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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of original block copolymers by combination of RAFT polymerization and supramolecular self-assembly / Synthèse de copolymères à blocs originaux par la combinaison de la polymérisation RAFT et l'auto-assemblage supramoléculaire

Chen, Senbin 20 April 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a porté sur la préparation de copolymères à blocs et l’étude de leur assemblage supramoléculaire basé sur des liaisons hydrogènes entre les motifs homocomplémentaires ou hétérocomplémentaires. La stratégie de synthèse était basée sur la combinaison de la polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée de type RAFT et de la chimie supramoléculaire. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons développé une stratégie s'appuyant sur la conception d'agents RAFT portant des groupements de type thymine / diaminopyridine (DAP) capables de générer des copolymères en étoile de type « miktoarm » bien définis. Pour élargir le champ d’application de ces agents RAFT capables d’établir des liaisons H, nous avons également étudié, dans le chapitre 3, la préparation d’agents RAFT fonctionnalisés par des motifs présentant de très hautes constantes de liaison. Le couple Hamilton / barbiturate (log (K) ≈ 4-5) a été sélectionné pour générer de plus stables copolymères à blocs supramoléculaires. Afin d’élaborer des macromolécules originales aux hautes propriétés d’association et de simplifier la stratégie de la synthèse, nous avons finalement exploré la préparation de copolymères tribloc ABC supramoléculaires à base de PA11 (oligomères OPA11) dans le chapitre 4. L’introduction d'un groupe dithiobenzoate pertinemment choisi sur les oligomères conduit à l’obtention de macroagents RAFT qui permettent la préparation de copolymères tribloc ABC supramoléculaires, où A est semi-cristallin, B à l'état caoutchouteux et C à l'état vitreux. Les études sur l'incorporation de tels copolymères dans les réseaux époxy sont en cours. / This work dealt with the preparation and the study of supramolecular block copolymers based on hydrogen-bonding between homocomplementary or heterocomplementary stickers. The synthetic strategy was based on the combination of RAFT-mediated controlled radical polymerization and supramolecular chemistry. In the Chapter 2, we developed a strategy relying on the design of RAFT agents bearing thymine/diaminopyridine (DAP) recognition pairs and capable to grow well-defined miktoarm star supramolecular copolymers. To further extend the scope of H-bonding RAFT agents, in the Chapter 3, we also investigated the preparation of RAFT agents functionalized with motifs exhibiting very high binding constants. The Hamilton/barbiturate couple (log(K)≈4-5) was selected to generate more stable supramolecular block copolymers. Aiming at elaborating original associating macromolecules and at simplifying the strategy of synthesis, we finally explored the preparation ABC triblock supramolecular copolymers based on PA11 oligomers (OPA11) in Chapter 4. Ligation of a relevant dithiobenzoate group on the oligomers afforded oligomeric RAFT agents that allow for the preparation of ABC triblock supramolecular copolymers, where A is semi-crystalline, B in rubbery state and C in glassy state. Studies on the incorporation of such copolymers in epoxy networks are under progress.


Debnath, Dibyendu, Debnath 24 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Fundamentals of transport in poly(ethylene terephthalate) and poly(ethylene furanoate) barrier materials

Burgess, Steven K. 27 May 2016 (has links)
The increasing use of polymeric materials in food packaging applications is due to many factors; however, most are related to cost. While poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is currently the industry standard for soft-drink bottles, more stringent requirements on the barrier properties to oxygen are needed for PET to expand further into more demanding markets (i.e., juice, etc). The current work examines the fundamental oxygen and carbon dioxide permeation and sorption properties of amorphous, caffeine antiplasticized PET and amorphous poly(ethylene furanoate) (PEF), which is a new biologically sourced polyester that exhibits significantly enhanced performance compared to petroleum-sourced PET. The fundamental transport data reported herein at 35°C illustrate that amorphous PEF exhibits significant reductions in permeability for oxygen (11X), carbon dioxide (19X), and water (2X) compared to amorphous PET. Such impressive barrier enhancements are unexpected since PEF exhibits a higher free volume compared to PET. Further investigation into the fundamental chain motional processes which contribute to penetrant diffusion, as probed via dynamic mechanical and solid-state NMR methods, reveals that the polymer ring-flipping motions in PEF are largely suppressed compared to those for PET. Such behavior allows for rationalization of the reduced transport properties compared to PET. Additional characterization techniques (i.e., thermal, mechanical, density, etc.) are used to develop a more complete understanding of PEF and caffeine antiplasticized PET, with the ultimate goal of relating these properties to penetrant transport.

