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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation et modélisation des performances hautes fréquences des réseaux d'interconnexions de circuits avancés 3D : application à la réalisation d'imageurs de nouvelle génération

Fourneaud, Ludovic 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail de doctorat réalisé s'attache à étudier les nouveaux types d'interconnexions comme les TSV (Through Silicon Via), les lignes de redistribution (RDL) et les piliers de cuivre (Cu-Pillar) présentes dans le domaine de l'intégration 3D en microélectronique avancée, par exemple pour des applications de type " imager " où une puce " capteur optique " est empilée sur une puce " processeur ". Afin de comprendre et quantifier le comportement électrique de ces nouveaux composants d'interconnexion, une première problématique de la thèse s'articulait autour de la caractérisation électrique, sur une très large bande de fréquence (10 MHz - 60 GHz) de ces éléments, enfouis dans leurs environnements complexes d'intégration, en particulier avec l'analyse de l'impact des pertes dans les substrats de silicium dans une gamme de conductivités allant de très faible (0 S/m) à très forte (10 000 S/m). Par la suite, une nouvelle problématique prend alors naissance sur la nécessité de développer des modèles mathématiques permettant de prédire le comportement électrique des interconnexions 3D. Les modèles électriques développés doivent tenir compte des pertes, des couplages ainsi que de certains phénomènes liés à la montée en fréquence (courants de Foucault) en fonction des caractéristiques matériaux, des dimensions et des architectures (haute à faible densité d'intégration). Enfin, à partir des modèles développés, une dernière partie propose une étude sur les stratégies de routage dans les empilements 3D de puces à partir d'une analyse sur l'intégrité de signaux. En opposant différents environnements, débit de signaux binaires ou dimensions des TSV et des RDL des conclusions émergent sur les stratégies à adopter pour améliorer les performances des circuits conçus en intégration 3D.

Simple, Faster Kinetic Data Structures

Rahmati, Zahed 28 August 2014 (has links)
Proximity problems and point set embeddability problems are fundamental and well-studied in computational geometry and graph drawing. Examples of such problems that are of particular interest to us in this dissertation include: finding the closest pair among a set P of points, finding the k-nearest neighbors to each point p in P, answering reverse k-nearest neighbor queries, computing the Yao graph, the Semi-Yao graph and the Euclidean minimum spanning tree of P, and mapping the vertices of a planar graph to a set P of points without inducing edge crossings. In this dissertation, we consider so-called kinetic version of these problems, that is, the points are allowed to move continuously along known trajectories, which are subject to change. We design a set of data structures and a mechanism to efficiently update the data structures. These updates occur at critical, discrete times. Also, a query may arrive at any time. We want to answer queries quickly without solving problems from scratch, so we maintain solutions continuously. We present new techniques for giving kinetic solutions with better performance for some these problems, and we provide the first kinetic results for others. In particular, we provide: • A simple kinetic data structure (KDS) to maintain all the nearest neighbors and the closest pair. Our deterministic kinetic approach for maintenance of all the nearest neighbors improves the previous randomized kinetic algorithm. • An exact KDS for maintenance of the Euclidean minimum spanning tree, which improves the previous KDS. • The first KDS's for maintenance of the Yao graph and the Semi-Yao graph. • The first KDS to consider maintaining plane graphs on moving points. • The first KDS for maintenance of all the k-nearest neighbors, for any k ≥ 1. • The first KDS to answer the reverse k-nearest neighbor queries, for any k ≥ 1 in any fixed dimension, on a set of moving points. / Graduate

