Spelling suggestions: "subject:"expressiveness"" "subject:"suppressiveness""
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Suaugusiųjų prieraišumo sąsajos su nerimastingumu ir depresiškumu / The connection between adult attachment, anxiety and depressivenessBalsevičienė, Birutė 28 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti suaugusiųjų prieraišumo ir nerimastingumo bei depresiškumo sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 273 Kauno miesto gyventojai, iš jų 181 (66,3%) moteris ir 92 (33,7%) vyrai. Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis 35,19±11,28. Tyrime buvo naudotos metodikos: • Suaugusiųjų prieraišumo skalė (Multi – Item Measure of Ault Attachment, vėliau pavadinta - The Experiences in Close Relationships scale (ECR) K. Brennan et.al., 1998). • Zung depresijos skalė (Zung depression inventory, W.W. K. Zung et.al., 1965) • Būsenos- bruožo nerimo nustatymo metodikos nerimo kaip bruožo skalė (Trait Anxiety Inventory - Trait Form (Spielberger); • Rosenberg savivertės skalė (The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Rosenberg, M., 1965). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad saugiai prieraišiems asmenims būdingas mažiausiai išreikštas depresiškumas ir nerimastingumas, o baimingam - vengiančiam prieraišumo tipui – labiausiai išreikštas nerimastingumas ir depresiškumas. Tiriamųjų savivertė pilnai įtakoja depresiškumo ir prieraišumo sąsajas (pilnos mediacijos modelis), o nerimastingumo ir prieraišumo sąsajas įtakoja iš dalies (dalinės mediacijos modelis). / The aim of the study was to assess the connection between adult attachment, anxiety and depressiveness. The subjects of the study were 273 men and women (181 (66, 3 per cent) women and 92 (33,7 per cent) men. The mean of the age of subjects was 35, 19±11,28. These methods were used for investigation: • Multi – Item Measure of Adult Attachment or The Experiences in Close Relationships scale (ECR) K. Brennan et.al., 1998; • Zung depression inventory, W.W. K. Zung et.al., 1965; • Trait Anxiety Inventory - Trait Form (Spielberger); • The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, M. Rosenberg, 1965. The results of the study showed that save attached subjects are least depressed and have least anxiety as trait. Disoriented subjects have are more depressed than other and have more anxiety as trait than the other subjects. Self – esteem of subjects is mediator of attachment and depressiveness connection (full mediation model) and mediator of attachment and anxiety as trait connection (part mediation model).
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Inter-twin and parent-twin relationships and mental health:a study of twins from adolescence to young adulthoodTrias, T. (Tuulikki) 26 September 2006 (has links)
The sample consisted of 419 twins, born in 1965–1973, from Northern Finland who had been followed at ten-year intervals, at 2–10 years, 12–20 years and at 22–30 years of age. Data on psychosomatic symptoms, parent-twin and inter-twin relationships were elicited, and twins completed the Children's Depression Inventory modified for age.
Middle adolescence appeared to be the most difficult phase of puberty for twins as far as depressive and psychosomatic/somatic symptoms were concerned. When different twin pairs were evaluated separately, the males of opposite-sex twin pairs seemed to be in the most favourable position, particularly in late adolescence, as they reported least depressive symptoms.
Depressive and psychosomatic symptoms were evaluated in relation to parental preference among young adult twins. Parental preference was evaluated in two directions: which one of the parents was reported to feel as being closer to the twin – experienced parental preference evaluated by the twin, and which one of the parents the twin felt closer to – twin's own preference. Those males who were equally close to both parents (experienced parental preference) had least total depressiveness, while females in intermediate situation had the highest self-confidence and least anhedonia and nervousness. According to twins' own preference, twins who felt equally close to both parents had least total depressiveness and anhedonia. The intermediate position seems to be the best alternative, as these twins had the least symptoms.
Psychosomatic and depressive symptoms were evaluated in relation to co-twin dependence in young adult twins. MZ twins, especially MZ females, reported most often co-twin dependence at all ages. There were no significant differences in depressive symptoms between dependent and independent twins. Twin's subjective experience about co-twin dependence appeared to be important for the twin's mental well-being, as dependence-independence imbalance within twin pair was associated with elevated levels of depressive symptom reporting, especially in twins who perceived themselves as dependent and the co-twin as independent.
