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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DevOps-Kultur : En explorativ fallstudie på Arbetsförmedlingens IT-avdelning

Holm, Adam, Virtanen, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Information Technology has taken a larger focus in today’s society and become a more centralized part of IT-organizations and other businesses. The traditional management models for manufacturing and production has become harder to apply in the software lifecycle. This is since the software no longer is produced and launched with no follow-up. Today’s IT- organization needs to continuously handle, operate and maintain their software. In recent years a new philosophy has emerged within the IT community, DevOps. DevOps aims to erase the silos built-in to the business to become a more efficient and optimized organization regarding their software delivery. This exploratory case study has been conducted at the Swedish Governmental Employment Services IT-department. It aims to expand the existing knowledge base regarding DevOps and the aspects of the organizational culture the philosophy claims. This study aims to investigate how organizations work while trying to introduce a DevOps culture. The potential difficulties an organization could face in relation the organizational culture described for DevOps, seen as a management model, will also be a focus of this study. In-depth interviews and observations have been conducted with the employees at the named IT-department in order to analyze and create an overview of the current culture in the department. The study has shown new angles regarding financial and resource management, dependencies between teams and the importance of an existing leadership. New perspectives have also been provided towards organizational change. Key Words: DevOps, Organizational Culture, Organizational Change, Leadership, Dependencies, IT-organizations, Communication, Information, Team, Silos, Self-Leadership

Continuous Integration, Deployment and Testing in DevOps Environment

Amaradri, Anand Srivatsav, Nutalapati, Swetha Bindu January 2016 (has links)
Context. Owing to a multitude of factors like rapid changes in technology, market needs, and business competitiveness, software companies these days are facing pressure to deliver software rapidly and on a frequent basis. For frequent and faster delivery, companies should be lean and agile in all phases of the software development life cycle. An approach called DevOps, which is based on agile principles has come into play. DevOps bridges the gap between development and operations teams and facilitates faster product delivery. The DevOps phenomenon has gained a wide popularity in the past few years, and several companies are adopting DevOps to leverage its perceived benefits. However, the organizations may face several challenges while adopting DevOps. There is a need to obtain a clear understanding of how DevOps functions in an organization. Objectives. The main aim of this study is to provide a clear understanding about how DevOps works in an organization to researchers and software practitioners. The objectives of the study are to identify the benefits of implementing DevOps in organizations where agile development is in practice, the challenges faced by organizations during DevOps adoption, to identify the solutions/ mitigation strategies, to overcome the challenges,the DevOps practices, and the problems faced by DevOps teams during continuous integration, deployment and testing. Methods. A mixed methods approach having both qualitative and quantitative research methods is used to accomplish the research objectives.A Systematic Literature Review is conducted to identify the benefits and challenges of DevOps adoption, and the DevOps practices. Interviews are conducted to further validate the SLR findings, and identify the solutions to overcome DevOps adoption challenges, and the DevOps practices. The SLR and interview results are mapped, and a survey questionnaire is designed.The survey is conducted to validate the qualitative data, and to identify the other benefits and challenges of DevOps adoption, solutions to overcome the challenges, DevOps practices, and the problems faced by DevOps teams during continuous integration, deployment and testing. Results. 31 primary studies relevant to the research are identified for conducting the SLR. After analysing the primary studies, an initial list of the benefits and challenges of DevOps adoption, and the DevOps practices is obtained. Based on the SLR findings, a semi-structured interview questionnaire is designed, and interviews are conducted. The interview data is thematically coded, and a list of the benefits, challenges of DevOps adoption and solutions to overcome them, DevOps practices, and problems faced by DevOps teams is obtained. The survey responses are statistically analysed, and a final list of the benefits of adopting DevOps, the adoption challenges and solutions to overcome them, DevOps practices and problems faced by DevOps teams is obtained. Conclusions. Using the mixed methods approach, a final list of the benefits of adopting DevOps, DevOps adoption challenges, solutions to overcome the challenges, practices of DevOps, and the problems faced by DevOps teams during continuous integration, deployment and testing is obtained. The list is clearly elucidated in the document. The final list can aid researchers and software practitioners in obtaining a better understanding regarding the functioning and adoption of DevOps. Also, it has been observed that there is a need for more empirical research in this domain.

Rozšíření metodiky MMSP pro vývoj moderních webových aplikací / MMSP methodic expansion for support of modern web application development

Bárta, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Development of web applications with JavaScript language has been moving forward really fast recently. Methodic for software development, on the other hand, not so much. Those methodic were often created way before JavaScript was so popular and so they might not reflect needs, which development of modern web applications using JavaScript brings. This thesis focus on opportunities, needs or threats of modern web applications development and its combination with Methodic for small software projects. Thesis define what is considered as a modern web application, identify practices and tools needed for development and how they relate to the existing version of MMSP. Based on this comparison thesis offers extension of this methodic for development of modern web applications.

