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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη της έκφρασης παραγόντων οστεοποίησης σε εκφυλιστικές αλλοιώσεις αορτικών βαλβίδων και στεφανιαίων αγγείων στον άνθρωπο / Study of expression of bone regulators in human degenerative aortic valve and coronary artery disease

Αλεξόπουλος, Αλέξανδρος 11 January 2010 (has links)
Η εκφυλιστική στένωση της αορτικής βαλβίδας και τα οξέα στεφανιαία σύνδρομα αποτελούν τις σημαντικότερες αιτίες θανάτου από καρδιαγγειακά νοσήματα. Είναι τεκμηριωμένο ότι ο ρόλος της ασβεστοποίησης στην παθοφυσιολογία των ανωτέρω νοσημάτων είναι σημαντικός και αναμφισβήτητος. Μέχρι πρόσφατα θεωρούταν ότι η ασβεστοποίηση αποτελεί παθητική διαδικασία εναπόθεσης αλάτων ασβεστίου σε ιστούς που έχουν υποστεί κάποιου βαθμού βλάβη. Ωστόσο τελευταία δεδομένα υποδεικνύουν ότι πρόκειται για ενορχηστρωμένη διαδικασία που έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την κυτταρική διαφοροποίηση και την ενεργοποίηση μεταγραφικών παραγόντων που σχετίζονται με τον οστίτη ιστό. Προκειμένου να τεκμηριώσουμε την άποψη ότι η ασβεστοποίηση των αορτικών βαλβίδων και στεφανιαίων αρτηριών στηρίζεται σε μία ενεργό διαδικασία που περιλαμβάνει την ενεργοποίηση χονδρο – οστεογενών οδών, μελετήσαμε ανοσοϊστοχημικά για πρώτη φορά την έκφραση των παραγόντων NFATc1 και Osterix. Επιπρόσθετα, διερευνήσαμε άλλα χαρακτηριστικά του προγράμματος οστεογενούς και χονδρογενούς διαφοροποίησης όπως την έκφραση των παραγόντων OPG, RANKL, RANK, Runx2 και Sox9 καθώς και τη συμμετοχή της φλεγμονής, της νεοαγγείωσης και της υπερπλασίας κυττάρων που εκφράζουν α - SMA. Στην παρούσα ερευνητική εργασία τεκμηριώνεται για πρώτη φορά η συμμετοχή των βασικών ρυθμιστικών παραγόντων των οστών NFATc1 και Osterix στη διαδικασία ασβεστοποίησης των αορτικών βαλβίδων και των στεφανιαίων αρτηριών στον άνθρωπο. Επιπρόσθετα, επιβεβαιώνεται η συμβολή των παραγόντων Runx2 και Sox9 στη δημιουργία αποτιτανώσεων στους συγκεκριμένους ιστούς. Οι αλλαγές στην έκφραση του συμπλέγματος OPG/RANKL/RANK σχετίζονται με την ασβεστοποίηση της αορτικής βαλβίδας. Αντίθετα, το προφίλ έκφρασης του συμπλέγματος δεν είναι σταθερό στις στεφανιαίες αρτηρίες επιβεβαιώνοντας αντικρουόμενα αποτελέσματα προηγούμενων μελετών. Τέλος, επιβεβαιώνεται η συμμετοχή της φλεγμονής, της νεοαγγείωσης και της υπερπλασίας των κυττάρων με συσταλτικό φαινότυπο στην εξέλιξη της παθοφυσιολογικής διεργασίας. Από την παρούσα μελέτη διαπιστώνουμε ότι η διαδικασία της ασβεστοποίησης στις αορτικές βαλβίδες και τις στεφανιαίες αρτηρίες παρουσιάζει αρκετές ομοιότητες με την οστεογένεση. Αυτό συνεπάγεται ευοίωνες προοπτικές για δυνητική γονιδιακή παρέμβαση σε πρώιμα στάδια που θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε αναστροφή της παθοφυσιολογικής διαδικασίας εναπόθεσης ασβεστίου. / Degenerative aortic stenosis and acute coronary syndromes constitute major causes of cardiovascular morbidity. There is evidence that calcification plays significant role in pathophysiology of these diseases. Until recently, calcification was considered to be a passive process of calcium deposition in injured tissue. However, recent data suggest that calcification of aortic valves and coronary arteries is an active process related to cellular differentiation and transcription of bone regulators. In order to provide further evidence that aortic valve and coronary artery calcification is an active process involving chondro-osteogenic pathways, we investigated using immunohistochemistry the expression of NFATc1 and Osterix in human calcified aortic valves and coronary arteries, which to the best of our knowledge has not been reported previously. Additionally, we investigated in our specimens other features of chondro/osteogenic differentiation program such as the expression of OPG, RANKL, RANK, Runx2 and Sox9, and the participation of inflammation, neovessel formation and hyperplasia of α - SMA positive cells in calcification process. Our results provide evidence for the involvement of bone regulatory factors NFATc1 and Osterix in aortic valve and coronary artery calcification process in human. In addition, we confirm Runx2 and Sox9 expression in diseased specimens. Expression pattern of OPG / RANKL / RANK system is related to aortic valve calcification. Consistently with previous reports, the role of OPG / RANKL / RANK system in coronary artery calcification is not clear. Finally, our study confirms involvement of inflammation, neovessel formation and hyperplasia of α - SMA positive cells in calcification process. Present study demonstrates that aortic valve and coronary artery calcification is actually an active process sharing features with developmental osteogenesis. This fact implies promising prospects for potential genetic intervention in early stages that could lead to inhibition of calcification process.