Digital image watermarking methods for copyright protection and authentication

Woo, Chaw-Seng January 2007 (has links)
The ease of digital media modification and dissemination necessitates content protection beyond encryption. Information hidden as digital watermarks in multimedia enables protection mechanism in decrypted contents. The aims of this research are three-fold: (i) to investigate the strength and limitations of current watermarking schemes, (ii) to design and develop new schemes to overcome the limitations, and (iii) to evaluate the new schemes using application scenarios of copyright protection, tamper detection and authentication. We focus on geometrically robust watermarking and semi-fragile watermarking for digital images. Additionally, hybrid schemes that combine the strength of both robust and semi-fragile watermarks are studied. Robust watermarks are well suited for copyright protection because they stay intact with the image under various manipulations. We investigated two major approaches of robust watermarking. In the synchronization approach, we employed motion estimation for watermark resynchronization. We also developed a novel watermark resynchronization method that has low computational cost using scale normalization and flowline curvature. In another approach, we firstly analyzed and improved a blind watermark detection method. The new method reduces significantly the computational cost of its watermark embedding. Secondly, we created a geometric invariant domain using a combination of transforms, and adapted the blind watermark detection method that we improved. It totally eliminates the need of resynchronization in watermark detection, which is a very desirable achievement that can hardly be found in existing schemes. On the other hand, semi-fragile watermarks are good at content authentication because they can differentiate minor image enhancements from major manipulations. New capabilities of semi-fragile watermarks are identified. Then, we developed a semi-fragile watermarking method in wavelet domain that offers content authentication and tamper localization. Unlike others, our scheme overcomes a major challenge called cropping attack and provides approximate content recovery without resorting to an original image. Hybrid schemes combine robust and semi-fragile watermarks to offer deductive information in digital media forensics. We firstly carried out a pilot study by combining robust and fragile watermarks. Then, we performed a comparative analysis on two implementation methods of a hybrid watermarking scheme. The first method has the robust watermark and the fragile watermark overlapped while the second method uses non-overlapping robust and fragile watermarks. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, we merge our geometric invariant domain with our semi-fragile watermark to produce a hybrid scheme. This hybrid scheme fulfilled the copyright protection, tamper detection, and content authentication objectives when evaluated in an investigation scenario.

Η χρήση των εμποτισμένων με φάρμακα μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων στον ουρητήρα πειραματικού μοντέλου

