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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv reziduálních napětí na odhad životnosti polymerních trubek / Influence of Residual Stress on Lifetime Prediction of Polymer Pipelines

Poduška, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The lifetime of plastic pipes for water supply and other applications is demanded to exceed at least 50 years. Such a long lifetime is difficult to prove by standard testing methods like the hydrostatic pres-sure test. However, it is possible to calculate an estimation of the lifetime, as the most frequently oc-curring mechanism of failure of plastic pipes is the creep crack propagation and subsequent failure. The method is based on describing the crack propagation by parameters of the linear-elastic fracture mechanics. An important part of this method is a finite element simulation of crack propagation in a pipe loaded by various types of loads. Residual stress, a side product of solidification after extrusion, is one of these loads. This thesis begins with an introductory part and literature review of the relevant topics – most of all the typical material properties of the pipe materials, mechanisms of failure, methods of residual stress determination suitable for plastic pipes and their results, methods of testing the materials and calculating lifetime. After the introduction, the problems to be solved are defined. The description of the residual stress state in the wall of various plastic pipes is the main topic. Both tangential (hoop) and axial residual stress in pipes of different dimensions and materials are determined using a combination of experiments and numerical simulations. Also, a simplified method of tangential residual stress is designed that can provide a sufficiently precise description of the tangential resid-ual stress state and is not difficult to carry out. A method to include the residual stress in the lifetime calculations and its influence on the lifetime is also dealt with. Apart from residual stress, the influence of soil loads in case of a buried pipe is studied. The residual stress can also influence the experimental determination of crack growth rate. If the CRB (cracked round bar) test is used to measure the crack growth rate, the crack can propagate asymmetrically due to the presence of residual stress in the specimens, which affects the results. Based on a finite element simulation of crack propagation in a CRB specimen, the severity of the influence is assessed.

Etude théorique et numérique du comportement poro-plastique endommageable non saturé des géomatériaux : application au stockage de déchets radioactifs / Numerical and theoretical study of unsaturated damageable poro-viscoplastic behaviour of geomaterials : application on storage of radioactive waste