Dominance-submissiveness between co-twins and its relationship to mental health was assessed in young adulthood. Dominance-submissiveness in the twin relationships was assessed separately in three domains of life: physical and psychological dominance-submissiveness and the role of a spokesperson. Submissiveness in the psychological domain seemed to be associated with increased depressiveness, nervous complaints and psychosomatic symptoms in males of male-female twin pairs. Among females of same-sex twin pairs, submissiveness in the psychological domain was most clearly associated with depressive symptoms.
We conclude that being submissive, especially in the psychological domain, to a female twin partner seems to be stressful, whereas it is easier, especially for females, to be submissive to a male twin partner. This was in contrast to co-twin dependency, which was experienced positively when occurring towards a twin sister.
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Nová média ve vztahu k depresivitě a suicidalitě u adolescentů / New Media in Relation to Depressiveness and Suicidality in AdolescentsBechyňová, Laura January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is entitled "New Media in Relation to Depressiveness and Suicidality in Adolescents". The theoretical part of the work defines terms related to suicidal behavior and defines adolescence period, further addressses suicidal behavior in adolescents and its epidemiology, risk and protective factors. In the next part, the thesis focuses on adolescent depressiveness and the characteristics of new media. Internet addiction and relationship to depressive symptomatic or suicidal behavior are described in particular. The empirical part of the thesis describes a research project dedicated to examining internet addiction in relation to depressiveness and suicidal risk in late adolescence. The research sample consists of 201 students from various high schools in Prague. Data acquisition methods included the Questionnaire for Determination of Suicide Risk (FBS), the Scale of depressiveness Dolejš, Skopal, Suchá (SDDSS) and the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) questionnaire. The results confirmed that internet addiction is significantly correlated with both depressiveness and suicidal risk. Furthermore, business academy students have been shown to have significantly higher rates of depression than grammar school students. Significant gender difference was shown in the suicidal risk rate which was...
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Sveikatos kontrolės lokuso, depresiškumo ir agresyvumo palyginimas bei tarpusavio sąsajos sveikų ir sergančių širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis asmenų gupėse / Health locus of control, depressiveness and aggressiveness interface and comparison between cardiovascular disease patients and healthy populationBalsytė, Grytė 21 June 2011 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojama sveikatos kontrolės lokuso, depresiškumo, agresyvumo tarpusavio sasąjos bei skirtumai sergančiųjų širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis bei sveikų suaugusiųjų grupėse.
Tyrime dalyvavo 203 tiriamieji, t.y. 100 širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis sergančių, stacionare besigydančių pacientų, ir 103 sveiki suaugę, kurie sudarė kontrolinę grupę. Apklausti 88 vyrai (43,3 proc.) ir 115 moterų (56,7 proc.) kurių amžiaus pasiskirstymas 35-89 metai, o vidurkis 62,21 metų (SD.=10,855).
Sveikatos kontrolės lokusas nustatytas Daugiamate sveikatos kontrolės lokuso skale, A forma (MHLC-Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale; Wallston, Wallston, DeVellis, 1978), depresiškumas įvertintas Beko depresijos klausimynu (BDI-Beck Depression Inventory; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, Erbaugh, 1961), agresyvumas - Perkeltos agresijos klausimynu (DAQ- The Displaced Aggression Questionnaire; Denson, Pedersen, Miller, 2006).
Sergantys širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis labiau, nei sveiki pasižymi depresiškumu ir agresyvumu emociniame bei kognityviniame lygmenyse. Pacientams labiau būdingas išorinis kitų poveikio, o vyrams ir vidinis sveikatos kontrolės lokusas. Moterims būdingas stipriau išreikštas agresyvumas emociniame lygmenyje bei kitų poveikio sveikatos kontrolės lokusas lyginant su vyrais. Jaunesnis pacientų amžius susijęs su aukštesniu agresyvumo lygiu, tačiau vyresni vyrai, priešingai, stipriau išreiškia agresyvumą elgesiu, o moterys – depresiškumą. Priklausomai nuo šeimyninės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study is to analyse health locus of control, depressiveness and aggressivness interface and comparison between cardiovascular disease patients and healthy population.
There were 203 participants in this study, 100 were in-patients with cardiovascular disease and 103 control group healthy adults. 88 of them were men (43,3 %) and 115 women (56,7 %) between 35 and 89 years of age, mean of age is 62,21 years (SD.=10,855).
