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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The developing strategy of Kaohsiung after the two sides of the Taiwan Strait joining WTO- The prevention mechanism for interchanged crime in the cross strait

YAN, NING-TSUNG 02 September 2003 (has links)
Abstract Since the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have separately admitted to join WTO (World Trade organization ), the diversity and complexity of economy and trade between Taiwan and mainland china will constantly developing, its influence not only changed the economic structure but bring the series debates and problems, crime is not except. Due to the existence of extremely high dark figure of crime in the cross strait, the characters of transnational crime: low visibility, high complexity can be easily observed but hard to control in Taiwan and china. The cross strait relationship still can¡¦t be advanced for long due to ¡§One China Policy¡¨, but the derivative problems of intercommunion, like guns, drugs, gangs, stow-away, smuggling, marine piracy, newly technical economy crime and transnational organized crime become more and more dangerous ,indeed post a threat to both sides of the Taiwan strait, even begin spreading to the global world. Though the cross strait sign ¡§kin-men degree¡¨ in 1990,the sovereignty dispute and re-president,Teng-hui Lee¡¦s cornell universal-trip in America still obstruct the cross strait to construct the related Matual Legal Assistancein Criminal Matters, in other way, duo to the constantly blockading in diplomacy from China, it become difficult for Taiwan joining the International Matual organism and Matual legal criminal Matters mechanism, undoubtedly, effectively controlling the variable types of transnational crime will be more difficult than before. The researcher team, with the cooperation method, refer the ¡§increasingly develop Kaohsiung and policy after cross strait joining to WTO¡¨ as our theme, another research theme will be aimed on the criminal problem prevention mechanism about the economy and trade intercommunion between the cross strait, combined the different kinds of area(tourism, policy ministry, commerce, building industry¡K. ) the team members used the NGT(Nominal Group Technique) for researching; Beginning present the conference on time since January2002,our team officially invite fourteen experts in industry, authority concerns, studios, populace and media presenting twice NGT interactive studying via interactive management then choosing the ten strategies, producing strengthen construction relation geography in November twenty-sixth and December third 2002 and trying to gain ¡§joining the international police organism & signing the legal assistance criminal matters with China¡¨ specific strategy, elaborating with document analysis and conclusion for interactive proving with NGT result.

Crime Prevention By Means Of Urban Design Tools: The Case Of Istiklal Neighborhood, Ankara

Kubilay, Ayse Belkis 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to seek the reasons of both the actual crime and fear of crime on urban streets, to evaluate the relationships between fear and physical attributes and to find out how physical attributes can help to reduce this. The study aims at developing new urban design principles in order to decrease the crime risks for users in historic residential neighborhoods. To do that, the study identifies the risky and unsecure spaces and potential places with high crime rates in Istiklal Neighborhood. The study also explains the relationship between crime and the design of the built environment and the role of urban design tools in reducing the crime rate and creating safer places by the help of this case study, held in Istiklal Neighborhood, Ankara.

The prevention of mobile phone theft : a case study of crime as pollution : rational choices and consumer demand

Mailley, Jennifer January 2011 (has links)
This thesis makes two contributions to environmental criminology. The first contribution is a rational choice event model for mobile phone thieves. This is based on interviews with 40 mobile phone thieves. In addition, the deterrent effects of 23 designs of phone are assessed. Comparisons are made between the responses of offenders and non-offenders; and between experienced offenders and less experienced offenders. The results show that mobile phone thieves make discerning choices about which model of phone to steal at the point of theft. The factors affecting handset choice reflect Clarke s (1999) CRAVED characteristics. Mobile phone thieves are differentially deterred by a variety of design solutions, the most effective of which reduce the resale value of stolen handsets. In contrast with offenders, non-offenders are more easily deterred, and statistically significantly more deterred for five of the 23 designs presented in this thesis; do not appreciate the importance of resale value; and are not so aware of the possibilities for circumventing or neutralising security technology. The differences between offender and non-offender responses mean that offenders are arguably best placed to assess product use and misuse in the process of designing-out crime. The second contribution of this thesis is a Mobile Phone Theft Index which controls for phone availability in the absence of handset sales data. Mobile phone theft is arguably a form of pollution (Roman and Farrell, 2002) and can, therefore, be controlled using traditional pollution control instruments (Farrell and Roman, 2006). Informing the public of their risk of victimisation according to handset ownership would make security a marketable aspect of handset design, incentivising industry to decrease theft rates. Industry action to date shows evidence of obstructionism and pre-regulatory initiatives (Newman, 2004) meaning that a novel instrument such as the Index is necessary to alter the current status quo where industry costs UK society an estimated £1.2 billion per year (Mailley and Farrell, 2006).

