagnement et notamment de l’émergence d’un concept juridique d’accompagnement. L’accompagnement est une notion vertueuse, consensuelle, propre à susciter l’adhésion, mais n’en reste pas moins ambiguë, prenant des formes et des significations différentes. La notion d’accompagnement occupe une place centrale dans les politiques de lutte contre les exclusions. Elle n’a cessé de se déployer et d’investir massivement de nombreux domaines, entraînant un usage intensif du vocable. Aujourd’hui, la relation d’accompagnement est un outil largement utilisé par le législateur. La présence croissante de l’accompagnement et l’utilisation de cette technique en réponse à la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale et professionnelle, traduit l’importance du droit à l’accompagnement dans le système juridique français. L’accompagnement est une figure emblématique de l’actualité juridique, il est à la frontière de nombreuses branches du Droit. En tant que mot, que pratique et que droit, il a trouvé un terrain favorable. Les mécanismes d’accompagnement irradient le droit, ils prennent une telle ampleur, qu’ils se retrouvent dans la plupart des domaines juridiques qui composent le droit privé (Partie 1). La seule étude des mécanismes d’accompagnement n’est pas suffisante à la démonstration de l’existence d’un droit à l’accompagnement. Il faut se nourrir de cette pluralité de mécanismes d’accompagnement pour en dégager l’émergence d’un concept juridique (Partie 2) / The right to support is a subject at the same time innovator, original and fertile. Innovative, because it’s the first time that a research is completely dedicated to this right. Except some rare analyses, there has been never a thorough study. Original, because it’s about a right, which concerns several branches of law. And fertile, because thanks to this study, it’s from now on possible to encircle better the outlines of the right to support in particular the emergence of a legal concept of support. The support is a virtuous, consensual notion, appropriate to arouse the membership, but remains not less ambiguous there, taking forms and different meanings. The notion of support occupies a central place in the politics of fight against the exclusions. It didn’t stop spreading and investing massively numerous domains, pulling an intensive use of the word. Today, the relation of support is a tool widely used by the legislator. The increasing presence of the support and the use of the technique in answer to the poverty and the social and professional exclusion, translated the importance of the right to support in the French legal system. The support is an iconic figure of the legal current events, it’s for the border of numerous branches of the right. As word, as practice and as law, it found a favorable ground. The mechanisms of support irradiate the law, they take such a scale, as they find themselves in most part of the legal domains which make up the private law (Part 1) The only study of the mechanisms of support isn’t sufficient in the demonstration of the existence of right to support. It is necessary to feed on this plurality of mechanisms of support to release the emergence of a legal concept (Part 2).

A structural study of lattices, d-lattices and some applications in data analysis / Une étude structurelle des treillis, d-treillis, et quelques applications en analyse de données

Kahn, Giacomo 12 December 2018 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons à un cadre théorique de l'analyse de données : l'analyse formelle de concepts. Le formalisme de l'analyse formelle de concepts permet d'exprimer les notions centrales de la fouille de données telles que les implications ou les ensembles fermés, avec au centre la notion de treillis qui décrit la structure et les relations que ces objets ont entre eux. Pour les données multidimensionnelles, une proposition de formalisme existe en tant que généralisation de l'analyse formelle de concepts : l'analyse polyadique de concepts. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions certains problèmes de combinatoire et d'algorithmique dans le cas de l'analyse polyadique de concepts. Nous approchons aussi un cadre plus appliqué à l'analyse de données en proposant des approches de navigation conceptuelle et de classification. / We are interested in formal concept analysis, a theoretical framework for data analysis.This formalism allows to express some central notions of data mining such as implications or closed itemsets, and is centered around lattices, as the description of the relational structure that those objects can have.For multidimensional data, a formalism exists as a generalisation of formal concept analysis : polyadic concept analysis.In this document, we study some combinatorial and algorithmic problems that arose in polyadic concept analysis.We also introduce more applied data analysis techniques of conceptual navigation and classification.

