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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise econômica da quimiorradioterapia concomitante em pacientes portadores de carcinoma espinocelular de cabeça e pescoço / Economic analysis of chemo radiotherapy in head and neck cancer

Brentani, Alexandra Valéria Maria 23 April 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar análise custoefetividade do esquema de quimiorradioterapia com cisplatina (estratégia 2) comparado ao tratamento radioterápico (estratégia 1) para pacientes portadores de CECCP localmente avançado não elegíveis para tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: levantamos dados prospectivos de 33 pacientes na estratégia 2 e dados retrospectivos de 29 pacientes tratados no HC-FMUSP e Hospital A.C. Camargo, (estratégia 1). Consideramos a tabela de reembolso do Sistema Único de Saúde (perspectiva SUS) e custos do HC-FMUSP com honorários profissionais, medicamentos, demais insumos e depreciação de equipamentos (perspectiva Institucional). A medida de efetividade foi 1 ano de vida ganho, livre de progressão da doença (SLPD). Calculamos a Razão Incremental Custo Efetividade (RICE). RESULTADOS: 31% dos pacientes da estratégia 1 e 58% na estratégia 2) tiveram 1 ano de SLPD. Na perspectiva SUS o custo total por paciente na estratégia 1 foi de R$ 2.798,52 e R$ 4.938,11 na estratégia 2. Na perspectiva institucional os custos foram R$ 26.798,52 e R$ 5.040,79, respectivamente. A RICE na perspectiva SUS foi de R$ 7.924,00 reais por ano de vida ganho e R$ 8.912,71 na perspectiva institucional. CONCLUSÃO: nas duas perspectivas a estratégia 2 se mostrou custo-efetiva, sendo o custo incremental considerado aceitável, segundo diretrizes do Banco Mundial. / INTRODUCTION: The present study aims to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing chemoradiotherapy with cisplatine and radiotherapy alone, to treat inoperative advanced head and neck cancer. METHODS: we collected data from 29 patients in a prospective study on chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin, conducted at Hospital das Clínicas HC-FMUSP,(strategy 2). For strategy 1, we collected retrospective data of 33 patients treated with radiotherapy at HC-FMUSP and Hospital A.C. Camargo. We considered only direct costs (personnel, drugs, material and equipment depreciation). We considered, the National Health Service (SUS) reimbursement parameters as the National Security System perspective, and HC-FMUSP costs as the institutional perspectives. We measured effectiveness as one year of diseasefree life gained. We collected costs and effectiveness data and calculated the cost-effectiveness incremental ratio ICER, which expresses additional costs per life year gained, in strategy 2, compared to strategy 1 RESULTS: 31.0% of the patients treated in strategy 1 lived more than 12 months, without disease progression, compared to 58.0% of the patients in strategy 2. According to SUS perspective, the total cost per patient in strategy 1) is R$ 2.798,52 and R$ 4.938,11 in strategy 2. Considering the institutional perspective, total costs are R$ 2.634,36, and R$ 5.040,79 respectively. In SUS perspective, the ICER ratio of strategy 2 compared to 1 is R$ 7.924,00 per lifes year gained. In the institutional perspective, ICER is R$ 8.912,71. We conducted a one way sensitivity analysis to verify our calculations. CONCLUSION: Chemoradioterapy with cisplatin proved more cost-effective than radiotherapy. Using the World Bank guidelines, wich considers the countries GDP per capita an acceptable cost per additional year of life (R$ 12.491,00 in 2006), the incremental cost of both is acceptable.

運用新共同邊界法探討多重產出銀行業市場競爭度與成本效率 / A New Approach to Jointly Estimating the Lerner Index and Cost Efficiency for Multi-output Banks under a New Meta-Frontier Framework

