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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and testing of a novel human-powered generator device as a backup solution to power Cranfield´s Nano-Membrane Toilet

Perez Lopez, Eloy 04 1900 (has links)
In today’s world there are 2.6 billion people that lack basic sanitation (37% of world inhabitants). In August of 2012, Cranfield University was awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $810,000 to produce a prototype of the Cranfield’s innovative Nano-membrane Toilet (NMT). Finally, the prototype is going to be exhibited at the “Reinvent the Toilet Fair” during 21st and 22nd of March 2014 in the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi (India). Cranfield’s NMT demands electricity for its daily performance. Nevertheless, it is targeted to off-grid communities. Consequently, a human-powered generator (HPG) was selected as a backup solution. The current MSc by Research aimed to design and test of a prototype of the aforesaid HPG. Moreover, to promote its usage, a portable power supply unit is designed to store energy and power small-loads like charging mobile phones and electric lighting. To select the most suitable design for our case study, a methodology using the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution has been developed. As a result the plugged-in bike HPG alternative was selected. Next, prototypes of this generator and the portable power supply unit were developed, tested and shipped for display. While testing of the plugged-in generator and portable power supply unit, 26 Watt-hours (Wh) were harvested over 15 minutes, with its corresponding average charging power of 105 Watts. Nevertheless, the present study concludes 96 Wh as a more accurate energy level to be harvested during one hour of pedalling. Considering 96 Wh of energy, a round-trip battery efficiency of 70% (lead-acid), and a NMT’s demand of 283 Wh; a 10 people household needs to pedal the HPG over 4 hours and 20 minutes. Nevertheless, if considering an 85% inverter efficiency, 57.12 Wh are available to fully charge one mobile phone (5.6 Wh) and provide 4.5 hours of room and desk lighting (11 Watts bulb).

Nursing Practice and Decision-Making Process in Response to Monitor Alarms among Critical Care Nurses

Schatz, Marilyn Rose, Schatz, Marilyn Rose January 2016 (has links)
Background: Alarm interpretation and management are fundamental to managing critically ill patients. 1 There is little research as to the decision process nurses use to prioritize alarms or manage specific monitor parameters. Objective: The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the intricacy of the intensive care unit (ICU) nurses'critical decision process, using a human performance framework, when responding to monitor alarms. Method: Design: Descriptive design using semi-structured interview. Open-ended questions were developed based on the critical decision method (CDM) to explore ICU nurses' critical decision making process related to monitor alarms. Sixteen ICU nurses at a community hospital were interviewed to elicit perceptions and thought processes related to monitor alarms. Results: Responses to monitor alarms were affected by nursing experience, tones of the alarm, nurses' knowledge of the patient's condition as well as immediate visualization of patient to judge the urgency of an alarm. Both advanced beginner and expert nurses had similar initial response to monitor alarms; however, expert nurses added depth to their immediate assessment process by using previous experiences, intuition, and clinical expertise. Advanced beginner nurses frequently look to expert nurses for advice, guidance, and examples of clinical expertise. The majority of nurses had little or no formal training on the cardiac monitors used by that facility and all felt it would be beneficial in monitor alarm management. Conclusion: Understanding the decision-making process used by nurses can guide the development of policies and learning experiences that are crucial clinical support for alarm management.

Balanced Artistry: Describing and Explaining Expert Teacher Practice as Adaptive Expertise

Graham, Nina 09 April 2014 (has links)
This work was possible through the support of my personal and professional families. Personally, my husband Brad was my continual encourager through each phase of this journey. This accomplishment is as much his as mine. Also, through this process I feel I have matured at the hands of the Lord through His careful, peaceful leading within the many nuanced steps of completing the doctoral program. Professionally, the ladies forming my doctoral committee have been more than advisors, but mentors. Their thoughtful counsel helped me feel capable throughout the many phases of becoming a researcher and scholar, yet they offered insight always with attention to the aspects of life that keep us whole outside of our work

Informationsbehov hos förstainsatspersoner, SOS Alarm och blåljusaktörer vid räddningsinsatser

