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Att bo på äldreboende : En systematisk litteraturstudie om äldres upplevelserJohansson, Lisa, Axelsson, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Omvårdnaden som ges på äldreboende bör präglas av respekt, värdighet och ett samarbete med den äldre. Utifrån den äldres behov kan sjuksköterskan samt omvårdnadspersonalen uppfylla den äldres önskemål. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva äldres upplevelser av den dagliga tillvaron på äldreboende. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie grundad på 10 vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Äldre upplevde att vikten av gemenskap med andra och möjligheten till aktivitet hade betydelse för upplevelser av meningsfullhet. Äldre upplevde att omgivningen hade betydelse för hur de äldre upplevde sig uppmärksammade och kände trygghet samt igenkännande i den dagliga tillvaron. Äldre beskrev att livet på äldreboendet, antingen var deras största önskan eller största förlust. Äldre upplevde att en nedsatt kroppslig funktion kunde resultera i en önskan att bevara självständigheten samt att leva med dödens närvaro. Slutsats: Upplevelser av den dagliga tillvaron på äldreboende är individuella, upplevelserna har samtidigt flertal gemensamma faktorer. Kunskap om hur äldre upplever den dagliga tillvaron på äldreboende, kan bidra till att sjuksköterskor får en ökad förståelse över hur omvårdnad kan bidra till en meningsfull tillvaro. / Background: The care given to elderly residents should be characterized by respect, dignity and in collaboration with the elderly. Based on the needs of elderly, the nurse and nursing staff can meet the wishes of the elderly. Aim: The aim is to describe elderlies experiences of the daily life in nursing homes. Method: A systematic literature study based on 10 qualitative scientific articles. Result: The fellowship with others and the opportunities for activity was important for experiences of meaningfulness. The surroundings was important for how the elderly experienced attention, felt secure and acquaintance. Elderly described that life in the nursing home was either their greatest desire or greatest lost. Elderly experienced that a impaired bodily function could result in a desire to preserve independence and to live with the presence of death. Conclusion: Experiences of the daily life in nursing homes is individual, still the experiences have several common factors. Knowledge of how elderly experience the daily living in nursing homes, can help nurses gain an increased understanding of how the care can contribute to a meaningful existence.
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Våga möta den förbjudna sorgen : En kvalitativ studie om hur verkssamhetssamordnare arbetar med skuld och skam hos föräldrar till deltagare inom daglig verksamhet / Dare to face the forbidden sorrow : A qualitative study of how operation coordinators work with guilt and shame with parents to participants within daily activitiesOhlin, Felicia, Larsson, Jhon January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to, from the perspective of the operation coordinators, highlight guilt- and shame in parents whose children have a disability and are covered by the LSS- effort daily activities. Furthermore, to explore how guilt in shame with parents in face of their disabled child affect the work for operations coordinators within daily activities. We have used a qualitative method with semi structured interviews to collect data. In order to analyze the result, we have used social constructivism as a theoretical perspective as well as the client is the expert and dueling realities as applying theories. From the result it emerges that guilt- and shame feelings are found within some parents towards their disabled children within daily activities. Further it emerged that operation coordinators try to have an understanding towards parents that experience these feelings. The work continues with different tools such as collaboration with other business coordinators and managers in daily activities. Other tools such as clarifying pedagogy also facilitate the work. Furthermore, the result shows that the outcome of the work lies in cooperation between operation coordinator and parents. Finally, the result shows that the use of open dialogue between operation coordinators and parents can result in a reversal of the guilt- and shame feelings towards a future were hope and opportunities are at center. / Syftet med studien var att, utifrån verksamhetssamordnares perspektiv, belysa skuld- och skamkänslor hos föräldrar vars barn har en funktionsnedsättning och omfattas av LSS-insatsen daglig verksamhet. Vidare utforska hur skuld och skam hos föräldrar inför sitt funktionsnedsatta barn påverkar arbetet för verksamhetssamordnare inom daglig verksamhet. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data. För att analysera resultatet har vi använt oss av socialkonstruktivismen som teoretiskt perspektiv samt klienten är expert och duellerande verkligheter som tillförande teorier. Ur resultatet framkommer det att skuld- och skamkänslor återfinns hos en delföräldrar gentemot sitt barn med en funktionsnedsättning inom daglig verksamhet. Vidare framkom det att verksamhetssamordnare försöker ha en förståelse för de föräldrar som upplever dessa känslor. Arbetet fortsätter med olika hjälpmedel såsom samverkan med andra verksamhetssamordnare och chefer inom daglig verksamhet. Andra hjälpmedel som tydliggörande pedagogik underlättar även i arbetet. Vidare visar resultatet på att arbetet skall resultera i ett samarbete mellan verksamhetssamordnare och föräldrar. Slutligen visar resultatet att nyttjandet av öppna samtal mellan verksamhetssamordnare och föräldrar kan vända de skuld- och skamkänslor som återfinns till en framtidstro där hopp och möjligheter är i centrum.
