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Figures de l'écrivain à Liberté (1959-1980)Rondeau, Frédéric January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Théorie et pratique : une lecture de L'archéologie du savoirMongrain, Jean-François January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Le monologue humoristique : du soliloque à la discussionMichaud, Geneviève January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Transition de Mott et supraconductivité dans les matériaux organiquesBourassa, Louis January 2017 (has links)
Dans ces travaux, nous avons étudié la rigidité superfluide en CDMFT (théorie du champ moyen dynamique sur amas) dans les matériaux organiques supraconducteurs. Ceux-ci appartiennent à la catégorie des supraconducteurs à haute température. Nous obtenons des résultats, en accord qualitatif avec l'expérience, qui suivent la tendance suggérée par la loi dite de Homes. La température critique et la masse effective ont donc également été calculées à des fins d'analyses. Ces dernières quantités sont également en accord avec l'expérience et les travaux antérieurs.
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La réception de l'œuvre de Joaquín Sorolla de 1881 à 2009 / The reception of Sorolla's complete works, from 1881 to 2009Fauvey, Jordane 13 October 2012 (has links)
La thèse de M. Jordane Fauvey explore un siècle élargi de réception critique de l'ouvre du peintre espagnol Joaquin Sorolla (1863-1923) depuis sa première participation à l'Exposition Nationale de Madrid en 1881, jusqu'à la récente présentation en Espagnede sa dernière oeuvre majeure, Vision de Espaça, de 2007 à 2009. En exploitant comme source principale la collection de presse du Musée Sorolla de Madrid (4.068 articles), l'auteur situe la naissance médiatique de Sorolla en 1895, l'année de son premier succès parisien. Il retrace son parcours de "savonnier" dans les capitales européennes et met tout particulièrement en évidence le paradoxe suivant : Alors que sa peinture lumineuse et dynamique perce à l'étranger, elle est rejetée à Madrid. / Mr Jordan Fauvey's thésis explorés a large century of critical réception of the Spanish painter Joaquïn Sorolla's work tram his first participation to the National Exhibition in Madrid in 1 881 to the récent introduction of his lest major work, Vision of Spain, from2007 to 2009. Exploiting as principal source the press collection of the Sorolla Museum in Madrid (4.068 articles), the author situates Sorolla's mediatised birth in 1895,the year of his fîrst Parisian Success. He recountsh is way in the Europeanc apitale' salons and particularly highlights the following paradox: Although his bright and dynamic painting becomes famous abroad, ït is rejected in Maadrid.
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The Strandpoint of the proletariatGiusti, Giorgio January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation into the critique that selected independent schools have about the National Curriculum Statement (NCS).Govender, Thiruvani 12 February 2009 (has links)
This research report investigates the critique that selected independent schools have about the
new curriculum in South Africa, the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). The NCS was
introduced in response to the implementation of a political democratic dispensation in South
Africa, in an attempt to marry the philosophy of democracy to education. The NCS is
fundamentally different to the apartheid curriculum in that it is based on democratic values that
are derived from the South African Constitution. The independent school sector has been vocal
in its critique of the NCS. This study thus investigates this critique in an attempt to uncover the
reasons that underlie it.
Methodologically, this research project is located in the qualitative paradigm. The research
participants comprised teachers and heads of curriculum from three schools in the independent
sector, as well as managers from the Independent Examinations Board (IEB). The IEB is the
assessment body to which the independent school sector belongs. The independent school sector
that this study focused on is upper middle class high-fee paying schools, which are located in the
ex whites-only suburbs in South Africa. To gather data from the research participants, I used
questionnaires and interviews. The combination of structured and unstructured interviews
allowed me to systematically probe the research participants’ understandings and views on the
NCS. The themes that emerged from the findings are: (1) the old curriculum is used as a
benchmark for the NCS; (2) democratic values teaching in the NCS is regarded as optional and
(3) educators continue to hold on to their identities in alignment with the past curriculum. One of
the key factors that is used to judge the worth of an independent school is the academic results
that the school achieves. This has prompted the independent school sector to continue with the
same pedagogical practices that they used in the past curriculum, since they have provided the
sought-after academic results. In this regard, very little democratic values teaching is taking
place in the schools, as intended by the implementation of the NCS. The IEB, as the assessment
body, continues to focus on assessment practices that are largely reminiscent of the past
curriculum where the main focus was on summative forms of assessment (form of assessment
that is used to record a judgement of the performance or competence of a learner), rather than on
formative forms of assessment (form of assessment that gives feedback to the learners so that
they can improve their performance). This research project concludes with possible suggestions
for each group of research participants that could assist them to implement the NCS as it was
intended; that is, as a democratic values-based transformational curriculum. Recommendations
for future research are also made.