Bui, Tuan Anh 17 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour objet l’étude du comportement hydromécanique endommageable des géomateriaux non saturés. Plus précisément, cette recherche est appliquée à l’étude du comportement de galeries de stockage de déchets radioactifs en formation géologique profonde. Dans un premier temps, après avoir résumé les principaux traits du comportement hydromécanique des géomateriaux, en insistant sur l’effet de la succion et de l’endommagement mécanique, un nouveau modèle PPE-NS couplant les aspects hydromécaniques, de plasticité et d’endommagement isotrope est présenté. Etabli dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des milieux poreux, il est basé sur le concept de contrainte effective plastique et de la pression interstitielle équivalente. Supposant une distribution bimodale de tailles des pores pour les milieux poreux endommagés, l'effet d'endommagement sur le comportement hydraulique est modélisé au moyen des fonctions phénoménologiques. L’endommagement intervient donc aussi bien sur le comportement mécanique qu'hydraulique dans ce modèle. La prise en compte des contributions à l’énergie des interfaces venant à la fois de l'interaction mécanique entre les phases solide et fluide (via la pression équivalente) et du mécanisme physico-chimique de rétention d'eau (via la fonction de rétention d’eau) permet à ce modèle de décrire de façon pertinente le couplage bilatéral entre elles. Dans un deuxième temps, ce modèle rhéologique est appliqué au comportement de l’argillité du Callovo-Oxfordian, qui est potentiellement la roche hôte du stockage de déchets nucléaires en France, afin d’étudier les évolutions hydromécaniques d’une galerie type selon son cycle de vie simplifié. Tout d’abord, ce modèle est validé par des essais mécaniques et hydrauliques au laboratoire, en considérant des échantillons « homogènes ». Ensuite, l’approche analytique est utilisée pour constituer une solution exacte de référence de ce problème dans un cas limite d’une roche hôte poro-viscoplastique saturée. Cette solution permet de mieux comprendre l’effet du fluage sur le comportement de la galerie et aussi de tester la fiabilité d’autres solutions numériques complexes développées par la suite. Enfin, l’approche numérique des éléments finis est mise en œuvre afin d'implémenter le nouveau modèle PPE-NS dans un code de calcul initialement développé au LGCB (Laboratoire Génie Civil et Bâtiment). Sa validité est partiellement vérifiée en considérant le comportement « limite » en photoélasticité d'une galerie non revêtue ou des solutions quasi-analytiques ont été développées. Des études paramétriques dans le cas général d'un tunnel revêtu montrent la cohérence du modèle et mettent en lumière l’influence de la désaturation sur le comportement de la galerie. / This thesis aims to study the damageable hydromechanical behavior of unsaturated geomaterials. More precisely, the research is applied to study the behavior of underground galleries of radioactive waste disposals in deep geological formations. Firstly, after summarizing the main features of the hydro-mechanical behavior of geomaterials, emphasizing the effect of suction and damage, a new model PPE-N coupling hydromechanical interactions with plasticity and isotropic damage is presented. Established in the framework of thermodynamics of porous media, it is based on the concept of the so called plastic effective stress and equivalent pore pressure. Assuming a bimodal pore size distribution for cracked porous media and using the concept of bundle cylindrical capillaries, damage effects on hydraulic behaviour (water retention curve and hydraulic conductivity) is modelled using phenomenological functions. The accountance of the contributions to the interfacial energy from the mechanical internations between solid and fluid phases (via theequivalent pore pressure) as well as the physico-chemical mechanism of water retention (via the water retention function) enables this model to describe in apertinent manner bilateral couplings between them.Secondly, this constitutive model is applied to Callovo- Oxfordian argillite, which is the potential host rock for the French nuclear waste disposal, and then to study the evolution of the hydromechanical responses of an underground gallery according to its simplified life cycle. The model is first validated against a range of mechanical and hydraulic laboratory tests, considering "homogeneous" samples. The analytical approach is then used to provide an exact reference solution of this problem in the limiting case of a saturated poro-viscoplastic host rock. This solution allows to better understand the effect of creep on the behavior of the gallery and also to test the precision of other complex numerical solutions . Finally, the numerical approach using finite elemnts is used to implement the new model EPP-NS in a computer code originally developed in LGCB (Laboratoire Genie Civil et Batiment). Its validity is partly checked by examining the poroelastic behavior of an unlined tunnel where quasi-analytical solutions have been developed. Parametric studies in the generalcase of a lined tunnel demonstrate the consistency of the model and highlight the influence of desaturation on the behavior of the gallery.

Progressive failure analyses of concrete buttress dams : Influence of crack propagation on the structural dam safety / Analys av brottförlopp hos betonglamelldammar : Inverkan av sprickpropagering på dammsäkerheten

