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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RITA VILANOVA PRATA 21 March 2011 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese discute aspectos relativos à mudança discursiva que vem ocorrendo no campo da educação em ciências, na qual a finalidade de educação para a cidadania assume uma posição central. Com o objetivo de identificar e situar as tensões inerentes a essas mudanças e as perspectivas sobre cidadania que aí se inscrevem, nos debruçamos sobre as relações que se estabelecem nas ações de regulação governamental da produção de livros didáticos para a educação pública brasileira. Para isso, nos apoiamos no arcabouço teórico-metodológico da análise crítica do discurso, perspectiva que considera os textos como integrantes das práticas sociais e busca discernir como os discursos tomam parte e orientam as mudanças. Esta visão enfatiza o caráter socialmente e historicamente situado dos textos e destaca relação dialética entre os discursos e as práticas sociais, ou seja, os textos modulam as práticas sociais, ao mesmo tempo em que são modulados por elas. A proposta metodológica da ACD - no que tange a abordagem das relações discursivas que se configuram nos eventos sociais - opera com o conceito de interdiscursividade e as categorias de discursos, gêneros e estilos, elaboradas a partir do diálogo com as contribuições dos estudos da linguagem desenvolvidos por Bakhtin, Foucault, Halliday e Bernstein e das noções de ideologia e hegemonia. Com base nessa perspectiva analítica abordamos os discursos sobre educação em ciências e cidadania que se inscrevem nos textos do Programa Nacional dos Livros Didáticos, a política governamental de avaliação e compra dos livros didáticos para a educação pública e os textos dos livros de ciências no sentido de apreender os sentidos que a cidadania adquire nesta cadeia de textos. Nossas análises apontam para uma recontextualização dos discursos sobre ciência e cidadania que circulam no campo da educação em ciências no texto do PNLD. Nesse movimento, os debates do campo da pesquisa em educação em ciências são recontextualizados na forma de uma retórica de conclusões, por meio de uma série de prescrições e asserções, adotando uma estratégia comunicativa típica das reformas, baseada na asserção de rupturas e substituições de um modelo por outro, que apagam as tensões inerentes às mudanças. De modo diferente, no caso dos livros didáticos analisados nossas análises apontam que estas tensões estão profundamente marcadas nos textos, o que ressalta o caráter de luta hegemônica entre as práticas estabelecidas e as tentativas de mudança. / [en] This thesis discusses aspects relating to the discursive change that is occurring in the field of science education, in which the purpose of citizenship assumes a central position. With the purpose of identifying and situating the tensions inherent to these changes and the different perspectives on citizenship, we discuss the relations established in the governmental regulation actions of school science textbooks production. Our analysis were based on the Critical Discourse Analysis framework, an methodological approach that considers texts as components of social practices and searches on comprehend how discourses figures in these practices and orientate social changes. In this perspective, texts are pointed out as a social and historical construction and in a dialectical relation with discourses and social practices. Critical discourse Analysis methodological framework works with de concept of interdiscursivity and the categories of discourses, genres and styles, elaborated in the dialogue with the contributions of the language studies developed by Mikhail Bakhtin, Michel Foucault, Michael Halliday and Basil Bernstein and with the notions of ideology and hegemony. Based on this framework, our analysis of the discourses on science education and citizenship were performed in a set of texts of the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), the public policy of evaluation and purchase of school textbooks and in a set extracted from the textbooks, with the goal of apprehending the meanings of citizenship in this textual chain. Our analysis points to a recontextualization of the debates on science and citizenship performed in the field of science education research in PNLD’s texts. In these movements, the debates are recontextualized in the form of a set of prescriptions and assertions, adopting a communicative strategy typical of the educational reforms, based on ruptures and replacements, which wipes off the tensions inherent to changes. Differently, the analysis of the textbooks points that these tensions are deeply marked on the text, which stresses the character of hegemonic struggle between the established practices and the attempts to change.

Análise crítica da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova / Critical analysis on the dynamic burden of proof.

