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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití dotačních titulů pro rozvoj regionu / Usage of grants for region development

KAFKA, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The master thesis of this diploma paper deals with setting up the optimal package grants which will get better a life in chosen region and finding such recommendation for future development without grants as well. First part of diploma paper solved the analysis of usage grants in Náměšťsko´s region in point of historic method. Another part of this diploma paper was directed in the are of situation analysis. There is no doubt that the situation analysis´s effect offered both in a way very important information about profile and region´s description. Facts and results were very useful for SWOT analysis´s processing. Proposals of development for Náměšťsko´s region in point of optimal package grants were based on the results of SWOT analysis. The last part of diploma paper sorted out a propose of potential project in the area of environment. Náměšťsko´s region should prefer the grants especially in the area of infrastructure, economic power, people and environment.

Mundo do trabalho e (des)proteção social no Brasil : ensaios de interpretação da história recente / World of work and social protection in Brazil : essays in interpretation of recent history

Cardoso Júnior, José Celso Pereira, 1968- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Fagnani / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T00:41:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CardosoJunior_JoseCelsoPereira_D.pdf: 3795527 bytes, checksum: 2881ae8a46dd41fff5ba9a105b16948c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Esta Tese aborda aspectos da relação - dinâmica e complexamente determinada - que existe entre as esferas do "mundo do trabalho" e da "(des) proteção social" no Brasil. Tendo sido inspirada por pesquisas empíricas realizadas, grosso modo, entre 1995 e 2010, envolvendo, além da participação no programa de doutorado do IE/Unicamp, momentos de assessoramento governamental direto em vários níveis, os seus capítulos foram escritos e agrupados em função de duas grandes temáticas que perpassam todos e cada um deles, a saber: i) estrutura e dinâmica do mundo laboral e ii) conexões entre o mundo do trabalho e as políticas sociais e de proteção brasileiras, que têm no fundamento do trabalho como direito, um dos seus pilares essenciais. A razão para tanto decorre, fundamentalmente, do fato de que a categoria Trabalho é, em regime capitalista (e a despeito de crenças em contrário!), a categoria econômica e sociológica chave para garantir, sobretudo em contextos hiper desiguais e heterogêneos como o brasileiro: i) sustento individual ou familiar, além de sociabilidade básica à população, por meio do acesso à renda e à esfera pública que o trabalho propicia; ii) sustentação econômica mínima ao PIB, por meio da amplitude e profundidade potenciais do seu mercado consumidor interno; e iii) sustentabilidade financeira intertemporal a todo o sistema brasileiro de proteção social, em particular aos sistemas previdenciários públicos, direta ou indiretamente contributivos, pelo peso que as fontes de financiamento direto (ancoradas no trabalho) ou mesmo indireto (regressivamente ancoradas na tributação sobre o consumo e legalmente vinculadas ao orçamento da seguridade social) possuem no Brasil. Estes aspectos ganharam particular relevância ao longo da primeira década do novo milênio, porque depois de praticamente 25 anos de dominância ideológica liberal e implementação de medidas desregulamentadoras e privatistas, com resultados pífios ou nefastos sobre variáveis clássicas da macroeconomia e do mercado de trabalho nacional, houve em período recente, mormente entre 2004-2010, contestação empírica e teórica da alegada supremacia daquelas formulações. Comprovou-se na prática que o núcleo-duro do padrão brasileiro de proteção social, ancorado historicamente no modelo meritocrático-contributivo e no binômio trabalho-proteção social, é altamente dependente - em termos de sua sustentabilidade institucional e financeira - de dinâmica produtiva pujante e virtuosa, praticamente impossível de ser obtida por meio do livre jogo das forças de mercado. Como corolário dessa linha argumentativa, tem-se que sem a presença ativa do Estado como agente estruturador interno, dificilmente o país terá condições de garantir, simultaneamente, crescimento econômico, indicadores positivos de mercado de trabalho, combate à pobreza e à desigualdade de renda, além de sustentabilidade intertemporal e solvência financeira dos sistemas de proteção social em geral, e de proteção previdenciária em particular. Concluímos este esforço analítico em defesa da universalização das políticas sociais como estratégia mais indicada para enfrentar os desafios sociais brasileiros, já que em contexto de desigualdades extremas, a universalização possui a virtude de combinar os maiores impactos redistributivos do gasto, com os menores efeitos estigmatizadores que advém de práticas focalizadas de ação social. Além disso, é a universalização a única estratégia