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Byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM) för Byggprojektledning : Ett Kommunikation & SamarbetsverktygAl-Kahwati, Mosteffa January 2020 (has links)
Nya möjligheter inom kommunikation och samarbete är en stor drivkraft gällande utvecklingen av digitala verktyg inom byggbranschen. I dagens byggprojekt har byggherrens projektledare en kritisk roll för att projekt ska genomföras framgångsrikt, och inom denna roll är kommunikation och samarbete två centrala delar. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur projektledarens roll på beställarsidan kan effektiviseras med stöd av det digitala verktyget BIM. Fokus har legat på att undersöka hur kommunikation och samarbete mellan projektledaren och andra aktörer inom branschen kan främjas med hjälp av BIM. Detta gjordes genom att besvara följande tre frågeställningar. Hur ser rollen ut för projektledare som representerar en byggherre i dagsläget? Vilka möjligheter medför BIM till en projektledarens arbete och hur påverkar detta kommunikationen och samarbetet med de övriga aktörerna? Vilka hinder och utmaningar finns kring implementeringen av BIM i projektledarens dagliga arbete? Följande examensarbete har genomförts i samarbete med AB Stångåstaden. Semistrukturerade intervjuer kring projektledarens roll har genomförts med projektledare från Stångåstaden och NCC. Ytterligare intervjuer kring BIM har genomförts med olika respondenter med särskild erfarenhet inom BIM. Intervjustudien har kombinerats med en litteraturstudie och deltagande observationer av projektledarrollen på AB Stångåstaden. Resultatet från det genomförda examensarbetet visade att projektledarrollen på beställarsidan är en bred roll med många olika arbetsuppgifter där ledarskap, kommunikation och samarbete står i centrum. Detta visade sig tydligt i intervjustudien och de deltagande observationerna där respondenterna påpekade att deras roll innebär att samordna hela byggprocessen, från tidigt skede till slutförande av projekt, för att säkerställa att byggherren får det som har beställts. Det genomförda examensarbetet presenterade tre möjligheter med BIM kopplat till kommunikation och samarbete för en projektledare. Den första möjligheten som intervjustudien presenterade var att BIM fungerar som ett bra analysverktyg inom ett projektteam. Projektledarna betonade vikten av att samtliga projektmedlemmar ska kunna relatera till den verkliga byggnaden redan i planeringsskedet för att teamet tillsammans ska kunna ta viktiga beslut längs byggprocessen. Enligt de BIM erfarna möjliggör BIM för just detta med hjälp av 3D visualiseringar och renderingar. Den andra möjligheten som resultatet från intervjustudien presenterade var att BIM möjliggör för en integrerad, strukturerad och effektivare informationshanteringsprocess. Enligt de BIM erfarna sker detta med hjälp av en BIM kravspecifikation vars syfte är att styra upp ett projekt så att informationsflödet blir så effektivt som möjligt. BIM möjliggör dessutom för en integrerad arbetsmiljö med en gemensam informationskälla, som innebär att samtliga projektmedlemmar söker sig till samma ställe för information. Enligt båda respondentgrupperna främjar detta kommunikationen och samarbetet inom projektteamet då projektledaren säkerställer att samtliga parter arbetar med det senaste underlaget, och därmed undviker vanliga missförstånd och tvister som är kopplat till informationshanteringen i ett projekt. Enligt resultatet från intervjuerna var både projektledarnas och de BIM erfarnas uppfattning, genom tidigare erfarenheter, att de två ovannämnda möjligheterna inom kommunikation och samarbete vidare resulterar i en tredje möjlighet i form av ökad kvalitet i de byggnader som projektledaren levererar till byggherren. Trots de potentiella möjligheter som studien presenterade gällande BIM, visade även det genomförda examensarbete att det existerar två stora hinder och utmaningar med implementeringen av BIM. Det första hindret var kopplat till den tekniska aspekten av BIM, främst problematiken kring programvaror och delad information mellan de olika programvarorna. Det andra hindret var kopplat till individernas personliga inställning, främst byggbranschens konservativa inställning och motvilja att förändra ens arbetssätt. / New opportunities within communication and collaboration is a big incentive regarding the development of digital tools in the construction industry. The project manager plays a crucial part in today’s construction projects in order to successfully deliver projects, and communication and collaboration is at the heart of this role. The purpose of this master thesis has been to investigate how the role of the project manager can be streamlined and supported with BIM. The focus of the study has been to investigate how communication and collaboration between the project manager and other participants can be supported with BIM. This has been done by answering the following three question formulations. How does the role of a project manager which represents an owner look like? Which opportunities does BIM provide to a project manager’s work and how does this affect the communication and collaborations with other participants? Which obstacles and challenges exists regarding the implementation of BIM in a project manager’s work? The following master thesis has been conducted in collaboration with AB Stångåstaden. Semi-structured interviews regarding the role of the project manager were conducted with project managers which represented Stångåstaden and NCC. Additional interviews regarding BIM were conducted with interviewees with experience within BIM. The interview study was combined with a literature study and observations of the project manager role on AB Stångåstaden. The observations