Mariana Aravechia Palmitesta 26 February 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a partir do surgimento da ideia de Estado Democrático de Direito, a moderna doutrina processualista passou a entender o processo não só como meio destinado à pacificação social, passando a encará-lo como mecanismo destinado a fazer valer garantias e direitos constitucionais e a alcançar a pacificação justa dos litígios. A partir deste novo contexto, verificou-se a limitação de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, que embora pudessem auxiliar na obtenção do escopo de pacificação, deixavam de resguardar ou de implementar, em alguns momentos, determinadas garantias constitucionais, o que prejudicava o fim último de acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Uma das limitações verificadas a partir da perspectiva publicista de processo corresponde à regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios conforme a natureza dos fatos alegados, uma vez que esta deixava de observar eventual impossibilidade da parte em cumprir com seu encargo. Ante tal limitação, foi desenvolvida uma teoria destinada a reequilibrar a relação processual, assegurando a implementação das garantias constitucionais, quando a regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios não se mostrava suficiente a assegurar o acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Denominada de distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova (ou teoria das cargas probatórias dinâmicas) a teoria foi pensada a fim de, em tais situações e conforme as peculiaridades do caso concreto, determinar a redistribuição do encargo probatório a fim de que este recaia sobre as partes em melhores condições. Contudo, há grande divergência doutrinária sobre a viabilidade prática da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova, sendo apontados diversos problemas que podem decorrer de sua aplicação. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir com a análise do tema, a partir de um estudo sobre as razões que impuseram a criação do instituto, bem como as contribuições que sua implementação traz ao processo civil, encarado sobre a ótica de processo constitucional, e os riscos que podem decorrer de sua aplicação, de forma a verificar se existe viabilidade em sua aplicação e eventuais formas de se afastar os problemas apontados pelos críticos à teoria. / Over the past few years, with the raising of the idea of Democratic State of Law, the modern procedural doctrine has started to understand civil lawsuit not only as a mean to achieve social peace, starting to face it as a mechanism with an aim to reinforce constitutional rights and warranties and to achieve the pacification with Justice for disputes. From this new context, it was observed the limitation of certain current procedural institutes, that even though could help to achieve the pacification, wouldnt protect or carry into effect, at some circumstances, certain constitutional warranties, which would interfere with the definitive goal of providing access to a just legal order. One of the limitation verified after the public conception of civil procedure concerned the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof, therefore the rule wouldnt take into account eventual impossibility of the party to fulfill the assignment. Regarding this limitation, it was developed a theory aiming to rebalance the procedural relation, carrying the constitutional warranties into effect, when the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof wouldnt reveal to be sufficient to ensure the access to the just legal order. Therefore called the dynamic distribution of the burden of proof (or theory of the dynamic burden of proof) this theory has been developed to, at those said circumstances and according to the peculiarities of each case, determinate the replacement of the burden of proof attributing it to the party whith better means to fulfill the assignment. However, there is no theoretical agreement over the practical viability of the dynamic burden of proof, being pointed several problems that could result from its employment. The present research aims to contribute with this analysis, after the study over the reasons that impose the creation of this institute, as well as the contribution its implementation brings to civil procedure, looked from the constitutional procedure point of view, and the risks that could raise from its employment, as a way to verify if there is practical viability on its utilization and eventual forms to prevent the problems pointed by those who criticize the theory

Institutional response to corruption: a critical analysis of the Ethiopian federal ethics and anti-corruption commission

Mezmur, Tewodros Dawit January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

A critical analysis of parental involvement in the education of learners in rural Namibia

