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Comparison between filter- and optimization-based motion cueing algorithms for driving simulationCleij, Diane, Venrooij, Joost, Pretto, Paolo, Katliar, Mikhail, Bülthoff, Heinrich, Steffen, Dennis, Hoffmeyer, Friedrich W., Schöner, Hans Peter 25 September 2020 (has links)
This paper describes a driving simulation experiment, executed on the Daimler Driving Simulator (DDS), in which a filter-based and an optimization-based motion cueing algorithm (MCA) were compared using a newly developed motion cueing quality rating method. The goal of the comparison was to investigate whether optimization-based MCAs have, compared to filter-based approaches, the potential to improve the quality of motion simulations. The paper describes the two algorithms, discusses their strengths and weaknesses and describes the experimental methods and results. The MCAs were compared in an experiment where 18 participants rated the perceived motion mismatch, i.e., the perceived mismatch between the motion felt in the simulator and the motion one would expect from a drive in a real car. The results show that the quality of the motion cueing was rated better for the optimization-based MCA than for the filter-based MCA, indicating that there exists a potential to improve the quality of the motion simulation with optimization-based methods. Furthermore, it was shown that the rating method provides reliable and repeatable results within and between participants, which further establishes the utility of the method.
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Visualised Instructions for Movement Teaching: A Case Study on Visual Cueing in Follow-Along Bodyweight Video TrainingSemeraro, Alessandra January 2021 (has links)
Video-based physical training has gained popularity over the years, among both sports practitioners and HCI researchers, whose works ranged from offering computer-assisted solutions for self-correction, to enhancing the learning experience of trainees. This thesis focused on the latter, by investigating the communicative potential of three categories of visual coaching cues and their impact on movement learning, as well as by deriving methodological considerations for similar works. This thesis adopted a Research through Design approach to investigate, from a trainee-centred perspective, three sets of cues: A) abstract visual metaphors (arrows, lines, angles); B) body highlights; and C) material visual metaphors (imagined 3D objects). The cues were informed by a professional trainer’s insights and relevant literature, and were tested with ten participants throughout the course of three sessions. Their reflections were gathered through interviews. The subsequent thematic analysis generated 1) insights on the individual cues (such as their role as reminders, their impact on imagery, and the movement qualities they were able to portray), and 2) design and methodological considerations for future works (such as the importance of involving a professional trainer, clearly defining the learning outcomes of a video session, and choosing the appropriate visual cues).
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Gaze guidance through head-mounted Augmented Reality displayKullberg, Viktor, Lindqvist, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Mänskligt beslutfattande är en viktig faktor i design processen för system och objekt. Medden snabba utvecklingen av området förstärkt verklighet är det nu möjligt att simuleradigitala gränssnitt överallt. Det finns flera användningsområden både inom industin ochallmänheten där det realiseras med allt ifrån mobiltelefoner till smarta glasögon. I dennauppsats tas ett system fram för att testa hur visuell styrning kan implementeras med hjälpav huvudmonterad förstärkt verklighet. Subtil ledning undersöks också om det kan användas som en digital knuff i huvudmonterad förstärkt verklighet. För att undersöka dettatas en prototyp fram. Genom utveckling av denna prototyp kan ett kontrollerat experimentet genomföras och visuell styrning samt subtil ledning undersökas. Experimentet föratt undersöka visuell styrning är Posner cueing task. Genom att använda ögonspårningsutrustning, kan man mäta reaktionstiderna för sackader hos användarna. Resultatet visaren signifikant skillnad i reaktonstid när vår subtila ledning används. Slutsatsen av dennauppsats är att subtil ledning kan användas som en digital knuff i huvudmonterad förstärktverklighet och denna rapport kan användas för vidare forskning inom visuell styrning iförstärkt verklighet med huvudmonterade bildskärmar. / Human decision making is an important factor in the design process for systems anditems. With the fast developing of Augmented Reality it is now possible to simulate digitalinterfaces everywhere. This allows for several application areas both within the industryand for the public and it can be implemented with everything from cellphones to smartglasses. In this thesis, it is investigated how subtle gaze guidance can be implemented usingwearable Augmented Reality technology. Subtle cuing is also investigated to see if it canbe used as a digital nudge in head-worn Augmented Reality environment. To investigatethis, a prototype is developed. By developing a prototype that can perform a controlledexperiment, the visual guidance and subtle cueing can be examined with a Posner cueingtask. By using eye trackers, saccadic reaction times of the participants are measured andexamined. The result shows a significant change in reaction time when using our subtleguidance than without. The conclusion is that subtle cueing can be used as a digital nudgein a head-worn Augmented Reality environment and this thesis can be used for furtherstudies within visual guidance in Augmented Reality with a head-mounted display.