and the results from the interview study with the project managers revealed that the role of a project manager which represents an owner is a very broad role where leadership, communication and collaboration is at the heart of the role. This was presented clearly by the interviewed project managers which stated that their role means to coordinate the construction process, from early stages to completion of the projects, in order to ensure that the owner gets what has been ordered. The study presented three opportunities with BIM linked to communication and collaboration for a project manager. The first opportunity which the interview study presented was that BIM is a good tool of analysis within a project team. The project managers emphasized the importance of the project team’s ability to relate to the actual building in the planning stages for the team to make important decisions along the construction process. According to the BIM experts BIM allows for just this with 3D visualizations and renderings. The second opportunity which the interviews presented was that BIM enables an integrated, structured and efficient process of information. According to the BIM experts this is done with a BIM requirement specification which purpose is to streamline the flow of information in a project. In addition, BIM allows for an integrated working environment with a single point of information, which means that all project members get their information from the same place. According to both respondent groups this promotes the communication and collaboration within a project team because the project manager ensures that all participants are working with the latest material, and therefor avoids common misunderstandings and disputes. According to the results from the interviews, both the project managers and the BIM expert’s perception, were that the two above-mentioned possibilities withing communication and collaboration leads to a third opportunity, which is improvements in quality in the buildings that the project manager delivers to the owner. Despite the potential opportunities which the study presented regarding BIM, this master thesis also showed that there exists two big obstacles and challenges with the implementation of BIM. The first challenge was linked to the technical aspect of BIM, mainly the problems surrounding software and shared information between the different software’s. The second challenge was linked to the individual’s personal attitude, mainly the conservative attitude of the construction industry.
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Ocenění stavebního díla v ČR a na Ukrajině / The award of the works in the Czech Republic and UkraineShashko, Maryna January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this master’s thesis is to find out the extent of costs for construction in CZ and Ukraine. Costs for the construction were calculated according to the conditions in CZ an according to the conditions in Ukraine. There were made analysis of differences in construction works, which shows the biggest difference. Costs were determined in crowns for particular line of construction works calculation according to the ordinary calculation pattern which is using in CZ. Conversion of costs from Ukraine currency (UAH) to CZK was made with an actual currency course. The consequence of the work is analysis and evaluation of difference of construction costs.
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Ocenění výstavby budov v Rusku / Valuation of building construction in RussiaZlobina, Daria January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this master’s thesis is to find out the extent of costs for construction in CZ and Russia. Costs for the construction were calculated according to the conditions in CZ an according to the conditions in Russia. There were made analysis of differences in construction works, which shows the biggest difference. Costs were determined in crowns for particular line of construction works calculation according to the ordinary calculation pattern which is using in CZ. Conversion of costs from Russian currency (RUB) to CZK was made with an actual currency course. The consequence of the work is analysis and evaluation of difference of construction costs.
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Řízení nákladů developerské činnosti / Cost management development activitiesSmola, Albert January 2015 (has links)
This thesis takes the form of two separate fractions. Theoretical context, in which the real estate developer, the construction project is defined, costs in connection therewith arise are characterized and also methods for analyzing these costs are mentioned, is Chapter 1. Practical fraction consisting of a cost analysis of model development company and model construction project, forms Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. In conclusion, the practical analysis outputs are interpreted and some recommendations to optimize costs are presented.
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Plánování stavební zakázky zhotovitelem / Planning the construction contract by the contractorDáňa, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the process of planning the costs of a contract for construction. The thesis describes the pricing, contract for construction, construction time models, and allocation of costs during the construction. It introduces a particular contract for construction, which is analysed mainly with regard to the allocation of costs during the construction. The thesis introduces also alternative solutions for the allocation of costs during the construction. The purpose of the thesis is to compare the alternative solutions with the reality, and analyse the allocation of costs during the construction.