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Histoire et théories de l'édition critique des textes modernes en France, du XIXe siècle à nos jours, du papier au numérique / History and theories of modern texts in France's critical edition, since xixe century to our days, since paper to digital technologyBreuil, Eddie 27 November 2015 (has links)
Autant l’histoire et la théorie de l’édition critique des textes antiques, judéo-chrétiens et médiévaux ont fait l’objet d’études approfondies, autant les origines, le développement, les évolutions, les principes, les débats, les pratiques et les réalisations de l’édition critique des textes modernes ont peu été interrogés, notamment en France, à la différence de l’Allemagne et de l’Angleterre, sinon sous forme d’interventions ponctuelles, ayant surtout pour but de justifier des entreprises particulières. Aujourd’hui, rétrospectivement l’avènement du numérique attire l’attention sur l’historicité – de près de deux siècles – de l’édition critique et/ou savante imprimée, sur l’importance déterminante des formes qu’elle a inventées, ainsi que sur les déterminations liées à la matérialité du support papier et à son économie. Prospectivement, cet avènement incite à observer et à penser les effets induits par la révolution des techniques d’information et de communication : s’agit-il d’un pur progrès matériel en quantité et en rapidité, ou bien du début de mutations intellectuelles et culturelles analogues à celles qui ont résulté du livre imprimé pour nos modes d’écrire et de lire ? Il est grand temps pour la recherche littéraire de se pencher sur ce point aveugle et de le faire au contact d’expérimentations d’édition numérique et de recherches informatiques, en intégrant de surcroît les apports de l’histoire du livre et de la lecture ainsi que ceux des sciences de la communication, avec un regard ouvert sur les expériences étrangères. / The history and theory of the critical edition of ancient, medieval and Judeo-Christian texts have been extensively studied, whereas the origins, developments, principles, debates, practices and achievements of the modern critical editions have been little examined, especially in France. Unlike in Germany and in England, it has only been studied in the form of ad hoc interventions, through articles whose main intent is to justify a personal initiative. Today, the advent of digital technologies retrospectively draws attention to the historicity of the whole sector, and to the critical importance of the form it has taken, of the materiality and of its economy. It leads to observe and to think about the effects of the information and communication technologies’ revolution: is it a purely material progress, in terms of quantity and speed, or is it the beginning of cultural and intellectual changes akin to those which resulted from book printing? It is time for literary research to deal with this blind spot though experiments in digital publishing and computing research and insights into the history of books and reading as well as communication sciences. Experiments with digital publishing made in foreign countries will be taken into account too.
