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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Culture matérielle et techniques artisanales, au Levant nord, au Bronze moyen (2000-1600 avant notre ère) : contacts et interactions entre différentes aires culturelles / Materials production and craft Techniques in North Levant during the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600) : contacts and interactions between diverse cultural areas

Garci, Siham 05 October 2013 (has links)
A travers notre étude, nous avons voulu mieux comprendre la nature, ainsi que l'impact, des contacts culturels entre le Levant nord (région comprise entre la côte syro-libanaise et la vallée de l’Oronte) et ses voisins au Bronze moyen. L'analyse d'une partie du mobilier céramique, métallique, rocheux, osseux et vitreux - issu d'une trentaine de sites archéologiques du Levant nord - a permis de mettre en évidence diverses influences iconographiques mais également technologiques provenant essentiellement de la région méditerranéenne (d'Egypte, d'Anatolie et du Monde égéen) et de Mésopotamie. La multiplication des échanges diplomatiques et commerciaux a rendu possible la circulation des biens et des personnes ainsi que la transmission de savoir-faire et de procédés techniques méconnus jusqu'alors des artisans levantins nord. Nous assistons à cette période à un véritable essor des artisanats tels que la métallurgie, la faïencerie et l'ivoirerie. / This study aims to understand contacts, and their impacts, between North Levant (area situated between the syro-lebanese coast and the Oronte valley) and his neighbors during the Middle Bronze Age. The analysis of the ceramics, metallic productions, stone, bony and vitreous items - coming from thirty archaeological tells of North Levant - revealed various stylistic and technological cultural influences from Mediterranean's area (from Egypt, Anatolia and Aegean world) and Mesopotamia. The multiplication of diplomatic and commercial relationship promotes people and good's movement but also permits transmission of expertise and manufacturing process unknown by North Levantine craftsmen. This period is characterized by a real progress of metallurgy, faiences and ivory crafts.

« Pour hediffier ou pour ardoir ». Le bois à Toulouse à la fin du Moyen Âge / « Pour hediffier ou pour ardoir ». Wood in Toulouse in the late Middle Ages

Fabre, Camille 14 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement du commerce du bois dans l’espace toulousain durant les deux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge (de la fin du XIIIe siècle au début du XVIe siècle). L’ambition de cette étude est de comprendre comment le bois s’est progressivement transformé en produit marchand. L’originalité de ce travail réside dans le projet d’appréhension exhaustive de la filière, en abordant à la fois la production mais aussi la pluralité des usages, du bois d’œuvre au combustible. Après deux chapitres consacrés à la caractérisation des ressources forestières et de leur mise en valeur, un troisième s’attache plus particulièrement à la qualification commerciale des produits ligneux écoulés sur le marché toulousain. Deux chapitres exposent ensuite les formes de la demande toulousaine et leur évolution, en s’appuyant en particulier sur l’étude des inventaires après décès toulousains. Un sixième chapitre concerne les transformations du transport du bois, et en particulier le développement du flottage. Vient ensuite une description de la structuration des métiers du bois d’œuvre, puis sur étude sur le développement du commerce du bois de chauffage. Enfin, un chapitre conclusif aborde la question de la pénurie de bois, à la lumière d’un travail sur les défrichements et sur les politiques menées par la ville pour améliorer l’approvisionnement à la fin du XVe siècle. L’ensemble du travail s’appuie sur l’usage de la cartographie statistique. Le résultat est la mise en évidence d’un net développement du commerce de bois de chauffage et de l’approvisionnement fluvial, même si ce commerce est souvent pris en charge par des non spécialistes, dans le cadre d’une pluriactivité marquée. / This PhD deals with the expansion of the wood trade in the Toulouse area during the last two centuries of the Middle Ages (from the late 13th century to the early 16th century). The purpose of this study is to understand how wood became a recognized commodity. The originality of this word lies in the aim of globally comprehending the entire wood industry, from the production to the uses, from timber to firewood. The first two chapters are devoted to the management of woodlands, whereas the third one describes how wooden goods were qualified when put on the Toulouse market. Two chapters then examine the demand and its evolution,using the data collected from the inquisitions post mortem. The sixth chapter is dedicated to wood transport, especially using log floating. I then describe how several guilds were established, and how firewood trade developed. A final chapter examines the reality of a wood shortage, by studying clearances and public supply in the late 15th century. This work draws on statistic mapping. It’s concluded that firewood trade really did expend at the time, using water-transport, even though there were not any true wood merchants to find in Toulouse but only multi-trade sellers.