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Byggmaterialens livscykel : En analys om hur miljön påverkas under ett byggprojektJohar, Selman, Tofik, Hedi January 2021 (has links)
Problem background: During a construction project, the environment is negatively affected due to all construction waste that occurs. Even during the manufacture of building materials, the environment is affected. Construction waste in Sweden is about 31 percent, it is quite high, but they are constantly trying to reduce construction waste and the environmental impact that the construction sector is responsible for. The construction waste that takes place has a direct connection to building materials, which also has a direct connection to the carbon dioxide emission in the production of these building materials. Therefore, in this work we have addressed these three points that focus on the environmental impact that the construction industry has in a construction project. The purpose of the work is to investigate how the construction industry affects the environment. Because it is a complicated industry where a lot happens. For example, there are several different types of transport both from and to the construction site that leads to increased carbon dioxide emissions. To reduce construction waste, you must have the knowledge as to know why construction waste occurs and be able to apply the waste hierarchy during a construction project for reduced environmental impact. The methodology for completing this work was due to various scientific articles and literature studies used, via Mälardalens University's library database. In addition, some interviews were conducted that helped strengthen and complete the work. The interviews provided different views and perspectives and explained in detail how construction waste is handled during a construction project. The survey provided a better insight into how this is done, handled and what solutions are available to reduce the construction sector's environmental impact during a construction project. The end results of the work showed that there are some methods you can use to reduce the environmental impact that the construction industry has today. With these methods, it is not only the environment that has a positive effect but also the construction company because it leads to lower costs and more efficient construction methods. The results also showed that the construction industry is a complicated industry where a lot affects each other and that they always try to reduce their environmental impact by constantly striving for their environmental goals. The Conclusions of the work is that the environment affects the construction industry in different ways. Everyone involved is trying to reduce their influence, but there are some challenges that exists and should be addressed. The work highlights the problem and alternative solutions that the construction industry can use to reduce their environmental impact.
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En studie om tidig samverkansentreprenad / A study regarding Early Contractor InvolvementKurspahic, Amar, Merhebi, Rachid January 2020 (has links)
Eftersom samhället ständigt utvecklas och det ställs allt högre krav på snabba lösningar och metoder måste byggbranschen möta detta behov och tänka från ett nytt perspektiv. I denna rapport har vi studerat de mest använda kontraktsformer totalentreprenad, utförandentreprenad och samverkansentreprenad. Samverkansentreprenad är en kontraktsform som inte är lika mycket beprövad som utförandeentreprenad och totalentreprenad. Det finns flera benämningar för samverkansentreprenad såsom partnering och tidig entreprenörmedverkan men dem är alla lika i hur beställaren jobbar med entreprenörer. I stora bygg och anläggningsprojekt med högteknisk komplexitet krävs det hög kompetens inom projektering. Dessa stora och komplexa projekt kan ibland vara problematiska då entreprenören i vissa fall inte har tillräckligt med teknisk kompetens vilket gör att det ofta uppstår stora förluster då ändring, tillägg och avgående arbeten samt andra oväntade händelser uppstår. Detta har fått många att tro på tidig entreprenörsinvolvering som lösningen av detta problem då beställaren kan dra nytta av entreprenörens erfarenheter. Därav syftet i rapporten har varit att undersöka möjligheten att höja effektiviteten samt förbättra ekonomin på ett bygg-och anläggningsprojekt med hjälp av samverkansentreprenad. Detta har gjorts genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och möten med handledare på Trafikverket vid flertal tillfällen. Det som framkommit av studien om tidig samverkansentreprenad är att projekteringsprocessen blir väldigt lång men uppstarten av projekten blir effektiva. Däremot behöver modellen utvecklas mycket för att uppnå de resultat som efterfrågas. Det största problemet med tidig entreprenörmedverkan är att gemensamt komma överens om ett pris. / Because the society constantly is evolving and higher demand is made on fast solutions and methods therefore the building branch have to adapt and meet these needs and think from a new perspective. In this report we have studied the most common contract forms design plant and turnkey and Collaboration construction. Collaboration construction is a contract form that is not as proven like design plant and turnkey. There are several denominations for Collaboration construction such as partnering and early contractor involvement, they are all equal on how the purchaser is working with the contractor. In big construction and plant projects with high technical complexity it requires high competence in projection. These big projects can sometimes be problematic because the contractor has insufficient technical competence which causes big losses because of changes, additions and outgoing works and also other unexpected events. This has led many to believe that early contractor involvement could be the solutions to this problem since the purchaser could benefit from the contractor’s experience. Therefore, the purpose has been to investigate the opportunities to increase efficiency and improve the economy on a construction/plant project using interaction construction. This has been done through literature studies, interviews and meetings with our supervisor on Trafikverket at several occasions. The conclusion of this report is that early contractor involvement makes the design process very long, but the start-up of the projects become effective. However, this model needs to be developed to achieve the results requested. The biggest problem with early contractor involvement is to jointly agree on a price.
