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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incapacidade funcional em idosos: análise do conceito / Functional disability in the elderly: a concept analysis

Talmelli-Ruy, Luana Flávia da Silva 05 February 2014 (has links)
O cenário nacional aponta maior proporção de idosos e consequente aumento de expectativa de vida na população. Assim, o objetivo da atenção à saúde dos idosos é de manter sua funcionalidade, autonomia e independência por um maior tempo possível. Neste contexto, que surge a preocupação em se desenvolverem pesquisas que avaliem a funcionalidade desta população. O objetivo deste estudo foi de analisar o conceito de Incapacidade Funcional em idosos, utilizando o Modelo Híbrido de Desenvolvimento de Conceito, que consta de três fases: a Fase Teórica, a Fase de Campo e a Fase Analítica Final. A Fase Teórica foi desenvolvida por meio da Revisão Integrativa da Literatura; a busca dos estudos primários ocorreu nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE E CINAHL, com a utilização de descritores controlados e não controlados delimitados de acordo com a especificidade de cada base de dados. Foram pré-selecionados 1.113 trabalhos, porém 58 foram elegíveis após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão. A Fase de Campo se deu em duas etapas: a primeira consistiu em aplicar uma entrevista semiestruturada no domicílio para identificar os idosos elegíveis para a segunda etapa, na qual se utilizou a técnica de realização de grupos focais. Foram realizados quatro grupos sendo dois de idosos com idades entre 60 e 79 anos, e dois com idosos com mais de 80 anos. Durante os grupos, foram abordados os antecedentes, os atributos e as consequências do conceito de incapacidade funcional. A análise dos grupos foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo temática. Na Fase Analítica Final, os dados da Fase Teórica e de Campo foram identificados e analisadas suas semelhanças, divergências e diferenças. Os dados mostraram que a incapacidade funcional em idosos é multidimensional, está relacionada aos aspectos físicos, pessoais, sociais, ambientais e emocionais, sem que esteja restrita somente à presença de patologias ou à incapacidade em realizar atividades de vida diária de maneira independente, mas também no prejuízo da manutenção da autonomia e do bem-estar do idoso. A incapacidade funcional ocorre em distintos contextos, está relacionada à idade avançada, à presença de condições crônicas, resultados acumulativos de hábitos de vida, prejuízo no desempenho de papéis sociais e condições ambientais desfavoráveis. Os resultados da incapacidade funcional são deletérios e trazem prejuízo tanto para o idoso, quanto para a família, estão relacionados à diminuição da expectativa e da qualidade de vida, perda da independência e autonomia, ao aumento de custos, adequações ambientais, e principalmente ao prejuízo emocional. O estudo de conceito de incapacidade funcional no idoso com a utilização da metodologia do Modelo Híbrido permitiu fortalecer a compreensão e consequente utilização na prática com o idoso / The national setting points to a greater proportion of elderly individuals and a consequent increase in the population\'s life expectancy, thus, the objective of the healthcare of the elderly stands on the maintenance of their functionality, autonomy and independence for as long as it is possible. In this context, a concern emerges regarding the development of studies to assess the functionality of this population. The aim of this study was to analyze the concept of functional disability in elderly individuals using the Hybrid Model of Concept Development. This model is comprised of three phases, namely the Theoretical Phase, the Field Phase and the Final Analytical Phase. The Theoretical Phase was developed by means of a literature integrative review, in which the search for primary studies took place in the LILACS, MEDLINE and CINAHL databases with the use of controlled and non- controlled descriptors that were limited according to the specificity of each database. A total of 1,113 studies were preselected, however only 58 were found eligible after the application of the inclusion criteria. The Field Phase took place in two steps. The first step consisted of a semi-structured interview in the house of the elderly individuals for identification of those who were eligible for the second step; the focus group technique was used in this moment. Four groups were performed, with two groups including elderly individuals between 60 at 79 years of age and two groups including elderly individuals over 80 years of age. During the groups, the researchers approached the antecedents, attributes and consequences of the concept of functional disability, and the groups were analyzed by means of the thematic content analysis. In the Final Analytical Phase, the data collected in the Theoretical and Field Phases were identified and their similarities, divergences and differences were analyzed. These data showed that functional disability in the elderly is multidimensional. It is related to physical, social, personal, environmental and emotional aspects, not restricted only to the presence of pathologies or the incapability of performing daily living activities independently, but also in the damage of the maintenance of the autonomy and wellbeing of the elderly. Functional disability occurs in different contexts, being related to the old age, the presence of chronic conditions, accumulative results of life habits, damage in the performance of social roles and unfavorable environmental conditions. The results of functional disability are damaging and bring harm both to the individuals and to their families, being related to reduced expectancy and quality of life, loss of independence and autonomy, increased costs, environmental adjustments and, especially, to emotional damage. The study of the concept of functional disability in the elderly with the use of the Hybrid Model methodology has allowed to reinforce its understanding and consequent use in the practice with the elderly

