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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing holístico e orientação para o mercado: um estudo de caso / Holistic marketing and market orientation: a case study

Dantas, Sérgio Silva 10 July 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a incorporação de temas societais à orientação para o mercado de uma organização, buscando discutir como a orientação das empresas em marketing pode evoluir para o conceito de marketing holístico. Por meio da revisão bibliográfica buscou-se fazer uma análise de vários temas ligados ao comportamento estratégico de uma organização, trazendo uma reflexão sobre a evolução das orientações adotadas possíveis, destacando, em especial, a orientação para o mercado, com sua análise em clientes e concorrentes. Também foram discutidos conceitos ligados à atuação responsável das organizações como a responsabilidade social corporativa, o marketing societal, a análise de públicos interessados, além da teoria dos stakeholders e governança corporativa. Foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica exploratória, do tipo estudo de caso, na qual se buscou verificar como uma organização orientada para o mercado pode trabalhar os demais conceitos discutidos na revisão bibliográfica em seu posicionamento. Além disso, foi feito um estudo de quão alinhada ao conceito de marketing holístico a organização está. O trabalho contribui para verificar que, no caso estudado, conceitos societais e de atuação socialmente responsável podem coexistir com a orientação para o mercado, contribuindo para a entrega de valor superior ao cliente e a avaliação positiva por sua parte da atuação da empresa. A pesquisa também evidenciou que as dimensões do marketing holístico estão presentes na organização estudada, mostrando alinhamento com o questionamento proposto neste trabalho. / The purpose of this work was study the association of societal themes to the market orientation of an organization, discussing how the companies marketing orientation can evolve to the concept of holistic marketing. The theory included in this study supported an analysis of several themes related to the strategic behavior of an organization, allowing a deeper thought about the evolution of the adopted orientations, especially market orientation. Furthermore, some concepts related to the responsible acting of the companies were discussed, as corporate social responsibility, societal marketing, analysis of publics of interest, as well as stakeholder theory and corporative governance. An exploratory research was made – a case study – aiming to verify how a market-driven organization can apply in its market positioning the others topics discussed in the present study. Besides, it was made a study of how much aligned the organization is to the marketing holistic theory. The research showed that, in the case studied, the societal concepts and the socially responsible behavior coexist with the market orientation positioning, helping to provide superior value to the customers and to improve their positive evaluation of the organization. The research also proved that the holistic marketing dimensions exist at the studied company, showing alignment with the questioning of this study.

CSR determinants of consumers' purchase of organic food : A cross-cultural comparison between China and Sweden

Jandali Rifai, Mohamad Khair, Wang, Yong January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the determinants of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that are: community support, diversity, employee support, environment, overseas operations, and product, on consumers’attitude towards purchasing of Organic food brands with Individualism as a moderator. It obtains a quantitative method by the deductive approach. Also, the probability and non-probability sampling select random Chinese and Swedish people above the age of 18. Data collection is by a survey using online questionnaires. Independent sample T-Test compare the means of two samples, factor analysis determines CSR activities and dimensions, and multiple regression employs a description of determinants of CSR dimensions on consumers attitude and purchase. Not to mention the factor analysis and regression analysis are on both samples separately to demonstrate a cross- cultural comparison.The results support previous studies that CSR activities play a crucial role in consumers’ attitude. However, not purchase. Individualism has no impact that moderates this role. Also, demographics do not impact consumers’ purchase,but income impact consumers’ attitude. Cross-cultural comparison for this role shows that it is convergent in Overseas operations and income groups among Chinese consumers. However, it is not convergent among Swedish consumers. Also, the higher the income group of Chinese consumers, the better is their attitude.The thesis gains knowledge that Organic food brands can use CSR activities to influences consumers’ attitude but not purchasing behavior, and organic food brands can tailor their CSR activities according to the target market income group.There is no prior research covering Individualism as a moderator to this influence coupled with Chinese and Swedish as a cross-cultural comparison. Therefore, this thesis is a unique, original, and valuable opportunity to cover this limitation.

Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e Representação Social do Empresário Goiano

Nogueira Júnior, Milton Marinho 29 October 2007 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-12-13T17:25:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MILTON MARINHO NOGUEIRA JÚNIOR.pdf: 762786 bytes, checksum: c0a20ac929ccafd5d9f8291979c16b13 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-13T17:25:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MILTON MARINHO NOGUEIRA JÚNIOR.pdf: 762786 bytes, checksum: c0a20ac929ccafd5d9f8291979c16b13 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-29 / The Brazilian business class assumes historical importance in the Brazilian economic and social development, for its transforming role of contexts from the constitution of companies, as well as the generation of employment and income. In the midst of the whirlwind of radical changes brought about by globalization, entrepreneurs have been increasingly called upon to participate in social democratization processes, in order to enhance the exercise of citizenship with a view to reducing poverty, inequalities and social exclusion. The present study had as objective to know the social representation of the businessman in the scenario of globalization, seeking to identify the importance granted to social development items that support the policies of corporate social responsibility. From the Theory of Social Representations (Moscovici, 1978), instruments of analysis were applied to 103 (one hundred and three) businessmen from the city of Goiânia and surrounding areas, extracted from an occasional sample of the representative base of the Goiás economy (small and midsize). The results allow us to infer that the business class has been much closer to the ideals of profit and profitability that mark its economic management than an advance in corporate social responsibility policies, which only marginalize the peripheral environment of representational content of the entrepreneur. / A classe empresarial brasileira assume importância histórica no desenvolvimento econômica e social brasileiro, pelo seu papel transformador de contextos a partir da constituição de empresas, bem como pela geração de emprego e renda. Em meio ao turbilhão de mudanças radicais ocasionadas pela globalização, os empresários têm sido cada vez mais chamados a participar dos processos de democratização social, de modo a potencializar o exercício da cidadania com vistas a promover a diminuição da pobreza, desigualdades e exclusões sociais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a representação social do empresário goiano no cenário da globalização, buscando identificar a importância concedida a itens de desenvolvimento social que amparam as políticas de responsabilidade social corporativa. A partir da Teoria das Representações Sociais (Moscovici, 1978), foram aplicados instrumentos de análise junto a 103 (cento e três) empresários da cidade de Goiânia e circunvizinhos, extraídos de uma amostra ocasional da base representativa da economia goiana (empresas de pequeno e médio porte). Os resultados nos permitem inferir que a classe empresarial apresentou-se muito mais próxima dos ideais de lucro e rentabilidade que marcam sua gestão econômica do que propriamente um avanço no que compete às políticas de responsabilidade social corporativa, que apenas margeiam o ambiente periférico do conteúdo representacional do empresário.

Responsabilidade socioambiental corporativa: um estudo em subsidiárias brasileiras / Corporate social responsability: a study in Brazilian subsidiaries