Καλληδώνης, Παναγιώτης 14 February 2012 (has links)
Οι εμποτισμένες με φάρμακα μεταλλικές ενδοπροθέσεις (DES) έχει αποδειχθεί ότι ελαχιστοποιούν την υπερπλασία του ενδοθηλίου των στεφανιαίων αγγείων. Η υπερπλαστική αντίδραση του ουροθηλίου είναι το πιο συχνή επιπλοκή της χρήσης των μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων στον ουρητήρα. Στην παρούσα μελέτη αξιολογήσαμε τις εμποτισμένες με zotarolimus μεταλλικές ενδοπροθέσεις (ZES- Endeavor Resolute, Medtronics Inc, USA) στον ουρητήρα χοίρων και κουνελιών. Μέθοδος: Μία ZES and μία συνήθης μεταλλική ενδοπρόθεση (BMS) τοποθετήθηκαν στον κάθε ουρητήρα 10 χοίρων και 6 κουνελιών. Η τοποθετήση έγινε κυστεοσκοπικά. Αξονική τομογραφία (CT) έγινε για την αξιολόγηση των ουρητήρων του χοίρου και ενδοφλέβιος πυελογραφία (IVP) έγινε για τον ίδιο σκοπό στα κουνέλια. Το πρόγραμμα παρακολούθησης περιλάμβανε CT ή IVP κάθε εβδομάδα για τις επόμενες 4 εβδομάδες για τους χοίρους και 8 εβδομάδες για τα κουνέλια. Σπινθηρογραφήματα νεφρών πριν την τοποθέτηση των ενδοπροθέσεων και κατά την 3 εβδομάδα παρακολούθησης έλαβε χώρα σε όλα τα ζώα. Οπτική τομογραφία συνοχής (OCT) χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την εκτίμηση της κατάστασης του αυλού και τοιχώματος των ουρητήρων που έφεραν τις ενδοπροθέσεις. Ιστοπαθολογική εξέταση των ουρητήρων με τις ενδοπρόθεσεις έγινε με τα παρασκευάσματα να έχουν στερεοποιηθεί σε glycol-methacrylate ρητίνη. Αποτελέσματα: Υπερπλαστική αντίδραση διαπιστώθηκε και στους δύο τύπους ενδοπροθέσεων. Οι BMS ενδοπροθέσεις αποφράχτηκαν πλήρως σε 7 ουρητήρες χοίρων ενώ οι ουρητήρες των ιδίων ζώων που έφεραν ZES ενδοπρόθεση έφεραν υπερπλαστική αντίδραση αλλά δεν κατέληγαν σε απόφραξη. Δύο ουρητήρες κουνελιών με BMS ενδοπροθέσεις αποφράχτηκαν τελείως ενώ όλες οι ZES ενδοπροθέσεις δε συσχετίστηκαν με απόφραξη του ουρητήρα. Διαπιστώθηκε έκπτωση της λειτουργίας 7 νεφρών χοίρων και 2 κουνελιών που είχαν ουρητήρες με αποφραγμένες ενδοπροθέσεις. Η OCT έδειξε αυξημένη υπερπλαστική αντίδραση σε ουρητήρες που έφεραν BMS ενδοπρόθεση σε σχέση με ZES. Παρόλα αυτά, η ιστοπαθολογική εξέταση έδειξε υπερπλαστική αντίδραση παρούσα σε όλες τις ενδοπροθέσεις αλλά σημαντικά περισσότερη υπερπλαστική αντίδραση στις BMS ενδοπροθέσεις. Συμπέρασμα: Οι ZES ενδοπροθέσεις στους ουρητήρες χοίρων και κουνελιών δε συσχετίστηκαν με υπερπλαστική αντίδραση που οδηγούσε σε απόφραξη της ενδοπρόθεσης. Αυτές οι ενδοπροθέσεις συσχετίστηκαν με σημαντικά μικρότερη υπερπλαστική αντίδραση συγκριτικά με τις BMS ενδοπροθέσεις ενώ η φλεγμονώδης αντίδραση ήταν παρόμοια και στους δύο τύπους ενδοπροθέσεων. / Drug eluting stents (DES) proved to minimize neointimal hyperplasia in coronary vessels. Hyperplastic reaction is the most common unwelcome event related to the use of metal mesh stents in the ureter. We evaluated the effect of zotarolimus eluting stent (ZES- Endeavor Resolute, Medtronics Inc, USA) in porcine and rabbit ureter. Methods: A ZES and a bare metal stent (BMS) were inserted in each ureter of 10 pigs and 6 rabbits. The insertion was performed by retrograde approach. Computerized tomography (CT) was used for the evaluation of porcine ureters while intraoperative intravenous pyelography (IVP) for rabbit ureters. The follow-up included CT or IVP every week for the following 4 weeks for pigs and 8 weeks for rabbits. Renal scintigraphies were performed prior to stent insertion and during the 3rd week in all animals. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been used for the evaluation of the luminal and intraluminal condition of the stented ureters. Histopathologic examination of the stented ureters embedded in glycol-methacrylate was performed. Results: Hyperplastic reaction was present in both stent types. BMSs in 7 porcine ureters were completely obstructed while porcine ureters stented with ZES had hyperplastic tissue which did not result in obstruction. Two rabbit ureters stented by BMS were occluded while no ZES was associated with ureteral obstruction. The function of the 7 porcine renal units and the two rabbit units with obstructed stented ureter was compromised. The OCT revealed increased hyperplastic reaction in the ureters stented by BMSs in comparison to ZESs. Although, hyperplastic reaction was present in all cases, pathology examination revealed significantly more hyperplastic reaction in BMSs. Conclusion: ZESs in the pig and rabbit ureter were not related to hyperplastic reaction resulting in stent occlusion. These stents were related to significantly lower hyperplastic reaction in comparison to BMSs while inflammation rates were similar for both stent types.

Comparative evaluation of video watermarking techniques in the uncompressed domain