江典霖, Chiang, Dien Lin Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻大多使用Lerner指數來衡量銀行業之市場競爭度,但在計算過程中有可能出現其值為負之問題。為解決上述問題,本文運用關聯結構函數建立聯立隨機邊界模型,它由銀行成本邊界與兩條產出價格邊界所組成,可以同時衡量放款市場及投資市場之市場競爭度與成本效率。另外,為比較西歐五個國家的銀行市場競爭度與成本效率,本文進一步採用Huang et al. (2014)所提出的新隨機共同邊界模型,此模型除使用共同成本邊界計算技術缺口比率外,還透過產出價格共同邊界衡量潛在Lerner指數,進一步拆解成Lerner指數與MC gap ratio (MCGR)兩部分,可以比較不同國家間的市場競爭程度。 / This paper proposes the copula-based simultaneous stochastic frontier model (CSSFM), composed of a cost frontier and two output price frontiers for the banking sector, in order to measure cost efficiency and market power in the markets of loans and investments. The new Lerner index can be estimated by relying on the simultaneous equations model, consisting of three frontier equations, which avoids obtaining negative measures of the Lerner index. We then apply the new meta-frontier model to simultaneously estimate and compare cost efficiency and market power across five countries over the period 1998-2010. The salient feature of our proposed approach is that it allows for calculating the technology gap ratio on the basis of the cost frontier, as well as evaluating the potential Lerner index from price frontiers, which can be decomposed into the country-specific Lerner index and marginal cost gap ratio.

Kostnadseffektivisering och kvalitetsförbättring gällande hantering av skärvätska

Brosgård, Philip, Fahlman, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Projektet bestod i att ge underlag för lämpliga och användbara lösningar för effektivisering av Kockums Maskins skärvätskehantering och kostnadsrelaterade faktorer gällande företagets skärvätska. En grundlig undersökning av lämpligt material inom projektets huvudsakliga område gjordes till en början för att därefter resultera i en vidare analys av företagets nuvarande system och hantering av skärvätskor. Utifrån denna analys påbörjades en vidare undersökning om möjliga förslag om förbättring gällande de berörda problemen. Genom direktkontakt med flertalet företag och personer inom hantering/inköp samt befintlig dokumentation gällande skärvätska, erhölls ett flertal lösningar och förbättringsförslag som senare utvärderades och användes vid framtagning av det sökta projektresultatet. Problematiken gällande valet av lösningar har att göra med det faktum att det krävs omfattande kompetens inom varje typ av lösningsgrupp för att uppfylla de krav och förhållanden som finns hos Kockums Maskin. Därmed har avgränsningar gjorts gällande direkta val av lösningar för att istället ge förslag på lämpliga lösningar gällande förbättring av kvalitet, som indirekt bör sänka den årliga kostnaden av skärvätska, utifrån Kockums Maskins egentliga behov. / The project was to provide the basis for appropriate and useful solutions for any eventually streamlining of Kockums Maskin's cutting fluid management. Cost-related factors regarding the company's cutting fluid are also included in this part. A detailed examination of suitable material within the project's main area were initially and subsequently result in a further analysis of the company's existing systems and management, regarding cutting fluids. Based on this analysis a further investigation on possible proposals was started for improvement regarding the issues involved with the solutions and the cutting fluids. Through direct contact with many companies and individuals in management/purchasing and existing documentation regarding cutting fluid, obtained a several solutions and suggestions for improvement regarding the searched area. This result was then later evaluated and used in the development of the project results. The problem regarding the choice of solutions has to do with the fact that it requires extensive expertise in every type of area to meet the requirements and conditions that Kockums Maskin demands. Thus, the boundaries claimed the election of solutions to instead provide suggestions for suitable solutions regarding the improvement of quality, which indirectly should lower the annual cost of cutting fluid, based on Kockums Maskin's actual needs.

運用關聯結構網絡隨機邊界分析法探討我國壽險公司經營績效 / Applying the Copula-Based Network Stochastic Frontier Approach to Study the Efficiency of Taiwan’s Life Insurance Industry

