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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização de materiais compostos por ultra-som. / Ultrasonic characterization of composite materials.

Boeri, Daniel Verga 19 April 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta duas técnicas de ensaios não-destrutivos por ultra-som realizados em um tanque com água para determinar as constantes elásticas de materiais compostos de fibra de vidro/epóxi. A primeira técnica é a transmissão direta utilizando um par de transdutores. A segunda é a técnica de pulso-eco, utilizando um único transdutor. A água do tanque atua como um acoplante para transferir a energia mecânica do transdutor para a amostra. Como o transdutor não fica em contato direto com a amostra, pode-se garantir um acoplamento constante. O sistema de medição dota de um dispositivo que permite medir a velocidade da onda elástica sob diferentes ângulos de incidência, através da rotação manual da amostra. Devido ao fenômeno de conversão de modos com incidência oblíqua na interface amostra-água, ensaios por ultra-som em tanques com água fornecem as informações necessárias para o cálculo das constantes elásticas em amostras de materiais anisotrópicos, numa dada direção, a partir das medições das velocidades longitudinal e de cisalhamento. Numa dada direção de propagação em um meio anisotrópico, existem três ondas elásticas distintas: uma longitudinal e duas de cisalhamento. Se as constantes elásticas do material são conhecidas, é possível obter as três velocidades em uma dada direção bastando resolver a equação de Christoffel. Invertendo a equação de Christoffel, obtém-se as constantes elásticas a partir das velocidades medidas em uma dada direção. Os experimentos são realizados com amostras de fibra de vidro/epóxi unidirecionais e bidirecionais, utilizando transdutores com freqüências de 0,5 MHz, 1 MHz e 2,25 MHz. Os resultados experimentais obtidos utilizando ambas as técnicas são comparados com um modelo denominado “Regra das Misturas" e com resultados da literatura. / In this work, two ultrasonic non destructive techniques were implemented in a water tank and used to determine the elastic constants of glass-epoxy composites samples. The first is the through-transmission technique implemented with a pair of ultrasonic transducers. The second is the back-reflection technique that uses a single transducer in pulse-eco mode. The water acts as a couplant and transfers the mechanical energy from the transducer to the sample. As the transducer is not in direct contact with the sample, we can guarantee a good coupling with the immersion technique. With the system device, it is possible to measure the velocities of the elastic waves in different angles by manually rotating the sample. Due to wave mode conversion phenomenon at the sample-water interface with oblique incidence, ultrasonic immersion testing provides information to calculate the elastic constants of the specimen by measuring longitudinal and shear wave speeds. There are three different modes of waves, one longitudinal and two shear waves, for any given direction of propagation in an anisotropic medium. If the elastic constants of a medium are known, it is possible to obtain the three wave speeds in particular propagations directions by solving the Christoffel equation. Inverting the Christoffel equation, it is possible to obtain the elastic constants from the measured wave speed in several specific directions of the anisotropic material. Measurements were carried out on unidirectional and bidirectional glass-epoxy composite samples, using transducers with central frequency of 0.5 MHz, 1 MHz, and 2.25 MHz. The experimental results obtained with both techniques are compared with a model denominated “Rule of Mixture" estimation and with the literature.

Estudo da mesofase liotrópica na fase Nc submetida a campo magnético: determinação de K3 e X\'alfa\' e geração de instabilidades hidrodinâmicas. / Study of lyotropic mesophase phase Nc subjected to magnetic field: determination of K3 and X and generation of hydrodynamic instabilities.