Ericsson, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Tillgång till relevant information är av stor vikt för SOS Alarm, polis, ambulans, räddningstjänst och förstainsatspersoner. Likaså kan brist på information försvåra en räddningsinsats då det kan orsaka en försämrad situationsmedvetenhet hos aktörerna som kan göra det svårare för dem att fatta goda beslut. En utforskande studie utfördes för att ge en första inblick i vilken information som är viktig för dessa aktörer, vilken information de använder sig av, vilken information de saknar och hur tillgången till information kan påverka situationsmedvetenheten hos aktörerna. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med Critical decision method som utgångspunkt utfördes med nio deltagare där fokus låg på informationsbehov. Två huvudsakliga informationsområden visade sig vara en beskrivning av olyckan och dess geografiskt läge. En del försvårande omständigheter som kan förhindra flödet av information mellan aktörerna kunde även urskiljas. Ett vanligt förekommande problem, framförallt för SOS Alarm och blåljusaktörer, är att förstainsatspersoner inte alltid stannar på olycksplatser vilket kan orsaka en brist på information både gällande olyckans geografiska läge och detaljer kring vad som hänt. Utifrån det uppkomna resultatet föreslås att den teknik som nyttjas i framtiden bör utvecklas så att den stödjer aktörernas situationsmedvetenhet.

Proposal and Evaluation of a Database Data Model Decision Method / Förslag och utvärdering av en beslutsmetod för databasmodeller

Hauzenberger, Sabina, Lindholm Brandt, Emil January 2020 (has links)
A common problem when choosing a data model for a database is that there are many aspects to take into consideration–making the decision difficult and time-consuming. Therefore this work aims to create a decision method that enhances the decision by making it more suitable for the use-case at hand as well as making it quicker. First, the Analytical Hierarchy Process, a multi-criteria decision method, was identified as a suitable framework that the created decision method was based on. It was developed iteratively and later validated through a survey at Omegapoint. The survey had 27 respondents, but 14 answers were discarded due to being too unreliable, which led to a total of 13 utilized responses. The decision method was implemented in a web application to simplify the survey process, where the respondents use the web application, and answered some follow up questions about the web application’s result and process. It was found that it is possible to create a decision method which makes the choice of a data model quicker and better suited for the use-case. The method is reliable among a subsample of the respondents in the survey as 11 out of 13 respondents found the decision method’s result to be reasonable. However, the small sample size makes it impossible to draw any statistical conclusions of the reliability of the decision method. Additionally, the decision method helps to make the decision quicker, but this is only proven among the respondents in the survey. Based on the results, we conclude that it is possible to create a decision method which makes the decision quicker and better suited for the use-case. However this is only proved among the survey respondents, and a future work could aim to repeat the validation in order to statistically validate the reliability of the decision method. / Ett vanligt problem vid valet av datamodell för en databas är att det finns många aspekter att ta hänsyn till–vilket gör valet svårt och tidskrävande. Detta arbete försöker därför skapa en beslutsmetod som kan förbättra beslutet genom att göra det snabbare och bättre anpassat för användningsområdet. Först valdes Analytical Hierarchy Process, en multikriterie-beslutsmetod, som grund till den framtagna beslutsmetoden. Beslutsmetoden utvecklades iterativt och validerades sedan genom en undersökning på Omegapoint. Undersökningen hade 27 respondenter, men 14 svar plockades bort då de var för inkonsekventa, vilket ledde till att 13 svar användes till slut. I undersökningen använde deltagarna en webb applikation, baserad på beslutsmetoden, och svarade sedan på några frågor och gav feedback om artefaktens resultat och process. Resultaten visade att det är möjligt att skapa en beslutsmetod som gör valet av datamodell snabbare och bättre anpassat för användningsområdet. Metoden anses vara träffsäker bland deltagarna i undersökningen, där 11 av 13 ansåg att resultatet var rimligt. Däremot kan arbetet inte dra några statistiska slutsatser om hur träffsäker metoden är generellt på grund av det låga antalet deltagare i undersökningen. Utöver en god tillförlitlighet, bidrar metoden till ett snabbare beslut, men detta kan endast bevisas för deltagargruppen i undersökningen. Givet resultaten kan vi dra slutsatsen att det är möjligt att skapa en beslutsmetod som gör valet av datamodell snabbare och bättre anpassat för användningsområdet. Detta kan däremot endast kan bevisas för deltagargruppen i undersökningen och därför föreslås att ett framtida arbete skulle kunna upprepa valideringen med en större deltagargrupp för att kunna fastslå modellens tillförlitlighet statistiskt.