Fu, Chaoran, Hafliðason, Bjartmar January 2015 (has links)
Concrete buttress dams are the most common type of concrete dams for hydropower production in Sweden. Cracks have been observed in some of the them. However, only limited research has been made concerning the influence of these cracks on the structural dam safety. In conventional analytical stability calculations, a concrete dam is assumed to be a rigid body when its safety is verified. However, when cracks have been identified in a dam structure, the stability may be influenced and hence the information of cracks may need to be included in the stability calculations. The main aim of this project is to study how existing cracks and further propagation of these cracks, influence the structural dam safety. Another important topic was to study suitable methods to analyse a concrete dam to failure. In addition, a case study is performed in order to capture the real failure mode of a concrete buttress dam. The case study that has been studied is based on a previous project presented by Malm and Ansell (2011), where existing cracks were identified in a 40m high monolith, as a result from seasonal temperature variations. Two similar models are analysed where one model is defined with an irregular rock-concrete interface, and the other with a horizontal interface. Analyses have been performed on both an uncracked concrete dam but also for the case where information regarding existing cracks, from the previous project, have been included in order to evaluate the influence of cracks on the dam safety. The finite element method has been used as the main analysis tool, through the use of the commercially available software package Abaqus. The finite element models included nonlinear material behaviour and a loading approach for successively increasing forces called overloading, when performing progressive failure analyses. The results show that existing cracks and propagation of these resulted, in this case, in an increased structural safety of the studied dam. Furthermore, an internal failure mode is captured. The irregular rock-concrete interface has a favourable effect on a sliding failure and an unfavourable effect on an overturning failure, compared to the case with the horizontal interface. Based on the results, the structural safety and the failure mode of concrete buttress dams are influenced by existing cracks. Although an increased safety is obtained in this study, the results do not necessarily apply for other monoliths of similar type. It is thus important that existing cracks are considered in stability analyses of concrete buttress dams. / Lamelldammar är den vanligaste typen av betongdammar för vattenkraft produktion i Sverige. I vissa av dessa har sprickbildning observerats. Begränsad forskning har gjorts på hur dessa sprickor påverkar dammens säkerhet. I de vedertagna analytiska stabilitetsberäkningarna antas att betongdammar agerar som en stel kropp när man verifierar dess säkerhet. Befintliga sprickor i en damm kropp kan dock påverka dess stabilitet och kan därför behöva beaktas i stabilitetsberäkningarna. Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att studera hur befintliga sprickor och dess propageringen påverkar dammsäkerheten. Ett annat viktigt syfte är att studera lämpliga metoder för att analysera en betongdamm till brott. Dessutom, genomförs en fallstudie i syfte att analysera ett verkligt brottförlopp av en lamelldamm. Fallstudien som utförs i detta projekt, baseras på ett tidigare projekt utfört av Malm and Ansell (2011), där befintliga sprickor identifierades i en monolit på 40m som ett resultat av temperaturvariationer. Två modeller med snarlik geometri har analyserats, där den ena är definierad med en med oregelbunden kontaktyta mellan berg och betong och den andra med en horisontell kontaktyta. Analyserna har utförts på dels en osprucken damm men även där information om befintliga sprickor från det tidigare projektet beaktas, i syfte att jämföra inverkan av sprickor på dammsäkerheten. Finita element metoden har använts som verktyg vid dessa analyser, genom det kommersiellt använda programmet Abaqus. De finita element modellerna inkluderar icke-linjära material egenskaper hos betong och armering samt baseras på en metod för successiv belastning, som kallas 'overloading', vid analys av brottförloppet. Resultatet visar att befintliga sprickor och propageringen av dessa i detta fall kan leda till ökad säkerhet hos den studerade dammen jämfört mot fallet utan beaktande av sprickbildning. Utöver detta fångas även ett inre brottmod. Den oregelbundna kontaktytan mellan betongen och berget har en gynnsam effekt vid ett glidbrott men en ogynnsam inverkan vid ett stjälpningsbrott, i jämförelse med fallet med en horisontell kontaktyta. Baserat på dessa resultat så påverkas dammens säkerhet och brottetförloppet hos lamelldammen utav befintliga sprickor. Även om en ökad säkerhet fås i denna studie är det inte säkert att detta stämmer för andra monoliter av samma slag. Dock är det viktigt att hänsyn tas till befintliga sprickor i stabilitets analyser av lamelldammar.

Dödskult under yngre bronsåldern : Hantering av mänskliga ben i östra Mellansverige / Death cult in the Late Bronze Age : Managing human bones in east-central Sweden