DevOps adoption and implementation in software development practice:concept, practices, benefits and challenges

Lwakatare, L. E. (Lucy Ellen) 17 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract In the last decade, the software industry has been marked by a growing trend of software companies’ ability to deploy new software features fast and frequently in short release cycle times. The companies’ software release cycles have been shortened to hours and minutes rather than months. To enable the transformation towards short release cycle times, companies have adopted several different strategies, including the DevOps approach. DevOps in the software industry emerged to represent a professional movement emphasising the collaboration between software development and operations. In practice, DevOps affects the company culture, processes, products, associated technologies and organisational structures used in software development and operations processes. The multifaceted nature of DevOps makes the concept ambiguous and difficult for software companies to adopt as there are many different paths to its adoption. The purpose of the thesis is to provide detailed description of the adoption and implementation of DevOps in software development comprehending the DevOps concept definition, and its practices, benefits and challenges. The research was performed by systematically reviewing the literature, multi-vocal documents and making qualitative inquiries among software practitioners; and based on that the consolidated body of knowledge of DevOps was constructed. The key finding of the research is that the DevOps approach includes an automated software deployment mechanism focusing on the rapid and repeatable release of software changes and automated management of operational infrastructure. The adoption and implementation of DevOps practices are prominent in software companies that use cloud computing technology, while its adoption is challenging in the embedded system domain. DevOps is not a silver bullet; challenges pertaining to the management of infrastructures due to legacy technologies still persist. The key lesson learned in the adoption and implementation of DevOps is that the software operational infrastructure is no longer considered separate from the development of software features; and this is achieved by having software development and operations teams jointly working together. / Tiivistelmä Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana ohjelmistoteollisuudessa on ollut kasvavana trendinä ohjelmistotalojen lisääntyvä kyky toimittaa ohjelmistomuutoksia nopeasti ja usein toistuvina päivityksinä. Yritysten ohjelmistotoimitus- ja päivitysjaksot ovat lyhentyneet kuukausista tunneiksi ja jopa minuuteiksi. Yritykset ovat ottaneet käyttöön useita erilaisia toimintatapoja kyetäkseen muuttamaan toimintaansa lyhyen aikavälin ohjelmistopäivityksiin kykeneväksi, joista yksi viimeisimmistä on DevOps (saumaton ohjelmiston kehittäminen ja käyttö). Ohjelmistotuotannossa DevOps syntyi ohjelmistoteollisuudessa ammattilaisten alkaessa painottaa ohjelmistojen kehittämisen ja käytön yhteistyön tärkeyttä. Käytännössä DevOpsilla on vaikutusta ohjelmisto-organisaation toimintakulttuuriin, prosesseihin, tuotteisiin, sekä teknologioihin ja organisaatiorakenteisiin, joita käytetään ohjelmistokehityksessä ja käyttöönottoprosessissa. DevOpsin käsitteen moniulotteisuudesta johtuen käsitteen sisältö jää usein epäselväksi ja samalla sen mukainen toiminta vaikeasti käyttöön otettavaksi ohjelmistoyrityksissä, koska toteutus on mahdollista tehdä monella eri tavalla. Tämän väitöksen tarkoituksena on antaa selkeä kuvaus DevOpsista ja sen toteutuksesta ohjelmistokehityksessä niin, että sen käsite, ja käytännöt, sekä sen tarjoamat edut ja haasteet tulevat ymmärretyiksi. Tutkimuksessa suoritettiin systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus tieteellisiin julkaisuihin ja muihin lähinnä käytännön kokemuksiin pohjautuviin lähteisiin, suoritettiin kvalitatiiviset kyselytutkimukset, joiden kohteena olivat ohjelmistoammattilaiset, sekä muodostettiin näiden pohjalta saumattoman ohjelmistokehityksen ja käytön yhtenäinen tietämyskanta. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on, että DevOps-lähestymistapa sisältää automaattisen ohjelmiston käyttöönottomekanismin, joka keskittyy nopeiden ja toistettavien ohjelmistomuutosten käyttöönottoon ja sitä tukevan operatiivisen infrastruktuurin hallintaan. DevOpsin omaksuminen ja käyttöönotto ovat näkyvästi esillä pilvipalvelinteknologiaa käyttävissä ohjelmistoyrityksissä, kun taas sen käyttöönotto on haastavaa sulautettujen järjestelmien alueella. DevOps ei ole mikään ’hopealuoti’, vaan sisältää erityisesti infrastruktuurien hallintaan liittyviä haasteita, jotka johtuvat edelleen käytössä olevista vanhoista tekniikoista. Keskeisin oppima DevOpsin omaksumisesta ja soveltamisesta käytäntöön on, että ohjelmistojen käyttöinfrastruktuuria ei enää tarkastella erillään ohjelmistojen kehittämisestä, vaan ne toimivat saumattomassa yhteistyössä keskenään.