Pinto, Karen Esteves Fernandes 08 December 2011 (has links)
PINTO, K. E. F. Responsabilidade Socioambiental Corporativa: um estudo em subsidiárias brasileiras. 2011. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. Aborda-se nesta dissertação a relação entre subsidiárias de corporações multinacionais estrangeiras no Brasil e Responsabilidade Socioambiental Corporativa (RSC). Inicialmente caracteriza-se o surgimento de corporações multinacionais e a crescente preocupação com questões socioambientais. Fundamenta-se o estudo, basicamente, nas literaturas referentes a multinacionais, matrizes, subsidiárias, gestão socioambiental e RSC. Apresenta-se, num primeiro momento, a identificação de RSC nas subsidiárias para, depois, apresentar a relação entre RSC e outros aspectos organizacionais como autonomia, integração e relevância estratégica. Além de realizar essas análises, estuda-se também a possível relação entre a RSC da subsidiária e o nível do desenvolvimento do país-sede da matriz. Para a realização do estudo, enviou-se um questionário eletrônico para os presidentes e vice-presidentes das 1200 maiores subsidiárias por faturamento e obteve-se 172 respostas. Conclui-se, por meio de análise multivariada, que a RSC encontra-se positivamente relacionada à integração entre a matriz e sua subsidiária e também à relevância estratégica atribuída à subsidiária pela matriz. Ou seja, quanto maior a integração com a matriz e quanto mais relevante estrategicamente, mais a subsidiária desenvolve RSC. Entretanto, a RSC encontra-se negativamente relacionada à autonomia da subsidiária e ao desenvolvimento do país-sede da matriz, o que resulta nas afirmações: (i) quanto mais autônoma, menos a subsidiária desenvolve RSC; e (ii) o desenvolvimento do país-sede não influi no fato de a subsidiária possuir ou não RSC. / PINTO, K. E. F. Corporate Social Responsibility: a study in Brazilian subsidiaries. 2011. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. In this dissertation the relationship between subsidiaries of foreign multinational corporations in Brazil and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is analyzed. Herein the emergence of multinational corporations is characterized, as well as the actual concern about social and environmental issues. The study is basically based on the literatures about multinational corporations, headquarters, subsidiaries, social and environmental management and CSR. Firstly, the identification of CSR in subsidiaries is showed; and, secondly, its relation to organizational aspects such as autonomy, integration between headquarters and their subsidiaries and subsidiary strategic relevance. Besides these analyses, the possible relationship between CSR and the development of the headquarters\' country of origin is also investigated. To accomplish this study, an electronic survey was sent to presidents and VPs of the 1200 largest subsidiaries in Brazil in terms of revenue; 172 answers were received. One may conclude, due to a multivariate analysis, that CSR is positively related to the headquarters-subsidiary integration and to subsidiary strategic relevance. It indicates, therefore, that the better integrated the subsidiary is to its headquarters and the more relevant the subsidiary becomes, then the more CSR the subsidiary develops. On the other hand, CSR is negatively related to subsidiary autonomy and to the development of the headquarters\' country of origin, which leads to the final statements: (i) the more autonomous it becomes, the less the subsidiary develops CSR; (ii) the development of the headquarters\' country of origin does not influence the emergence of CSR in the subsidiary.

Indicadores sociais de responsabilidade social corporativa: análise da utilização no contexto brasileiro / Social indicators of corporate social responsibility: analysis of use in the Brazilian context

