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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sveriges positionsförflyttning i migrationspolitiken : En analys av Sveriges vändning i migrationspolitiken efter migrationskrisen 2015. / The political change in migration policy in Sweden. : An analysis of Sweden’s turn in the migration policy after the 2015 migration crisis.

Asso, Josef January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how the political change in the migration policy has changed since the migration crisis in 2015. The premise to analyse this change will be how four political parties in Sweden; the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Green Party, the Liberals and the Center Party, have expressed their political opinion about migration policy in two different parliamentary debates. The method for this study is a qualitative text analysis and with the help of this method, key concepts have been identified. Additionally, relevant information has been selected from the parliamentary debates and have been included in this study.The results of this study have been analysed by previous research and theories in order to reach a conclusion. The study concludes that the migration policy in Sweden has gone from being generous to being more coarse. Further, it is revealed that the Swedish Democrats entry to the Swedish Parliament was an external stimuli which probably was an underlying factor to the change in migration policy in Sweden.

Les FNA en français et en portugais: considérations théoriques et analyses fonctionnelles dans des débats médiatiques électoraux au Brésil, au Portugal et en France

Johnen, Thomas 14 November 2019 (has links)
Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Untersuchung der Funktionen und Verwendung nominaler Anredeformen in drei Fernsehwahldebatten in Brasilien, Frankreich und Portugal. / Cette étude a pour objectif de comparer la façon dont sont utilisées les formes nominales d’adresse dans des débats télévisés au Portugal, au Brésil et en France à partir de l’exemple des débats du second tour des élections présidentielles de 1986 au Portugal (entre Diogo Pinto de Freitas do Amaral et Mário Alberto Nobre Lopes Soares), de 2006 au Brésil (entre Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva et Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin Filho) et de 2007 en France (entre Ségolène Royal et Nicolas Sarkozy). Il s’agit donc d’une comparaison « cross-culturelle » impliquant d’une part, deux langues différentes (le portugais et le français) et d’autre part, deux variantes d’une langue « pluricentrique » (Baxter, 1992), à savoir le portugais européen et le portugais brésilien.

What determines who qualifies? : A quantitative study on the presence of first- and second-level agenda setting and issue ownership in the 2020 Democratic primary debates. / Vad avgör vem som går vidare? : En kvantitativ studie av förekomsten av första och andra nivån av dagordningsteorin samt issue ownership i demokraternas primärdebatter 2020.