L'analyse formelle de concepts : un cadre structurel pour l'étude de la variabilité de familles de logiciels / Formal concept analysis : a structural framework to study variability in software families

Carbonnel, Jessie 29 October 2018 (has links)
Des familles de logiciels similaires proviennent fréquemment de pratiques de réutilisation de clones de logiciels existants, qui sont ensuite enrichis ou dépouillés de fonctionnalités pour suivre de nouvelles exigences. Avec le temps, ces variantes se multiplient et se complexifient, et il devient difficile de les maintenir, de les faire évoluer. L’ingénierie des lignes de produits logiciels regroupe un ensemble de méthodes visant à faciliter le développement et la gestion de telles collections de logiciels similaires. Documenter la variabilité est le point central de ce paradigme ; on la représente à travers des modèles de variabilité, qui servent de supports à la grande majorité des processus propres à l’ingénierie des lignes de produits. La migration complète ou partielle de ces familles de logiciels vers des approches de type lignes de produits permet la simplification de leur exploitation. La rétro-ingénierie, la modélisation et la gestion de la variabilité sont reconnues comme une phase cruciale et ardue de cette migration. Par conséquent, de nombreuses approches ont été proposées pour étudier des descriptions de familles de logiciels dans ce but. Plusieurs d’entre elles s’appuient sur l’analyse formelle de concepts, un cadre mathématique de groupement hiérarchique qui organise un ensemble d’objets et leurs descriptions dans une structure canonique mettant naturellement en évidence leurs aspects communs et variables.Dans ce manuscrit, nous défendons l'idée que l’analyse formelle de concepts, plus qu’un outil, offre un véritable cadre structurel et réutilisable à l’étude de la variabilité des familles de produits.Dans un premier temps, nous établissons un panorama des informations sur la variabilité qui sont mises en évidence grâce à ce formalisme, et discutons de son spectre d’applicabilité. Nous étudions les points communs entre les structures conceptuelles produites par l’analyse formelle de concepts et les modèles de variabilité. Dans un second temps, nous illustrons l’utilisation originale de ces structures conceptuelles comme support à des opérations de conception et de recherche d’informations. Enfin, nous élargissons notre champ d’étude aux informations plus complexes définies par des modèles de variabilité qui ont été étendus pour en améliorer l’expressivité, et dont la rétro-ingénierie est encore peu étudiée à ce jour. Nous montrons comment certaines propriétés de l’analyse formelle de concepts permettent de généraliser son utilisation à des descriptions de variantes plus complexes, et étudions son application pour la manipulation d’attributs multivalués et de cardinalités, en complément des caractéristiques booléennes traditionnelles. Nous évaluons notre approche sur des données issues de dépôts tels que SPLOT, fork-insight et de matrices de comparaison de produits de wikipedia. / Software families often rise from reuse practices as cloning existing software products which are then enhanced or pruned to fulfill new requirements. With time, these variants grow in number and in complexity, and become more and more complex to maintain. Software product line engineering gathers a set of methods that aims at facilitating the management and development of such collections of existing variants. Documenting variability is the central point of this paradigm; This variability is represented in variability models that support a large part of software product line engineering processes.The partial or complete migration from software families to a product line approach eases their exploitation.Reverse-engineering, modeling and managing variability are known as crucial tasks of the migration: therefore, numerous methods have been proposed to study descriptions of software families for this goal.Some of them are based on formal concept analysis, a mathematical framework for hierarchical clustering which organises set of objects and their descriptions in canonical structures highlighting naturally their commonalities and variability.In this thesis, we defend that formal concept analysis, more than a tool, is a relevant structural, reusable and extensible framework to study variability of software families.First, we propose an overview of variability information which is highlighted thanks to this framework, and we discuss its scope of applicability.We study the common points between the conceptual structures of formal concept analysis and variability models.Then, we show how to use these conceptual structures to support research and modeling operations.Finally, we broaden the scope of this study to take into account more complex information about extended variability.We evaluate our method on data taken from the SPLOT repository, fork-insight and product comparison matrices from wikipedia.