Uso de método de decisão multi-critério para seleção de um fornecedor de moldes para fundição de autopeças

Rodrigo Lemos Pereira 09 June 2011 (has links)
The complexity in the vehicles production process is due mainly to the large number of Assembled components that are generally characterized by a high technological content. The castings, one of these components, fit perfectly in this category and they only can be made at a competitive quality and cost level if a proper tooling is available. The molds and dies manufacturing process requires modern computer technologies and materials of high reliability and performance. Although made to mass production, toolings are unique products whose manufacturing requires technical knowledge and familiarity with the casting process where they will be employed. The selection of a casting tooling supplier is usually a complicated and time- consuming issue. The decision process is based on several criteria that can be conflicting or superposed, objective or subjective. In the present paper the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to select a tooling supplier for the manufacturing of a transmission housing by the die casting process. Several qualitative and quantitative criteria for the tooling supplier selection were identified through the technical literature review and discussion with foundry specialists. Subsequently, the criteria hierarchy was established in three levels and comparison matrixes were developed to determine the priorities among them. The consistency ratio for each matrix was calculated and the final score of each potential supplier was determined. The study was concluded with a sensitivity analysis that contributed to confirm the choice of the selected supplier. The application of the methodology improved the selection process by reducing the subjectivity and by weighing the major selection criteria. / A complexidade no processo de produção de veículos deve-se, entre outras razões, aos inúmeros componentes utilizados na montagem, que em geral tem elevado conteúdo tecnológico. Os fundidos enquadram-se perfeitamente nesta categoria e somente podem ser produzidos com qualidade e custo competitivo com o emprego de moldes apropriados. A fabricação destes moldes é feita usando-se modernas tecnologias computacionais e materiais de alto desempenho e confiabilidade. Embora destinados à produção em massa, cada molde é um produto único cuja manufatura requer conhecimento técnico específico e familiaridade com o processo de fundição onde serão utilizados. A escolha de um fornecedor para moldes de fundição é normalmente um problema complicado e que consome tempo, a análise envolve múltiplos critérios, que podem ser conflitantes ou superpostos, objetivos ou subjetivos. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar a utilização do processo hierárquico analítico (AHP) para selecionar um fornecedor de um molde para uso no processo de fundição sob pressão, para produção de uma carcaça de transmissão. Através da revisão de literatura técnica e contatos com especialistas, diversos critérios qualitativos e quantitativos foram identificados para a escolha do fornecedor. Posteriormente estes critérios foram hierarquizados em três níveis e as prioridades entre eles identificadas em matrizes de comparação. A seguir, calculou-se a razão de consistência para cada uma das matrizes e obteve-se o escore final de cada fornecedor em potencial. O estudo foi concluído com uma análise de sensibilidade, que contribuiu para ratificar a escolha do fornecedor selecionado. A aplicação do método melhorou o processo de seleção pela redução da subjetividade e pela ponderação dos critérios julgados importantes em um fabricante de moldes complexos.

L'évaluation des performances des organisations implémentant les métodes Lean Manufacturing et Six Sigma : Application aux industries françaises / Evaluation of the performance of organizations that implemented Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methods : application to French industries