Análise estratificada da atenção à saúde na prevenção secundária da doença coronariana / Stratified analysis of health care services in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease

Geovana Mancini dos Santos Duarte 06 March 2012 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo transversal sem modelo de intervenção, que tem como objeto a atenção à saúde na prevenção secundária da doença coronariana a pacientes com ou sem tratamento ambulatorial especializado. O objetivo primário foi: Avaliar se há diferença na atenção à saúde entre pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronariana em sua forma aguda ou crônica com ou sem acompanhamento ambulatorial especializado. Os objetivos secundários foram: a) apresentar o perfil de cada grupo de pacientes a partir de dados sócio-demográficos e econômicos; b) descrever as característica clínicas dos pacientes e identificar a que fatores de risco cada grupo de pacientes está exposto; c) descrever a regularidade na utilização de medicamentos e como se dá o acesso à mesma; d) identificar o tipo e principais dificuldades enfrentadas pelo paciente para seguir o tratamento. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado formulário desenvolvido e previamente testado para atender os objetivos propostos para o estudo, além de informações coletadas diretamente do prontuário do paciente. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três unidades públicas de saúde localizadas no município do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra selecionada foi composta por 112 pacientes divididos igualmente entre os dois grupos existentes na pesquisa. Os dados foram transcritos para planilha do programa Statistic Package for the Social Science e análise realizada através dos testes estatísticos de diferença entre proporção, odds-ratio e qui-quadrado. Quanto ao perfil sócio-demográfico e econômico verificou-se diferença estatística significativa quanto ao grau de instrução entre os grupos I e II, com predomínio de pacientes de nível fundamental incompleto para o grupo I e médio completo no grupo II (p=0,0434), foi também verificada diferença significativa entre os grupos relacionada ao rendimento mensal, embora o maior percentual encontrado em ambos os grupos tenha sido observado na faixa de dois salários mínimos, uma vez que o grupo II apresentou maior concentração de renda entre a faixa de dois a três salários mínimos (p=0,0044). Ao que se refere aos fatores de risco para doença coronariana, observou-se diferença estatística entre os grupos para a variável tabagismo (p= 0,0001) e sedentarismo (p=0,0025). Verificou-se para pacientes do grupo I valor estatístico significativo quanto a regularidade em utilizar medicamentos (p=0,0010). Concluiu-se, portanto, que o acompanhamento de pacientes pós-síndrome coronariana aguda em ambulatório especializado de coronariopatias apresentou benefícios significativos quando comparado ao grupo de pacientes não cobertos por este tipo de assistência. Verificou-se ainda que o enfermeiro poderá contribuir e atuar amplamente para a prevenção secundária da doença coronariana, enquanto membro da equipe multidisciplinar. / This transverse study has been made without an intervention model and its subject is the health attention level throughout the secondary prevention of the coronary artery disease in patients with and without specialized outpatient treatment. The primary objective was: assessing the difference in the treatment given to acute and chronicle patients with coronary artery disease who are with or without specialized outpatient treatment follow-up. The secondary objectives were: a) presenting the profile of each group of patients, considering their socio-demographic and economic data; b) describing the patients clinical characteristics and identifying to which risk factors each group of patients is exposed to; c) describing the regularity in the use of medicines and how one can access it; d) identifying type and main difficulties found by patients to follow their treatment. Data collection has been done through a specially created and previously tested form so as to attend the proposed objectives of this study, besides through information directly collected from the patients record table. This data collection has been made in three municipal public health treatment unities located in Rio de Janeiro. The selected sample has been composed of 112 patients equally divided into the two existing groups in the research. The data has been transcribed into the Statistic Package for the Social Science table and the analysis has been made through statistical tests of difference among proportion, odds-ratio and chi-square. Concerning the socio-demographic and economic profile, a significant statistical difference has been considered according to the education level between the groups I and II, with a predominant number of patients with incomplete basic educational level in group I and with complete college education in group II (p=0,0434). A significant difference concerning monthly income between the groups has also been proved, although the highest percentage found in both groups was observed in the range of two minimum wages, group II had a higher concentration of income among the range of two to three minimum wages (p = 0.0044). Regarding risk factors for coronary disease, there was a statistical difference between groups for the variables smoking (p = 0.0001) and lack of exercise (p = 0.0025). It was found that, for patients in Group I as statistically significant value in using medication regularly (p = 0.0010). It was concluded therefore that the monitoring of patients after acute coronary syndrome in the specialized coronary artery disease outpatient treatment showed significant benefits when compared to patients not covered by this type of assistance. It was also found that nurses can contribute and act widely for the secondary prevention of coronary disease, as a member of the multidisciplinary team.