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Développement et utilisation de connaissances dans l’apprentissage de régularités contextuelles de scènes naturelles / Development and use of knowledge in contextual cueing of natural scenesDefer, Alexis 08 December 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes en jeu dans le développement et l’utilisation de connaissances relatives aux régularités présentes dans un environnement visuel, au moyen du paradigme d’indiçage contextuel. Nous avons testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’apprentissage de régularités contextuelles de scènes naturelles opère involontairement au cours de l’exploration visuelle et peut conduire à l’accumulation de connaissances implicites. Nous avons montré que l’effet d’indiçage contextuel et la prise de conscience des régularités sont sensibles à l’attention sélective portée aux scènes naturelles (Expériences 1 et 2a). Toutefois, les mécanismes mis en jeu lors de l’apprentissage de régularités contextuelles opèrent sans attention au cours de la recherche visuelle (Expériences 5 et 6).Nos travaux indiquent également que la prise de conscience des régularités améliore la recherche visuelle (Expériences 1 et 2a). Cependant, bien que l’expertise en rugby renforce la prise de conscience des régularités de scènes de rugby, les performances des experts en situation de recherche visuelle ne sont pas meilleures que celles de novices pour lesquels l’apprentissage est moins explicite (Expérience 4). Etant donné que la procédure des Expériences 1 à 6 ne permet pas de savoir quelles connaissances guident véritablement l’attention lors de la recherche visuelle, nous avons adapté le paradigme de l’indiçage contextuel inter-essais aux scènes naturelles. Nos résultats montrent que les connaissances relatives aux régularités catégorielles de scènes naturelles peuvent être extraites et utilisées rapidement, sans effort d’attention, aussi bien pour des scènes naturelles relevant du quotidien que de scènes issues d'un domaine d'expertise spécifique (Expériences 7a - 8). / The mechanisms involved in the development and use of contextual regularities were studied using the contextual cueing paradigm. In our research, we argue that learning contextual regularities from natural scenes occur unintentionally and implicitly during visual search. We showed that learning of contextual regularities and conscious awareness depend on how selective attention is allocated toward natural scenes (Experiments 1 and 2a). However, the mechanisms supporting the learning of contextual regularities remained unaffected by the presence of an interfering, working memory task (Experiment 5 and 6). Our studies also indicated that awareness of regularities improves performance on the visual search task (Experiments 1 and 2a). We also found that rugby expertise improved conscious awareness of regularities from rugby scenes, while visual search performance of experts was no better than performance of novices (Experiment 4). Finally, the procedure used in Experiments 1-6 does not allow to precisely determine what knowledge is used during visual search. Consequently, we have applied the paradigm of inter-trial temporal contextual cueing to natural scenes. We found evidence indicating that categorical regularities of natural scenes can be extracted and used quickly and without attentional efforts for natural scenes, independently of expertise level (7a Experience 7a - 8).
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Gångproblematiken hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom är svårhanterad av både vårdtagare och vårdare och kräver mycket kunskap och förståelse. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att identifiera omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan underlätta gångproblematik hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Tio kvantitativa studier har används i denna litteraturstudie och sökningar har gjorts i Pubmed och i CINAHL. Resultatet från dessa sökningar presenterades i fyra strategier och fynden var rehabilitering, individanpassad träning, stimuli och användandet av dagböcker. Dessa strategier kan användas som verktyg för en sjuksköterska när hon interagerar med personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Genom en ökad insikt i hur det går att underlätta den specifika gångproblematiken kan omvårdnaden optimeras. / Gait disturbance in persons with Parkinson’s disease is difficult to manage by both caretakers and caregivers and it requires much knowledge and understanding. The aim of this literature review was to identify means to aid the gait disturbance in persons with Parkinson’s disease. Ten quantitative studies have been used in this literature review and searches were carried out in Pubmed and CINAHL. The results from these searches were presented in four strategies and the findings were rehabilitation, individual exercise schedules, cueing and the use of diaries. These strategies can be used by a nurse as tools while she is interacting with persons with Parkinson’s disease. With a greater insight on the specific gait disturbances nursing can be optimized.
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Optimizing Cueing Strategies for Freezing of Gait in Parkinson Disease With a NewAugmented Reality CueBaugher, Brendan 05 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Post-Stroke Language Remediation Through Constraint-Induced Aphasia TherapyGriffith, Julie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Target Acquisition with UAVs: Vigilance Displays and Advanced Cueing InterfacesGunn, Daniel Victor 21 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Navigating by the Stars: The Cueing Effects of Celebrity Political Endorsements on TwitterMarshall, Christopher Allen 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Attentional Bias for Affective Stimuli: Evaluation of Disengagement in Persons with and without Self-reported Generalized Anxiety DisorderBlackmore, Michelle A. January 2011 (has links)
A core feature of GAD, excessive and uncontrollable worry, may be indicative of poor attentional control and difficulty disengaging attention from threatening or emotional information (e.g., Fox, 2004; Mathews, Fox, Yiend, & Calder, 2003; Yiend & Mathews 2001). The current study examined the performance of college students with and without self-reported GAD (N = 63) on measures of attentional control and a spatial cueing task designed to assess engagement-disengagement processes from emotionally valenced (aversive, pleasant) and neutral picture stimuli. Attentional control abilities were examined using the Stroop Color-Word Association Test (SCW Test) and Trail-Making Test (TMT). Separate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) demonstrated that GAD participants performed more poorly on the Stroop Color subtest and the TMT: Part B than non-GAD participants. Mixed ANOVAs of response times measured during the spatial cueing task revealed significant main effects for Cue Valence and Cue Validity, as well as several significant interactions of these variables with GAD status. The significant Cue Valence x Cue Validity x GAD status interaction indicated that GAD participants were slower to disengage their attention from aversive stimuli, relative to pleasant or neutral stimuli, than non-GAD participants who did not exhibit this bias. This interaction effect, however, did not remain significant upon covarying for depression. Together, these findings suggest that individuals with GAD evidence poorer attentional control and demonstrate difficulties disengaging from threatening stimuli compared to persons without the disorder. Impairment in these attentional processes may, therefore, contribute to the etiology and maintenance of GAD. / Psychology
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