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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

À la recherche du temps (et des modes) perdu(s) : une étude variationniste en temps réel du français acadien parlé dans le nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick

Roussel, Basile 06 November 2020 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre des récents travaux relatifs à la trajectoire des parlers du français acadien des Provinces Maritimes du Canada (cf. Beaulieu et Cichocki, 2014, 2016; Comeau et al., 2016; Flikeid, 1994, 1997; King, 2013; King et al., 2018, parmi d’autres). Elle propose de mettre à l’épreuve l’hypothèse généralement admise stipulant que certains parlers acadiens, tels que ceux parlés au Nouveau-Brunswick (N.-B.), auraient changé conformément à une série de contacts dialectaux avec le français laurentien au XXe siècle. En dépit de plusieurs tentatives, deux conditions n’ont pas encore été remplies pour établir l’existence d’un tel changement, à savoir (i) une première comparaison systématique entre un stade actuel et un état antérieur à ce contact, et (ii) une deuxième comparaison avec la variété-repère source à l’origine dudit changement. Pour ce faire, j’ai fait usage de la méthode variationniste comparative adaptée à l’étude du changement et du contact (Poplack et Levey, 2010; Poplack et Meechan, 1998; Poplack et Tagliamonte, 2001) et me suis servi d’un riche corpus de données longitudinales rassemblant des locuteurs acadiens nés à près d’un siècle d’intervalle (entre 1870 et 1965) dans le nord-est du N.-B. Des formes grammaticales à date ancienne aujourd’hui stéréotypées au français acadien (telles que la flexion postverbale -ont à la troisième personne du pluriel), de même que des formes grammaticales panfrancophones non associées à une variété de français en particulier (telles que la référence temporelle au futur) constituent la base de cette recherche. Mes résultats révèlent d’abord que l’utilisation des formes stéréotypées est très volatile et relève principalement de facteurs sociaux d’ordre identitaire. En revanche, mes analyses des formes pan-francophones démontrent que les processus sous-jacents régissant leur sélection restent étonnamment stables entre les XIXe et XXe siècles. En somme, l'accroissement des contacts entre les locuteurs acadiens du nord-est du N.-B. et les locuteurs du français laurentien au XXe siècle n'a pas eu raison d'un changement linguistique structurel important dans cette région. Cette thèse vient combler une lacune de la connaissance des processus systématiques et sousjacents opérant sur la trajectoire des parlers acadiens à travers le temps.

Dialectal variation in Swahili – Based on the data collected in Zanzibar

Miyazaki, Kumiko, Takemura, Keiko 15 June 2020 (has links)
This study examines some lexical and morphosyntactic variation found among the Swahili varieties in Zanzibar, Tanzania. It has been reported that there are three varieties in the island, and the new data collected in the villages inside the island suggest that there is a need for closer investigation and finer categorization of the Zanzibar varieties. Furthermore, there has been little discussion about the relationship between the Standard variety and other varieties or variation in the use of these varieties. In this paper, we report on the use of these Zanzibar varieties, namely, the town variety, Kiunguja-Mjini, the Northern varieties Kichaani, Kikibeni, Kitumbatu-Gomani, Kinungwi and Kimatemwe, and the Southern varieties Kijambiani, Kipaje and Kimakunduchi at the level of the lexicon. In addition, we examine the varieties of the Northern province – Kichaani, Kikibeni, Kitumbatu-Gomani, Kinungwi, and those of the Southern province – Kijambiani, Kipaje at the level of the grammar. In this paper, we concentrate on tense/aspect, the copula sentence, relative clause, and imperative. Among the data on these languages, we investigate, in particular, the variation among these varieties on the one hand, and the variation between these varieties and Standard Swahili on the other.

A tradução do socioleto literário: um estudo de \'Wuthering heights\' / The translation of literary sociolect: a study of \'Wuthering Heights\'

Carvalho, Solange Peixe Pinheiro de 27 February 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar uma proposta de tradução para as falas das personagens que usam o dialeto de Yorkshire no romance Wuthering Heights. O romance, publicado pela primeira vez na Inglaterra em 1847, já teve nove traduções diferentes no Brasil, bem como diversas reimpressões; e a existência desta proposta se deve ao fato de todas as traduções deixarem de lado a questão dialetal e apresentarem a fala dessas personagens dentro da norma culta da língua portuguesa. Consideramos que é necessário manter nas traduções em português a heterogeneidade existente no original inglês, pois essa é uma característica importante que não deve ser ignorada, principalmente depois que estudos lingüísticos e sociolingüísticos mostraram que dialetos não são formas inferiores de uma língua \"padrão\", correta. Levando em consideração as diferenças lingüísticas existentes entre a Inglaterra e o Brasil, e tendo por base estudos dialetológicos e o uso de elementos da oralidade para a criação das falas, a proposta de tradução pretende mostrar ao leitor brasileiro o fato de algumas personagens do romance não usarem o inglês standard ao falar, bem como uma análise sobre o papel desempenhado pelo uso do dialeto em diferentes momentos da narrativa. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to propose a translation for the speech of the characters that speak Yorkshire dialect in the novel Wuthering Heights. This novel, published for the first time in England in 1847, has already been translated nine times into Brazilian Portuguese; besides, these translations have also been reissued here. This dissertation has as its basis the fact that in all nine Brazilian translations the Yorkshire dialect has been rendered into standard Portuguese. We consider that it is necessary to keep in Portuguese the linguistic diversity found in the original text, since it is a very important characteristic of the novel that cannot be ignored, most of all because linguistic and sociolinguistic studies have shown that dialects are not \"inferior\" forms of a \"standard\", correct, language. Taking into consideration the linguistic differences that exist between English and Brazilian Portuguese, and having as basis dialectological studies and the use of elements of oral language to create the speech of the characters in Portuguese, this work intends to show to Brazilian readers the fact that some characters in the novel do not speak standard English, as well as an analysis about the role played by the use of dialect in different moments of the novel.

