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The theoretical application of the dichotomy-duality model to the county government budget processModlin, Steve W., January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Political Science and Public Administration. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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Revisiting brutalism : the past and future of an architectural movementContreras, Kalan Michael 07 November 2013 (has links)
Brutalist architecture, popularized in Britain in the late 1950s and heralded as a progressive form of Modernism in the United States until the 1970s, now presents a conundrum to preservationists as it ages. Once critically acclaimed, many Brutalist buildings have lost their appeal over time. The unpolished materials have proven unpopular with many who live and work in these structures, and key examples of the style are now facing demolition. Though “Brutalism” has become a nebulous architectural designation in the preservation community, this paper focuses on a specific subset of late Modernist architecture that primarily utilizes unfinished concrete to promote the philosophy of material truth and unapologetic permanence. While artistry of form and overall functionality affect preservation of Brutalist buildings in the United States, an important factor in the decision to demolish is often overlooked: the interplay of public opinion with critical acclaim, both in the past and within current architectural climates.
This project examines the Brutalist approach to architecture and chronicles the shifts in critical and public perspective of several key case studies, focusing on university structures (the Yale Art and Architecture Building, Harry Ransom Center, and the University of Texas School of Nursing), theaters (Morris Mechanic Theater and Alley Theater), and civic buildings (Orange County Government Center, Boston City Hall, and Prentice Women’s Hospital). Understanding how and why shifts in opinion took place is critical in making informed preservation decisions about Brutalist architecture. / text
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Interaktiv samhällsplanering vid planering av civilt försvar : En komparativ studie mellan Halland, Värmland, Västra Götaland och Örebro läns arbete med planering av civilt försvar. / Governance in the planning of civil defense. : A comparative study between Halland, Värmland, Västra Götaland och Örebro counties work on civil defense planning.Andersson, Jan-Åke, Sturesson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en komparativ fallstudie som undersöker fyra länsstyrelsers planering av civilt försvar ur ett samverkansperspektiv. De undersökta länsstyrelserna är Halland, Västra Götaland, Värmland och Örebro län. Den övergripande frågan är vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan länsstyrelsernas planering. Empirin är inhämtad genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med tjänstemän i chefs- samt handläggarnivå vid de undersökta länsstyrelserna. Det inhämtade materialet är kategoriserat och analyserat utifrån en analysmodell som bygger på ett ramverk, An Integrative Framework for Collaborative Governance. I analysen jämförs de fyra länsstyrelsernas arbete med att planera civilt försvar genom samverkan. Resultatet av studien påvisar att det finns stora skillnader mellan de undersökta länsstyrelserna i hur de har tagit sig an uppgiften och vilken verksamhet de bedriver för att skapa legitimitet, gränsöverskridande åtgärder och helhetsförståelse mellan aktörer för att skapa förutsättningar för planering av civilt försvar. Det finns även stora skillnader i hur de har uppfattat den styrning som kommer från central nivå. Resultatet påvisar även att det finns stora likheter i de behov de fyra länsstyrelserna lyfter fram, bland annat samordning i den hierarkiska organisationen från central- ned till lokal nivå avseende branschöverenskommelser och en sammanhållen planeringsprocess. Ramverket kan konstateras vara användbart som analysmodell avseende samverkan vid planering av civilt försvar. / This essay is a comparative case study that examines the planning of civil defense from Halland, Västra Götaland, Värmland and Örebro county administrative boards from a collaborative perspective. The overall question is what similarities and differences exist between the county administrative board planning. The empiric material is obtained through semi-structured qualitative interviews with officials at the executive and supervisory level of the investigated county administrative boards. The collected material is categorized and analyzed based on an analysis model based on a framework, An Integrative Framework for Collaborative Governance. The analysis compares the work of the four county administrative boards in planning civil defense through cooperation. The results of the study shows that there are major differences between the county administrative authorities in how they have taken on the task and what activity they are pursuing to create legitimacy, cross-border action and overall understanding between actors to create the conditions for civil defense planning. There are also major differences in how they perceived the governance that comes from national authority. The result also shows that there are major similarities in the needs of the four county administrative boards, including coordination in the hierarchical organization from national to local level regarding industry agreements and coherent planning. The framework can be found useful as an analysis tool for collaborative planning in civil defense.