Bäckvall, Jonna January 2022 (has links)
For a long time, the human bones that were found outside the classical graves/grave context during the late Bronze Age were severely overlooked in research. It was first during the 1990’s that research took place and archaeologist like Anders Kaliff och Joanna Brück started studying this severely overlooked phenomena. This paper aims at analyzing and discussing why human bones were used outside the classical graves/grave context. As well as what the human bones were used for and how the human bones were treated. In this study the grave concept will be discussed to understand the late Bronze Age human’s definition of grave and burial rites more fully. The distinction between what is sacred and what is profane in the handling and using of the human bones in non-classical graves/grave contexts will also be overseen. The study in this paper is focused on the East part of central Sweden and will be analyzed and supplemented by both national and international archaeological sites of similar character. The primal sites for the study are Broby in Börje parish, Apalle in Övergran parish, Ryssgärdet in Tensta parish and Ringeby in Kvillinge parish. The study is set in the late Bronze Age in Sweden (1100–500 BC). This paper is meant as an analytical research where former research and archaeologist interpretations will be compared and work as a discussion with the writer’s own interpretations of the late Bronze Age human’s use of human bones. With the writer’s own interpretation and with the help of former research, the human bones found in non-classical graves/grave contexts have been assessed with both sacred and profane contexts. The result shows that the distinction between the sacred and the profane are better left outside the context of handling and using human bones.

Beteende hos laminerat glas efter brott / Post-Breakage behavior of laminated glass

Baquedano Romero, Kevin, Oudka, Saadia, Musa, Amira January 2022 (has links)
Glas är ett styvt material som används bland annat inom byggbranschen och fordonsindustrin. Glas har hög styvhet och hög hållfasthet men är ett sprött material. När en spricka uppstår i en laminerad glasbalk minskas dess bärförmåga och styvhet och säkerhetsrisken ökar. För att garantera en hög säkerhet används laminerat glas där tunna plastfilmer limmar ihop flera skikt av glas (som även kallas för lameller). När glaset lamineras fungerar det som ett paket där spänningarna kan överföras mellan de olika lamellerna. Användningsområden inom byggbranschen kan vara plana element, till exempel för fönster eller balkonräcken, dessutom finns både liggande balkar (böjning i den tunna riktningen) samt stående balkar. Även i balkar av laminerat glas kan sprickor i en av lamellerna uppstå. Dessa fångas dock upp av de andra lamellerna så att hela balken förblir intakt och hålls på plats. En sprucken balk tappar då en del av bärförmågan och styvheten jämfört med en osprucken balk. Spruckna balkar kan alltså inte bära samma last. Syftet med arbetet är att öka kunskapen om beteendet hos laminerat glas som är sprucket och få bättre förståelse för hur laminerat glas beter sig när det går till brott. Målet är att verifiera den numeriska beräkningsmodellen av Abdul Khader, Basim & Reshid (2020) genom experimentella försök. Modellen beskriver liggande balkar av laminerat glas, både spruckna och ospruckna balkar. I detta examenarbete användes olika metoder: litteraturundersökning, tillämpning av en beräkningsmodell samt experiment. Litteratundersökningen gav ett fördjupande förståelse dels om ämnet glas exempelvis om olika typer av glas och glasets generella egenskaper, dels om laminerat glas, hur det är uppbyggt, tillverkat och egenskaper förbättras genom lamineringen. Beräkningsmodellen som detta arbete bygger på är från en tidigare studie, där en beräkningsmetod för spruckna glasbalkar beskrevs med hjälp av den så kallade effektiva tjockleksmetoden för böjstyvhet av laminerat glas. Experiment genomfördes för att studera hur laminerade glasbalkar med och utan spricka i mitten beter sig när de utsätts för belastning. Resultaten visar skillnaden mellan ospruckna och spruckna balkar av laminerat glas med två skikt när det gäller böjstyvheten och bärförmågan. Experimenten visar att nedböjningen för spruckna balkar är dubbelt så stor som för ospruckna balkar. Skillnaden beror på att böjstyvheten hos spruckna balkar är lägre än hos ospruckna balkar. På grund av sprickan i mitten överförs lasterna endast i en skiva, och dessutom minskas böjstyvheten i den ospruckna delen. Beräkningsmodellen överensstämde väl med resultaten från de utförda experimenten. Detta bekräftar att modellen kan tillämpas för laminerade glasbalkar. Mer omfattande studier bör dock genomföras där de ingående parametrarna varieras, till exempel genom längre balkar, sprickor på andra ställen än i mitten, samt att olika material för mellansiktet används.

