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指數分布的聯立統計推論之研究毛又安, MAO, YOU-AN Unknown Date (has links)
研究順序統計式的某些線性組合,找出某些特殊的性質;並且將Tanis (1963)
中導出的定理以Tukey 法及Holder不等式法找出聯立信賴區間,並且比較這些方法的
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以無母數統計方法探討迴歸模式中淺差項之研究崔洲英, Cui, Zhou-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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99課綱中「信賴區間」單元之教材設計與學生學習成效評估探討 / On Study Material Design and Students’ Learning Assessment for Confidence Interval Based on the 99 Curriculum黃聖峯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是針對高中數學課程中「信賴區間」的這個單元,依據99 課綱中的課程規劃,設計出一套專題式的研究教材,並以筆者所任教高中的高二及高三學生作為研究對象,進行專題性的課程授課,且對其學習成果進行評量。主要研究結果如下:
整體而言,本次研究對學生進行信賴區間的教學結果,是具有學習成效的。 / Based on the 99 Curriculum Guidelines for the Senior High School Math, a special set of study material for Confidence Interval was composed. Eleventh and twelfth grade students from a girl’s senior high school were recruited voluntarily and lectured, and their learning performance were evaluated before and after the completion of the lecture. The primary findings are as the following:
1. Though twelfth grade students have already studied Confidence Interval before the lecture, their pre-test scores were still low.
2. On the average, both eleventh and twelfth grade students performed better after the lecture, and no significant differences were observed between them.
3. For the eleventh grade students, no significant differences were observed between social science and natural science groups. However, students in social science group appeared to work harder, and their post-test results were slightly better than those in natural science group.
4. For the twelfth grade students, significant differences were observed between social science and natural science groups. Natural science group students appeared to outperform their counterparts in social science group.
5. Among the top third, the middle third, and the bottom third of all the participating students, although their pre-test and post-test scores differed significantly, the differences between the two tests were not significant.
In addition, some secondary issues were also explored, and the related findings are summarized as follows:
1. Students showed appreciation for the study material, understood the concept of Confidence Interval better after the lecture and even realize how to apply the concept to their daily life. Surprisingly, however, they didn’t think learning Confidence Interval would make any difference in their life.
2. Students in the natural science group appeared to have greater acceptance toward the unconventional teaching method than those in the social science group.
3. For the topics covered in senior high school math, students generally considered those unrelated to statistics more interesting, and thought that statistics-related topics were more difficult to learn. However, among the statistics-related topics, Confidence Interval was the most intriguing one.
In conclusion, this study reveals that the experimental teaching approach concerning Confidence Interval are apparently positive and effective.
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多變量模擬輸出之統計分析許淑卿, XU, SHU-GING Unknown Date (has links)
法則問題(Optimal Stopping Rule Problem ),此類問題之目的在於如何利用盡量
小的樣本數之觀察值來求得未知母數(Unknoron Parameter)的信區間(域)(Co-
nfidence interval )(Confidence Region),而此信賴區間(域)之寬度(Width
)及包含機率(Coverage Probability)均已事先指定。
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門檻式自動迴歸模型參數之近似信賴區間 / Approximate confidence sets for parameters in a threshold autoregressive model陳慎健, Chen, Shen Chien Unknown Date (has links)
模型衍生出來的非線性自動迴歸模型中,門檻式自動迴歸模型是其中一種經常會被應用到的模型。雖然,門檻式自動迴歸模型之參數的漸近理論已經發展了許多;但是,相較於大樣本理論,有限樣本下參數的性質討論則較少。對於有限樣本的研究,Woodroofe (1989) 提出一種近似法:非常弱近似法。 Woodroofe 和 Coad (1997) 則利用此方法去架構一適性化線性模型之參數的修正信賴區間。Weng 和 Woodroofe (2006) 則將此近似法應用於線性自動迴歸模型。這個方法的應用始於定義一近似樞紐量,接著利用此方法找出近似樞紐量的近似期望值及近似變異數,並對此近似樞紐量標準化,則標準化後的樞紐量將近似於標準常態分配,因此得以架構參數的修正信賴區間。而在線性自動迴歸模型下,利用非常弱展開所導出的近似期望值及近似變異數僅會與一階動差及二階動差的微分有關。因此,本論文的研究目的就是在樣本數為適當的情況下,將線性自動迴歸模型的結果運用於門檻式自動迴歸模型。由於大部分門檻式自動迴歸模型的動差並無明確之形式;因此,本研究採用蒙地卡羅法及插分法去近似其動差及微分。最後,以第一階門檻式自動迴歸模型去配適美國的國內生產總值資料。 / Threshold autoregressive (TAR) models are popular nonlinear extension of the linear autoregressive (AR) models. Though many have developed the asymptotic theory for parameter estimates in the TAR models, there have been less studies about the finite sample properties. Woodroofe (1989) and Woodroofe and Coad (1997) developed a very weak approximation and used it to construct corrected confidence sets for parameters in an adaptive linear model. This approximation was further developed by Woodroofe and Coad (1999) and Weng and Woodroofe (2006), who derived the corrected confidence sets for parameters in the AR(p) models and other adaptive models. This approach starts with an approximate pivot, and employs the very weak expansions to determine the mean and variance corrections of the pivot. Then, the renormalized pivot is used to form corrected confidence sets. The correction terms have simple forms, and for AR(p) models it involves only the first two moments of the process and the derivatives of these moments. However, for TAR models the analytic forms for moments are known only in some cases when the autoregression function has special structures. The goal of this research is to extend the very weak method to the TAR models to form corrected confidence sets when sample size is moderate. We propose using the difference quotient method and Monte Carlo simulations to approximate the derivatives. Some simulation studies are provided to assess the accuracy of the method. Then, we apply the approach to a real U.S. GDP data.