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Habilidades de vida independente em portadores de transtornos mentais do interior matogrossense / Independent living skills in people with mental disorders of matogrossense interiorLéo, Marcela Martins Furlan de 06 November 2014 (has links)
Em virtude dos danos cognitivos, sensório motores e psicossociais causados pelo transtorno mental no funcionamento ocupacional, a qualidade de vida dos sujeitos é deteriorada e o isolamento e a inatividade se impõem, acentuando a exclusão. OBJETIVO: Identificar o nível de desempenho em atividades de vida independente de portadores de transtornos mentais e correlacionar variáveis. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal descritivo em dois serviços de saúde mental matogrossenses. Amostra constituída por 146 sujeitos (73 portadores de transtorno mental/ 73 informantes destes). Foi feita a Revisão Integrativa da Literatura sobre atividades de vida independente em portadores de transtorno mental, posteriormente aplicado um questionário sociodemográfico e o Inventário de Habilidades de Vida Independente (ILSS-BR) para identificar áreas da vida independente potencialmente prejudicadas. ANÁLISE DOS DADOS: Análise e correlações pelo STATA. Escores obtidos equiparados de acordo com a pontuação do ILSS, no escore global e subescalas.RESULTADOS: Maioria mulheres (71,2%), casados (63%), 35 a44 anos (46%), baixo nível escolar (48% concluíram quarta série), baixo poder de compra (68,6% com renda máxima R$ 1.024,00). Os domínios da vida independente mais comprometidos são Emprego, Lazer e Transporte, que sofreram influência de diagnóstico, tempo de transtorno mental, escolaridade e nível econômico. DISCUSSÃO: Os escores da versão para o informante ficaram em 1,3 (de 0 a 4) e do paciente, em 10,2% (de 0 A 100%), indicando graves limitações em atividades de vida independente e discrepâncias entre a percepção dos dois grupos. Foram correlacionados prejuízo nas atividades de vida independente e baixa escolaridade, baixo nível econômico, desqualificação profissional, maior tendência a abandonar estudos e cursos profissionalizantes. Os homens são mais vulneráveis ao comprometimento e sofrem maior impacto na área laboral. CONCLUSÕES: Os domínios comprometidos são relacionadas à contratualidade e socialização pelas atividades, merecendo intervenções de enfermagem diretas e singulares, macrossociais e empreendidas no habitat / Because of the cognitive, sensory motor and psychosocial damage caused by mental disorders in occupational functioning, quality of life is deteriorating, isolation and inactivity are result, accentuating the deletion. OBJECTIVE: To identify the level of performance in life activities regardless of the mental patients and correlate variables.METHODS: A descriptive cross- sectional study in two Mato Grosso mental health services. Sample of 146 subjects (73 patients with mental disorders / 73 informants of them). Integrative Literature Review was done about independent living activities in patients with mental disorders, afterward to a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Inventory of Independent Living Skills (ILSS-BR) was intended to identify areas of potentially impaired independent living. ANALYSIS: Analysis and correlations by STATA. Similar scores obtained by the score of ILSS, the overall score and subscales. RESULTS: Most women (71.2%), married (63), 44 35 years old (46%), low educational level (48% completed fourth grade), low purchasing power (68.6% with R$1.024,00 maximum income). The more committed areas of independent living are Employment, Leisure and Transport, who have been influenced by diagnosis, duration of mental disorder, education and income. DISCUSSION: The scores for the informant version were 1.3% and patient, at 10.2%, indicating severe limitations in independent living activities and discrepancies between the perceptions of the two groups. Injury were correlated in independent living and low education, low income, greater tendency to abandon studies and vocational courses activities. Men are more vulnerable and suffer greater impact in employment area. CONCLUSIONS: The affected modules are related by contractuality and socialization activities, requiring direct and individuallynursing interventions in macrosocial- habitat
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A influência das narrativas cotidianas como (des)estímulo para a participação políticaQueiroz, Daniela de Almeida 27 September 2013 (has links)
A questão da prática democrática e da efetiva participação política ainda é uma temática bastante polêmica na sociedade brasileira. Mesmo com uma constituição democrática e com uma série de instrumentos participativos instituídos, o Brasil ainda parece bastante distante de atingir uma democracia consolidada. Há muitas teorias que versam a respeito dos fatores que podem motivar ou desmotivar o envolvimento e a participação política, tais como a cultura, a confiança, o capital social e o reconhecimento. Na presente dissertação, busca-se entender quais os reais motivos que levam um cidadão a escolher se envolver ou não na política, adotando uma posição ativa e participante ou uma posição passiva em relação a estas questões. A proposta consistiu em realizar uma revisão das teorias sobre a motivação para participar, um levantamento da