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Organizational Social Capital and Performance Information Use: Analyzing the Link and Its Implications for Public ManagementTantardini, Michele 20 June 2016 (has links)
The use of performance information is the backbone of performance management. Performance information use refers to the willingness of public managers or other relevant stakeholders to incorporate quantitative or qualitative data in their decision-making. Both routine and nonroutine performance information is considered essential in managers’ decision making. Understanding the organizational factors that motivate public managers to use performance information is an important topic in the literature and practice of performance management.
Although the number of studies on information use is growing, little is known about the impact of Organizational Social Capital (OSC). OSC is composed of the sub-dimensions of social interaction, trust, and shared goals. The main argument of this study is that OSC fosters performance information use in public administrations. It is expected that departments with high levels of organizational social capital are more likely to use both routine and nonroutine performance information.
To test the hypothesized effect, department heads, middle managers, and other individuals with a supervisory role from 513 Florida County Government departments were surveyed. Furthermore, interviews, focus groups, and analysis of secondary data were performed to provide the context and the narrative surrounding the hypothesized effect. Analysis of the survey data reveals evidence in support of the hypothesized effects. Furthermore, the comparative case study analysis shows the existence of substantial differences in the history, background, organizational culture, and management between the two counties. The main findings show how reorganization processes as well as a lack of leadership may have detrimental effects to organizational social capital.
Organizational social capital could be considered a relevant predictor of performance information use and thus deserves further attention from both researchers and practitioners.
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Selection and Passage of County Land Preservation Voter Referendum: The Role of GovernmentBeaghen, Susan P 21 March 2013 (has links)
County jurisdictions in America are increasingly exercising self-government in the provision of public community services through the context of second order federalism. In states exercising this form of contemporary governance, county governments with “reformed” policy-making structures and professional management practices, have begun to rival or surpass municipalities in the delivery of local services with regional implications such as environmental protection (Benton 2002, 2003; Marando and Reeves, 1993).
The voter referendum, a form of direct democracy, is an important component of county land preservation and environmental protection governmental policies. The recent growth and success of land preservation voter referendums nationwide reflects an increase in citizen participation in government and their desire to protect vacant land and its natural environment from threats of over-development, urbanization and sprawl, loss of open space and farmland, deterioration of ecosystems, and inadequate park and recreational amenities.
The study’s design employs a sequential, mixed method. First, a quantitative approach employs the Heckman two-step model. It is fitted with variables for the non-random sample of 227 voter referendum counties and all non-voter referendum counties in the U.S. from 1988 to 2009. Second, the qualitative data collected from the in-depth investigation of three South Florida county case studies with twelve public administrator interviews is transformed for integration with the quantitative findings. The purpose of the qualitative method is to complement, explain and enrich the statistical analysis of county demographic, socio-economic, terrain, regional, governance and government, political preference, environmentalism, and referendum-specific factors.
The research finds that government factors are significant in terms of the success of land preservation voter referendums; more specifically, the presence of self-government authority (home rule charter), a reformed structure (county administrator/manager or elected executive), and environmental interest groups. In addition, this study concludes that successful counties are often located coastal, exhibit population and housing growth, and have older and more educated citizens who vote democratic in presidential elections. The analysis of case study documents and public administrator interviews finds that pragmatic considerations of timing, local politics and networking of regional stakeholders are also important features of success. Further research is suggested utilizing additional public participation, local government and public administration factors.
