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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smlouva o smlouvě budoucí podle úpravy obchodního zákoníku / Agreement on the Future Agreement according to the arrangement of Commercial Code

Štindlová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Resumé Agreement on the Future Agreement according to the arrangement of Commercial Code The thesis deals with the institute of a contract about a future contract in the sense of a commercially legal adjustment. Although the focus is on the analysis of the legal institute according to its currently valid arrangement, the thesis also contains a brief historical excursus about the development of the pacta de contrahendo institute. The reason for it is the fact that a contract about a future contract is a legal institute with a long history which dates in the Roman law, where there cannot be any doubt that the long historical development of the institute of a contract about a future contract contributed to the forming of its current form and concept. From the point of view of the valid legal adjustment of a contract about a future contract implemented by the code of law the thesis deals with single necessities of this legal institute, as to say with the subjects which can conclude a contract about a future contract with essential necessities which condition its valid negotiation. It is also dealt with the consequences of breaking the obligations following from concluding pacta de contrahendo. Collaterally with the analysis of the valid commercially legal adjustment of the pacta de contrahendo institute there...

Smlouva o smlouvě budoucí (pactum de contrahendo) / Agreement to make a contract (pactum de contrahendo)

Král, Václav January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this Master's degree thesis is to deal with preparatory institute of private contractual law pactum de contrahendo. This institute passed through to contemporary legislative conception long progress, currently it is in Czech Republic simultaneously regulated in two codes and at the present time performed re-codification of the Czech private law is in submission of the new Czech Civil Code its explicit regulation also contained. The thesis focuses on preliminary agreement being concluded according to valid Czech Civil Code, on its purpose, utilization and function. The thesis characterises its subjects, subject- matter, content and the process between entering into the preliminary agreement and the future agreement. In several cases the thesis provides with alternative approaches to a particular issue, presents judicial opinions of legal experts and pursues case law. The thesis also describes the development of regulation of agreement to make a contract in the context of Czech law within the range, which was appropriate to the subject, the thesis refers to similar legal institutes and compares current valid parallel regulation of preliminary agreements among themselves and with newly suggested regulation with the aim to find advantages and disadvantages of particular regulation....


毛又安, MAO, YOU-AN Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是研究統計理論中的聯立信賴區間估計法,針對雙特徵數的指數母體,研究 位置特徵數的差異狀況。也就是要找出位置特徵數的所有複合比,所有對比的聯立信 賴區間。全文共分四章。第一章緒論,說明研究動機、目的及方法。第二章指數分布 的順序統計式,由於本文所使用的估計方法會使用到順序統計式,所以在本章中特別 研究順序統計式的某些線性組合,找出某些特殊的性質;並且將Tanis (1963) 提出的理論擴展至第二型設限數據。第三章位置特徵數的聯立信賴區間,藉由第二章 中導出的定理以Tukey 法及Holder不等式法找出聯立信賴區間,並且比較這些方法的 優劣。第四章結論及建議。全文共一冊,約兩萬字。


李佩芬, LI, PEI-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的 (一)闡述台灣開發地下街基本方針制定之必要性,以防日後治絲益棼。 (二)以台北新車站地區為例,期能提供台灣地下街之開發流程、開發主體及營運管 理等之可循方向。 二、相關文獻 本研究之文獻以地下街開發之先進國日本之書籍、雜誌為主;國內文獻以高雄地下街 案例、台北車站特定區計畫方案、有關之文章、報紙等為主。 三、研究方法 係屬「比較分析法」與「歸納分析法」之綜合應用,並輔以「問卷調查法」。 四、研究內容 (一)地下街之意義、發展緣起與目的,及所提供之效益。 (二)探討日本及台灣高雄地下街發展至今所產生之問題,以資台灣未來開發之借鏡 ,並說明台灣開發地下街基本方針策定之必要性。 (三)就日本與高雄開發地下街之經驗,取其長、去其弊,以台北車站及中華路為例 ,研擬台灣開發地下街合乎理想之程序、開發主體,及未來如何營運管理與維護。 五、研究結果 (一)地下街發展至今,利弊參半,如何揚其利、匡其弊,有賴法令之事先防範,故 台灣開發地下街基本方針之確立有其必要性。 (二)地下街開發之推動,宜以地方屬級之公私合營事業機構為主體最佳。 (三)良好之營運管理與維護,是防止地下街頹敗因子產生之利器,所以地下街之營 運主體、營業種類及安全設施之管理維護,宜予制度化。

Ar teismas gali įpareigoti šalis sudaryti sutartį? / Wetcher the court can obligate the parties to conclude the contract?