Boström, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the presence of first- and second-level agenda setting as well as issue ownership in the 2020 Democratic primary debates and whether there is a relationship between using strategies based on these theories and qualifying for future debates. The study seeks to answer three research questions: What is the relationship, if any, between a candidate whose statements focused primarily on the three issues considered most important by the public according to opinion polls and whether this candidate qualified for future debates? How did candidates use frames to redraw the attention of issues? What is the relationship, if any, between the extent to which a candidate’s statements discussed performance issues more than Republican-owned or Democratic-owned issues and whether this candidate qualified for future debates? The study draws mainly on the first and second level of the agenda setting theory, as well as the theory of issue ownership, and analyzes what issues candidates focus on, what attributes of these issues they emphasize, and whether they discuss performance issues like the economy or foreign policy more than issues owned by either the Republican or the Democratic Party. Through a quantitative content analysis of four candidates’ (Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, & Andrew Yang) statements from three of the eleven primary debates held in the 2020 primary process, the study found no direct relationship between focusing on the public’s three most important issues and qualifying for future debates. Similarly, no such relationship was found between emphasizing certain attributes and qualifying for future debates, although the results suggest that candidates may have benefited from avoiding framing issues economically, which concurs with previous findings (Boydstun, Glazier, & Pietryka, 2013a; Boydstun, Glazier, & Phillips, 2013) and supports Vavreck’s (2009) theory that insurgent candidates should not emphasize the economy. Findings also demonstrated the contrasting ways three of the candidates framed the same issues, where Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar tended to emphasize economic frames when discussing Medicare while Bernie Sanders emphasized effectiveness. Lastly, the findings support previous research on issue ownership since findings showed that most candidates discussed Democratic-owned issues more than other issues, while the eventual presidential nominee, Joe Biden, overall discussed performance issues more than issues owned by either party. This suggests that focusing on such issues may be beneficial for challenging candidates during an election cycle where the sitting president has been criticized for not being able to handle the job. Thus, no direct relationship could be found in the case of RQ1 or RQ2 but discussing performance issues the most overall may have benefited one candidate, suggesting there is a relationship in the case of RQ3. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka förekomsten av första och andra nivån av dagordningsteorin samt av issue ownership i Demokraternas primärdebatter 2020 och huruvida det finns någon relation mellan att använda strategier baserade på dessa teorier och att kvalificera sig för framtida debatter. Studien undersöker tre frågeställningar: Vad är relationen, om någon, mellan en kandidat vars uttalanden under debatterna fokuserade främst på de tre frågor som väljarna ansåg var viktigast enligt opinionsundersökningar och huruvida denna kandidat kvalificerade sig för framtida debatter? Hur använde kandidaterna ”frames” för att kontrollera diskussionen kring frågor? Vad är relationen, om någon, mellan den utsträckning en kandidats uttalanden under debatterna diskuterade så kallade ”performance issues” mer än frågor ägda av det republikanska eller demokratiska partiet och huruvida denna kandidat kvalificerade sig för framtida debatter? Studien bygger huvudsakligen på den första och andra nivån av dagordningsteorin, liksom teorin om issue ownership, och analyserar vilka frågor kandidaterna fokuserar på, vilka attribut de betonar när de talar om dessa frågor och om de diskuterar performance issues såsom ekonomi eller utrikespolitik mer än frågor som ägs av antingen republikanska eller demokratiska partiet. Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av fyra kandidaters (Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar och Andrew Yang) uttalanden från tre av de elva primärdebatterna som hölls under primärprocessen 2020 fann studien ingen direkt relation mellan att fokusera på de tre frågor som väljarna ansåg var viktigast och att kvalificera sig för framtida debatter. Det hittades inte heller någon sådan relation mellan att betona vissa attribut och att kvalificera sig för framtida debatter, även om resultaten tyder på att kandidater kan ha haft nytta av att undvika att betona ekonomiska attribut, vilket överensstämmer med tidigare resultat (Boydstun, Glazier, & Pietryka, 2013a; Boydstun, Glazier, & Phillips, 2013) och stöttar Vavrecks (2009) teori att så kallade ”insurgent candidates” drar nytta av att inte diskutera ekonomin mer än nödvändigt. Resultaten visade också hur olika kandidaternas inramning av en specifik fråga var, då Joe Biden och Amy Klobuchar hade en tendens att betona ekonomiska attribut när de talade om frågor gällande Medicare medan Bernie Sanders fokuserade mer på effektivitetsattribut.  Slutligen stöder studien tidigare forskning om issue ownership då resultaten visade på att de flesta kandidater diskuterade frågor ägda av det demokratiska partiet mer än andra frågor, medan den kandidat som slutligen skulle få det demokratiska partiets presidentsnominering, Joe Biden, totalt sett diskuterade performance issues mer än frågor ägda av något av partierna. Detta tyder på att ett fokus på sådana frågor kan vara till nytta för att utmanande kandidater under en valcykel där den sittande presidenten har kritiserats för sin hantering av arbetet. Således kunde ingen direkt relation hittas när det gällde RQ1 eller RQ2, men resultaten tyder på att en kandidat kan ha gynnats av att diskutera performance issues mest över lag, vilket i sig tyder på att det finns en relation gällnade RQ3.