Supported metal catalysts for friedel-crafts alkylation

Hlatywayo, Tapiwa January 2013 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / The research focused on the synthesis, characterisation and activity of zeolite supported metal catalysts for the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with t-butyl chloride. Alkyl benzenes are traditionally produced via systems that employ the use of Lewis acids or strong mineral acids. There have been widespread concerns over these approaches based on their environmental impacts and separation difficulties. Recent approaches have endeavoured the much to use more environmentally eco-friendly systems and zeolites have proved to be versatile support materials. The use of zeolites has also shown to greatly improve product selectivity as well as easing separation constraints. However the adoption of zeolites on large scale Friedel-Crafts alkylation has been hampered by the high cost of zeolite production from commercial sources. On the other hand fly ash has been found to be a viable starting material for zeolite synthesis. Apart from that South Africa is faced with fly disposal challenges and there is continual accumulation of fly ash at the coal fired power stations, which provide about 77 % of the power produced in the country. In this light the use of fly ash will help to reduce the disposal constraints as well as providing a cheap starting material for zeolite synthesis. In this study the hierarchical Zeolite X has been successfully synthesised from fly ash via a hydrothermal treatment. The zeolite was then loaded with Fe/Mn via two approaches namely liquid phase ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation. For comparison purposes seasoned commercial support materials namely HBEA and MCM- 41 were also loaded with the same metals and characterised with various techniques namely; HRSEM, EDS, HRTEM, XRD, SAED, ICP-OES and N2 adsorption analysis, It was found from the characterisation undertaken that the integrity of the respective supports was generally retained upon metal loading. Both the ICP-OES and the EDS proved that the desired metals were successfully introduced onto the zeolitic support materials. The calculated percentage metal loading for the catalysts prepared via incipient wetness impregnation was closely related to the actual values obtained from the ICP-OES analysis for both the monometallic and the bimetallic catalysts (Fe/Mn). It was observed that the amount of metal that can be introduced on a zeolite via liquid phase ion exchange is largely dependent on the cation exchange capacity of the zeolite Supported metal catalysts for FC alkylation Page v and of the catalysts prepared using 0.25 M Fe solution it was found that Zeolite X had the highest Fe wt% loading of 11.4 %, with the lowest loading of 2.2 % obtained with the MCM-41 supported catalyst. The XRD patterns for the both HBEA and the MCM-41 supported metal catalysts resembled the patterns of the respective prestine support materials except in the case of catalysts with anFe wt % of more than 10, which exhibited peaks due to the Fe2O3 crystallites. In the case of the hierarchical Zeolite X, the metal loaded support had a significant reduction in the XRD peak intensities. The prepared catalysts were tested for the alkylation of benzene with t-butyl chloride. The benzene was also used as the solvent. The alkylation reaction was carried out in a round bottomed flask under reflux conditions and stirring at a temperature of 45 oC over a period of 5 h. A total of 18 catalysts was tested and the highest percentage conversion of 100 % was obtained with the 10%FeH after a reaction time of 2 h. The general trend obtained with the majority of the catalysts was characterised with a rapid initial increase and then steady state was achieved. Generally after a reaction time of 3 h almost all the catalysts had reached steady state in terms of the percentage conversion obtained. The outcomes reflect that the inclusion of Mn does not enhance the conversion but rather decreases it. It was also found that the Mn was not active in the alkylation of benzene as shown by the inactivity of the 10%MnM, where 10% by weight Mn was loaded on MCM-41. However the other monometallic catalysts containing Mn supported on Zeolite X and HBEA were found to be active. The activity is attributed to the presence of Brønsted acid sites in these zeolites which are not present in MCM-41. The selectivity studies reflect that the inclusion of Mn does slightly improve the selectivity towards the formation of the monoalkylated product (t-butyl benzene). The highest selectivity of 91.1 % was obtained with the 10%FeMnM after a reaction time of 4 h. MCM-41 supported catalysts had a relatively higher selectivity compared to the other supports. Considering the Fe monometallic catalysts tested it generally can be said that the yield were in the order HBEA > MCM-41 > Zeolite X. It however should be noted that the percentage yield is calculated from the conversion and selectivity percentages, this implies that the factors affecting these parameters will consequently affect the percentage yield obtained. Supported metal catalysts for FC alkylation Page vi The alkylation reaction was found to be characterised by the formation of two intermediate products which could not be identified. These products were formed during the transient start up stages of the reaction and would disappear from the reaction mixture with longer reaction times, and after 3 h in almost all the reactions studied the intermediates were not detected in the reaction mixture. The main products found were the monoalkylated product (desired product) and the para isomer (1,4-t-di-butyl benzene). There were no other dialkylated isomers or trialkylated products detected. The formation of the para isomer was usually after a reaction time of 2 h in most reactions. The research managed to show that the hierarchical Zeolites X can be synthesised from fly ash and ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation are appropriate approaches that can be used to introduce Fe/Mn onto the support materials studied. The catalysts prepared were active to varying degrees in the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with t-butylchloride, with the exception of the 10%MnM which was found to be inactive.