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L’école de Genève ˸ histoire, geste et imagination critiques (Georges Poulet, Jean Starobinski et Jean-Pierre Richard) / Geneva School ˸ history, gesture and critical imagination (Georges Poulet, Jean Starobinski et Jean-Pierre Richard)Sabado Novau, Marta 24 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail propose une histoire de l’école de Genève à travers l’étude comparée des œuvres de Georges Poulet, Jean Starobinski et Jean-Pierre Richard. Une première partie retrace l’histoire intellectuelle du groupe à une époque marquée par l’influence de la phénoménologie, puis par la pensée structuraliste ; ainsi que par les tensions entre une nouvelle critique extrauniversitaire et une critique universitaire. En s’appuyant sur la correspondance inédite entre ces trois auteurs, ce récit historique permet de découvrir l’histoire du groupe de l’intérieur, et s’efforce de nouer la pensée à la vie. Une deuxième partie analyse les études de Poulet, Starobinski et Richard pour tenter de cerner la spécificité de leur démarche critique au-delà de leurs singularités de style et des différentes théories et méthodes auxquelles ces trois auteurs ont pu être associés. La notion de « geste critique » permet de proposer une analyse immanente de leurs textes, en se focalisant sur les mouvements de la pensée interprétative. Ces auteurs mobilisent images et métaphores pour penser l’acte et la relation critique, et cet imaginaire influe sur leurs gestes herméneutiques. Ceci rapproche leur pratique d’une pensée rêvante qui transforme l’interprétation des textes en un acte d’« imagination critique », compris comme la conjonction entre identification et prise de distance, discernement et force créatrice, logique et sensibilité. / This dissertation proposes a history of the Geneva School through the comparative study of the works of Georges Poulet, Jean Starobinski and Jean-Pierre Richard. The first part traces the intellectual history of the group at a period in time marked by the influence of phenomenology and later, of structuralism; and by tensions between the new extra-academic criticism and traditional academic criticism. Based on the unpublished correspondence between these three authors, this historical account allows for the discovery of the group from within, and endeavors to link thought to life. The second part analyzes the works of Poulet, Starobinski and Richard in an attempt to grasp the specificity of the critical process, looking beyond their stylistic singularities and different theories and methods to which the three authors have been associated. The notion of “critical gesture” allows for an immanent analysis of their texts, focusing on the movements of interpretive thought. These authors employ images and metaphors to reflect on the critical act and on critical relations, and this imagination in turn influences their hermeneutic gestures. This brings their practice of dreamlike thought that transforms the interpretation of texts into an act of “critical imagination”, understood as the convergence between identification and distancing, discernment and creative force, logic and sensitivity.
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Nem sempre foi assim: uma contribuição marxista ao reconhecimento da união homoafetiva no STF e à autorização do casamento lésbico no STJ / It hasnt always been this way: A Marxist contribution to the recognition of homoaffective union in the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court and the authorization of lesbian marriage in the Brazilian Superior Court of JusticeCastanho, William Glauber Teodoro 25 November 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa elege o materialismo histórico-dialético como método de análise de ques-tões contemporâneas da homossexualidade e sua relação com o Judiciário brasileiro. Articula paradigmas marxianos, marxistas e feministas, por meio da interdisciplinaridade do direito, da sociologia, da antropologia, da filosofia e das ciências da linguagem, para compreender o fenômeno LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais e transgêneros) que mobiliza indivíduos na reivindicação por promoção, efetivação e proteção de direitos humanos. Recorre aos conceitos de fetichismo da mercadoria, fetichismo jurídi-co, forma jurídica, contrato e gênero, na perspectiva da História, para compreender e promover a desnaturalização de processos sociais e situá-los na base econômica da so-ciedade em face da luta de classes. Posiciona o direito na superestrutura, onde localiza também o direito civil, o direito de família e os direitos humanos, para desnudar seus processos discursivos ideológicos e, logo, práticos. Empreende uma crítica marxista dos direitos humanos ao tomar como objeto decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), respectivamente, sobre o reconhecimento da união estável entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e a autorização de conversão em casamento de união estável entre duas lésbicas. / This research chooses historic-dialectic materialism as a method of analyzing contem-porary issues concerning homosexuality and its relation to the Brazilian Judiciary System. It formulates Marxian, Marxist and feminist paradigms, through the interdisciplinarity of law, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and language sciences, to comprehend the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and transgender) phenomenon that mobilizes individuals in the claim for promotion, effectuation and protection of human rights. It resorts to the concepts of commodity fetishism, legal fetishism, judicial form, contract and gender, in the historical perspective, to comprehend and promote the de-naturalization of social processes and place them in the economical base of society in light of class struggle. It positions the law in the superstructure, where it also finds civil law, family law and human rights, to unveil its discursive ideological and, therefore, practical processes. It undertakes a Marxist critique of human rights by taking as object Brazils Federal Supreme Court (STF) and Superior Court of Justice (STJ) decisions, respectively, regarding the recognition of same-sex unions and the authorization of civil union conversion into marriage between two lesbians
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