Van Huyssteen, Rudolph Hendrik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electronic watermarking is a method whereby information can be imperceptibly embedded into electronic media, while ideally being robust against common signal manipulations and intentional attacks to remove the embedded watermark. This study evaluates the characteristics of uncompressed video watermarking techniques in terms of visual characteristics, computational complexity and robustness against attacks and signal manipulations. The foundations of video watermarking are reviewed, followed by a survey of existing video watermarking techniques. Representative techniques from different watermarking categories are identified, implemented and evaluated. Existing image quality metrics are reviewed and extended to improve their performance when comparing these video watermarking techniques. A new metric for the evaluation of inter frame flicker in video sequences is then developed. A technique for possibly improving the robustness of the implemented discrete Fourier transform technique against rotation is then proposed. It is also shown that it is possible to reduce the computational complexity of watermarking techniques without affecting the quality of the original content, through a modified watermark embedding method. Possible future studies are then recommended with regards to further improving watermarking techniques against rotation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Elektroniese watermerk is ’n metode waardeur inligting onmerkbaar in elektroniese media vasgelê kan word, met die doel dat dit bestand is teen algemene manipulasies en doelbewuste pogings om die watermerk te verwyder. In hierdie navorsing word die eienskappe van onsaamgeperste video watermerktegnieke ondersoek in terme van visuele eienskappe, berekeningskompleksiteit en weerstandigheid teen aanslae en seinmanipulasies. Die onderbou van video watermerktegnieke word bestudeer, gevolg deur ’n oorsig van reedsbestaande watermerktegnieke. Verteenwoordigende tegnieke vanuit verskillende watermerkkategorieë word geïdentifiseer, geïmplementeer en geëvalueer. Bestaande metodes vir die evaluering van beeldkwaliteite word bestudeer en uitgebrei om die werkverrigting van die tegnieke te verbeter, spesifiek vir die vergelyking van watermerktegnieke. ’n Nuwe stelsel vir die evaluering van tussenraampie flikkering in video’s word ook ontwikkel. ’n Tegniek vir die moontlike verbetering van die geïmplementeerde diskrete Fourier transform tegniek word voorgestel om die tegniek se bestandheid teen rotasie te verbeter. Daar word ook aangetoon dat dit moontlik is om die berekeningskompleksiteit van watermerktegnieke te verminder, sonder om die kwaliteit van die oorspronklike inhoud te beïnvloed, deur die gebruik van ’n verbeterde watermerkvasleggingsmetode. Laastens word aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing aangaande die verbetering van watermerktegnieke teen rotasie gemaak.

Variedade riemannianas e imersão do tipo Nash: um ensaio e aplicações

Zanelato, Augusto Izuka [UNESP] 18 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:47:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 zanelato_ai_me_sjrp.pdf: 747520 bytes, checksum: a785dd86fb658ccc77c82fbc94c29dbd (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo abordar aspectos fundamentais da teoria de imersão proposta por John Nash em 1954, na qual foi mostrado que uma variedade continua com derivada continuação nua C1, pode ser imersa em espaços euclidianos de 2n dimensões. Faz-se importante citar que ao longo do trabalho serão destacados aspectos inovadores do Teorema de Nash, tais como a não necessidade da hipótese de analitici-dade conforme havia sido usada anteriormente por Janet-Cartan, além do aspecto da perturbação que permite construir qualquer outra variedade imersa por uma sequência de deformações infinitesimais. São discutidos também extensões do Teorema de Nash, sobretudo os trabalhos de Greene e de Gunther, e aplicações do método perturbativo de Nash nas Teorias unificadoras da física. / The present work has for objective to approach basic aspects of the immersion theory proposal for John Nash in 1954, in which it was shown that a continuous variety with continuous derivative C1, can be immersed in Euclidean spaces of 2n dimensions. One becomes important to cite that throughout the work innovative aspects of the The- orem of Nash will be detached, such as the necessity of the hypothesis of in agreement analiticidade had not been used previously for Janet-Cartan, beyond the aspect of the disturbance that allows to construct any another immersed variety for a sequência of infinitesimal deformations. Extensions of the Theorem of Nash are also argued, over all the works of Greene and Gunther, and applications of the perturbativo method of Nash in the unifying Theories of the physics.

Concepts of ethical leadership and their potential implementation in organisations : an operational perspective

Bachmann, Bernhard January 2015 (has links)
This study links ethical leadership theory to the implementation of improved leadership practices and examines whether ethical leadership characteristics actually exist, particularly in highly operational environments. The study analyses how ethical leadership can be embedded by process, by applied leadership (role modelling), and by changing culture and climate. The conclusion reveals that all three approaches are needed for an implementation and depend on middle managers, otherwise no organisational transformation is possible. The research design of this qualitative study analyses data from 100 in-depth interviews using inductive categorisation, aiming to retrieve deep, rich and unprompted data from a highly developed and advanced production facility. The ethical leadership characteristics, and evidence specific influences on leadership behaviour, revealing 14 perceived leadership issues resulting in a leadership climate which negatively influences motivation, performance, and corporate culture. These issues were found to be responsible for deteriorating work climate, motivation, morale, and team spirit. Particularly favouritism, inequalities, shouting, blaming, internal competition and unclear strategies ruin motivation, employee health, and co-operation. Concerning the implementation of a better suited leadership culture, a research framework model is developed, integrating transformational change and leadership. Findings document that the influence of middle managers acting as role models seems to be greater than research suggests. Key findings also show that individual leadership development without changing the corporate realities is not sufficient to implement ethical strategies. Neglecting to actively control the leadership climate can have devastating effects even for very successful operations. Considering the pressure of goal attainment in highly operational areas, an absence of unethical behaviour can already be seen as a success for leaders. Finally, a change process sequence for shaping leadership climate was identified. These research results are highly relevant for organisations and leaders wishing to be engaged in improving their leadership quality.

