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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le droit de la famille : étude comparative des droits chinois et français / Family law : comparative study of the chinese and french laws

Qin, Yueren 25 June 2014 (has links)
La famille constitue la cellule d’une société, elle évolue selon plusieurs facteurs. Cette physionomie complexe de la famille conduit directement la loi sur ce sujet à devenir importante et changeant tant en Chine qu’en France. Nous avons réalisé une étude comparative pour analyser les régimes du droit de la famille dans ces deux pays. Parmi de multiples questions au sein du droit de la famille, nous examinons deux points essentiels pour approfondir et comparer : la vie de couple et la filiation. S’agissant de la vie de couple, nous nous interrogeons tant sur la formation des différentes modalités de l’union que sur leur dissolution. Nous nous apercevons que les diverses dispositions sur chaque union ont amené un régime plus complet en France qu’en Chine. Quant à la filiation, nous distinguons notamment la filiation liée par le sang de la filiation adoptive. L’ignorance du mode d’établissement de la filiation devient une grande lacune au sein du droit chinois. Par ailleurs, comment adopter un enfant ? Quelles sont les conditions à respecter et les procédures à achever ? Quels sont les effets issus de l’adoption ? Telles sont des questions à résoudre et à comparer dans cette thèse. À part certains points principaux sur le droit de la famille, nous nous posons des questions sur des problématiques provoquées en vue de connaître l’aptitude des législateurs dans les deux pays comme la maternité pour autrui, les mariages fictifs, etc. Enfin, nous tenterons d’expliquer pourquoi les régimes juridiques diffèrent en France et en Chine concernant les questions traitées dans cette thèse. / The concept of “Family” as an integral unit of the society has evolved over the years due to several reasons. This changing and complex face of “family” has had many implications on the laws both in China and in France. Hence, we conduct a comparative study to analyze the system of family laws in both these countries. The various questions we address in order to deepen our understanding of family laws can be broadly classified into: the couple and the filiation. As for the couple, we address many questions related not only to the formation of the various modalities of the union but also about their dissolution. We find that the diverse articles on each union brought a system which is more complete in France than in China. With respect to filiation, we distinguish in particular between the filiation bound by blood and that bound by adoption. The ignorance of the mode of establishment of the filiation results in a big gap in the Chinese law. Besides, the basic question of how to adopt a child, the conditions to be respected and the procedures to be finished, the effects stemming from the adoption are also the questions we explore, compare and attempt to solve in this thesis. Besides the several principal points on the family law, we also try to compare and understand the different views/perspectives of these two countries by looking into some other related issues such as the maternity for others, the fictive marriages, etc., as well as how the two countries deal with such matters. Finally, we try to explain why the legal system differs in France and in China and discuss the directions for future research.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: Expediente N° 00170-2010-0-1801-JR-FC-08/Expediente N° 01679-2009-0-0901-JR-PE-09

Elias Toulier, Anthony 23 August 2021 (has links)
El expediente privado, materia del presente informe para optar por el título profesional de Abogado, corresponde a una demanda de divorcio por causal de separación de hecho interpuesta ante el Octavo Juzgado de Familia de Lima; el cual de manera posterior es elevada hasta llegar a la Sala Civil Permanente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República. La relevancia jurídica del expediente seleccionado se encuentra supeditada a la correcta configuración de los elementos de la causal invocada por el accionante, con una connotación principal en el elemento temporal, toda vez que este elemento será imprescindible para el correcto desarrollo de la actuación procesal en las diversas instancias. Además, de configurarse de manera correcta la temporalidad de la pretensión citada, es necesario establecer si la reconvención, en mérito de la indemnización solicitada por la demandada, cuenta con los fundamentos suficientes para declarar a uno de los cónyuges como perjudicado de conformidad con los considerandos de la Casación N° 5818-2007 y el Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Informes para la sustentación de expedientes: 00392-2008-0-01801-JR-FC-18 / 2362-2008/CPC

Padilla Armas, Andrea Rocío 25 November 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo informativo, se dispone a analizar el proceso judicial contenido en el Expediente Nº 00392-2008, el cual gira en torno a divorcio por las causales de separación de hecho y consumo habitual e injustificado de drogas. También se observa la presencia de violencia física y psicológica como antecedente y su incidencia en las hijas menores de edad de la expareja. A raíz de ello, se analizan los efectos de la separación en la familia, así como la falta del deber de cohabitación, como factor de disolución del vínculo matrimonial, y la estabilidad económica del cónyuge perjudicado en cuanto al otorgamiento de una indemnización por causa inculpatoria a vista del Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil. Este proceso sigue la vía de conocimiento siendo resuelto en última y definitiva instancia por la Sala Civil de la Corte Suprema. Por otro lado, se observan aspectos referidos al debido proceso (plazo razonable, congruencia y celeridad procesal) y la correspondiente motivación de las resoluciones judiciales. Asimismo, en el estudio del expediente se indagan cuestiones procesales y materiales que generan interés debido a la naturaleza del caso y respecto al tiempo prolongado para su resolución. Es posible resaltar que este tipo de procesos deben ser ejecutados con el mayor compromiso siendo que la familia se configura como una institución protegida dentro del marco social y legal. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Politics of International Recognition: The Case of Aspirant States