Health locus of control was assassed with Multidimesional Health Locus of Control Scale, A form (MHLC; Wallston, Wallston, DeVellis, 1978). Depessiveness was assessed with Beck Depression Inventory (BD; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, Erbaugh, 1961) and aggressiveness - with The Displaced Aggression Questionnaire (DAQ; Denson, Pedersen, Miller, 2006).
Patients with cardiovascular disease are more depressive and express more aggressiveness in affective and cognitive dimensions comparing with healthy population. Patients are more prone to external powerful others health locus of control, also men – to inner health locus of control. Women express higher scores in affective dimension agressiveness and powerful others health locus of control in comparison to men. Lower age is related with higher expressed aggressiveness in patients group, but, conversely, older men express higher behavioral displaced aggression, and women – depressiveness. There were no significant differences according to family state, in contrast to healthy population, what shows that... [to full text]
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Patirtų negatyvių situacijų, depresiškumo ir įsitikinimų (pagal kognityvinę - elgesio teoriją) sąsajos su nuteistų vyrų tyčiniu savęs žalojimu / The links of experienced negative situations, depressiveness and beliefs (according to cognitive - behaviour theory) with convicted men’s deliberate self-harmJakutonytė, Jolanta 03 June 2013 (has links)
Lietuvoje yra nedaug mokslinių tyrimų apie įkalintų asmenų tyčinį savęs žalojimą, susijusį su savižudybės rizika. Užsienio šalių moksliniais tyrimais nustatomos įkalintų asmenų tyčinio savęs žalojimo sąsajos su negatyviomis situacijomis ir depresiškumu yra nevienareikšmės. Įkalintų asmenų tyčinio savęs žalojimo atsiradimui gali būti svarbūs stabilesni asmenybiniai veiksniai, kaip kertiniai įsitikinimai.
Tyrimo tikslas. Nustatyti patirtų negatyvių situacijų, depresiškumo ir kertinių įsitikinimų (pagal kognityvinę - elgesio teoriją) sąsajas su nuteistų vyrų tyčiniu savęs žalojimu.
Tiriamieji. Tyrime savanoriškai dalyvavo 168 nuteisti vyrai, kalintys Pravieniškių pataisos namuose – atvirojoje kolonijoje. Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis – 29,39 metai.
Tyrimo metodai. Duomenys buvo renkami, naudojant: Tyčinio savęs žalojimo skalė – sutrumpinta versija (DSHI-s), Kongityvinės triados skalė (CTI), Depresiškumo skalė (CES-D), Negatyvių situacijų įkalinimo įstaigoje skalė. Taip pat tiriamiesiems buvo pateikiami klausimai apie jų sociodemografinius, kriminogeninius rodiklius bei save žalojantį elgesį praeityje.
Tyrimo išvados. Tyčia save žalojusių nuteistų vyrų kertiniai įsitikinimai apie save, pasaulį ir ateitį yra negatyvesni nei savęs nežalojusių nuteistų vyrų. Nuteistų vyrų negatyvesni kertiniai įsitikinimai apie ateitį yra susiję su didesne tyčinio savęs žalojimo tikimybe, atsižvelgus į tyčiniam savęs žalojimui reikšmingus šalutinius veiksnius: tyčinį savęs žalojimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The number of scientific researches about deliberate self-harm that are associated with the risk of suicide among incarcerated persons is not plentiful. The results of scientific researches in foreign countries about the associations of deliberate self-harm with negative situations and depressiveness among incarcerated persons are not unambiguous. Therefore it might be important more stable personality factors such as core beliefs for the deliberate self- harm of incarcerated persons.
Research aim. The aim of the study was to identify the links of experienced negative situations, depressiveness and core beliefs (according to cognitive-behaviour theory) with convicted men’s deliberated self-harm.
Research participants. The research included 168 convicted men in Pravieniskes Correction House-Open Prison Colony. The average age of research participants is 29,39.
Research methodology. The data was gathered using psychological assessment methods: Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory-short version (DSHI-s), Cognitive Triad Inventory (CTI), The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Negative Situations in Prison Scale. Also was asked about sociodemographic, criminogenic factors and self - harm behaviour in the past.
