Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cyanothece"" "subject:"cyanotic""
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Toward a New Kinship ConstellationAppleby, Nellie Helen Frances 01 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis attempts to elaborate on my artwork during my graduate studies, while contextualizing it within the framework of the art world and the works of other artists. A main project during this time was to minimize the singular interpretation and framing of a fine art photographic print, while expanding its possibilities of meaning through the addition of important ephemera and objects such as plants, drawings, moving imagery, conversation and the unknown.
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Anna Atkins: Catalyst of Modern Photography Through The First PhotobookIsenogle, Melanie R. 21 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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HissārAbdullah, Sohail 07 May 2013 (has links)
Hissaar is a noun and a verb, it is the periphery and the extremities, and the walls and the fortress. And it is to encircle, to wrap and to contain. This paper is an inexhaustive account of thoughts, experiences and lessons learned, of varying forms that influence my aesthetic sensibilities, my art-value system, and my art- ethical concerns. They provide for my art the impetus for its perpetual (and perhaps circular) journey. It is about finding connections between the fraying ends of free floating ideas. The following fragments explores how words make ideas, ideas make images, images make memory; memory sets into architecture, architecture moves the body, the body needs pain and pain needs words.
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Podobnosti v latentnosti / Similarities in latencyMachačová, Nikola Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis Similarities in Latency deals with the concept of latency in photography and its connection with the environment of a concrete plant. It is a set of objects formed from residual materials from the process of production of precast concrete, which are then buried deep below the earth's surface. Photographs are transferred to the artifacts from the production using the historical technique of photography – cyanotype. The whole set examines the analogies of two different processes and connects them into one whole.
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FieldingTareila, Emily 20 August 2019 (has links)
Fielding is an ongoing exploration of place-making, spaces of learning and relationship building in formal and informal learning environments. The project is comprised of a series of events and workshops that are embodied, multimodal, olfactory and engagement-focused and a mobile cart that helps to facilitate these happenings both in and out of the formal gallery space. I regard my art practice as pedagogical, a blurring of art and life into intentional ways of being in the world; an experience of sharing practices with others and a form of what is regarded in institutionalized art as social practice. I find art to be a powerful lens through which to see, and I strive to demonstrate how it can be applied in all matters of living. The practices of making enable me to contribute towards a more equitable, care-ful, empathic, connected and beautiful earth.
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Botanika (Natura naturata). Investigación y producción artística aplicadas a la fotografía experimental. Una aproximación desde el Ecocriticismo visualStuebing Martínez, Gerardo 03 February 2023 (has links)
[ES] Trabajo de producción artística centrado en la fotografía experimental cuyo objetivo fundamental es recurrir a las creaciones de la naturaleza (Natura naturata), y más concretamente a las que son objeto de estudio de la Botánica, para generar estímulos visuales que despierten en la sociedad aprecio y valoración del medio natural como único camino al desarrollo sostenible, lo que lleva a proponer el concepto de Ecocriticismo visual.
A un sucinto repaso de algunos referentes fundamentales, sigue un recorrido histórico-técnico centrado en los medios de la fotografía analógica que sirven de base para la posterior experimentación e hibridación de las diferentes técnicas que se utilizan. Se abordan con más detalle los cianotipos, los platino-paladiotipos, los argirotipos y las técnicas al colodión húmedo. Así mismo se tratan extensivamente los procesos experimentales derivados de la fotografía instantánea tipo Polaroid y otros procesos como los luminogramas.
Se explican detalladamente los procesos desde una perspectiva eminentemente práctica que incluye un formulario, aunque sin eludir los necesarios aspectos fisico-químicos teóricos, incorporando aportaciones novedosas entre las que destacan: transportes en gran formato de gelatinas sensibilizadas con cianotipia o argirotipia a diferentes soportes y el desarrollo de los novedosos arqiro-opalotipos y argiro-orotonos. También se pone a punto un método para conseguir manualmente imágenes en color utilizan- do argirotipias y platinotipias combinadas con la transferencia de pigmentos mediante tórculo y disolvente.
Las más de 500 obras únicas y de factura manual realizadas aplicando las técnicas mencionadas se estructuran en 15 proyectos y eventualmente series que se ordenan en base a una concepción ecocrítica centrada en aspectos lúdico-contemplativos o de denuncia en relación con la obtención de energías limpias, cambio climático y perdida de biodiversidad. Todo ello constituye la base conceptual y material para la realización de más de 60 actividades: exposiciones (individuales y colectivas), publicación de catálogos y trabajos científicos y colaboraciones con la empresa privada para la creación de etiquetas comerciales basadas en dichas obras.
Como anexo online < http://gerardostubing.com/botanikacatalogo/ >, se incorpora un catálogo exhaustivo de todas las obras realizadas en el contexto de este trabajo de tesis doctoral incluyendo ilustraciones y fichas técnicas. / [CA] Treball de producció artística centrat en la fotografia experimental que té com a objectiu fonamental recórrer a les creacions de la natura (Natura naturata), i més concretament a les que són objecte d'estudi de la Botànica, per generar estímuls visuals que desper- tin a la societat estima i valoració del medi natural com a únic camí al desenvolupament sostenible, fet que porta a proposarel concepte d'ecocriticisme visual.