Dynamic Committees for Handling Concept Drift in Databases (DCCD)

AlShammeri, Mohammed 07 November 2012 (has links)
Concept drift refers to a problem that is caused by a change in the data distribution in data mining. This leads to reduction in the accuracy of the current model that is used to examine the underlying data distribution of the concept to be discovered. A number of techniques have been introduced to address this issue, in a supervised learning (or classification) setting. In a classification setting, the target concept (or class) to be learned is known. One of these techniques is called “Ensemble learning”, which refers to using multiple trained classifiers in order to get better predictions by using some voting scheme. In a traditional ensemble, the underlying base classifiers are all of the same type. Recent research extends the idea of ensemble learning to the idea of using committees, where a committee consists of diverse classifiers. This is the main difference between the regular ensemble classifiers and the committee learning algorithms. Committees are able to use diverse learning methods simultaneously and dynamically take advantage of the most accurate classifiers as the data change. In addition, some committees are able to replace their members when they perform poorly. This thesis presents two new algorithms that address concept drifts. The first algorithm has been designed to systematically introduce gradual and sudden concept drift scenarios into datasets. In order to save time and avoid memory consumption, the Concept Drift Introducer (CDI) algorithm divides the number of drift scenarios into phases. The main advantage of using phases is that it allows us to produce a highly scalable concept drift detector that evaluates each phase, instead of evaluating each individual drift scenario. We further designed a novel algorithm to handle concept drift. Our Dynamic Committee for Concept Drift (DCCD) algorithm uses a voted committee of hypotheses that vote on the best base classifier, based on its predictive accuracy. The novelty of DCCD lies in the fact that we employ diverse heterogeneous classifiers in one committee in an attempt to maximize diversity. DCCD detects concept drifts by using the accuracy and by weighing the committee members by adding one point to the most accurate member. The total loss in accuracy for each member is calculated at the end of each point of measurement, or phase. The performance of the committee members are evaluated to decide whether a member needs to be replaced or not. Moreover, DCCD detects the worst member in the committee and then eliminates this member by using a weighting mechanism. Our experimental evaluation centers on evaluating the performance of DCCD on various datasets of different sizes, with different levels of gradual and sudden concept drift. We further compare our algorithm to another state-of-the-art algorithm, namely the MultiScheme approach. The experiments indicate the effectiveness of our DCCD method under a number of diverse circumstances. The DCCD algorithm generally generates high performance results, especially when the number of concept drifts is large in a dataset. For the size of the datasets used, our results showed that DCCD produced a steady improvement in performance when applied to small datasets. Further, in large and medium datasets, our DCCD method has a comparable, and often slightly higher, performance than the MultiScheme technique. The experimental results also show that the DCCD algorithm limits the loss in accuracy over time, regardless of the size of the dataset.

Baltumo ir juodumo konceptai lietuvių ir anglų kalbose / Concepts of Whiteness and Blackness in Lithuanian and English languages