situação democrática do país, estudando o papel da história política e da memória coletiva no contexto da participação, bem como a influência das narrativas circulantes no mundo da política, com especial destaque para as narrativas cotidianas, que nada mais são do que aquelas que ocorrem na esfera íntima dos indivíduos, no seu dia a dia, com familiares, amigos e conhecidos. É neste contexto que a presente dissertação pretende acrescentar, introduzindo no debate da participação a questão do contexto de vida dos indivíduos, das experiências vividas por ele ou para ele passadas por meio de narrativas e sua influência como estímulo ou desestímulo na motivação dos cidadãos a envolver-se com assuntos políticos. Para tanto, além da revisão bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica baseada em entrevistas em profundidade com cidadãos atuantes e não atuantes no cenário político do município de São Paulo, buscando entender seu comportamento político e suas motivações para tal. / The democratic practice and effective political participation is still a theme very polemic in Brazilian society. Even with a democratic constitution and series of participatory tools, Brazil still seems quite far from reaching a consolidated democracy. There are many theories that talk about the factors that may motivate or discourage involvement and political participation, such as culture, trust, social capital and recognition. In this dissertation, we seek to understand the real reasons that lead a citizen to choose to get involved or not in politics, taking an active role or a passive position in relation to these issues. The proposal was to conduct a review of the theories on motivation to participate, a study of the democratic situation in the country, studying the role of political history and public memory in the context of participation, as well as the influence of narratives that circulates in the world of politics, with special emphasis on daily narratives, which are nothing more than those that occur in the private sphere of individuals in their daily lives, with family, friends and acquaintances. It is in this context that this dissertation intends to add, introducing in the participation discussion the question of the life context of individuals, the experiences that they live or they have known through narratives and their influence as stimulus or discourage on the motivation of citizens to engage with political issues. Therefore, in addition to the literature review, we conducted an empirical research based on interviews with active and not active citizens in the political scene in São Paulo, seeking to understand political behavior and their motivations for doing so.
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Mitt spruckna hjärta : En litteraturbaserad studie av individers upplevelser av det dagliga livet efter en hjärtinfarkt / My fractured heart : A literature based study of individuals experiences of the daily life after a myocardial infarctionBlomén, Alice, Gustafsson, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtinfarkt drabbar människor över hela världen och kan leda till döden. Efter hjärtinfarkten påbörjar individerna sin återhämtningsperiod. Då ska individerna påbörja sina livsstilsförändringar samtidigt som de måste hantera den krissituation de plötsligt hamnat i. Syfte: Att beskriva individers upplevelser av det dagliga livet efter en hjärtinfarkt. Metod: En litteraturbaserad studie med tolv kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Individernas vardag förändrades drastiskt efter hjärtinfarkten och alla hinder var inte lika lätta att överkomma. Ur analysen framträdde tre teman; Ny verklighet att förhålla sig till, En andra chans samt Hjälp till återhämtning, med åtta underteman. Slutsats: Hjärtinfarkt är en sjukdom som drabbar hela individen. Individerna behöver arbeta med både fysiska och psykiska aspekter av sitt välmående under återhämtningsperioden. Sjuksköterskan är ett stöd under sjukhustiden som hjälper patienten att återgå till hemmet och sitt vardagliga liv. Dock måste sjukvården ta sitt ansvar på större allvar när det kommer till informationsbehovet hos de individer som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt. / Background: Myocardial infarction affects people all over the world and can result in death. After the myocardial infarction the individuals initiate their recovery. The individuals have to cope with lifestyle changes and at the same time dealing with the crisis that they are in. Aim: To describe individual's experiences of the daily life after a myocardial infarction. Method: A literature based study including twelve qualitative articles. Results: The individuals daily life drasticly changed after the myocardial infarction and all obstacles were not as easy to overcome.Three themes emerged from the analysis; New reality to relate to, A second chance and Help to rocery, with eight subthemes. Conclusion: Myocardial infarction is a disease that affects the whole individual. The individuals need to work with physical as well as psychic aspects of their well-being during the recovery. The nurse is a support during the hospital stay that helps the patient return to the home and their daily life. However the health care needs to take responsibility for the need of information that the individuals require more seriously.
