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Stetigförderer.Berger, Katrin 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Terminologie von Stetigförderern im Deutschen und Französischen. Sie besteht aus drei Teilen, dem fachlichen Teil, dem translatorischen Teil und dem Glossar. Im ersten Teil soll in das Fachgebiet der Stetigförderer eingeführt werden. Dabei wird zuerst ein Einblick in die Geschichte der Stetigförderer gegeben, anschließend werden wesentliche Begriffe definiert und einige Möglichkeiten der Klassifizierung vorgestellt. Danach folgt die Beschreibung der einzelnen Förderer, die zur besseren Vergleichbarkeit stets die gleiche Struktur aufweist.
Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit sprachwissenschaftlichen und translatorischen Faktoren der fördertechnischen Terminologie. Anfangs werden einige Grundfragen der Terminologiearbeit angesprochen, hiernach werden drei konkrete sprachliche Themen an deutschen und französischen Beispielen aus dem Glossar analysiert: die Benennungsbildung, die Motivation der Benennungen sowie die Zuordnung von Benennung und Begriff. Dabei sollen sprachliche Tendenzen in der deutschen und französischen Terminologie der Stetigförderer aufgezeigt werden. Dies soll Sprachmittlern Hilfestellung bieten, im Bereich der Stetigförderer Benennungen korrekt zu verwenden bzw. selbst zu finden. Der dritte Teil umfasst das zweisprachige Glossar.
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Réduction de variance et discrétisation d'équations différentielles stochastiques. <br />Théorèmes limites presque sûre pour les martingales quasi-continues à gauche.Kebaier, Ahmed 13 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Cette Thèse est composée de deux parties portant respectivement sur la discrétisation des équations différentielles stochastiques et sur le théorème de la limite centrale presque sûre pour les martingales.<br /><br />La première Partie est composée de trois chapitres: Le premier chapitre introduit le cadre de l'étude et présente les résultats obtenus. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l'étude d'une nouvelle méthode d'accélération de convergence, appelée méthode de Romberg statistique, pour le calcul d'espérances de fonctions ou de fonctionnelles d'une diffusion.<br />Ce chapitre est la version augmentée d'un article à paraître dans la revue Annals of Applied Probability.<br /><br />Le troisième chapitre traite de l'application de cette méthode à l'approximation de densité par des méthodes de noyaux.<br />Ce chapitre est basé sur un travail en collaboration avec Arturo Kohatsu-Higa.<br /><br />La deuxième partie de la thèse est composée de deux chapitres: le premier chapitre présente la littérature récente concernant le théorème de la limite centrale presque sûre et ses extensions. Le deuxième chapitre, basé sur un travail en collaboration avec Faouzi Chaâbane, étend divers résultats de type TLCPS à des martingales quasi-continues à gauche.
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Aide à la décision pour les entreprises industrielles inscrites dans une démarche de développement durable / Decision aiding for industrial companies in the context of sustainable developmentRizzon, Bastien 26 April 2016 (has links)
Le Développement Durable (DD) est « un développement qui répond aux besoins du présent sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux leurs. » Ses trois piliers fondateurs sont l’Economie, l’Environnement et la Société qu’il faut appréhender conjointement. Nous prenons le point de vue de la performance industrielle pour caractériser les besoins de l’entreprise dans une démarche DD. La performance industrielle, à travers son histoire, doit prendre en compte de plus en plus de critères jusqu'aux actuels piliers du DD. Nous proposons de voir le DD comme la démarche d'amélioration mise en place par l'entreprise. Dans ce sens nous proposons une aide au décideur humain qui permet de répondre aux exigences du DD et en particulier sa nature holistique et cyclique.Les entreprises déploient des approches d’amélioration continue à l’aide de standards et de méthodes comme le cycle PDCA. L’idée est alors d’enrichir cette pratique par un processus MCDA en aidant le décideur à formuler ses préférences et leur appliquer un traitement d’information adapté afin de fournir une aide à la décision qui serve la démarche d’amélioration. Pour intégrer l’imprécision dans la décision à prendre, nous proposons une méthodologie qui permet de caractériser la robustesse du résultat d’une méthode MCDA en fonction de l’imprécision des valeurs d’un critère. Pour prendre en compte l'aspect « réalisation opérationnelle » d'une action, en plus de son intérêt pour la performance de l'entreprise, nous avons développé un modèle de « faisabilité » associé aux actions en nous fondant sur la méthode ACUTA. L'idée est de proposer au décideur une information complémentaire à l'information d'utilité afin d'offrir une perspective autorisant un compromis Utilité/Faisabilité sur la décision à prendre. Nous déclinons notre proposition sur un cas pratique industriel mené dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec l’entreprise adixen Vacuum Products (aVP) d’Annecy. Ce partenariat a permis le déploiement de notre proposition pour un problème de décision portant sur les besoins d'instrumentation pour construire un système de management de l'énergie, conformément à la norme ISO 50001. / Sustainable