Jokubaitienė, Toma 16 September 2009 (has links)
Visose pasaulio kalbose yra terminai spalvoms reikšti, tačiau priklausomai nuo ekstralingvistinių veiksnių, skirtingos tautos turi nevienodą jų skaičių. Išanalizavę dešimtis kalbų lingvistai B. Berlinas ir P. Kėjus nustatė, jog ankstyvame kalbų raidos etape tebuvo du žodžiai spalvoms apibrėžti: vienas - tamsioms, kitas – šviesioms. Šviesai atstovauja balta spalva, tamsai – juoda. Į prototipines baltumo ir juodumo konceptų reikšmes (baltas, -a – sniego spalvos, visai šviesus, juodas, -a – visiškai tamsus, kaip anglis) remiasi nemažai metaforinių reikšmių. Šio magistro darbo tikslas – išskirti skirtingas ir bendras baltumo ir juodumo metaforines reikšmes, būdingas lietuvių ir anglų kalboms. Tyrimo medžiagą sudaro lietuvių kalbos tekstyno grožinės literatūros blokas ir anglų kalbos tekstyno medžiaga. Išanalizavus tekstyno medžiagą nustatyta, jog prototipinės juodo reikšmės: tamsus, neperregimas, tankus, gilus; nešvarus, suteptas; rasė, gymis; rūšies pavadinimas; kava, arbata; metaforinės reikšmės: nešvarus, nedoras; prastas apie maistą (tik lietuvių kalboje); blogis: a) viduje išgyvenamas (emocijos); b) bauginantys, tragiški, nelaimingi įvykiai, su jais sietinos vietos; sunkus, kasdienis; neteisėta veikla, tokios veiklos rezultatai; simbolinės reikšmės: artėjančios nelaimės simbolis; nelaimės pranašai (blogio simboliai); gedulo simbolis. Tekstyno medžiagos analizė parodė, jog prototipinės balto reikšmės: šviesa; perregimas, bespalvis; švara; tuštuma; rasė, gymis; rūšies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every language has colour terms, but different amount of them depending on extra linguistic features. Linguist B. Berlin and P. Kay analysed dozens of languages and determined that there were only two colour terms (dark and bright) in the first stage of language evolution. Bright is represented by white and dark is represented by black. Many metaphoric meanings are based on prototypical meanings of concepts of whiteness (white – of colour of snow, very bright) and blackness (black – very dark, like coal). The goal of this master thesis is to determine common and different metaphorical meanings of whiteness and blackness characteristic for Lithuanian and English languages. The research material is collected from corpuses of Lithuanian and English languages. The data of the analysis of both concepts showed, blackness and whiteness in most cases are used to identify a feature of colour, i.e. prototypical colour meaning. But it also revealed a number of cases when the colour term does not denote a colour feature, but it is used metaphorically, with objects lacking the colour feature. The analysis has also revealed the importance of the symbolic meaning in the research of the colour concepts. The concept of Blackness in both languages is perceived similarly. Prototypical meanings are the following: dark, lacking light, impenetrable, soiled; used to characterize dark skin pigmentation; certain object in black colour (blackcurrant, black bread and etc.); (coffee or tea) without... [to full text]

Le nihilisme nietzschéen dans la philosophie de la religion de Nishitani Keiji /

Gingras, Gisèle January 1993 (has links)
Two texts by Nishitani, written ten years apart, reflect a very different position on the nietzschean question of the overcoming of nihilism. Although a student of Heidegger's at Freiburg between 1936 and 1939, Nishitani shows no evidence of a heideggerian influence in The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism. In this period (1949), he considers, contrary to Heidegger, that the affirmative aspects of nietzschean philosophy constitute a radical overcoming of nihilism. It is only in What is Religion? (1961) which appears in 1982 as Religion and Nothingness (English translation) that his view changes, reflecting more closely a heideggerian position. Nietzsche's concept of the Will to Power is evidence for Nishitani that Nietzsche enmeshed still in a philosophy of "Being", remains within traditional Western metaphysics. Because in Nishitani's view, Western metaphysics is nihilist, he finally concludes that Nietzsche did not overcome nihilism. / This development in Nishitani's thought is considered, in a concluding perspective of the present text, as evidence of the markedly more profound influence of Heidegger on the later, more mature work of Nishitani.

Do We Know Who We Are By Knowing Who We Are Not?: The Effects of Including Disliked Others in the Self-Concept

Richman, Stephanie B 01 January 2014 (has links)
People include other people in their self-concept. Research has examined the causes and effects of including liked, but not disliked others into the self-concept. Liked others are included because of a motivation to affiliate and get closer to the other person. The current investigation examined whether disliked others are included as a result of a motivation to differentiate and distinguish oneself from the other person. It also examined how self-concept inclusion of disliked others affects self-concept clarity. First, I tested whether people include disliked others into their self-concepts by showing a memory bias for disliked others similar to that of liked others (Study 1). Liked others, but not disliked others or acquaintances, showed this memory bias. Next, I tested whether people were motivated to differentiate themselves from disliked others by measuring whether they had slower reaction times when characterizing the self with traits similar to those of disliked others (Study 2). I did not find this effect. Finally, neither study showed a mediating effect of self-concept clarity. These results failed to show support for the hypothesis that disliked others are included in the self-concept and that including others in the self affects self-concept clarity.

Self-concept of preadolescent and adolescent children with spina bifida

MacBriar, Barbara Ruth, January 1979 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin-Madison. / Typescript. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-67).

