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Optimalizace systému řízení zásob ve vybraném podniku / Optimizing of stock management system in selected companySTOLIČKA, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is optimisation of system of managing stocks in Viscofan CZ s. r. o. and suggestion of measure to reduce lock capital in stocks with increase of customer service level. On the base of ABC analyse was chosen skinless and fibrous products. Skinless is main product, on the other hand fibrous is minor. Chosen casing was analysed to turnover of stock, lock capital and structure of stock in the respect of time of storage. On the base of these results was found out that approximately in the skinless is locked about 69 mil. Kč. In the fibrous it is more than 12 mil. Kč. Necessary to say, the outdate stocks of skinless form 18 % of whole stock that represent 12,5 mil. Kč. In case of fibrous form 46 % that mean 5,56 mil. Kč. Old stocks arise because of refusal of acceptance goods by customers. From this situation result need of optimization of system of managing stocks to lower lock capital. Two types of optimisation were suggested. First type tries to minimize amount of new outdate stock. First I suggest to start analysing of customer service level. This remedy could lead to reduce new outdate stock about 50 % that means saving almost 5,7 mil. Kč. Important benefit could be higher reliability of company for customers. With this optimization is connected another that suggest implementation of participation of sales representatives on income from sold product with reflection to reliability of their customers. The more reliable customer the higher commission. Second type of optimization is way of reduce current old stocks. One possibility is to compensate new orders by outdate stocks. This could lead to provide lock capital, mostly 20 mil. Kč. Second possibility is to sale with discount. All suggested optimizations start from current needs of company. Combination of optimization could bring higher benefits than individual implementation.
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Achieving Cost-effective Supply Chain Agility For The Semiconductor IndustryJeffery, Mariah 01 January 2005 (has links)
Supply chain agility has been receiving a lot of attention in recent literature as a way for organizations to become more responsive to change and improve customer service levels. However, agility is typically dealt with qualitatively, and organizations are usually unsure of the steps to take to improve their agility and the customer service level to target. This research studies supply chain agility based on a case study of Intel Corporation, a large semiconductor manufacturer. Here, agility is defined as the ability to satisfy customer demands by reacting effectively to changes in market stimuli. Reacting effectively does not mean reacting to every change in supply or demand. Doing so means increasing supply chain variability unnecessarily, which is amplified by the bullwhip effect. The essence of supply chain agility is determining the degree to which variability should be managed through artificial means such as safety stock, and appropriate triggers for changing production levels and inventory targets. The purpose of this research is to examine factors that influence supply chain agility and identify a cost-effective plan for achieving it. The first phase addresses the problem of identifying target inventory and customer service levels based on regression analysis of historical data and financial analysis of inventory holding costs and stock-out costs. The impact of three factors (forecast error, order lead-time, and demand variability) on the relationship between inventory and customer service level is also examined. The second phase of the research evaluates strategies for production and inventory control with the goal of finding the appropriate trade-off between minimizing cost (of holding inventory and stock-outs) and minimizing variability. Control policies based on the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control chart with control limits on demand forecasts are proposed to detect when tighter control of processes is necessary. A Monte Carlo supply chain simulation is used to evaluate the performance of these policies under various levels of forecast error and demand variability. Results indicate that several control chart-based policies outperform Intel's current planning policy in terms of cost without significantly increasing variability. The selection of the appropriate policy must be based on the decision-makers' desire to minimize cost compared to the desire to minimize variability, as each policy results in a trade-off between these two objectives.