El proceso de desarrollo de productos turísticos artesanales y su beneficio para los pueblos de artesanos en el mundo / Development process of craft tourism products and the benefit for communities of artisans in the world

Falcón Aguilar, Luis Marcelo 11 December 2020 (has links)
La finalidad de este artículo de investigación es analizar las características de los procesos de desarrollo de productos turísticos artesanales y el beneficio que se genera para los pueblos de artesanos en el mundo. La metodología empleada fue la revisión bibliográfica mediante el análisis descriptivo y evaluativo de las fuentes consultadas. Esta desea desarrollar la importancia de la artesanía y su relación con el turismo, esta relación es una oportunidad para diversificar la oferta turística ya que la artesanía es un recurso incorporable a los productos turísticos. Se analizan los productos turísticos basados en comunidades de artesanos destacando las características de los casos más exitosos en el mundo, así como las diferencias y semejanzas de los diferentes casos destacando sus virtudes y falencias, estableciendo así conocimiento acerca de las actividades que se deben replicar o no en otras comunidades de artesanos interesadas en convertirse en un producto turístico. Se establecen los beneficios de desarrollar productos turísticos en comunidades de artesanos, con el fin de promover la creación de este tipo de productos turísticos como una alternativa de crecimiento y desarrollo económico para las comunidades. Se concluye que los productos turísticos basados en comunidades de artesanos pueden resultar beneficiosos para la diversificación de la oferta turística de las regiones debido a que se consideran atractivos turísticos. Además, este tipo de turismo comunitario promueve el desarrollo de los artesanos y de la artesanía en sus diferentes modalidades, integrándose al desarrollo económico de su región. Por otro lado, recupera y promueve las manifestaciones y valores culturales, así como apoya el fortalecimiento de la identidad local y la generación de empleos sostenibles. / The purpose of this research article is to analyze the characteristics of the processes of development of artisan’s tourist products and the benefit that generated for the peoples of artisans in the world. The methodology used was the bibliographic review through the descriptive and evaluative analysis of the sources consulted. This desire to develop the importance of handicrafts and its relationship with tourism, this relationship is an opportunity to diversify the tourist offer since craftsmanship is an incorporeal resource to tourist products. Tourism products based on communities of artisans are analyzed highlighting the characteristics of the most successful cases in the world, as well as the differences and similarities of the different cases highlighting their virtues and lacks, thus establishing knowledge about the activities that must or should not be replicated in other communities of artisans interested in becoming a tourist product. The benefits of developing tourist products in artisan communities are established, in order to promote the creation of this type of tourist products as an alternative of growth and economic development for communities. It is concluded that tourist products based on artisan communities can be beneficial for diversifying the tourist offer of the regions because they are considered tourist attractions. In addition, this type of community tourism promotes the development of artisans and craftsmen in their different modalities, integrating into the economic development of their region. On the other hand, it recovers and promotes cultural manifestations and values, as well as supports the strengthening of local identity and the generation of sustainable jobs. / Trabajo de investigación

Conception, synthèse et évaluation biologique d'inhibiteurs des protéines de la famille Bcl-2 à visée anticancéreuse : applications aux cancers de l'ovaire chimiorésistants / Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of anti-cancer inhibitors targeting Bcl-2 proteins : applications to chemoresistant ovarian cancers

