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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Shareholders Meeting Proxy's Impact on Corporate Management, Operation, and Governance - Case Study of C company

Wu, Chun-hui 30 June 2010 (has links)
Abstract According to the Company Act, to convene a regular shareholder¡¦s meeting, a majority of the shareholders who represent more than 50% of the total number of the company¡¦s outstanding shares shall be present. It is also regulated that a shareholder may stipulate the scope of authority in the proxy issued by the company and appoint a proxy to attend the shareholder¡¦s meeting on his behalf. Due to the dispersion trend of ownership structure of domestic listed companies, where some mid/large-size companies with long histories have, in average, less than 20% of shareholding of board of directors, it seems reasonable for companies to rely on proxy solicitation in order to convene a shareholder¡¦s meeting, have all proposals resolved, and elect board members. The operation of a business entity and its corporate governance are closely tied to the effectiveness of its top management. However, domestic listed companies in general are unable to separate the ownership and management, and therefore those who obtain the management become the management team of a company. As a result of relatively low shareholding held by major shareholders of domestic listed companies, lower cost of proxy solicitation than buying shares from the market, and less care about proxy rights from individual investors, major shareholders in listed companies intend to win more seats in the board via proxy solicitation in order to obtain management. For the above reasons, proxy solicitation becomes an important tool in determing management of listed companies, their operation and corporate governance. Proxy makes it possible to obtain the management of a corporate with relatively low shareholdings, resulting in asymmetry in cost and management obtained, and this might pose risks on company¡¦s corporate governance. However, on the other hand, proxy assists convening a shareholder¡¦s meeting, and therefore become an indispensable tool in defending the management of a corporate with honesty and integrity. With all the advantages and disadvantages, proxy is of great importance for individual corporate and overall operation of economy. The research conducts a case study on C Company with references on other listed companies to explore the impacts of proxy on management and operation of a company and its corporate governance. Pros and cons for proxy solicitation are summarized while solutions are proposed. The result of the research shows that listed companies demonstrate deep reliance on proxy. Whether or not a listed company conducts business with honesty and good faith, its major shareholder is likely to exploit the advantages to obtain unsymmetrical positions in the board in contrasts with its low shareholding. However, the performance of corporate governance afterward depends on the integrity and conscience of the management team, and actually has no direct link to proxy solicitation. Also, with the ¡§winning betting¡¨ nature to achieve management leverage, proxy solicitation could be a possible factor for corporate mis-governance. To avoid the unfairness caused by proxy solicitation and enhance corporate governance, competent authorities must consider revising the Company Act and related laws instead of revising regulations governing proxy solicitation alone. Suggestions in this research include the following: (1) To abrogate rules in the Company Act providing that ¡§to convene a regular shareholder¡¦s meeting, a majority of the shareholders who represent more than 50% of the total number of the company¡¦s outstanding shares shall be present¡¨. (2) The number of shares present via proxy solicitation, voting right and election right shall be discounted. (3) To promote electronic voting, split of voting rights of institutional shareholders, and adoption of nomination system for the director election. (4) To change the election method of independent directors, where the new method elects the independent director based on the number of voting individual shareholders, rather than the cumulative voting shares. The suggestions are proposed to provide a reference for competent authorities. Key words: proxy, corporate governance, board election, management, electronic voting, board election nomination system

The Impact of Single-District Two Votes System on the Party¡¦s Nomination Institution¡GA Comparative study of KMT and DPP¡¦s Nomination Institution of the Seventh Legislators Election

Lee, Sui-yi 07 April 2012 (has links)
There are few literatures to explore political party¡¦s Nomination Institution and its relationship with electoral system. This thesis traces Legislative Yuan elections system from multi-member-district, single non-transferable vote to single-member district with plurality system and single-district two votes system and explore whether the modification has had an impact on party¡¦s nomination institution. According to theoretical assumption and foreign research statistics, ¡§single-district two votes system¡¨ tends to promote political party nomination system towards top-down decentralization. This study aims to investigate whether single-district two votes system is able to influence political parties to improve the centralized nomination institution that had been rooted in SNTV. The findings are positive regarding the application of single-district two votes system. During the seventh legislators election, major Parties of R.O.C. had adjusted their Nomination Institution, and Party members¡¦ opinions along with public¡¦s preference had been taken into accounts greatly compare to the past. KMT is one of the salient examples for not only make the largest modification in nomination, but also gain the most profit from this election.

An analysis of Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen's nomination of Barry Goldwater for President, as an example of epideictic speaking

Harkness, Jean Springer, 1919- January 1965 (has links)
No description available.