The origins and impact of the function of crime investigation and detection in the British police service

Roach, Lawrence T. January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis the process by which crime investigation, detection and prosecution became an integral function of the British police service is analysed through an examination of public records, contemporary papers and documents, and by reference to the literature on policing. The impact of the adoption of that function on the role, organisation and management of modem British policing is then assessed. It is established that at its foundation by Robert Peel's Metropolitan Police Act of 1829, the British professional police service was intended to be a purely preventive and protective body of uniformed patrolling constables. The function of crime investigation, detection and criminal prosecution was then subsequently added to its responsibilities by government using administrative rather than any democratic or legislative means, thus creating the present dual crime prevention and crime detection role of the police. Major recurrentp roblemse xperiencedb y the modemB ritish police servicea re identified as arising from that change in its original functions and purposes, and proposals for action to resolve them are set out.

Transnational organized crimes in Africa : a case study of drug trafficking and money laundering in Ghana and South Africa.

Mnguni, Sandile. January 2013 (has links)
Every phenomenon evolves with times. Illicit activities like Transnational Organized Crimes (TOC) are not an exception in this regard. Africa, especially West and Southern Africa, have been challenged by a number of TOCs. Ghana and South Africa are amongst the countries in West and Southern Africa that have been subjected to a range of crimes of this nature. Drug trafficking and money laundering are the most prominent illicit activities in Ghana and South Africa. Drug trafficking and money laundering has been prevalent in Ghana and South Africa to such an extent that it has contributed to the growth of illicit economy. Increased size of illicit economy, constrained state capacity and expansion of TOCs are amongst effects of drug trafficking and money laundering in Ghana and South Africa. This dissertation evaluates state capacity in relation to drug trafficking and money laundering in Ghana and South Africa in the period from 2001 to 2011. Regulatory, administrative, technical and extractive are elements of state capacity being looked at. The research used qualitative research method, this was achieved through textual analysis of secondary sources. Regulatory, administrative, and technical state capacity elements have been fairly operational in dealing with drug trafficking and money laundering in the period from 2001 to 2011 in the two countries being looked at. On the other hand extractive state capacity element has been struggling from 2001 to 2011 in reducing drug trafficking and money laundering in Ghana and South Africa. It is clear that globalization has played an important role in the occurrence of the two TOCs under discussion. To better understand TOCs further research needs to look at other regions within and outside Africa. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Locus delicti nos crimes informáticos / Locus Delicti in cybercrimes

Fernando José da Costa 12 September 2011 (has links)
Aborda a introdução do computador e da internet na sociedade e sua relação com o direito. Discorre sobre o uso da informática para a prática de crime, observando que o delito penal deixou de ser local e ganhou dimensões internacionais, porquanto seu resultado não se dê necessariamente no mesmo local onde foi praticada a conduta. Chama a atenção ao fato de que os princípios delimitadores da validade da lei penal no espaço podem não ser suficientes para dirimir eventuais conflitos de jurisdição, se interpretados como tradicionalmente se tem feito. Analisa e classifica as espécies de crimes informáticos de forma exemplificativa, bem como os agentes criminais da era digital. Reúne e comenta as leis e projetos de leis nacionais, bem como as leis estrangeiras e convenções sobre crimes informáticos. Ao final, aponta, em sede de conclusão, critério de solução para a resolução do conflito de jurisdição para os crimes praticados no ciberespaço, sugerindo, de lege ferenda, a persecução de uma lei dirimente de eventual conflito. / Discusses the advent of the computer and the internet in society and their relation with the law. Considers the use of information technology in committing crime, observing that a penal offence is no longer local, since it has acquired international dimensions. Therefore, its resolution does not necessarily happen in the same locality where it was practiced. Draws attention to the fact that the principles that delimit the validity of the penal law might not be sufficient to dispel possible conflicts of jurisdiction, if interpreted in the usual traditional way. By giving examples, it analyses and classifies types of electronic crimes as well as the criminal agents of the digital age. Gathers and comments laws and projects of law, both national and international, as well as conventions on electronic crimes. Finally, it presents criteria of solution for resolving the conflict of jurisdiction for crimes practiced in cyberspace, suggesting, of lege ferenda, the pursuit of a law which would eliminate such conflicts.

