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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Health locus of control in adolescence : A user's guide to the personal education of thirteen and fourteen year old pupils in secondary schools

Head, M. J. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Fibromyalgia and self-regulatory patterns : development, maintenance or recovery in women /

Wentz, Kerstin, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

WHAT IS HEALTH - A qualitative study on the concept of health of Internal Displaced women in Georgia

Hagen Andersson, Anneli, Persson, Zandra January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka begreppet hälsa bland kvinnliga georgiska internflyktingar (Internal Displaced People, IDP). Detta är en empirisk studie med en kvalitativ metod som bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Sammanlagt sju IDP kvinnor i staden Zugdidi i Georgien deltog. Dataanalysen var inspirerad av Burnard's (1991) innehållsanalys, och resulterade i två kategorier: 1) Upplevelsen av kontroll med underrubrikerna Social situation, Familj och Avsaknad av pengar och 2) Upplevelsen av identitet med underrubrikerna Ursprung, Anpassningsförmåga och Självkänsla. Dessa är alla avgörande faktorer för att deltagarna skall kunna leva ett liv med värdighet och kontroll; båda viktiga faktorer för hälsan. Marmots teori om sociala bestämningsfaktorer för hälsa har influerat dataanalys och kategorisering. Ytterligare studier i detta ämne skulle vara av värde för att vägleda sjukvården i hur man bättre kan arbeta förebyggande samt möta behoven hos kvinnliga internflyktingar samt internationella flyktingar. / The aim of this study was to examine the health concept of Georgian female IDP´s. This is an empirical study with a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews. In total seven IDP women in the city of Zugdidi in Georgia participated. The data analysis was inspired by Burnard’s (1991) content analysis, and resulted in two categories: 1) The experience of Control with the sub-headings Social Situation, Family and Lack of money and 2) The experience of Identity with the sub-headings Origin, Ability to cope and Self-worth. These are all crucial factors for the participants to lead a life with dignity and in control, which are important for having health. Marmot’s theory on social determinants of health has influenced the data analysis and categorization. Further studies on this subject would be of value to guide the healthcare system in how to better prevent and meet the needs of female IDP’s and refuges.

Japanese adolescents' self-concept and well-being in comparison with other countries

Nishikawa, Saori, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Muuttuuko lääketieteen opiskelijoiden käsitys terveydestä peruskoulutuksen aikana:kuusivuotinen seurantatutkimus