Elaboration de membranes polymères auto-réparables / Elaboration of self-healing polymer membranes

Tyagi, Prashant 23 November 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'élaborer et de développer un type de membranes polymères qui peuvent se réparer de manière autonome en cas de fissures. Si elles ne sont pas détectées, ces fissures peuvent poser des problèmes notamment pour des applications médicales. Dans une première partie, une membrane polymère dynamique à base de micelles de copolymère tribloc ABA a été préparée. Le bloc "A" est représenté par le poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile), copolymère bloc mécaniquement robuste, et un bloc "B" relativement mou et souple, le poly (ethylene oxide). Lorsqu'une pression est appliquée à la membrane, sa morphologie peut être ajustée grâce à la nature compressible des micelles, ainsi que les ponts dynamiques intermicellaires. Une gamme de porosités accessible peut être régulée par la pression et de manière à contrôler la performance de filtration. La même nature dynamique a également été utilisée pour montrer une réparation autonome entrainée par la pression. L'efficacité du processus de réparation dépend de la taille des fissures, de la valeur de pression et de la durée d'application de la pression. En utilisant la propriété d'auto-réparation de la membrane ci-dessus, le processus « Direct Mode Translocation » de nanoparticules a également été étudié. Quatre classes différentes de nanoparticules ont été utilisées avec diverses propriétés intrinsèques et extrinsèques. Les conclusions de ces travaux prouvent que les caractéristiques de taille, de forme et de surface des nanoparticules ainsi que la force exercée régissent le processus de translocation. Dans une seconde partie, un revêtement 2D et 3D réversible basé sur l'auto-assemblage de micelles de copolymère dibloc constitué d'un poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) et du poly (n-octadecyl methacrylate) (PODMA) blocs a été développé. L'assemblage de micelles est réalisé par l'effet "Zipper", grâce aux longues chaînes pendantes du bloc PODMA. Le même effet "Zipper" permet d'enlever facilement le revêtement par lavage dans un solvant sélectif, donnant ainsi la possibilité de modifier la surface d'un substrat plusieurs fois de manière réversible. La cristallisation à température ambiante du bloc PODMA offre la possibilité d'avoir un revêtement auto-réparable thermiquement sans affecter la morphologie globale des micelles. Enfin, une dernière partie a été conceptualisée, dans laquelle l'auto-réparation se fait par « nano-gel » encapsulés et dispersés dans une membrane. Le « nano-gel » est à base d'un copolymère hydrophile en forme d'une étoile partiellement réticulée et qui doit être synthétisée par la technique de "Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Transfer" (RAFT) polymérisation. La synthèse d'un agent RAFT avec 4 bras pour la polymérisation a été accomplie, cependant, des travaux sont encore nécessaires pour valider la voie de synthèse vers la synthèse de « nano-gel » ainsi que son application pour le processus d'auto-réparation. / The objective of this thesis is to develop such kind of polymeric membranes which can repair themselves autonomously in an event of damage. Such damage in a membrane, if left undetected can pose serious health issues in some of the intended applications. In the first approach, a dynamic polymeric membrane based on ABA type triblock copolymer micelles has been prepared. The block “A” is represented by mechanically robust poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) copolymer while block “B” by relatively soft and flexible poly(ethylene oxide). When pressure is applied to the membrane, its morphology can be fine-tuned thanks to the compressible nature of micelles as well as intermicellar dynamic bridges. A range of porosities are accessible which can be regulated by pressure and thereby controlling the filtration performance. The same dynamic nature has also been utilized to display an effective pressure driven autonomous healing. The efficiency of healing process has been found to be dependent on the extent of damage, pressure value and time duration of application of pressure. Using the self-healing property of above membrane, “Direct Mode Translocation” of nanoparticles has also been studied. Four different classes of nanoparticles were used with varied intrinsic and extrinsic properties. The findings of the work prove that the size, shape and surface characteristics of the nanoparticles as well as the applied force govern the translocation process. In a second approach, a 2D and 3D reversible coating based on the self-assembly of micelles of diblock copolymer consisting of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(n-octadecyl methacrylate) (PODMA) blocks have been developed. The assembly of micelles is accomplished via so called “Zipper” effect, thanks to the long pendant chains of PODMA block. The same “zipper” effect plays the role of removing the coating easily by washing in a selective solvent, thus giving the ability to alter the surface of substrate for many times in reversible manner. The room temperature crystallization of PODMA block provides huge implications for a thermally assisted self-healing coating without affecting the global micelle morphology. Finally, another approach has been conceptualized in which self-healing occurs via encapsulated nano-gel dispersed within a membrane. The nano-gel is based on a partially crosslinked hydrophilic star shaped block copolymer which has to be synthesized by “Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Transfer” (RAFT) polymerization technique. The synthesis of a 4- arm RAFT agent for polymerization has been accomplished however ; a substantial amount of work is still needed to validate the synthetic route towards the nano-gel synthesis as well as its further application for the self-healing process.