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可加性模型與拔靴法在臺灣地區小型商用車市場需求之應用研究呂明哲, Lu, Ming Che Unknown Date (has links)
推論設計時,能拔靴白干擾(bootstrapping white noise),即重抽樣白
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所得不均度之模糊測量-以台灣所得分配為例吳鎮安, Wu Chen Un Unknown Date (has links)
本文實證部分主要使用1980年至2002年中華民國行政院主計處「家庭收支調查報告」的資料,計算出家戶與個人資料的所得不均度指標值。結果發現,若考慮個人對於不均度感受上的模糊性,在家戶所得方面,80年代至90年代以後不均度顯著惡化,而個人所得分配則無明顯差異。而迴歸分析結果顯示,妻子勞動參與率上升、戶內就業人數比例增加,社福支出增加均有助於改善家戶所得不均的情況,而就業者平均教育程度上升與失業率的增加會加深家戶所得不均度。考慮不同的不均度指標間存在著模糊性,亦即將不均度指標視為模糊數(fuzzy number),而將傳統迴歸分析延伸至模糊迴歸分析,所預測的結果不再是一個精確的點,而是一個模糊區間,如此更切合實際所得分配狀況。最後,對於1993年至1997年不均度的模糊比較結果,討論了語意表示與信賴區間兩種不同的解模糊方法。而不同機制(隸屬度函數與不均度指標的不同)下的模糊排序結果可能產生不一致,本文也引用了文獻上的方法加以解決。值得注意的是,利用各種模糊關係的總和排序,與主計處每年根據家戶總可支配所得五等分位資料所計算的Gini係數排序略有出入,顯示出更客觀的排序結果。
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簡單順序假設波松母數較強檢定力檢定研究 -兩兩母均數差 / More Powerful Tests for Simple Order Hypotheses in Poisson Distributions -The differences of the parameters孫煜凱, Sun, Yu-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
波松分配(Poisson Distribution)常用在單位時間或是區間內,計算對有興趣之某隨機事件次數(或是已知事件之頻率),例如:速食餐廳的單位時間來客數,又或是每段期間內,某天然災害的發生次數,可以表示為某一特定事件X服從波松分配,若lambda為單位事件發生次數或是平均次數,我們稱lambda為此波松分配之母數,記作Poisson(lambda),其中lambda屬於實數。
今天我們若想要探討由兩個服從不同波松分配抽取的隨機變數,如下列所述:令X={(X1,X2)}為一集合,其中Xi為X(i,1),X(i,2),...,X(i,ni)~Poisson(lambda(i)),i=1,2。欲探討兩波松分配之均數是否相同或相差小於某個常數d時,考慮以下檢定:H0:lambda2-lambda1<=d與H0:lambda2-lambda1>d,對於此問題可以使用的檢定方法有Przyborwski和Wilenski(1940)提出的條件檢定(Conditional test,C-test)或K.Krishnamoorthy與Jessica Thomson(2002)提出的精確性檢定(Exact test,E-test),其中的精確性檢定為一個非條件檢定(Unconditional Test);K.Krishnamoorthy與Jessica Thomson比較條件檢定與精確性檢定的p-value皆小於顯著水準(apha),而精確性檢定的檢定力不亞於條件檢定,因此精確性檢定比條件檢定更適合上面所述之假設問題。
Roger L.Berger(1996)提出一個以信賴區間的p-value所建立的較強力檢定,而目前只用於檢定兩二項分配(Binomial Distribution)的機率參數p是否相同為例,然而Berger在文中提到,較強力檢定比非條件檢定有更好的檢定力,而且要求的計算時間較少,可以提升檢定的效率。
利用Roger L.Berger與Dennis D.Boos(1994)提出以信賴區間的p-value方法,建立波松分配兩兩母均數差的較強力檢定;研究發現此較強力檢定與精確性檢定的p-value皆小於apha,然而我們的檢定的檢定力皆不亞於精確性檢定所計算得出的檢定力,然而其apha及虛無假設皆需要善加考慮以本篇研究來看,當檢定為單尾檢定時,若apha<0.01,我們的較強力檢定沒有辦法找到比精確性檢定更好地拒絕域,換言之,此時較強力檢定與精確性檢定的檢定力將會相等。 / Poisson Distribution is used to calculate the probability of a certain phenomenon which attracted by researcher. If we want to test two random variable in an experiment .Therefore ,let X={(X1,X2)} be independent samples ,respectively ,from Poisson distribution ,also X(i,1),X(i,2),...,X(i,ni)~Poisson(lambda(i)),i=1,2.
