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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Race and Anomie: A Comparison of Crime Among Rural Whites and Urban Blacks Based on Social Structural Conditions.

Carter, Mical Dominique 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the relationship between social structures and crime among rural white and urban black males in North Carolina through the theoretical framework of Merton's Anomie. Using demographic information on the state's inmate population provided by the North Carolina Department of Corrections, the subjects' individual characteristics were studied alongside community level conditions to establish whether anomic conditions did coincide with specific types of crimes and whether individuals from each group would commit the same types of crimes. The study population came from the rural counties of Graham, Alleghany, Swain, and Mitchell and the urban communities within Charlotte of Mecklenburg County. Univariate and Bivariate analysis were used to establish the significance and strength of any relationships between the variables. The findings indicated that while the category of offense was different for each group, the implied intent was the same. Both committed crimes that would benefit them in a pecuniary manner.


Martinez Olsson, Elina January 2014 (has links)
Nyhetsrapporteringen av brott och dess inverkan på läsarnas rädsla för brott har i årtionden studerats som ett socialt problem. Dessa studier indikerar på en relation mellan exponeringen av brottsnyheter och uppkomsten av rädsla för brott. Däremot är forskningen gällande brottsrapportering begränsad och lämnar utrymme för frågor gällande hur bristen på information i porträtteringen av brottsnyheter påverkar rädslan för brott bland läsarna. Denna studie undersöker hur presentationen av brottsnyheter gällande mängden information som tilldelas läsaren ser ut och hur denna rapportering påverkar rädslan för brott bland läsarna. Urvalet för studien består av 900 brottsartiklar, publicerade i två lokaltidningar i Skåne, Sverige. Genom innehållsanalys studeras artiklarna utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven kontrollokus, tillskrivning av ansvar och nedåtriktad jämförelse. Resultaten visar att både information gällande kontexten av en brottshandling samt information gällande egenskaper hos offer och gärningsperson sällan porträtteras i brottsartiklar. Resultatet visar också på att frånvaron av denna information kan påverka läsarnas rädsla för brott. Det antyds att detta beror på upplevelsen av bristen att själv kontrollera brottshändelser samt en bristande förmåga att kunna avgöra sin egen risk för utsatthet för brott. Avslutningsvis föreslås utbildning av journalister i författande metoder som kan minskar risken för rädsla för brott bland läsarna. / The influence of crime news coverage on fear of crime in the audience has for decades been evaluated as a social problem. Indicating a relationship of exposure to crime news and the emergence of fear of crime. However, the research on crime news coverage is limited, and questions remain about how the lack of information in the portrayal of crime in newspaper influences fear of crime among the audience. This study examines the presentation of crime news in newspapers regarding the amount of information provided to the reader, and the influence of this coverage on fear of crime among the readers. The sample consist of 900 crime news articles published in two local newspapers in Skåne, Sweden, and were content analyzed based on previous research, and on theoretical perspectives of Locus of control, Assignment of responsibility, and Downward comparison. The results show that both information regarding the context of the crime incident, and information regarding the characteristics of the victim and offender are rarely portrayed in the crime news. The results also imply that the absence of information, provide in the newspapers, may influence fear of crime among the readers. This is suggested to be due to the lack of ability to control crime events, and to evaluate one´s own risk for victimization. Finally, this study suggests educating newspaper journalist in public health method, which might lead to a decreased risk for fear of crime among the audience.

Gender, Opportunities, and Antitrust Offenses: Exploring the Evolving Role of Women in the Workforce and White-Collar Crime

Chio, Hei January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Comparing Measures of the Concentration of Crime at Places and Times

Lee, YongJei 12 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fear of crime, civil liberties, and tolerance of the use of technological anti-crime devices : will a fearful public exchange civil liberties for safety?