Élaboration de copolymères amphiphiles à base de poly (3-hydroxyalcanoate)s / Design of poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates)-based amphiphilic copolymers

Babinot, Julien 12 December 2012 (has links)
Les poly (3-hydroxyalcanoates) (PHAs) sont des polyesters aliphatiques produits et accumulés par des bactéries en tant que réserve de carbone et d'énergie. Ils sont constitués d'unités β-hydroxyesters et possèdent des chaînes latérales de longueur variable, pouvant être fonctionnalisées. Ils possèdent des propriétés de biodégradabilité et de biocompatibilité; ceci leur confère de vastes possibilités d'utilisation dans le domaine biomédical, notamment pour la mise au point de systèmes de libération contrôlée de principes actifs. Dans cette optique, nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse de copolymères amphiphiles de différentes architectures à base de PHAs, ainsi qu'à l'étude de leurs propriétés d'auto-association en milieu aqueux. Une méthode simple et efficace permettant le greffage d'oligomères de poly (éthylène glycol) (PEG) a tout d'abord été mise au point grâce à l'utilisation de la chimie « click ». Une série de copolymères diblocs bien définis PHA-b-PEG a ainsi pu être synthétisée par cycloaddition de Huisgen catalysée par le cuivre (CuAAC). Les copolymères diblocs à base de PHAs à moyennes chaînes latérales (PHA-mcl) ont montré leur capacité à s'auto-associer en milieu aqueux et à former des micelles monodisperses présentant une concentration micellaire critique très faible. Par la suite des copolymères de type greffés PHOU-g-PEG ont été synthétisés par addition thiol-ène. Les analyses par cryo microscopie électronique à transmission (cryo-TEM) ont montré que dans ce cas les copolymères s'auto-associaient en structures vésiculaires, ou polymersomes. Enfin, la synthèse de copolymères amphiphiles greffés porteurs de chaînes perfluorées PHOU-g-(F;PEG) a permis l'obtention de structures auto-associées plus complexes. Le cryo-TEM a en effet révélé la formation de micelles multicompartimentées, c'est à dire possédant un coeur présentant une séparation de phase entre les domaines hydrophobes et les domaines fluorés. Des tests biologiques préliminaires ont montré la cytocompatibilité de ces micelles / Poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) are natural aliphatic polyesters produced and accumulated by many bacteria as carbon and energy supply. They consist of β-hydroxy ester units, with pendant side chains of different lengths that can be functionalized. Thanks to their biodegradability and biocompatibility, they are promising polymers for biomedical applications, especially for controlled drug delivery systems. In this context, we aimed to synthesize PHA-based amphiphilic copolymers with different molecular architectures, and to study their self-assembly in water. First, a simple and straightforward method using click chemistry has been used to graft poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) oligomers. A series of well-defined diblock copolymers PHA-b-PEG has thus been synthesized using copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). Medium chain length PHA-based diblock copolymers have shown their ability to self-assemble into stable micelles having very low critical micelle concentrations. Afterwards, amphiphilic graft copolymers PHOU-g-PEG have been synthesized using thiol-ene addition. In this case, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) analysis revealed that graft copolymers self-assembled into vesicular morphologies, i.e. in polymersomes. Finally, the synthesis of amphiphilic graft copolymers bearing perfluorinated chains PHOU-g-(F;PEG) was performed. After aqueous self-assembly, cryo-TEM shown the formation of multicompartment micelles, i.e. with a core displaying segregated hydrophobic and fluorophilic domains. Moreover, these multicompartment micelles have shown their cytocompatibility

Síntese do palmitato de isopropila catalisada por lipase imobilizada em copolímero magnetizado / Isopropyl palmitate synthesis catalyzed by immobilized lipase on magnetized copolymer