Development (SD) is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Its three founding pillars are Economy, Environment and Society which are to be handled together. We take the perspective of industrial performance in order to characterize the needs of a company involved in SD.Industrial performance, throughout its history, has to consider more and more numerous criteria up to the present SD pillars. We propose to look on SD as the improvement approach established by the company. According to this, we propose an aid for the human decision maker in order to fulfill the requirements of SD and notably its holistic and cyclic nature.Companies develop continuous approaches to improvement based on standards and methods like the PDCA cycle. Thus, the idea is to enrich this practice with a MCDA process for aiding the decision maker to establish his/her preference and to apply a suitable information processing to it that benefits the improvement approach. In order to integrate imprecision in the decision to be taken, we propose a methodology for characterizing the robustness of the product of a MCDA method in relation to the imprecision of a criterion value. In order to consider the aspect "operational implemantation" of an action, besides its benefit for the performance of the company, we developped a "Feasability" model related to the actions based on the ACUTA method. The idea is to offer the decision maker information complementary with utility information in order to permit a compromise Utility/Feasibility concerning the decision to be taken. Our proposition is applied to an industrial real case conducted in the framework of a partnership with the company adixen Vacuum Products (aVP) in Annecy. This partnership has led to the deployment of our proposition for a decision problem concerning the need in instrumentation required for the building of an energy management system, according to the ISO 50001 standard.
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A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em músicaCondessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.
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Endommagement des aciers au C-Mn en fatigue oligocyclique et gigacyclique / Carbon-Manganese steels' damage mechanics in Low Cycle Fatigue and Very High Cycle FatigueHuang, Zhiyong 01 July 2010 (has links)
Dans les générateurs de vapeur des centrales nucléaires à eau pressurisée, les tuyauteries sont soumises à des chargements thermique et mécanique, qui sont variables et divisés en deux régimes différents : la fatigue oligocyclique et la fatigue gigacyclique. Les aciers au carbone – manganèse, type A42, A48 et Tu48 (normes françaises) sont souvent utilisés dans de telles applications. Les propriétés du matériau manifestent certains caractères spéciaux en mécanique et métallurgie comme le vieillissement dynamique conduisant à une augmentation de la valeur de la contrainte maximale et une diminution de la ductilité à la température 200 ℃. Le comportement en fatigue oligocyclique et gigacyclique sont étudiés à température ambiante et 200 ℃. Des essais de fatigue cumulée ont été mis en oeuvre pour étudier l’effet du cumul de dommage combinant des cycles de fatigue oligocyclique suivis de cycles en fatigue gigacyclique. Tous les résultats sont analysés en utilisant la mécanique de l’endommagement des milieux continus et l’analyse microfractographique. Les cycles d’hystérésis en fatigue oligocyclique sont dus à la déformation plastique de durcissement cinématique, ils peuvent être décrits par sous le modèle d’Armstrong – Frederick ; le durcissement isotrope est utile pour prédire l’évolution de l’amplitude de contrainte. Mais avec l’augmentation de la déformation plastique accumulée, le dommage ne peut être négligé. Le modèle de Chaboche d’endommagement par fatigue est utilisé pour décrire l’évolution des dommages oligocyclique et il est étendu au régime gigacyclique. Un modèle de fatigue cumulée des dommages a été développé à partir du modèle de Chaboche et appliqué à l’estimation des dommages de fatigue pour décrire le comportement de l’évolution de la contrainte en fonction du nombre de cycles. En fatigue oligocyclique à la température de 200 ℃, l’acier A48 est sensible au phénomène de vieillissement dynamique et il apparaît un durcissement secondaire, qui peut être prédit par la théorie des dislocations et est simulé dans la thése. L’analyse des surfaces de rupture est effectuée par fractographie au Microscope Electronique à Balayage pour les essais en oligocyclique, gigacyclique et cumul. En fatigue oligocylique, la fissure est initiée en surface. En fatigue gigacyclique, certaines fissures sont initiées sur des inclusions situées à l’intérieur d’éprouvettes. / In steam generators of nuclear power plants, typical pipes components are subjected to thermal and mechanical loading which are variable and divided into two different regimes: low cycle fatigue and gigacycle fatigue. Carbon-manganese steels A42, A48 and Tu48 steels (French standards) are often used in such applications. The material properties manifest some special characters in mechanics and metallurgy such as Dynamic Strain Aging, increasing UTS values in 200℃ temperature domain. The LCF and VHCF behaviors are investigated respectively by test method at room temperature and 200℃. The cumulative fatigue tests are implemented through referencing the load as prior LCF following gigacycle