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Low-income Health Care Networks: Initial Conditions, Extent, And Intensity Relevant To County Government ParticipationKnepper, Hillary 01 January 2010 (has links)
Contemporary health care systems in the United States are not equitable. Indeed, as the literature indicates, there are substantial differences in the variety and scope of service delivery based on age, income, and other socio-economic indicators. The recent passage of health care reform in the United States illustrates that Americans are seeking to bring balance and equity to health care. However, as learned in this study, county governments across the country have been working in their communities to ensure some balance and equity, by making a safety net available for those citizens who are unable to access health care. Perhaps this is because health care quickly becomes a local government problem. In this current economic climate, county governments are being pinched between declining revenues and rising demands for services (Eaton, 2009; Phaup, 2009). The Orange County Primary Care Access Network is one example studied here that provides clear evidence of how organizations can work together to develop and maintain a sustainable health care safety net for the underinsured and uninsured. This study is the first of its kind to examine county government influences, environmental pressures, and community resources in the context of health care network performance. The methodological research question for this study is what determinants (exogenous constructs) contribute to a health care network and its performance (endogenous construct) within the framework of county government participation? Further, is the model supported by the data and can prediction, direction, and strength of relationships among the variables be identified? The simple answer is yes. For this study, the responses from 123 counties were analyzed with a variety of statistical techniques, culminating in structural equation modeling. The outcome of these analyses provided a reasonable explanation for the variation among the variables leading to network performance improvement in meeting the health care needs of uninsured and underinsured people. These quantitative data were also supported in their results with the inclusion of a case study analysis of a particular health care safety-net, the Orange County Primary Care Access Network in Orange County, Florida. Ultimately, this study learned three valuable lessons that can be used by county government decision-makers and health care providers alike. First, county involvement in community based health care networks results in a benefit that reverberates during economic stress- the leveraging of resources. Second, public-private initiatives are fundamental to reducing disparities in health care access. Third, health care networks improve access to health care for uninsured and underinsured people. Ultimately, county government participation is the largest predictor of network performance in this study.