condizente com princípios de justiça distributiva contidos nos chamados direitos amplos e irrestritos de cidadania social, portanto, uma ideia desatrelada do discurso reducionista e conservador sobre a pobreza. Esse aspecto nos parece particularmente importante porque, na tradição de estudos sobre temas do trabalho e da (des) proteção social, predomina hiperespecialização em pontos, muitas vezes, demasiado específicos a cada uma das duas esferas aqui destacadas. Ou bem a literatura se dedica e aprofunda temas do mundo do trabalho, ou bem o faz em temas da proteção social. Há, obviamente, méritos incontestáveis em certa especialização cognitiva sobre esses e outros campos do saber científico, porém este artifício metodológico deixa em aberto questões igualmente relevantes no tocante às possibilidades e necessidades de certa articulação de conhecimentos (multi-inter-transdisciplinares) para o incremento de compreensão sobre o mundo que nos rodeia, bem como para o próprio avanço das ciências e das políticas públicas de modo geral / Abstract: This thesis discusses some aspects of the dynamic and complexly determined relationship between the labor world and social protection in Brazil. Having been inspired by empirical research conducted roughly between 1995 and 2010, involving direct government assistance at various levels, besides the attendance to the doctorate program at IE/Unicamp, its chapters were written and assembled according to two major themes: i) structure and dynamics of the labor market and ii) connections between the labor world and social policies. The choice of this analytical approach stems from the fact that labor is the key economic and sociological category that, under capitalism (despite some belief to the contrary!), especially in heterogeneous and hyper unequal countries, such as Brazil, grants access to: i) individual or family economic support, as well as basic sociability; ii) minimal financial support to GDP; and iii) intertemporal sustainability to social protection systems, in particular to public pensions, directly or indirectly contributive. This is even more true in Brazil due to the breadth and depth of its potential consumer market and to the weight that the sources of funding for social protection have in the country, either in direct forms (anchored in the labor market) or in indirect ones (anchored in taxation on consumption that is legally linked to the social security budget). These aspects have gained particular relevance throughout the first decade of the new millennium, since, after almost 25 years of liberal ideological dominance and the implementation of deregulation and privatization measures, with poor results on national macroeconomics and labor market variables, there has been empirical and theoretical contestation of the alleged supremacy of those formulations, especially between 2004 and 2010. It has been proved in practice that the hard-core standard of Brazilian social protection, historically anchored in the meritocratic-contributive model and in the work-social protection binomial, is highly dependent in terms of its institutional and financial sustainability of a thriving and virtuous productive dynamics, practically impossible to be obtained through the free play of market forces. As the inevitable corollary of this line of argument one must say that without the active presence of the State as the structuring internal agent, it is unlikely that the country will be able to ensure economic growth, positive labor market indicators, success in the war on poverty and income inequality, as well as intertemporal sustainability and financial solvency of the social protection system, particularly in what concerns the pensions system. In conclusion we argue that the universalization of social policies is the best suited strategy to address social challenges in Brazil, since, in the context of extreme inequalities, a universal system has the virtue of combining the major redistributive impact of public spending with less stigmatizing effects that are inherent to focused social policies. Moreover, it is the only strategy consistent with the broad and unrestricted principles of distributive justice contained in the so-called rights of social citizenship and therefore incompatible with the reductionist and conservative views on poverty. This aspect seems particularly important because, in the tradition of studies on labor and social protection, hyperespecialization dominates the analysis of veryspecific aspects of each of the spheres highlighted here. Either the literature focuses on themes of the labor world, or it concentrates attention on areas of social protection. There are obviously undeniable merits in certain cognitive specialization on these and other fields of scientific knowledge. However, such a methodological approach does not pay attention to other relevant issues regarding the possibilities and needs of certain articulation of (multi-inter-disciplinary) knowledge in order to increase the understanding about the world around us as well as to improve science and public policies in general / Doutorado / Economia Social e do Trabalho / Doutor em Desenvolvimento Economico