The problem of interest here is to test:
H0:lambda2-lambda1<=d and H0:lambda2-lambda1>d,
where 0<apha<1/2 ,and let Y1 equals sum of X1 and Y2 equals sum of X2, where apha ,lambda,d be fixed.
In this problem of hypothesis testing about two Poisson means is addressed by the conditional test.However ,the exact method of testing based on the test statistic considered in K.Krishnamoorthy,Jessica Thomson(2002) also commonly used.
Roger L.Berger ,Dennis D.Boos(1994) give a new way to calculate
p-value,which replace the old method ,called it a valid p-value .In 1996, Roger L.Berger used the new way to propose a new test for two parameter of binomial distribution which is more powerful than exact test. In the other hand, Roger L.Berger also explain the unconditional test is more suitable than the conditional test.
In this paper,we propose a new method for two parameter of Poisson distribution which revise from Roger L.Berger’s method. The result we obtain that our new test is really get a much bigger rejection region.We found when the fixed increasing ,the set of more powerful test increasing, and when the fixed power increasing ,the required sample size decreasing.
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壽險公司責任準備金涉險值之估計 / The Estimation of Value at Risk for the Reserve of Life/Health Insurance Company詹志清, Chihching Chan Unknown Date (has links)
在本文中,我們依據模擬的風險因子變動,包括死亡率風險,利率風險,解約率風險以及模型的參數風險,來估計第一個保單年度的期末責任準備金之涉險值 (Value at Risk)。本文中,雖僅計算生死合險保單的準備金之涉險值,但是本文所提供的方法以及計算過程可以很容易的應用到其它險種,甚至配合資產面的考量來計算保險公司盈餘(Surplus)的涉險值,進而作為清償能力的監測系統。
本文的特點包括下列幾項:第一,本文提供了一個不同於傳統短期間(Short Horizon)的涉險值計算方式,來估計壽險商品的保單責任準備金(Policy Reserve)的涉險值。第二,本文利用生命表來估計死亡率風險所造成的涉險值。第三,我們利用隨機利率模型來捕捉隨機利率對於責任準備金涉險值的影響。第四,我們考慮解約率對於責任準備金涉險值的影響,值得注意的是,在我們的解約率模型中,引入的利率對於解約率的影響。第五,本文亦考慮風險因子模型當中的參數風險對於涉險值的影響。最後,我們利用無母數方法計算出涉險值的信賴區間,而信賴區間的估計在模擬過程當中尤其重要,因為它可以用來決定模擬次數的多寡。
本文包含六節:第一節為導論。第二節為計算死亡率風險的責任準備金涉險值。第三節是計算加上利率風險後責任準備金涉險值的變化。第四節則為加上解約率後對涉險值的影響。第五節為計算涉險值的信賴區間。第六節是我們的結論以及後續研究的方向探討。 / ABSTRACT
In this paper, we estimate the VAR of life insurer's terminal reserve of the first policy year by the simulated risk factors, including mortality risk, interest rate risk, lapse rate risk, and estimation risks, of future twenty years. We found that the difference between the VAR under the mortality risk and the interest rate risk is very large because interest rate is a stochastic process but not mortality rate. Thus, the dispersion of interest rate is more then mortality rate. In addition, the VAR will reduce a lot after adding the impact of lapses because the duration of the reserve reduced. If we neglect the impact of lapses to VAR, we will overestimate the VAR significantly.
The features of this paper are as follows. First, we provide an approach to measure the VAR of a life insurer's reserve, and it is rather different from traditional VAR with short horizons. Second, we use mortality table to estimate the VAR of a life insurer's reserve. Third, we use stochastic interest rate model to capture the effect of random interest rate to the VAR of a life insurer's reserve. Fourth, we relate the future cash outflows to interest rate and produce a reasonable estimator of VAR. Fifth, we consider the effect of estimation errors to the VAR of a life insurer's reserve. Last, we calculate the confidence interval of the VAR estimates of the policy reserves.
This paper consists of six sections. The first section is an introduction. In the second section, we present the method used to estimate the variance of the mortality rate and then estimate the VAR of reserves from these variances. In the third section, we explore how to use stochastic interest rate model to estimate the reserve's VAR and the VAR associated with the parameter risk of the interest rate model. In the fourth section, we analyze the contribution of the lapse rate risk and the parameter risk of the lapse rate model to the reserve's VAR. We also analyze the relative significance of the interest rate risk, the lapse rate risk, and the mortality rate risk in terms of their marginal contributions to the VAR of an insurer's reserves in this section. In the fifth section, we calculate the confidence intervals of the VAR estimates discussed in the previous sections. The last section is the conclusion section containing our conclusions and discussions about potential future researches.
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