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景觀計畫架構體系與操作方法之研究﹣以宜蘭縣政中心地區為例 / The Preliminary Research of the Landscape Planning Framework System and Operation Procedure ﹣A Case Study of the I- Lan County Government Development Area林玄宜, Hsuan- I Lin January 1993 (has links)
本研究探討「景觀法(草案)」施行前後,對於現行都市計畫體系等所產生改變,以及未來在景觀法下景觀計畫,將不再僅為都市計畫定期通盤檢討實施辦法第八條內都市設計應辦事項,乃提升為更上位指導性計畫(法定程序與計畫位階),以充份發揮在地所屬地方特色且能因地制宜。因此,本研究乃依據政府當前所施行主要「政策趨向」與「法令規範」為基礎,從「景觀計畫」理念涵構、內容範疇、架構體系、操作方法等面向來加以探究。並於理論研議之後再透過案例模擬,以「宜蘭縣政府」為主導單位來探討合理推動「宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫」之操作程序與策略指引研議。以下是本研究在研討過程當中,根據理論與模擬結果,所歸納出來主要成果,並可供未來發展景觀計畫工作時建議方向。其一為政策機制:1.重視計畫擬訂過程整合、2.計畫主體縣(市)政府、3.設景觀計畫審議委員會、4.落實行政專業專職人員、5.提供修訂上位計畫參據、6.建蔽率與容積率的檢討、7.景觀計畫之行銷與考核、8.鼓勵公私合夥廣籌財源等。其二為管理維護:1.定期與不定期資料蒐集、2.城鄉景觀資源有效整合、3.訂定管理維護獎懲條例、4.成長管理的監測與評估、5.嚴格監督整體開發成果、6.提供經驗技術專責單位、7.整合相關查報取締工作、8.教育民眾自我意識提升、9.落實環境宣導教育推廣、10.閒置土地綠美化等。其三為案例模擬:1.通盤檢討落實、2.審議制度建構、3.當地民眾參與、4.自治條例研擬、5.預期成效模擬、6.行銷策略推廣等。 / The study process is based on the "Qualitative Research- Exploratory & Conclusive Research" & assistant by "Practical Prove" of the landscape planning framework system and operation procedure. In past years, the effort to promote townscape so as to create a rural feel has demonstrated its results in many places. However, it has always lacked the guidance of a prospectus and long- term planning. Local development has been the focus of attention for a long time; there are important theme for discussion, is a local intent of the landscape planning is to complement the defeat of two- dimensional arrangement of traditional urban planning and to achieve three- dimensional control of the townscape. Furthermore, Landscape planning can also integrate the activities in city, rural and shape the unique townscape characteristics. A practice of the landscape law will be a trend in Taiwan. This study is consisted of the three parts; namely basic study, the analysis and verification, and remedies. This study would probe concepts and theories of sustainable townscape via the relative literatures. To review the bottom- up processing & top- down processing on the relative literatures and theories- probes the concepts, a theory, control elements of the landscape planning, and furthermore, establishes the research framework system- consequence strategies of behavior change and antecedent strategies of behavior change of this study; the landscape law and institutions should fit the needs of landscape planning. And the researcher will make clear the operating mechanism of the landscape planning framework system in every law level according to the enforceable contents of current urban planning. The processing procedure timeline will be improving and thus the landscape law will be satisfied. Implementation for the plan is divided into current stage and future stage, according to the physical environment