El debate como estrategia didáctica para un aprendizaje significativo en el área de Historia, Geografía y Economía

Vara Pérez, Haydee María 26 November 2019 (has links)
El proyecto de innovación educativa se denomina “El debate como estrategia didáctica para un aprendizaje significativo en el área de Historia, Geografía y Economía”. En la actualidad, se viene aplicando un nuevo enfoque pedagógico donde el estudiante es el constructor de su propio aprendizaje; es decir que se debe considerar al estudiante como centro del proceso de aprendizaje y el docente es un facilitador. Sin embargo, hay docentes que son renuentes al cambio, fieles a la Escuela tradicional del Conductismo ya que no evalúa capacidades sino contenidos. Esto se refleja en los resultados de la evaluación censal aplicada a los estudiantes del segundo de secundaria por el Minedu (2016) resultados desalentadores y el informe de gestión anual IGA (2017). Cabe mencionar que para llegar a estos resultados se manejó el diagnóstico del Proyecto Educativo, el árbol de problemas, árbol de objetivos, donde se sintetizó las causas y consecuencias del problema y la reflexión en torno a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Estamos formando estudiantes con conciencia histórica, o simples repetidores de los textos? ¿Estamos desarrollando en ellos capacidades o son solo receptores de la información? Por ello, el presente proyecto tiene como objetivo central que los docentes incorporen en su labor pedagógica los nuevos procesos de aprendizajes, apliquen una metodología activa, participativa y desarrollan en sus programaciones estrategias idóneas al desarrollo de la capacidad, con métodos activos de enseñanza y revertir los resultados de los documentos en mención, al finalizar la implementación del proyecto los estudiantes de la Institución desarrollaran competencias y capacidades que les permitirán aprender a lo largo de toda su vida. En conclusión, es necesario contar e involucrar a todos los actores de la comunidad educativa, y solicitar el apoyo económico a empresas cercanas, exalumnos y padres de familia para revertir la problemática presentada.

Protectionism, bilateral integration, and the cross section of exchange rate returns in US presidential debates

de Boer, Jantke, Eichler, Stefan, Rövekamp, Ingmar 28 October 2022 (has links)
We study the impact of US presidential election TV debates on intraday exchange rates of 96 currencies from 1996 to 2016. Expectations about protectionist measures are the main transmission channel of debate outcomes. Currencies of countries with high levels of bilateral foreign trade with the US depreciate if the election probability of the protectionist candidate increases during the debate. We rationalize our results in a model where a debate victory of a protectionist candidate raises expectations about future tariffs and reduces future net exports to the US, resulting in relative depreciation of currencies with high bilateral trade integration.

Essays on Exchange Rates

de Boer, Jantke 23 October 2023 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays, each examining distinct dimensions of cross-sectional variation in exchange rate changes and currency returns conditional on macroeconomic variables. Chapter 2: Protectionism, Bilateral Integration, and the Cross-Section of Ex-change Rate Returns in US Presidential Debates We study the impact of US presidential election TV debates on intraday exchange rates of 96 currencies from 1996 to 2016. Expectations about protectionist measures are the main transmission channel of debate outcomes. Currencies of countries with high levels of bilateral foreign trade with the US depreciate if the election probability of the protectionist candidate increases during the debate. We rationalize our results in a model where a debate victory of a protectionist candidate raises expectations about future tariffs and reduces future net exports to the US, resulting in relative depreciation of currencies with high bilateral trade integration. Chapter 3: Global Portfolio Network and Currency Risk Premia External portfolio investments of countries can explain cross-sectional variation in currency risk premia. Using bilateral portfolio holdings of 26 countries from 2001 to 2021, I construct a network centrality measure where a country is central if it is integrated with key countries that account for a large share in the supply of tradeable financial assets. I find that currency excess returns and interest rates decrease in network centrality. The network centralities are persistent over time and offer a country-specific economic source of risk that are able to explain robust differences in currency risk premia. Empirical asset pricing tests show that the derived risk factor is priced in a cross-section of currency portfolios. Further, negative global shocks cause currencies of central countries to appreciate, while currencies of peripheral countries depreciate. I discuss the findings with implications of a consumption-based capital asset pricing model where central countries have lower consumption growth in high marginal utility states, resulting in an appreciation of their currencies. Chapter 4: FX Dealer Constraints and External Imbalances We study the impact of FX dealer banks' financial health on the cross-sectional variation of exchange rates. Using individual balance sheet information of 39 dealers, we derive an intermediary constraints index that captures the risk-bearing capacity of intermediaries. A deterioration of the solvency of dealer banks impairs their risk-bearing capacity and increases their marginal value of wealth. We test the theoretical prediction of Gabaix and Maggiori (2015) that tightening financial constraints of intermediaries are associated with increasing currency risk premia in the cross-section of the riskiness of currencies, as measured by the net foreign assets of countries. We combine dealer-specific risks to macroeconomic fundamentals of a cross-section of currencies, i.e., the indebtedness to foreigners measured by countries' net foreign assets. We show that currency excess returns increase with a country's external imbalances when constraints are relaxed, but debtor currencies experience a depreciation when constraints tighten.