Associação entre distúrbios respiratórios do sono, estresse oxidativo e doença arterial coronariana / Association among sleep disordered breathing, oxidative stress and coronary artery disease

Klein, Cristini January 2010 (has links)
TÍTULO: Associação entre Distúrbios Respiratórios do Sono, Estresse Oxidativo e Doença Arterial Coronariana. INTRODUÇÃO: Evidências sugerem associação entre a doença arterial coronariana (DAC) e os distúrbios respiratórios do sono (DRS), porém o mecanismo que explica essa associação é incerto. Episódios repetitivos de hipóxia e reoxigenação vivenciados pelos indivíduos com DRS levam ao aumento de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). ERO no interior dos eritrócitos podem ser detoxificadas pelas enzimas antioxidantes glutationa peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT) e superóxido dismutase (SOD). Ainda no citoplasma as ERO podem ser detoxificadas pela vitamina C ou ácido úrico. O estresse oxidativo é caracterizado por um desequilíbrio entre os níveis de ERO e antioxidantes. Este desequilíbrio promove lesão oxidativa em biomoléculas, mecanismo este associado à fisiopatologia da DAC. OBJETIVOS: Verificar a relação entre o índice de apnéia hipopnéia (IAH) e a presença de DAC. Verificar a associação entre IAH, DAC e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes: SOD, CAT, GPx e antioxidantes não enzimáticos, ácido úrico e vitamina C. Avaliar a relação entre IAH, DAC e os produtos de danos oxidativos em lipídios, proteínas. Entre os marcadores de estresse oxidativo identificar preditores para DAC. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal. Entre junho de 2007 e maio de 2008 na Hemodinâmica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, triamos consecutivamente 519 indivíduos encaminhados para angiografia diagnóstica ou terapêutica. Incluímos 14 pacientes com DAC (≥ 50% diminuição do lúmen da coronária) e 30 controles com < 50% de obstrução. O IAH foi mensurado por meio de polissonografia portátil. Verificamos presença de DAC através da angiografia coronariana. A quantificação dos grupos carbonil no hemolisado e no plasma e as atividades das enzimas antioxidantes SOD, CAT e GPx foram verificadas por método espectrofotométrico. Mensuramos malondialdeído (MDA) e vitamina C por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. RESULTADOS: Este é o primeiro trabalho que evidencia correlação entre IAH e o aumento de carbonilação de proteínas eritrocitárias. Além disso, os resultados obtidos mostram que os indivíduos portadores de DAC apresentam níveis maiores de grupos carbonil no hemolisado quando comparados aos indivíduos controles. Em um modelo de regressão multivariado ajustado para idade, sexo e índice de massa corporal, buscando verificar preditores para DAC, verificamos que o aumento de uma unidade de carbonil aumenta 1,7% o risco para desenvolvimento de DAC, já uma unidade do IAH aumenta em 3,9% o risco de desenvolvimento de DAC. Não foi encontrada correlação entre IAH e os marcadores MDA, carbonil no plasma e os antioxidantes: SOD, CAT, GPx vitamina C e ácido úrico. Não verificamos correlação entre DAC e os marcadores MDA, carbonil no plasma e entre os antioxidantes SOD, CAT , GPx e ácido úrico. Pacientes com CAD significativa apresentaram níveis menores de vitamina C. Correlação positiva foi observada entre os níveis de vitamina C e a concentração de proteínas carboniladas no plasma. CONCLUSÃO: Foi evidenciado que a carbonilação de proteínas eritrocitárias e o IAH tem importância na fisiopatologia da DAC. Da mesma forma a vitamina C parece ter importância na prevenção da DAC. / INTRODUCTION: Evidences suggest association between Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Sleeping Disordered Breathing (SDB), however the mechanism is uncertain. Repetitive episodes of hypoxia and reoxygenation experienced by individuals with SDB lead to an increase of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). ROS inside the erythocytes may be scavenging by glutathione peroxidase antioxidants enzymes (GPx), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). In the cytoplasm ROS may be inhibited by vitamin C, or uric acid. Oxidative stress is characterized by an unbalance between ROS and antioxidants. These unbalance promotes oxidative damage in biomolecules, this mechanism is associated to the CAD physiopathology . OBJECTIVE: Verify the relation between apnea hypopnea index (AHI) and CAD. Verify association between AHI, CAD and antioxidants enzymes activity: SOD, CAT, GPx and non enzymatic antioxidants, uric acid, and vitamin C. Evalute the relation between AHI, CAD and oxidative damage products in lipids and proteins. Among the oxidative stress markers identify the predictors for CAD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross sectional study. Between June and May 2008 in the hemodinamic ward of Clinicas Hospital of Porto Alegre, we consecutively screened 519 individuals sent for diagnostic or therapeutic angiography. We included 14 cases with CAD (≥ 50% narrowing of coronary lumen) and 30 controls with < 50% narrowing. The AHI was measured by portable polisomnography. We found the presence of CAD through coronary angiography. Carbonyl groups quantification in the hemolysed and plasma and antioxidants enzyme activities of SOD, CAT and GPx were verified by spectophotometric method. Malondyaldeyde (MDA) and vitamin C were measured by HPLC. RESULTS: This work is the first one that shows correlation between AHI and increased erythrocytes protein carbonylation. In the same way evidences that individuals with significant CAD compared to controls present higher levels of carbonyl groups in the hemolysates. In a multivaried regression model adjusted to age, gender and body mass index to verify predictors for CAD, we verified that the carbonyl unit increased 1.7% the risk for development of CAD, while one unit of IAH increased in 3.9% the risk to develop CAD. We did not find correlation between AHI and the markers MDA, plasma carbonyl and the antioxidants: SOD, CAT, GPx vitamin C and uric acid. We didn’t verify correlation between CAD and the markers MDA, plasma carbonyl and the others antioxidants SOD, CAT , GPx and uric acid. Patients with significant CAD had lower levels of vitamin C. Positive correlation was observed between vitamin C and erythrocyte carbonyl concentration. CONCLUSION: We evidenced that erythrocytes protein carbonylation and AHI are important in the physiopathology of CAD. In the same way vitamin C appears important factor in CAD prevention.