Antonio Jose Palangana 28 June 1991 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas, inicialmente, distorções periódicas \"bend\" provocadas por campo magnético em amostra nemática calamítica da mistura: decilsulfato de sódio, decanol e água. Com base na teoria elástica continua, medidas do comprimento de onda das distorções periódicas permitiram obter a razão K IND. 9 / X IND. em função da temperatura, onde K IND. 9 é a constante elástica de \"bend\" e X IND. a anisotropia de susceptibilidade diamagnética. Em seguida, amostras nemáticas foram dopadas com ferrofluído em diferentes concentrações, o que possibilitou, através da comparação entre os resultados (com e sem o \"doping\"), determinar K IND. 9 e X IND. , respectivamente. Num segundo momento, a mesofase nemática calamítica obtida da mistura liotrópica de laurato de potássio, decanol e água, é submetida a gradiente térmico vertical em configuração planar. Uma nova instabilidade térmica foi observada envidenciando uma estrutura de rolos com os seus eixos perpendiculares à configuração inicial do diretor. O comprimento de onda da instabilidade tem valores em torno de 10 vezes menores que a espessura da amostra. A instabilidade, cujo processo de formação e relaxação é estudado, aparece com a diminuição do gradiente térmico próximo à transição de fase nemático-isotrópica. Considerando-se estes fatos, sugere-se um mecanismo em função da variação das dimensões dos objetos micelares com a temperatura. / In this work were primarily studied the periodic distortions \"bend\" provoked by magnetic field on calamitic nematic sample of the mixture: sodium decylsulfate, decanol and water. Based on the continuum elastic theory, measures of the wave lenght of periodic distortions permitted to obtain the ratio K9 /X in function of the temperature, where k9 is the elastic constant of \"bend\" and x the anisotropic of diamagnetic susceptibility. Afterwards, nematic samples were doped with ferrofluid in different concentrations, which made possible, through a comparison between the results (with and without the \"doping\"), to determine x and K9 respectively. In a second moment, the calamitic nematic mesophase obtained from the liotropic mixture of potassium laurate, decanol and water is submitted to a vertical thermic gradient in plane configuration. A new thermic instability was observed showing evidences of a roll structure with its perpendicular axis to the initial configuration of the director. The lenght of the instability wave has values around ten times smaller than the thickness of the sample. The instability, whose process of formation with the decrease of the thermic gradient next to the transition of isotropic-nematic phase. Considering these facts, we would suggest a mechanism related to the variation of the micelar objects dimensions in function of the temperature.

Propriedades ópticas e magnéticas em liomesofases nemáticas tipo I e tipo II / Optical and magnetic properties in nematic lyomesophases of type I and type II

Abio Valeriano de Andrades Pinto 19 December 1984 (has links)
Propriedades ópticas, magnéticas e elásticas de duas liomesofases nemáticas tipo I (decilsulfato de sódio/água/ n-decanol e laurato de potássio/água/cloreto de potássio) e urna tipo II (decilsulfato de sódio/água/n-decanol /sulfato de sódio) são estudadas. Nas investigações de tais propriedades as medidas realizadas e instrumentação/meios utilizados foram os seguintes: medidas de sinais ópticos, texturas e temperaturas de transições de fases foram obtidas com auxilio de um microscópio petrográfico com temperatura controlada na platina; medidas de índices de refração e birrefringências obtiveram- se com adaptações do refratômetro de Pulfrich; medidas de susceptibilidades diamagnéticas direcionais foram realizadas com adaptações ao magnetômetro de amostra vibrante; medidas de constantes elásticas foram obtidas com auxilio de uma montagem especial. São realizados cálculos para as susceptibilidades diamagnéticas direcionais e respectivas anisotropias moleculares para alcanos, álcoois e anfifilicos de interesse em liornesofases . Da comparação entre as anisotropias moleculares calculadas e as medidas em liomesofases correspondentes, infere-se que o ordenamento molecular de anfifilicos, nas mesofases, deve ser alto. O método de Kirkwood, que permite correlacionar polarizabilidade elétrica com a susceptibilidade diamagnética molecular média em substâncias puras, é estendido e adaptado a misturas complexas, criando assim urna promissora perspectiva de correlação entre as medidas ópticas e magnéticas em liomesofases. Evidências experimentais diretas, da aplicabilidade da teoria do continuo para termo trópicos às liomesofases, são apresentadas. / The optical, magnetic and elastic properties of three nematic lyomesophases are studied. Two are type I (Na decyl sulfate/ water/n- decanol and K laurate/water/K chloride) and one type II (Na decyl sulfate/water/n- decano l/Na sulfate). To measure these properties we used the following equipment : texture and optical sign were observed by optical microscopy with temperature controlled, hot and cold, stages; refractive indices were measured in an adapted Pulfrich refratometer; the individual elements of the diamagnetic susceptibility tensor were measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer; the elastic constants were measured using the Frederikzs transition in a special experimental set-up. Starting from the concept of localized magnetic susceptibilities, molecular anisotropies were calculated for saturated hydrocarbons , alcohols and amphiphilic compounds, which are of interest for lyomesophases. Comparing these results with the experimentally measured anisotropies of the lyomesophases it is possible to conclude that a high degree of molecular order is present in the nematic amphiphilic systems. The Kirkwood method is extended and adapted for complex mixtures. The use of this method opens new perspectives for exploring the correlation between the molecular polarizability and the mean diamagnetic susceptibility.