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Klassificering av reservdelar för effektivare reservdelshantering / Classification of spare parts in order to achieve an efficient parts management.Utterberg, Oscar, Rand, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Syfte– Syftet med denna studie var att finna ett klassificeringsverktyg som kan underlätta beslutsfattande vid reservdelsuppläggning. För att besvara syftet formuleradestre frågeställningar; Vilket analysverktyg kan användas för att systematiskt klassificera reservdelar i olika grupper? Hur kan de klassificerade grupperna nyttjas vid reservdelsuppläggning? Hur kan efterfrågan prognostiseras för de olika klassificerade grupperna med hänsyn till servicenivå? Metod– Studien bedrevs deduktivt genom teoribyggande, med både en empiriskt fallstudie och analytisk konceptuell inriktning. De metoder som studien använts sig av är; litteraturstudier, intervjuer och insamling från dokumentstudien. Litteraturstudien har varit inom områdena; reservdelsklassificering och prognostisering. Resultat– Studiens resultat är att det krävs en multiklassificeringsmodell för att systematiskt klassificera reservdelar på grund av den komplexa naturen av reservdelshanteringen. Klassificeringsmodellen kan sedan utnyttjas till flera ändamål. De användningsområden som studien funnit är; hjälp vid bestämning av servicenivå, hjälp med val av prognostiseringsmetod för reservdelsgrupperna samt att finna reservdelar som har en skiftande efterfrågetrend. Implikationer– Klassificeringsmodellen ämnar sig till att underlätta företags reservdelsuppläggning. Med hjälp av modellen ska fallföretaget lättare kunna ta beslut så som vilken servicenivå och prognosmetod som kan användas för deras reservdelar. Begränsningar– Den här studiens begränsning är att bara ett fallföretag studerades på grund av tidsbegränsningen. Detta medförde att modellen som anpassades blev företagsspecifik och rekommenderas att valideras på andra företag. Nyckelord– Klassificering, Reservdelsklassificering, Beslutstöd, Prognostisering, Reservdelsprognostisering, Servicenivå / Purpose–The purpose of this study was to find a classification tool that can ease the decision-making process of spare parts planning and forecasting. To accomplish this, three research questions were formulated; Which analysis tools can be used for a systematic classification of spare parts into different groups? How can the classified groups be used when planning and forecasting spare parts? How can the forecasting be done for the different classified groupsconsidering thecustomer service level? Method– The study was deductively through theory-building, with both an empirical case study and analytical conceptual approach. The methods used were; litterateur research, interviews and collection of secondary data. The litterateur research has been conducted in the areas; spare parts classification and forecasting. Findings– The finding of this study was that a multi criteria method is needed for a systematic classification of spare parts, because of the complex nature of spare part handling. The classification model can then be used for multiple tasks. The tasks that this study found were; help in deciding the customer service level, help in choosing forecast method for the different spare part groups and finding the spare parts that have shifted in demand trend. Implications– The classification model intends to ease companies spare parts planning and forecasting process. With help from the model the case company should have a more effective process now in choosing which customer service level and forecasting method to use for their spare part. Limitations– This studies limitation was that only one case company was studied because of time constraints. This makes the modified model very company specific and needs to be further validated on other companies. Keywords– Classification, Spare parts classification, Decision support, Forecasting, Spare parts forecasting, customer service level
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Addressing shortcomings in goods distribution : A case study of a collaborative distribution network / Hantering av tillkortakommanden inom varudistribution : En fallstudie av ett distributionssamarbeteTåhlin, Axel, Gjers, Victor January 2020 (has links)
In the increasingly frequent distribution of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry, there is an evident need of improving supply chain operations to ensure sustainability. As part of the supply chain, the distribution of goods often accounts for a major part of costs and resources. Therefore, focus needs to be directed toward ensuring a continuously functional distribution network. Performance measures of high asset utilization and high customer service level are often contradictory to some extent, making the improvement work even more complex. One way of increasing the performance of distribution operations is to take part in an interorganizational collaboration. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how the distribution operations of a FMCG company connected to a collaborative distribution network could be improved. Through a single case study, the researchers identify shortcomings in the distribution operations of a cross-docking network with a focus on a specific customer segment flow. By using concepts of demand management, supply chain collaboration, and customer satisfaction, the findings are analysed to highlight shortcomings in the distribution. Researchers discuss how distribution performance consequences could be related to certain managerial actions by presenting three different scenarios. The scenarios show a distinct effect on the number of shipments conducted towards cross-dock. As the number of shipments are reduced, economic benefits could be realized. However, these benefits must be carefully compared with the potential reduction in the level of customer service. The conclusion of this study suggests that managerial action is necessary to increase the economic sustainability of the distribution. / Med den allt mer ökande distributionsfrekvensen inom dagligvaruhandeln finns det ett tydligt behov av att av att förbättra värdekedjeoperationerna för att säkerhetsställa hållbarhet. Distribution av det fysiska varuflödet är en viktig del av värdekedjan och står för en stor del av de totala kostnaderna och resursanvändningen. Det är därför väsentligt att fokusera på att säkerhetsställa ett funktionellt distributionsnätverk som presterar kontinuerligt. Hög nyttjandegrad samt hög kundnöjdhet är två prestationsgrundade objekt som är svåra att uppnå parallellt vilket försvårar ett förbättringsarbete. En metod för förbättring är att flera dagligvaruhandelsbolag går in i ett distributionssamarbete. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att undersöka hur distributionsverksamheten i ett dagligvaruhandelsbolag som är kopplat till ett kollaborationsdistributionsnätverk kan förbättras. Genom en fallstudie identifierades flera tillkortakommanden i distributionsverksamheten i en del av varuflödet kopplat till en kundgrupp. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av koncept från kundnöjdhet, kollaborationsvärdekedjor samt hantering av efterfrågan för att belysa tillkortakommanden inom distributionsverksamheten. Genom tre olika scenarion diskuteras olika konsekvenser på distributionsverksamheten som kan kopplas till olika åtgärder. Scenarierna visar att antalet genomförda leveranser till mellanlager har en stor inverkan på hur väl distributionsverksamheten presterar ekonomiskt. Studien föreslår sammanfattningsvis att olika beslutsåtgärder är nödvändiga för att öka den ekonomiska hållbarheten i distributionen.
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Improvement of the Phase-In /Phase-Out Process in Coty Consumer Beauty Division FranceVentura Gallon, Chloé Emelyne January 2020 (has links)
In order to meet the customer demands and remain competitive in a market where product life cycles are every day shorter, companies are forced to update their product portfolios continuously. The process for phasing the products in the company portfolios (i.e. introducing the new products and deleting the old ones) is known as the Phase-In/Phase-Out (PIPO) Process or Rollover Process. In most of the companies, there is a lack of formal processes for planning the phasings, eliminating the obsolete products and introducing the updated ones. However, a good planning is a key point to succeed and to create a lower impact on customers. Moreover, to achieve the best results, a cross-functional department organization is necessary to share the correct information at the correct time. This Degree Project has been carried out at Coty France, in the Demand Planning Department. This department is responsible for deciding the discontinuation dates and managing the switches of the products. This Master Thesis focuses on determining a methodology to share the information among the departments involved in the PIPO process and creating a tool to estimate the discontinuation dates. Clear procedures have been defined for phasing the products and an Excel tool has been created to calculate the dates. Finally, to validate the final solution proposed, an analysis of the Customer Service Level has been performed to confirm that the use of these procedures reduces the impact on customers. / För att möta kundernas krav och förbli konkurrenskraftiga på en marknad där produktlivscyklerna är kortare varje dag tvingas företag att uppdatera sina produktportföljer kontinuerligt. Processen för fasering av produkterna i företagsportföljerna (dvs. introduktion av de nya produkterna och radering av de gamla) är känd som Phase-In/Phase-Out (PIPO)-processen eller Rolloverprocessen. I de flesta av företagen saknas formella processer för att planera faserna, eliminera de föråldrade produkterna och introducera de uppdaterade. En bra planering är dock en nyckelpunkt för att lyckas och skapa en lägre inverkan på kunderna. För att uppnå bästa resultat krävs dessutom en tvärfunktionell avdelningsorganisation för att dela rätt information vid rätt tidpunkt. Detta examensprojekt har genomförts i Coty France, i Demand Planning Department. Denna avdelning ansvarar för att bestämma avslutningsdatum och hantera switcharna av produkterna. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att bestämma en metod för att dela informationen mellan de avdelningar som är involverade i PIPO-processen och skapa ett verktyg för att uppskatta avslutningsdatum. Tydliga procedurer har definierats för fasning av produkterna och ett Excelverktyg har skapats för att beräkna datum. Slutligen, för att validera den föreslagna slutliga lösningen, har en analys av kundtjänstnivån genomförts för att bekräfta att användningen av dessa procedurer minskar påverkan på kunderna.
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