Evaluation of the efficacy and long-term safety outcomes of first generation drug-eluting stents in off-label indications

Shea, Corey Matthew 22 January 2016 (has links)
FDA approval of drug-eluting stents (DES) in 2002, was based on data obtained from several pivotal, short-term (< one year) randomized control trials that evaluated their efficacy in reducing in-stent restenosis when used in treatment of coronary artery lesions compared with bare metal stents (BMS). These trials excluded patients with complex coronary lesions. When the FDA approved use of DES in treatment of coronary artery lesions, the on-label indications only applied to a very limited subset of simple lesions. Immediate advantages of DES were observed in clinical practice for on-label indications, specifically in their ability to significantly reduce in-stent restenosis after PCI. The increased short-term safety and efficacy seen in on-label clinical cases soon led clinicians to expand the use DES to more complex lesions. These complex indications, not included in the pivotal FDA trials, are considered off-label. Off-label indications include bifurcation lesions, ostial lesions, lesions greater in length and diameter than those approved by the FDA, implantation in saphenous vein grafts, and lesions in the left main coronary artery. Currently, DES use for treatment of lesions presenting off-label indications may comprise as much as 60% of clinical cases. However, early evidence that DES may play a role in adverse safety outcomes, has led many to question the use of DES outside their on-label indications. This paper sought to evaluate some of the current research investigating first generation DES use in four different off-label indications: coronary artery bypass graft lesions, saphenous vein graft lesions, ostial lesions, and chronic total coronary occlusions. In particular, it looked at studies, which compared the efficacy and clinical outcomes of DES and BMS treatment of each of the different lesion types. The results of this evaluation were very promising in that of the four specific off-label indications evaluated, all of them showed to be superior in reduction of neointimal growth and subsequent in-stent restenosis. Additionally, DES treatment of left main coronary artery lesions, saphenous vein graft lesions, and chronic total coronary occlusions showed to be superior in reducing the incidence rate of major adverse cardiac events and target vessel revascularization over various follow-up durations. The only scenario that DES did not prove to be superior to BMSs was the treatment of ostial lesions. Long-term randomized control trials with large study populations should be performed to further elucidate the effects of DES treatment of specific off-label lesions.

Coronary artery disease risk factors among fire-fighters in the Western Cape Province

Achmat, Ghaleelullah January 2017 (has links)
Magister Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science - MSRES / The work demands involved in fire-fighting place significant stress on the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of on-duty death among fire fighters and is a major cause of morbidity. This study investigated the prevalence of coronary artery disease risk factors among career fire fighters in the Western Cape.

Derivation and Validation of a Clinical Tool to Predict Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease Among Patients with Zero Coronary Calcium Score

Alshahrani, Ali 19 September 2018 (has links)
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Coronary artery calcification (CAC) indicates presence of CAD. Absence of CAC is associated with very low risk of having CAD but not equal to zero. In this study, we aim at developing a clinical prediction tool to predict presence of obstructive CAD among patients with zero calcium score. We developed two models. A full prespecified model with 7 variables based on input from clinical experts, and a reduced model with 4 variables based on univariate screening. Both models showed an acceptable performance (c-statistics of 0.68 for both). Both models performed well when validated, externally for the full model and internally for the reduced one. We derived a clinical risk score of 20 points from the full model. We found that a score threshold of ≥ 14 is associated with presence of obstructive CAD with positive likelihood ratio of 5.5.