Determinação das constantes de dissociação/ionização da di-2-piridil cetona benzoilhidrazona (DPKBH) em diferentes porcentagens de etanol / Determination of dissociation constants/ionization di-2-pyridyl ketone benzoylhydrazone (DPKBH) at different percentages of ethanol

Gaubeur, Ivanise 30 April 1997 (has links)
A di-2-piridil cetona benzoilhidrazona (DPKBH) é um reagente solúvel em uma série de solventes orgânicos mas pouco solúvel em água. Vem sendo utilizado para a determinação de metais, (principalmente do grupo de transição) como Fe(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Cu(II), entre outros e como ligante de referência para estudar o comportamento dos íons Fe(II) e Fe(III) em presença de espécies orgânicos encontrados em águas naturais. Com o objetivo de entender melhor as propriedades do DPKBH em meio de etanol, foi necessário determinar as constantes de dissociaçãolionização em diferentes porcentagens desse solvente orgânico (10, 19, 29 e 48 %). Nestas porcentagens de etanol, através de medidas absolutas de pH determinaram-se os pKs do DPKBH utilizando-se a técnica potenciométrica e em 10 e 48 % de etanol através de medidas absolutas de pH associadas às absorbâncias das espécies presentes nos equilíbrios, utilizando-se a técnica espectrofotométrica. Nas devidas porcentagens de etanol, o comportamento do eletrodo foi previamente determinado. Os valores de pK1 3,210; 3,342; 3,398 e 3,360 e de pK2 10,834; 11,013; 11,793 e 11,382 foram obtidos respectivamente para 10, 19, 29 e 48 % de etanol, utilizando-se a técnica potenciométrica. Através da técnica espectrofotométrica os valores de pK1 foram 3,257 e 3,322 e pK2 10,880 e 11,820, em 10 e 48 % de etanol, respectivamente. / The di-2-pyridyl ketone benzoylhydrazone (DPKBH) is a soluble reagent in different organic solvents but slightly soluble in water. It has been used for metal determinations, (mainly transition metals) such as for Fe (II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Cu(II) and also like a reference ligand to study the behavior of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions in the presence of organic species found in natural waters. So as to better understand the DPKBH properties In ethanol, it was necessary to determine the dissociation/ionization constant in different percentages of ethanol (l0, 19, 29 and 48%). In these ethanol percentages, through absolute pH measurements, pKs of DPKBH could be the found by using the potentiometric technique, and in 10 and 48% of ethanol the pKs of DPKBH were determined with pH measurements associated to absorbance of the species present in the equilibria by using the spectrophotometric technique. In appropiate percentage of ethanol the behavior of the glass electrode was previously determined. The pK1 values 3.210; 3.342; 3.398 and 3.362, and pK2 10.834; 11.013; 11.793 and 11.382 were found for 10,19,29,48 % of ethanol, by using the potentiometric technique. The spectrophotometric technique led to pK1 values 3.257 and 3.322, and the pK2 ones 10.880 and 11. 820 in 10 and 48 % of ethanol respectively.