Denis, Camille 21 November 2018 (has links)
Les interactions protéine-protéine (IPPs) contrôlent de nombreux processus physiologiques importantsdans les cellules humaines. Une caractéristique des cancers est l'échappement des cellules àl'apoptose, qui est souvent associé à la surexpression de protéines anti-apoptotiques, membres de lafamille de protéines Bcl-2. Cette famille comprend des membres anti-apoptotiques (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL,Mcl-1) et pro-apoptotiques. Dans de nombreux cancers dont les cancers de l’ovaire chimiorésistants,l'équilibre entre les membres pro- et anti-apoptotiques de la famille de protéines Bcl-2 est altéré etconduit à la survie des cellules cancéreuses. Une des stratégies envisagées pour surmonter cettechimiorésistance est rétablir l’apoptose par l’inhibition concomitante des protéines Mcl-1 et Bcl-xL.L’objectif est de concevoir des inhibiteurs à dualité d’action visant les protéines Mcl-1 et Bcl-xL.Les travaux antérieurs du laboratoire ont permis la découverte d’un inhibiteur sélectif de la protéineMcl-1, appelé Pyridoclax. Par une approche combinant les méthodes de Fragment-Based Drug Designet Structure-Based Drug Design, à partir de la structure du Pyridoclax, la conception de dual inhibiteurs,leur synthèse et leur évaluation biologique, sont rapportées dans cette thèse. L’exploration de nouveauxespaces chimiques et biologiques est ainsi rendue possible par la mise en oeuvre de cette approche ausein de laquelle le développement de nouvelles méthodologies de synthèse dans le but de concevoirdes fragments tridimensionnels originaux sera présenté.Ces travaux de thèse ont permis de concevoir, synthétiser et caractériser plus de 90 molécules.Certaines ont montré une activité pro-apoptotique intéressante en inhibant les protéines Mcl-1 et Bcl-xLnotamment. / Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) control many important physiological processes within human cells.A hallmark of cancers is the escape of cells from apoptosis, which is often associated with theoverexpression of the anti-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family. This family comprises pro-survival(Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Mcl-1) and pro-apoptotic members. In many cancers and, in particular, chemoresistantovarian cancers, the balance between the pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members is alteredleading to the survival of cancerous cells. One of the strategies used to overcome chemoresistance isto re-establish apoptosis by the concomitant inhibition of Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL proteins. Therefore, theobjective is to design dual Mcl-1/Bcl-xL inhibitors.Our groups previous work allowed the discovery of a selective Mcl-1 inhibitor, named Pyridoclax. UsingFragment-Based Drug Design and Structure-Based Drug Design approaches, from the structure ofPyridoclax, the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of dual inhibitors are reported in this thesis.The exploration of novel chemical and biological space is possible by the implementation of thisapproach. The development of synthetic methodologies for the design of new 3-dimensional fragmentswill be presented.In this work, around 90 molecules were synthesized using an approach which combined Fragment-Based Drug Design and Structure-Based Drug Design methods. Some showed a pro-apoptotic activityby inhibiting Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL proteins.

Varför slöjdar människor? : Drivkrafter till att slöjda undersöks genom textanalys av tidskriften Hemslöjd / Why do people craft? : Driving forces for crafting is investigated with text analysis of the Swedish magazine Hemslöjd