Modeling and predicting affect in audio signals : perspectives from acoustics and chaotic dynamics / Modelisation de l'affect dans le son : perspectives de l'acoustique et de la dynamique chaotique

Mouawad, Pauline 28 June 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse décrit un projet de recherche multidisciplinaire qui porte sur la reconnaissance de l’émotion dans les sons, couvrant les théories psychologiques, l’analyse du signal acoustique,l’apprentissage automatique et la dynamique chaotique.Dans nos interactions et nos relations sociales, nous dépendons considérablement de la communication de l’information et de notre perception des messages transmis. En fait, la communication se produit lorsque les signaux transmettent des informations entre une source et une destination. Le signal peut être verbal, et l’information est ensuite portée par des motifs sonores, tels que des mots. Dans la communication vocale non verbale, cependant,l’information peut être des modèles perceptifs qui véhiculent des indices affectifs, que nous percevons et évaluons sous la forme d’intentions, d’attitudes, d’humeurs et d’émotions.La prévalence de la composante affective peut être observée dans les interactions informatiques humaines (HCI) où le développement d’applications automatisées qui comprennent et expriment les émotions est devenu crucial. De tels systèmes doivent être significatifs et faciles à utiliser pour l’utilisateur final, de sorte que notre interaction avec eux devient une expérience positive. Bien que la reconnaissance automatique des émotions dans les sons ait reçu une attention accrue au cours des dernières années, il s’agit encore d’un jeune domaine de recherche.Non seulement cela contribue à l’informatique affective en général, mais il fournit également une compréhension approfondie de la signification des sons dans notre vie quotidienne.Dans cette thèse, le problème de la reconnaissance des affects est abordé à partir d’une double perspective: nous commençons par adopter une approche standard de l’analyse acoustique du signal, où nous examinons et expérimentons les fonctionnalités existantes pour déterminer leur rôle dans la communication émotionnelle. Ensuite, nous nous tournons vers la dynamique chaotique et la symbolisation des séries temporelles, pour comprendre le rôle de la dynamique inhérente des sons dans l’expressivité affective. Nous menons nos études dans le contexte des sons non verbaux, à savoir les sons vocaux, musicaux et environnementaux.D’un point de vue de l’écoute humaine, une tâche d’annotation est menée pour construire un ground-truth de voix de chant non verbales, marquées par des descriptions catégoriques du modèle bidimensionnel d’émotions. Deux types de sons sont inclus dans l’étude: vocal et glottal.D’un point de vue psychologique, la présente recherche porte sur un débat qui existe depuis longtemps parmi les scientifiques et les psychologues, concernant les origines communes de la musique et de la voix. La question est abordée à partir d’une analyse acoustique ainsi que d’une approche dynamique non linéaire.D’un point de vue de la modélisation, ce travail propose une nouvelle approche dynamique non linéaire pour la reconnaissance de l’affect dans le son, basée sur la dynamique chaotique et la symbolisation adaptative des séries temporelles. Tout au long de cette thèse, les contrastes clés dans l’expressivité de l’émotion sont illustrés parmi les différents types de sons, à travers l’analyse des propriétés acoustiques, les métriques de la dynamique non linéaire et les performances des prédictions.Enfin, d’un point de vue progressif, nous suggérons que les travaux futurs étudient des caractéristiques motivées par les études cognitives. Nous suggérons également d’examiner dans quelle mesure nos caractéristiques reflètent les processus cognitifs. En outre, nous recommandons que nos fonctionnalités dynamiques soient testées dans des études à grande échelle de la reconnaissance d’émotions à travers la participation aux défis expérimentaux, dans le but de vérifier s’ils obtiennent un consensus. / The present thesis describes a multidisciplinary research project on emotion recognition in sounds, covering psychological theories, acoustic-based signal analysis, machine learning and chaotic dynamics.In our social interactions and relationships, we rely greatly on the communication of information and on our perception of the messages transmitted. In fact communication happens when signals transmit information between a source and a destination. The signal can be verbal,and the information is then carried by sound patterns, such as words. In non verbal vocal communication however, information can be perceptual patterns that convey affective cues,that we sense and appraise in the form of intentions, attitudes, moods and emotions.The prevalence of the affective component can be seen in human computer interactions(HCI) where the development of automated applications that understand and express emotions has become crucial. Such systems need to be meaningful and friendly to the end user, so thatour interaction with them becomes a positive experience. Although the automatic recognition of emotions in sounds has received increased attention in recent years, it is still a young fieldof research. Not only does it contribute to Affective Computing in general, but it also provides insight into the significance of sounds in our daily life.In this thesis the problem of affect recognition is addressed from a dual perspective: we start by taking a standard approach of acoustic-based signal analysis, where we survey and experiment with existing features to determine their role in emotion communication. Then,we turn to chaotic dynamics and time series symbolization, to understand the role of the inherent dynamics of sounds in affective expressiveness. We conduct our studies in the context of nonverbal sounds, namely voice, music and environmental sounds.From a human listening point of view, an annotation task is conducted to build a ground truth of nonverbal singing voices, labelled with categorical descriptions of the two-dimensional model of affect. Two types of sounds are included in the study: vocal and glottal.From a psychological perspective, the present research addresses a debate that is of long standing among scientists and psychologists, concerning the common origins of music and voice.The question is addressed from an acoustic-based analysis as well as a nonlinear dynamics approach.From a modeling viewpoint, this work proposes a novel nonlinear dynamics approach for the recognition of affect in sound, based on chaotic dynamics and adaptive time series symbolization.Throughout this thesis, key contrasts in the expressiveness of affect are illustrated among the different types of sounds, through the analysis of acoustic properties, nonlinear dynamics metrics and predictions performances. Finally from a progressive perspective, we suggest that future works investigate features that are motivated by cognitive studies. We also suggest to examine to what extent our features reflect cognitive processes. Additionally we recommend that our dynamic features be tested inlarge scale ER studies through the participation in ER challenges, with an aim to verify if they gain consensus.

