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Automatický tarifikační systém telefonních hovorů / Automated accounting system of phone callsKondler, Radim January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the numbering plan, PBX, tariffs, draft disable tariff system and its possible extensions. Within numbering plans work deals with shapes of national and international figures, describes different types of these numbers, description of the structure and definition of fields, including the length of these fields. Within countries and regions of the Czech Republic are given individual prefix for both fixed and mobile networks. There are mentioned special shapes that are different in length compared to standard types. All these types of shapes are listed according to ITU-T. Within the exchanges are given generation switches, PBXs use within the telephone network and a description of the selected functions. Furthermore, there are kinds of pricing and options of valuation call. The work contains a description of automated acconting system, according to the principle of work of the program and a description of the individual steps and functions that thanks to the cooperation process individually each calls, convert numbers to international form, assigns the call tariff and appreciate the call according to the tariff. Finally, there are described possible extensions of this automated acconting system.
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Vivre l'Éverest : la coproduction des corps, du paysage et de l'espace propre au Khumbu népalaisPaquet, Pierre-Alexandre 18 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la production des corps, du paysage et de l’espace dans le Khumbu népalais, région mieux connue par les touristes nombreux qui s’y rendent sous le nom de région de l’Everest et où les Sherpas ont établi leur résidence depuis près de cinq siècles. L’analyse qui étaye cette étude puise conceptuellement dans le champ de l’anthropologie de l’environnement. Si d’un coté le paysage du Khumbu témoigne de la riche texture des pratiques traditionnelles des Sherpas, d’un autre côté le développement actuel des moyens touristiques au nom du dyptique de la conservation et du développement multiplie les agents responsables de sa production et agrège le Khumbu dans un espace balayé par le capitalisme. Ce mémoire témoigne des effets de la respatialisation du Khumbu sur la vie de ses habitants et sur leur environnement. La gestion des ressources et la propriété du sol sont des thèmes centraux à l’argumentaire. / This thesis scrutinizes the production of body, landscape, and space in the Khumbu region of Nepal, better known internationally as the Everest region, where the Sherpas people have established themselves for nearly five centuries. The analysis underpinning this study draws its concepts from the field of the anthropology of the environment. If on the one hand the Khumbu landscape mirrors the rich texture of traditional Sherpa practices, on the other hand the current development of touristic means of production and the engagement of both conservation and development initiatives multiply the total numbers of social agents accountable for its production and aggregate the Khumbu in a space swept by the capitalist mode of production. This thesis demonstrates the impacts of the respatialisation of the Khumbu on the lives of its inhabitants and on their environment. Moreover, natural resource management practices and land ownership count among the central themes in the arguments.
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Situated Accounts from Within a Stigmatized Area : An Ethnographic Study on Local Views and Experiences Relating to Urban Developments in Molenbeek, Brussels / Situerade beskrivningar från ett stigmatiserat område : En etnografisk studie av lokala upplevelser och perspektiv på stadsutveckling i Molenbeek, Brysselvan der Saag, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study tried to counter the stigmatized narratives in Molenbeek and nuance the stigma bybringing to the forefront the experiences and views of the local inhabitants through storytellingand an ethnographic approach. I have interviewed both inhabitants of Molenbeek and a plannerfrom the municipality of Molenbeek to understand both the discourse of the inhabitants andthat of the planners at the municipal level about current urban development projects in andaround Molenbeek. With the empirical tale, I was able to present both discourses as if theywere discussing together to see where they differ or agree. I used the theory of territorial stigmaof Wacquant et al. (2014) to analyze to what extent the situation in Molenbeek can be explainedwith the theory of territorial stigma. I found that territorial stigma seems to fit the currentsituation of Molenbeek and its stigmatized inhabitants to a certain extent but underestimatesthe feeling of community between inhabitants. This study has shown that the urban and socialsituation in Molenbeek is much more complex than the stigma and stereotypes narrated. Futureresearch should look into the discourse of developers and their relation to territorial stigma.Finally, I hope this study will inspire urban planners to engage in storytelling and to be criticalof their own story realm. By listening to other stories and including them in their planningprocess they will be able to create more inclusive and richer spaces, which should be the goalof every urban development project.