Melo, Milena Silva de 11 December 2013 (has links)
As discussões da temática responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) intensificaram-se nos últimos tempos. O processo de globalização e incremento de inovações tecnológicas estreitaram as barreiras, possibilitando troca de informações e desenvolvimento de novos modelos. Observa-se um pensamento crítico no processo produtivo das organizações, gerando cobranças por ações éticas e socialmente responsáveis tanto pelo Estado como pela sociedade. Neste contexto, a sustentabilidade perpassa do modelo individualista para um modelo de integração da empresa e as partes interessadas no negócio. A comunicação das práticas sociais ganha relevância e estruturam-se em relatórios de balanços sociais ou relatórios de sustentabilidade. Os relatórios evoluíram conforme o contexto histórico e a dialética da conceituação de RSC. Hoje, estes se encontram estruturados em diretrizes e indicadores para compreensão do público. Este estudo se propôs a verificar a evolução do grau de aderência plena (GAPIE-GRI) e o grau de evidenciação efetiva (GEE) aos indicadores de desempenho social (práticas laborais, trabalho decente e direitos humanos) das empresas brasileiras que publicaram o relatório de sustentabilidade GRI de 2007 a 2012, tendo como foco demonstrar o quanto do que foi requerido pelos indicadores de desempenho pelas Diretrizes da GRI foi realmente divulgado e quanto do potencial dessas informações foi efetivamente apresentado ao longo desse período. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A análise ocorreu por meio do cálculo dos índices GAPIE-GRI e GEE e da estatística descritiva para análise do perfil da amostra. A amostra representa 642 relatórios da GRI das empresas brasileiras distribuídos no período investigado, presentes no site oficial da instituição e/ou da empresa. Observou-se a presença significativa de empresas de grande porte e de setores energia e serviços financeiros. Os indicadores com maior representatividade em aderência plena durante o período pesquisado foi LA1, LA2, LA4 e LA10. Notou-se o aumento do percentual dos índices GAPIE-GRI e GEE, demonstrando uma evolução de baixa aderência e evidenciação efetiva para um grau mediano de aderência e evidenciação efetiva nos indicadores sociais da GRI. / The discussions of the theme corporate social responsibility (CSR) have intensified in recent times. The process of globalization and increasing technological innovations narrowed barriers, enabling information exchange and development of new models. There is a critical thought in the production process of the organizations, generating charges for ethical and socially responsible actions both by the State and society. In this context, sustainability permeates the individualistic model to a model of enterprise integration and business stakeholders. The communication of social practices becomes relevant and structured into sustainability reports. Reports have evolved as the historical context and the dialectics of conceptualizing RSC. Today, these are structured guidelines and indicators for public understanding. This study aimed to verify the evolution of the degree of adherence full (GAPIE-GRI) and the degree of effective disclosure (GEE) to the social performance indicators (labor practices and decent work and human rights) of Brazilian companies that published the report GRI sustainability from 2007 to 2012, focusing on demonstrating how much of what was required by the performance indicators by GRI Guidelines was actually released and how much potential this information was effectively presented throughout this period. This is a quantitative study, descriptive, through literature and documents. The analysis occurred by calculating the indices GAPIE-GRI and GEE analysis and descriptive statistics for the sample profile. The sample represents 642 GRI reports of Brazilian companies distributed in the investigated period, present on the official website of the institution and / or company. We observed a significant presence of large companies and financial services and energy sectors. The most representative indicators in full compliance during the period studied was LA1, LA2, LA4 and LA10. It was noted the increase in the percentage of indices GAPIE-GRI and GHG, showing an increase of low adherence and disclosure effective for moderate degree of adherence and effective execution of social indicators of GRI.

Avaliação das práticas de responsabilidade social corporativa nos diversos portes de varejo de alimentos / Evaluation of practices of corporate social responsibility in food retail businesses of different sizes