Hamunyela, Miriam Ndalilashiwa 25 September 2008 (has links)
The role of parents in the education of learners as well as the relationships between and amongst parents and professional educators has long been of interest to researchers and practitioners at all levels of public and private education. The consistent findings that the involvement of parents positively influences educational quality and learners’ academic achievement are well documented. However, the findings also concluded that parental involvement is difficult to implement in rural schools and its practices are more likely to take root in schools that serve urban and suburban populations than in schools that serve rural and low-income populations. Moreover, in most schools where parental involvement is functional, parents are more involved in non-academic activities than academic activities. Against this background, it can be stated that there is insufficient empirical research-based information on whether and how parental involvement in academic education of learners can be practised in economically distressed contexts, especially in Namibia. Therefore, the current study intended to critically analyse whether and how do professional educators and parents of rural lower primary schools in Namibia perceive, think about and practise involvement in the academic education of learners. The framework of this study is based on Critical and Ecological Theories. The Ecological Theory regards both parents and schools as valuable contributors to children’s learning. The critical theory claims that there is no absolute knowledge that people can grasp. All people encounter are opinions. Hence, this study challenged a long held ideal and belief of the capitalist culture in regard to positioning activities, and knowledge and resources of poor families as subordinate. The study employed a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methodological research designs. A survey about professional educators’ perceptions on parental involvement was sent to 205 schools (of which 87 responded) to collect quantitative data for Phase 1 of the study. Frequency analysis was done to identify the meaning of the quantitative data. The analysis of quantitative data grouped schools into 3 groups (high, intermediate and low) according to their levels of practising parental involvement. Six schools (2 per group) were selected for Phase 2 of the study. Interviews were conducted among 18 professional educators and 12 parents of the six schools to collect qualitative data on their perspectives, attitudes and practices of parental involvement. Content analysis was made use of to explore meaningful aspects and indicators of parental involvement in lower primary schools in Ohangwena Region. The following indicators revealed by the professional educators’ and parents’ reported experiences of parental involvement practice qualify the researched schools to be regarded as demonstrating parental involvement in learners’ academic education: conducive climate and respectful relationship; provision of educational opportunities to parents; use of community resources; provision of opportunities for technical support to parents; use of various and possible communication options; power sharing with parents and encouraging them to actively participate in decision-making bodies; and professional educators’ positive attitude towards involvement. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Posouzení fluktuace ve společnosti a návrhy na její zlepšení / Assessment of Fluctuation in the Company and Suggestions for its Improvement

Milota, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis analyzes the development of fluctuation associated with the labour market in the Czech Republic. By using the fluctuation data of the chosen telecommunication company in the last few years and the statistic methods, the aim is to create a prognosis of the development of fluctuation. It should result in suggestions for improving the current unsatisfactory development. The next objective is to identify the risks, which the company management have to pay attention to and which will be used to determine the corrective measures for improving the current state.

Suggestion of the Marketing Strategy of Chinese Students’ Acquisition / Suggestion of the Marketing Strategy of Chinese Students’ Acquisition

WU, Changli January 2019 (has links)
Akvizice čínských studentů na vysokých školách v České republice se v posledních letech značně rozšířila. Brno je však město, které má konkurenční výhodu ve vzdělávání, a to z hlediska výsledku náboru studentů v Číně neodpovídá těmto vzdělávacím zdrojům a reputaci. A klíčová otázka, jak udělat správnou a efektivní tržní strategii, se stává klíčovým úkolem VUT v Brně. Bude proveden primární výzkum a sekundární výzkum, autor využije makro a mikroprostředí k analýze pozadí tématu. Diplomová práce bude kriticky analyzovat spolupráci v oblasti vzdělávání mezi Čínou a Českou republikou z pohledu přítomnosti a možných příležitostí ke zlepšení současné situace.

A critical analysis of Section 21 of the Children's Act 38 of 2005 with specific reference to the parental responsibilities and rights of unmarried fathers