Kristin, Wiberg January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att utforska och belysa fenomenet att slöjda. Det görs genom textanalys av slöjdare och deras drivkrafter till att slöjda. Med hjälp av textanalys av utvalda texter i tidskriften Hemslöjd år 2015 besvaras frågorna: vilka personer skildras i texterna i tidskriften Hemslöjd, samt vilka drivkrafter till att slöjda synliggörs i tidskriften Hemslöjd? Undersökta texter ur tidskriften Hemslöjd skildrar slöjdande personer alltifrån hobbyslöjdare och studenter till yrkesverksamma slöjdare. De kommer från olika delar av världen även om de flesta slöjdar/verkar i Sverige. Sex huvudteman som drivkrafter till att slöjda har identifierats: välmående, självklart att göra egna föremål, nyfikenhet och vilja att förstå, bevara kunskap, att uttrycka sin idé, samt globalt ansvar/miljöengagemang. Välmående samt att bevara kunskap förekommer mest frekvent som drivkraft till att slöjda hos dem som skildras i Hemslöjds texter. Globalt ansvar – miljöengagemang, vilken identifierats som en drivkraft till att slöjda förekommer ej som drivkraft till slöjande i tidigare forskning inom området. Analysen ger exempel på människor som slöjdar för att stå upp för sitt engagemang för miljön genom vad de väljer att göra i vardagen, exempelvis slöjda sitt barns sittvagn. Detta tolkas i uppsatsen som att de skapar sig en meningsfull tillvaro genom hur de agerar, genom att slöjda. Analysen visar vidare på tidskriften Hemslöjd som mediaaktör i samhället och hur tidskriften skriver fram varför människor slöjdar genom att journalister skriver texter där tidskriftens inriktning synliggörs. Detta görs dels genom vilka slöjdande personer som presenteras, samt hur texterna och innehållet utformas baserat på det som analysen identifierat som tidskriftens inriktning. Analysresultaten av vilka som skildras i Hemslöjds texter samt de identifierade teman/drivkrafter till att slöjda hos de som skildras, tolkas i uppsatsen som följer: Tidskriften Hemslöjd vill genom sina texter förmedla att människan har förmågan att för hand tillverka föremål. Tidskriften vill främja och sprida slöjdkunskaper i samhället. Att slöjdande bidrar till människors välmående, stärker dem som människor och deras självkänsla. Genom vilka personer som skildras i texterna visar tidskriften Hemslöjd fram att slöjdande inte avgränsas av nationsgränser, utan är internationellt och knyter samman människor runt hela jorden. Vidare att förmågan att slöjda är en grundläggande mänsklig förmåga och praktisk kunskap värd att spridas. Uppsatsen tolkar vidare analysresultaten som att tidskriften förmedlar att förmågan att slöjda skapar mening och välmående hos människan. Att bevara slöjdkunskaper som riskerar försvinna när äldre generationer går ur tiden, synliggörs i analysen som en viktig drivkraft till att slöjda. Det är en drivkraft till att slöjda världen över vilket synliggörs genom tidskriften Hemslöjds texter. Tidskiften verkar för, lyfter fram och stärker praktisk kunskap, slöjdkunskap, som traditionellt har värderats lägre i samhället än teoretisk kunskap.

Umělecké řemeslo Střední Asie na příkladu sbírky Náprstkova muzea / Arts and Crafts of Central Asia on the Example of the Náprstek's Museum Colection

Hejzlarová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The Central-Asian region, in current geo-political signification understood as the territory of five Post-Soviet states: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and partially of Kazakhstan, has went through a very rich and colorful historical development. During this development it has absorbed many different culture impulses and influences that helped the region to develop conditions for the formation of a distinctive artistic expression. To a certain extent, we can observe continuity in the development of traditional arts and crafts professions since early historical times until today. Among the most important craft branches we need to mention textile production, involving carpet weaving, processing of felt, fabrics and embroideries, and also artistic metal processing represented particularly by the jewelry production and last but not least, ceramics production. Arts and crafts have always had a very important position in the history and culture of Central Asia. Craftwork has been a subject of trade for a very long time period here, this fact being enhanced by the geographical position as well, since the region is situated on the route of the famous Silk Road. Arts and craft production, which comprised of common goods but also exclusive products of high artistic value, intended for the...

Starověký šperk Střední Asie a jeho vztahy ke šperkařskému umění anitického Středomoří / Ancient Jewellery of Central Asia and its relations to the Jewellers' art of Ancient Mediterranean.

Belaňová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Central Asia, crossroads of ancient trade routes known as the Silk Road, absorbed for centuries the pulses of travelling cultural influences and created an environment for the existence of original artistic expression, which can be seen in jewellery making as well. The dissertation thesis deals with analysis of the findings from excavation units and individual pieces of jewellery, in most cases made of gold, which were often largely inspired by the culture of the ancient Mediterranean. The historical - geographic perspective of the work is focused primarily on territory of ancient Bactria and Gandhara - southern part of the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, then northern and eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. These areas were in the past centers of military activities and political formations, followed up in many aspects on the Mediterranean traditions. These political formations contributed distinctly to the dissemination and preservation of some elements of ancient cultural heritage in Central Asian architecture, sculpture and other fine arts and crafts. Most jewelry findings come from a fairly turbulent period of the 1st century AD, when the territory of Central Asia saw the progressive formation of Kushan Empire. The main part of the thesis consists of summary of the...