Research conclusions. The convicted men who deliberately self-harmed have more negative core beliefs about themselves, the world and the future than convicted men who do not deliberately self-harmed. The more negative core beliefs about the... [to full text]
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Type-D Personality in Unemployed Subjects: Prevalence, Self-Efficacy and Heart Rate Variability/Autonomic ResponsePetrowski, Katja, Wendt, Katharina, Wichmann, Susann, Siepmann, Martin 09 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Unemployment may impair mental and physical health. The influencing factors causing such negative effects are relevant from an individual and public health perspective. The personality as one possible influencing factor was discussed. This study investigated the prevalence of the type-D personality in an unemployed population and its connections to socio-demographic, psychological and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters.
Methods: A questionnaire set including socio-demographics, type-D scale (DS14), Complaint list (BL), Beck-Depression-Inventory II (BDI-II) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) was handed out to 203 unemployed individuals [126 females, mean age ± SD: 42.36 ± 11.08]. For HRV assessment (RMSSD), a subsample of 83 participants [50 females, median age ± IQR: 47.00 ± 17.00] passed the “stress-tests” (timed breathing, d2-attention-stress-test, math test) while heart frequency (HF) was acquired via the Stressball software (BioSign GmbH, Ottenhofen, Germany).
Results: 53% of the unemployed had a type-D personality. Compared to non-type-D individuals, type-D individuals had rarely children and by trend a lower educational level; they showed significantly higher scores in the BDI-II and lower scores in the GSE and BL. No differences were observed in mean HF or RMSSD during all the stress-tests.
Conclusion: The HRV of individuals with a type-D personality is no worse than that of individuals without a type-D personality. Type-D personality was significantly associated with negative health effects regarding depressiveness, self-efficacy and physical complaints. Our main findings implicate that the DS14 could serve as a short and reliable screening instrument to select concerned unemployed individuals who might be at risk for negative health effects for adequate intervention.
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Type-D Personality in Unemployed Subjects: Prevalence, Self-Efficacy and Heart Rate Variability/Autonomic ResponsePetrowski, Katja, Wendt, Katharina, Wichmann, Susann, Siepmann, Martin 09 November 2017 (has links)
Background: Unemployment may impair mental and physical health. The influencing factors causing such negative effects are relevant from an individual and public health perspective. The personality as one possible influencing factor was discussed. This study investigated the prevalence of the type-D personality in an unemployed population and its connections to socio-demographic, psychological and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters.
Methods: A questionnaire set including socio-demographics, type-D scale (DS14), Complaint list (BL), Beck-Depression-Inventory II (BDI-II) and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) was handed out to 203 unemployed individuals [126 females, mean age ± SD: 42.36 ± 11.08]. For HRV assessment (RMSSD), a subsample of 83 participants [50 females, median age ± IQR: 47.00 ± 17.00] passed the “stress-tests” (timed breathing, d2-attention-stress-test, math test) while heart frequency (HF) was acquired via the Stressball software (BioSign GmbH, Ottenhofen, Germany).
Results: 53% of the unemployed had a type-D personality. Compared to non-type-D individuals, type-D individuals had rarely children and by trend a lower educational level; they showed significantly higher scores in the BDI-II and lower scores in the GSE and BL. No differences were observed in mean HF or RMSSD during all the stress-tests.
Conclusion: The HRV of individuals with a type-D personality is no worse than that of individuals without a type-D personality. Type-D personality was significantly associated with negative health effects regarding depressiveness, self-efficacy and physical complaints. Our main findings implicate that the DS14 could serve as a short and reliable screening instrument to select concerned unemployed individuals who might be at risk for negative health effects for adequate intervention.
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Klíčová motivika české dekadentní a parnasitní lyriky / Key thems of Parnasist and Decadent lyric poetry in the Czech LiteratureROLNÍKOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a characterisation of key motivic units in lyrical works of Jaroslav Vrchlický and Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic, thus it explores Czech parnassian and decadent poetry of the end of 19th century. It observes and traces literal, esthetical and thought shifts of both authors from the aspect of various motives usage. The thesis is divided into five chapters, each of them dealing with one specific motivic unit. The chapters are: 1. Motives of woman, body and sexuality. 2. Motives of dream, imaginary and escape. 3. Motives of dying, disease and decay. 4. Motives of depressiveness, grief, bitterness and vanity. 5. Motives of nature and landscape. Each chapter compares these motives, examines their usage by both authors and looks at how their form and expression undergo a process of certain changes. It also focuses on those motives that appear as completely new elements in their poetry. The conclusion provides with brief summaries of all chapters and a short look through frequency word dictionary of relevant volumes of poems.
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