On the Economic Effects of Policy Responsiveness: The Role of Candidate Selection for General Elections

Pérez-Mares, Marco Alejandro 01 January 2012 (has links)
Policy responsiveness to the demands of the whole is important because it is a determinant of growth and development: Institutions that make governments more inclusive favor economic progress and factors that make governments more exclusive inhibit prosperity. Growth-enhancing policies likely to please the citizenry include policies that ensure the prevalence of the rule of law, policies that protect property and intellectual rights, and policies that foster competition, access and the perfection of markets. In contrast, growth-retarding policies likely to initiate from the representation efforts of politicians advancing narrow concerns include infringement on property rights, diffuse patent legislation, regulation to rise some price or wage, regulation blocking the entry into specific markets, official protection to monopolistic markets and adoption of legal barriers against international competition. If policy responsiveness to the interests of the whole favors economic affluence, what political institutions matter for the advancement of wide-encompassing interests through the policy making process? This dissertation examines the idea that the incentives provided by the intra-party candidate selection methods are crucial in order to understand the politicians' representation efforts. Expressly, increasing participation and democratization of the intra-party nomination process increase the incumbent's propensity to represent wide-encompassing interests and adopt policies that favor economic affluence. In contrast, elite-centered nomination methods decrease the incumbent's incentive to be politically responsive to the interests of the whole in favor of the representation of narrow concerns that often demand policies that benefit the group at the expense of overall economic growth. Empirically, the idea that aspirants to party tickets must first respond to the demands of those with the power to add their names to the electoral ballot finds robust support. In the developed world, candidate nomination appears largely informed by inclusive and democratic practices. Quite the opposite, in the less-developed world events of intraparty participatory politics are for the most part absent, with nomination decisions often monopolized by national party leaders and local party bosses.

Os nomes dos outros: alteridade e comunicação em Roy Wagner / The names of others: alterity and communication in Roy Wagner

Iracema Hilário Dulley 08 March 2013 (has links)
A obra de Roy Wagner trata de um problema candente para a antropologia: a relação com a diferença. A partir do regime de leitura desenvolvido por Jacques Derrida, pretendo seguir os movimentos do texto de Wagner com o objetivo de compreender sua proposta de antropologia e articulá-la ao universo epistemológico mais amplo da disciplina. O texto wagneriano será, assim, articulado ao texto-contexto da antropologia, considerado como um conjunto de linhas de força em tensão e distensão. Na análise da obra de Wagner será privilegiada a relação entre proposta teórica e análise empírica por ser este um aspecto central para a antropologia e também um ponto de ruptura frequente nos textos da disciplina. De modo a estabelecer a mediação entre esses dois níveis, relacionarei em um primeiro momento a ideia de diálogo, no plano de interação em campo, ao conceito de dialética, no plano teórico. Em seguida, acompanharei o movimento de desconstrução e reposição conceitual realizado pelo autor para os conceitos de grupo e cultura com o objetivo de pensar o estatuto da nomeação em seus textos e relacioná-lo à concepção da diferença como alteridade em antropologia. / The work of Roy Wagner deals with a core issue in anthropology, that of the relation to difference. Based on the regime of reading developed by Jacques Derrida, I intend to follow the moves of Wagners text with the purpose of understanding his proposal for anthropology and articulating it to the disciplines broader epistemological universe. Wagners text will thus be articulated to the text-context of anthropology, considered as a set of lines of strength in tension and distension. In the analysis of Wagners work, the relationship between theoretical stance and empirical analysis will be privileged because this is a central aspect to anthropology and frequently the point at which the disciplines texts break. In order to mediate between these two levels, I will first relate the idea of dialogue at the level of field interaction to the concept of dialectic at the theoretical level. I will then follow the movement of conceptual deconstruction and reestablishment carried out by the author for the concepts of group and culture with the purpose of considering the status of nomination in his texts and relating it to anthropologys conception of difference as alterity.

De la coupure à la cicatrice, répétition, nomination et sinthome : Lecture de l'oeuvre d'Emma Santos / From the wound to the scar. Repetition, naming and sinthome : Reading of Emma Santos’s work