Boyles, Cynthia A. 01 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

"Skräckblandad förtjusning" : True crime:s påverkan på rädsla att utsättas för våldsbrott / Mixed emotions : The impact of true crime on fear of violent crimes

Nguen, Vladyslava, Balija, Amra, Lindeberg, Alma January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med följande uppsats är att undersöka hur unga kvinnor resonerar kringvarför de konsumerar true crime samt på vilka sätt de beskriver att konsumtionenpåverkar deras rädsla att utsättas för våldsbrott. Uppsatsen syftar även till attundersöka hur unga kvinnor framställer kopplingen mellan kvinnorssocialiseringsprocess och deras rädsla att utsättas för våldsbrott, i relation tillderas konsumtion av true crime. En kvalitativ ansats har tillämpats i form avfokusgruppsintervjuer för att besvara uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar.Reflexiv tematisk analys har använts för att analysera materialet. Den tematiskaanalysen resulterade i tre identifierade teman. Det första temat var Lockelsen avtrue crime. De huvudsakliga resultaten för detta tema var att deltagarnakonsumerar true crime för att få förståelse för gärningspersoners motiv ochhandlingar, kunskap om vilka beteenden de ska tillämpa och vilka typer avpersoner de ska undvika för att förhindra att utsättas för brott, samt underhållning.Tema två var Faktorer som påverkar rädsla, där resultaten visade att deltagarnadiskuterade att konsumtion av true crime påverkade deras rädsla att utsättas förvåldsbrott på olika sätt. Främst geografisk- och tidsmässig närhet till brottsoffrensom porträtteras, samt identifiering med brottsoffren var faktorer som gjordedeltagarna mer rädda att utsättas för våldsbrott. Deltagarna kopplade även truecrime innehåll till sin egen verklighet och sin risk att utsättas för brott. Det tredjetemat var Beteende en som konsekvens av true crime och resultaten från dettatema visade att deltagarna beskriver förändringar i deras beteende efter att debörjat konsumera true crime, i form av skyddande och undvikande beteenden. / This bachelor thesis aims to investigate how young women discuss the purposesbehind true crime consumption and how they describe the impact of true crimeconsumption has on their fear of violent crimes. Furthermore, the thesis aims toinvestigate in which ways young women depict the association between women’ssocialization processes and their fear of violent crime, in relation to true crimeconsumption. A qualitative approach has been applied and the thesis aims andresearch questions were answered with the help of focus groups. Reflexivethematic analysis constituted the method of analysis which resulted in threecentral themes. The first being The appeal of true crime. The main results of thistheme showed that the participants consume true crime content to gain anunderstanding of the perpetrators’ motives and actions, knowledge regardingwhich behaviors to adapt in order to avoid victimization, and entertainment. In thesecond theme, Factors that impact fear of crime, the participants discussed thattrue crime consumption impacted their fear of violent crime in diverse ways.Spatial- and temporal proximity to the cases being depicted in true crime contentwas a main factor that contributed to heightened fear. Furthermore, theparticipants connected true crime content to their own reality and their riskassessment in relation to victimization. The third theme was defined as Behaviorsas a consequence of true crime consumption. Results from this theme showed thatthe participants describe changes in their behavior as a consequence of their truecrime consumption. Mainly the behavioral changes consisted of protective andavoidant behavior.

Organiserad avfallsbrottslighet i Skåne : "Det är ju in och störa och klydda" / Organized waste crime in Skåne : "Get in there and mess around"

