Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crer"" "subject:"corr""
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Service and Ultimate Limit State Flexural Behavior of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcing BarsBowen, Galo Emilio 11 June 2013 (has links)
This paper presents results of an experimental investigation to study the structural performance and deformability of a concrete bridge deck reinforced with corrosion resistant reinforcing (CRR) bars, i.e., bars that exhibit improved corrosion resistance when embedded in concrete as compared to traditional black steel. Flexural tests of one-way slabs were conducted to simulate negative transverse flexure over a bridge girder as assumed in the commonly employed strip design method. The bar types studied were Grade 60 (uncoated), epoxy-coated reinforcing (ECR, Grade 60), Enduramet 32 stainless steel, 2304 stainless steel, MMFX2, and glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP). The experimental program was designed to evaluate how a one-to-one replacement of the Grade 60 with CRR, a reduction of concrete top clear cover, and a reduction in bar quantities in the bridge deck top mat influences flexural performance at service and ultimate limit states. Moment-curvature predictions from the computer-based sectional analysis program Response 2000 were consistent with the tested results, demonstrating its viability for use with high strength and non-metallic bar without a defined yield plateau.
Deformability of the concrete slab-strip specimens was defined with ultimate-to-service level ratios of midspan deflection and curvature. The MMFX2 and Enduramet 32 one-to-one replacement specimens had deformability consistent with the Grade 60 controls, demonstrating that bridge deck slabs employing high strength reinforcement without a defined yield plateau can still provide sufficient ductility at an ultimate limit state. A reduction in bar quantity and cover provided acceptable levels of ductility for the 2304 specimens and MMFX2 reinforced slabs. / Master of Science
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隨機利率下分紅保單解約選擇權之評價分析 / Fair Valuation of Participating Insurance Policies with Surrender Options張智凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討評價可解約分紅保單(Participating Policy)。該保單隱含二個重要的選擇權:分紅選擇權與解約選擇權。分紅選擇權為一歐式買權,解約選擇權可視為美式賣權。Bacinello(2003)使用CRR模型,計算解約選擇權的近似解,然而,Bacinello(2003)假設無風險利率為常數。本文主要探討如何利用無套利評價法,在隨機利率模型下,發展二維度之CRR模型,利用此模型,求得分紅選擇權與解約選擇權之公平價格,並討論利率的波動與長期走勢對該保單的選擇權的價格之影響。本文發現,保單之投資參考組合的波動,將對分紅選擇權的價格造成影響,而利率的波動會導致解約選擇權價格上升;當未來預期利率上升時,分紅選擇權與解約選擇權亦隨之上升。此評價模式可作為保險公司發行分紅保單與避險策略之參考。 / Bacinello (2003a) employed Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model (CRR model, 1979) to numerically calculate the fair value of a participating policy containing a surrender option. Bacinello assumed a constant rate of return on risk-free assets. However, this study proposes a two-dimensional CRR model in a stochastic interest rate model as a means of providing a numerical method for contract pricing. The two-dimensional CRR model converges rapidly and achieves similar results to Monte Carlo simulation. Two-dimensional CRR models are used to analyze the importance and sensitivity of a stochastic interest rate model for the policy. Zero coupon bond volatility is an essential parameter in the surrender option, and reference portfolio volatility is important for pricing the participating option. The participating and surrender options are more valuable given upwards trending interest rates than constant or downwards trending rates.