Crimes de perigo abstrato e a questão da tentativa: limites da antecipação da tutela penal / Abstract danger crime attempted: limits of anticipated criminal law intervention.

Catherine Ruriko Sato 12 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca estabelecer limites ao Direito Penal na questão da tentativa de crimes de perigo abstrato. Esse estudo refere-se ao complexo tema dos limites do Direito Penal e seus importantes resultados. O tema é abordado de acordo com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, incluindo um breve estudo sobre a natureza do perigo, a teoria do bem jurídico e as diversas teorias de interpretação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato. Como resultado, foi detectada a necessidade de um estudo combinado da estrutura do bem jurídico e da avaliação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato para se tratar do tema da legitimidade. / This dissertation intends to stabilish limits to Criminal Law in the matter of abstract crime of danger attempted. This essay refers to the complex theme of Criminal Law in Risk Societys limits and its important outcomes. The approach is based on an analysis of Criminal Law legitimacy according to the Brazilian Law, including, a brief study on the nature of danger, the legally protected interest and the several theories of abstract crime of danger dogmatic interpretations. As a result, it was detected the need for a combined study of the Rechtsgut (legally protected interest) structure and the dogmatic evaluation of abstract crime of danger to treat the legitimacy issue.

La répression des crimes relevant du statut de la Cour pénale internationale par les juridictions nationales et le principe de complémentarité : l’exemple de la République démocratique du Congo / Repression of crimes under the Statute of the International Criminal Court by the national courts and the principle of complementarity : the example of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Munazi Muhimanyi, Cyprien 18 December 2018 (has links)
Au cours d’un peu plus de deux décennies, la RDC, située au cœur de l’Afrique, dans la région des grands lacs, a été le théâtre des crimes de masse les plus violents. De nombreux rapports relatent les violations à grande échelle des droits de l’homme et du doit international humanitaire commises dans ce pays démontrent. Ils démontrent l’horreur innommable infligée aux populations civiles dans la partie Est du pays. ll s'agit notamment, de Bukavu, Fizi, Uvira Mugunga, Goma, Bénie, Rusthuru,Lubero, Walikale, Kisangani, Tingi-Tingi, Makobola, Ituri, Kiwanja, Kasai, Maniema, Shaba. Dans un contexte global de conflit et de trouble persistant, d’instabilité socio-économique et de crise politique profonde, la commission des crimes graves se trouve exacerbée par la présence des centaines de groupes armés politico-militaro-affairistes, des Forces Armées de la R.D.C., tous soutenus par des troupes étrangères et multinationales. L'environnement politique et sécuritaire empêche la justice congolaise d'évaluer dans la sérénité la quasi-totalité d’éléments de crimes sur le territoire en vue d’identifier les auteurs, d’établir les responsabilités, procéder à leur répression, assurer la réparation des nombreuses victimes et la réconciliation nationale. L'association d'autres formes de justice serait plus que nécessaire, toujours à travers la logique de la complémentarité de la CPI. / . For almost over two decades, the DRC, located in the heart of Africa, in the Great Lakes region, has benn the scene of the most violent crimes. Tremendous public and non government organizations have reported the large-scale violations international humanitarian law and human rights committed in this country. They display the horror inflicted upon the civilian populations in the eastern part of the country. These include amonsgt others the areas of Bukavu, Fizi, Uvira Mugunga, Goma, Béni, Rusthuru, Lubero, Walikale, Kisangani, Tingi-Tingi, Makobola, Ituri, Kiwanja, Kasaï, Maniema, Shaba. In a global context of conflict and persistent turmoil, socio-economic instability and deep political crisis, the commission of serious crimes is exacerbated by the presence of hundreds of armed politico-military-mercenary groups, the Armed Forces of the DRC, all supported by foreign and multinational troops. The currently political and security environment prevents the Congolese justice system from smoothly assessing all elements of crimes on the territory in order to identify the perpetrators, establish the responsibilities, carry out investigation and prosecution as well as legal proceedings, ensure the reparations to millions of victims and the national reconciliation at large. The combination of other forms of justice would be more than ever necessary through the logic of the complementarity of the ICC.