Förlossningsrädsla : En begreppsanalys ur barnmorskans perspektiv / Fear of childbirth – a concept analysis from a midwife perspective

Birath, Camilla, Edman, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förlossningsrädsla drabbar ungefär en femtedel av alla gravida kvinnor och barnmorskor möter dessa i sitt arbete. Syfte: Syftet var att analysera begreppet förlossningsrädsla ur ett barnmorskeperspektiv. Metod: En begreppsanalys med en hybridmodell. Först en teoretisk fas med litteratursökning, därefter en fältstudiefas där fem barnmorskor intervjuades följt av en sammanfattandes syntes med resultatet från den teoretiska fasen och fältstudiefasen. Resultat: Förlossningsrädsla är något som kan drabba kvinnor innan, under eller efter graviditet och förlossning. Förlossningsrädsla kan vara primär eller sekundär. Vid primär förlossningsrädsla kan kvinnan sakna tilltro till sin förmåga att föda barn och vid sekundär förlossningsrädsla har kvinnan haft en tidigare traumatisk förlossningsupplevelse. Barnmorskorna beskrev förlossningsrädsla som ett komplext begrepp. Kvinnorna använde oftast inte ordet förlossningsrädsla utan barnmorskorna tolkade vad de märkte eller såg hos kvinnan som yttringar av förlossningsrädsla. Slutsats: Barnmorskor använder begreppet på olika sätt och efterlyser en tydligare definition och arbetssätt kring förlossningsrädsla. Förlossningsrädsla innebär ett stort lidande för den gravida kvinnan och därför anser författarna till detta examensarbete att det förebyggande arbetet är viktigt och att barnmorskan har en central och betydelsefull roll. Kliniks tillämpbarhet: Barnmorskor kan använda sig av studien för att utveckla sin kunskap kring förlossningsrädsla samt se hur andra barnmorskor ser på begreppet förlossningsrädsla. / Background: Fear of childbirth affects about one-fifth of all pregnant women and midwives face these in their work. Aim: The aim was to analys the concept fear of childbirth from a midwife perspective. Methods: A concept analysis with a hybrid model. First a theoretical phase with a search for literature, thereafter a fieldwork phase where five midwifes where interviewed followed by a final analytic phase. Results: Fear of childbirth is something that can affect women before, during or after pregnancy and childbirth. Fear of childbirth for primiparous women can be a lack of confidence in her ability to give birth, and for multiparous women have had a previous traumatic birth experience. The midwives described that fear of childbirth was a complex concept. Women did not usually use the word fear of childbirth, but the midwives interpreted what they noticed or saw in the woman as manifestations of fear of childbirth. Conclusion: Midwives use the concept in different ways and call for a clearer definition and way of working with fear of childbirth. The fear of childbirth is a great suffering for the pregnant woman and therefore the authors of this thesis consider that preventive work is important and that the midwife has a central and important role. Clinical Applicability: Midwives can use this study to develop their knowledge of fear of childbirth and see how other midwives view on the concept fear of childbirth.