Associação entre os níveis plasmáticos da mieloperoxidase e a gravidade angiográfica da doença arterial coronariana em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda / Association between plasma myeloperoxidase levels and angiographic severity of coronary artery disease in patients with acute coronary syndrome

Lúcio, Eraldo de Azevedo January 2009 (has links)
Fundamento: Os níveis plasmáticos da mieloperoxidase (MPO) estão elevados em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA) como conseqüência de intensa ativação neutrofílica. A capacidade da MPO em predizer a gravidade da doença arterial coronariana (DAC) nos pacientes com SCA é alvo de controvérsia. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre os níveis plasmáticos da MPO e a gravidade das lesões ateroscleróticas coronarianas em pacientes com SCA sem elevação de ST. Métodos: Pacientes com SCA de alto risco que foram submetidos à angiografia coronariana durante as primeiras 72 horas do início dos sintomas, realizaram uma única dosagem plasmática de MPO. O escore de Gensini foi utilizado para avaliar a gravidade angiográfica da DAC. Resultados: Entre os 48 pacientes estudados, 85,4% tinham níveis elevados de troponina. As medianas dos níveis da MPO e do escore de Gensini foram 6,9 ng/mL (mínima= 4,4; máxima= 73,5), e 10 (mínima= 0; máxima= 87,5), respectivamente. O coeficiente de Spearman não mostrou correlação significativa entre os níveis de MPO e o escore de Gensini (rs= 0,2; P= 0,177). Os pacientes com níveis de MPO ≤ 6,9 ng/mL apresentaram um escore de Gensini de 8,3, enquanto que aqueles com a MPO > 6,9 ng/mL apresentaram um escore de 13,8, (P= 0,386). Os pacientes com escore de Gensini ≤ 10 apresentaram níveis de MPO de 6,6 ng/mL, enquanto aqueles com escore > 10 apresentaram níveis de MPO de 8,5 ng/mL (P= 0,126). Não houve associação entre os níveis de MPO e a extensão da lesão coronariana (rs= 0,047; P= 0,756). Na análise multivariada a MPO não mostrou correlação com nenhuma outra variável. Conclusões: Não houve associação entre os níveis plasmáticos de MPO e a gravidade angiográfica da DAC em pacientes com SCA com indicação de estratificação invasiva. Esse achado sugere que a expressão da MPO como um biomarcador inflamatório está dissociada da gravidade anatômica das lesões coronarianas. / Background: Myeloperoxidase (MPO) plasma levels are elevated in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as a consequence of intense neutrophilic activity. MPO capacity to predict the severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) in ACS patients is controversial. Objective: To evaluate the association between MPO plasma levels and severity of coronary atherosclerotic lesions in non-ST elevation ACS patients. Methods: High-risk ACS patients who were submitted to coronary angiography within the first 72 hours after onset of symptoms had one single MPO plasma measurement. Gensini score was used to evaluate angiographic CAD severity. Results: Among the 48 patients studied, 85.4% had elevated troponin levels. MPO plasma levels and Gensini median values were 6.9 ng/mL (range 4.4 to 73.5), and 10 (range 0 to 87.5), respectively. Spearman’s coefficient did not show a significant correlation between MPO levels and Gensini score (rs = 0.2; P = 0.177). Patients with MPO levels ≤ 6.9 ng/mL had a Gensini score of 8.3, whereas the patients with MPO levels > 6.9 ng/mL had a Gensini score of 13.8 (P = 0.386). Patients who presented a Gensini score ≤ 10 had MPO levels of 6.6 ng/mL, while the patients with Gensini score > 10 presented MPO levels of 8.5 ng/mL (P = 0.126). There was no significant association between MPO plasma levels and coronary lesion length (rs= 0.047; P= 0.756). On multivariate analysis there was not association between MPO and any other variable. Conclusion: There was no association between plasma MPO levels and CAD angiographic severity in ACS patients with indication of invasive stratification. This finding suggests that MPO expression as an inflammatory biomarker is dissociated from the anatomical severity of the coronary lesions.