fatigue from the steam generator pipes thermal loads in order to obtain the performance of material under accumulated fatigue damage. All the test results are analyzed by using plastic mechanics, continuums damage mechanics and microscopic analysis. Hysteresis loops are due to plastic deformation in LCF which is the effect of kinematic hardening and they can be described by Armstrong – Frederick form models; the isotropy hardening is used to predict the evolution of stress amplitude in LCF. But with rising of accumulated plastic deformation, the damage can not be neglected. The Chaboche fatigue damage model is applied to describe the damage evolution of LCF and extended to VHCF regime. The cumulative fatigue damage model is extended from Chaboche model and applies to the estimation cumulative fatigue damage. The constitutive relationship and isotropy rule are coupled with fatigue damage model that can describe the whole fatigue behavior. In 200℃ for LCF, A48 is sensitive to dynamic strain aging and its secondary hardening behavior is important which can be predicted by dislocation theory and is simulated in the paper. The fractographic analysis is performed by SEM for LCF, VHCF and cumulative fatigue tests. The LCF crack is initiated in surface. Some of cracks of VHCF are given birth from the inclusions located at interior of sample.
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A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em músicaCondessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.
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O professor dos anos iniciais e o conhecimento da geometria / L’enseignant dês premières années et la connaissance de La géométrieSilva, Antonia Givaldete da 06 May 2014 (has links)
Les faibles niveaux de compréhension et la maîtrise de la connaissance mathématique à enseigner dans les premières années de l'école primaire au Brésil a stimulé la croissance de La recherche sur la formation des enseignants qui fonctionne cette étape éducative . L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser la connaissance de la géométrie qui a les enseignants dans lês premières années de la municipalité de Teotônio Vilela, État d'Alagoas . D'une approche qualitative , cette recherche est un mode d'étude de cas . Les études théoriques des références incluses ( a) enseignant ( a) les premières années et sa pratique (comme ROMANOWISKI (2010), SAVIANI (2012), CURI (2005)), sur la connaissance de la géométrie (comme BERLINGHOFF (2010), TOLEDO (2009), OLIVEIRA (2011), SOARES (2009), LOPES (2005), PIAGET (1993) et GARDNER (1995) ) et de l'identité , la connaissance de l'enseignement et de la formation continue des enseignants (comme FRANCO (2012), GOLDEMBERG (1997), VIANNA(2013), TARDIF(2011), COURTIER (2011), FONSECA (2011) et FIORENTINI (2012) ), entre autres . Ces enquêtes révèlent que les cours de La formation initiale des enseignants dans les premières années , et en général tout au long de l'histoire , ne leur offre pas un fond mathématique solide , à la réduction de la charge de travail de plus en plus consacrée à l'enseignement des mathématiques , ont tendance à mettre l'accent sur les aspects méthodologiques , au détriment de la teneur mathématique , peu d'attention à l' étude de la géométrie . Il est nécessaire de renforcer davantage l'importance de la formation continue des enseignants afin qu'ils puissent transformer leur pratique par la pratique de la educaction qui peut être traduit en permanence sur leur propre construction de l'identité professionnelle et l'acquisition de la connaissance du contenu Mathématiques à enseigner aux étudiants . / Os baixos níveis de compreensão e domínio do conhecimento matemático a ser ensinado nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, no Brasil, têm estimulado o crescimento do número de pesquisas sobre a formação do professor que atua nessa etapa escolar. O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar que conhecimento de geometria possuem os professores dos anos iniciais, do município de Teotônio Vilela, Estado de Alagoas. Partindo de uma abordagem qualitativa, a presente pesquisa tem como modalidade um estudo de caso. As referências teóricas incluíram estudos sobre o(a) professor(a) dos anos iniciais e sua prática (ROMANOWISKI (2010), SAVIANI (2012), CURI (2005), sobre o conhecimento de geometria (BERLINGHOFF (2010), TOLEDO (2009), OLIVEIRA (2011), SOARES (2009), LOPES (2005), PIAGET (1993) e GARDNER (1995)) e sobre a identidade, saberes docentes e formação continuada dos professores (FRANCO (2012), GOLDEMBERG (1997), VIANNA (2013), TARDIF (2011), CORTESÃO (2011), FONSECA (2011) e FIORENTINI (2012)), dentre outros. Essas pesquisas revelam que os cursos de formação inicial de professores dos anos iniciais, no momento atual e ao longo da história, não lhes oferecem uma formação matemática sólida, notadamente pela redução cada vez maior, da carga horária destinada à formação matemática, tendência que enfatiza aspectos metodológicos, em detrimento dos conteúdos matemáticos, como é o caso da reduzida atenção aos estudos da geometria. É necessário reforçar a importância da formação continuada dos professores, para que eles possam transformar sua prática em práxis, por meio da educação, em que possam ser constantemente refletidas sobre a construção da identidade profissional, bem como para a aquisição do conhecimento dos conteúdos de Matemática a serem ensinados aos alunos.