Incapacidade funcional em idosos: análise do conceito / Functional disability in the elderly: a concept analysis

Luana Flávia da Silva Talmelli-Ruy 05 February 2014 (has links)
O cenário nacional aponta maior proporção de idosos e consequente aumento de expectativa de vida na população. Assim, o objetivo da atenção à saúde dos idosos é de manter sua funcionalidade, autonomia e independência por um maior tempo possível. Neste contexto, que surge a preocupação em se desenvolverem pesquisas que avaliem a funcionalidade desta população. O objetivo deste estudo foi de analisar o conceito de Incapacidade Funcional em idosos, utilizando o Modelo Híbrido de Desenvolvimento de Conceito, que consta de três fases: a Fase Teórica, a Fase de Campo e a Fase Analítica Final. A Fase Teórica foi desenvolvida por meio da Revisão Integrativa da Literatura; a busca dos estudos primários ocorreu nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE E CINAHL, com a utilização de descritores controlados e não controlados delimitados de acordo com a especificidade de cada base de dados. Foram pré-selecionados 1.113 trabalhos, porém 58 foram elegíveis após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão. A Fase de Campo se deu em duas etapas: a primeira consistiu em aplicar uma entrevista semiestruturada no domicílio para identificar os idosos elegíveis para a segunda etapa, na qual se utilizou a técnica de realização de grupos focais. Foram realizados quatro grupos sendo dois de idosos com idades entre 60 e 79 anos, e dois com idosos com mais de 80 anos. Durante os grupos, foram abordados os antecedentes, os atributos e as consequências do conceito de incapacidade funcional. A análise dos grupos foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo temática. Na Fase Analítica Final, os dados da Fase Teórica e de Campo foram identificados e analisadas suas semelhanças, divergências e diferenças. Os dados mostraram que a incapacidade funcional em idosos é multidimensional, está relacionada aos aspectos físicos, pessoais, sociais, ambientais e emocionais, sem que esteja restrita somente à presença de patologias ou à incapacidade em realizar atividades de vida diária de maneira independente, mas também no prejuízo da manutenção da autonomia e do bem-estar do idoso. A incapacidade funcional ocorre em distintos contextos, está relacionada à idade avançada, à presença de condições crônicas, resultados acumulativos de hábitos de vida, prejuízo no desempenho de papéis sociais e condições ambientais desfavoráveis. Os resultados da incapacidade funcional são deletérios e trazem prejuízo tanto para o idoso, quanto para a família, estão relacionados à diminuição da expectativa e da qualidade de vida, perda da independência e autonomia, ao aumento de custos, adequações ambientais, e principalmente ao prejuízo emocional. O estudo de conceito de incapacidade funcional no idoso com a utilização da metodologia do Modelo Híbrido permitiu fortalecer a compreensão e consequente utilização na prática com o idoso / The national setting points to a greater proportion of elderly individuals and a consequent increase in the population\'s life expectancy, thus, the objective of the healthcare of the elderly stands on the maintenance of their functionality, autonomy and independence for as long as it is possible. In this context, a concern emerges regarding the development of studies to assess the functionality of this population. The aim of this study was to analyze the concept of functional disability in elderly individuals using the Hybrid Model of Concept Development. This model is comprised of three phases, namely the Theoretical Phase, the Field Phase and the Final Analytical Phase. The Theoretical Phase was developed by means of a literature integrative review, in which the search for primary studies took place in the LILACS, MEDLINE and CINAHL databases with the use of controlled and non- controlled descriptors that were limited according to the specificity of each database. A total of 1,113 studies were preselected, however only 58 were found eligible after the application of the inclusion criteria. The Field Phase took place in two steps. The first step consisted of a semi-structured interview in the house of the elderly individuals for identification of those who were eligible for the second step; the focus group technique was used in this moment. Four groups were performed, with two groups including elderly individuals between 60 at 79 years of age and two groups including elderly individuals over 80 years of age. During the groups, the researchers approached the antecedents, attributes and consequences of the concept of functional disability, and the groups were analyzed by means of the thematic content analysis. In the Final Analytical Phase, the data collected in the Theoretical and Field Phases were identified and their similarities, divergences and differences were analyzed. These data showed that functional disability in the elderly is multidimensional. It is related to physical, social, personal, environmental and emotional aspects, not restricted only to the presence of pathologies or the incapability of performing daily living activities independently, but also in the damage of the maintenance of the autonomy and wellbeing of the elderly. Functional disability occurs in different contexts, being related to the old age, the presence of chronic conditions, accumulative results of life habits, damage in the performance of social roles and unfavorable environmental conditions. The results of functional disability are damaging and bring harm both to the individuals and to their families, being related to reduced expectancy and quality of life, loss of independence and autonomy, increased costs, environmental adjustments and, especially, to emotional damage. The study of the concept of functional disability in the elderly with the use of the Hybrid Model methodology has allowed to reinforce its understanding and consequent use in the practice with the elderly