potentials, constraints and the planning goals. Thus the government authorities show the confident of implementing the planning and win public trust. In a long run, continuing the sustainable development process. For the principles of setting up the regulation, it needs to clearly explain on the three levels, the goals, objectives and criteria. Furthermore, we try to apply the concepts of landscape law in the landscape planning of case and discover the potential and limits of the local region with the analysis methodology of the S.W.O.T. analysis method to construct a reasonable and suitable landscape development strategy of the "I- Lan county government development area". Finally, the purpose is to understand whether the local administration institution does suit introduces on the "landscape law and planning" in Taiwan. Besides, on this research also attempt to consult the factors that affect the landscape law & planning development of Taiwan today, and then to bring up the vision of the future in Taiwan. All these efforts enhance Taiwan townscape’ style shape and characterize on the districts with a sustainable development townscape vision. / 目 錄
誌 謝iv
目 錄v
表 目 錄viii
圖 目 錄ix
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機與目的5
1.2.1 研究動機5
1.2.2 研究目的8
1.3 研究範疇與架構10
1.3.1 研究範疇10
1.3.2 研究架構11
1.4 研究方法與流程13
1.4.1 研究方法13
1.4.2 研究流程15
1.5 名詞定義18
第二章 文獻回顧21
2.1 臺灣城鄉風貌問題21
2.2 創造城鄉新風貌行動方案趨勢26
2.2.1 計畫回顧26
2.2.2 計畫探討29
2.3 永續城鄉觀點34
2.3.1 基本觀念探討35
2.3.2 發展思考脈絡38
2.4 景觀計畫涵蓋範疇芻議49
2.4.1 相關文獻回顧50
2.4.2 計畫內容研議52
2.5 小結58
第三章 景觀計畫架構體系59
3.1 景觀計畫定位59
3.2 景觀法(草案)探討60
3.2.1 擬訂背景60
3.2.2 綜合探討65
3.3 景觀計畫體系衍議66
3.3.1 現行都市計畫體系對於景觀計畫影響67
3.3.2 未來景觀計畫於都市計畫體系中定位73
3.4 景觀計畫架構探討79
3.4.1 景觀計畫架構體系79
3.4.2 都市計畫位階內容84
3.5 小結95
第四章 景觀計畫操作方法97
4.1 景觀計畫執行97
4.2 景觀計畫操作範疇99
4.2.1 推動程序99
4.2.2 調查內容102
4.3 景觀計畫操作方法111
4.3.1 規劃認知111
4.3.2 規劃步驟112
4.4 景觀計畫操作建議129
4.4.1 政策機制的操作方向129
4.4.2 管理維護的操作方向131
4.5 小結133
第五章 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作模擬(先期研究)135
5.1 宜蘭縣(研究範圍)環境調查分析135
5.1.1 地區發展背景與政策定位136
5.1.2 相關上位計畫與發展計畫139
5.1.3 研究範圍景觀資源的分析140
5.1.4 小結142
5.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區(計畫範圍)環境調查分析142
5.2.1 計畫地區發展背景與定位142
5.2.2 計畫地區主要與細部計畫146
5.2.3 計畫範圍景觀資源的分析148
5.2.4 小結156
5.3 蘭陽地區(案例研析)地域性規劃設計案例探討156
5.3.1 規劃案例一:冬山河親水公園159
5.3.2 規劃案例二:羅東運動公園162
5.3.3 設計案例一:宜蘭縣政中心行政大樓165
5.3.4 設計案例二:宜蘭厝168
5.3.5 小結172
第六章 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作模擬(計畫整合)173
6.1 宜蘭縣政中心地區相關景觀議題整合173
6.1.1 自然景觀向度議題175
6.1.2 人文景觀向度議題177
6.1.3 實質景觀向度議題179
6.1.4 SWOT分析181
6.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫策略指引186
6.2.1 景觀計畫發展願景與目標187
6.2.2 景觀計畫擬訂標的與原則191
6.2.3 小結202
6.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構體系與操作建議207
6.3.1 縣(市)綜合發展計畫位階體系架構207
6.3.2 都市計畫主要計畫位階景觀計畫內容213
6.3.3 都市計畫細部計畫位階景觀計畫內容216
6.3.4 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作建議221
第七章 結論與建議229
7.1 結論229
7.2 建議231
A 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫發展原則(策略指引)245
B 宜蘭縣相關景觀資源整理289