Prado, Lucas Sciência do 07 April 2011 (has links)
A responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) é um conceito que a cada dia está mais presente no cotidiano das empresas em diversos países do mundo. Nota-se um crescente número de estudos sobre o assunto, principalmente com foco nas grandes empresas, líderes de seus setores de atuação. Contudo no Brasil a RSC ainda se apresenta em estágio inicial de desenvolvimento, sendo o varejo um dos setores que mais têm se engajado nessa prática. Destaca-se que, assim como no restante do mundo, são as grandes empresas que vêm liderando tal movimento. Sendo assim, abre-se uma lacuna para pesquisa sobre como esse assunto tem sido abordado também por empresas de outros portes, com menor abrangência de atuação. Dado esse contexto, este trabalho teve como principal objetivo entender as práticas de responsabilidade social corporativa, realizadas pelos diferentes varejistas de alimentos, buscando identificar as principais características do desenvolvimento dessas ações, em empresas de diferentes portes. Para atingir esse objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativo-exploratória, utilizando, para a coleta dos dados, o método de estudo de casos múltiplos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 11 estudos de caso de empresas do setor do varejo de alimentos. A análise dos resultados foi feita por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo, bem como com a utilização da ferramenta de mapas mentais. Os principais resultados encontrados mostram que, mesmo com muitas diferenças entre os portes de varejistas estudados, as práticas de RSC estão cada vez mais integradas ao dia a dia e agenda das empresas. Apesar disso, as empresas de atuação local ainda focam mais suas ações nas comunidades ao redor das lojas, realizando ações com características ainda filantrópicas. Já os varejistas regionais começam a associar suas práticas, principalmente, com a preservação do ambiente e com os funcionários da empresa. Nesse grupo, mesmo as empresas apresentando práticas de RSC um pouco mais avançadas, percebeu-se que os valores dos donos ainda são presentes na elaboração das práticas. O último grupo analisado foi o dos varejistas de atuação nacional/global. Nesse grupo, percebeu-se que as práticas de RSC estão cada vez mais desenvolvidas e integradas com suas estratégias. O número de stakeholders envolvidos nas atividades é o que torna a gestão da RSC um pouco mais difícil. Provavelmente por isso, nesses varejistas já seja possível observar cargos específicos para a gestão da RSC. Desse modo, uma das teorias utilizadas para a realização das análises foi a teoria dos stakeholders, a qual se mostrou adequada para o entendimento e o estudo da RSC nos diferentes portes de empresas estudados. Com base nos resultados encontrados, foi possível a criação de uma agenda de ações estratégicas para o desenvolvimento de ações de RSC para varejistas de diferentes portes. Além disso, ao final do trabalho, com base no referencial estudado e na validação com os especialistas entrevistados, foi possível a proposição de uma sequência de passos para a implementação de práticas de RSC. Apesar de não ter sido testado empiricamente, esse método poderá ser base para a realização de estudos futuros. Como contribuição desta pesquisa, destaca-se a realização de um estudo comparativo entre diferentes portes de varejistas, bem como o avanço em teorias como a teoria dos stakeholders. / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an ever increasing concept in the daily routine of companies all over the world. There have been more and more studies about that, mainly focusing on big, leading companies. However, CSR is still at its inception in Brazil, with retail businesses as the sector which has been more engaged in such practice. The biggest companies here, as everywhere else stand out as the ones which have been leading that movement. Therefore, how companies of different sizes, with lower performance, have approached that topic came up as a study objective. Given such context, the main objective of the present study was to understand the practices of corporate social responsibility performed by food retailers and seek to identify the main characteristics of the actions developed by companies of different sizes. In order to achieve that goal, a qualitative-exploratory study was conducted using the multiple-case method to collect data. Data were collected through 11 study cases on Brazilian food retail businesses. Analysis of results was performed using the content analysis technique as well as by means of mind maps. The main results show that CSR practices have been increasingly incorporated into companies daily routine and agenda in spite of the many differences in size among the retailers studied. Despite that, local companies focused their actions on communities surrounding their stores, still developing actions with philanthropic characteristics. Regional retailers have been associating their practices with environmental preservation and their employees mainly. In this group, even the companies with more advanced CSR practices, the owners values have been found to be still present when designing practices. The last group to be evaluated was the national/global retailers. In this group CSR practices have been found to be increasingly more advanced and integrated with their strategies. The number of stakeholders involved in those activities has made CSR management a little more difficult. Perhaps that is the reason why specific CSR manager positions have already been seen at such retail businesses. Thus, the stakeholders theory was one of the theories used for the evaluation, which was shown to be appropriate to understand and to study CSR in the different-sized companies evaluated. Based on the results, it was possible to create an agenda of strategic actions for the development of CSR actions targeting different size retailers. Besides, at the completion of the study, it was possible to suggest a sequence of steps for implementation of CSR practices based on the literature studied and validation with the experts interviewed. Although such method has not yet been empirically tested, it can serve as basis for future studies. As a contribution, this study has presented a comparative study between different-size retail companies as well as a development in theories such as the stakeholders theory.