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Daily Hassles and Suicide Ideation in African-American Female Suicide Attempters: Moderating Effect of Spiritual Well-BeingHirsch, Jameson K., Webb, Jon R., Kaslow, Nadine J. 28 May 2014 (has links)
Suicide risk is increased for previous suicide attempters, who may be vulnerable to exacerbating factors such as daily hassles; yet, individual-level, adaptive characteristics may ameliorate risk. We examined the influence of daily hassles on suicidal ideation and the moderating role of spiritual well-being and its subscales of religious and existential well-being. In our cross-sectional study, 148 African-American female suicide attempters were recruited from a large, urban hospital and completed the Survey of Recent Life Events, Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Religious and existential well-being moderated the association between hassles and suicidal thoughts; this relationship was weaker for individuals with greater levels of spiritual well-being. Historically, spiritual beliefs have been important to the African-American community and their promotion may effectively prevent additional thoughts of suicide by attempters experiencing hassles of daily life.
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Is episodic future thinking important for instrumental activities of daily living in neurological patients?Brunette, Amanda M. 01 August 2018 (has links)
Episodic future thinking is defined as the ability to mentally project oneself into the future into a specific time and place. Episodic future thinking has been explored extensively in neuroscience. However, it has not been determined whether the measurement of episodic future thinking might be valuable in a clinical neuropsychological setting. The current study examined the relationship between episodic future thinking and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), which is a domain of adaptive functioning frequently assessed by neuropsychologists to examine independent living potential including the ability to handle finances, prepare food, complete household duties, and manage medications. A secondary aim was to examine whether episodic future thinking is related to IADLs over and above standard measures of cognition. 61 older adults with heterogeneous neurological conditions and 41 healthy older adults completed a future thinking task (the adapted Autobiographical Interview), two measures of IADLs (an informant report measure called the Everyday Cognition Scale and a performance-based measure called the Independent Living Scales), and standard measures of memory and executive functioning. Episodic future thinking was significantly associated with performance-based IADLs when accounting for age, education, gender, and depression (r=.26, p=.010). Episodic future thinking significantly predicted performance-based IADLs over and above executive functioning (R2=.025, p=.030). Episodic future thinking was not predictive of performance-based IADLs over and above memory (p=.157). Episodic future thinking was not significantly associated with informant reported IADLs when accounting for age, education, gender, and depression (p=.284). This study suggests that episodic future thinking is significantly associated with IADLs, beyond what can be accounted for by executive functioning. Episodic future thinking may provide information about IADLs to clinical neuropsychologists so they can improve their recommendations for independent living.
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Modeling Upper Body Kinematics While Using a Transradial ProsthesisLura, Derek J 07 November 2008 (has links)
The prostheses used by the majority of persons with upper limb amputations today offer a limited range of motion. Relative to anatomical joints transradial (below the elbow) prosthesis users lose at least two of the three degrees of freedom provided by the wrist and forearm. Some myoeletric prostheses currently allow for forearm pronation and supination (rotation about an axis parallel to the forearm) and the operation of a powered prosthetic hand. Body-powered prostheses, incorporating hooks and other cable driven terminal devices, have even fewer active degrees of freedom. In order to perform activities of daily living, an amputee must use a greater than normal range of movement from other anatomical body joints to compensate for the loss of movement caused by the amputation. By studying this compensatory motion of prosthetic users, the mechanics of how they adapt to the loss of range of motion in a given limb and specific tasks were analyzed. The purpose of this study is to create a robotic based kinematic model that can predict the compensatory motion of a given task using given subject data in select tasks. The tasks used in this study are the activities of daily living: opening a door, drinking from a cup, lifting a box, and turning a steering wheel.
For the model the joint angles necessary to accomplish a task are calculated by a simulation for a set of prostheses and tasks. The simulation contains a set of configurations that are represented by parameters that consist of the joint degrees of freedom provided by each prosthesis, and a set of task information that includes joint constraints and trajectories. In the simulation the hand or prosthesis follows the trajectory to perform the task. Analysis of tasks is done by attaching prosthetic constraints to one of the arms of the upper body model in the simulation, other arm maintains an anatomical configuration. By running the model through this simulation with different configurations the compensatory motions were found. Results can then be used to select the best prosthesis for a given user, design prostheses that are more effective at selected tasks, and demonstrate some possible compensations given a set of residual joint limitations with certain prosthetic components, by optimizing the configuration of the prostheses to improve their performance.