Modular front lamp to a combat vehicle : With focus on modern design and manufacturability

Lundberg, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the project is to, with the help of relevant course literature, knowledge obtained from previous courses and with the help of supervisor and colleagues, produce a concept suggestion of how the front lamp to a combat vehicle could be designed. The purpose is also, with the help of meticulous documentation and structured work, to do a project that it will possible to continue working on and eventually construct a prototype from. The methods that were used during this project were for example WBS, scrum board, Gantt-schedule and elimination matrix. The project started with a planning phase where the project plan and time schedules were set up. Then was the pilot study which is used to gather the knowledge needed to carry out the project. The information gathered in the pilot study were then summarized in a criterion matrix in the product specification. These criterions were then used in the concept selection phase as guidelines when generation ideas and develop concepts. After the concept selection three concept were chosen and presented for the employer and, in conjunction with the employer, it was decided to combine these concepts into one. 3D-models were then done with the help of CAD (Computer Aided Design) to illustrate this combined concept and associated material selection and manufacturing methods were done. The conclusion of this project was that the amount of innovative ideas and solutions were limited since the product is regulated by military standards and criterions from customers. Therefore, the outcome of the project is similar to previous versions, which is unfortunate, since the goal with the project were to come up with new and innovative concepts of how to design the front lamp. But even though this concepts design looks like the old design, it has few completely new things to it that haven’t existed in previous versions. It was also realized how much time you save during the project if you do a detailed planning at the start of the project and how valuable it is to be structured in the work process. Further work that is needed to be done on the project before the production of a prototype are calculations of the cost to manufacture and produce the product, strength calculations of the stress concentrations etc., and drawings of the product. The components of the front lamp, i.e. horn, lamps, sensors etc., also need to be selected in accordance with the criterion matrix. / Syftet med detta projekt är att, med hjälp av relevant kurslitteraturer, kunskap från tidigare kurser och med hjälp och stöd av handledare och kollegor, ta fram ett konceptförslag på hur frontlyktan till ett stridsfordon skulle kunna bli designad. Syftet är också, med hjälp av noggrann dokumentation och strukturerat arbete, att göra ett projekt som det är möjligt att fortsätta arbeta på och till slut kunna producera en prototyp ifrån. Metoderna som används i detta projekt är till exempel WBS, scrum board, Gantt-schema och eliminationsmatris. Projektet började med en planeringsfas där projektplanen och tidsplaner var gjorda. Sen gjordes förstudien för att tillhandahålla tillräckligt mycket information för att kunna genomföra projektet. Denna information summerades sedan i en kriteriematris i produktspecifikationen. Dessa kriterier användes sedan som riktlinjer vid idégenerationen och vid utveckling av koncept i konceptfasen. Efter konceptfasen valdes tre koncept att presenteras för arbetsgivaren och, i samråd med arbetsgivaren, valdes det att kombinera dessa koncept till ett. 3D-modeller gjordes sedan i CAD (Computer Aided Design) på detta koncept för att illustrera konceptet. Materialval och tillverkningsmetoder valdes också. Slutsatsen av detta projekt är att det var begränsande att utveckla innovativa idéer och lösningar till denna produkt eftersom produkten var styrd av militärstandarder och kundkrav. På grund av detta blev resultatet av projektet likt tidigare versioner, vilket är olyckligt, då målet med projektet var att utveckla en nya och innovativa koncept på hur designen av frontlyktan skulle kunna vara. Trots att designen är snarlik tidigare versioner, så har ändå detta koncept vissa funktion som är helt nya för produkten. På slutet av projektet var det också tydligt hur viktigt det är att göra en detaljerad planering vid starten av projektet och hur värdefullt det är att vara strukturerad i sitt arbete. Fortsatt arbete som måste göras innan en prototyp kan tas fram är en kostnadsanalys, hållfasthetsberäkningar och ritningar på konceptet. De olika komponenterna i frontlyktan måste också väljas, i enlighet med kraven i kriteriematrisen.