Alhuraish, Ibrahim 05 July 2016 (has links)
De nombreuses industries ont mené des recherches en vue de choisir la méthode appropriée afin d'améliorer les résultats, notamment Lean manufacturing et Six Sigma. Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse principalement à l’influence de l’implémentation de ces méthodes au sein des entreprises françaises, selon trois critères : financier, opérationnel et innovation. Les résultats de nos recherches montrent que les entreprises, appliquant Lean manufacturing et Six Sigma, sont plus efficacies pour l'amélioration des performances en matières financière et opérationnelle. Par ailleurs, les entreprises qui utilisent juste une partie des pratiques de Lean manufacturing et/ou de Six Sigma ont montré des améliorations limitées. En ce qui concerne le volet innovation, nous avons montré que l’implémentation de Lean manufacturing est suffisante pour avoir une amélioration des performances. En outre, nous avons constaté que les pratiques de Lean manufacturing et Six Sigma, telles que One Piece Flow, Kanban, 5S, etc. contribuent fortement à l’amélioration des performances. Les résultats statistiques montrent également que les facteurs clés, de la réussite de la mise en place de Lean et Six Sigma, peuvent être significativement différents selon la méthode. / Many industries conduct research in order to decide on the appropriate methodology for delivering optimal performance outcomes such as Lean Manufacturing or Six Sigma. Therefore, this research shows the influence of different categories based on the implementation method against three criteria: financial performance, operational performance and innovation performance. Research results indicate that companies implementing Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma were more effective in improving company performance across financial and operational dynamics. Additionally, it shows companies who implemented Lean Manufacturing only saw improvements in innovation performance. Moreover, we found that Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma practices such as One Piece Flow, Kanban, 5S, etc, supported increases in companies’ performance. The statistical results also show that the key factors for the success of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma implementation could differ depending on the method employed.

Processamento e análise digital de imagens em estudos da cinética de recristalização de ligas Al-Mg-X / Processing and analysis of digital images in studies of recrystallization kinectics of Al-Mg-X alloys

Ignacio, Juliano da Silva 11 November 2013 (has links)
O Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens é utilizado cada vez mais para agilizar processos, aumentar a precisão, segurança e confiabilidade de dados extraídos de imagens nas mais diversas áreas de pesquisa. No entanto, muitas vezes é necessário que o pesquisador faça, ele próprio, o pré-processamento das imagens, mesmo não sendo um especialista nesta área. Isto coloca em risco o próprio objetivo do uso do Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens. Este trabalho analisa a relação dos dados extraídos de uma imagem (micrografia) através do software livre ImageJ com relação ao seu processamento final desejado, avaliando assim, a necessidade ou não, de uma ou mais sequencias de pré-processamento para adequar a imagem para o processamento final, indicando ainda quais fatores de influência apresentam informações irrelevantes ou incompletas para o processamento final utilizando ferramentas da Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que esta abordagem carece de informações diversificadas sobre a imagem original capturada que possam subsidiar a tomada de decisão quanto aos procedimentos necessários e, para o pré-processamento adequado ao objetivo desejado. / Processing and Analysis of Digital Images is increasingly used to streamline processes, improve accuracy, safety and reliability of data extracted from images in various research areas. However, it is often necessary for the researcher to make himself, the preprocessing of images, although not an expert in this area. This puts at risk the very purpose of using the Processing and Analysis of Digital Images. This paper analyzes the relationship of the data extracted from an image (micrograph) through the free software ImageJ, with respect to its desired final processing. Thus, evaluating the necessity or not, of one or more sequences of preprocessing to adjust the image to the final processing, further indicating which factors influence presents incomplete or irrelevant information for final processing using tools of Annotaded Paraconsistent Logic. The results show that this approach lacks diversified information about the original image captured that can support decision making about procedures for appropriate preprocessing to the desired goal.

Processamento e análise digital de imagens em estudos da cinética de recristalização de ligas Al-Mg-X / Processing and analysis of digital images in studies of recrystallization kinectics of Al-Mg-X alloys