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L'iconographie des chutes d'eau de la région de Québec, 1759-1890Guay, Odette 25 April 2018 (has links)
L'arrivée des militaires britanniques, au moment de la Conquête de 1759, ouvre la voie à l'illustration du paysage canadien de même qu'à la première représentation d'une chute d'eau de la région de Québec. La production dite « topographique » du paysage apparaîtra vingt ans plus tard, soit vers 1780, d'où émergent rapidement la gravure et l'édition. Par le biais de l'iconographie des paysages de chutes d'eau de la région de Québec, nous proposons d'une part, une lecture des écrits de voyageurs qui se sont plu à décrire les environs de l'une ou l'autre des sept chutes d'eau de la région. D'autre part notre étude propose un regard sur la production picturale de quelque soixante-dix artistes sur le sujet. Les 300 œuvres réalisées par ces derniers entre 1759 et 1890 et inscrites au répertoire démontrent l'importance du thème de la chute d'eau dans la représentation du paysage de la région. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014
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Des animaux à l'épreuve de l'ethnographie : rencontre avec des loups et des chiens singuliers en pays gwich'in (Old Crow, Yukon)Cappe, Aiko 28 March 2019 (has links)
A Old Crow, petite communauté de Vuntut Gwich’in située aux confins du Yukon, s’étend un vaste territoire à la population multiple et variée. Parmi eux se trouve un impitoyable stratège : le loup. Il est aussi difficile de suivre ses traces que celles qu’il laisse chez les humains qui le côtoient. Le loup se révèle alors de multiples manières, à condition que le chercheur s’éloigne de ses idées préconçues et qu’il adopte une certaine flexibilité. Flexibilité d’autant plus nécessaire que le principal intéressé, ici les loups, ne se montre pas. Nous nous retrouvons alors non seulement à faire l’ethnographie d’individus à l’altérité radicale, mais invisible qui plus est. En face, se trouve pourtant un autre, à l’altérité insoupçonnée : le chien. Réputé comme étant le fidèle ami de l’homme depuis des siècles, ce sont pourtant des chiens bien différents qui errent dans les allées d’Old Crow. Indépendants et opportunistes, ces chiens n’ont pas grandchose à voir avec ces animaux de compagnies qui occupent les foyers à travers l’Occident. Des chiens autrement chiens. Des loups autrement loups. Un terrain à la croisée des chemins, de l’humain à l’animal, du tangible à l’intangible. Ces animaux n’usent pas de mots, et pourtant cette expérience ethnographique nous plonge dans un univers sensible, riche de sens et d’informations, nous invitant ainsi à reconsidérer la place de ces animaux dans nos ethnographies.
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Narratief-pastorale terapie met hartpasiënteTruter, Cornelius Johannes 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life-threatening disease. When heart patients in the treatment of their disease, due to certain subjugating discourses practised by the biomedical model or biomedicine, are treated in a way that contributes to their anxiety and they feel themselves marginalised by society, then CAD becomes even more threatening. The narrative-pastoral approach of this study aims to treat heart patients in a way that has a calming effect on them that could assist them to deal with their heart disease more efficiently. This study shows how a heart patient's illness stories can be centralised by means of narrative therapy and how a pastoral and ethical attitude of love and respect can produce a climate that's conducive to better health and well-being.
I indicate how my methodology of participatory action research succeeds in making the heart patients active participants to the research project. Their active participation indicates that meaning is not created on their behalf in therapy; rather, they are responsible for the process of richer construction of meaning. I describe how the participants socially co-constructed alternative and richer descriptions of their illness. Futhermore, I point out how their richer descriptions of illness contribute to perceptible and measurable results that are of value to the heart patients. / Koronere hartvatsiekte (KHS) is 'n lewensbedreigende siekte. Wanneer hartpasiente
in die behandeling van hul siekte vanwee sekere onderdrukkende diskoerse van siekte
vanuit die biomediese model of biomedisyne s6 hanteer word dat dit spanning op hul
plaas en deur die samelewing gemarginaliseer word, word KHS des te meer gevaarlik.