Relevancia del uso adecuado de la gestión del inventario como medio para mejorar la rentabilidad de las mypes de artesanías peruanas en Miraflores 2019 / The relevance of the appropriate use of inventory management as a means to improve the profitability of mypes of peruvian crafts in Miraflores 2019

López Rojas, Víctor David, Heredia Chara, Alejandro Sebastián 26 October 2020 (has links)
El problema que abordó este estudio fue: La importancia que hubiese representado para las empresas Mypes de artesanías peruanas en Miraflores el llevar una adecuada Gestión de su Inventario durante el año 2019. Por consiguiente, se tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre Gestión de Inventario y Rentabilidad, pero dentro del sector y periodo mencionado. Asimismo, nuestro propósito fue hacer notar a los artesanos, que no le dan importancia al inventario, que gestionándolo bien pueden hacer que su rentabilidad mejore. Por ello, a través de una investigación cuantitativa, no experimental y transeccional correlacional – causal; se verificó lo que se presumía, ya que en la encuesta realizada a 67 artesanos miraflorinos, en su gran mayoría, estos afirmaron que tuvieron una eficiente gestión de su inventario y rentabilidad positiva en el 2019. Además, gracias a la prueba de Rho Spearman, se verificó la relación entre las dos variables en cuestión. En conclusión, podemos decir que a pesar de que el sector en cuestión es pequeño, de igual manera la adecuada gestión del inventario puede ayudar a que su rentabilidad mejore. Sin embargo, no se pudo contrastar lo recopilado con data numérica, ya que la mayoría de los artesanos no llevan estados financieros, y los que sí los llevan, los consideran información privada. / The problem addressed in this study was: The potential importance of performing a proper Inventory Management for Peruvian craft SME (MYPES by its initials in Spanish) in Miraflores throughout 2019. The objective was to determine the relationship between Inventory Management and Profitability within the sector and period aforementioned. Additionally, the purpose was to point out to the craftspeople that do not give importance to the inventory that if they managed it properly, they could improve their profitability. Therefore, through a quantitative, non-experimental and correlational-causal cross-sectional research, what was initially presumed was verified as a result of a survey of 67 craftspeople from Miraflores, in which most of them stated that they had efficient inventory management and positive profitability in 2019. Furthermore, thanks to the Spearman’s Rho test, the relationship between the two variables aforementioned was verified. In conclusion, we can say that even though the surveyed sector is small, a proper inventory management can still help to improve the profitability. However, it was not possible to contrast the information collected with numerical data since most craftspeople do not keep financial statements, and those who do, consider it as private information. / Tesis

Modelo de negocio online de artesanías de las diferentes regiones del Perú / Business model plan for handicrafts products from different regions of Peru

Bardales Bendezú, Diana Lizbeth, Garcilazo Carhuapoma, Karina, Lezama Salinas, Jean Pierre Alexander, Ojeda Aranda, Bruno Joel, Rengifo Torres, Gonzalo 02 December 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo analizaremos la posibilidad de implementar un plan de negocios para una empresa de venta de productos, basada en ofrecer artesanías peruanas de las diferentes regiones del Perú, por el canal de compra online, con el nombre de Yarpay Perú. El negocio tiene el objetivo de brindar más accesibilidad de este tipo de productos a un público de entre 25 a 50 años, con la visión de expandirnos a un mercado internacional; como también el brindar apoyo a los artesanos peruanos para promover y dar a conocer su arte, que, principalmente, venden sus productos en un canal informal. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, se llevaron a cabo distintos experimentos para validar los distintos aspectos del modelo de negocio, como la cadena de suministros, el público y nuestros canales de distribución, así como obtener información acerca de las diferentes características del mercado. Además, para garantizar la sostenibilidad del negocio en el tiempo se armaron los planes estratégicos de las distintas áreas de la empresa. A su vez, tomando en cuenta nuestras operaciones a futuro, se plantea un reajuste en el uso y disposición de los recursos, tanto en el personal como financiamiento necesario para un plan de 3 años, para así poder analizar la rentabilidad y viabilidad del modelo de negocio a futuro. / In the following paper, we will analyze the possibility of implementing a business built around the idea of selling Peruvian handcrafted gifts through an online channel. This enterprise would be named Yarpay Perú. This business idea has the purpose of bringing more accessibility to this type of products, with a target market of people from 25 to 50 years old, and the vision of expanding to an international market in the future, as well as aiding Peruvian artisans who mainly sell their products through informal markets To accomplish this, we carried out several experiments, to validate every aspect of our business model, like our supply chain, our market and where will the products be sold, on top of obtaining information about the distinct characteristics of our market segment. Additionally, to guarantee the sustainability of our business in the future, we established the strategic plans for the different areas of the company. Taking into account our future operations, as well as the resources and labor force necessary for them to work in the following 3 years, in order to analyze the profitability and viability of the business model in the future. / Trabajo de investigación

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