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Beef Average Daily Gain and Enteric Methane Emissions on Birdsfoot Trefoil, Cicer Milkvetch and Meadow Brome PasturesPitcher, Lance R. 01 May 2015 (has links)
Conventional production of meat products from ruminant animals in the United States requires inputs including the cultivation and nitrogen fertilization of annual grains such as corn and barley, and transportation of cattle and grain to feedlots. Consumers have concerns about the impact of feedlot conditions on animal health, and about the implications of pharmaceutical inputs such as growth hormones and antibiotics on the environment and human health. These concerns have led to a growing interest in pasturefinished meat production by consumers. Such smaller-scale livestock production systems can be healthier and lower-stress for animals, are integrated into local food systems and are more transparent to consumers, and have higher potential profitability for producers than traditional ruminant production methods.
There is a strong market for pasture-finished beef products, and prices for naturally or organically raised beef have remained well above feedlot-produced product prices. There is also concern about the impact of ruminant production on the environment, including air and water pollution from feedlot production and greenhouse gasses that are emitted from ruminant animals during feed digestion. This thesis project explored the potential of a beef production system based on perennial legumes, including the non-bloating legume birdsfoot trefoil (BFT; Lotus corniculatus L.) for producing meat products from cattle while reducing concentrate feeding and methane production. The condensed tannins that are produced by BFT bind proteins in the rumen but allow them to be digested in the abomasum and intestines, which in turn leads to better utilization of forage nutrients during the finishing period and higher gains or milk production. The higher digestibility of legumes compared with grasses reduces methane emissions in cattle both through higher digestibility of the forage and through direct impacts on methanogens operating in the rumen.
As reported in this thesis, steers finished on BFT gained significantly more weight per day than steers fed another perennial forage legume, cicer milkvetch, but did not gain as rapidly as feedlot-fed steers. At the end of summer grazing, the blood plasma of pasture-fed steers was lower in saturated and omega-6 fatty acids and higher in transvaccenic and omega-3 fatty acids than the blood plasma of feedlot-fed steers. When beef cows grazed grass and legume pastures, enteric methane emissions were lower on the legume pastures than the grass pasture. These results demonstrate that, compared with other feed sources, perennial legume pastures used for cattle production can improve cattle gains and reduce environmental impacts.
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Occupational Exposure to Ultrafine Particles and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Candle EmissionsSilver, David J 18 November 2005 (has links)
Ultrafine particles (UFPs) are present in the ambient atmosphere and are generated from atmospheric gases, pollution sources, and combustion. Candles emit carbonaceous soot particles similar to UFPs present in the ambient atmosphere. With the exception of lead, airborne concentrations of candle emissions have not been shown capable of causing cancer or cardiopulmonary disease during normal use. The purpose of this research is to determine the occupational risk associated with candle emissions.
Candle studies employ chambers to measure candle emission exposures and assess public health risk. Chambers used in previous studies did not match normal room conditions. They were affected by turbulence and high temperature, which affected particle distribution and constituent concentrations, while making it difficult to extrapolate the results.
The chamber designed for this study sought to avoid the problems noted above. This study also employed a room constructed to closely simulate a normal work environment. Candle suppliers and users were surveyed to determine occupational candle use and settings. Scented, unscented, and church candles were measured in both ventilated and unventilated environments. A condensation nuclei counter was used to measure UFPs from candle emissions.
Relative to previous chamber designs, results indicated a reduction in candle soot generation, no significant airborne concentrations of metals, and airborne concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), below occupational limits. Scented candles generated more soot than unscented candles.
UFP studies have demonstrated only weak associations between ambient UFP exposures and cardiopulmonary disease. However, ambient UFP exposures were used as a benchmark for candle soot exposures. The lifetime average daily dose (LADD) was calculated from the candle soot measurement data and ambient UFP data. Candle soot generated inside the test room ranged from 5.73 x 109 to 1.86 x 1011 number of candle soot particles inhaled daily compared to the 3.25 x1011 to 2.45 x 1012 soot particles inhaled in the ambient environment. The calculated candle soot dose was nearly an order of magnitude less than the calculated ambient dose. The conclusion is that candle emissions do not pose a health risk under normal occupational use.
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