Després d'un succint repàs a alguns referents fonamentals, segueix un recorregut historico-tècnic centrat en els mitjans de la fotografia analògica que serveixen de base per a la posterior experimentació i hibridació de les diferents tècniques que s'utilitzen. S'aborden amb més detall els cianotipus, els platí-paladiotipus, els argirotipus i tec- niques al colodion humit. Així mateix, es tracten extensivament els processos experi- mentals derivats de la fotografia instantània tipus Polaroid i altres processos com els luminogrames.
S'expliquen detalladament els processos des d'una perspectiva eminentment pràctica que inclou un formulari, encara que sense eludir els necessaris aspectes fisicoquímics teòrics, incorporant aportacions noves entre les quals destaquen: transports en gran format de gelatines sensibilitzades amb cianotípia o argirotípia a diferents suports i el desenvolupament dels nous arqiro-opalotips i argiro-orotons. També es posa a punt un mètode per aconseguir manualment imatges en color utilitzant argirotípies i plati- notípies combinades amb la transferència de pigments mitjançant tòrcul i dissolvent.
Les més de 500 obres úniques i de factura manual realitzades aplicant les tècniques esmentades s'estructuren en projectes i eventualment sèries que s'ordenen en base a una concepció ecocrítica centrada en aspectes ludico-contemplatius o de denúncia en relació amb l'obtenció d'energies netes, canvi climàtic i pèrdua de biodiversitat. Tot això constitueix la base conceptual i material per a la realització de més de 60 activi- tats: diverses exposicions (individuals i col·lectives, publicació de catàlegs i treballs científics i una col·laboració amb l'empresa privada per a la creació d'etiquetes comer- cials basades en aquestes obres.
Com a annex online < http://gerardostubing.com/botanikacatalogo/ > sincorpora un catàleg exhaustiu de totes les obres realitzades en el context daquest treball de tesi doctoral incloent il·lustracions i fitxes tècniques. / [EN] Artistic production work focused on experimental photography whose main objective is to resort to the creations of nature (Natura naturata), and more specifically to those that are the object of study of Botany, to generate visual stimuli that awaken in society appreciation and appreciation of the natural environment as the only path to sustaina- ble development, which leads to proposing, as a novelty, the concept of Visual eco-criticism.
After a brief review of some fundamental references, a historical-technical journey follows focused on the means of analog photography that serve as the basis for subsequent experimentation and hybridization of the different techniques used. Cyanotypes, platinum-palladiotypes, argyrotypes and wet plate collodion techniques are covered in more detail. Likewise, the experimental processes derived from Polaroid-type instant photography and other processes such as luminograms are extensively treated.
The processes are explained in detail from an eminently practical perspective that includes a formulary, although without eluding the necessary theoretical physical and chemical aspects, incorporating novel contributions, among which the following stand out: transport in large format of sensitized gelatins with cyanotype or argyrotype to different supports and the development of the novel arqyro-opalotypes and argyro-orotones. A method for manually obtaining color images using argyrotypes and platinotypes combined with the transfer of pigments by means of a press and solvent is also perfected.
The more than 500 unique and manual works carried out applying the aforementioned techniques are structured in projects and eventually series that are ordered based on an ecocritical conception focused on ludic-contemplative aspects or denunciation in relation to obtaining clean energ, climate change and loss of biodiversity. All this cons- titutes the conceptual and material basis for the realization of more than 60 activities : exhibitions (individual and collective), publication of catalogs and scientific works and a collaboration with private companies for the creation of commercial labels based on said works.
An exhaustive online catalog < http://gerardostubing.com/botanikacatalogo/ > of all the works carried out in the context of this doctoral thesis is incorporated as an annex, including illustrations and technical sheets. / Stuebing Martínez, G. (2023). Botanika (Natura naturata). Investigación y producción artística aplicadas a la fotografía experimental. Una aproximación desde el Ecocriticismo visual [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191602
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The phenomenon of displacement in contemporary society and its manifestation in contemporary visual artWillemse, Emma Wilhelmina 11 1900 (has links)
As an alternative to existing research which states that the phenomenon of displacement resists theorisation because of its complex nature, this study conducts a Phenomenological examination of the nature of displacement in which the interlinked losses in the key concepts of the consciousness of the displaced, namely Memory, Land and home and Identity, are navigated. It is shown that the current consciousness of society mimics these losses with the effect of displacement being experienced as a state of mind by contemporary society. By comparing selected artworks of artists Rachel Whiteread and Cornelia Parker, it is established that although manifested in diverse ways, contemporary artworks reflect displacement according to a set of broadly defined visual signifiers. The visual documentation of a site of displacement in the North West Province of South Africa and subsequently produced artworks underline these findings and highlight the elusive attributes of loss inherent in the displacement phenomenon. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)
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The phenomenon of displacement in contemporary society and its manifestation in contemporary visual artWillemse, Emma Wilhelmina 11 1900 (has links)
As an alternative to existing research which states that the phenomenon of displacement resists theorisation because of its complex nature, this study conducts a Phenomenological examination of the nature of displacement in which the interlinked losses in the key concepts of the consciousness of the displaced, namely Memory, Land and home and Identity, are navigated. It is shown that the current consciousness of society mimics these losses with the effect of displacement being experienced as a state of mind by contemporary society. By comparing selected artworks of artists Rachel Whiteread and Cornelia Parker, it is established that although manifested in diverse ways, contemporary artworks reflect displacement according to a set of broadly defined visual signifiers. The visual documentation of a site of displacement in the North West Province of South Africa and subsequently produced artworks underline these findings and highlight the elusive attributes of loss inherent in the displacement phenomenon. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)
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