Mehrabi, Wais January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship between Cooperation and Conflict and Perceived Level of Marital Happiness as Indicators of the Adlerian Concept of Social Interest

Leggett, Debra Eubanks 13 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to bridge the existing gap in the literature by exploring the relationship between the Adlerian concept of social interest, expressed through cooperation and conflict, and perceived level of marital happiness. This study explored behaviors along a continuum of social interest from cooperation to conflict. Preexisting data were used from the longitudinal Marital Instability over the Life Course Project funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institute on Aging (Booth, Johnson, Amato, & Rogers, 2003). Data from telephone surveys were collected in 1980, 1983, 1988, 1992-1994, 1997, and 2000 from married individuals who were between the ages of 18 and 55 in 1980. The initial random sample was 2,033, but attrition took place for each of the subsequent waves, resulting in 762 respondents in 2000. Results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed statistically significant relationships in a positive direction between cooperation and marital happiness, and in a negative direction between conflict and marital happiness across all waves of data. Cooperation and conflict as indicators of social interest accounted for between 26% and 37% of the variance in marital happiness, except for the 1988 wave, which was an aberration on all measures and accounted for only 12% of the variance. This still exceeded the a priori effect size selected for the study, a standardized regression coefficient of |.10|. Implications for theory, research and practice include focus on the link between higher levels of social interest as demonstrated through cooperative behaviors and greater marital happiness, one between conflict and lower levels of marital happiness. Marriage and family therapists need to consider the underlying goals of conflict such as power that may reveal underdeveloped levels of social interest. Counselors need to focus on helping couples develop relational skills that include the social provisions needed like empathy, understanding, and support. Future research is needed to more clearly define behaviors along the continuum of social interest.

Dense matrix computations : communication cost and numerical stability / Calculs pour les matrices denses : coût de communication et stabilité numérique

Khabou, Amal 11 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse traite d’une routine d’algèbre linéaire largement utilisée pour la résolution des systèmes li- néaires, il s’agit de la factorisation LU. Habituellement, pour calculer une telle décomposition, on utilise l’élimination de Gauss avec pivotage partiel (GEPP). La stabilité numérique de l’élimination de Gauss avec pivotage partiel est caractérisée par un facteur de croissance qui est reste assez petit en pratique. Toutefois, la version parallèle de cet algorithme ne permet pas d’atteindre les bornes inférieures qui ca- ractérisent le coût de communication pour un algorithme donné. En effet, la factorisation d’un bloc de colonnes constitue un goulot d’étranglement en termes de communication. Pour remédier à ce problème, Grigori et al [60] ont développé une factorisation LU qui minimise la communication(CALU) au prix de quelques calculs redondants. En théorie la borne supérieure du facteur de croissance de CALU est plus grande que celle de l’élimination de Gauss avec pivotage partiel, cependant CALU est stable en pratique. Pour améliorer la borne supérieure du facteur de croissance, nous étudions une nouvelle stra- tégie de pivotage utilisant la factorisation QR avec forte révélation de rang. Ainsi nous développons un nouvel algorithme pour la factorisation LU par blocs. La borne supérieure du facteur de croissance de cet algorithme est plus petite que celle de l’élimination de Gauss avec pivotage partiel. Cette stratégie de pivotage est ensuite combinée avec le pivotage basé sur un tournoi pour produire une factorisation LU qui minimise la communication et qui est plus stable que CALU. Pour les systèmes hiérarchiques, plusieurs niveaux de parallélisme sont disponibles. Cependant, aucune des méthodes précédemment ci- tées n’exploite pleinement ces ressources. Nous proposons et étudions alors deux algorithmes récursifs qui utilisent les mêmes principes que CALU mais qui sont plus appropriés pour des architectures à plu- sieurs niveaux de parallélisme. Pour analyser d’une façon précise et réaliste / This dissertation focuses on a widely used linear algebra kernel to solve linear systems, that is the LU decomposition. Usually, to perform such a computation one uses the Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (GEPP). The backward stability of GEPP depends on a quantity which is referred to as the growth factor, it is known that in general GEPP leads to modest element growth in practice. However its parallel version does not attain the communication lower bounds. Indeed the panel factorization rep- resents a bottleneck in terms of communication. To overcome this communication bottleneck, Grigori et al [60] have developed a communication avoiding LU factorization (CALU), which is asymptotically optimal in terms of communication cost at the cost of some redundant computation. In theory, the upper bound of the growth factor is larger than that of Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, however CALU is stable in practice. To improve the upper bound of the growth factor, we study a new pivoting strategy based on strong rank revealing QR factorization. Thus we develop a new block algorithm for the LU factorization. This algorithm has a smaller growth factor upper bound compared to Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. The strong rank revealing pivoting is then combined with tournament pivoting strategy to produce a communication avoiding LU factorization that is more stable than CALU. For hierarchical systems, multiple levels of parallelism are available. However, none of the previously cited methods fully exploit these hierarchical systems. We propose and study two recursive algorithms based on the communication avoiding LU algorithm, which are more suitable for architectures with multiple levels of parallelism. For an accurate and realistic cost analysis of these hierarchical algo- rithms, we introduce a hierarchical parallel performance model that takes into account processor and network hierarchies. This analysis enables us to accurately predict the performance of the hierarchical LU factorization on an exascale platform.