巫瑞虔, Wu, Ruei Cian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2000至2012年台灣地區26間人壽保險公司的不平衡縱橫資料,運用網絡隨機邊界分析法將壽險業的生產過程分為行銷與投資兩階段進行效率評估,並利用估計結果計算規模彈性與成本彈性探討台灣壽險業的生產特性,附帶分析跨期技術變動率,最後比較不同分組的壽險公司間經營效率是否存在差異。 實證結果發現壽險公司在行銷活動過程投入較少的內勤員工與較多的固定資產,在投資階段則相反,投入較多的內勤員工與較少的固定資產,與壽險公司實際運作情況相符;此外,投資階段的效率優於第一階段的行銷效率。整體台灣壽險業受到2008年金融風暴影響導致經營效率下降,國內壽險公司在經營效率上優於外商壽險分公司,金控壽險公司生產技術效率優於非金控壽險公司,1993年後成立的新壽險公司生產技術效率平均優於傳統舊壽險公司。 / This paper uses the copula-based network SFA model developed by Huang et al. (2013) to estimate the technical efficiency of Taiwan’s life insurance companies over the period 2000-2012. Under this framework, life insurance companies produce premium income as intermediate product which is one of input factors to produce investment income. The empirical analysis concluded: (a) life insurers use little internal staff in first stage, (b) domestic life insurers have both high technical efficiency and cost efficiency in comparison with foreign life insurers, (c) financial holding life insurers have greater technical efficiency than those of not from financial holding insurers, and (d) new life insurers have higher technical efficiency than old life insurers.

Persistent Inefficiency in the Higher Education Sector

Gralka, Sabine 04 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Evaluations of the Higher Education Sector are receiving increased attention, due to the rising expenditures and the absence of efficiency enhancing market pressure. To what extent universities are able to eliminate inefficiency is a question that has only partially been answered. This paper argues that heterogeneity among universities as well as persistent inefficiency hinder the institutions to achieve full efficiency - at least in the short run. Two standard and one novel specification of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis are applied to a new, comprehensive set of panel data to show how the standard efficiency evaluation changes when both aspects are taken into account. It is the first time that the idea of persistent inefficiency is considered in the analysis of the German Higher Education Sector. The comparison reveals that the disregard of heterogeneity distorts the estimation results towards lower efficiency values. The newly introduced specification improves the accuracy of the heterogeneity assumption and exposes that inefficiency tends to be long term and persistent rather than short term and residual. This implies that increasing efficiency requires a comprehensive change of the university structure.

Improving the product development process with additive manufacturing

Philip, Ragnartz, Staffanson, Axel January 2018 (has links)
The following report consists of a master thesis (30 credits) within product development. The thesis is written by Philip Ragnartz and Axel Staffanson, both studying mechanical engineering at Mälardalens University. Developing new components for a production line is costly and time consuming as they must be made from manual measurements and must go through all the conventional manufacturing (CM) steps. Eventual design mistakes will be discovered after the component have been manufactured and tested. To fix the design a completely new component must be designed and therefore double the overall lead time. The purpose of this thesis is to establish how additive manufacturing (AM) can best be used to minimize the cost and lead time in the development of new components. The study was performed by looking at the current product development process in the automotive industry at a large company, here by referred to as company A. 56 components already manufactured at company A´s own tools department was examined and compared to different AM methods. The aim of this was to get a larger pool of data to get an average on production time and cost and see how this differ to the different AM methods. Additionally, two work holders were more closely examined in a case study. Work holder one is a component in the production line that occasionally must be remanufactured. It was examined if this problem could be solved with a desktop plastic printer to hold up for a production batch. Work holder two was the development of a new component, this was to examine the use of printing the component in an early stage impact the development process. The findings from this study is that AM can today not be used in a cost efficient way in manufacturing or development of simple components. This is due to the cost of a metal 3D-printer is still very high, and the building material even higher. This results in components that gets very expensive to make compared to producing them with CM. For design evaluation to be cost efficient there will have to be a design fault in over 12 % of the newly design components for it to be cost effective to print the design for validation before sending it to be manufactured. There are however a lot bigger potential savings in the lead time. Producing the end product with a metal 3D-printer can cut down the lead time up to 85 %. This is thanks to the fact that the printer will produce the component all in one step and therefore not get stuck in between different manufacturing processes. The same goes for design evaluation with printing the component in plastic to confirm the design and not risk having to wait for the component to be manufactured twice. Despite the facts that it is not cost efficient to use AM there are other factors that play an important role. To know that the designed components will work will create a certainty and allow the development process to continue. In some cases it will also allow the designer to improve the design to function better even if the first design would have worked. As AM is expanding machines and build materials will become cheaper. Eventually it will become cheaper to 3D-print even simple components compared to CM. When this occurs, a company cannot simply buy a 3D-printer and make it profitable. There is a learning curve with AM that will take time for the designers to adapt to. Therefore, it is good to start implementing it as soon as possible as it allows for more intricate designs and require experience to do so.