Performance Testing and Analysis of Modern Web Technologies

Khan, Mohsin Javed, Iftikhar, Hussan Iftikhar January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is an empirical case study to predict or estimate the performance and variability of contemporary software frameworks used for web application development. Thesis can be mainly divided into 3 phases. In Phase I, we theoretically try to explore and analyze PHP, EJB 3.0 and ASP.NET considering quality attributes or ilitis of mentioned technologies. In Phase II, we develop two identical web applications i.e. online component’s webstore (applications to purchase components online) in PHP and ASP.NET. In phase III, we conduct automated testing to determine and analyze applications’ performance. We developed web applications in PHP 5.3.0 and Visual Studio 2008 using ASP.NET 3.5 to practically measure and compare the applications’ performance. We used SQL Server 2005 with ASP.NET 3.5 and MySql 5.1.36 with PHP as database servers. Software architecture, CSS, database design, database constraints were tried to keep simple and same for both applications i.e.  Applications developed in PHP and ASP.NET. This similarity helps to establish realistic comparison of applications performance and variability. The applications’ performance and variability is measured with help of automated scripts. These scripts were used to generate thousands of requests on application servers and downloading components simultaneously. More details of performance testing can be found in chapter 6, 7 and 8. / We have gain alot of knowledge from this thesis. We are very happy to finish our Software Engineering.

Quels types d'éco-quartiers pour l'Iran ? : recherche sur la faisabilité des écoquartiers en Iran : application à l'étude de la création et construction d'un écoquartier en campagne de Téhéran et ses effets sur les citoyens et leurs modes de vie : Téhéran-Hashtgerd / What types of eco-neighborhoods for Iran? : research on the feasibility of eco-districts in Iran : application to the study of the design and construction of an eco-neighborhood in Tehran and its effects on people and their lifestyles : Teheran-Hashtgerd

Azari, Elahe 22 September 2016 (has links)
Un écoquartier est un quartier qui réduit les consommations d’énergie en utilisant les énergies renouvelables ; mettant en valeur des déplacements doux ; limitant la production des déchets et l’utilisation d’eau ; intervenant aussi sur les choix des matériaux de construction utilisés et dont les chantiers mêmes peuvent faire l'objet d'une attention particulière. Le développement des écoquartiers est très récent dans le monde occidental, et n’a connu que peu d’applications par ailleurs. Un pays comme l’Iran n’a pas encore intégré de réflexions précises portant sur les écoquartiers et leurs développements ; alors même qu’il est en train d’entrer dans une nouvelle étape de son développement qui se caractérise par la montée des préoccupations de développement durable, et une concentration sur le sujet de l’énergie renouvelable, en parallèle à l’augmentation de l’alphabétisation des citoyens. Notre recherche sur la construction et l’intégration des écoquartiers dans un pays comme l’Iran, intégrant ses aspects sociaux, économiques et urbains. D’un côté nous cherchons à savoir si les habitants ont des esprits ouverts pour s’alphabétiser et accepter ces contraintes dans leur ville et d’un autre côté nous allons voir différents types d’écoquartiers, afin de chercher à préciser quels types d’écoquartier et de logements durables sont possibles en Iran. Ainsi, notre projet est de faire une recherche qui porte sur l’acceptabilité et la faisabilité des écoquartiers adaptés au monde iranien, et dont les résultats pourraient sinon révolutionner au moins guider la conception urbanistique des villes en Iran. / We enter in the new level of urban planning that promotes eco-district, which is part of the objective of sustainable development and reduction of the ecological footprint, usually associated with a strong involvement of residents. Recall that an eco-district is a district that reduces energy consumption by using renewable energy; highlights gentle movements; limit the production of waste and the use of resources such as water; also involved in the choice of building materials.The development of eco-neighborhoods is very recent in the Western world, and has seen little application elsewhere. A country like Iran has not yet integrated accurate reflection on eco-neighborhoods and their development, even though it is now entering a new stage of sustainable development. Our project is to research and focus on the acceptability and feasibility of eco-neighborhoods which are adapted to the Iranian world, and whose results could revolutionize, or at least to change the urban design of cities in Iran. In a first point we briefly consider the general problem of the eco-district, before dealing in second place this issue in the context of Iran and, more specifically Tehran ; for final question the feasibility of eco sustainable neighborhoods in Iran.