Kallio, M. (Miki) 13 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract This longitudinal study analyses the differences between the students' concept of health at different stages of basic medical education. The collected data were processed through phenomenographic analysis and qualitative concept map analysis. The purpose of this study was to determine whether medical students adopt the biopsychosocial model of health, and if so, whether that complete model strengthens during their education or students' concept of health changes towards the narrower biomedical model. The research material consists of 720 concept maps drawn by the 274 students who began their education in the fall 2006 at the medical faculties of the Universities of Turku and Oulu. An initial evaluation of medical students' concepts and thinking was performed in the beginning of their first academic year; thereafter, the change of the concepts was followed annually in the spring of the first, third and fifth academic year and finally in the winter of the sixth academic year. This study is part of the longitudinal Learning Medical Expertise (LeMEx) study. The obtained findings show that the students' concept of health became slightly more extensive during the first year of studies. After the first year of clinical studies, the students' concept of health was more biased. Students' concept of health was the most biased after the fifth year of studies. The last summer's health centre work and the studies of the last spring had a positive influence and students' concept became significantly more biopsychosocial. University of Turku students' concept of health was more extensive than that of the University of Oulu students' until the end of the fifth academic year, but the situation was reversed at the end of the education. The significant change towards a more extensive concept in Oulu appears to arise from the changes to the structure and content of some final-year courses. This study revealed some problematic points of basic medical education. The results can be utilized in development of medical education. / Tiivistelmä Tutkin tässä pitkittäistutkimuksessa sitä, miten lääketieteen opiskelijoiden käsitys terveydestä muuttuu lääketieteellisen peruskoulutuksen aikana. Analyyseissa olen käyttänyt fenomenografista lähestymistapaa sekä laadullista käsitekartta-analyysia. Tutkimalla opiskelijoiden käsityksiä ja niiden muutoksia olen halunnut selvittää, omaksuvatko opiskelijat lääketieteellisen koulutuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena olevan biopsykososiaalisen mallin terveydestä ja vahvistuuko tuo kokonaisvaltainen käsitys opintojen edetessä, vai muuttuuko opiskelijoiden käsitys mahdollisesti kohti yksipuolisempaa biolääketieteellistä näkemystä. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostivat Turun ja Oulun yliopistojen lääketieteellisissä tiedekunnissa vuoden 2006 syksyllä opintonsa aloittaneiden 274:n lääkäriopiskelijan laatimat 720 käsitekarttaa. Ensimmäinen opiskelijoiden ajattelua ja käsityksiä kartoittava kysely toteutettiin heti koulutuksen ensimmäisellä viikolla, jonka jälkeen opiskelijoiden käsitysten muuttumista seurattiin ensimmäisen, kolmannen ja viidennen lukuvuoden keväällä sekä koulutuksen loppuvaiheessa kuudennen lukuvuoden talvella. Tutkimus on osa Learning Medical Expertise (LeMEx) pitkittäistutkimusta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että koulutuksen ensimmäinen vuosi muutti opiskelijoiden käsitystä terveydestä hieman laaja-alaisemmaksi. Ensimmäinen kliininen opiskeluvuosi puolestaan muutti opiskelijoiden käsitystä yksipuolisempaan suuntaan. Opiskelijoiden käsitys terveydestä oli yksipuolisimmillaan koulutuksen viidennen lukuvuoden jälkeen. Koulutuksen lopussa tapahtui käänne ja viimeisen kesän terveyskeskustyöskentely sekä koulutuksen viimeinen syksy muuttivat opiskelijoiden käsityksen laaja-alaisempaan suuntaan. Turun yliopiston opiskelijoilla oli oululaisia laaja-alaisempi käsitys terveydestä viidennen lukuvuoden kevääseen asti. Koulutuksen lopussa tilanne kääntyi päinvastaiseksi. Oulussa tapahtuneen selkeän käsitysten laaja-alaistumisen taustalla näyttävät olleen onnistuneet ratkaisut opetussuunnitelmatyössä. Tutkimuksen avulla on löydetty lääketieteellisen peruskoulutuksen sisällön ongelmakohtia. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä lääketieteellistä koulutusta.

Validação da \"Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale - BSPAS\" e da \"Impact of Event Scale - IES\" para brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras / Validation of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale BSPAS and the Impact of Event Scale IES for Brazilians who suffered burns.