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Influência de fatores de gestão de pessoas para a intenção de permanência de talentos críticos em uma empresa de óleo e gás na era da economia do conhecimentoDunzer, Gustavo André January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-05-20T17:36:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / This study describes some characteristics of the Knowledge Era and how it impacts society and business organizations. In the Knowledge Era, information and knowledge are the real riches, the intangibles prevail over the tangibles. In this scenario, the workers, the owners of the knowledge, become the most valuable assets in the organizations, and this requires a new strategy for people management, that is, the human capital must be managed in such a way as to become part of the competitive advantages of the organizations. At this moment, the Human Resources function faces some challenges that represent the need for change in the way people are managed, such as acting in a strategic way, facing criticaI issues in the present scenario, for example, the need for retention of talents. Considering the criticaI issue of the retention of talents, a case study was developed using descriptive research in a Brazilian oil and gas company, in order to identify the leveI of influence of people management practices on to the intention to continue as an employee of the company. The results show that the practices elected as relevant for the intention of continuing as an employee of the company are aligned with the knowledge workers' characteristics, which emphasize team work and participation in challenging activities with real significance for the organization. / Este estudo descreve as características da Era do Conhecimento e como estas impactam a sociedade e as organizações empresariais. Na Era do Conhecimento, o que representa a riqueza é a informação e o conhecimento, o intangível prevalece sobre o tangível. Neste cenário, os trabalhadores, detentores do conhecimento, assumem a posição de ativo mais valioso dentro das organizações, exigindo uma nova forma de gestão de pessoas. O capital humano precisa ser gerido de forma que integre as vantagens competitivas de uma organização. Neste momento, a função de Recursos Humanos se depara com desafios que representam necessidade de mudanças na gestão de pessoas, tais como, atuar estrategicamente, fazendo face a questões críticas no atual cenário, como a retenção de talentos. Considerando a questão crítica de retenção de talentos, foi desenvolvido estudo de caso com pesquisa descritiva em uma empresa brasileira do setor de óleo e gás, com o objetivo de identificar o grau de influência de fatores de gestão de pessoas para a intenção de permanência como empregado na empresa. Os resultados revelam que os fatores apontados como influentes para a intenção de permanência como empregado na empresa estão alinhados com as características do trabalhador do conhecimento, que priorizam o trabalho em equipe e a atuação em atividades desafiadoras e que tenham real significado para a organização.