Examining the Role of Program Quality in Youth Sport Programming

Bean, Corliss January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the role of program quality within youth sport and understand the relationships between program quality, basic psychological needs support, and psychosocial development. Data were gathered from 33 youth programs across South Eastern Ontario using observations and corresponding field notes, self-report questionnaires from leaders and youth participants, and semi-structured interviews with leaders. The dissertation is composed of five articles. The first article uses structural equation modeling to examine the role of basic psychological needs support in mediating the relationship between program quality and psychosocial outcomes in the youth sport context. Results from this study indicate that both program quality and basic psychological needs play a role in facilitating psychosocial development; however, future research is needed to continue to understand this relationship. The second article presents findings from a sub-sample of the larger study in which a polynomial regression was conducted to examine discrepancies in program quality related to youth volleyball athletes’ needs support. Results indicated that discrepancies existed between researcher- and coach-perceptions of program quality and findings outline how this influences basic needs. The third article represents a mixed-methods examination of program quality and basic psychological needs support within two physical activity-based in-school mentoring programs. Findings from this study revealed a significant difference in program quality across the two programs, specifically related to psychological needs support. Program quality was found to significantly predict needs support within the girls’ program, but not in the boys’ program. Further, field notes were analyzed and practical strategies emerged that were found to help facilitate a quality mentoring program. The fourth article examined the importance of intentionally structuring the youth sport context to facilitate positive youth development across three types of youth programming. Results revealed that intentionally structured programs (both leadership and sport) scored higher on program quality and psychosocial outcomes than non-intentionally structured sport programs. In addition, intentional sport programs scored higher on some elements compared to intentionally structured leadership programs. Finally, the fifth article was a qualitative study that explored youth sport coaches’ perceptions of life skill development. Results indicated that coaches considered life skills to be important, yet believed they were a by-product of sport participation. Coaches also identified challenges associated with using an explicit approach to teaching life skills. Findings from this dissertation provide some of the first empirical accounts of examining program quality within youth sport and suggest that program quality plays an important role in fostering basic psychological needs support and psychosocial development. Moreover, the findings illustrate that there is a need for coach education related to how to structure the youth sport context in order to deliver a high quality program that facilitates psychosocial outcomes.

In ovo Effects of Tris(1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP) and Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) Flame Retardants on Chicken Embryo Toxicity and Gene Expression

Farhat, Amani January 2013 (has links)
Tris(1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCPP) and tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) are added to polyurethane foams in a variety of industrial and consumer products to prevent flame ignition. The gradual release of these flame retardants (FRs) from such products leads to contamination of various abiotic and biotic media, including wild birds. Recent studies demonstrated endocrine-disrupting effects of TCPP and TDCPP, including alteration of circulating thyroid hormone (TH) levels. The TH-pathway is essential for normal growth and development in birds. There are limited data on the toxicological effects of TCPP and TDCPP in avian species and, prior to this work, no study has examined their effects in avian embryos. This M.Sc. thesis investigates the developmental, molecular and biochemical effects of TCPP and TDCPP in chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) embryos via egg injection studies. TCPP delayed pipping at doses ≥9.24 μg/g, both TCPP and TDCPP reduced embryo growth at the highest dose (51.6 μg TCPP/g and 45 μg TDCPP/g), and TDCPP decreased free plasma thyroxine and gallbladder size at 7.64 μg/g and 45 μg/g, respectively. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to measure changes in mRNA levels of hepatic genes that were responsive to these FRs in a previous in vitro study. TCPP dysregulated the expression of TH-responsive genes and xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes (cytochrome P450s; CYPs), whereas TDCPP only affected CYPs. Less than 1% of the administered TCPP or TDCPP was detected in egg contents following 19 days of incubation, indicating extensive metabolism of the parent compounds. DNA microarrays were used to perform a global transcriptional analysis on liver samples from embryos that exhibited adverse effects following TDCPP injection. 47 differentially expressed genes were identified at the 45 μg/g dose. Functional analysis revealed that immune function and lipid and steroid metabolism were major targets of TDCPP toxicity and indicated a state of cholestatic liver/biliary fibrosis. Since the TH-pathway is a key regulator of metabolic homeostasis, its disruption early in development is a potential cause of the observed adverse effects. This thesis demonstrates, for the first time, developmental and endocrine-disrupting effects of TCPP and TDCPP in an avian species and attempts to link phenotypic changes to molecular-level disruptions in hopes to improve the understanding of their modes of action.