Propriedades ópticas e magnéticas em liomesofases nemáticas tipo I e tipo II / Optical and magnetic properties in nematic lyomesophases of type I and type II

Andrades Pinto, Abio Valeriano de 19 December 1984 (has links)
Propriedades ópticas, magnéticas e elásticas de duas liomesofases nemáticas tipo I (decilsulfato de sódio/água/ n-decanol e laurato de potássio/água/cloreto de potássio) e urna tipo II (decilsulfato de sódio/água/n-decanol /sulfato de sódio) são estudadas. Nas investigações de tais propriedades as medidas realizadas e instrumentação/meios utilizados foram os seguintes: medidas de sinais ópticos, texturas e temperaturas de transições de fases foram obtidas com auxilio de um microscópio petrográfico com temperatura controlada na platina; medidas de índices de refração e birrefringências obtiveram- se com adaptações do refratômetro de Pulfrich; medidas de susceptibilidades diamagnéticas direcionais foram realizadas com adaptações ao magnetômetro de amostra vibrante; medidas de constantes elásticas foram obtidas com auxilio de uma montagem especial. São realizados cálculos para as susceptibilidades diamagnéticas direcionais e respectivas anisotropias moleculares para alcanos, álcoois e anfifilicos de interesse em liornesofases . Da comparação entre as anisotropias moleculares calculadas e as medidas em liomesofases correspondentes, infere-se que o ordenamento molecular de anfifilicos, nas mesofases, deve ser alto. O método de Kirkwood, que permite correlacionar polarizabilidade elétrica com a susceptibilidade diamagnética molecular média em substâncias puras, é estendido e adaptado a misturas complexas, criando assim urna promissora perspectiva de correlação entre as medidas ópticas e magnéticas em liomesofases. Evidências experimentais diretas, da aplicabilidade da teoria do continuo para termo trópicos às liomesofases, são apresentadas. / The optical, magnetic and elastic properties of three nematic lyomesophases are studied. Two are type I (Na decyl sulfate/ water/n- decanol and K laurate/water/K chloride) and one type II (Na decyl sulfate/water/n- decano l/Na sulfate). To measure these properties we used the following equipment : texture and optical sign were observed by optical microscopy with temperature controlled, hot and cold, stages; refractive indices were measured in an adapted Pulfrich refratometer; the individual elements of the diamagnetic susceptibility tensor were measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer; the elastic constants were measured using the Frederikzs transition in a special experimental set-up. Starting from the concept of localized magnetic susceptibilities, molecular anisotropies were calculated for saturated hydrocarbons , alcohols and amphiphilic compounds, which are of interest for lyomesophases. Comparing these results with the experimentally measured anisotropies of the lyomesophases it is possible to conclude that a high degree of molecular order is present in the nematic amphiphilic systems. The Kirkwood method is extended and adapted for complex mixtures. The use of this method opens new perspectives for exploring the correlation between the molecular polarizability and the mean diamagnetic susceptibility.

Estudos de adsorção e de equilíbrios no sistema cádmio(II)/piridina/cloreto. Desenvolvimento de instrumentação / Adsorption and equilibrium studies of the cadmium(II)/pyridine/chloride system; development of instrumentation