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Intensification of pharmaceutical production : from the raw materials to the crystallized active pharmaceutical ingredient / Intensification d'une production pharmaceutique : des matières premières au principe actif cristalliséConté, Jennifer 19 February 2016 (has links)
L’un des nombreux défis pour l’industrie pharmaceutique est de développer des procédés compétitifs pour produire des principes actifs de hautes qualités à bas coût. Pour ce faire, plusieurs sociétés se tournent vers la chimie en flux continu et les avantages qu’elle présente comparé au batch traditionnel. C’est pourquoi ces travaux de thèse se centrent sur le développement d’un procédé continu allant des matières premières au principe actif. La première étape pour parvenir à ce but fut de collecter des données sur le procédé batch industriel actuel. Il se compose de trois étapes de réactions chimiques, une de séparation chromatographique et une étape de cristallisation. A partir de là, la chimie de chaque réaction a été adaptée pour profiter au mieux des avantages du flux continu. La dissipation de chaleur étant plus efficace qu’en batch il fut possible de développer une réaction exothermique sans solvant à haute température. Une étude cinétique a été réalisée afin de modéliser cette réaction. Ensuite, cet outil fut utilisé pour déterminer les conditions opératoires optimales théoriques de la réaction et en guider l’optimisation ainsi que la conception du futur réacteur. La deuxième partie de ce travail se focalise sur la cristallisation en continu du principe actif avec la technique des jets impactant. Il est nécessaire d’avoir un contrôle précis sur la distribution de taille de particules (DTP) et la morphologie des cristaux. En effet, le principe actif peut cristalliser sous deux formes compétitives : cristaux cubiques ou en forme d’aiguilles. Les cubes sont la forme désirée. La technique des jets impactant a été sélectionnée car c’est un procédé continu qui permet la génération de fines particules avec une DTP resserrée. La sursaturation est généralement crée en impactant un jet de solution de principe actif avec un jet d’anti-solvant. Ici, le solvant et l’anti-solvant sont les mêmes. Seule une large différence de température entre les deux jets génère la sursaturation. En testant différentes conditions opératoires, une « zone cubique » a été définie, où seuls des cristaux de forme désirée sont générés. Une fois la nucléation maîtrisée, le murissement et la séparation solide-liquide furent étudiés pour développer un procédé complet de cristallisation. En combinant les recherches sur le développement des réactions chimiques et l’étape de cristallisation, un procédé continu complet fut proposé et comparé au procédé batch actuel afin d’évaluer les bénéfices apportés par la transposition en flux continu à la production du principe actif. / One of the many challenges in the pharmaceutical industry is to develop competitive processes to generate high quality active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) at low cost. To achieve this goal, many companies are looking towards flow chemistry and the advantages it affords, compared to traditional batch production. It is why this PhD work is focused on developing a continuous process from the raw materials to the API. The first step to achieve this goal was to collect data on the actual industrial batch process. It is composed of five steps, three steps of chemical reactions, one chromatographic separation and a crystallization step. From this starting point, the chemistry of each reaction was adapted to better use the advantages of flow chemistry. Thus, as the heat recovery in a continuous reactor is more efficient than in batch, it was possible to develop an exothermal reaction in neat conditions and at high temperature. A kinetic study was undertaken to gather knowledge on the reaction and develop a reaction model. This tool was used to find theoretical optimal operating conditions (temperature, residence time…) to guide the optimisation of the reaction and to design the future industrial reactor. The second part of this work is focused on the continuous crystallization of the API using the two impinging jets technology. It is required to have a tight control upon the morphology of the crystals and the particle size distribution (CSD). Indeed, the targeted API may crystallize under two competitive forms: cubic and needle crystals. The cubic form is the desired one. The two impinging jets technique was selected, since it is a continuous process able to generate small particles with a narrow CSD. The supersaturation is traditionally generated by impacting a jet of API solution with an anti-solvent one. Here, the solvent and the antisolvent are identical and only a large temperature difference between both streams is used to create the supersaturation. By screening different operating conditions, a “cubic zone” could be defined. Within this zone, only the desired crystal form is generated. Once the nucleation was under control, crystal growth and solid-liquid separation were studied to develop a complete crystallization process. By combining the research on the development of the chemical reactions and the crystallization step a full continuous process was proposed and was compared to the current batch one in order to evaluate the benefits brought by the flow chemistry to the API production.