Recuperação cirúrgica retardada: análise do conceito / Delayed surgical recovery: concept analysis

Adilson Edson Romanzini 27 June 2013 (has links)
A segurança do cuidado cirúrgico tem emergido como problema global de saúde pública. O processo de recuperação cirúrgica é dinâmico e prolongado, pode ser influenciado por diferentes fatores, os quais afetam a recuperação do paciente em direção negativa ou positiva. Os eventos adversos no pós-operatório acometem cerca de 78 a 86% dos pacientes, sendo as alterações com a ferida cirúrgica uma das principais complicações. O objetivo geral do estudo foi realizar a análise do conceito recuperação cirúrgica retardada. Para tal, elegeu-se o modelo de análise de conceito de Rodgers para fundamentar a condução do estudo e a revisão integrativa para alcançar a segunda atividade do modelo adotado. Na condução da revisão integrativa, a busca dos estudos primários ocorreu nas bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE e LILACS com a utilização de descritores controlados e não controlados delimitados de acordo com a especificidade de cada base de dados. Na estratégia de busca adotada, os descritores controlados e não controlados foram combinados de diferentes formas para assegurar ampla busca. Assim, dos 1.155 estudos primários potencialmente elegíveis, desses, 103 eram estudos secundários, 836 não contemplavam os critérios de seleção delimitados e 150 referências eram duplicadas. Portanto, a amostra da revisão integrativa foi composta de 66 estudos primários. A extração de dados dos estudos primários incluídos foi realizada com auxílio de instrumento elaborado, o qual foi submetido à validação aparente e de conteúdo. A síntese dos resultados evidenciados foi realizada na forma descritiva, possibilitando a construção das outras atividades propostas no modelo de análise de conceito de Rodgers. Na análise do conceito recuperação cirúrgica retardada, o antecedente identificado foi experiências prévias, abrangendo aspectos fisiológicos, psicológicos, ambientais e os relacionados ao procedimento cirúrgico, capazes de influenciar o processo de recuperação. Os atributos da recuperação cirúrgica retardada foram definidos como: alteração no processo de recuperação cirúrgica, comprometimento das funções fisiológicas, comprometimento das funções psicológicas, nível de energia (força) reduzido, capacidade limitada para restabelecer atividades e extensão do tempo de recuperação. Os consequentes do conceito recuperação cirúrgica retardada são expressos por: manifestações clínicas, reintervenções, dependência de cuidados e redução na qualidade de vida. Assim, a recuperação cirúrgica retardada foi definida como alteração no processo de recuperação cirúrgica, envolvendo comprometimento das funções fisiológicas e psicológicas, desencadeando demanda alta frente à reserva de energia do paciente que limita a capacidade de restabelecer e executar atividades da vida diária, estendendo o tempo de recuperação para o alcance de estado de saúde melhor ou equivalente ao período pré-operatório. A compreensão do conceito recuperação cirúrgica retardada possibilitará caracterizar os fenômenos, descrever situações e estabelecer comunicação efetiva, fornecendo competências para a realização da monitoração e avaliação do paciente cirúrgico, permitindo assim, a implementação de intervenções efetivas, e consequentemente o alcance de resultados melhores e bem-estar do paciente. / The safety of surgical care has emerged as a global public health problem. The surgical recovery process is dynamic and lengthy and can be influenced by different factors, which affect the patients\' recovery in the negative or positive sense. Adverse postoperative events affect between 78 and 86% of patients, with surgical wound alterations as one of the main complications. The general objective in this study was to analyze the concept delayed surgical recovery. Therefore, Rodgers\' concept analysis model was elected to support the research development and the integrative review to accomplish the second activity in the model adopted. In the course of the integrative review, the search for primary studies mainly covered the databases PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE and LILACS, using controlled and non-controlled descriptors, selected according to the particularity of each database. In the adopted search strategy, the controlled and non-controlled descriptors were combined in different manners to guarantee a broad search. Hence, out of 1,155 potentially eligible primary studies, 103 were secondary studies, 836 did not comply with the established selection criteria and150 were repeated references. Thus, the integrative review sample consisted of 66 primary studies. Data were extracted from the primary studies with the help of an instrument, which was submitted to face and content validation. The results were synthesized descriptively, permitting the construction of the other activities proposed in Rodgers\' concept analysis model. In the analysis of the delayed surgical recovery concept, previous experiences were identified as the antecedent, including physiological, psychological, environmental and surgical procedure-related aspects, which can influence the recovery process. The attributes of delayed surgical recovery were defined as: alteration in the surgical recovery process, commitment of physiological functions, commitment of psychological functions, reduced energy (strength) level, limited ability to reestablish activities and extent of recovery time. The attributes consequent to the surgical recovery process are expressed as: clinical manifestations, re-interventions, dependence on care and reduced quality of life. Hence, delayed surgical recovery was defined as alteration in the surgical recovery process, involving the commitment of physiological and psychological functions, putting a high demand on the patient\'s energy reserves which limits the ability to reestablish and perform activities of daily living, extending the recovery time to reach a health condition that is better or equivalent to the preoperative period. The understanding of the delayed surgical recovery process permits characterizing the phenomena, describing situations and establishing effective communication, providing competences to monitor and assess surgical patients, thus permitting the implementation of effective interventions and, consequently, the achievement of better patient outcomes and well-being.