Gutz, Ivano Gebhardt Rolf 04 December 1978 (has links)
O presente trabalho começa por uma apresentação monográfica do fenômeno de adsorção, que dá acesso à bibliografia existente sobre o assunto. Numa extensa parte experimental desenvolveu-se um eletrodo de amálgama gotejante e um eletrodo de gota pendente mercúrio capaz de gerar gotas com área reprodutível dentro de ± 0,1%. Fez-se, também, a implantação da técnica da cronocoulometria, com os recursos disponíveis neste Instituto de Química. Realizou-se um estudo polarográfico preliminar onde se observaram diversos efeitos inibitivos sobre a reação de eletrodo do Cd(II), ligados á presença dos fenantrolino complexos de Cd(II) e de Fe(II), com participação de ânions. O sistema cádmio(II)/piridina/cloreto foi estudado potenciometricamente, tendo sido avaliadas as seguintes constantes globais de estabilidade βij = ‌CdpyiClj‌/‌Cd‌ ‌py‌ i‌Cl‌j (i, número de ligantes piridina, e j, de cloreto): β01 = 25,36, β02 = 96,0, β03 = 48,3, β04 = 65,8, β10 = 23,5, β11 = 550, β12 = 2600, β13 = 550, β14 = 1100, β20 = 690, β21 = 9740, β22 = 9400, β30 = 270, β31 = 3500, β32 = 37400, β40 = 8450, β41 = 54400. Para chegar às constantes de equilíbrio usou-se um processo iterativo de cálculo. As medidas foram realizadas com um eletrodo de amálgama gotejante, após comprovar-se que o eletrodo íon-seletivo de cádmio de estado sólido é inadequado para esta finalidade. Empregou-se um novo tipo de diagramas para representar a contribuição percentual das espécies formadas, em função dos dois ligantes. Estudou-se, através da cronocoulometria, a adsorção do sistema Cd(II)/py/Cl-, em diversas condições, fixando a concentração do metal e do cloreto e variando-se a concentração de py. Ficou estabelecido que a adsorção dos complexos é um processo competitivo com a dos ligantes. Há sempre um máximo de adsorção na faixa de 0,1 a 0,5 M de py. Encontraram-se evidências de que as espécies mistas neutras são preferencialmente adsorvidas. / The present thesis starts with the monographic discussion of the adsorption phenomena, with several references. There is an extensive experimental part referred to the development of a simple dropping amalgam electrode, a hanging mercury drop electrode whose area is reproductible within 0,1%, and the introduction of the double step chronocoulometric method w1th the resources of this Chemistry Institute, was done. In a preliminary polarographic study, several inhibiting effects on the Cd(II) electrode reaction, due to the presence of cadmium(II) and iron(II) complexes of phen participation of some anions has been observed. A potentiometric study of the cadmium(II)/pyridine//chloride system lead to the evaluation of the overall stability, βij = ‌CdpyiClj‌/‌Cd‌ ‌py‌ i‌Cl‌j (i, number of py ligands and j of chloride ones): β01 = 25,36, β02 = 96,0, β03 = 48,3, β04 = 65,8, β10 = 23,5, β11 = 550, β12 = 2600, β13 = 550, β14 = 1100, β20 = 690, β21 = 9740, β22 = 9400, β30 = 270, β31 = 3500, β32 = 37400, β40 = 8450, β41 = 54400. To obtain the equilibrium constants from the experimental data, an iterative calculation process was used. The measurements has been made with an amalgam electrode, after unsucessfull tests with a solid state cadmium ion selective electrode. A new type of diagram was used to present the percent distribution of the species with the change in the concentration of the ligands, in substitution to the predominance area diagram. In add1tion, the chronocoulometric study of the Cd(II)/ /py/Cl- system was done at several experimental conditions, by fixing the concentration of the metal and the chloride, and changing in wide extension the pyridine concentration. The adsorption of the complexes is a competitive process with the free ligands, and allways exhibits a maxima between .1 and .5M pyridine. There are strong evidences indicating that the neutral mixed species are preferabbly adsorbed.

Etude des mécanismes possibles de formation et de destruction d'anions dans le milieu interstellaire / Study of possible mechanisms of formation and destruction for anions in the interstellar medium.