Beyl, Aletta Elsabe January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to establish if the unmarried father has been placed in a better position regarding his rights to his child with the advent of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. Prior to the commencement of the Children’s Act a number of different sets of legislation encompassed the unmarried father’s position. The unmarried father could not automatically acquire any rights to his child and had to prove that it would be in the child’s best interests to be allowed contact. The study was done on the basis of an analysis of the interaction of the unmarried father’s rights with the child’s rights, as well as the interaction of their rights with the Constitution. An analysis was also made of the manner in which the Bill of Rights in the Constitution should be applied with respect to the relationship between parents, their children and the state. From the study it was found that the unmarried father’s rights interlink closely with those of his child and the state. It was established that the Bill of Rights must be applied both horizontally and vertically and that the primary duty rests on the parents and only passes to the state if the parents are unable to perform their primary duties to the child. It was further established from the study that a limitation on the parent’s right to equality is only justified in terms of section 36 of the Constitution by the child’s overriding right to have meaningful relationships with both parents. A comparison was made with the relevant legislation of some African and non-African countries to establish if South Africa could learn something from their child law legislation. An analysis was also done of those sections of the Children’s Act that interact with section 21. From this analysis it was clear that many sections and phrases in the Children’s Act are unclear, undefined and open to interpretation. In this regard certain amendments to the Children’s Act are suggested in the study. It is submitted in this study that even though the Children’s Act codified legislation pertaining to children and the unmarried father may acquire parental responsibilities and rights, the improved position is superficial and subject to obstacles. The unmarried father needs to fullfil certain requirements in order to acquire his parental responsibilities and rights, as provided for in section 21(1). One of the main problems of this section is that it does not provide for any form of proof to be provided to the unmarried father to confirm or indicate that he has acquired responsibilities and rights. Even though the mother has these rights simply because of her biological link to the child, she is hardly ever placed in the position where her parental responsibilities and rights are questioned by third parties. This is not the position with the unmarried father. He is firstly placed in a disadvantaged position because he has no way to show that he is the holder of rights and secondly he is being discriminated against, simply because he is placed in this position. It was concluded in this study that despite the improved position of unmarried fathers, their position has only prima facie improved and they really should be placed in the same position as mothers. It is submitted that if the same rights mothers have are also afforded to unmarried fathers, it would be to the benefit of their children and their right to parental care and family life. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Private Law / unrestricted

A study of the extent to which Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) work cooperatively with religious institutions to promote social and economic development in postcolonial countries

Montgomery, Grace January 2020 (has links)
This thesis discusses the extent to which non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating in postcolonial countries work with religious institutions to promote social and economic development. Through postcolonial theory, and by using a qualitative approach combined with a critical methodology, this thesis will examine the relationship between particular NGOs and religion in the countries in which they operate. More precisely, this thesis will consider whether it is helpful, or a hindrance to development if NGOs work cooperatively with religious leaders and institutions.

Vad ges utrymme i läroböcker? : En normkritisk innehålls-och diskursanalys på religionskunskapsinnehållet i läroböcker för årskurs 1-3 / What is given space in textbooks? : A norm-critical content and discourse analysis on the religious content in textbooks for grades 1-3