Conceptual Factors and Fuzzy Data

Glodeanu, Cynthia Vera 29 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
With the growing number of large data sets, the necessity of complexity reduction applies today more than ever before. Moreover, some data may also be vague or uncertain. Thus, whenever we have an instrument for data analysis, the questions of how to apply complexity reduction methods and how to treat fuzzy data arise rather naturally. In this thesis, we discuss these issues for the very successful data analysis tool Formal Concept Analysis. In fact, we propose different methods for complexity reduction based on qualitative analyses, and we elaborate on various methods for handling fuzzy data. These two topics split the thesis into two parts. Data reduction is mainly dealt with in the first part of the thesis, whereas we focus on fuzzy data in the second part. Although each chapter may be read almost on its own, each one builds on and uses results from its predecessors. The main crosslink between the chapters is given by the reduction methods and fuzzy data. In particular, we will also discuss complexity reduction methods for fuzzy data, combining the two issues that motivate this thesis. / Komplexitätsreduktion ist eines der wichtigsten Verfahren in der Datenanalyse. Mit ständig wachsenden Datensätzen gilt dies heute mehr denn je. In vielen Gebieten stößt man zudem auf vage und ungewisse Daten. Wann immer man ein Instrument zur Datenanalyse hat, stellen sich daher die folgenden zwei Fragen auf eine natürliche Weise: Wie kann man im Rahmen der Analyse die Variablenanzahl verkleinern, und wie kann man Fuzzy-Daten bearbeiten? In dieser Arbeit versuchen wir die eben genannten Fragen für die Formale Begriffsanalyse zu beantworten. Genauer gesagt, erarbeiten wir verschiedene Methoden zur Komplexitätsreduktion qualitativer Daten und entwickeln diverse Verfahren für die Bearbeitung von Fuzzy-Datensätzen. Basierend auf diesen beiden Themen gliedert sich die Arbeit in zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Komplexitätsreduktion, während sich der zweite Teil der Verarbeitung von Fuzzy-Daten widmet. Die verschiedenen Kapitel sind dabei durch die beiden Themen verbunden. So werden insbesondere auch Methoden für die Komplexitätsreduktion von Fuzzy-Datensätzen entwickelt.

FCART: A New FCA-based System for Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery

Neznanov, Alexey A., Ilvovsky, Dmitry A., Kuznetsov, Sergei O. 28 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We introduce a new software system called Formal Concept Analysis Research Toolbox (FCART). Our goal is to create a universal integrated environment for knowledge and data engineers. FCART is constructed upon an iterative data analysis methodology and provides a built-in set of research tools based on Formal Concept Analysis techniques for working with object-attribute data representations. The provided toolset allows for the fast integration of extensions on several levels: from internal scripts to plugins. FCART was successfully applied in several data mining and knowledge discovery tasks. Examples of applying the system in medicine and criminal investigations are considered.