The management of the logistical supply chain drivers in Sowetan small businesses

Eicker, Themari 10 1900 (has links)
The performance of small businesses contribute substantially to the South African economy. In recent years the South African Government has prioritised the development of township retail industries by implementing numerous initiatives. The primary objective of this study was to determine how formal independent small retail businesses in Soweto manage their logistical supply chain drivers, namely facilities, inventory and transportation, in terms of responsiveness and cost-efficiency in order to survive. The logistical supply chain drivers should not only be managed as a cohesive unit, but also be aligned with the orientation of the selected supply chain strategy, in terms of responsiveness and cost-efficiency. During 2014, a quantitative survey was conducted among 650 formal independent small Sowetan businesses of which the responses of 556 retailers were analysed in terms of responsiveness and cost-efficiency. The study also investigated the role of the relevant industry group in the management of the logistical supply chain drivers by the business owners. The data was analysed and tested by the Kruskal-Wallis test, the Pearson Chi-square test and factor analyses were performed. Two binary logistic regression models were developed to determine the influence of the management of the logistical supply chain drivers on the small retailers’ odds of survival. The results showed that the small retailers manage facilities and inventory focused more towards responsiveness, whereas transportation is managed focused on either cost-efficiency or responsiveness. The study concluded that age and growth in income can predict the odds of survival for small businesses. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Análise econômica da quimiorradioterapia concomitante em pacientes portadores de carcinoma espinocelular de cabeça e pescoço / Economic analysis of chemo radiotherapy in head and neck cancer

Alexandra Valéria Maria Brentani 23 April 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar análise custoefetividade do esquema de quimiorradioterapia com cisplatina (estratégia 2) comparado ao tratamento radioterápico (estratégia 1) para pacientes portadores de CECCP localmente avançado não elegíveis para tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: levantamos dados prospectivos de 33 pacientes na estratégia 2 e dados retrospectivos de 29 pacientes tratados no HC-FMUSP e Hospital A.C. Camargo, (estratégia 1). Consideramos a tabela de reembolso do Sistema Único de Saúde (perspectiva SUS) e custos do HC-FMUSP com honorários profissionais, medicamentos, demais insumos e depreciação de equipamentos (perspectiva Institucional). A medida de efetividade foi 1 ano de vida ganho, livre de progressão da doença (SLPD). Calculamos a Razão Incremental Custo Efetividade (RICE). RESULTADOS: 31% dos pacientes da estratégia 1 e 58% na estratégia 2) tiveram 1 ano de SLPD. Na perspectiva SUS o custo total por paciente na estratégia 1 foi de R$ 2.798,52 e R$ 4.938,11 na estratégia 2. Na perspectiva institucional os custos foram R$ 26.798,52 e R$ 5.040,79, respectivamente. A RICE na perspectiva SUS foi de R$ 7.924,00 reais por ano de vida ganho e R$ 8.912,71 na perspectiva institucional. CONCLUSÃO: nas duas perspectivas a estratégia 2 se mostrou custo-efetiva, sendo o custo incremental considerado aceitável, segundo diretrizes do Banco Mundial. / INTRODUCTION: The present study aims to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing chemoradiotherapy with cisplatine and radiotherapy alone, to treat inoperative advanced head and neck cancer. METHODS: we collected data from 29 patients in a prospective study on chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin, conducted at Hospital das Clínicas HC-FMUSP,(strategy 2). For strategy 1, we collected retrospective data of 33 patients treated with radiotherapy at HC-FMUSP and Hospital A.C. Camargo. We considered only direct costs (personnel, drugs, material and equipment depreciation). We considered, the National Health Service (SUS) reimbursement parameters as the National Security System perspective, and HC-FMUSP costs as the institutional perspectives. We measured effectiveness as one year of diseasefree life gained. We collected costs and effectiveness data and calculated the cost-effectiveness incremental ratio ICER, which expresses additional costs per life year gained, in strategy 2, compared to strategy 1 RESULTS: 31.0% of the patients treated in strategy 1 lived more than 12 months, without disease progression, compared to 58.0% of the patients in strategy 2. According to SUS perspective, the total cost per patient in strategy 1) is R$ 2.798,52 and R$ 4.938,11 in strategy 2. Considering the institutional perspective, total costs are R$ 2.634,36, and R$ 5.040,79 respectively. In SUS perspective, the ICER ratio of strategy 2 compared to 1 is R$ 7.924,00 per lifes year gained. In the institutional perspective, ICER is R$ 8.912,71. We conducted a one way sensitivity analysis to verify our calculations. CONCLUSION: Chemoradioterapy with cisplatin proved more cost-effective than radiotherapy. Using the World Bank guidelines, wich considers the countries GDP per capita an acceptable cost per additional year of life (R$ 12.491,00 in 2006), the incremental cost of both is acceptable.