In hierdie studie gaan dit oor 'n narratief-pastorale benadering wat hartpasiente op 'n
kalmerende manier hanteer sodat hulle kan kom tot 'n meer doeltreffende hantering
van hul hartsiekte. Hierdie studie toon aan hoe hartpasiente se siekteverhale deur
middel van narratiewe terapie gesentreer word en hoe 'n etiese en pastorale gesindheid
van liefde en respek 'n klimaat skep wat bevorderlik is vir beter gesondheid en
Ek dui aan hoe my metodologie van deelnemende aksienavorsing daarin geslaag het
om die hartpasiente aktiewe deelnemers te maak aan die navorsingsprojek. Hul
aktiewe deelname impliseer dat betekenis nie in terapie vir hulle geskep word nie,
maar dat hulle self skeppend betrokke is in die proses van ryker betekeniskonstruering.
Ek beskryf hoe die deelnemers altematiewe en ryker beskrywings van
hul siekte sosiaal ko-konstrueer. Ek dui verder aan hoe hul ryker beskrywings van
siekte bydra tot sigbare en meetbare resultate wat vir hartpasiente van waarde is. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)
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Vie, œuvre et carrière de Jean-Antoine Morand, peintre et architecte à Lyon au XVIIIe / Life, work and career of Jean-Antoine Morand, painter and architect in Lyons in the eighteenth centuryChuzeville, Sylvain 22 June 2012 (has links)
Né en 1727 à Briançon, Jean-Antoine Morand a 14 ans lorsqu’il se lance, suite à la mort de son père, dans une carrière artistique. C’est à Lyon qu’il s’installe et fonde, en 1748, un atelier de peinture. Il reçoit des commandes officielles et privées, travaille régulièrement pour la Comédie, se spécialise dans la peinture en trompe-l’œil et la scénographie, y compris les machines de théâtre. À la fin des années 1750, encouragé par Soufflot, il se tourne vers l’architecture et l’embellissement, ainsi que l’y disposent différents aspects de sa première carrière.Architecte autodidacte, Morand souffre d’un déficit de légitimité et tente d’y remédier en recherchant la reconnaissance publique. Mais ses succès, en particulier la construction à titre privé d’un pont sur le Rhône, n’y suffisent pas. La carrière de Morand est tiraillée entre fierté entrepreneuriale et appétence institutionnelle. Son image pâtit de l’opposition entre spéculation foncière et promotion du bien public. Cela concerne en particulier son grand œuvre, un projet d’agrandissement de Lyon sur la rive gauche du Rhône, compris dans un plan général donnant à la ville la forme circulaire.Morand a peu construit et il ne subsiste presque rien de son œuvre pictural. On dispose en revanche d’un fonds d’archives privé d’une grande richesse, sur lequel s’appuie cette thèse, afin de mettre au jour les intentions, les relations et la psychologie d’un architecte autrement méconnu. / Born in 1727, Jean-Antoine Morand is 14 years old when he embraces an artistic career, following his father’s death. Having settled down in Lyon, he establishes his own painter’s workshop in 1748. Receiving public and private commissions and working for the theatre on a regular basis, he specializes in trompe l’œil painting and stage-setting, including machinery. In the late 1750s, spurred on by Soufflot, he turns to architecture and city-planning, as various aspects of his previous career could have prompted him to.As an autodidactic architect, Morand suffers from a lack of legitimacy against which he pursues public recognition. But his successes, which include the building of a privately-owned bridge across the Rhône, aren’t enough. Morand’s career is torn between entrepreneurial pride and his longing for tenure. His public image is marred by the alleged opposition between land speculation and the defense of public good. This concerns mostly his great work, a project for the extension of Lyon on the left bank of the Rhône, included in a circular general city plan.Morand hasn’t built much and very little remains of his pictorial work. This thesis is based on an extensive private archive that allows us to explore this otherwise unsung architect’s intentions, relations and psychology.
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Narratief-pastorale terapie met hartpasiënteTruter, Cornelius Johannes 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life-threatening disease. When heart patients in the treatment of their disease, due to certain subjugating discourses practised by the biomedical model or biomedicine, are treated in a way that contributes to their anxiety and they feel themselves marginalised by society, then CAD becomes even more threatening. The narrative-pastoral approach of this study aims to treat heart patients in a way that has a calming effect on them that could assist them to deal with their heart disease more efficiently. This study shows how a heart patient's illness stories can be centralised by means of narrative therapy and how a pastoral and ethical attitude of love and respect can produce a climate that's conducive to better health and well-being.