The Influence of the Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges on Virginia Bridges

Widjaja, Matius Andy 26 August 2003 (has links)
The influence of the recommended LRFD Guidelines for the seismic design of highway bridges in Virginia was investigated by analyzing two existing bridges. The first bridge has prestressed concrete girders and is located in the Richmond area. The second bridge has steel girders and is located in the Bristol area. The analysis procedure for both bridges is similar. First the material and section properties were calculated. Then the bridge was modeled in RISA 3D. Live and dead load were imposed on the bridge to calculate the cracked section properties of the bridge. The period of vibration of the bridge was also calculated. After the soil class of the bridge was determined, the design response spectrum curve of the bridge was drawn. The spectral acceleration obtained from the design spectrum curve was used to calculate the equivalent earthquake loads, which were applied to the superstructure of the bridge to obtain the earthquake load effects. Live and dead loads were also applied to get the live and dead load effects. The combined effects of the dead, live and earthquake loads were compared to the interaction diagram of the columns and moment strength of the columns. The details of the bridge design were also checked with the corresponding seismic design requirement.A parametric study was performed to explore the effects of different column heights and superstructure heights in different parts of Virginia. The column longitudinal reinforcing was increased to satisfy the bridge axial loads and moments that are not within the column interaction diagram. / Master of Science

Anchorage in Concrete Structures : Numerical and Experimental Evaluations of Load-Carrying Capacity of Cast-in-Place Headed Anchors and Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors

Nilforoush, Rasoul January 2017 (has links)
Various anchorage systems including both cast-in-place and post-installed anchors have been developed for fastening both non-structural and structural components to concrete structures. The need for increased flexibility in the design of new structures and strengthening of existing concrete structures has led to increased use of various metallic anchors in practice. Although millions of fasteners are used each year in the construction industry around the world, knowledge of the fastening technology remains poor. In a sustainable society, buildings and structures must, from time to time, be adjusted to meet new demands. Loads on structures must, in general, be increased to comply with new demands, and the structural components and the structural connections must also be upgraded. From the structural connection point of view, the adequacy of the current fastenings for the intended increased load must be determined, and inadequate fastenings must either be replaced or upgraded. The current design models are generally believed to be conservative, although the extent of this behavior is not very clear. To address these issues, the current models must be refined to allow the design of new fastenings and also the assessment of current anchorage systems in practice. The research presented in this thesis consists of numerical and experimental studies of the load-carrying capacity of anchors in concrete structures. Two different types of anchors were studied: (I) cast-in-place headed anchors, and (II) post-installed adhesive anchors. This research focused particularly on the tensile load-carrying capacity of cast-in-place headed anchors and also on the sustained tension loading performance of post-installed adhesive anchors. The overall objective of this research was to provide knowledge for the development of improved methods of designing new fastening systems and assessing the current anchorage systems in practice. For the cast-in-place headed anchors (I), the influence of various parameters including the size of anchor head, thickness of concrete member, amount of orthogonal surface reinforcement, presence of concrete cracks, concrete compressive strength, and addition of steel fibers to concrete were studied. Among these parameters, the influence of the anchor head size, member thickness, surface reinforcement, and cracked concrete was initially evaluated via numerical analysis of headed anchors at various embedment depths. Although these parameters have considerable influence on the anchorage capacity and performance, this influence is not explicitly considered by the current design models. The numerical results showed that the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors increases with increasing member thickness and/or increasing size of the anchor head or the use of orthogonal surface reinforcement. However, their capacity decreased considerably in cracked concrete. Based on the numerical results, the current theoretical model for the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors was extended by incorporating several modification factors that take the influence of the investigated parameters into account. In addition, a supplementary experimental study was performed to verify the numerically obtained findings and the proposed refined model. The experimental results corresponded closely to the numerical results, both in terms of failure load and failure pattern, thereby confirming the validity of the proposed model. The validity of the model was further confirmed through experimental results reported in the literature. Additional experiments were performed to determine the influence of the concrete compressive strength and the addition of steel fiber to concrete on the anchorage capacity and performance. These experiments showed that the anchorage capacity and stiffness increase considerably with increasing concrete compressive strength, but the ductility of the anchor decreases. However, the anchorage capacity and ductility increased significantly with the addition of steel fibers to the concrete mixture. The test results also revealed that the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors in steel fiber-reinforced concrete is significantly underestimated by the current design model. The long-term performance and creep behavior of the post-installed headed anchors (II) was evaluated from the results of long-time tests on adhesive anchors under sustained loads. In this experimental study, adhesive anchors of various sizes were subjected to various sustained load levels for up to 28 years. The anchors were also exposed to several in-service conditions including indoor temperature, variations in the outdoor temperature and humidity, wetness (i.e., water on the surface of concrete), and the presence of salt (setting accelerant) additives in the concrete. Among the tested in-service conditions, variations in the outdoor temperature and humidity had the most adverse effect on the long-term sustained loading performance of the anchors. Based on the test results, recommendations were proposed for maximum sustained load levels under various conditions. The anchors tested under indoor conditions could carry sustained loads of up to 47% of their mean ultimate short-term capacities. However, compared with these anchors, the anchors tested under outdoor conditions exhibited larger creep deformation and failure occurred at sustained loads higher than 23% of their mean ultimate short-term capacities. Salt additives in concrete and wet conditions had negligible influence on the long-term performance of the anchors, although the wet condition resulted in progressive corrosion of the steel. Based on the experimental results, the suitability of the current testing and approval provisions for qualifying adhesive anchors subjected to long-term sustained tensile loads was evaluated. The evaluations revealed that the current approval provisions are not necessarily reliable for qualifying adhesive anchors for long-term sustained loading applications. Recommendations were given for modifying the current provisions to ensure safe long-term performance of adhesive anchors under sustained loads.