Silva, Mateus Vinicius Casagrande da 28 July 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo sintetizar o palmitato de isopropila, éster emoliente, empregando como biocatalisador lipases microbianas imobilizadas em partículas de poli(estireno-co-divinilbenzeno) (STY-DVB-M) obtidas por meio da técnica de polimerização em suspensão e magnetizadas por co-precipitação de íons de Fe +2 e Fe +3 em meio básico. Inicialmente, a influência da concentração do agente de suspensão e da agitação na distribuição granulométrica do polímero sintetizado foi avaliada por planejamento experimental 2 2, com triplicata no ponto central. As polimerizações que resultaram nas maiores quantidades de partículas com tamanhos apropriados para utilização como suporte para imobilização (entre 80 e 24 mesh), foram obtidas empregando as seguintes condições experimentais: 1% de agente de suspensão (PVA) e 400 rpm de agitação. O suporte obtido foi utilizado para imobilizar a lipase de Candida rugosa (LCR) e lipase de Penicillium camemberti (LG) via adsorção física e os biocatalisadores resultantes aplicados em reações de esterificação do ácido palmítico com isopropanol em meio heptano. Para cada biocatalisador foi adotado um planejamento experimental estrela rotacional 22, com triplicata no ponto central para avaliar a influência da concentração de biocatalisador (% m/v) e da razão molar (ácido:álcool) no rendimento de esterificação. Nas condições otimizadas em 12 h de reação foram obtidos 75,60 e 88,53% de rendimento de esterificação, respectivamente, para a LCR e LG imobilizada em STY-DVB-M. A quantidade de água formada durante o bioprocesso não foi considerada fator relevante para interferir no progresso da síntese. O biocatalisador obtido pela LG imobilizada em STY-DVB-M foi empregado em biorreator de tanque agitado (280 mL), na condição ótima, em um experimento com ampliação de escala, atingindo 85,68% de rendimento em 12 horas de reação. No entanto, foi observado cisalhamento do suporte em função da agitação mecânica, optando-se pela realização do bioprocesso em biorreator de leito fixo (dimensões: 11 mm de diâmetro interno x 16,6 mm de comprimento) com recirculação do meio reacional (1,5 mL.min-1). A operação do sistema nesta configuração foi impossibilitada pela evaporação e/ou percolação do solvente. Assim, foram realizadas reações em reator de leito fixo em meio isento de solvente nas seguintes razões molares: 1:3, 1:4 e 1:6 (ácido:álcool), cujos melhores resultados foram obtidos na razão molar de 1:4, apresentando 56% de rendimento, 215,88 g.L-1 do palmitato de isopropila e produtividade de 26,87 g.L-1.h-1, decorridas 8h de reação com vazão de reciclo de 1,5 mLmin-1. O emprego de peneira molecular no reservatório do substrato proporcionou um acréscimo de aproximadamente 7% na formação do éster. Essa mesma condição experimental (1:4 em meio isento de solvente) foi testada em reator de tanque agitado, atingindo produtividade de 33,40 g.L-1.h-1 em 8h de reação. No entanto, em função da desvantagem do cisalhamento do suporte constatada neste tipo de biorreator, concluiu-se que o biorreator de leito fixo foi a configuração mais adequada, para a condução do bioprocesso estudado, apresentando viabilidade do processo enzimático empregando lipase imobilizada em suporte híbrido magnetizado para a síntese do palmitato de isopropila. / The aim of this study was to synthesize isopropyl palmitate, an emollient ester, using as biocatalyst microbial lipase immobilized on magnetic copolymer. The support was prepared by suspension polymerization technique using styrene and divinylbenzene monomers in the presence of magnetite particles synthesized by co-precipitation of Fe+2 and Fe+3. The influence of the suspending agent concentration and the mechanical agitation on the granulometric distribution of the synthesized polymer was assessed by a 22 factorial design with triplicate at central point. The statistical analysis indicated that the optimal experimental conditions to obtain the largest amount of particles with suitable size (between 80 and 24 mesh) to be used as immobilizing support were attained at 1% suspending agent (PVA) at 400 rpm stirring. The resulting support was used to immobilize Candida rugosa lipase (LCR) and Penicillium camemberti lipase (LG) by physical adsorption and applied in the esterification reaction of palmitic acid with isopropyl alcohol in presence of solvent (heptane). For each biocatalyst a central composite 22 experimental design with triplicate at central point was performed to determine the influence of biocatalyst concentration (% m/v) and molar ratio (acid: alcohol) on the reaction yield. Under the optimal conditions higher performance was achieved by LG immobilized on STY-DVB-M (88.53%) than LCR immobilized on STYDVB-M (75.60%) with shaking at 12 hours reaction. For both reactions the amount of water formed as byproduct was not found to be a relevant factor that interferes in the synthesis progress. The most activity immobilized biocatalyst (LG STY-DVB-M) was used in agitated tank bioreactor (280 mL), under optimized conditions, in an experiment with scale-up, reaching 85.68% yield in 12 hours. However, it has been observed that the support was low mechanical shear and therefore an attempted was made to run the reaction in a packed bed bioreactor (dimensions: 11 mm internal diameter x 16,6 mm length) with recirculation of the reaction medium (1,5 mL.min-1). The system could not be operated under this configuration because of solvent evaporation and/or percolation. Thereby, the reactions were carried out in packed bed reactor using solvent-free medium under the following molar ratios: 1:3, 1:4 and 1:6 (acid: alcohol). The best performance (56% yield, 215.88 g L-1 of isopropyl palmitate and 26.87 gL-1.h-1 of productivity) was attained running the reactor with substrate at molar ratio of acid to alcohol of 1:4 for 8 hours with recycle rate of 1,5 mL.min-1. The use of a molecular sieve in the substrate reservoir resulted in an increase of approximately 7% of ester formation. By comparison, esterification run under the same experimental condition (1:4 in solvent-free medium) was carried out in a stirred tank reactor and slight higher productivity (33.40 g.L-1.h-1) was achieved. However, due the shear limitation of the support, it was concluded that the most suitable configuration for this bioprocess is the packed bed bioreactor, thereby showing that the enzymatic process is feasible using lipase immobilized on a magnetized hybrid support for isopropyl palmitate synthesis.