Papel da disfunção erétil como manifestação sentinela e marcador de risco para doença coronariana

Almeida, Augusto José Gonçalves de January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2014-05-22T13:34:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Augusto José Gonçalves de Almeida Papel da disfunção...2014.pdff.pdf: 741862 bytes, checksum: 78e1a73115d8c66327b61fd1807203e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-22T13:34:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Augusto José Gonçalves de Almeida Papel da disfunção...2014.pdff.pdf: 741862 bytes, checksum: 78e1a73115d8c66327b61fd1807203e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / INTRODUÇÃO: A doença cardiovascular é a causa mais comum de morte em todo o mundo. Em homens, 50% das mortes por doença arterial coronariana ocorre em indivíduos sem história prévia de doença cardiovascular. Disfunção erétil e doença arterial coronariana têm uma relação estreita, já que ambas são consequências de disfunção endotelial, levando a limitações no fluxo sanguíneo. A associação entre severidade da disfunção erétil e a extensão das lesões da doença arterial coronariana ao exame angiográfico sugere que homens com disfunção erétil sejam considerados sob risco aumentado de doença arterial coronariana. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel da disfunção erétil como manifestação sentinela e/ou marcador de risco para doença arterial coronariana. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se uma análise secundária com dados previamente coletados em dois projetos (“Projeto Avaliar” e “Projeto Ampliar”). Pacientes do sexo masculino, com idade >18 anos, foram convidados a participar das duas pesquisas sobre disfunção erétil ao comparecerem a uma consulta médica ambulatorial em 2002-2003 (Projeto Avaliar) e em 2003-2004 (Projeto Ampliar). Foram selecionados, consecutivamente, 20 pacientes por cada um dos oito mil médicos que colaboraram com o estudo. O grau de disfunção erétil foi avaliado por pergunta única de auto-avaliarão global. A presença de condições médicas foi identificada por auto-relato, os participantes informaram se já haviam recebido diagnóstico médico de: hipertensão arterial, diabetes, depressão, hiperplasia benigna ou câncer de próstata, hipercolesterolemia ou doença arterial coronariana e qual a idade quando o problema foi diagnosticado. Análise multivariada através de regressão logística foi usada para calcular a razão de prevalência de “odds” para as associações testadas. RESULTADOS: No total, foram avaliados 148.685 pacientes, 71.503 no Projeto Avaliar e 77.182 no Projeto Ampliar. A prevalência de disfunção erétil foi 58,8% e a de doença arterial coronariana 8,1%. Diagnóstico de diabetes, depressão, hiperplasia benigna ou câncer de próstata, doença arterial coronariana, hipertensão e hipercolesterolemia foram significativamente associados com prevalência aumentada de disfunção erétil. Doença arterial coronariana foi reportada em 11,3% dos homens com disfunção erétil, comparado a 3,6% naqueles sem esta disfunção (p<0,001). A razão de "odds" ajustada entre doença arterial coronariana e disfunção erétil foi de 1,33 (IC 95% 1,27-1,39). Aproximadamente, 50% dos diagnósticos de doença arterial coronariana ocorreu antes do diagnóstico de disfunção erétil, enquanto a outra metade aconteceu ao mesmo tempo ou depois do diagnóstico da disfunção. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos dados sugerem que disfunção erétil pode ser um marcador, manifestação "sentinela", de doença arterial coronariana. As implicações destes resultados são: deve-se enfatizar a importância da investigação de rotina da função erétil nas visitas médicas em qualquer especialidade, e em homens apresentando disfunção erétil, deve-se investigar a presença de outros fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana e, conforme as circunstâncias, tratá-los ou introduzir medidas de redução/controle de risco, conforme as recomendações e diretrizes específicas. / INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death worldwide. In men, 50% of deaths due to coronary artery disease occur among those without previous history of cardiovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease are closely related, since they are both consequences of endothelial dysfunction, leading to restrictions on the blood flow. The association between the severity of erectile dysfunction and the angiographic extension of coronary artery disease suggests that men with erectile dysfunction be considered at increased risk for coronary artery disease. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the role of erectile dysfunction as a sentinel sign and/or surrogate of risk for coronary artery disease. METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis on data previously collected in two research projects (“Projeto Avaliar” e “Projeto Ampliar”). Male patients, age 18 years old or more, were invited to participate in two surveys about erectile dysfunction while attending a routine office visit or consultation in 2002-2003 (Projeto Avaliar) and in 2003-2004 (Projeto Ampliar). Twenty patients were consecutively recruited by each one of the eight thousands doctors collaborating with the survey team. Erectile dysfunction was assessed by a single global self-rating question. The presence of selected medical conditions was self-identified by survey participants who informed whether they had ever been diagnosed by a physician with: hypertension, diabetes, depression, benign hyperplasia or prostate cancer, hypercholesterolemia or coronary artery disease, and at what age they were diagnosed with each problem. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were carried out to calculate prevalence odds for the associations tested. RESULTS: Overall, 148,685 patients were enrolled, 71,503 in "Projeto Avaliar" and 77,182 in "Projeto Ampliar". The prevalence of erectile dysfunction was 58.8% and the prevalence of coronary artery disease was 8.1%. Being diagnosed with diabetes, depression, benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia were significantly associated with increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction. Coronary artery disease was reported by 11.3% of men with erectile dysfunction, as compared to 3.6% of males without this dysfunction (p<0.001). The adjusted odds-ratio of the association between coronary artery disease and erectile dysfunction was 1.33 (CI 95% 1.27-1.39). Approximately, half of the coronary artery disease diagnosis occurred before erectile dysfunction had begun, the other half occurred either after or at the same time erectile dysfunction had begun. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that erectile dysfunction may be a surrogate, sentinel sign, for coronary artery disease. The implications of our results are: more emphasis should be given to the routine assessment of erectile function during a medical consultation, regardless of the specialty; and in men presenting with erectile dysfunction, other risk factors for coronary artery disease should be ruled out, and, according to the circumstances, they should be treated or proper risk reducing measures adopted as recommended by specific guidelines.