La rationalité limitée des consommateurs lors de l'évaluation d'un produit comportant un attribut environnemental : une étude empirique des biais provoqués par le nombre d'attributs et le mode d'évaluation / Consumer bounded rationality when evaluating environmental attribute on a product : an empirical analysis of biases induced by the attributes number and the evaluation measure

Jongmans, Eline 07 October 2014 (has links)
Les attributs environnementaux, de plus en plus présents sur les produits de consommation, sont des attributs de croyance, renvoyant à un bien non marchand (i.e. la protection de l'environnement) et à des valeurs morales, ce qui les rend difficiles à évaluer par les consommateurs. Ce travail doctoral s'intéresse précisément à la manière dont les consommateurs utilisent un attribut environnemental (certifié ou non certifié) dans leur évaluation de produit. Cette problématique de recherche est abordée selon trois questions de recherche. La première s'intéresse à l'effet du nombre d'attributs (1 vs. 2) sur le poids associé à l'attribut environnemental. Cette question renvoie à l'étude d'un biais appelé effet d'inclusion qui est caractérisé par une insensibilité au nombre d'attributs. La deuxième question étudie le biais lié au mode d'évaluation sur le poids associé à un attribut environnemental. Les effets de deux critères du mode d'évaluation sont étudiés : le mode de réponse (monétaire vs. non monétaire) et le mode de présentation (jointe vs. séparée). La troisième prolonge l'étude du mode d'évaluation et de son effet sur le poids de l'attribut environnemental en étudiant la validité prédictive du mode d'évaluation pour estimer les préférences des consommateurs. Ces biais liés au contexte d'évaluation sont étudiés, montrés et discutés au moyen de cinq expérimentations et pour différents attributs environnementaux et stimuli. La validité prédictive du mode d'évaluation met en évidence l'intérêt d'utiliser le mode « consentement à payer ». D'un point de vue théorique, cette recherche montre l'intérêt de prendre en compte l'effet d'inclusion et le biais lié au mode d'évaluation pour des personnes intéressées par l'évaluation d'attributs environnementaux et montre également la limite potentielle à l'ajout d'un attribut environnemental sur un produit de consommation. D'un point de vue méthodologique, ce travail doctoral propose une approche permettant de comparer les poids obtenus entre les modes d'évaluation. Cette recherche suggère aux chefs de produits de prendre en compte ces caractéristiques contextuelles pour améliorer la précision de l'estimation des préférences des consommateurs pour un produit comportant un attribut environnemental. Ainsi, la valeur associée à un attribut environnemental varie lorsque cet attribut est seul sur le produit ou en présence d'un autre attribut. De même, le mode d'évaluation « consentement à payer » semble mieux prédire les préférences réelles pour un attribut environnemental que le mode d'évaluation « choix entre deux options ». / Environmental attributes are increasingly being included in consumption products. Because environmental attributes are credence attributes, they refer to a public good (i.e. environmental protection), and they reference moral values, they are difficult for consumers to assess. This doctoral research specifically focuses on how consumers use an environmental attribute (certified or uncertified) in product evaluation. This core question is addressed through three research questions. The first deals with the effect of attribute number (1 vs. 2) on the weight given to environmental attributes. This study focuses on a counterintuitive effect named the embedding effect, characterized by insensitivity