Efeitos de aditivo tipo óleo e enxofre na reologia de asfaltos modificados com SBS

Fernandes, Mônica Romero Santos January 2009 (has links)
O uso de asfaltos modificados com polímeros tem crescido significativamente nas últimas décadas em função do aumento da densidade de tráfego, da carga por eixo nos veículos e da pressão dos pneus. Estes ligantes proporcionam o aumento a vida útil e a redução do custo de manutenção das rodovias. Os polímeros mais utilizados na modificação de asfalto são os copolímeros em bloco de estireno-butadienoestireno. Esta tese avaliou os efeitos de diferentes agentes compatibilizantes (óleos) e agentes de ligação no comportamento reológico de misturas asfálticas modificadas com copolímeros de estireno-butadieno-estireno, bem como a influência da sua estrutura, se linear ou radial. Para isto foram realizados análises convencionais e testes em reômetro de cisalhamento dinâmico. Os dados obtidos permitiram evidenciar a eficácia do óleo de xisto como agente compatibilizante, proporcionando excelente dispersão do polímero na matriz asfáltica e estabilidade a estocagem a altas temperaturas. Este óleo apresenta-se como uma opção tecnicamente viável para o óleo aromático atualmente em uso no mercado. Foi também verificado que o uso de enxofre como agente de ligação tem um efeito altamente positivo nas propriedades do ligante modificado, com significativa redução da tan ō, da deformação após aplicação de cargas cíclicas e elevação do módulo complexo, o que contribui para obtenção de pavimentos com maior resistência a deformação e ao trincamento por fadiga. / The use of polymer modified asphalts has grown significantly in the last decades due to the increase in traffic density, axle loading in vehicles and tyre pressure. These binders favor the increase of pavement life and the reduction of its maintenancement costs. The most used polymer for asphalt modification is styrene-butadiene-styrene blocked copolymers. This thesis evaluated the effects of different compatibilizers and crosslinkers on rheological behavior of styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer modified asphalt binders, as well as the influence of its structure, linear or radial. Binder’s characteristics were determined by conventional analysis and tests in dinamic shear rheometer. Data obtained provided evidence of the positive effect of sulfur as crosslinker in modified binders properties, with high tan ō reduction, complex modulus increase and deformation reduction after application of cyclic loads, characteristics that turn possible the existence of pavements with greater rutting and fatigue resistance. It was also verified the shale oil efficacy as a compatibilizer agent, providing an excellent polymer dispersion inside asphalt matrix and a stable storage binder at high temperatures. This oil can be considered as a technical available option to aromatic oil presently in use at pavement industry.

Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de ferrita de cobalto/carvão ativado à partir de copolímeros de estirenodivinilbenzeno sintetizados com óleo de soja