Aleksaitytė, Eglė 11 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas klausimas – ar teismas gali įpareigoti šalis sudaryti sutartį? Lietuvos teisės doktrinoje tai mažai nagrinėtas klausimas dažniausiai apsiribojama, tokios teismų teisės konstatavimu ir toliau nesigilinama į detales, trūksta konkrečiai apibrėžtos sistemizuotos šio klausimo analizės, tad darbo tikslas ir būtų – išanalizuoti teismo galimybę įpareigoti šalis sudaryti sutartį. Darbas susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoje dalyje pateikiama sutarčių laisvės principo samprata, bei jo ribojimo galimybės. Vienas iš grieščiausių šio principo ribojimų - teismui suteikta teisė įpareigoti šalis sudaryti sutartį. Toks ribojimas įstatymų pagrindu galimas tik esant įstatymo imperatyvioms nuostatoms įtvirtinančioms tokią teisę ir kai pati šalis įsipareigoja sudaryti sutartį. Teisės doktrina išskiria dar vieną sutarčių laisvės principo ribojimo aplinkybę – sąžiningumo principo pažeidimas nesudarius sutarties. Antroje pagrindinėje darbo dalyje ir yra nagrinėjama teismo galimybė įpareigoti šalis sudaryti sutartį šių trijų aplinkybių kontekste. Aplinkybė, pačios šalies įsipareigojimas sudaryti sutartį (preliminariosios sutarties sudarymas), nors ir yra įtvirtinama įstatyme kaip veiksnys ribojantis sutarčių laisvės principą, tačiau teismas negali įpareigoti šalių sudaryti jokios preliminariosios sutarties, nes ši prarastų savo paskirtį. Esant įstatymui numatančiam teismui galimybę įpareigoti šalis sudaryti sutartį, teismas beabejo ir turi šią teisę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The issue is analyzed in the master’s thesis whether the court can obligate the parties to conclude the contract. It is a kind of issue which has been hardly analyzed in the juridical doctrine of Lithuania; it is mostly restricted to stating such a right of the courts and it is not gone into further details; there is a lack of certainly defined systemized analysis of this issue; therefore the purpose of this thesis would be to analyze a possibility of the court to obligate the parties to conclude the contract. The work consists of three main parts. In the first part, the concept of the contract freedom principle and possibilities of its limitation are presented. One of the strictest limitations of this principle is a right given to the court to obligate the parties to conclude the contract. This limitation on a basis of the laws is only possible in case of imperative regulations of the law which consolidate this right and in case the party itself obligates to conclude the contract. The juridical doctrine distinguishes one more circumstance of limiting the contract freedom principle – infringement of the honesty principle without concluding the contract. In case the court obligates the parties to conclude the contract, it is both important to follow the balance principle of the parties’ interests and reasonably intervene in the contractual relations, as otherwise the state can have tortuous responsibility because of harm done to the people by illegal actions of the courts in... [to full text]

UTILIZATION OF WIND POWER IN RWANDA : Design and Production Option

Eric, MANIRAGUHA January 2013 (has links)
This Master Thesis is the research done in the country of Rwanda. The project leads to study the climate of this country in order to establish whether this climate could be used to produce energy from air and to implement the first wind turbine for serving the nation.   After an introduction about the historical background of wind power, the thesis work deals with assessment of wind energy potential of Rwanda in focusing of the most suitable place for wind power plants. The best location with annual mean wind speed, the rate of use of turbine with hub height for an annual production per year, the mean wind speeds for 6 sites of Rwanda based on ECMWF for climatic data for one year at relief of altitude of 100m and coordinates are reported too.   The result of energy produced and calculations were done based on power hitting wind turbine generator in order to calculate Kinetic energy and power available at the best location to the measurement over the period of 12 months, that could be hoped for long term.   With help of logarithmic law, where wind speed usually increases with increasing in elevation and the desired wind speeds at all 6 sites were used. The annual energy production was taken into account at the best site with desired wind speed at the initial cost of turbine as well as the cost of energy (COE).However, with comparison of the tariff of EWSA, the price of Wind designed in this Research per kWh is cheaper and suitable for people of Rwanda. / <p><em>Rwanda has considerable opportunities development energy from hydro sources, methane gas, solar and peat deposits. Most of these energy sources have not been fully exploited, such as solar, wind and geothermal. As such wood is still being the major source of energy for 94 per cent of the population and imported petroleum products consume more than 40 per cent of foreign exchange. Energy is a key component of the Rwandan economy. It is thus recognized that the current inadequate and expensive energy supply constitutes a limiting factor to sustainable development. Rwanda’s Vision 2020 emphasizes the need for economic growth, private investment and economic transformation supported by a reliable and affordable energy supply as a key factor for the development process. To achieve this transformation, the country will need to increase energy production and diversify into alternative energy sources. Rwandan nations don’t have small-scale solar, wind, and geothermal devices in operation providing energy to urban and rural areas. These types of energy production are especially useful in remote locations because of the excessive cost of transporting electricity from large-scale power plants. The application of renewable energy technology has the potential to alleviate many of the problems that face the people of Rwanda every day, especially if done so in a sustainable manner that prioritizes human rights.</em></p>

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