Ekonomické a sociální souvislosti suburbanizace v obci Lety / Economic and social connections of suburbanization in municipality Lety

Slavík, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create optimal strategy of developement of municipality Lety which is located in suburban area of Prague given suburbanization processes. This paper is focused on economic, social and environmental consequences. The theoretical part is focused on main parameters of suburbanization, its developement in the world and in the Czech Republic, further on types of suburbanization, measurement, causes and consequences. The practical part is focused on a municipality Lety which must face suburbanization processes since 90s. This situation is compared with neighboring municipalities Řevnice, Dobřichovice and Černošice. Based on the findings is created optimal plan of future develepoment municipality Lety which is consistent with its strategical and spatial plan. The methods that has been used on this topic were literature review, data analysis, comparison and observation. To process the data, official statistics were also used.

Ekonomika využítí a provozu památkového objektu z hlediska regionálního rozvoje na příkladu regionu Českokrumlovsko / Economics of utilization and functioning of historical monument in light of regional developement on the example of Cesky Krumlov region

Nováková, Vendula January 2008 (has links)
A thesis is concerned with the functioning of the State Castle and Chateau of Cesky Krumlov and with the impact of the UNESCO monument on the krumlov's tourist destination and region. A theoretical part is focused on area of the legal regulations of monument preservation and on possibilities of the financing of historical monuments in the Czech republic, as well as on economic contexts of the historical areas and on the theory of regional development and tourist trade. An applicative part focuses on the rich history of krumlov's region, as well as on the building and historical development of the town Český Krumlov. The basic part is dedicated to the economic analyze of functioning of the castle and to the effectiveness of functioning of krumlov's tourist destination. Krumlov should be apprehended in the wider regional context therefore is final part dedicated to the analyze of potential regional tourist corridors. The aim of this thesis is to make analyze of functioning of the State Castle and Chateau Český Krumlov in light of effectiveness and operating potential into the future and demonstrate basis functional absences and unimproved developing potentiality of krumlov's tourist destination in the wider context of regional development.

Rozvojové projekty v Ústeckém kraji / Developement projects in Usti Region

Vayhelová, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the Usti Region in terms of development projects which have been implemented. The irst part explains the basic definitions related to the development projects, includes the theoretical basis of the developement projects management, which is a defining element of it´s success and describes characteristic of non profit organizations. Usti Region has very specific economy and other characteristics, that´s why the detail analysis is part of the practical chapter and gives us general overview to the situation in the region. The interest in the development is progressive in time, that´s why the analysis of completed projects in Oparno Mill is included in the thesis. It aims to assess whether the projects were implemented correctly and their influences are positive for the territory. We work with hypotheses that were confirmed. We can conclude that human resources have an impact on the region development and also the n-goverment non profit organizations may contribute to the development of the territory with limited resources.

Koncept strategického rozvoje malého rodinného vinařství / Concept of Strategic Development of Small Family Winery

Válka, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
The main subject of this work is the creation of a medium and long-term strategic concept for the family Valka Winery. The work also focuses on the development of the family company with regard to marketing, specifically brand marketing and its building, agritourism and its development opportunities, building and setting up the right business model and the overall planning and building of Valka Winery. The second chapter focuses on the theoretical basis for other chapters. In the third chapter is a complete analysis of company from the general environment, through the specifics of the wine market, to specific preachers of the family Winery War. In the last chapter we will find the final evaluation and own proposals as a concept of the plan, the possibility agritourism and products developement. At the end is economic evaluation and action plan for individual proposals.

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