Förlåtelse : Begrepp och metod inom socialt arbete / Forgiveness : Concept and Method in Social Work

Svens, Barbro January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Aim: this paper is a report of a concept analysis of forgiveness and its practice within the social work area. Background: worldwide interest in and funding for forgiveness research has brought about a body of knowledge from many disciplines that could be clinically useful to social work. At this time forgiveness interventions are used in social work in other countries, primary in the USA. The social workers in the Scandinavian countries need to focus on this important area of inquiry. Method: forgiveness was explored from a philosophical perspective and from forgiveness interventions from a variety of areas suitable for social work. Concept analysis was used to identify the concept of attributes, antecedents and consequences. A total of twelve works from both disciplines was included in the analysis. Findings: a clear definition of forgiveness emerged from the analysis. Forgiveness has three primary attributes. First, is the forgoing or letting go of a negative response (resentment) that resulted from a hurt. Secondly, is the giving of a positive response to the offender, that is, changing a negative judgement of the offender to a more positive one. Thirdly, forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation. Forgiveness is within the victims control but reconciliation needs the cooperation of the offender. Forgiveness is also different from forbearance, pardoning, excusing and forgetting. Forgiveness is suitable as a method in the Scandinavian social work, within a variety of areas; with children, families, alcohol abusers among others. Conclusion: a clear definition and understanding of forgiveness is needed to educate social workers on beginning interventions in this area. Conceptual and theoretical work is needed in social work to promote knowledge development in this area.

Stories of chronic kidney disease: listening for the unsayable.

Schick Makaroff, Kara Lee 02 September 2011 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is frequently described as a chronic illness. It is also a life-threatening illness, although this is rarely discussed. When people with CKD face declining kidney function, they need technological assistance to extend life. Many people receiving treatment will also die within 5 years. The experience of living with CKD is often difficult to articulate, and little is known about the aspects of this illness that are often ineffable, difficult to discuss, or beyond words. The purpose of this dissertation is to present four papers in which I investigate the concept of the unsayable and illuminate how this concept may be helpful in exploring individuals’ stories of living with CKD. Located in social constructionism, this narrative research explores the unsayable aspects of experience for people living with CKD as portrayed through their stories and symbols. In the first paper, I present a concept analysis of the unsayable and I define the unsayable as that which is not expressed yet alluded to through language and may be conscious or unconscious. Although the unsayable is intertwined with language, it also transcends articulation. In the second paper, I offer a qualitative meta-synthesis and I show how people with kidney failure have experienced restricted freedom that brings about distant connection, dependent autonomy, abnormal normalcy, and uncertain hope. In the third paper, I present a narrative inquiry using secondary analysis of 46 interviews conducted over 3 years with 14 people living with CKD. Narrative expressions of the unsayable include the following: living with death, embodied experiences that were difficult to language, that which was unthinkable, unknowable mystery, and that which was untold / unheard. Lastly, I offer a narrative visual analysis of symbols that represent living with CKD for 13 participants. Descriptive themes of the symbols include hopes and inspirations, reflections on “who I am,” and confrontations of illness. Participants’ expressions through symbols are described through stories of memories, emotions, and poetic devices. Consideration of the unsayable may offer insights for nurses who work to support individuals and promote quality of life for those living with this chronic and life-threatening illness. / Graduate

Incontinência urinária de esforço: análise de conceito / Stress urinary incontinence: concept analysis