Barbosa, Carolina Freire 11 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-15T18:32:41Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Carolina Freire Barbosa.pdf: 4193333 bytes, checksum: 9a2fe081d090bafb5a1537643a197424 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-15T18:36:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Carolina Freire Barbosa.pdf: 4193333 bytes, checksum: 9a2fe081d090bafb5a1537643a197424 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-15T18:36:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Carolina Freire Barbosa.pdf: 4193333 bytes, checksum: 9a2fe081d090bafb5a1537643a197424 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-11 / In this work, activated carbon beads were prepared through carbonization of styrene-divinylbenzene (Sty-DVB) copolymers synthesized in the presence of soybean oil as diluent and cobalt ferrite nanoparticles dispersed in the organic phase. Firstly, a cobalt ferrite gel was prepared through co-precipitation technique with posterior surfactant action by oleic acid. The copolymer and the composites containing cobalt ferrite were obtained through suspension polymerization. Four matrixes were obtained, which have the following differences: the cobalt ferrite content (2 or 5 %), the amount of hydroxyethylcellulose used in the synthesis and the realization or not of a purification step before thermal treatments. Soybean oil was chosen as diluents in order to evaluate its effects on the synthesized materials considering the polymerization possibility due fat acid unsaturations and its low volatility. All synthesized materials were characterized by the following analysis: DRX, FTIR, TGA, nitrogen adsorption measurements (specific surface area, pore volume and pore size distribution), MEV and catalytic activity in the ethyl-benzene dehydrogenation reaction. Further, the composites had metal content evaluate by AAS. The soybean oil and the ferrite gel had a strong influence on the textural properties of copolymers and their respective activated carbons. All obtained activated carbons were active in relation to ethylbenzene dehydrogenation reaction. However, the activated carbon obtained from pure copolymer, i.e., without cobalt ferrite, presented the highest specific surface area, catalytic activity and selectivity. This catalyst also had the best stabilization of catalytic properties during evaluated reaction time. / Neste trabalho, esferas de carvão ativado foram preparadas através da carbonização de copolímeros estireno-divinilbenzeno (Sty-DVB) sintetizados na presença de óleo de soja como diluente e de nanopartículas de ferrita de cobalto dispersas na fase orgânica. Inicialmente, preparou-se um gel de ferrita de cobalto através da co-precipitação da ferrita de cobalto e posterior surfactação da mesma por ácido oleico. O copolímero e os compósitos poliméricos contendo gel de ferrita de cobalto foram obtidos através da técnica de polimerização em suspensão. Quatro matrizes foram sintetizadas, diferenciando-se apenas quanto ao conteúdo de gel de ferrita de cobalto (2 ou 5%), quantidade de hidroxietilcelulose usada na síntese e realização ou não de uma etapa de purificação antes dos tratamentos térmicos. O óleo de soja foi escolhido como diluente, a fim de avaliar a interferência de suas propriedades nos materiais sintetizados considerando a possibilidade de polimerizar-se devido à insaturações dos ácidos graxos e a sua baixa volatilidade. Todos os materiais sintetizados foram submetidos à caracterização através de análises de DRX, FTIR, TGA, adsorção física de nitrogênio (medidas de área superficial específica, volume de poros e distribuição de tamanhos de poros), MEV e atividade catalítica na reação de desidrogenação do etilbenzeno. Além disso, os compósitos (copolímeros contendo gel de ferrita de cobalto) tiveram os teores de metais quantificados por AAS. Foi verificado que o óleo de soja e a presença do gel de ferrita durante a polimerização influenciam nas propriedades texturais dos copolímeros e dos carvões sintetizados. Todos os carvões ativados obtidos mostraram-se ativos na reação de desidrogenação do etilbenzeno. Entretanto, o carvão obtido do copolímero puro (sem ferrita de cobalto) foi o que apresentou maiores valores de área superficial específica, taxas de conversão e de seletividade, além de uma maior estabilização durante os testes catalíticos realizados.

Síntese do palmitato de isopropila catalisada por lipase imobilizada em copolímero magnetizado / Isopropyl palmitate synthesis catalyzed by immobilized lipase on magnetized copolymer