John Hugo and an American Catholic Theology of Nature and Grace

Peters, Benjamin T. 16 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Análise de aspectos sociocientíficos em questões de química do Enem: subsídio para a elaboração de material didático para a formação cidadã / Analysis of socio-scientific issues on the questions of chemistry in Enem: subsidy for didatic material elaboration considering the training for citizenship

Stadler, João Paulo 08 December 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Manual didático: o emprego de aspectos sociocientíficos no ensino de química / Empregar sequências didáticas que apresentem aspectos sociocientíficos (ASC) pode ser uma estratégia que possibilite o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades requeridas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e na Matriz de Referência do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), em conjunto com aspectos científicos descritos para o ensino de Química. O emprego de ASC, inclusive em exames de larga escala como o Enem, prescinde da relevância do tema proposto, com o emprego de temas globais, por exemplo; da controvérsia, ou seja, um estímulo ao exercício de argumentação para elaboração e avaliação de hipóteses e tomada de decisão e a relação desses requisitos com os conteúdos científicos. Por meio da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin, sobre questões de Ciências Naturais do Enem de 2009 a 2004, foi traçado um perfil da prova. Contrariamente ao esperado, o Enem apresenta caráter disciplinar e propedêutico, o que reflete os anseios das instituições de ensino superior que passaram a aceitá-lo como forma de ingresso. Em contraste, apresenta, também, poucas questões com que abordam ASC, o que pode causar a desmotivação em empregar a discussão desses aspectos em sala de aula. Desse modo, foi desenvolvido um material que apresenta orientações e exemplos para a realização de práticas que envolvam ASC pode ser um meio de difundir e estimular a utilização de práticas entre professores de Química de modo a discutir, possivelmente, reflexos nas características dos exames do Enem. / To use didactic sequences that consider socio-scientific issues (SSI) perspectives can be a strategy to develop the competences and abilities required on the National Standards (PCN) and on the High School National Exam (Enem) References Guide and the specific objective proposed to Chemistry teaching. The usage of SSI, including in wide-ranging evaluations, such as the Enem, requires the demands: topic relevance, with the usage of global themes for example; controversy, i.e. a stimulus to the development of argumentation to elaborate and evaluate hypothesis and make decision considering the established controversy; and the relation between the two requirements with the scientific knowledge. By using de Content Analysis proposed by Bardin on the question of the National Exam was possible to design an exam profile. In contrary to what was expect as a profile for the Enem, the exam presents a disciplinary and propaedeutic profile, reflecting the Universities needs for their admission process, which can result in an exam with only a few questions with SSI characteristics, demotivating its usage in classes. Therefore, the development of material that presents orientations and examples for SSI activities can be a way to spread the methodology to Chemistry teachers and stimulate its usage and. It can possibly cause chances in Enem characteristics.

Análise de aspectos sociocientíficos em questões de química do Enem: subsídio para a elaboração de material didático para a formação cidadã / Analysis of socio-scientific issues on the questions of chemistry in Enem: subsidy for didatic material elaboration considering the training for citizenship