Guanilo, Maria Elena Echevarría 28 August 2009 (has links)
Estudo descritivo, correlacional e longitudinal que teve como objetivos estudar a validade e a confiabilidade da Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale-BSPAS que avalia ansiedade frente a procedimentos dolorosos e a Impact of Event Scale-IES que avalia o estresse pós-traumático. Participaram do estudo 91 indivíduos maiores de 15 anos de idade, internados na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Seguiramse as seguintes etapas: 1ª etapa: coleta de dados relacionados à internação e ao tratamento. 2ª etapa: seguimento de manifestações dolorosas, durante sete dias, com a aplicação da Escala Visual Analógica para Dor, em três momentos diferentes do dia: a) imediatamente antes do banho e curativo (DIABC); b) imediatamente depois do banho e curativo (DIDBC); e c) dor no período de descanso, por volta das 20 horas (DDPD). 3ª etapa: no oitavo dia, aplicação da BSPAS - Versão Português, da IES - Versão Português e do Inventário de Ansiedade-Estado de Spielberger (IDATE). 4ª etapa (composta por fases A e B): entre o 4º e o 6º meses (fase A) e entre o 9º e o 12º meses, após o acontecimento da queimadura (fase B), aplicação da IES-VP, da Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAER), do Inventário de Depressão de Beck (IDB) e do SF-36. Nas três primeiras etapas, participaram do estudo 91 pacientes (64 homens e 27 mulheres). A superfície corporal queimada (SCQ) média foi de 18% (1-60%), sendo os locais anatômicos mais atingidos membros superiores (66; 72,5%), tórax (61; 67%) e cabeça/face (43; 47,3%). Os agentes causadores de queimaduras mais comuns foram os líquidos quentes (15,4%) e os agentes inflamáveis, principalmente o álcool, (38,5%). Na 4ª etapa, participaram 77 pacientes, na fase A, e 76, na fase B. Na avaliação da validade de construto convergente, a BSPAS-VP apresentou correlações fortes e positivas com a IES-VP (0,52; p<0,01), fortes e moderadas com as subescalas que avaliam pensamentos intrusivos (0,54; p<0,01) e reações de evitação (0,37; p<0,01) e correlações moderadas com as avaliações de dor: DIABC (0,32; p<0,01), DIDBC (0,31; p<0,01) e DDPD (0,31; <0,01). A IES-VP total apresentou correlações moderadas e positivas com o IDB (0,63; p<0,01), moderadas e negativas com a EAER (-0,58; p<0,01) e moderadas a baixas e negativas com os domínios Dor (r=-0,24; p<0,05), Aspectos Sociais (r=-0,34;p<0,01) e Saúde Mental (r=-0,27; p<0,05), entre o 4º e o 6º meses e baixa e de pouca aplicabilidade para a prática com o domínio Estado Geral de Saúde (r=-0,24; p<0,05), entre o 9º e o 12º meses, do SF-36. Na aplicação da BSPAS-VP e da IES-VP, observaram-se valores médios mais altos para o sexo feminino (55,15 e 63,96, respectivamente), entre os indivíduos com SCQ maior que 20% (54,90 e 62,98, respectivamente) e para os indivíduos que referiam as cicatrizes visíveis (52,53 e 61,40, respectivamente), porém, quando testadas as diferenças por meio do Teste t de Student para amostras independentes, essas não foram estatisticamente significantes. Na análise dos componentes principais por meio da Matrix de Rotação Varimax, a IES-VP apresentou-se como uma escala bidimensional e a BSPAS-VP, unidimensional, conforme a proposta original de cada escala. O Alfa de Cronbach de ambas as escalas foi alto, 0,90 para a BSPAS-VP e 0,87 para a IES-VP, mostrando forte consistência interna entre seus itens. Quando aplicado o Teste t para amostras dependentes, a IES-VP apresentou-se sensível para detectar mudanças no tempo. Conclui-se que a BSPAS-VP e a IES-VP são instrumentos confiáveis e válidos para a avaliação de ansiedade-estado relacionada à dor no paciente queimado e para a avaliação do impacto do evento, respectivamente. / This descriptive, correlation and longitudinal study aimed to study the validity and reliability of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale-BSPAS, which assesses anxiety about painful procedures, and the Impact of Event Scale-IES, which assesses post-traumatic stress. Study participants were 91 individuals over 15 years of age, hospitalized at the Burns Unity of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas. The following steps were followed: 1st step: data collection about hospitalization and treatment. 2nd step: follow-up of painful manifestations for seven days, applying the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain at three different times each day: a) immediately before bathing and wound dressing (DIABC); b) immediately after bathing and wound dressing (DIDBC); and c) pain in the rest period, around 20:00h (DDPD). 3rd step: on the eighth day, application of the BSPAS Portuguese Version, IES Portuguese Version and Spielbergers State Anxiety Inventory (SAI). 4th step (including phases A and B): between the 4th and 6th month (phase A) and between the 9th and 12th month after the burn event (phase B), application of the IES-VP, Rosenbergs Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the SF-36. In the first three steps, study participants were 91 patients (64 men and 27 women). The mean burned body surface (BBS) was 18% (1-60%), with upper limbs (66; 72.5%), thorax (61; 67%) and head/face (43; 47.3%) as the most affected anatomical sites. The most common causal agents of the burns were hot fluids (15.4%) and inflammable agents, mainly alcohol (38.5%). In the 4th step, 77 patients participated in phase A and 76 in phase B. In convergent construct validity, the BSPAS-VP presented strong and positive correlations with the IES-VP (0.52; p<0.01), strong and moderate with the subscales that assess intrusive thoughts (0.54; p<0.01) and reactions of avoidance (0.37; p<0.01) and moderate correlations with the pain assessments: DIABC (0.32; p<0.01), DIDBC (0.31; p<0.01) and DDPD (0.31; <0.01). Total IES-VP presented moderate and positive correlations with the BDI (0.63; p<0.01), moderate and negative with the RSES (-0.58; p<0.01) and moderate to low and negative with the Pain (r=-0.24; p<0.05), Social Aspects (r=-0.34;p<0.01) and Mental Health (r=-0.27; p<0.05) domains between the 4th and 6th month, besides low correlation and little applicability to practice with the General Health State (r=-0.24; p<0.05) domain of the SF-36 between the 9th and 12th month. When applying the BSPAS-VP and IES-VP, higher mean scores were observed for women (55.15 and 63.96, respectively), among individuals with a BBS of more than 20% (54.90 and 62.98, respectively) and for people who mentioned visible scars (52.53 and 61.40, respectively). When differences were tested through Students t-test for independent samples, however, these were not statistically significant. In the main components analysis through the Varimax Rotation Matrix, IES-VP appeared as a bidimensional scale and BSPAS-VP as a unidimensional scale, in accordance with each scales original proposal. Both scales obtained a high Cronbachs Alpha, 0.90 for BSPAS-VP and 0.87 for IES-VP, showing strong internal consistency of its items. When the t-test for independent samples was applied, the IES-VP showed sensitivity to detect changes over time. It is concluded that the BSPAS-VP and the IES-VP are reliable and valid instrument to assess state-anxiety related to pain in burned patients and to assess the impact of the event, respectively.