Lara Moreno, Miguel 14 November 2018 (has links)
L’étude des mécanismes de formation et de destruction des anions moléculaires est devenu un champ d’intérêt prononcé après la détection récente de six anions moléculaires (C4H-, C6H-, C8H-, CN-, C3N-, C5N-) dans le milieu interstellaire.Dans les environnements interstellaires où la densité d’électrons est relativement importante, le canal principal de formation de ces anions devrait être l’attachement électronique radiatif. Mais il manque aujourd’hui des données expérimentales et théoriques permettant d’évaluer cette hypothèse. D’autre part, le photodétachement est la principale cause de destruction de ces anions dans les nuages diffus et les régions de photodissociation. Une approche basée sur un développement monocentrique est appliquée à l’étude de ces deux processus opposés que sont le photodétachement et l’attachement électronique radiatif. Les résultats obtenus avec la présente méthode sont comparés à des données expérimentales et théoriques précédemment rapportées et montrent un bon accord. Cette méthode est ensuite utilisée pour déterminer les constantes de vitesse nécessaires pour confirmer si ces mécanismes sont cruciaux pour la chimie d’anions interstellaires. En plus des constantes de vitesse de formation et de destruction des anions, les constantes de vitesse d’excitation collisionnelle sont nécessaires pour modéliser les abondances observées des anions. Nous avons choisi de porter notre effort sur le calcul des constantes de vitesse de transition entre états rotationels de la molécule C3N- dans son état vibrationnel fondamental lors des collisions avec H2 et He en utilisant de nouvelles surfaces d’énergie potentielles. / The mechanisms of formation and destruction of molecular anions have become a field of special interest after the recent detection of six molecular anions (C4H-,C6H-, C8H-, CN-, C3N-, C5N-) in the interstellar medium. The main channel of formation of these anions is expected to be radiative electron attachment in environments where the density of electron is relatively important. There is however at themoment a lack of experimental and theoretical data allowing to assess this hypothesis. Photodetachment, on the other hand, is the main source of destruction of the anions in diffuse clouds and photodissociation regions. A single center expansion approach is applied to the study of both processes: photodetachment and radiative electron attachment. The results obtained with the present method are compared to previously reported experimental and theoretical data and show a good agreement.This method is then employed to determine the rate constants which are needed to confirm whether or not these mechanisms are crucial for the chemistry of the interstellar anions. Along with the formation and destruction rates, rotational excitation rate coefficients are needed to accurately model the observed anions abundances.We focus on the calculation of state-to-state rotational transitions rate coefficients of the C3N- molecule in its ground vibrational state in collisions with H2 and He using new potential energy surfaces

Caractérisation de couches minces par ondes de surface générées et détectées par sources lasers / Thin films characterization using surface acoustic waves generated and detected by laser sources

Fourez, Sabrina 14 May 2013 (has links)
Les dépôts effectués sur substrats de silicium sont très courants notamment dans le domaine de la microélectronique. Les propriétés physiques recherchées pour ce type de structures dépendent fortement de celles de la couche. Il apparaît donc essentiel de connaître les paramètres élastiques ainsi que l’épaisseur des films considérés. De plus, la détection de certains défauts concernant la couche est souvent recherchée. L’objectif de ce travail a été de contribuer à la caractérisation de structures du type couche sur substrat. Pour cela, les ultrasons-lasers présentent de nombreux avantages puisqu’ils autorisent entre autres leur contrôle non destructif sans contact. Les ondes acoustiques de surface dans une gamme de fréquence s’étendant jusqu’à 45 MHz ont été utilisées. Nous avons développé différents modèles analytiques et les résultats expérimentaux ont aussi été comparés à certaines simulations par éléments finis. Plus particulièrement, nous avons montré qu’il était possible d’obtenir l’ensemble des paramètres élastiques du substrat et de la couche ainsi que l’épaisseur de cette dernière. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à la détection de certains défauts en régime impulsionnel mais aussi quasi-monochromatique. Des résultats originaux concernant l’effet d’une absence de couche de forme déterminée sur le premier mode de Rayleigh ou bien encore de problèmes d’adhésion ont été présentés. Sur ce dernier point, une méthode innovante permettant de distinguer un fort niveau d’adhésion d’un faible a aussi été introduite. / Thin films deposited on silicon substrates are very common especially in microelectronic applications. The physical properties expected for these types of structures depend on the properties of the layer. Therefore, it is essential to know elastic parameters and thickness of the films considered. Furthermore, some layer defects detection is often required. The aim of this work was to contribute to the characterization of structures composed of a single layer deposited on a substrate. For this, laser ultrasonics offers many advantages since it is nondestructive and non-contact method. Surface acoustic waves excited in a frequency range up to 45 MHz are used. Analytical models have been developed and experimental results have also been compared with some finite element simulations. More specifically, we have shown that it was possible to obtain the thickness of the layer and all elastic parameters of both substrate and layer. In addition, we have been interested in the detection of various defects with a broadband and quasi-monochromatic excitation. Original results concerning the effect of a lack of layer with a specific geometry on the first Rayleigh mode or even adhesion problems were presented. Concerning this last point, an innovative method to tell difference between high and low adhesion was introduced.