Fear of Crime- Among Business Representatives and how it is Affected Through the Security Measures of the Business

Hartman, Hampus January 2015 (has links)
This study examines how fear of crime is altered in regards to crime-preventive strategies and programs among individuals within businesses. The study also investigates whether perceived risk, previous victimization, and demographics influence the individuals within the businesses fear of crime against their businesses. Based on a theoretical discussion derived from the Vulnerability Perspective, Indirect and Direct Experience with Crime, Ecological Perspective, and the Situational Crime Prevention perspective, this study assesses how individuals within businesses fear of crime affects the business crime-preventive strategies and programs, and vice versa. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with high level participants and business owners from different industries. It is concluded that the general fear of crime among the interviewees businesses are considered as none, or very low. Most security measures in regards to these types of crimes are used because of standards, rather than influenced by fear. However, some security measured have had been established and altered because of previous victimization. The most fear inducing crimes among the interviewees were those types of crimes which involved intoxicated offenders, where violent outcomes with regards to the employees were considered to be high. Only the high risk businesses representatives had this type of fear, because of prior direct victimization. In some regards, the security measures used by the businesses provide the business representatives with the feeling of being in control, which causes the levels of fear of crime to be low. Another reason for the low level of fears among the business representatives is that the crimes committed towards their organizations are not seen as a personal victimization; instead it is regarded to be frustrating, as it causes economic damages and more work. It also appears that the more vulnerable the business is to become victimized by crime, the more security measures are applied.

The occurrence of diffusion of benefits. A systematic review of the circumstances behind a hot spot policing effect

Sandkvist, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Genom åren har det konstaterats att brott inte sprider sig jämnt över ett lanskap. Istället har det visat sig att vissa platser är mer brottsattraktiva än andra. Dessa platser kallas ofta för hot spots och kunskapen om dessa har bidragit till framväxten av platsbaserad och platsspecifika brottsförebyggande insatser. I samband med dessa insatser diskuteras ofta effekter såsom omfördelning och positiva spridningseffekter. Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka omständigheterna bakom framförallt positiva spridningseffetker. Omständigheterna bakom positiva spridningseffekter har undersökts genom en systematisk översikt av studier som rapporterat om eller utvärderat en platsbaserad intervention eller experiment. Inga uppenbara gemensamma faktorer eller samband kunde urskiljas mellan de olika studierna gällande när positiva spridningeffekter sker och det kan konstateras att fenomenet är mycket komplext. Resultaten analyseras och förstås med hjälp av rutinaktivtetsteorin samt genom teorin om rationella val. Uppsatsen bygger på bevisen om att fler studier med positiva spridningseffkter i fokus bör genomföras. Genom att förstå när, var och varför spridningseffekter sker ökar också kunskapen om de preventiva insatserna och hur de kan designas för att nå bästa möjliga resultat. / Throughout the years it has been suggested that some places attract crime more than others. Those places are called hot spots of crime and the knowledge of them have contributed to the emergence of hot spot and targeted policing interventions. Hot spot policing is often discussed together with effects such as displacement of crime and diffusion of benefits. Through a systematic review of earlier studies that report or examine a hot spot policing effort or experiment this thesis aims to investigate the circumstances behind diffusion of benefits. No apparent commonalties or correlations are found between the different types of interventions regarding when diffusion of benefits occur. It can be concluded that the phenomenon is very complex. The results are analyzed and understood with the help of routine activity theory and rational choice theory. This thesis adds to the body of evidence that more studies with diffusion of benefits in focus need to be conducted. By understanding when, where and why diffusion of benefits occur the knowledge of crime prevention increases and also increases the knowledge of how to design the interventions to reach the best preventive gains.

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