Mateus Vinicius Casagrande da Silva 28 July 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo sintetizar o palmitato de isopropila, éster emoliente, empregando como biocatalisador lipases microbianas imobilizadas em partículas de poli(estireno-co-divinilbenzeno) (STY-DVB-M) obtidas por meio da técnica de polimerização em suspensão e magnetizadas por co-precipitação de íons de Fe +2 e Fe +3 em meio básico. Inicialmente, a influência da concentração do agente de suspensão e da agitação na distribuição granulométrica do polímero sintetizado foi avaliada por planejamento experimental 2 2, com triplicata no ponto central. As polimerizações que resultaram nas maiores quantidades de partículas com tamanhos apropriados para utilização como suporte para imobilização (entre 80 e 24 mesh), foram obtidas empregando as seguintes condições experimentais: 1% de agente de suspensão (PVA) e 400 rpm de agitação. O suporte obtido foi utilizado para imobilizar a lipase de Candida rugosa (LCR) e lipase de Penicillium camemberti (LG) via adsorção física e os biocatalisadores resultantes aplicados em reações de esterificação do ácido palmítico com isopropanol em meio heptano. Para cada biocatalisador foi adotado um planejamento experimental estrela rotacional 22, com triplicata no ponto central para avaliar a influência da concentração de biocatalisador (% m/v) e da razão molar (ácido:álcool) no rendimento de esterificação. Nas condições otimizadas em 12 h de reação foram obtidos 75,60 e 88,53% de rendimento de esterificação, respectivamente, para a LCR e LG imobilizada em STY-DVB-M. A quantidade de água formada durante o bioprocesso não foi considerada fator relevante para interferir no progresso da síntese. O biocatalisador obtido pela LG imobilizada em STY-DVB-M foi empregado em biorreator de tanque agitado (280 mL), na condição ótima, em um experimento com ampliação de escala, atingindo 85,68% de rendimento em 12 horas de reação. No entanto, foi observado cisalhamento do suporte em função da agitação mecânica, optando-se pela realização do bioprocesso em biorreator de leito fixo (dimensões: 11 mm de diâmetro interno x 16,6 mm de comprimento) com recirculação do meio reacional (1,5 mL.min-1). A operação do sistema nesta configuração foi impossibilitada pela evaporação e/ou percolação do solvente. Assim, foram realizadas reações em reator de leito fixo em meio isento de solvente nas seguintes razões molares: 1:3, 1:4 e 1:6 (ácido:álcool), cujos melhores resultados foram obtidos na razão molar de 1:4, apresentando 56% de rendimento, 215,88 g.L-1 do palmitato de isopropila e produtividade de 26,87 g.L-1.h-1, decorridas 8h de reação com vazão de reciclo de 1,5 mLmin-1. O emprego de peneira molecular no reservatório do substrato proporcionou um acréscimo de aproximadamente 7% na formação do éster. Essa mesma condição experimental (1:4 em meio isento de solvente) foi testada em reator de tanque agitado, atingindo produtividade de 33,40 g.L-1.h-1 em 8h de reação. No entanto, em função da desvantagem do cisalhamento do suporte constatada neste tipo de biorreator, concluiu-se que o biorreator de leito fixo foi a configuração mais adequada, para a condução do bioprocesso estudado, apresentando viabilidade do processo enzimático empregando lipase imobilizada em suporte híbrido magnetizado para a síntese do palmitato de isopropila. / The aim of this study was to synthesize isopropyl palmitate, an emollient ester, using as biocatalyst microbial lipase immobilized on magnetic copolymer. The support was prepared by suspension polymerization technique using styrene and divinylbenzene monomers in the presence of magnetite particles synthesized by co-precipitation of Fe+2 and Fe+3. The influence of the suspending agent concentration and the mechanical agitation on the granulometric distribution of the synthesized polymer was assessed by a 22 factorial design with triplicate at central point. The statistical analysis indicated that the optimal experimental conditions to obtain the largest amount of particles with suitable size (between 80 and 24 mesh) to be used as immobilizing support were attained at 1% suspending agent (PVA) at 400 rpm stirring. The resulting support was used to immobilize Candida rugosa lipase (LCR) and Penicillium camemberti lipase (LG) by physical adsorption and applied in the esterification reaction of palmitic acid with isopropyl alcohol in presence of solvent (heptane). For each biocatalyst a central composite 22 experimental design with triplicate at central point was performed to determine the influence of biocatalyst concentration (% m/v) and molar ratio (acid: alcohol) on the reaction yield. Under the optimal conditions higher performance was achieved by LG immobilized on STY-DVB-M (88.53%) than LCR immobilized on STYDVB-M (75.60%) with shaking at 12 hours reaction. For both reactions the amount of water formed as byproduct was not found to be a relevant factor that interferes in the synthesis progress. The most activity immobilized biocatalyst (LG STY-DVB-M) was used in agitated tank bioreactor (280 mL), under optimized conditions, in an experiment with scale-up, reaching 85.68% yield in 12 hours. However, it has been observed that the support was low mechanical shear and therefore an attempted was made to run the reaction in a packed bed bioreactor (dimensions: 11 mm internal diameter x 16,6 mm length) with recirculation of the reaction medium (1,5 mL.min-1). The system could not be operated under this configuration because of solvent evaporation and/or percolation. Thereby, the reactions were carried out in packed bed reactor using solvent-free medium under the following molar ratios: 1:3, 1:4 and 1:6 (acid: alcohol). The best performance (56% yield, 215.88 g L-1 of isopropyl palmitate and 26.87 gL-1.h-1 of productivity) was attained running the reactor with substrate at molar ratio of acid to alcohol of 1:4 for 8 hours with recycle rate of 1,5 mL.min-1. The use of a molecular sieve in the substrate reservoir resulted in an increase of approximately 7% of ester formation. By comparison, esterification run under the same experimental condition (1:4 in solvent-free medium) was carried out in a stirred tank reactor and slight higher productivity (33.40 g.L-1.h-1) was achieved. However, due the shear limitation of the support, it was concluded that the most suitable configuration for this bioprocess is the packed bed bioreactor, thereby showing that the enzymatic process is feasible using lipase immobilized on a magnetized hybrid support for isopropyl palmitate synthesis.