Novel Compression Fracture Specimens And Analysis of Photoelastic Isotropic Points

Kamadi, V N Surendra January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Compression fracture specimens are ideally suited for miniaturization down to tens of microns. Fracture testing of thermal barrier coatings, ceramics and glasses are also best accomplished under compression or indentation. Compression fracture specimen of finite size with constant form factor was not available in the literature. The finite-sized specimen of edge cracked semicircular disk (ECSD) is designed which has the property of constant form factor. The novel ECSD specimen is explored further using weight function concept. This thesis, therefore, is mainly concerned with the design, development and geometric optimization of compression fracture specimen vis a vis their characterization of form factors, weight functions and isotropic points in the uncracked geometry. Inspired by the Brazilian disk geometry, a novel compression fracture specimen is designed in the form of a semicircular disk with an edge crack which opens up due to the bending moment caused by the compressive load applied along its straight edge. This new design evolved from a set of photoelastic experiments conducted on the Brazilian disk and its two extreme cases. Surprisingly, normalized mode-I stress intensity factor of the semicircular specimen loaded under a particular Hertzian way, is found constant for a wide range of relative crack lengths. This property of constant form factor leads to the development of weight function for ECSD for deeper analysis of the specimen. The weight function of a cracked geometry does not depend on loading configuration and it relates stress intensity factor to the stress distribution in the corresponding uncracked geometry through a weighted integral. The weight function for the disk specimen is synthesized in two different ways: using the conventional approach which requires crack opening displacement and the dual form factor method which is newly developed. Since stress distribution in the uncracked specimen is required in order to use weight function concept, analytical solution is attempted using linear elasticity theory. Since closed form solution for stresses in the uncracked semicircular disk is seldom possible with the available techniques, a new semi-analytical method called partial boundary collocation (PBC), is developed which may be used for solving any 2-D elasticity problem involving a semi-geometry. In the new method, part of the boundary conditions are identically satisfied and remaining conditions are satisfied at discrete boundary points. The classical stress concentration factor for a semi-in finite plate with a semicircular edge notch re-derived using PBC is found to be accurate to the eighth decimal. To enhance the form factor in order to test high-toughness materials, edge cracked semicircular ring (ECSR) specimen is designed in which bending moment at the crack-tip is increased significantly due to the ring geometry. ECSR is analyzed using nite element method and the corresponding uncracked problem is analyzed by PBC. Constant form factor is found possible for the ring specimen with tiny notch. In order to avoid varying semi-Hertzian angle during practice and thereby ensure consistent loading conditions, the designs are further modified by chopping at the loading zones and analyzed. Photoelastic isotropic points (IPs) which are a special case of zeroth order fringe (ZOF) are often found in uncracked and cracked specimens. An analytical technique based on Flamant solution is developed for solving any problem involving circular domain loaded at its boundary. Formation of IPs in a circular disk is studied. The coefficients of static friction between the surfaces of disk and loading fixtures, in photoelastic experiments of three-point and four-point loadings, are explored analytically to confirm with experimental results. The disk under multiple radial loads uniformly spaced on its periphery is found to give rise to one isolated IP at the center. Splitting of this IP into a number of IPs can be observed when the symmetry of normal loading is perturbed. Tangential loading is introduced along with normal loading to capture the effect of the composition on formation of IPs. Bernoulli's lemniscate is found to fit fringe order topology local to multiple IPs. Isotropic points along with other low fringe order zones including ZOF are ideal locations for material removal for weight reduction. Making a small hole in the prospective crack path at the IP location in the uncracked geometry might provide dual benefits: 1. Form factor enhancement; 2. Crack arrestor. Thus, this thesis describes experimental, theoretical and computational investigations for the design, development and calibration of novel compact compression fracture specimens.