Avaliação dos níveis séricos de MRP-8/14 conforme a apresentação clínica e a evolução pós-tratamento da doença arterial coronariana

Wachleski, Jacqueline January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A doença arterial coronariana constitui uma das maiores causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo atual. O mecanismo inflamatório exerce papel fundamental sobre a aterogênese e as formas de apresentação da doença arterial coronariana (DAC). O MRP-8/14 é uma proteína inflamatória que possui importante função na interação dos leucócitos com o endotélio, demonstrando ser um potencial biomarcador na DAC. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação dos níveis séricos de MRP-8/14 com a apresentação clínica e com a evolução da DAC após o tratamento da lesão-alvo com implante de stent. Metodologia: Este estudo avaliou os níveis séricos de 95 pacientes divididos em 5 grupos: (1) grupo I - controle (indivíduos hígidos); (2) grupo II - lesões leve a moderada, ou seja, lesões obstrutivas entre 20% e 50% em 1 ou mais artérias coronárias; (3) grupo III - angina estável e lesão 50% em 1 ou mais artérias coronárias; (4) grupo IV - síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnível do segmento ST angina instável e IAM sem supradesnível do segmento ST (IAM-SSST); e (5) grupo V- síndrome coronariana aguda e supradesnível do segmento ST IAM com supradesnível do segmento ST (IAM-SSST), nas primeiras 12 horas de início dos sintomas. Os indivíduos dos grupos I e II foram submetidos à uma única coleta sanguínea, enquanto os pacientes dos grupos III, IV e V foram submetidos a uma coleta sanguínea imediatamente antes da intervenção coronária percutânea com implante de stent seguida de coletas sanguíneas seriadas em 6, 18 e 48 horas e em 7 dias após o implante de stent. Resultados: A análise comparativa dos níveis séricos de MRP- 8/14 na primeira coleta entre os 5 grupos em estudo evidenciou diferença estatisticamente significativa do grupo I (controle) em relação aos demais grupos grupo I= 0,110,10μg/mL vs grupo II= 0,500,13μg/mL; grupo III= 1,830,70μg/mL; grupo IV= 3,661,81μg/mL; e grupo V= 3,541,52μg/mL; p<0,001. Também houve diferença estatisticamente significativa do grupo II em comparação aos grupos III, IV e V (p<0,001); e do grupo III em relação aos grupos IV (p=0,045) e V (p=0,002). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quando comparados os grupos IV e V (p=1,00). Quanto à evolução da DAC pós-implante de stent, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa dos níveis séricos de MRP-8/14 entre as coletas seriadas nos grupos analisados (III, IV e V). A análise dos níveis séricos de MRP-8/14 em relação ao tempo de evolução do IAM-CSST (grupo V) não evidenciou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,685), mesmo quando comparados os pacientes com tempo de evolução do IAM-CSST inferior a 3 horas com os pacientes com tempo de evolução do IAM-CSST compreendido entre 3 e 12 horas (p=0,492). Conclusões: Os níveis séricos de MRP-8/14 apresentam-se progressivamente elevados conforme a gravidade da DAC e permanecem continuamente elevados mesmo após o tratamento da lesão-alvo com implante de stent por pelo menos 7 dias. O MRP-8/14 também apresenta-se como um potencial biomarcador precoce do infarto agudo do miocárdio. / Introduction: The coronary artery disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality nowadays in the world. The inflammatory mechanism plays a fundamental role in atherogenesis as well as in the coronary artery disease (CAD) presentation. MRP-8/14 is an inflammatory protein that has an important function in the leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction, showing to be a potential biomarker for CAD. Objective: Assess the relation between the serum levels of MRP-8/14 and the CAD clinical presentation and evolution after treating the target lesion with stent deployment. Methodology: This study assessed the serum levels of 95 patients divided into 5 groups: (1) group I – control (healthy individuals); (2) group II – mild-to-moderate lesions, that is, obstructive lesions between 20% and 50% in 1 or more coronary arteries; (3) group III – stable angina and lesion 50% in 1 or more coronary arteries; (4) group IV – acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation unstable angina and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI); and group V – acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) within the first 12 hours of symptom onset. A single blood sample was collected from the individuals from groups I and II, while in patients from groups III, IV and V blood samples were collected immediately before percutaneous coronary intervention with stent deployment followed by serial blood samples collected 6, 18, and 48 hours and 7 days after stent deployment. Results: The comparative analysis of the serum levels of MRP-8/14 in the first blood sample collection between the 5 groups under study showed a statistically significant difference in group I (control) with relation to the other groups [group I = 0.11±0.10μg/mL vs. group II=0.50±0.13μg/mL; group III =1.83±0.70μg/mL; group IV =3.66±1.81μg/mL; and group V = 3.54±1.52μg/mL; p<0.001]. There was also a statistically significant difference in group II compared to groups III, IV, and V (p<0.001); and in group III with relation to groups IV (p<0.045) and V (p<0.002). There was no statistically significant difference between groups IV and V when compared (p=1.00). Regarding CAD evolution after stent deployment, there was no statistically significant difference in the serum levels of MRP-8/14 between the serial samples in the analyzed groups (III, IV, and V). The analysis of MRP-8/14 levels in relation to STEMI evolution over time did not evidence statistically significant difference (p=0.685), even when patients with STEMI within 3 hours after onset of symptoms were compared with patients with STEMI between 3 and 12 hours after onset of symptoms (p= 0,492). Conclusions: The serum levels of MRP-8/14 show to be progressively increased according to CAD severity and remain continuously increased even after target lesion treatment with stent deployment for at least 7 days. MRP-8/14 also shows to be a potential early biomarker for acute myocardial infarction.