Syrén, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att synliggöra och granska de tre religionerna judendom, kristendom och islam i fyra stycken läroböcker riktade mot årskurs 1-3 med ett normkritiskt perspektiv. Eftersom religionskunskap inte är ett enskilt ämne i de lägre årskurserna, utan är en del av de samhällsorienterade ämnena är det fyra stycken SO-läroböcker som utgör studiens material. I studien används två metoder för att få fram data för att kunna besvara forskningsfrågorna. Metoderna som används är innehållsanalys och diskursanalys, för att undersökningen skall beröra fler dimensioner av läroböckernas innehåll. I innehållsanalysen används en frekvenstabell för att granska samt få fram kvantitativ data. De fyra läroböckernas innehåll granskades utifrån fyra kategorier som konstruerats innan. Det gjordes även noteringar över vilka namn som nämns, samt hur ofta deras frekvens. Efter genomförd innehållsanalys genomfördes diskursanalysen, med utgångspunkt i de fyra kategorierna samt namnen som nämndes. Studiens resultat visar att kristendomen tenderar att placeras i framgrunden, och att framför allt judendomen ofta hamnar i dess skugga. Islam tenderar att ges mer utrymme än de andra i vissa sammanhang, men beskrivningarna av religionen består ofta av upprepningar och detaljbeskrivningar. Det förekommer även en tendens bland läroböckerna där de judiska och muslimska fenomenens beskrivningar skiljer sig ganska mycket åt från beskrivningarna av de kristna fenomenen. I somliga textavsnitt kan det tolkas som att det kristna utgör normen och det normala, medan de judiska och muslimska motsvarigheterna är annorlunda och obekant för läsaren. Samtidigt kan det även uppfattas som att författarna försöker skapa goda förutsättningarna för att eleverna ska erhålla kunskaper om samtliga religioner, på ett så likvärdigt sätt som möjligt. Det kan man exempelvis anta eftersom de försöker presentera religionerna med liknande rubriker. Det förekommer dock ordval och medvetna val inom samtliga läroböcker som riskerar att spä på normer som inte gynnar ett mångkulturellt och mångreligiöst samhälle.Slutsatsen visar att brister finns inbäddade i samtliga läroböcker, men att bristerna är olika och därmed bör kompletteras på olika sätt. Beskrivningarna av de tre religionerna är inte helt likvärdiga i alla avseenden, men samtidigt betonas kristendomen i en större utsträckning än islam och judendom i kursplanen för religionskunskap. Det är endast berättelser ut Bibeln som står med i det centrala innehållet. Det betyder dock inte att vissa religioner ska stereotypiseras mer än andra, eller generaliseras ned till statiska fenomen. Det är i slutändan väldigt viktigt att tolkningsvariationen som existerar inom samtliga religioner skildras och visas i undervisningen, såväl inom kristendom som inom islam och judendom. Det är dock ingenting som nämns i alla läroböcker, utan ansvaret att ta upp det faller på den enskilde undervisande läraren / The aim of the study was to review how the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam are described and portrayed in four textbooks aimed at grades 1-3. Since religious knowledge is not a separate subject in the lower grades, but is part of the socially oriented subjects, there are four SO textbooks that make up the study's material. In the study, two methods are used to obtain data in order to be able to answer the research questions. The methods used are content analysis and discourse analysis, so that the study will cover more dimensions of the textbooks' content. In the content analysis, a frequency table is used to review and obtain quantitative data. The content of the four textbooks was reviewed based on four categories constructed beforehand. Notes were also made on which names are mentioned, as well as how often they occurred. After the content analysis, the discourse analysis was carried out, starting from the four categories and the names that were mentioned.The study's results show that Christianity tends to be placed in the foreground, and that Judaism often ends up in its shadow. Islam tends to be given more space than the others in certain contexts, but the descriptions of the religion often consist of repetitions and detailed descriptions. There is also a tendency among the textbooks where the descriptions of the Jewish and Muslim phenomena differ quite a lot from the descriptions of the Christian phenomena. In some sections of the text, it can be interpreted as the Christian being the norm and the normal, while the Jewish and Muslim counterparts are different and unfamiliar to the reader. At the same time, it can also be perceived as the authors trying to create good conditions for the students to acquire knowledge about all religions, in as equal a way as possible. This can be assumed, for example, because they try to present the religions with similar headings. There are, however, word choices and conscious choices within all textbooks that risk setting standards that do not favor a multicultural and multi-religious society.The conclusion shows that deficiencies are embedded in all textbooks, but that the deficiencies are different and thus should be supplemented in different ways. The descriptions of the three religions are not completely equivalent in all respects, but at the same time Christianity is emphasized to a greater extent than Islam and Judaism in the curriculum for religious studies. Only stories from the Bible are included in the central content. However, this does not mean that certain religions should be stereotyped more than others or generalized down to static phenomena. It is ultimately very important that the variation in interpretation that exists within all religions is depicted and shown in teaching, both within Christianity and within Islam and Judaism. However, it is not something that is mentioned in all textbooks, but the responsibility to address it falls on the individual teaching teacher.

A Teacher's Guide to Academic Reading: Focusing on the Academic Reading Demands of ESL Learners

Stone, Rebecca Jean 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
With over 765,000 English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students studying in the United States, a greater understanding of the academic requirements and demands these students face while studying in the US is needed. Some of the biggest challenges they face include the amount of reading required and the various tasks employed with academic reading. University reading tasks require more than an understanding of the text. These tasks place a strong emphasis on text comprehension, summary, synthesis, and critical analysis. This is problematic as students, especially ESL learners, lack experience with academic tasks, and many additionally struggle with low metacognitive awareness, limited or low reading fluency, limited vocabulary, and difficulty understanding text organization. This article will present a research-informed website, A Teacher's Guide to Academic Reading, designed for teachers preparing ESL learners for the demands and difficulties of university reading. A Teacher's Guide to Academic Reading specifically informs teachers of academic reading demands and provides resources to help their learners develop fluent reading skills, critical reading skills, and general academic skills.

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