Thomazini, Janaina Ornelas 16 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:48:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3448.pdf: 396695 bytes, checksum: 7654d6a413d720fdc7e65ea0d6e4214e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-16 / Urinary Incontinence (UI) is considered to be a global problem that affects both men and women. Among the existing types of the condition, the Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is more evident, given its expressive prevalence. The SUI is categorized as a nursing diagnosis (ND) according to the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I), a situation that highlights the importance of study development in this area by nurses. The general objectives of this paperwork are: to perform a concept analysis of the stress urinary incontinence, and to compare the concept analysis results to the nursing diagnosis Stress urinary incontinence presented at NANDA-I taxonomy II. The concept analysis was preformed based on Walker and Avant (2005). A literature review was performed on the PubMed, CINAHL and LILACS databases. 810 studies were identified, among which 34 studies that included all the necessary elements for the concept analysis were chosen to comprise the sample. In order to identify the concept uses, textbooks on urology and materials obtained through websites of professional associations were consulted. The concept analysis allowed us to point out that the SUI concept is used mainly in the health services area. The comparison to NANDA-I s SUI nursing diagnosis led to the suggestion that other studies ought to be carried out in order for the definition to be changed to: Involuntary leakage of urine during activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure, without detrusor contraction Suggested adaptations have been made to the existing defining characteristics, with the inclusion of: reported involuntary urine leakage during sexual intercourse (climacturia and/or during penetration); observed or reported involuntary urine leakage during pregnancy; urine leakage during stress test (Valsalva Maneuver, Cough Test and Stress Test at supine position); specific alterations at the urodynamic test (such as lower maximum urethral closing pressure; lower leakage pressure upon stress). Regarding the related factors, we suggest that the term weakening be replaced with dysfunction on the related factor weakening of the pelvic floor muscle . Also among the related factors, we suggest the inclusion of: levator ani muscle dysfunction; pudendal nerve dysfunction; and bladder neck hypermobility and/or urethral hypermobility. The consequences also reflect upon the social and psychological aspects of an individual, resulting in life quality impairment. Empirical references or possible methods for SUI diagnosis confirmation are mainly: history, detailed physical examination and urodynamic tests to identify the exact cause. This study indicates the possibility of contributions to NANDA-I Stress urinary incontinence diagnosis, and provides nurses with support for a better understanding of the matter, which may contribute to a more effective approach of the care planning aimed at patients that present this condition. / A Incontinência Urinária (IU) é considerada um problema mundial e afeta homens e mulheres. Dos tipos existentes, destaca-se a Incontinência Urinária de Esforço (IUE) por sua expressiva prevalência. A IUE é apresentada como um diagnóstico de enfermagem (DE) na classificação da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I), o que reforça a importância de desenvolvimento de estudos nessa temática por enfermeiros. O texto que resultou da pesquisa realizada teve como objetivos gerais: realizar análise do conceito de incontinência urinária de esforço e comparar o resultado da análise de conceito com o DE Incontinência urinária de esforço apresentado na taxonomia II da NANDA-I. A análise de conceito foi realizada com base em Walker e Avant (2005). Uma revisão de literatura foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL e LILACS. Foram identificados 810 estudos. Desses, 34 fizeram parte da amostra, por incluírem todos os elementos necessários à análise de conceito. Para a identificação dos usos do conceito, foram consultados livros-texto de urologia e materiais obtidos por meio de consulta a websites de associações de profissionais. A análise de conceito possibilitou identificar que o conceito IUE é usado principalmente na área da saúde. A comparação com o DE IUE da NANDA-I levou a sugerir que sejam realizados outros estudos que possibilitem a alteração na definição para: Perda involuntária de urina durante atividades que aumentam a pressão intra-abdominal sem que haja contração do detrusor . Adequações sugeridas nas características definidoras já existentes foram feitas, com inclusão de: perda involuntária relatada de urina durante relação sexual (climactúria e/ou durante a penetração); perda involuntária observada e/ou relatada de urina durante a gestação; perda de urina durante o teste de esforço (Manobra de Valsalva, Teste da Tosse e Teste de Esforço na posição supina); alterações específicas no teste urodinâmico (como menor pressão de fechamento uretral máxima; menor pressão de perda ao esforço). Em relação aos fatores relacionados, sugere-se enfraquecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico , substituição do termo enfraquecimento por disfunção e inclusão de: disfunção do músculo levantador do ânus; disfunção do nervo pudendo; e hipermobilidade do colo vesical e/ou hipermobilidade uretral. As consequências estão situadas também nos âmbitos social e psicológico e convergem em prejuízo na qualidade de vida. As referências empíricas, ou possíveis métodos para se confirmar o diagnóstico de IUE, principalmente, são: história, exame físico detalhado e os testes urodinâmicos para a identificação da causa exata. O estudo que resultou neste texto aponta para a possibilidade de contribuições para o diagnóstico Incontinência urinária de esforço da NANDA-I e oferece subsídios aos enfermeiros para um melhor entendimento desse problema, o que pode contribuir para uma atuação mais efetiva no planejamento do cuidado aos pacientes que o apresentam.

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