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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Democracia, participação e controle social nos Conselhos Municipais de Educação

Moura, Assis Souza de 01 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:10:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1325827 bytes, checksum: e32b6b60a33c99872bc5d47a6ca1db6d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudio investiga el funcionamiento de los Consejos Municipales de Educación (CME) en el proceso de democratización de los Sistemas Municipales de Educación (SME), reflejando sobre participación y control social. Partimos de presupuestos teórico-conceptuales y jurídico-legales que reconocen los CME como cuerpos públicos, miembros del Poder Ejecutivo, debendo facilitar la intermediación de las relaciónes entre Estado y sociedad, permitiendo, el control social de la gestión educactiva en sus municípios. La encuesta se pasó en los CME de los catorze municípios de la microregión de Guarabira, estado de Paraíba, y la elección de este encenário ocorrió por visitas exploratórias que verifican la creación, instalación y operación de los CME. Esta búsqueda aparece como un enfoque cualitativo, analítico, teniendo como instrumentos de análisis entrevistas semi-estructuradas, observación sistemática (directa, pero sin participación directa del observador), el cuestionario y la encusta bibliográfica y documental. El procedimiento utilizado para analizar los datos obedece a las directrices de análisis de contenido. En general, esta investigación analiza democracia, participación y control social desde los CME, les considerando por su importancia histórica y en la gestión de las SME, mostrando un perfil de los Consejos y la caracterización de las condiciones formales y reales de operación. Los resultados de los estudios permiten inferir que el Poder Ejecutivo Municipal por no ofrecer la estructura mínima de funcionamiento para los CME, negándoles autonomía, es lo responsable por haver descarrilar lãs acciones de estos organismos, lo que restringe la participación de los consejeros, representantes del gobierno y de la sociedad civil, y preveniendo el efectivo control social de la gestión educativa, siendo con la capacidad de intervención reducida, regulados por las oficinas municipales de Educación (SE). / O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar o funcionamento dos Conselhos Municipais de Educação (CME) no processo de democratização dos Sistemas Municipais de Ensino (SME), refletindo sobre participação e controle social. Partimos de pressupostos teórico-conceituais e jurídico-legais que reconhecem os CME como órgãos públicos, integrantes do Poder Executivo, devendo favorecer a intermediação das relações entre Estado e sociedade, viabilizando, pela participação política, o controle social da gestão educacional nos respectivos municípios. A pesquisa aconteceu nos CME dos quatorze municípios da microrregião de Guarabira, estado da Paraíba, e a escolha deste cenário foi precedida por visitas exploratórias que verificaram a criação, instalação e funcionamento dos CME. Esta investigação configura-se como uma abordagem de caráter qualitativo, de natureza analítica, tendo, como instrumentos de pesquisa, a entrevista semiestruturada, a observação sistemática (direta e não participante), o questionário e o levantamento bibliográfico e documental. O procedimento utilizado para analisar os dados seguiu as diretrizes da análise de conteúdo. De modo geral, esta pesquisa discute democracia, participação e controle social a partir dos CME, considerando-os em sua importância histórica e na gestão dos SME, apresentando um perfil dos Conselhos e a caracterização das condições formais e reais de funcionamento. Os resultados da pesquisa permitem inferir que o Poder Executivo municipal, por não oferecer a estrutura mínima de funcionamento aos CME, negando-lhes autonomia, é o responsável por inviabilizar a atuação destes órgãos, restringindo a participação dos conselheiros, tanto representantes do governo como da sociedade civil, e impedindo o efetivo controle social da gestão educacional, sendo, com capacidade de intervenção reduzida, regulados pelas secretarias municipais de educação (SE).

Crimen y Costumbre en la Sociedad Mapuche Contemporánea.

Rossel Echagüe, Pablo January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Agency Through the We: Group-Based Control Theory

Fritsche, Immo 13 June 2023 (has links)
How do people maintain a sense of control when they realize the noncontingencies in their personal life and their strong interdependence with other people? Why do individuals continue to act on overwhelming collective problems, such as climate change, that are clearly beyond their personal control? Group-based control theory proposes that it is social identification with agentic groups and engagement in collective action that serve to maintain and restore people’s sense of control, especially when their personal control is threatened. As a consequence, group-based control may enable people to act adaptively and stay healthy even when personal control seems futile. These claims are supported by evidence showing increased in-group identification and group-based action intentions following reminders of low personal control. Furthermore, these responses of identifying with agentic in-groups increase people’s perceived control and well-being. This article succinctly presents group-based control theory and relevant empirical findings. It also elaborates on how group-based control relates to other social-identity motives and how it may explain social phenomena.

