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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organiserad brottslighet som straffskärpningsgrund : Organized crime as a ground to harshen penalties

Iita, Lammi January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Kriminalvårdens arbete mot organiserad brottslighet

Färdigh, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att med hjälp av intervjuer och enkäter undersöka hur Kriminalvården arbetar mot organiserad brottslighet. Uppsatsen fokuserar på tre frågeställningar; 1) varför det finns skäl för Kriminalvården att identifiera personer med koppling till organiserad brottslighet, 2) enligt vilka kriterier en sådan identifiering sker samt 3) vilka särskilda åtgärder som riktas mot dessa individer. Organiserad brottslighet har funnits i någon form under alla tider men har på senare år fått ett allt större utrymme i såväl media som inom politiken. Det förefaller finnas en allmän uppfattning om organiserad brottslighet som ett växande hot mot det svenska samhället. Regeringen iscensatte 2006 en nationell mobilisering mot organiserad brottslighet, en satsning som visat sig vara förhållandevis framgångrikt med att lagföra personer för brott. Satsningen har således inneburit fler intagna inom Kriminalvården med koppling till organiserad brottslighet. Undersökningen baseras på en intervjuundersökning med fyra anställda inom Kriminalvården, samt en kompletterande enkätundersökning bestående av 24 enkäter. Urvalet består av representanter från flertalet verksamhetsgrenar inom myndigheten, bl.a. anstalt, häkte, frivård, underrättelsetjänst, programverksamhet, Riksmottagningen och Placeringsenheten. De resultat som framkommit i undersökningen visar att Kriminalvårdens behov av att identifiera intagna med koppling till organiserad brottslighet främst är säkerhetsmässiga. Det handlar här om en ökad risk för hot och våld, ökad risk för rymning och fritagning, ökad risk för fortsatt kriminell brottslighet och en risk för etablering och nyrekrytering. Såväl enkät- som intervjuundersökningen vittnar om att synen på organiserad brottslighet skiljer sig inom myndigheten. Bland de mest frekvent återkommande kriterierna vid identifiering av intagna med koppling till organiserad brottslighet ses (1) graden av organisation, (2) etableringsgrad, (3) antalet medlemmar, (4) brottets beskaffenhet, (5) koppling till internationell verksamhet samt (6) strävan efter ekonomisk vinning. Kriminalvården har idag relativt få insatser som särskilt riktar sig till intagna med koppling till organiserad brottslighet. Ett av myndighetens viktigaste redskap är möjligheten att placera och differentiera intagna i denna kategori. Utöver detta finns även ett samarbete med Exit, ett särskilt behandlingsprogram, ett förbud mot exponering av tillhörighet och en restriktivitet gällande permissioner och utslussningsmöjlighet.

Människosmuggling : Hemliga tvångsmedel för att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten

Kyrö, Linda January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

EU - ett medel i kampen mot organiserad brottslighet : En fallstudie av hur EU bekämpar organiserad brottslighet i Italien

Torstensson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
During the past few years cooperation between the EU member states has expanded considerably in areas such as justice and homeland affairs. International cooperation in criminal justice has become more important as borders between EU countries has been lifted and because of this, various criminal groups have also had more opportunities to commit crimes cross borders. The Italian mafia groups in particularly have been operating in almost every country in Europe and have exploited the possibilities offered by the EU. The increase of organized crime in Europe has created a demand for EU to step up their actions against the organized crime. The purpose of this essay is to investigate exactly how the significant EU is has been in battling organized crime in Italy. The study is a case study based on the work importance of the EU in the fight against organized crime in Italy. The main research questions of the paper are: How does the Italian government work to fight organized crime? How does the EU work to fight organized crime?Italian government use the EU to fight organized crime in Italy? What does the EU do to fight organized crime in Italy? To what extent is this cooperation effective? This investigative report concludes that the EU has over the years established many different action plans, directives and organizations. All of which the Italian government has chosen to implement. The result of this has been that Italy’s opportunities to battle organized crime has improved and they are today seen as a role model for the other member states on how to battle organized crime in cooperation with the EU.  the EU does not have much importance for Italy’s fight against organized crime. ToHowever, to be able to play a more important role the EU needs to establish clear guidelines and formal agreements on how to battle organized crime on an international level.

Vi gör det för vår överlevnad : En kvalitativ studie om tre personer medtillhörlighet inom svensk organiserad brottslighet. / We do it for our survival : A qualitative study of three individuals affilated with orgenized crime in Sweden.