Juliano da Silva Ignacio 11 November 2013 (has links)
O Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens é utilizado cada vez mais para agilizar processos, aumentar a precisão, segurança e confiabilidade de dados extraídos de imagens nas mais diversas áreas de pesquisa. No entanto, muitas vezes é necessário que o pesquisador faça, ele próprio, o pré-processamento das imagens, mesmo não sendo um especialista nesta área. Isto coloca em risco o próprio objetivo do uso do Processamento e Análise Digital de Imagens. Este trabalho analisa a relação dos dados extraídos de uma imagem (micrografia) através do software livre ImageJ com relação ao seu processamento final desejado, avaliando assim, a necessidade ou não, de uma ou mais sequencias de pré-processamento para adequar a imagem para o processamento final, indicando ainda quais fatores de influência apresentam informações irrelevantes ou incompletas para o processamento final utilizando ferramentas da Lógica Paraconsistente Anotada. Os resultados obtidos mostram que esta abordagem carece de informações diversificadas sobre a imagem original capturada que possam subsidiar a tomada de decisão quanto aos procedimentos necessários e, para o pré-processamento adequado ao objetivo desejado. / Processing and Analysis of Digital Images is increasingly used to streamline processes, improve accuracy, safety and reliability of data extracted from images in various research areas. However, it is often necessary for the researcher to make himself, the preprocessing of images, although not an expert in this area. This puts at risk the very purpose of using the Processing and Analysis of Digital Images. This paper analyzes the relationship of the data extracted from an image (micrograph) through the free software ImageJ, with respect to its desired final processing. Thus, evaluating the necessity or not, of one or more sequences of preprocessing to adjust the image to the final processing, further indicating which factors influence presents incomplete or irrelevant information for final processing using tools of Annotaded Paraconsistent Logic. The results show that this approach lacks diversified information about the original image captured that can support decision making about procedures for appropriate preprocessing to the desired goal.

User Experience Influenced Model for Comparing Application Development Tools

Mileikowsky, Celine, Porling, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
There are many possible tools to develop mobile applications with. Choosing a development tool is done by considering many different factors, and the choice is currently done, in many cases, arbitrarily. For this project, a decision model is designed to ease the process of choosing a development tool. A survey was conducted to examine how people using different smartphone platforms discover and download applications. 94 responses were collected, showing that approximately 50% of Android-users found mobile applications by using search engines or browsers. The corresponding number was approximately 30% for iOS-users. A usability test was conducted to discover the differences in user experience between Progressive Web Applications and native applications. 18 usability tests were conducted comparing the same product developed as a Progressive Web Application and a native application. A majority of the participants had a technical background. Both Android and iOS devices were included in the tests. The results indicated that end-users notice when an application is not natively developed. The effect on the user experience is combined with other technical differences and applied to the decision model. This model was designed to predict if a native application, a Progressive Web Application or a React Native application is the most favourable to develop for a specific scenario. The final model could, according to consultants at the stakeholder Slagkryssaren AB, with good accuracy predict when the different development tools should be used. The model could be used as a discussion tool in the first stages of the development process of an application. / Det finns många möjliga verktyg för att utveckla mobila applikationer. Valet av utvecklingsverktyg görs genom att överväga många olika faktorer, och görs idag i många fall högst godtyckligt. För det här projektet designades en beslutsmodell som förenklar processen av att välja ett utecklingsverktyg. En undersökning gjordes för att undersöka hur användare av olika smartphone- plattformar upptäcker och laddar ner applikationer. 94 svar samlades, svaren visade att ungefär 50% av Android-användare hittade mobila applikationer genom internetsökningar eller webbläsare. Denna siffran var ungefär 30% för iOS-användare. Ett användarbarhetstest utfördes för att finna skillnader i användarupplevelse mellan progressiva webbapplikationer och native-applikationer. En majoritet av deltagarna hade en teknisk bakgrund. Både Android- och iOS-enheter testades. Resultatet tydde på att slutanvändare la märke till när en applikation inte utvecklades som en native-applikation. Effekten på användarvänligheten, kombinerat med tekniska skillnader mellan verktygen, tillämpades på beslutsmodellen. Modellen designades för att förutse om en native-applikation, en progressiva webbapplikation eller en React Native- applikation är mest fördelaktig att utveckla i ett specifikt scenario. Den slutgiltiga modellen kunde, enligt konsulter på uppdragsgivaren Slagkryssaren AB, med god precision avgöra när de olika utvecklingsverktygen bör nyttjas. Modellens användning blev som ett diskussionsverktyg i de första stadierna av processen med att välja utvecklingsvektyg.

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