Proceso de control de multitudes en manifestaciones y marchas violentas en el período 2013-2014, en Lima Metropolitana

Ramos Ruiz, Herbert Ivan 01 December 2016 (has links)
La presente tesis de investigación desarrolla el proceso de control de multitudes y marchas violentas que en los últimos años se ha incrementado por manejos en políticas públicas y por la injerencia política sobre el diálogo utilizado por parte de representantes del Gobierno. La percepción actual de la seguridad ciudadana se ha visto intimidada por acciones violentas bien coordinadas entre grupos manifestantes como docentes del Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores en la Educación del Perú. - SUTEP, obreros de la Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú - CGTP, Federación de trabajadores en Construcción Civil -FTCCP, así como de pobladores organizados por dirigentes y coordinadores que se suman a incrementar el nivel de protestas y paralizan las actividades en Lima Metropolitana. El gobierno en coordinación con la Policía Nacional, para controlar las marchas violentas, ha creado una serie de medidas que protege a sus miembros de las denuncias que estos grupos y sus brazos de apoyo generan y comprometen la labor de los miembros de la Policía Nacional a cargo.

”Det är bara narcissister och diktatorer som inte gillar platta organisationer” : En fallstudie om arbetsmiljö i en medarbetarstyrd organisation

Brolin, Madeleine, Permerud, Sandra, Vall, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: ”Det är bara narcissister och diktatorer som inte gillar platta organisationer”- En fallstudie om arbetsmiljö i en medarbetarstyrd organisation Författare: Madeleine Brolin, Mattias Vall och Sandra Permerud Institution: Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet Kurs: Företagsekonomi III - organisation, examensarbete 15 hp Handledare: Hans Wessblad Examinator: Mikael Lundgren Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att inventera på vilka sätt arbetsmiljön påverkas av medarbetarstyrning. Metod och teoretisk referensram: Studien är en fallstudie av en medarbetarstyrd organisation. Studien har en deduktiv ansats och har antagit en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi då syftet varit att få en djupare förståelse för hur respondenterna upplever sin arbetsmiljö. Studiens datainsamlingsmetod består av primärdata i form av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgår från Krav- Kontroll-Stödmodellen. Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att medarbetarstyrning innebär höga krav på delaktighet, engagemang och beslutsfattande. Vår studie har visat att den höga kontrollen som råder i den medarbetarstyrda organisationen kan upplevas som ett krav. Medarbetarstyrning ställer även krav på individen att finnas tillgänglig för att ge stöd åt sina kollegor och individen förväntas att själv be om stöd vid behov. Vi har därmed kunnat konstatera att det sociala stödet är avgörande för att kunna hantera de höga krav och den höga kontroll som råder inom den medarbetarstyrda organisationen. Nyckelord: Medarbetarstyrning, Självstyrande team, Arbetsmiljö, Krav-Kontroll- Stödmodellen. / Abstract Title: “Only narcissists and dictators dislike decentralized organizations”- A case study of working environment in an employee controlled organization Authors: Madeleine Brolin, Mattias Vall and Sandra Permerud Institution: School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University Course: Business Administration III - Organization, bachelor thesis, 15 credit Supervisor: Hans Wessblad Examiner: Mikael Lundgren Purpose: The purpose of our candidate essay is to investigate in what ways working environment is affected by employee controlled organisations. Method: This is a case study of an employee controlled organization. The study has a deductive approach and has assumed a qualitative research strategy with the purpose of achieving a deeper understanding of how respondents perceive their working environment. The primary data has been collected through ten semi structured interviews. The theoretical framework derives from the job demand-control-support model. Conclusion: An employee controlled organization amount to high demands of participation, commitment and decision making. Our study has shown that high levels of control that prevails in an employee controlled organisation can be perceived as demands. An employee controlled organization also postulates that individuals is available to and support colleagues, it is also expected of individuals to ask for help when needed. Accordingly we find that the social support is crucial to be able to handle the high demands and high control of an employee controlled organization. Keywords: Self-managed work teams, Work environment, Demand-Control-Social support model

La influencia de las redes de políticas públicas en el proceso de implementación del Programa Nacional contra la violencia familiar y sexual como política de control para la reducción de la violencia contra la mujer aplicada por el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables durante el período 2001-2014

Véliz Valladolid, Laura Liliana 14 March 2017 (has links)
El propósito del presente estudio es investigar desde el punto de vista de la Ciencia Política cómo las redes de políticas públicas han intervenido en el proceso de implementación del Programa Nacional contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual como política de control aplicada por el Estado para la lucha contra la violencia hacia la mujer. / Tesis

Delincuencia y juventud : miradas diversas sobre los "menores irregulares" en El Salvador del siglo XX (años 1930-1980)