Andersson, Niklas, Omodho, Daisy January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to research and gain knowledge about people involved in organized crime in Sweden. By conducting interviews we were able to analyze what factors played a role in an individual's choice to become a member of a criminal gang, as well as to gain an overall picture of these people. The qualitative research was carried out in three different cities in Sweden. Three people, aged between 30 and 60, who are currently members of a gang, were interviewed. In these interviews they shared their life stories in terms of childhood, youth, gang involvement as well as their hopes for the future. The results were then further analyzed to explore any similarities and differences among the participating individuals. Furthermore, these results were then compared with previous research on the topic, as well as different theories. We were  able to conclude several common trends in the experiences of the interviewed people despite all of them being unique. Among other findings, we could see that theories regarding risk factors for criminal development were mostly coherent with that of the interviewees. Risk factors can be segregated into the individual level, family level, peer level, school level and community level. Research on risk factors were shown to match the interviewees' life stories quite well. Some of the common factors were that two of the people who were interviewed came from broken family relationships, all three described themselves as drawn to peer groups seeking excitement, and all three said that their time at school was characterized by violence. All the people interviewed are active members of a gang because it "suited their needs. They all noted, however, that a disadvantage of this lifestyle is that it comes with a lot of stress, especially the fight against the judiciary. It was clear to all three people that they find it difficult to obey the law and that it would be difficult to leave the criminal underworld completely. This means that chronic criminality, as well as other behavior, is the result of habits that are fundamentally difficult to break.

Organiserad Brottslighet : - att definiera ett problem

Stusinski, Sabrina, Tabrizi, Jasna January 2015 (has links)
Det finns flertalet definitioner av organiserad brottslighet och detta leder till en begreppsförvirring. Därmed kommer i denna uppsats begreppet organiserad brottslighet problematiseras. Syftet med uppsatsen är att, genom att applicera EU:s definition av organiserad brottslighet på fiktiva fallexempel i tre filmer, undersöka om definitionen ger tydliga riktlinjer för identifikation av kriminella organisationer eller om den bidrar till den rådande begreppsförvirringen. Detta gör vi med följande frågeställning: Vilka (typer av)organisationer kan definieras som organiserad brottslighet enligt EU:s definition? Eftersombegreppet organiserad brottslighet antyder organisering valde vi att fördjupa oss i Göran Ahrnes organisationssociologiska synsätt. Dessutom användes hans teori för att kunna identifiera organisationer i vårt empiriska material som utgjordes av tre filmer där olika typer av kriminella grupperingar presenterades. Studien utfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten visade att enligt Göran Ahrnes organisationssociologiska teori existerar organisationer i samtliga filmer. Vidare, trots att organisationerna i filmerna var väldigt åtskilda uppfyllde de EU:s definitions kriterier för organiserad brottslighet. Slutligen kom vi fram till att den stora problematiken ligger i begreppet organisation då den är alldeles för bred och kan feltolkas. Det andra problemet är att de befintliga definitioner som används idag misslyckas att lyfta upp det unika med organiserad brottslighet.

Våldsbrott inom narkotikamarknaden - förekomst och dess förklaring

Åkesson, Emma, Forsshéll, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en systematisk litteraturstudie som syftar till att ge en beskrivning gällande våldsbrottsligheten som förekommer inom narkotikamarknaden. Detta då det uppges att det finns en kunskapslucka gällande vad som faktiskt påverkar det gängrelaterade våldet och narkotikamarknadens roll i det hela. Vidare syftar denna studie till att ge en förklaring kring vilka olika faktorer och förklaringar som kan ha betydelse för våldsbrottslighet inom narkotikamarknaden. Med våldsbrottslighet avses i denna studie, de våldsbrott som förekommer i samband med narkotikamarknaden. Vi har valt att exkludera studier om våldsbrott som förekommer i samband med egenbruk av narkotika. Vi har i denna studie valt att använda oss av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier för att få en så bred bild som möjligt kring ämnet. Resultat visar att områdeskonkurrens, skuld & stöld samt statliga insatser, har en betydande roll i förhållande till våldet inom narkotikamarknaden. Framtida forskning bör dock fokusera på ett mer globalt angreppssätt gällande studerandet av våldet inom narkotikamarknaden samt hur den ekonomiska vinningen inom narkotikahandeln kan påverka. / This thesis is a systematic literature study aimed at giving a description of the crime of violence that occurs in the drug market. It is stated that there is a knowledge gap regarding what actually affects the gang-related violence and the role of the drug market in it. Furthermore, this study aims to provide an explanation of the various factors and explanations that may be important for violent crime in the drug market. In this study, the term "violent crime" refers to the violent crimes that occur in connection with the drug market. We have chosen to exclude studies about violent crimes that occur in connection with self-use of drugs. In this study we have chosen to use both qualitative and quantitative studies to get a broad picture as possible about the subject. Results shows that area competition, debt & theft as well as government efforts, have a significant role in relation to the violence in the drug market. However, future research should focus on a more global approach to the study of the violence in the drug market, and the impact of the economic gain on drug trafficking.