Block och skärvig sten. En arkeologi av det abiotiska : Ett symmetriskt perspektiv på blockanläggningar från yngre bronsålder - äldre järnålder med utgångspunkt i Kättsta i Uppland.

Bergström, Philip January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how a symmetrical approach to archaeology can be applied to identify the properties and effects of the non-living, abiotic materials. And to reconfigure the relationship between humans and non-human objects, bridging the divide between what has been termed ‘cultural’ and ‘natural’ and thus placed in different ontological realms. This is examined by studying the practices surrounding “boulder graves”, from the Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age (approx. 1000 – 0 BC) in Kättsta, Ärentuna parish in Uppland, Sweden. The boulders tend to be studied from an anthropocentric point of view, in which they are seen primarily as passive objects, interpreted only for what they represent. The objective of this research, however, is to gain new insights into the agency of boulders, and how they contributed to the practices carried out adjacent to them. The dissertation is based on a case study where a thematic analysis is performed, focusing on the properties and characteristics of boulders, their affordances, the distribution of finds and their interrelations, and the effects their relations generated. The results show that the boulders themselves contributed in human-stone relations and were vital in the formation of the grave-like features they became part of. It is argued that a symmetrical, non-anthropocentric approach to these features will broaden our view on materialities in the past, affording ontological as well as ecological implications.

Reologické vlastnosti asfaltových pojiv / Rheological properties of asphalt binders

Coufalík, Pavel Unknown Date (has links)
Dissertation thesis is focused on rheological properties of asphalt binders and on changes of their performance during the lifetime in road structures. Aging processes of asphalt binders and methods of laboratory aging are described in the theoretical part of the thesis. Furthermore, basic rheological models and related test methods for the evaluation of asphalt binders are described. In the practical part, properties of asphalt binders are investigated after aging process and their performance is evaluated by empirical and functional test methods. The various methods of aging are compared with each other and a relationship between real conditions and laboratory aging is researched. In the next section, vacuum flashed cracked residue (VFCR) is added to the selected asphalt binders and their influence on rheological properties during description of aging of asphalt binders is investigated. The results were used in publication of two certified methodology under the title „The methodology for the evaluation of paving bitumen in terms of susceptibility to thermal oxidative aging“ and „The methodology describes laboratory aging of asphalt mixtures“. The results of the thesis are listed in the conclusion.

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