Transferts du cadmium et du zinc par phase fluide et vapeur dans les processus hydrothermaux et volcaniques: étude expérimentale, modélisation physico-chimique et applications géologiques

Bazarkina, Elena 15 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude a pour but de quantifier le rôle de la phase fluide et vapeur dans le comportement de Zn et de Cd dans les processus hydrothermaux/volcaniques, en combinant mesures expérimentales en laboratoire (solubilité, potentiométrie, coefficients de partage) et spectroscopie d'absorption de rayons X in situ (XAS) avec modélisations physico-chimiques et analyses de gaz volcaniques naturels. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la formation de complexes chlorurés en phase fluide et vapeur de stoechiométrie CdClm(H2O)n2-m ayant des géométries octaédrique ou tétraédrique selon T et mCl. Les paramètres thermodynamiques générés pour ces complexes démontrent qu'ils sont les espèces majeures responsables du transport de Cd par les fluides naturels. Ces complexes chlorurés de Cd sont beaucoup plus stables que leurs analogues de Zn et jouent un rôle clé dans le fractionnement des deux métaux. L'ensemble des données expérimentales, thermodynamiques et analytiques obtenu permet de proposer un nouveau traceur géochimique des processus hydrothermaux basé sur le rapport Cd/Zn

Rare events in many-body systems: reactive paths and reaction constants for structural transitions

Picciani, Massimiliano 30 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse aborde l'étude de phénomènes physiques fondamentaux, avec des applications aux matériaux d'intérêt nucléaire. Nous avons développé des méthodes pour l'étude d'évènements rares concernant des transitions structurales thermiquement activées dans des systèmes à N-corps. La première méthode consiste en la simulation numérique du courant de probabilité associé aux chemins réactifs. Après avoir dérivé les équations d'évolution du courant de probabilité, on échantillonne ce courant grâce à un algorithme de type Monte Carlo Diffusif. Cette technique, dénommée Transition Current Sampling, a été appliquée pour étudier les transitions structurales d'un agrégat de 38 atomes liés par un potentiel Lennard-Jones (LJ-38). Un deuxième algorithme, dénommée Transition Path Sampling avec bias de Lyapunov local (LyTPS), a ensuite été développé. LyTPS permet de calculer des taux de réaction à température finie en suivant la théorie des états de transition. Un biais statistique dérivant du maximum des exposantes de Lyapunov locaux est introduit pour accélérer l'échantillonnage de trajectoires réactives. Afin d'extraire la valeur des constantes de réaction d'équilibre depuis celle obtenues par LyTPS, on utilise le Multistate Bennett Acceptance Ratio. Nous avons à nouveau validé cette méthode sur l'agrégat LJ-38. LyTPS est ensuite utilisé pour calculer les constantes de migration des lacunes et di-lacunes dans le Fer-α, ainsi que l'entropie de migration associée. Ces constantes de réaction servent de paramètre d'input dans des codes de modélisation cinétique (First Passage Kinetic Monte Carlo) pour reproduire numériquement des recuits de résistivité de Fer-α après irradiation.

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