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Modelling of Capital Requirements using LSTM and A-SA in CRR 3 / Modellering av kapitalkrav med hjälp av LSTM och A-SA i regelverket CRR 3Gan, William January 2022 (has links)
In response to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, a handful of measures were taken to increase the resilience toward a similar disaster in the future. Global financial regulatory entities implemented several new directives with the intention to enhance global capital markets, leading to regulatory frameworks where financial participants (FPs) are regulated with own fund's requirements for market risks. This thesis intends to investigate two different methods presented in the framework Capital Requirements Regulation 3 (CRR 3), a framework stemming from the Basel Committee and implemented in EU legislation for determining the capital requirements for an FP. The first method, The Alternative Standardised Approach (A-SA), looks at categorical data, whereas the second method, The Alternative Internal Model Approach (A-IMA), uses the risk measure Expected Shortfall (ES) for determining the capital requirement and therefore requires the FP to estimate ES using a proprietary/internal model based on time series data. The proprietary model in this thesis uses a recurrent neural network (RNN) with several long short-term memory (LSTM) layers to predict the next day's ES using the previous 20 day's returns. The data consisted of categorical and time series data of a portfolio with the Nasdaq 100 companies as positions. This thesis concluds that A-IMA with an LSTM-network as the proprietary model, gives a lower capital requirement compared to A-SA but is less reliable in real-life applications due to its behaviour as a "black box" and is, thus, less compliant from a regulatory standpoint. The LSTM-model showed promising results for capturing the overall trend in the data, for example periods with high volatility, but underestimated the true ES. / Efter finanskrisen 2008 vidtogs flera effektiva åtgärder av världens största finansiella myndigheter som ett svar på det tidigare icke transparenta klimatet inom finanssektorn med intentionen att förstärka de globala kapitalmarknaderna. Detta innebar att nya samt strängare regelverk etablerades med direktiv så som hårdare kapitalkrav. Detta examensarbete är en empirisk undersökning samt jämförelse mellan två metoder i regelverket "Captail Requirements Regulation 3" (CRR 3) som kan användas för att beräkna en finansiell institutions kapitalkrav. Den första metoden, så kallad "Den alternativa schablonmetoden" (A-SA), använder kategorisk data för att beräkna kapitalkravet medan den andra metoden, "Den alternativa internmodellen" (A-IMA), kräver en att först beräkna riskmåttet "Expected Shortfall" (ES), med hjälp av en internmodell baserad på tidsseriedata, för att sedan kapitalkravet ska kunna beräknas. CRR 3 innehåller tydliga riktlinjer om hur en sådan internmodell ska utformas och i detta projekt testas en modell baserad på "återkommande neurala nätverk" (RNN) med den specifika arkitekturen "Long Short-Term Memory" (LSTM) för att estimera ES. De slutsatserna som kan dras är att A-IMA med en LSTM-modell, ger ett mindre kapitalkrav än A-SA. Däremot är A-IMA mindre tillförlitliga inom riskappliceringar på grund av risken att neurala nätverk kan bete sig som svarta lådor, vilket gör modellen mindre kompatibel från ett regelverksperspektiv. LSTM-modellen visade sig kunna upptäcka den generella trenden i portföljdatan (exempelvis perioder med hög volaitet) men gav konservativa prediktioner i jämförelse med testdatan.
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Two satellite-based rainfall algorithms, calibration methods and post-processing corrections applied to Mediterranean flood casesde Luque Söllheim, Ángel Luis 14 March 2008 (has links)
Esta tesis explora la precisión de dos métodos de estimación de precipitación, Auto-Estimator y CRR (Convective Rainfall Rate), generados a partir de imágenes infrarrojas y visibles del Meteosat. Ambos métodos junto con una serie de correcciones de la intensidad de lluvia estimada se aplican y se verifican en dos casos de inundaciones acaecidas en zonas mediterráneas. El primer caso ocurrió en Albania del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2002 y el segundo, conocido como caso Montserrat, ocurrió en Cataluña la noche del 9 al 10 se junio de 2000. Por otro lado se investiga la posibilidad de realizar calibraciones de ambos métodos directamente con datos de estaciones pluviométricas cuando lo común es calibrar con datos de radares meteorológicos. También se propone cambios en algunas de las correcciones ya que parecen mejorar los resultados y se propone una nueva corrección muy eficiente que utiliza las descargas eléctricas para determinar la zonas más convectivas y de mayor precipitación de los sistemas nubosos. / This Thesis work explores the precision of two methods to estimate rainfall called Auto-Estimator and CRR (Convective Rainfall Rate). They are obtained by using infrared and visible images from Meteosat. Both Algorithms within a set of correction factors are applied and verified in two severe flood cases that took place in Mediterranean regions. The first case has occurred in Albania from 21 to 23 September 2002 and the second, known as the Montserrat case, has occurred in Catalonia the night from the 9 to 10 of June 2000. On the other hand it is explored new methods to perform calibrations to both satellite algorithms using direct rain rates from rain gauges. These kinds of adjustments are usually done using rain rates from meteorological radars. In addition it is proposed changes on some correction factors that seem to improve the results on estimations and it is defined an efficient correction factor that employ electrical discharges to detect the most convective and rainy areas in cloud systems.