Cross-border Online Purchase Intent : An Investigation of CSR-conscious Young Adults

Meier, Philip, Anastasiadou, Eleni January 2018 (has links)
Date:                             04 June 2018 Level:                            Master Thesis in International Marketing, 15 ECTS Institution:                     School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors:                       Anastasiadou, Elena                       Meier, Philip                                       (94/05/25)                            (88/03/11) Title:                              Cross-border Online Purchase Intent: An Investigation of CSR-conscious Young Adults Supervisor:                   Emilia Rovira Keywords:                   Online purchase intent, international online vendors, corporate                                      social responsibility, technology acceptance model, Ikea Research Question:     What factors affect the online purchase intent of CSR-conscious young adults buying from IOVs and how? Purpose:                       With the worldwide increasing access and usage of the Internet, cross-border shopping has emerged as an online trend, especially amongst young adults. Simultaneously, CSR-consciousness has spread rapidly around the globe. Consequently, it is this study’s purpose to gain a deeper understanding of factors influencing CSR-conscious young adults’ cross-border online purchase intent. Method:                         For the sake of reaching a deeper understanding of factors influencing online purchase intent this study applies qualitative research methods. Primary empirical data is collected via focus group interviews. In order to introduce a relatable online shopping scenario to the interviewees, the investigators present the interviewees with a case company during focus group sessions. Ikea’s online store is chosen as a case, since Ikea is a well-known IOV engaging in CSR practices. Lastly, the empirical findings are assessed by doing a thematic analysis. Conclusion:                  The conceptual model (see Figure 3. OPIM) proves to be suitable for exploring cross-border online purchase intent of CSR-conscious young adults, as each element appears to play a vital role in understanding influences on behavioural intention to purchase products or services online. With the help of the OPIM, several contributions could be made in this particular field of research. Firstly, this study uncovered a relationship between company size and CSR-conscious young adults’ trust, as part of their perceived quality. The relation is negative when investigating at the trust towards CSR promises but positive when looking at trust towards payment procedures. Secondly, non-monetary sacrifices, stemming from IOVs’ intangible nature, have a strong negative impact on the behavioural intention to purchase goods and services online, while comparing it to physical store counterparts. Thirdly, the investigators discovered how convenience and flexibility concerns lower potential customers’ perceived usefulness of IOVs. Fourthly, IOVs need to positively influence subjective norms and tailor online loyalty programs to increase potential customers’ commitment to purchase their products and services online. Lastly, this study finds that the level of satisfaction with a given online purchase is part of a mental re-evaluation process that directly influences potential future purchases.   Abbreviations:              B2B:             Business to Business Relationship                                  B2C:             Business to Consumer Relationship                                      CSR:                       Corporate Social Responsibility                                      IOV:             International Online Vendor                                      IS:                Information Systems                                       IT:                 Information Technology             OPIM: Online Purchase Intent Model            TAM:               Technology Acceptance Model

Guanxi and corporate community involvement

Yang, Rui January 2012 (has links)
This research investigates the relationship between guanxi and Corporate Community Involvement (CCI) in the Chinese business environment. The thesis provides valuable insights into the motivation and management of CCI in China where the institutional and cultural context is radically different from the Western contexts. This thesis also places CCI in the context of guanxi and thus bridges the literatures on CCI and guanxi. Strategic motivation and management of CCI has been studied extensively in the context of Western countries. However, the extant literature offers limited insights into the motivation and management of CCI in the Chinese business environment. The Chinese business environment is characterised by a comparatively poor legal system and weak property rights. In such an environment guanxi – a system of personal connections that carry long-term social obligations – are held to play a significant role in business relationships in China. Earlier studies have found that guanxi is able to influence a variety of corporate behaviours. Nevertheless, no attempt has been made to investigate how CCI may have been influenced by guanxi in China. This research develops a conceptual model and six propositions, which explain how CCI is strategically tailored to initiate guanxi, and furthermore, facilitate inter-organisational relationship development through such guanxi in China. Based on an empirical case analysis of 148 CCI projects from three types of company; foreign, state-owned, and private, this research explores the relationship between CCI and guanxi and tests the conceptual model and propositions. The empirical data was collected deploying face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with 65 companies (30 foreign companies, 9 state-owned companies, and 26 private companies) in China. The findings indicate that foreign companies’ and private companies’ CCI are motivated by guanxi development. Their CCI behaviours are strategically tailored to initiate guanxi with key stakeholders, and in particular with stakeholders who possess strong governmental backgrounds; and Chinese state-owned companies’ CCI behaviours are subject to little influence of guanxi development. While foreign companies used guanxi to facilitate their inter-organisational relationship development, private companies used guanxi to obtain formal institutional supports. From the findings, the conclusion is drawn that guanxi plays a significant role in motivating CCI engagement and shaping CCI behaviours in China, and, through such guanxi, CCI can be employed to facilitate inter-organisational relationship building and obtain formal institutional support.