Stadler, João Paulo 08 December 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Manual didático: o emprego de aspectos sociocientíficos no ensino de química / Empregar sequências didáticas que apresentem aspectos sociocientíficos (ASC) pode ser uma estratégia que possibilite o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades requeridas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e na Matriz de Referência do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), em conjunto com aspectos científicos descritos para o ensino de Química. O emprego de ASC, inclusive em exames de larga escala como o Enem, prescinde da relevância do tema proposto, com o emprego de temas globais, por exemplo; da controvérsia, ou seja, um estímulo ao exercício de argumentação para elaboração e avaliação de hipóteses e tomada de decisão e a relação desses requisitos com os conteúdos científicos. Por meio da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin, sobre questões de Ciências Naturais do Enem de 2009 a 2004, foi traçado um perfil da prova. Contrariamente ao esperado, o Enem apresenta caráter disciplinar e propedêutico, o que reflete os anseios das instituições de ensino superior que passaram a aceitá-lo como forma de ingresso. Em contraste, apresenta, também, poucas questões com que abordam ASC, o que pode causar a desmotivação em empregar a discussão desses aspectos em sala de aula. Desse modo, foi desenvolvido um material que apresenta orientações e exemplos para a realização de práticas que envolvam ASC pode ser um meio de difundir e estimular a utilização de práticas entre professores de Química de modo a discutir, possivelmente, reflexos nas características dos exames do Enem. / To use didactic sequences that consider socio-scientific issues (SSI) perspectives can be a strategy to develop the competences and abilities required on the National Standards (PCN) and on the High School National Exam (Enem) References Guide and the specific objective proposed to Chemistry teaching. The usage of SSI, including in wide-ranging evaluations, such as the Enem, requires the demands: topic relevance, with the usage of global themes for example; controversy, i.e. a stimulus to the development of argumentation to elaborate and evaluate hypothesis and make decision considering the established controversy; and the relation between the two requirements with the scientific knowledge. By using de Content Analysis proposed by Bardin on the question of the National Exam was possible to design an exam profile. In contrary to what was expect as a profile for the Enem, the exam presents a disciplinary and propaedeutic profile, reflecting the Universities needs for their admission process, which can result in an exam with only a few questions with SSI characteristics, demotivating its usage in classes. Therefore, the development of material that presents orientations and examples for SSI activities can be a way to spread the methodology to Chemistry teachers and stimulate its usage and. It can possibly cause chances in Enem characteristics.

La consommation des fruits et des légumes frais : regards de la sociologie professionnelle sur une pratique de la vie quotidienne / Fruits and vegetables consumption : professional sociology's focus on a daily practice

Besse, Vincent 14 October 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est double. D'une part, elle vise à réinterroger les débats internes à la Sociologie qui semblent vouloir opposer une discipline académique et une discipline dite professionnelle. L'enjeu est de montrer en quoi ces deux univers, que certains opposent, ne sont pas s'y éloignés que ça l'un de l'autre ou tout du moins, se rejoignent en de nombreux points et doivent chacun répondre à des contraintes de production du savoir. D'autre part, elle a pour ambition de montrer que la production intellectuelle à la demande, c'est-à-dire celle menée au sein d'une entreprise, peut répondre aux attentes et aux exigences de chaque univers. En prenant pour objet d'étude la consommation des fruits et des légumes, nous avons pu démontrer en premier lieu, grâce à la description et l'analyse transversale des données, à la fois auprès des consommateurs et des professionnels de l'univers des fruits et des légumes, que les résultats ont une dimension opérationnelle forte. Par ailleurs, grâce à la modélisation AEP - Attachement, Expertise, Partage - notre travail de thèse permet d'enrichir les modèles d'analyse théorique déjà existants. L'ambition étant alors d'aller un cran plus loin dans la modélisation puisque notre recherche montre le lien qui existe entre ces trois dimensions et comment elles sont reliées les unes aux autres pour mettre en avant une typologie d'acteurs. / This thesis have a double objective. In one hand, it means to re-interrogate the internal debates that seems to oppose academic and professional Sociology. The goal is to show how these two sides of our discipline, which some oppose, are not that different one from another. It converge in many ways and have to fit with knowledge production constraints. In another hand, it tries to show that intellectual research on demand, which is asked in a company, can meet the expectations and requirements of any universe. By taking fruits and vegetables consumption as object of research we first demonstrated, thanks to the data's description and analysis of professional and consumers close to fruits and vegetables, that the results have a huge operational dimension. By the way, thanks to the AES's modelisation - Attachment, Expertise, Social link - our thesis enriches the analytical theoretical models that already exists. The ambition is to go further into the modelisation by defining a consumer's typology and to show that a link subsists between these three dimensions and behavioural structures, dependents one to another.

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