Plataforma de desarrollo de aplicaciones en el DCC basada en técnicas de DevOps

Retamal Valenzuela, Jorge Hernán January 2019 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Tecnologías de la Información / El desarrollo de aplicaciones en las organizaciones es un aspecto fundamental para el apoyo de la operación y en ese sentido el DCC no es la excepción. En el DCC las aplicaciones son provistas por la facultad o bien son desarrolladas internamente apoyados en estudiantes, memoristas, tesistas y académicos. Los desarrollos han sido canalizados a través de un académico quién históricamente se ha hecho cargo de este proceso. Sin embargo, y con el fin de ordenar el proceso y potenciar los resultados, en el 2017 se crea el Área Aplicaciones. A través de un estudio, la recién creada Área Aplicaciones realizó un levantamiento de todas aquellas aplicaciones desarrolladas internamente y que apoyan la operación. Sin embargo, al ir un poco más allá y consultar acerca del código fuente de las aplicaciones, la documentación o los procedimientos de gestión de incidencias y proyectos, no se encontró información documentada por lo que se observa que no hay gobernanza en el desarrollo y operación de las aplicaciones del DCC. Para resolver esta problemática, en este trabajo de tesis se crea una plataforma de desarrollo de software basada en el paradigma DevOps. Los principios y alcance de esta plataforma respetan la forma y fuerza de trabajo del DCC. La plataforma está dividida en dos grandes áreas. La primera es un pipeline el cual representa el ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software para las aplicaciones del DCC, abarcando desde tareas de recolección de ideas e incidencias hasta la instalación de las aplicaciones desarrolladas en el ambiente de producción. La segunda es la creación de una plataforma de herramientas concretas que apoyan el uso del pipeline. Estas herramientas asisten al pipeline en todas sus fases, desde la organización y gestión de ideas e incidencias hasta la automatización de la instalación de los componentes en distintos ambientes dependiendo de la fase en la cual se encuentre el desarrollo. La validación del trabajo se realizó en dos fases. La primera es a través de un piloto en el cual el Área Aplicaciones utiliza el pipeline y las herramientas de apoyo para el desarrollo de una aplicación, para luego solicitar las opiniones de los actores a través de una técnica de retrospectiva. La segunda fase consiste en consultar a las áreas involucradas (Aplicaciones y Sistemas) sus opiniones y observaciones en cuanto a la plataforma definida.

Infrastruktura pro testování a nasazení real-time lokalizační platformy / Infrastructure for Testing and Deployment of the Real­-Time Localization Platform

Ormoš, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Táto práca je prípadovou štúdiou postupného vývoja a nasadzovania lokačného softwaru v reálnom čase. Cieľom tejto práce je zrýchliť tento proces. Zvolený problém bol vyriešený s konvenčnými testovacími nastrojmi, vlastným nástrojom pre generovanie sieťovej prevádzky lokalizačnej platformy a nástrojmi CI/CD Gitlab. Prínosom tejto práce je zrýchlenie vývoja, zaručenie kvality vyvijaného softwaru a predstavenie spôsobu ako platformu pre lokalizáciu v reálnom čase testovať.

Introducing DevOps methods and processes for an existing organization

Samuelsson, Love January 2021 (has links)
DevOps is a cultural idea rather than a firm way to do software development, with the aim of reducing software lead times by bringing operations and development closer via principles that mainly deal with automation. This paper provides a potential DevOps solution for Wexnet, an internet service provider company. A requirements list is created by interviewing which is then used to evaluate existing web-based git solutions. Two viable candidates were selected, GitHub and GitLab which were compared against each other. GitLab was chosen because of its comparably low resource usage and lower overall setup complexity.

Elasticity of Elasticsearch

Tsaousi, Kleivi Dimitris January 2021 (has links)
Elasticsearch has evolved from an experimental, open-source, NoSQL database for full-text documents to an easily scalable search engine that canhandle a large amount of documents. This evolution has enabled companies todeploy Elasticsearch as an internal search engine for information retrieval (logs,documents, etc.). Later on, it was transformed as a cloud service and the latestdevelopment allows a containerized, serverless deployment of the application,using Docker and Kubernetes.This research examines the behaviour of the system by comparing the length and appearance of single-term and multiple-terms queries, the scaling behaviour and the security of the service. The application is deployed on Google Cloud Platform as a Kubernetes cluster hosting containerized Elasticsearch images that work as databasenodes of a bigger database cluster. As input data, a collection of JSON formatted documents containing the title and abstract of published papersin the field of computer science was used inside a single index. All the plots were extracted using Kibana visualization software. The results showed that multiple-term queries put a bigger stress on thesystem than single-term queries. Also the number of simultaneous users querying in the system is a big factor affecting the behaviour of the system. By scaling up the number of Elasticsearch nodes inside the cluster, indicated that more simultaneous requests could be served by the system.