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Internal Market Risk Modelling for Power Trading Companies / Intern Marknadsrisk Modellering för EnergihandelsföretagAhlgren, Markus January 2015 (has links)
Since the financial crisis of 2008, the risk awareness has increased in the -financial sector. Companies are regulated with regards to risk exposure. These regulations are driven by the Basel Committee that formulates broad supervisory standards, guidelines and recommends statements of best practice in banking supervision. In these regulations companies are regulated with own funds requirements for market risks. This thesis constructs an internal model for risk management that, according to the "Capital Requirements Regulation" (CRR) respectively the "Fundamental Review of the Trading Book" (FRTB), computes the regulatory capital requirements for market risks. The capital requirements according to CRR and FRTB are compared to show how the suggested move to an expected shortfall (ES) based model in FRTB will affect the capital requirements. All computations are performed with data that have been provided from a power trading company to make the results fit reality. In the results, when comparing the risk capital requirements according to CRR and FRTB for a power portfolio with only linear assets, it shows that the risk capital is higher using the value-at-risk (VaR) based model. This study shows that the changes in risk capital mainly depend on the different methods of calculating the risk capital according to CRR and FRTB respectively and minor on the change of risk measure. / I samband med finanskrisen 2008 har riskmedvetenheten ökat i den finansiella sektorn. Företag regleras mot riskexponering av föreskrifter som drivs av Baselkommittén, de utformar tillsynsstandarder och riktlinjer samt rekommenderar åtgärder av bästa praxis. I dessa föreskrifter regleras företag av kapitalbaskrav mot marknadsrisker. I det här examensarbetet beskrivs processen för att ta fram en intern riskmodell, enligt "Capital Requirements Regulation"(CRR) respektive Fundamental Review of the Trading Book"(FRTB), för att beräkna de lagstadgade kapitalkraven mot marknadsrisker. Kapitalbaskraven enligt regelverken jämförs för att förstå hur det föreslagna bytet till en expected shortfall (ES) baserad modell i FRTB kommer att påverka kapitalbaskraven. I alla beräkningar anv änds data från ett elhandelsföretag för att göra resultaten mer intressanta och verklighetsanpassade. I resultatdelen, vid jämförelse av riskkapitalkraven enligt CRR och FRTB för en energiportfölj med endast linjära tillgångar kan det ses att riskkapitalet blir högre med en value-at-risk (VaR) baserad modell. Den viktigaste upptäckten med detta är att skillnaden i riskkapitalkraven inte främst beror på de olika riskmåtten utan snarare de olika metoderna för att beräkna riskkapitalet enligt CRR och FRTB.
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界限選擇權訂價與避險之研究--二項評價模型之修正與靜態避險之應用 / The pricing and hedging of barrier options--the modification of CRR model and the application of static hedge何銘銓, Ming-chuan Ho Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 .1
第二節 研究動機與目的 1
第三節 研究架構與流程 2
第二章 界限選擇權之簡介及其應用 5
第一節 界限選擇權之簡介 5
第二節 界限選擇權之應用 7
第三章 文獻探討 14
第一節 選擇權訂價模式 14
第二節 界限選擇權之訂價 19
第三節 界限選擇權之避險 22
第四章 界限選擇權之訂價分析 23
第一節 二項評價模型之訂價法 23
第二節 對二項評價模型之修正 29
第三節 避險係數之分析 36
第五章 界限選擇權之避險分析 39
第一節 靜態避險法之介紹 39
第二節 避險效率之分析 43
第六章 結論與建議 62
第一節 結論 62
第二節 研究限制 63
第三節 後續研究建議 63
參考文獻 65
附錄:MATLAB程式 67 / Barrier option is one of those exotic options, yet it has been frequently traded in the foreign options markets. In Taiwan, this commodity is still new to most of us. Consequently, for a better understand and probably the issuance of this commodity, this research focuses on the pricing and hedging of barrier options, hoping that the research can obtain contributive conclusions.
On pricing, when using CRR model as a pricing method for barrier options, there exists a situation which the convergence of the pricing is saw-toothed, contributing to the imprecise pricing results. This study provides a modification for the CRR model that can mitigate the saw-toothed convergence very effectively.
On hedging, this study uses static hedge as a hedging measure, combining with the modified CRR model, which has very been studied before. The results of this study tell that, using static hedge can reach a very accurate hedging results, which is not attainable using dynamic hedge. Also, the more the time spacing shrinks, the more exact the hedge is. Finally, using modified CRR model as a basis producing replicating portfolio under static hedge can have a better performance in hedging than that of using unmodified CRR model.
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