I indicate how my methodology of participatory action research succeeds in making the heart patients active participants to the research project. Their active participation indicates that meaning is not created on their behalf in therapy; rather, they are responsible for the process of richer construction of meaning. I describe how the participants socially co-constructed alternative and richer descriptions of their illness. Futhermore, I point out how their richer descriptions of illness contribute to perceptible and measurable results that are of value to the heart patients. / Koronere hartvatsiekte (KHS) is 'n lewensbedreigende siekte. Wanneer hartpasiente
in die behandeling van hul siekte vanwee sekere onderdrukkende diskoerse van siekte
vanuit die biomediese model of biomedisyne s6 hanteer word dat dit spanning op hul
plaas en deur die samelewing gemarginaliseer word, word KHS des te meer gevaarlik.
In hierdie studie gaan dit oor 'n narratief-pastorale benadering wat hartpasiente op 'n
kalmerende manier hanteer sodat hulle kan kom tot 'n meer doeltreffende hantering
van hul hartsiekte. Hierdie studie toon aan hoe hartpasiente se siekteverhale deur
middel van narratiewe terapie gesentreer word en hoe 'n etiese en pastorale gesindheid
van liefde en respek 'n klimaat skep wat bevorderlik is vir beter gesondheid en
Ek dui aan hoe my metodologie van deelnemende aksienavorsing daarin geslaag het
om die hartpasiente aktiewe deelnemers te maak aan die navorsingsprojek. Hul
aktiewe deelname impliseer dat betekenis nie in terapie vir hulle geskep word nie,
maar dat hulle self skeppend betrokke is in die proses van ryker betekeniskonstruering.
Ek beskryf hoe die deelnemers altematiewe en ryker beskrywings van
hul siekte sosiaal ko-konstrueer. Ek dui verder aan hoe hul ryker beskrywings van
siekte bydra tot sigbare en meetbare resultate wat vir hartpasiente van waarde is. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)
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Geology of the Phil Pico Mountain Quadrangle, Daggett County, Utah, and Sweetwater County, WyomingAnderson, Alvin D. 25 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Geologic mapping in the Phil Pico Mountain quadrangle and analysis of the Carter Oil Company Carson Peak Unit 1 well have provided additional constraints on the erosional and uplift history of this section of the north flank of the Uinta Mountains. Phil Pico Mountain is largely composed of the conglomeratic facies of the early Eocene Wasatch and middle to late Eocene Bridger Formations. These formations are separated by the Henrys Fork fault which has thrust Wasatch Formation next to Bridger Formation. The Wasatch Formation is clearly synorogenic and contains an unroofing succession from the adjacent Uinta Mountains. On Phil Pico Mountain, the Wasatch Formation contains clasts eroded sequentially from the Permian Park City Formation, Permian Pennsylvanian Weber Sandstone, Pennsylvanian Morgan Formation, and the Pennsylvanian Round Valley and Mississippian Madison Limestones. Renewed uplift in the middle and late Eocene led to the erosion of Wasatch Formation and its redeposition as Bridger Formation on the down-thrown footwall of the Henrys Fork fault. Field observations and analysis of the cuttings and lithology log from Carson Peak Unit 1 well suggest that initial uplift along the Henrys Fork Fault occurred in the late early or early middle Eocene with the most active periods of uplift in the middle and late Eocene (Figure 8, Figure 24, Appendix 1). The approximate post-Paleocene throw of the Henrys Fork fault at Phil Pico Mountain is 2070 m (6800 ft). The Carson Peak Unit 1 well also reveals that just north of the Henrys Fork fault at Phil Pico Mountain the Bridger Formation (middle to late Eocene) is 520 m (1710 ft) thick; an additional 460 m (1500 ft) of Bridger Formation lies above the well on Phil Pico Mountain. Beneath the Bridger Formation are 400 m (1180 ft) of Green River Formation (early to middle Eocene), 1520 m (5010 ft) of Wasatch Formation (early Eocene), and 850 m (2800 ft) of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene). Stratigraphic data from three sections located east to west across the Phil Pico Mountain quadrangle show that the Protero-zoic Red Pine Shale has substantially more sandstone and less shale in the eastern section of the quadrangle. Field observations suggest that the Red Pine Shale undergoes a facies change across the quadrangle. However, due to the lack of continuous stratigraphic exposures, the cause of this change is not known.
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