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Formação de professores e a escola de tempo integral no município de Araçatuba: práticas, desafios e possibilidades / Formation of teachers and the full-time school in the county of Araçatuba: practices, challenges and possibilitiesSilva, Neiva Solange da [UNESP] 29 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by NEIVA SOLANGE DA SILVA null (neiva_lee@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-22T14:17:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Esta investigação foi desenvolvida no interior da linha de pesquisa “Formação dos profissionais da educação, políticas educativas e escola pública” do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCT/UNESP). Aborda a complexidade da formação docente e a sua articulação com a escola de tempo integral, defendendo a necessidade e a importância de investimentos na formação dos professores e gestores, ainda que estes não sejam o foco da proposta política. Visa refletir sobre a forma como a escola e seus atores traduzem a implementação e a formação do professor desta modalidade de escola, considerando-os como sujeitos dotados de conhecimentos, experiências, habilidades e possibilidades que os credenciam a integrar o debate na perspectiva de expandir oportunidades formativas a estes sujeitos com vistas a melhorar a qualidade do ensino público e da formação integral dos estudantes. Procurou responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: Como a escola e seus atores “traduzem” a implementação e a formação de professores para o projeto de Escola de Tempo Integral? O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, utilizou a pesquisa bibliográfica (em bases de dados nacionais) e a documental (leis, resoluções, portarias, decretos, pareceres etc.), bem como o grupo dialogal como estratégia do trabalho para a coleta de dados empíricos. O trabalho de campo foi desenvolvido no município de Araçatuba, SP, envolvendo três escolas que implantaram o projeto de Educação Integral a partir do ano de 2007. Participaram da investigação um total de 26 profissionais, entre os quais gestores, professores e monitores de oficinas curriculares das respectivas instituições. Nesta etapa, os principais instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: questionário e o Grupo Dialogal. O tratamento dos dados obtidos ocorreu por meio da análise de conteúdo que é uma técnica com determinadas características metodológicas, a saber: objetividade, sistematização e inferência (FRANCO, 2008; RICHARDSON, 2010). Os resultados apontaram para uma tradução da realidade da educação integral no município ainda frágil, fundamentalmente ancorada na ampliação do tempo e na execução da proposta prescrita sem a compreensão (legal, teórica e prática da organização da unidade escolar no âmbito do sistema municipal de ensino) do significado desta, seguido da respectiva ressignificação para a realidade de cada contexto. Contudo, a despeito das dificuldades e dos desafios enfrentados, os atores da escola têm buscado êxito nas formas de operacionalização, algumas mais progressistas e outras ainda focadas no assistencialismo. Os resultados desta pesquisa confirmam o que a literatura já aponta sobre a formação de professores e a necessidade de investimento em seu desenvolvimento profissional como sujeito protagonista no processo de transformação no interior das escolas. Além disso, indica a necessidade de repensar a cultura da escola e seus agentes como oportunidade e possibilidade de trabalho coletivo para a reorganização, a partir dos desafios identificados, de uma escola de tempo integral em tempo integral que favoreça o desenvolvimento dos cidadãos abrangendo os aspectos cognitivo, emocional, social e valorativo, do acesso à informação e ao conhecimento e de consolidação dos princípios democráticos. / This investigation was developed within the research área of “Training ofneducation professionals, educational policies and public school” of the Post-Graduate Education, from tehe University of Science and Technology of the Estadual Paulista Universityb (FCT/UNESP). It addresses the complexity of teacher education and its relationship with the school full-time, defending the need and importance of investments in the training of teachers and administrators, thoug these are not the focus of the proposed policy. Aims to reflect on how the school and its actors translate the implementation and training of teachers of this school of contracts, considering them as subjects endowed with knowledge, experience, abilities and possibilities that accredit to join the debate from the perspective of expanding opportunities training to these subjects with a view to improving the quality of public education and integral formation of students. He sought to answer the following research question: How does the school and its actors translate the implementation and training of teachers to the Full Time School project? The qualitative study, used the literature (in national databases) and documentary (laws, resolutions, ordinances, decrees, opinions etc.) and the dialogical group as work strategy for the collection of empirical data. Fieldwork was developed in the county of Araçatuba, SP involving three schools that have implemented the Integral Education Project from the year 2007. Research was attended by a total of 26 professionals, including managers, teachers and monitors curriculum of workshops respective institutions. At this stage, the main data collection tools were: questionnaire and dialogical Group. The processing of data occurred through content analysis which is a technique with certain methodological characteristics namely: objectivity, systematization and inference (Franco, 2008; Richardson, 2010). The results pointed to a translation of the reality of comprehensive education in the still fragile county; fundamentally anchored in the expansion of time and performing the prescribed proposal without understanding (legal, theoretical and pratical of the school unit organization within the town school system) the significante of this, followed by its redefinition to the reality of each context. However, despite the difficulties and challenges faced, the school actors have sought success in the forms of operation, some more progressive and still others focused on welfare. The results confirm what the literature points already on the training of teachers and the need to invest in their professional development as the main actor in the transformation process within schools. Also, indicates the need to rethink the school culture and its agents as an opportunity of collective work for the reorganization, from the challenges identified in a school full-time to promote the development of citizens covering the cognitive, emotional aspects, social and evaluative. / FAPESP: 201414750-4
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