Critical thinking: a concept analysis

Mashele, Mihloti 30 November 2003 (has links)
Critical thinking ability is imperative for nurse practitioners in the multidimensional unfolding health care arena. Consensus as to what critical thinking entails has yet to be articulated. This non-empirical study thus set out to clarify the concept "critical thinking. Walker and Avant's (1995) proposal for conducting a concept analysis was used within the qualitative research paradigm. Literature selected from the fields of education, philosophy, nursing and psychology was consulted as the main source of data. Thematic and theoretical sampling of literature were also embarked upon during the later stage of the research to add density to emergent categories and themes. Categories were organised according to the Strauss and Corbin (1995) paradigmatic model; indicating the antecedents, disposition of the thinker, attributes and critical attributes, and outcomes of critical thinking. The findings indicate that critical thinking is a complex, multidimensional, dynamic, existential and context dependent mental operation. The essence of critical thinking is further illuminated by the construction of a model case and additional cases. The concept critical thinking is finally succinctly defined. The implications that critical thinking holds for nursing education and practice are spelled out. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Modélisation et gestion de concepts, en particulier temporels, pour l'assistance à la caractérisation de séquences d'images / Modeling and management of time concepts to support the characterization of image sequences

Simac, Alain 14 June 2011 (has links)
Les techniques habituelles d'indexation de vidéos passent généralement par une phase d'apprentissage qui nécessite préalablement la constitution d'une base d'apprentissage. Même si la taille de cette base est souvent réduite, la phase d'annotation réalisée par un expert de l'application est souvent longue et fastidieuse. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons développé un dispositif qui permet de pré-sélectionner un ensemble de prototypes susceptibles de contenir le concept qui doit apparaître dans la base d'apprentissage. Cette base réduite de prototypes sera ensuite annotée par l'expert. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des concepts temporels, ce qui nous a amené à étudier particulièrement des caractéristiques liées au mouvement, comme les points d'intérêt spatio-temporels (STIP Spatial Temporal Interest Points). D'autres caractéristiques ont aussi été utilisées concernant la couleur et la présence de formes particulières. Ces caractéristiques sont ensuite exploitées pour structurer la base de vidéos en briques spatio-temporelles homogènes. Cette structuration correspond à une sorte de segmentation de la base en fonction de chacune des caractéristiques. La liaison entre le concept à définir et les briques extraites de la base est en lien avec le fossé sémantique bien connu dans la problématique d'indexation automatique. La création de ce lien nécessite l'utilisation de la connaissance de l'expert de l'application sur le concept. Nous avons développé un système dans lequel cette connaissance est extraite par un système de questions/réponses. Les couples de questions/réponses permettent de sélectionner des briques répondant à la contrainte, de définir des relations entre certaines briques, et enfin de naviguer dans l'arborescence des questions. Des tests ont été réalisés sur des bases de vidéos de provenances diverses telles que des vidéos provenant d'émissions de télévision, de films d'animation, ou encore des vidéos de laboratoire disponibles sur le net, ou réalisées par nos soins. Ces tests montrent les performances satisfaisantes mais aussi les limites de l'approche et ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes, particulièrement sur les aspects collaboratifs et les aspects adaptatifs qui permettraient de capitaliser les connaissances des experts applicatifs et rendraient le système plus efficient. / The usual techniques of video indexing generally go through a learning phase that requires the prior establishment of a training database. Even if the size of the database is often reduced, the annotation phase by an expert of the application is often long and tedious. In this thesis, we developed a system that allows pre-selecting a set of prototypes that can contain the concept that must appear in the training set. This reduced base of prototypes will then be annotated by the expert. We are interested in time concepts, which led us to study particular features related to movement, such as Spatial Temporal Interest Points (STIP). Other features have also been used concerning the color and the presence of particular shapes. These characteristics are then used to structure the video database in homogeneous space-time blocks. This structure corresponds to segmentation related to each characteristic. The link between the concept to define and blocks extracted from the base corresponds to the well known problem of automatic indexing, the semantic gap. The definition of this link requires the introduction of the application expert's knowledge. We developed a system in which this knowledge is extracted by a questions/answers system. The couples of questions/answers allow the system to select blocks corresponding to the constraint, to define relationships between some blocks, and finally to navigate on the questions/answers tree. Tests were performed on video databases from various sources such as videos from tele- vision shows, animated films, laboratory videos available on the net, or made by us. These tests show the satisfying performances but also the limitations of the approach and open interesting perspectives, particularly on the collaborative and adaptive aspects that would capitalize in the application expert knowledge and would make the system more efficient.

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