Moreno Martínez, Carlos Wilfredo January 2016 (has links)
This work studies the images of children and youth in difficult family, social, and legal situations from the twenties to the eighties of the twentieth century in El Salvador. The study proceeds by examining criminological debates, editorial and op-ed positions on children, family, and education, as well as the establishment of correctional schools and other institutions charged with the treatment of neglected minors. It employs on newspapers, magazines, and the reports of public institutions as sources to explore the appearance, transformation, and development of public sensibilities to the life of the child and youth population, the laws, courts, schools, and observation centers, as well as the incorporation of professionals and specialized knowledges dedicated to the inquiry, diagnostics, and treatment of the “irregular minors” of El Salvador. / En este trabajo se estudian las imágenes de la niñez y la juventud en dificultades familiares, sociales y legales de los años veinte a los ochenta del siglo XX en El Salvador. Para ello se ha examinado el debate criminológico, la opinión editorial sobre niñez, familia y educación, y el establecimiento de escuelas correctoras y otras instituciones encargadas del tratamiento de individuos menores de edad en desamparo. En este trabajo se han utilizado periódicos, revistas e informes de instituciones públicas para explorar el surgimiento, transformación y desarrollo de sensibilidades públicas a la vida de la población infantil y juvenil, leyes, juzgados, escuelas y centros de observación, así como la incorporación de profesionales y saberes especializados dedicados a la indagación, diagnóstico y tratamiento de los “menores irregulares” de El Salvador.

Participação e controle social nos Conselhos Locais de Saúde sob a ótica de alguns conceitos da Análise Institucional / Participation and social control in Local Health Councils from the perspective of some Institutional Analysis concepts

Araujo, Priscila Norié de 28 August 2018 (has links)
O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) vem sofrendo medidas governamentais que dificultam sua implementação como, por exemplo, seu desfinanciamento. Consideramos a participação e o controle social como uma força na luta pela melhoria e manutenção da saúde como direito de todos e dever do estado. Um dos espaços legitimados da participação e do controle social são os Conselhos Locais de Saúde (CLS), que visam atender as demandas e necessidades de saúde da população que reside na área de abrangência das unidades básicas de saúde. Para os trabalhadores de saúde, em especial o profissional enfermeiro, que tem ocupado espaços de gerência, é importante seu conhecimento sobre esta temática, para a defesa do SUS. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva-exploratória, que utilizou alguns conceitos da análise institucional, linha sócio analítica, tais como: instituição, instituinte e processo de institucionalização. Teve por objetivo geral analisar os modos de funcionamento dos CLS em um município do estado de São Paulo sob a ótica do referencial teórico; e como objetivos específicos caracterizar os CLS em relação ao perfil dos participantes e duração das reuniões, bem como analisar se os achados em pesquisa realizada nas escolas francesas iluminam o modo de funcionamento dos CLS. Foram selecionados dois CLS, por meio dos critérios de inclusão e foram eles os dois mais antigos, com reuniões mensais e em vigor durante a produção dos dados. Para essa produção foram utilizadas a observação nas reuniões e atividades dos CLS, contato com as atas e entrevistas com questões semiestruturadas, afim de identificar os modos de funcionamento dos CLS. Foram entrevistados 28 participantes, dentre eles, 24 membros do CLS e 4 informantes-chave; as entrevistas foram gravadas em mídia digital e posteriormente transcritas na íntegra. Foi utilizado registro de impressões, sentimentos e expectativas no diário de pesquisa. Os dados foram organizados pelas proposições de Paille e Mucchielli, seguindo as etapas interrelacionadas: transcrição, transposição e reconstituição. O material foi analisado confrontando os objetivos e o referencial teórico. Os resultados foram apresentados em categorias e subcategorias, sendo elas: I- Os Conselhos Locais de Saúde: composição, atividades realizadas e livros-ata; II - Relações no conselho, como subcategorias à relação do conselheiro com a função, a visão dos conselheiros e gerentes, representar e ser representado, e a relação entre gestores e conselheiros; e III - Controle Social explícito e implícito. Os CLS surgiram com um movimento instituinte e ao serem institucionalizados conjugam os modos instituídos de participação como a hierarquização e os jogos de interesse. Concluímos que os CLS funcionam na perspectiva mais de satisfazer os projetos individuais aos coletivos, há valorização de sua permanência para benefício da unidade de saúde, do gerente e para atender aos requisitos de avaliação do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade. Foi observada a materialização das relações hierárquicas presente na sociedade brasileira e que reproduzem relações históricas servindo a interesses restritos. A pesquisa na França ilumina os achados nos CLS brasileiro com a questão da proximidade sociocultural entre os gerentes, trabalhadores e os conselheiros / Some governmental measures, such as underfunding, have made it harder to implement the Unified Health System (UHS). However, social participation and control are powerful weapons in the fight for a better public healthcare and its maintenance as a right to every citizen and a duty of the State. The Local Health Councils (LHC) are one of the legal places for social participation and control that seeks to attend the demands and health needs of the population residing in the area of coverage of the basic health units. Health professionals, especially nurse practitioners, who occupy management positions, must have an understanding of these organizations in order to defend SUS. The present study is a qualitative and descriptive exploratory research that used some concepts of institutional analysis, socio-analytic line, and institutionalization process. The general purpose of this study was to analyze the modes of operation of the LHC in a city of the State of São Paulo under the perspective of the theoretical reference. The specific objectives was to characterize the LHC (concerning the profile of the participants and duration of the meetings) as well as to analyze if findings of researches carried out in French schools would help to understand the way that the LHC works. Two LHC were selected using the inclusion criteria: the oldest with monthly meetings during the production of the data. Data were collected by the observation of meetings and activities of the LHC, evaluation of documents and interviews with semi-structured questions, in order to identify the modes of operation of the LHC. 28 participants were interviewed, including 24 LHC members and 4 key informants. The interviews were recorded on digital media and later completely transcribed. Impressions, feelings and expectations were registered and used in the research diary. The data were organized by the propositions of Paille and Mucchielli, following the interrelated stages: transcription, transposition and reconstitution. The material was analyzed confronting the objectives and the theoretical reference. The results were presented in categories and subcategories, as follows: I- The Local Health Councils: composition, activities and documents; II - Relationships in the council, as subcategories the relationship of the advisor with the function, the vision of the advisors and managers, to represent and be represented, and the relationship between managers and advisors; and III - Explicit and implicit Social Control. The LHC emerged as an institutional movement and when they were institutionalized, they combine some modes of participation like hierarchy and games of interest. It was found that the CLS works more in the perspective of individual projects than collective projects. There is an interest of its permanence to benefit the health unit, the advisor and to meet the evaluation requirements of the National Program for Improving Access and Quality. It was also observed the materialization of hierarchical relations present in Brazilian society that reproduce a historical relation of serving personal interests. The research made in French schools helps to understand the Brazilian LHC concerning sociocultural proximity between managers, workers and advisors