Plattform för kontinuerlig integrering : En applikation för bygg- och testprocesser / Continuous integration platform : An application for build and test processes

Inge, Arvid, Jordansson, Leo January 2020 (has links)
För att möta kraven på ständiga förändringar har många företag börjat jobba enligt den iterativa, agila modellen Scrum. Denna modell innefattar bl.a. att praktisera kontinuerlig integrering (CI) där utvecklare regelbundet sammanfogar och testar kod. Målet med projektet är att förenkla denna process hos Epiroc i Örebro, så att berörda parter utnyttjar en gemensam CI-portal. Resultatet av projektet är en fungerande webbapplikation som ger Epirocs utvecklare möjlighet att praktisera CI genom att bygga och testa sin kod samt granska resultat från detta i ett modernt och användarvänligt gränssnitt. Vår uppfattning är att drifttsättningen av produkten kommer bidra till återkoppling från användare angående förbättringar. Övergången till kontinuerlig integrering som arbetsprocess hos Epiroc är inte fulländad, många aspekter av applikationens användningsområde är föränderliga. Stor vikt har därför lagts på applikationens modularitet under utvecklingsprocessen vilket ger utrymme för framtida utveckling av applikationen efter Epirocs behov. I dagsläget kan verktyget användas för att starta och övervaka bygg- och testjobb på en Jenkinsserver, men kan i framtiden få en större roll i Epirocs utvecklingskedja, exempelvis som databashanterare för testkodbasen. / Global technological advances are rapid, with this constant change, the demands on companies ability to adapt their digital products constantly increase when rapid changes are to be welcomed and the pace of production increases. To meet the requirements, many companies have started working according to the iterative, agile model Scrum. Part of this model includes practicing continuous integration (CI) where developers continuously merge and test code. The aim of the project is to simplify this process at Epiroc in Örebro, Sweden, so that interested parties are collaborating through a single CI portal. The end result of the project is a working web application that gives developers the opportunity to practice CI by building and testing their code, and review results from this in a modern and user-friendly interface. Commissioning of the application will contribute to input from the users on improvements. The application is modular, which leaves plenty of room for future development.

A systematical literature review and industrial survey in addressing the possible impacts with the continuous testing and delivery during DevOps transformation.

Zaib, Shah, Lakshmisetty, Pavan Kumar January 2021 (has links)
Context: Digital transformation poses new challenges to the organization. Market needs and competition in business have changed the continuous testing environment and continuous delivery in software organizations. There is a great possibility of conflict between the development and testing operations because they are a separate entity in large organizations. Organizations where testers, developers, and operation teams do not communicate well and lack collaboration can have their productivity affected negatively. This leads to defects and errors at the early stage of the development process. DevOps’ approach enhances the integration, delivery, performance,and communication between the developers, testers, and operational members. Organizations are reluctant to apply DevOps practices because there is a lack of agreement on DevOps characteristics. The most difficult part of a large organization is DevOpsadaptation and its implementation because of its legacy structure. It is required to get an understanding of DevOps implementation in organizations before they start transforming. Objectives: The thesis aims to identify the challenges in organizations towards continuous delivery and provide a list of techniques or strategies to overcome continuous testing and DevOps challenges. This thesis also identifies the communication challenges between continuous testing and delivery teams during the COVID-19 pandemic and the software architecture effect on testing in the DevOps environment. Methods: To achieve the research goal a multiple research method techniques are applied. A systematic literature review is conducted to identify the literature and to meet the research goal. A survey is conducted for the verification of the data from SLR. An interview is used as a data collection method in Survey and explores the actual process of continuous testing and delivery in large DevOps companies. Results: A list of challenges to large organizations towards continuous delivery is generated. A list of strategies and solutions towards the challenges of continuous testing and DevOps is generated. A list of post COVID-19 communication challenges between testing and delivery groups in DevOps is created. A list of software architecture and production environment effects on testing is also generated. After analyzing the SLR results, a survey is conducted to validate the results from software practitioners. Thematic analysis is performed on the results. "Finally", the findings from the SLR and Survey are compared. Conclusions: This research’s findings can help researchers, industry practitioners, and someone who wants to investigate further the possible effects with the continuous testing and delivery during DevOps transformation. We observed that industry practitioners could enhance their communication channels by reviewing the post-COVID-19 communication challenges between testing and delivery teams. We also observed that there is more research required to continue on this topic.

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