Hemtjänsten och marknaden : Om praktisk kunskap och marknadsstyrning

Ljung, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker genom en fallstudie av hemtjänsten hur organisering och styrning enligt principerna för New Public Management påverkar omsorgspersonalens möjlighet att medvetandegöra, utveckla, föra vidare samt tillämpa sin praktiska yrkeskunskap. Materialet till studien baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer av vårdbiträden med lång yrkeserfarenhet som upplevt de förändringar av verksamheten som genomförts sedan början på 1990-talet. Studiens syfte är att med hjälp av organisations- och managementteori, med fokus på rationalitet och effektivitet, samt teorin om praktisk kunskap analysera om organiseringen påverkar villkoren för utövandet av den praktiska kunskapen i verksamheten. Resultaten visar att organisations- och styrningsmodellen som manifesterats genom en utpräglad tids- och detaljstyrning av omsorgsarbetet påverkat verksamhetens praktiska kunskap negativt då den inneburit att vårdbiträdenas handlingsutrymme begränsats. En slutsats som kan dras av studiens resultat är att den utpräglade strävan efter kostnadseffektivitet kommit i konflikt med vårdbiträdenas möjlighet att tillämpa sin praktiska yrkeskunskap. Dagens organisering av verksamheten präglas med andra ord av motstridiga logiker då jakten efter kostnadseffektivitet sker på bekostnad av den praktiska kunskapen och omsorgsrationaliteten. / The thesis investigates through a case study of the home care service how organisation and management by the principles of New Public Management influences the home care staff´s possibilities to awareness rising, to develop, to communicate and to practice their practical knowledge. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with home care personnel of long professional experience who have experienced the organisational chances that begun in beginning of the 1990:s. The aim of the study is to analys whether the model of organization and mangement influences the conditions of the personnels work practise. The analytical tool of the study is a theoretical framework of organizational theories, with the fokus on rationality and efficiency, and the theory of practical knowledge. The findings show that the organizational- and management modell that is displayed through a distinct exemplary of time- and detail-mangement have had a negative influence on the practical knowledge of the sphere of activities. It is so because of the limitations the organizational model put on the home care staffs possibility to act in accordance with their experience acquired practical knowledge. In other words the current organization of the work in the home care service constitutes of contradictory logics by the fact that the aspiration for cost efficiency takes place on the expence of the practical knowledge and the rationality of care.

Persistent Inefficiency in the Higher Education Sector: Evidence from Germany

Gralka, Sabine 04 October 2016 (has links)
Evaluations of the Higher Education Sector are receiving increased attention, due to the rising expenditures and the absence of efficiency enhancing market pressure. To what extent universities are able to eliminate inefficiency is a question that has only partially been answered. This paper argues that heterogeneity among universities as well as persistent inefficiency hinder the institutions to achieve full efficiency - at least in the short run. Two standard and one novel specification of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis are applied to a new, comprehensive set of panel data to show how the standard efficiency evaluation changes when both aspects are taken into account. It is the first time that the idea of persistent inefficiency is considered in the analysis of the German Higher Education Sector. The comparison reveals that the disregard of heterogeneity distorts the estimation results towards lower efficiency values. The newly introduced specification improves the accuracy of the heterogeneity assumption and exposes that inefficiency tends to be long term and persistent rather than short term and residual. This implies that increasing efficiency requires a comprehensive change of the university structure.

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