Addressing Social Elements of Wildfire: Risk, Response, and Recovery in Highland Village, TX

MacKinnon, Jessica 05 1900 (has links)
Representatives of the City of Highland Village expressed concern over the risk of wildfires for their community. Anthropology provides many tools for and examples of disaster assessment of preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. These tools combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can provide a holistic, cultural ecological look at how such a disaster may take place in the city. The project's methods included a detailed survey of preparedness steps which was analyzed using SPSS and also imported into ArcGIS for spatial analysis, and semi-formal, in-depth interviews with residents of the community regarding preparedness, response, and recovery. Residents fell into a middle category of preparedness, with the majority of participants considering or implementing a few recommended preparedness steps. Interview participants expressed respect for and trust of the city and first-responders, as well as a willingness to volunteer their help during response and recovery stages. Finally the American Community Survey showed that resident socioeconomic vulnerability was considerably low, and no action needed to be taken to advocate for at-risk individuals. Overall, the City of Highland Village showed a high resiliency to disaster. A wildfire likely will not have a major impact on the community as a whole, though the city may reduce the impact even further by informing the public of their risk, clearing natural areas of dead brush, sharing preparedness and evacuation information via social media and newsletters, and planning relief stations for those who may have been impacted.

From Probabilistic Socio-Economic Vulnerability to an Integrated Framework for Flash Flood Prediction

Khajehei, Sepideh 13 December 2018 (has links)
Flash flood is among the most hazardous natural disasters, and it can cause severe damages to the environment and human life. Flash floods are mainly caused by intense rainfall and due to their rapid onset (within six hours of rainfall), very limited opportunity can be left for effective response. Understanding the socio-economic characteristics involving natural hazards potential, vulnerability, and resilience is necessary to address the damages to economy and casualties from extreme natural hazards. The vulnerability to flash floods is dependent on both biophysical and socio-economic factors. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of socio-economic vulnerability to flash flood alongside a novel framework for flash flood early warning system. A socio-economic vulnerability index was developed for each state and county in the Contiguous United States (CONUS). For this purpose, extensive ensembles of social and economic variables from US Census and the Bureau of Economic Analysis were assessed. The coincidence of socio-economic vulnerability and flash flood events were investigated to diagnose the critical and non-critical regions. In addition, a data-analytic approach is developed to assess the interaction between flash flood characteristics and the hydroclimatic variables, which is then applied as the foundation of the flash flood warning system. A novel framework based on the D-vine copula quantile regression algorithm is developed to detect the most significant hydroclimatic variables that describe the flash flood magnitude and duration as response variables and estimate the conditional quantiles of the flash flood characteristics. This study can help mitigate flash flood risks and improve recovery planning, and it can be useful for reducing flash flood impacts on vulnerable regions and population.

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