C 宜蘭縣政中心地區建築及土地使用分區管制要點305
D 宜蘭縣建築管理自治條例311
E 景觀法(草案)條文內容說明317
F 創造城鄉新風貌行動方案整理323
G 相關法令規章331
H 研究文獻評析335
表2.1 傳統城鄉規劃與永續城鄉規劃的差異性41
表2.2 相關文獻回顧整理與應用51
表3.1 景觀法(草案)計畫架構與本研究計畫層級內容比較82
表4.1 公部門擬訂景觀計畫之計畫內容與計畫範疇99
表4.2 自然景觀向度之計畫調查內容103
表4.3 人文景觀向度之計畫調查內容105
表4.4 實質景觀向度之計畫調查內容108
表4.5 落實景觀計畫執行方法與執行範疇125
表4.6 景觀計畫構成比較分析134
表5.1 研究範圍(宜蘭縣)相關景觀資源;對於「景觀計畫」應用屬性140
表6.1 「綜合策略評估(SWOT)」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀影響因子構成(一)181
表6.2 「綜合策略評估(SWOT)」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀因應策略矩陣(二)182
表6.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構內容204
表6.4 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(一)214
表6.5 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(二)215
表6.6 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(一)217
表6.7 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(二)219
表6.8 落實宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫執行方法與執行範疇223
圖1.1 宜蘭縣政中心區位示意圖11
圖1.2 宜蘭縣政中心主要發展區11
圖1.3 研究理論架構與範疇12
圖1.4 研究方法架構與範疇16
圖1.5 研究流程17
圖1.6 永續景觀﹣德國漢堡20
圖1.7 自然景觀﹣宜蘭石牌20
圖1.8 人文景觀﹣宜蘭縣政中心20
圖1.9 實質景觀﹣台北士林20
圖2.1 永續觀念下生態規劃概念﹣以基地(小)尺度開發為例44
圖2.2 計畫架構層次示意圖54
圖2.3 景觀計畫架構內容初擬57
圖3.1 歷年來創造城鄉新風貌政策推動主要演進點62
圖3.2 景觀法(草案)計畫體系示意圖64
圖3.3 狹義屬性景觀計畫體系72
圖3.4 廣義屬性景觀計畫體系78
圖3.5 景觀計畫架構體系初擬80
圖3.6 景觀計畫行政體系初擬81
圖3.7 主要計畫位階景觀計畫架構與範疇89
圖3.8 細部計畫位階景觀計畫架構與範疇94
圖4.1 景觀計畫執行架構初擬98
圖4.2 落實景觀計畫民眾參與執行方法122
圖4.3 臺灣地區實施景觀計畫操作流程127
圖5.1 宜蘭縣區位分析137
圖5.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區計畫發展構想144
圖5.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區都市計畫範圍示意圖145
圖5.4 宜蘭縣政中心地區都市計畫主要發展區145
圖5.5 縣政中心主要發展區公共設施分佈圖145
圖5.6 縣政中心主要發展區公共設施紋理圖145
圖5.7 縣政中心主要發展區土地使用分區圖145
圖5.8 縣政中心主要發展區土地使用紋理圖145
圖5.9 宜蘭市區﹣舊街區紋理比較151
圖5.10 羅東市區﹣舊街區紋理比較151
圖5.11 宜蘭縣政中心地區城鄉風貌結構紋理演變進程152
圖5.12 景觀資源分佈﹣社區發展現況部份153
圖5.13 景觀資源分佈﹣人文景觀現況部份153
圖5.14 景觀資源分佈﹣交通系統現況部份154
圖5.15 景觀資源分佈﹣公共設施現況部份154
圖5.16 景觀資源分佈﹣植栽景觀現況部份155
圖5.17 景觀資源分佈﹣夜間景觀現況部份155
圖5.18 冬山親水公園﹣防洪與遊憩157
圖5.19 羅東運動公園﹣教育與休閒157
圖5.20 縣政行政大樓﹣機能與公園157
圖5.21 宜蘭民居形塑﹣氣候與模式157
圖5.22 冬山河親水公園規劃手法圖示說明161
圖5.23 羅東運動公園規劃手法圖示說明(一)163
圖5.24 羅東運動公園規劃手法圖示說明(二)164
圖5.25 宜蘭縣政中心行政大樓設計手法圖示說明167
圖5.26 宜蘭厝設計手法圖示說明171
圖6.1 宜蘭縣內高山景觀資源175
圖6.2 宜蘭縣內溪流景觀資源175
圖6.3 宜蘭縣內平原景觀資源175
圖6.4 宜蘭縣內田園景觀資源175
圖6.5 宜蘭縣內山地不當破壞175
圖6.6 宜蘭意象所在景觀資源176
圖6.7 宜蘭多樣豐富景觀資源176
圖6.8 宜蘭縣內河川景觀資源176
圖6.9 宜蘭縣內海岸景觀資源176
圖6.10 地區農村產業景觀資源176
圖6.11 宜蘭風俗民情景觀資源177
圖6.12 地區人文歷史古蹟資源177
圖6.13 地區竹圍農舍景觀資源177
圖6.14 地區周邊土地利用現況177
圖6.15 國道北宜高速公路現況178
圖6.16 北迴線鐵路的發展現況178
圖6.17 計畫區內風貌發展現況178
圖6.18 計畫區內日間景觀現況178
圖6.19 計畫區內夜間景觀現況178
圖6.20 台九省道日間景觀現況179
圖6.21 台九省道夜間景觀現況179
圖6.22 內環道路日間景觀現況179
圖6.23 內環道路夜間景觀現況179
圖6.24 集散道路日間景觀現況179
圖6.25 集散道路夜間景觀現況179
圖6.26 外環道路日間景觀現況180
圖6.27 外環道路夜間景觀現況180
圖6.28 凱旋路兩側的連續樟樹180
圖6.29 土地區段徵收整地現況180
圖6.30 地區內原有栽植的果樹180
圖6.31 地區舊存社區建築現況180
圖6.32 城鄉整體景觀(地景)風貌發展概念圖199
圖6.33 適當保留邊緣農業區避免開發無限蔓延199
圖6.34 鄉土樹種為主外來樹種為輔達適地適樹199
圖6.35 透過生態施工方法以降低開發影響程度199
圖6.36 落實鄉土性生態教育與保育觀念的紮根199
圖6.37 營造整體秩序與風格形塑獨有城鄉意象200
圖6.38 配合計畫發展塑造各分區使用空間意象200
圖6.39 計畫單元整體開發營造分區風格與意象200
圖6.40 配合分區使用特性促使新舊建築間和諧200
圖6.41 配合周遭的地景或街景形塑場所自明性200