Polverel, Elsa 17 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’œuvre d’Emma Santos (1943-1983), écrivaine française qui a écrit huit livres au cours de la décennie 1970. L’étude tente de saisir, à partir de son écriture, la notion de « sinthome » élaborée par Jacques Lacan. Aujourd’hui l’œuvre d’Emma Santos, peu lue et encore moins étudiée, reste très liée au contexte de l’éclosion des féminismes et du mouvement antipsychiatrique, et est souvent lue comme un témoignage de femme confrontée à l’expérience de l’enfermement, et de la « folie ». Si nous avons pris en compte l’empreinte de ce contexte dans les ouvrages santosiens, nous avons surtout voulu montrer combien son écriture agit comme un espace vital, au sein duquel peut se mettre en place un travail de cicatrisation d’une blessure physique et psychique. L’un des thèmes récurrents dans les livres est l’accident de voiture qu’elle subit enfant, au cours duquel sa gorge est entaillée : nous suggérons que son écriture agit comme un espace psychique d’accueil de la souffrance, et de cette marque sur le corps. Les problématiques autour desquelles s’articulent notre travail se résument ainsi : comment l’écriture rend-elle possible cette cicatrisation ? En considérant le processus d’écriture que nous avons synthétisé sous le nom de montage, nous pouvons mettre en évidence différents dispositifs récurrents, comme l’autocitation, la réécriture, la répétition. Que peuvent-ils nous révéler et nous apprendre sur la « folie », sur ses assignations, et sur la langue ? L’intuition motrice de cette étude est que la pratique singulière de l’écriture de l’écrivaine lui permet d’appréhender la coupure et ses effets symptomatiques qui la coupent du monde, comme un « sinthome » qui la relie au monde. Or ce concept, analysé à travers le texte santosien, ouvre la voie à une nouvelle appréhension de la langue et de sa loi, et permet de repenser la distinction névrose / psychose ainsi que la différence sexuelle. / This thesis has for object the work of Emma Santos (1943-1983), French writer who wrote eight books during the seventies. The study tries to grasp, from her writing, the notion of « sinthome » devised by Jacques Lacan. Today, the work of Emma Santos, scarcely read and even less studied, stays very connected with the context of the emergence of feminism and the antipsychiatric movement, and is often read as the testimony of a woman confronted with confinement and « madness ». If we have chosen to take into account the influence of this context in the santosien books, we have mainly wanted to show how her writing acts as vital space, in which a work of cicatrization a physical and psychological wound can take place. One of the recurring themes in the books is the car accident she was in as a child, in which she had her throat cut: we suggest that her work acts as a psychic space to host the pain, and this body mark. The following can sum up the problematics organizing our work: how can writing make this cicatrization possible? Considering the writing process that we have synthesized under the name of assembling, we can emphasize different recurring systems, as auto quotation, rewriting, repetition. What can they reveal and teach us about « madness », its definitions, and language? The leading feeling of this study is that the singular writing practice of the writer allows her to apprehend the fracture and its symptomatic effects that alienated her from the world, as a « sinthome » that links her to the world. Thus this concept, analyzed though the santosien work, opens the way to a new apprehension of the language and its law, allowing to rethink the neurosis / psychosis distinction, as well as sexual difference.

Relationship between Teacher Characteristics and Accuracy in Identifying Middle School Students with Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Storey, Elizabeth 30 June 2016 (has links)
As a universal screening method, teacher nominations have been found to both miss and misidentify a substantial proportion of students with internalizing disorders such as anxiety and depression (Cunningham & Suldo, 2014; Gelley, 2014; Moor et al., 2007). Although some research has explored the accuracy of teacher nominations when used to identify students with anxiety and depression, no research examined the teacher characteristics that are potentially related to accuracy. The current study conducted a secondary analysis of an archival dataset (Gelley, 2014) to determine which characteristics of teachers (N= 19) are more closely related to accuracy in identifying middle school students (N = 233) with elevated levels of anxiety or depression. Teacher characteristics examined include: teacher self-efficacy beliefs in identifying students with anxiety and depression, teacher acceptance of the general method of asking teachers as a whole to identify students with anxiety and depression, teacher gender, years teaching, and subject taught. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the relationships between the aforementioned teacher characteristics and teacher accuracy, defined by the conditional probability indices sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). The combined predictors explained 38 to 69% of the variance in those indicators of accuracy. Results indicated that in predicting sensitivity, being a language arts or math teacher (as compared to being a social studies teacher), having fewer years of professional experience, and reporting greater acceptance of method may predict higher sensitivity rates. In regards to specificity, higher teacher self-efficacy, being a social studies teacher, being male, and having fewer years of professional experience predicted higher specificity rates. In terms of PPV, having higher acceptance of method and more self-efficacy may explain higher PPV rates. Finally, in terms of NPV, having fewer years of professional experience may explain higher NPV rates. Results from this study may be used to guide collaboration and consultation with teachers in universal screenings, and may inform teacher training programs aimed to increase teacher knowledge and confidence identifying students experiencing emotional distress at school.

International shareholder activism in Sweden : A study of BlackRocks’s influence in their Swedish holdings

Chan, Mary, Pettersson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The objective of this study was to gain increased knowledge regarding BlackRock’s ability to influence their Swedish owned companies. The scope of this thesis has been to study eight companies where BlackRock have holdings. The actions of BlackRock are studied from two approaches, direct influence and indirect influence based on the literature review. The direct influence is a formal approach, including information regarding BlackRock’s participation in the nomination committee, the board of directors and their votes during the annual general meetings. The indirect influence consists of non-legal binding activities and includes information regarding BlackRock’s use of broad-based communication in form of CEO letter, where interpretations of the CEO letter have been compared to the studied companies’ annual reports. The study uses a qualitative method strategy with a deductive approach, together with data triangulation. The collected results and the analysis showed that BlackRock uses both direct and indirect methods to influence and deviates from the Swedish corporate code of governance in their methods of influence. One of the conclusions was that BlackRock, with their CEO letter, managed to influence their owned companies in regards to sustainability reporting according to SASB och TCFD framework.

Les perceptions de deux (2) catégories d'observateurs privilégiés, enseignants et parents, du processus de sélection des directeurs d'école de la région 03

Génois, Yvon 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2015

Media Bias in Portrayal of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on Leading Television Networks During 2008 Democratic Nomination Race

Tarjimanyan, Arman 12 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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