STÖRA - Tullverkets förmåga att arbeta offensivt. "Vi är som en nagel i ögat på buset"

Arpfors, Anna, Magnusson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats är skriven i ett samarbete med Tullverket region Syd. Med utgångspunkt i att underlag om Tullverkets arbetsmetod STÖRA saknades var syftet för denna uppsats att framställa en beskrivning av vad metoden innebär, dess framgångsfaktorer, utvecklingsmöjligheter samt hur involverade parter upplever metodens karaktär. Studien utgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som på olika sätt är involverade i arbetet med STÖRA, vidare har även statistisk över de beslag som genomförts av STÖRA analyserats. Arbetsmetoden utmärks av korta ledtider med en offensiv och flexibel metodik vilken anses gynnsam i syfte att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten. Till följd av metodens redovisade resultat utökades arbetsuppgifterna för STÖRA år 2017. Idag fokuserar gruppen via exempelvis husrannsakningar och kontroller i lager på att störa ut illegal tobak, alkohol, narkotika samt vapen som förekommer inne i landet. Tullverket har en generös lagstiftning som STÖRA fördelaktigt vågar tolka och utnyttja till fullo. Respondenterna i studien är eniga om att STÖRA är en väsentlig arbetsmetod i ledet för att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten. / This paper is written in collaboration with the Swedish Customs. Based on the premises that documentation regarding the Swedish Customs working method STÖRA was lacking, the purpose of this paper was to present description of what the method is, its elements of success and developments, as well as how involved parties experience the characteristics of the method. The study constitutes of semi- structured interviews with respondents that are all linked to the work of STÖRA. Further on, statistics of the confiscations conducted through STÖRA has been analyzed. The working method is characterized by short lead times with an offensive and flexible methodology, which is considered favourable given the purpose of fighting organized crime. Following the shown results of the method, the working tasks of STÖRA were expanded in 2017. Today the group working with STÖRA uses house searches and controls of warehouses to disturb the distribution of illegal tobacco, alcohol, narcotics and guns that exist within Sweden. The Swedish Customs have a generous legislation, which STÖRA beneficially interpret and use to its full capacity. The respondents of the study are united in that STÖRA is a substantial working method as a way of combating organized crime.

Den orientalistiska diskursen om gängkriminalitet och konstruktionenav gängkriminella

Ekberg, Mela, Högman, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how Swedish daily newspapers publish an ethnocentric/orientalistic discourse relating to gang crimes in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to analyze how criminal gangs are portrayed in Swedish daily newspapers.This is achieved by analyzing the articles published by Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Aftonbladet. Following an extensive data collection process the discourses gathered are analysed with the help of the social constructionist theory and Orientalism developed by Edward Said. The findings show that Swedish daily newspapers publish articles with problematic statements towards people of different ethnicities than Swedish in the publications regarding gang related crimes. The premise of the statements was that Sweden has a problem with gang related crimes due to imigration. We've found that the press, by publishing these statements, not only normalises but also constructs a reality where non-ethnic Swedes are portrayed as criminals. The published articles were also constructing an idea that rap music is related to the exponential rise of gang crimes in Sweden. Overall this study's contribution has been to shine a light on the ethnocentric and problematic assumptions published by the press. The publications are made without a consideration towards how this normalizes ethnic separation in not only their articles but also our reality. / <p>2021-06-02</p>

Den orientalistiska diskursen om gängkriminalitet och konstruktionenav gängkriminella

Ekberg, Mela, Högman, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how Swedish daily newspapers publish an ethnocentric/orientalistic discourse relating to gang crimes in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to analyze how criminal gangs are portrayed in Swedish daily newspapers.This is achieved by analyzing the articles published by Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Aftonbladet. Following an extensive data collection process the discourses gathered are analysed with the help of the social constructionist theory and Orientalism developed by Edward Said. The findings show that Swedish daily newspapers publish articles with problematic statements towards people of different ethnicities than Swedish in the publications regarding gang related crimes. The premise of the statements was that Sweden has a problem with gang related crimes due to imigration. We've found that the press, by publishing these statements, not only normalises but also constructs a reality where non-ethnic Swedes are portrayed as criminals. The published articles were also constructing an idea that rap music is related to the exponential rise of gang crimes in Sweden. Overall this study's contribution has been to shine a light on the ethnocentric and problematic assumptions published by the press. The publications are made without a consideration towards how this normalizes ethnic separation in not only their articles but also our reality.Nyckelord: gängkriminalitet, / <p>2021-06-02</p>

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