A responsabilidade social corporativa e seus efeitos sobre a intenção de compra e a atitude em relação à empresa dos consumidores

Magalhães, Juliano Machado de 13 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:38:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 13 / Nenhuma / Estudos publicados em respeitáveis periódicos internacionais relacionam o construto Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) com o comportamento dos consumidores, mais especificamente em relação a sua Atitude em relação à Empresa (AE) e a sua Intenção de Compra (IC) em relação aos produtos desta mesma empresa (BROWN; DACIN, 1997; ELLEN; MOHR; WEBB, 2000; ELLEN; WEBB; MOHR, 2006; LICHTENSTEIN; DRUMWRIGHT; BRAIG, 2004; MOHR; WEBB, 2005; SEN; BHATTACHARYA, 2001). Esta análise vem predominantemente ocorrendo de forma experimental. Assim, neste estudo, apresentam-se os resultados dos efeitos da RSC sobre a AE e a IC, além de verificar de forma individual e, em conjunto com a RSC, o efeito da influência de outras variáveis, as moderadoras (domínio, preço, comportamento socialmente responsável do consumidor, envolvimento e a identificação entre o consumidor e a empresa), sobre estas. Seguindo a tendência identificada nas principais pesquisas relacionadas ao tema, esta também foi realizada de forma experimental em / Studies published in renowned international journals relate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) construct to consumer behavior, more specifically regarding consumer Attitude towards the Company (AC) and Purchase Intention (PI) regarding products sold by such company (BROWN; DACIN, 1997; ELLEN; MOHR; WEBB, 2000; ELLEN; WEBB; MOHR, 2006; LICHTENSTEIN; DRUMWRIGHT; BRAIG, 2004; MOHR; WEBB, 2005; SEN; BHATTACHARYA, 2001). This kind of analysis has been mostly carried out in as an experiment. Thus, in this study we present the results of the effects of CSR on AC and PI, as well as we check, separately and in connection with CSR, the effect of the influence of the so called "moderators" (domain, price, consumer socially responsible behavior, involvement and consumer-company identification) on them. Following the trend identified by the main researches on the theme, this study was also performed on an experimental basis. Consumers-students interacted with: domain (environmental, internal and external), CSR level (h

CSR på is : En fallstudie om fyra ishockeyklubbar i Svenska Hockeyligan

Lauber, Erika, Werdi, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Idén om Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framträdde redan på tidigt 1900-tal och har sedan dess spridits från företagsvärlden till sportvärlden. Den svenska sportrörelsen har länge präglats av en principiell amatörism och har fokus på inneboende värden som gemenskap, integration, fairplay, laganda, rörelse och välbefinnande, varför denna studie vill undersöka vad CSR formas till inom organisationer som redan borde adressera sådana frågor. Följaktligen är syftet med denna studie att utforska hur CSR har tagits emot och översatts i sportorganisationer genom att studera hur CSR har implementerats och utvecklats inom svenska ishockeyklubbar. Fallstudier genomfördes med fyra klubbar i Svenska Hockeyligan (SHL). Resultatet av studien visade att de fyra ishockeyklubbarna hade fokuserat sitt CSR-arbete på ett sätt som kan kopplas till de inneboende värdena. CSR har vidare formats till ett verktyg för idrottssponsring och ett sätt att legitimera samhällsstöd. Följaktligen har studien hjälpt till att fylla det gap som inom forskningen finns inom dels CSR-utveckling och dels CSR i svenskt kontext.

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