圖6.42 既有空間綠點的增加提升整體綠美化量200
圖6.43 配合各分區法定空地退縮進行整體設計200
圖6.44 提供多目標活動使用的開放空間或綠地200
圖6.45 設施應與周邊環境結合以體現當地氣候201
圖6.46 設施應適度的加入環境教育與教化功能201
圖6.47 服務設施應透過民眾參與體現當地風格201
圖6.48 服務設施應配合多目標使用與教化功能201
圖6.49 區內建立適當比例混植密林區或荒野區201
圖6.50 透過多層次生態綠化結合休憩活化身心201
圖6.51 針對區內閒置空間進行綠美化環境改善201
圖6.52 採不同時序開花植栽創造四季色彩變化201
圖6.53 重要地標照明以形塑地區夜間視覺焦點202
圖6.54 透過對歷史建築適當照明營造夜間氣氛202
圖6.55 重要交通路徑應加強夜間照明視覺引導202
圖6.56 依分區屬性給予適當照明營造夜間氣氛202
圖6.57 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構層次203
圖6.58 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫行政體系初擬208
圖6.59 「狹義屬性」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫體系210
圖6.60 「廣義屬性」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫體系212
圖6.61 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構與範疇213
圖6.62 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構與範疇216
圖6.63 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫執行架構初擬222
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在自己的土地上漂流: 臺灣美麗灣度假村開發案爭議的民族誌研究 / Rafting on Their Own Land:Ethnography of Development and Conflict on the Miramar Resort, Taitung, Taiwan卡伊, Kayi Aslan Demirtas Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過針對台東縣都蘭社群建造傳統竹筏所記載的民族誌,探索該社群在政府授權的美麗灣民間興建營運後轉移模式(BOT)發展案中的角色與互動。研究內容包括了(1)對民間興建營運後轉移之模式的總體回顧,以及美麗灣此個案的評估。(2)在地阿美族社群對發展計畫反對的詳細論述。(3)在替代發展方案上的建議。我的田野調查包含了在社群集會與示威抗議活動上的參與觀察,但調查的重心則立基於一條阿美竹筏建造與出海的過程。本文的結論提供了一套能夠兼顧在地居民互動及外來廠商利益的發展方案,旨在透過融合相關各方的觀點以圖能夠減少衝突並促進共同利益。 / This research explores the dimensions and interactions of the Amis community under the Miramar Resort (MR) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) development project authorized by the local county government through an ethnographic approach on the construction of a traditional bamboo raft in the township of Dulan, Taitung, Taiwan. The content of this study includes (1) A status review of the BOT policy in general and the MR development project in particular, (2) A detailed account of the local Amis community’s opposition to the project, and (3) Suggestion on alternative methods of land management. My fieldwork includes participant observation in the context of seminar meetings and activist demonstrations. However the centerpiece of the research at Dulan revolves around my personal participation in the construction of an Amis traditional bamboo raft and its launching into the ocean. Conclusions offer alternative ways for the development of an area that is interactive with indigenous peoples and outside commercial interests. The perspective taken is aimed at alleviating conflict through incorporating the views of stakeholders in the best interests of all parties involved.
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Autorité publique et conscience dynastique: études sur les représentations du pouvoir princier entre Muse et Moselle. les origines du comté de Luxembourg (Xe - début XIIe siècles)Margue, Michel January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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