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BIM Effect on the Quality of Communication in the Project Management of Smart CitiesDerakhshanfar, Khatereh 11 November 2020 (has links)
The concept of smart cities points out the future cities, which will incorporate IoT and digitalization for facilitating the communication among people, their devices, government services, and various facilities that can provide enough services for the enormous population in the future cities.
To achieve the goal of having the ideal smart cities, it is necessary to go digital and plan for having virtual imagination for every component in the cities, including the construction facilities. BIM method as a means of having a virtual vision of each element of the construction project glows in mind as one sort of assistance to reach this target.
This thesis investigates the impact of BIM on the quality of communication in the future smart cities based on the literature review of the three smartest cities including Singapore, London, and Manchester.:Table of Contents
List of Figures IV
List of Tables V
List of Abbreviations VI
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Statement 1
1.2 Aim of the Study 3
1.3 Research Question 4
1.4 Methodology 4
1.5 Structure of Work 5
2 Research Methodology 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Overview of Common Research Methods 6
2.2.1 Inductive Method 6
2.2.2 Deductive Method 7
2.2.3 Inductive vs. Deductive Method 8
2.2.4 Quantitative Research 8
2.2.5 Qualitative Research 9
2.2.6 Tools for Data Collection 10
2.3 Research Scheme of This Thesis 16
3 Literature Review and Historical Background 19
3.1 Introduction to BIM 19
3.2 BIM Definition 20
3.2.1 National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) 20
3.2.2 Autodesk 22
3.2.3 Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) 22
3.3 BIM Levels 24
3.4 Application of BIM 25
3.4.1 Advantages of BIM 27
3.4.2 Disadvantages of BIM 29
3.5 History of employing BIM in construction projects 30
3.5.1 Before the year 2000 30
3.5.2 After the year 2000 31
3.6 Communication in construction projects 32
3.6.1 Communication, Combination of Factors 32
3.6.2 Communication Disorders in Construction Projects 33
3.7 BIM and Project Management 35
3.7.1 BIM vs. PMBOK 36
3.8 Smart Cities 36
3.8.1 Communication in smart city projects 37
3.8.2 Project Management in Smart Cities 39
3.9 Literature Review or Relevant previous studies 40
4 Case- Study 44
4.1 Singapore 44
4.1.1 BIM Use in Singapore 45
4.1.2 ITS Projects in Singapore 49
4.1.3 Intelligent Productivity and Safety System (IPASS) 50
4.1.4 Addressing Communication Challenges by BIM in the projects in Singapore 50
4.2 London, United Kingdom (UK) 52
4.2.1 Smart Projects in London (UK) 53
4.2.2 BIM Use in UK 55
4.2.3 Addressing Communication Challenges by BIM in the projects in UK 56
5 Conclusion 61
5.1 Summary of results 61
5.1.1 Findings of the Questions 62
5.2 Further Research Recommendation 63
Bibliography VIII
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Řízení projektů pomocí specializovaných softwarů / Management of Projects with Specialized SoftwareŠvehla, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with management of projects with specialized software. It contains principles of project management in general and in construction projects. For this purpose, it’s primarily devoted to MS Project (general), BUILDpower and CONTEC (construction projects). Thesis also offers a look at the possibilities of combining the advantages of both approaches. For practical examples, there is representative construction project in pre-investment phase. This project or its parts is elaborated in mentioned software.
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Stavebně technologický projekt přípravy a realizace 1. etapy Ponava City / Construction Project for Implementation of Ponava City - 1st phaseGunár, Juraj Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with construction project of the prepraration and realisation of the 1st stage of Ponava City residential district in Brno, Královo Pole. A construction technological project, a construction plan from a financial and time point of view, a design of construction site equipment, a design of construction machinery and a health and safety plan were prepared for a multifunctional building. Furthermore, the content includes more detailed technological regulations of reinforced concrete structures and related inspection and test plans.
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