Löfström, Matilda, Edholm, Moa, J Rüder, Filippa January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar att undersöka och kartlägga det kommunala brottsförebyggande arbetet i Skåne med fokus på hur detta kan appliceras på organiserad avfallsbrottslighet. En kunskapslucka har identifierats i tidigare forskning om arbetet mot organiserad avfallsbrottslighet, vilket även framkom i denna studie gällande kommunernas brottsförebyggande arbete. Låg prioritering i det brottsförebyggande arbetet mot denna brottstyp är en bidragande orsak till ettbetydande mörkertal. Vikten av framtida strategier för det kommunala brottsförebyggande arbetet mot avfallsbrottslighet framhävs av de avsevärda miljöskador och samhällskostnader denna brottslighet medför, i kombination med förväntningar om en fortsatt expansion av den illegala avfallsbranschen. I denna studie analyseras intervjuer med kommunanställda med hjälp av tidigare forskning, rapporter och rutinaktivitetsteorin. Resultatet av studien presenterarutvecklingsförslag till det brottsförebyggande arbetet inom kommunerna som kan riktas mot organiserad avfallsbrottslighet. Studien visar att det finns ett behov av tillräckliga resurser som möjliggör att de mindre kommunerna kan tillgodose mer än de grundläggande kraven för att uppfylla det brottsförebyggande arbetet. Detta är nödvändigt för att jämna ut förutsättningarna mellan de större och mindre kommunerna, då flera av de större kommunerna redan har ett brottsförebyggande arbete som nu kan utökas. Resultat av teorianalysen indikerar även att storleken på kommunernas obebodda landyta kan vara en relevant faktor vid fördelningen av resurser, då dessa områden skapar ideala brottstillfällen för dumpning av avfall och anpassade resurser ökar möjligheten för varje kommun att implementera effektiva åtgärder. Dessa resurser kan med fördel användas för att höja kompetensen inom verksamheterna, effektivisera tillsyner och stärka samverkansarbetet. / This study aims to examine and map the municipal crime prevention efforts in Skåne in an effort to see how this can be applied to organized waste crime. Previous research in the field indicates a deficiency of knowledge in crime prevention. A lack of prioritization of crime prevention efforts against this type of crime contributes to the absence of concrete statistics. Substantial environmental damage and societal costs, combined with an expected continued expansion of the illegal waste industry, strengthen the importance of future strategies for crime prevention efforts against this crime. Interviews with municipal employees will be analyzed using previous research as well as the routine activity theory, where the results of the study will include potential development suggestions for municipal crime prevention efforts that can be directed towards organized waste crime. The findings of this study indicate that sufficient resources beyond basic needs are essential to equalize the conditions between the different sizes of municipalities. The results from the theory analysis implies that the size of the municipalities' uninhabited areas could be a relevant part of the distribution of resources, this is due to the areas creating ideal crime opportunities for waste dumping. Adjusted resources to meet these needs secures every municipality's ability to implement efficient measures. These resources can be utilized effectively to enhance staff competence, conduct efficient inspections,and further strengthen the collaboration inbetween agencies.

Defining organised crime: a comparative analysis

Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey 05 October 2012 (has links)
The most challenging and spoken criminal phenomenon today is indisputably organised crime. It is a crime that both the general public, business community, commentators, researchers, scholars, journalists, writers, politicians, prosecutors, jurists and presiding officials debate with different interpretation and understanding of the concept as well as the manifestation of the phenomena. Debates on the subject have seen the dawn of rival terminologies of organised crime and crimes that are organised. While the United Nations has not assisted the nations in finding a definition of what organised crime is, the confusion has spread throughout the globe and South Africa has not been spared the pandemonium. The objective of this study is to comparatively assess the present understanding and setup in South Africa in comparison with Italy, Tanzania and the United States of America, identify the root causes of the confusion and find possible remedies to liberate the situation. The research concludes with the findings and recommendations. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D.

Defining organised crime: a comparative analysis

Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey 05 October 2012 (has links)
The most challenging and spoken criminal phenomenon today is indisputably organised crime. It is a crime that both the general public, business community, commentators, researchers, scholars, journalists, writers, politicians, prosecutors, jurists and presiding officials debate with different interpretation and understanding of the concept as well as the manifestation of the phenomena. Debates on the subject have seen the dawn of rival terminologies of organised crime and crimes that are organised. While the United Nations has not assisted the nations in finding a definition of what organised crime is, the confusion has spread throughout the globe and South Africa has not been spared the pandemonium. The objective of this study is to comparatively assess the present understanding and setup in South Africa in comparison with Italy, Tanzania and the United States of America, identify the root causes of the confusion and find possible remedies to liberate the situation. The research concludes with the findings and recommendations. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.D.

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology / M. A. (Criminology)

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