Validação da \"Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale - BSPAS\" e da \"Impact of Event Scale - IES\" para brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras / Validation of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale BSPAS and the Impact of Event Scale IES for Brazilians who suffered burns.

Maria Elena Echevarría Guanilo 28 August 2009 (has links)
Estudo descritivo, correlacional e longitudinal que teve como objetivos estudar a validade e a confiabilidade da Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale-BSPAS que avalia ansiedade frente a procedimentos dolorosos e a Impact of Event Scale-IES que avalia o estresse pós-traumático. Participaram do estudo 91 indivíduos maiores de 15 anos de idade, internados na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Seguiramse as seguintes etapas: 1ª etapa: coleta de dados relacionados à internação e ao tratamento. 2ª etapa: seguimento de manifestações dolorosas, durante sete dias, com a aplicação da Escala Visual Analógica para Dor, em três momentos diferentes do dia: a) imediatamente antes do banho e curativo (DIABC); b) imediatamente depois do banho e curativo (DIDBC); e c) dor no período de descanso, por volta das 20 horas (DDPD). 3ª etapa: no oitavo dia, aplicação da BSPAS - Versão Português, da IES - Versão Português e do Inventário de Ansiedade-Estado de Spielberger (IDATE). 4ª etapa (composta por fases A e B): entre o 4º e o 6º meses (fase A) e entre o 9º e o 12º meses, após o acontecimento da queimadura (fase B), aplicação da IES-VP, da Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAER), do Inventário de Depressão de Beck (IDB) e do SF-36. Nas três primeiras etapas, participaram do estudo 91 pacientes (64 homens e 27 mulheres). A superfície corporal queimada (SCQ) média foi de 18% (1-60%), sendo os locais anatômicos mais atingidos membros superiores (66; 72,5%), tórax (61; 67%) e cabeça/face (43; 47,3%). Os agentes causadores de queimaduras mais comuns foram os líquidos quentes (15,4%) e os agentes inflamáveis, principalmente o álcool, (38,5%). Na 4ª etapa, participaram 77 pacientes, na fase A, e 76, na fase B. Na avaliação da validade de construto convergente, a BSPAS-VP apresentou correlações fortes e positivas com a IES-VP (0,52; p<0,01), fortes e moderadas com as subescalas que avaliam pensamentos intrusivos (0,54; p<0,01) e reações de evitação (0,37; p<0,01) e correlações moderadas com as avaliações de dor: DIABC (0,32; p<0,01), DIDBC (0,31; p<0,01) e DDPD (0,31; <0,01). A IES-VP total apresentou correlações moderadas e positivas com o IDB (0,63; p<0,01), moderadas e negativas com a EAER (-0,58; p<0,01) e moderadas a baixas e negativas com os domínios Dor (r=-0,24; p<0,05), Aspectos Sociais (r=-0,34;p<0,01) e Saúde Mental (r=-0,27; p<0,05), entre o 4º e o 6º meses e baixa e de pouca aplicabilidade para a prática com o domínio Estado Geral de Saúde (r=-0,24; p<0,05), entre o 9º e o 12º meses, do SF-36. Na aplicação da BSPAS-VP e da IES-VP, observaram-se valores médios mais altos para o sexo feminino (55,15 e 63,96, respectivamente), entre os indivíduos com SCQ maior que 20% (54,90 e 62,98, respectivamente) e para os indivíduos que referiam as cicatrizes visíveis (52,53 e 61,40, respectivamente), porém, quando testadas as diferenças por meio do Teste t de Student para amostras independentes, essas não foram estatisticamente significantes. Na análise dos componentes principais por meio da Matrix de Rotação Varimax, a IES-VP apresentou-se como uma escala bidimensional e a BSPAS-VP, unidimensional, conforme a proposta original de cada escala. O Alfa de Cronbach de ambas as escalas foi alto, 0,90 para a BSPAS-VP e 0,87 para a IES-VP, mostrando forte consistência interna entre seus itens. Quando aplicado o Teste t para amostras dependentes, a IES-VP apresentou-se sensível para