Le droit des femmes au travail : étude comparée des droits camerounais et français / Women’s rights at work : a comparative study of French and Cameroonian rights

Siakam, Victorine-Jolie 23 May 2015 (has links)
La faculté de travailler et les droits qui se rattachent à l’exercice d’une activité professionnelle par les femmes résultent d’une longue évolution juridique en France comme au Cameroun et en dépit de la reconnaissance du droit au travail, diverses entraves subsistent et génèrent des discriminations. Les discriminations sont tantôt de fait, et trouvent alors leur fondement dans des mentalités rétrogrades, tantôt de droit et se traduisent par des insuffisances juridiques. Les outils juridiques de promotion des droits des femmes au travail et de la lutte contre toute forme de discrimination professionnelle ne sont pas totalement identiques en France et au Cameroun. Mais, les acquis d’un pays pourraient parfaitement être transposés dans l’autre pays. / The ability to work and the rights that go with women exercising a professional activity are the result of lengthy legal developments both in France and Cameroon. Despite recognition of this right to work, various constraints persist and give rise to discrimination. Discrimination is sometimes de facto, in which case it is based in retrograde attitudes, and sometimes it is legal, in which case it is manifested in legal shortcomings. The legal tools used to promote women’s rights at work and to fight against all forms of professional discrimination are not completely identical in France and Cameroon. Nevertheless, the gains of one country can be perfectly transposed onto the other.

Des règles de dévolution légale en droit québécois : perspectives socio-historiques des affections présumées, pour une reconnaissance de la vocation successorale ab intestat du conjoint de fait survivant

Malacket, Andréanne 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

股東會決議瑕疵連鎖效應之研究-以選任董事決議瑕疵為中心 / A Study for chain of defect of shareholder meeting of the company-focus on the election of directors of the resolution

陳宣至, Chen Hsuen Chin Unknown Date (has links)
關於股東會決議之瑕疵,依我國目前法律與實務通說下,共有三種類型:股東會決議無效、不存在與得撤銷。惟我國公司法並未規範一旦法院判決認定股東會決議無效、不存在或撤銷股東會決議後之法律效果為何,若將具瑕疵之決議限縮於選任董事之決議上,則不具董事身分之人擔任公司董事一職下,由於訴訟程序冗長,此段期間公司對外之法律關係(或董事代表公司所為之法律行為)、公司與不具董事身分之人間之法律關係及公司後續的程序召集上,其法律效果為何?日本學說上提出「連鎖瑕疵」闡述此問題。我國公司法學者通說採取對外類推適用表見代理、對內適用無因管理之見解;惟本文以為此見解將生諸多疑問,故本文參考英國法、美國法與日本學說上之見解,介紹英國公司法第161條規定並採取「事實上董事理論」以嘗試解決此問題。最後並進一步探究股東會決議瑕疵所產生的後續相關法律問題。 / According to the current law and common practice, there are three types of the defect of shareholder meeting of the company. There are void resolution, no resolution, and annulment of such resolution. However, our corporate law didn’t regulate the results once the court makes the verdict of the above mentioned types of defects of shareholder meeting of the company. If the defect of shareholder meeting of the company could be restrained on the election of directors of the resolution, while the person who was disqualified to act as a director is still in charge, the legal effect of the company’s external legal affairs, also the relationship between the company and the disqualified director, and the assembly of the meeting remain discussible. The Japanese scholars bring up a theory called the chain of defect to elaborate the upper mentioned problem. Our corporate law scholars mainly consider that the legal effect of the company’s external legal affairs should be an apparent agent situation. The company’s internal legal affairs, such as the relationship between the company and the disqualified director, and the assembly of the meeting should think as a management of affairs without mandate situation. However, my article considers that the previous perspective remains plenty of doubtful points. For this reason, my article would refer to the Companies Act 2006 (United Kingdom Company Law), Laws of the United States, and Japan’s legal theories. Moreover, I would introduce the Sec.161 of the Companies Act 2006, and adopt the theory of de facto directors in order to solve the problem. Eventually, I would analyze the extended and related legal problems of the defect of shareholder meeting of the company.

Constitution of religious liberty : God, Politics and the First Amendment in Trump's America

Piper, Helen January 2018 (has links)
This thesis starts by describing the legal foundation of religious liberty in the United States and the evolvement of the religion clause jurisprudence. Then follows an outline of the main legal theories on religious liberty. It continues to describe a case study conducted on how Americans citizens perceive the protection of their religious liberty. Upon this there is a chapter where the detailed findings from the case study are described in juxtaposition to the relevant jurisprudence and how this can be applied to the overall legal framework protecting religious liberty.  The final chapter is a discussion on what conclusions that can be drawn.

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