Efeitos do exercício aeróbio de intensidade baixa sobre a lipemia pós-prandial e hormônios do apetite em sujeitos eutróficos e obesos de grau 1

Lopes, André Luiz January 2014 (has links)
A Doença Arterial Coronariana (DAC) é a principal causa de morte nos Estados Unidos e outros países ocidentais, incluindo o Brasil. A intervenção usando exercício físico quando comparado a aconselhamentos de hábitos saudáveis tem se mostrado efetivo no controle de parâmetros de saúde em indivíduos com risco de DAC. A dieta tem mostrado papel fundamental na gênese da DAC, por apresentar uma série de respostas dependentes da quantidade e composição da refeição, principalmente no que se refere a lipemia pós prandial (LPP). Uma maneira de verificar a relação entre DACs e lipemia tem sido realizada por meio do estudo das respostas pós prandiais, as quais fazem referência à magnitude da curva pós-prandial de triglicerídeos. O objetivo dessa revisão foi compilar os resultados encontrados sobre lipemia pós prandial (LPP) relacionados ao exercício físico. Para o delineamento bibliográfico, optou-se pela pesquisa de artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, no período de 1956 a 2014, disponíveis nas bases de dados pertencentes à Literatura biomédica (MEDLINE) - Centro Nacional de Informações em Biotecnologia (PubMed) - Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: “Lipemia”, “Lipemia pósprandial”, “Lipemia pós-prandial e exercício físico”, “Lipemia pós-prandial exercício físico e obesidade”. A análise foi realizada considerando informações específicas de cada artigo relacionadas ao ano de publicação, país, população, tipo de pesquisa, instrumento utilizado para coleta de dados e tipo de intervenção. Artigos com procedimento estatístico e metodológicos inadequados não foram incluídos na revisão. O resultado de nossa revisão mostra claramente que vários fatores devem ser considerados na elaboração de um estudo que envolva LPP. Fatores como sexo, idade, estado nutricional, tipo de exercício, duração e intensidade tem se mostrado intervenientes nos resultados de LPP. / The Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the main cause of death in the United States and other Western countries, including Brazil. The exercise interventions compared to healthy habits counseling has proven effective in the control of health parameters in subjects with CAD risk. The diet has shown a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of CAD, by presenting a series of responses dependent on the amount and composition of the meal, especially with regard to postprandial lipemia (PPL). One way to verify the relationship between CAD and lipemia is through the study of postprandial responses, which evaluates the magnitude of postprandial triglyceride curve. The objective of this review was to compile the results on postprandial lipemia (PPL) related to physical exercise. For bibliographic design, we chose articles in national and international research journals published in the period between 1956 and 2014, available in databases regarding biomedical literature (MEDLINE) - National Center for Biotechnology Information (PubMed) - Latino Literature American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The following keywords were used: "Lipemia", "Postprandial lipemia", "Postprandial lipemia and exercise" and "Postprandial lipemia exercise and obesity". The analysis was performed considering the specific information of each item related to the year of publication, country, population, type of survey instrument used to collect the data and type of intervention. Articles with inadequate statistical and methodological procedures were not included in the review. The result of our review clearly shows that several factors must be considered during the preparation of a study involving PPL. Factors such as gender, age, nutritional status, type of exercise, duration and intensity has been shown to be intervenient for the outcomes of PPL.

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