detectar mudanças no tempo. Conclui-se que a BSPAS-VP e a IES-VP são instrumentos confiáveis e válidos para a avaliação de ansiedade-estado relacionada à dor no paciente queimado e para a avaliação do impacto do evento, respectivamente. / This descriptive, correlation and longitudinal study aimed to study the validity and reliability of the Burns Specific Pain Anxiety Scale-BSPAS, which assesses anxiety about painful procedures, and the Impact of Event Scale-IES, which assesses post-traumatic stress. Study participants were 91 individuals over 15 years of age, hospitalized at the Burns Unity of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas. The following steps were followed: 1st step: data collection about hospitalization and treatment. 2nd step: follow-up of painful manifestations for seven days, applying the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain at three different times each day: a) immediately before bathing and wound dressing (DIABC); b) immediately after bathing and wound dressing (DIDBC); and c) pain in the rest period, around 20:00h (DDPD). 3rd step: on the eighth day, application of the BSPAS Portuguese Version, IES Portuguese Version and Spielbergers State Anxiety Inventory (SAI). 4th step (including phases A and B): between the 4th and 6th month (phase A) and between the 9th and 12th month after the burn event (phase B), application of the IES-VP, Rosenbergs Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the SF-36. In the first three steps, study participants were 91 patients (64 men and 27 women). The mean burned body surface (BBS) was 18% (1-60%), with upper limbs (66; 72.5%), thorax (61; 67%) and head/face (43; 47.3%) as the most affected anatomical sites. The most common causal agents of the burns were hot fluids (15.4%) and inflammable agents, mainly alcohol (38.5%). In the 4th step, 77 patients participated in phase A and 76 in phase B. In convergent construct validity, the BSPAS-VP presented strong and positive correlations with the IES-VP (0.52; p<0.01), strong and moderate with the subscales that assess intrusive thoughts (0.54; p<0.01) and reactions of avoidance (0.37; p<0.01) and moderate correlations with the pain assessments: DIABC (0.32; p<0.01), DIDBC (0.31; p<0.01) and DDPD (0.31; <0.01). Total IES-VP presented moderate and positive correlations with the BDI (0.63; p<0.01), moderate and negative with the RSES (-0.58; p<0.01) and moderate to low and negative with the Pain (r=-0.24; p<0.05), Social Aspects (r=-0.34;p<0.01) and Mental Health (r=-0.27; p<0.05) domains between the 4th and 6th month, besides low correlation and little applicability to practice with the General Health State (r=-0.24; p<0.05) domain of the SF-36 between the 9th and 12th month. When applying the BSPAS-VP and IES-VP, higher mean scores were observed for women (55.15 and 63.96, respectively), among individuals with a BBS of more than 20% (54.90 and 62.98, respectively) and for people who mentioned visible scars (52.53 and 61.40, respectively). When differences were tested through Students t-test for independent samples, however, these were not statistically significant. In the main components analysis through the Varimax Rotation Matrix, IES-VP appeared as a bidimensional scale and BSPAS-VP as a unidimensional scale, in accordance with each scales original proposal. Both scales obtained a high Cronbachs Alpha, 0.90 for BSPAS-VP and 0.87 for IES-VP, showing strong internal consistency of its items. When the t-test for independent samples was applied, the IES-VP showed sensitivity to detect changes over time. It is concluded that the BSPAS-VP and the IES-VP are reliable and valid instrument to assess state-anxiety related to pain in burned patients and to assess the impact of the event, respectively.

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