to the number of environmental attributes present. The second question concerns the effect of the method of value measurement on the weight given to an environmental attribute. The effects of two criteria are studied: response mode (pricing vs. non pricing) and evaluation mode (joint vs. separate). The third and last question extends the study of evaluation measure and its effect on the weight of an environmental attribute by testing the predictive validity of the evaluation measure on consumer preferences. These research questions are investigated with five experiments that employ various environmental attributes and stimuli. From a theoretical perspective, this research shows the importance of considering the embedding effect and evaluation measurement bias for people interested in environmental attributes evaluation. It also underlines the potential limit of adding an environmental attribute to a consumption product. In terms of utility measurement, the thesis shows, counterintuitively, that willingness to pay is a better measure of environmental values than is choice. From a methodological standpoint, this doctoral thesis proposes an approach to enable attribute weight comparisons across measures. This research suggests to product managers that they need to be aware of these contextual factors when assessing and predicting consumer preferences for a product with an environmental attribute. If the environmental attribute in the finished product will be alone versus in conjunction with another environmental attribute, for example, affects attribute utility. Likewise, willingness to pay appears to be a better predictor of actual preference for environmental attribute than is choice.

"Avaliação crítica do uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase e exames complementares no diagnóstico da tuberculose cutânea e micobacteriose atípica" / The role of polymerase chain reaction and panel exams in the diagnosis of cutaneous tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria skin infection compared to clinical evaluation

Cristina Martinez Zugaib Abdalla 30 November 2005 (has links)
Realizou-se estudo comparando o uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase à evolução clínica e painel de exames tradicionais para diagnóstico em pacientes com suspeita clínica de tuberculose cutânea e micobacteriose atípica. Observou-se sensibilidade da reação em cadeia da polimerase de 88%, especificidade de 83%, valor preditivo positivo de 82%, valor preditivo negativo de 88% e acurácia de 85% com concordância pelo teste de McNemar (p= 0,655). Os exames do painel de maior acurácia, após a reação em cadeia da polimerase, foram o teste tuberculínico com acurácia de 79% e a presença de dermatite crônica granulomatosa com reação em cadeia da polimerase positiva com acurácia também de 79%, ambos com concordância pelo teste de McNemar (p= 0,179 e p= 0,655, respectivamente) / A study was performed comparing the polymerase chain reaction and the traditional panel of exams for the diagnosis in patients with a clinical suspicion of cutaneous tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteria infection to the clinical evaluation. It was observed that the sensitivity of the PCR was 88%, the specificity was 83%, the positive predictive value was 82%, the negative predictive value was 88% and the accuracy was 85% in agreement with the McNemar test (p=0.655). The panel exams of second highest accuracy, were the tuberculin test with an accuracy of 79% and the chronic granulomatous dermatitis with positive PCR, also with an accuracy of 79%, both in agreement with the McNemar test (p=0.179 and p=0.655, respectively)

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