Obtenção de nanopartículas sensíveis a temperatura e pH a partir de copolímeros em bloco constituídos de poli(hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) e poli(n-isopropilacrilamida-co-ácido acrílico) sintetizado via RAFT visando aplicação em enc / Preparation of thermo and pH responsive nanoparticles composed of block copolymers of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBHV) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (PNIPAAmAA) synthesized via RAFT and its application in encapsulation and drug delivery

Oliveira, Adriano Marim de 28 August 2008 (has links)
Recentemente, utilizando a técnica de auto-agregação (\"self-assembly\") foi possível visualizar a possibilidade de se obterem estruturas de tamanhos nanométricos de maneira rápida, em poucas etapas sintéticas e por meio de simples atrações físicas entre as macrocadeias, simulando as interações dos peptídeos nas proteínas. A principal característica desta técnica baseia-se na estrutura química dos polímeros sintéticos que permite o processo de autoagregação somente com interações físicas entre as macrocadeias (sem ligações covalentes). Por meio desta técnica é possível obter, com eficiência e rapidez, estruturas nanométricas que seriam de difícil obtenção por técnicas convencionais.O objetivo principal desta tese foi estudar uma rota química para a síntese de copolímeros em bloco anfifílicos e a preparação de nanopartículas sensíveis à variação de temperatura e pH, pelo método de auto-agregação. Para isso, copolímeros em bloco anfifílicos foram sintetizados utilizando como segmento hidrofóbico o Poli(hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBHV) e como segmento hidrofílico foram utilizados a Poli(N-isopropilacrilamida) (PNIPAAm) e Poli(N-isopropilacrilamida-co-ácido acrílico) (PNIPAAmAA). Estes polímeros chamados \"inteligentes\" foram sintetizados pelo novo mecanismo de polimerização radicalar controlada, por transferência de cadeia, via fragmentação e adição reversíveis (RAFT). Essas nanopartículas termo-pH-sensíveis foram empregadas nos estudos de liberação controlada de um ativo modelo, o acetato de dexametasona, sob condições controladas de temperatura e pH. Com os resultados obtidos nesta tese foi possível identificar uma rota química de síntese de copolímeros em bloco anfifílicos sensíveis a temperatura e pH, utilizando-se de reações de acoplamento entre um polímero biodegradável, obtido de fontes renováveis, e polímeros \"inteligentes\". Foi possível demonstrar também, a viabilidade de utilização destes copolímeros anfifílicos na preparação de nanopartículas pela técnica de auto-agregação, o emprego deste sistema na encapsulação e a liberação controlada de um ativo modelo em função de variações de temperatura e pH. / Recently, the self-assembly technique provided an efficient and rapid pathway for obtaining nanometers structures in a nanometer scale using few steps of reactions and by means of simple physical attractions among macro chains, simulating the folding of peptide segments in proteins. The main characteristic of this technique is based on the chemical structure of the synthetic polymers which allow the self degradation process only with physical interactions between the macro chains (without covalent bonds). By the utilization of this technique is possible to obtain, easily and efficiently, nanometers structures, which would be difficult to be obtained by conventional techniques. The aim of this work was to study a chemical route for designing amphiphilic block copolymers and nanoparticles that exhibit thermo and pH responsive by means of self-assembly method. For this purpose, amphiphilic block copolymers were synthesized using as hydrophobic segment Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBHV) and as hydrophilic segments, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (PNIPAAmAA). The hydrophilic polymers, called \"smart\" polymers were synthesized by a new mechanism of controlled radical polymerization, the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT). These nanoparticles sensitive to temperature and pH were utilized in a drug delivery system of a model drug, the Dexametasone acetate (DexAc) under controlled environment of temperature and pH. The results allowed identifying a chemical route for the synthesis of stimuli-responsive amphiphilic block copolymers by means of coupling reactions of a biodegradable polymer obtained from renewable resources with smart polymers. It was also possible to demonstrate the possibility of utilization of these amphiphilic copolymers in the preparation of nanoparticles by self-assembly technique as well as the utilization of this system in the encapsulation and in the drug delivery of a model drug with variation of temperature and pH.

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