A tradução do socioleto literário: um estudo de \'Wuthering heights\' / The translation of literary sociolect: a study of \'Wuthering Heights\'

Solange Peixe Pinheiro de Carvalho 27 February 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar uma proposta de tradução para as falas das personagens que usam o dialeto de Yorkshire no romance Wuthering Heights. O romance, publicado pela primeira vez na Inglaterra em 1847, já teve nove traduções diferentes no Brasil, bem como diversas reimpressões; e a existência desta proposta se deve ao fato de todas as traduções deixarem de lado a questão dialetal e apresentarem a fala dessas personagens dentro da norma culta da língua portuguesa. Consideramos que é necessário manter nas traduções em português a heterogeneidade existente no original inglês, pois essa é uma característica importante que não deve ser ignorada, principalmente depois que estudos lingüísticos e sociolingüísticos mostraram que dialetos não são formas inferiores de uma língua \"padrão\", correta. Levando em consideração as diferenças lingüísticas existentes entre a Inglaterra e o Brasil, e tendo por base estudos dialetológicos e o uso de elementos da oralidade para a criação das falas, a proposta de tradução pretende mostrar ao leitor brasileiro o fato de algumas personagens do romance não usarem o inglês standard ao falar, bem como uma análise sobre o papel desempenhado pelo uso do dialeto em diferentes momentos da narrativa. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to propose a translation for the speech of the characters that speak Yorkshire dialect in the novel Wuthering Heights. This novel, published for the first time in England in 1847, has already been translated nine times into Brazilian Portuguese; besides, these translations have also been reissued here. This dissertation has as its basis the fact that in all nine Brazilian translations the Yorkshire dialect has been rendered into standard Portuguese. We consider that it is necessary to keep in Portuguese the linguistic diversity found in the original text, since it is a very important characteristic of the novel that cannot be ignored, most of all because linguistic and sociolinguistic studies have shown that dialects are not \"inferior\" forms of a \"standard\", correct, language. Taking into consideration the linguistic differences that exist between English and Brazilian Portuguese, and having as basis dialectological studies and the use of elements of oral language to create the speech of the characters in Portuguese, this work intends to show to Brazilian readers the fact that some characters in the novel do not speak standard English, as well as an analysis about the role played by the use of dialect in different moments of the novel.

Tarminių tekstų sintaktika ir pragmatika / Syntactic and pragmatic of dialectal texts

Filipavičienė, Rimantė 20 November 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – sakytiniai vakarų aukštaičių šiauliškių patarmės tekstai. Darbe analizuojama trijų pasirinktų tarminių tekstų sintaktika (iš adresato perspektyvos). Darbo pradžioje aptariami sakytinio teksto ir tarminės kalbos bruožai. Pasakotojų tekstai formaliai ir pagal prasmę yra siejami įvairiomis kalbinėmis ir nekalbinėmis priemonėmis. Dėmesys kreipiamas į tiriamų tekstų ekspresyvumą, gyvumą lemiančius kalbos elementus, sintaksines konstrukcijas: analizuojama tekstą sudarančių sakinių struktūra, jų ilgis, nagrinėjamos tarminei kalbai būdingos sintaksinės figūros. Tekstų rišlumas kuriamas tam tikromis sakinių siejimo priemonėmis: aptariamas elipsės, žodžių inversijos, suderintų veiksmažodžio laikų (visa tai sudaro gramatinę koheziją), įvairių kartojimų, hiponimų ir hiperonimų (leksinė kohezija), jungtukų ir kitų jungiamąją funkciją atliekančių žodžių (dalelyčių, prieveiksmių ir kt.) vartojimas. Be minėtų kalbinių priemonių, kalbėtojoms kurti sklandų, vientisą, o kartu ir ekspresyvų, tekstą padeda ekstralingvistiniai veiksniai: aprašomi analizuojamuose tarminiuose tekstuose matomi intonacijos ir ritmo dalykai. Atkreipiamas dėmesys, kad dėl tarminės kalbos spontaniškumo, menko minties apgalvojimo kalboje gali rastis tam tikrų nesklandumų. Darbe aptariamas vienas ryškiausių analizuojamos kalbos nesklandumo atvejų – nereikšminiai kartojimai. / The object of the master work is the spoken dialectal texts. There are analyzed the syntactic of three dialectal texts in the thesis. At first, the author describes the features of spoken text and dialectal speech. Formally and meaningfully narrators' texts are related to different linguistic and nonlinguistic devices. The attention is paid to the elements of speech, syntactic structure: analyzed sentences structure and length, syntactic shapes which are characteristic of dialectal speech. Cohesion of dialectal texts is determined for different connecting devices: the ellipsis, inverted order of words, verb tense agreement (grammatical cohesion), various reduplications, hyponyms and hyperonyms (lexical cohesion), connecting words such as conjunctions, particles, adverbs (lexical grammatical cohesion). In addition, the fluent speech also is created with nonlinguistic devices. There is described falling and rising intonation, speech rhythm in the master work. Also the master's author pays attention to nonmeaningful reduplications which is defined as nonfluencies of dialectal speech.

Finnskägg, tåtel och sia : om folkliga namn på gräs / Finnskägg, tåtel and sia : on popular names for grasses

Svahn, Margareta January 1991 (has links)
By collecting and analysing plant names linguistically, a knowledge of popular botany and its relationshipto scientific botany can be obtained.This study has two primary aims: to describe the popular botanical view of the part of thevegetal world represented by grasses and to illustrate the dialectal use of plant names.The material consists of dialectal names for grasses and has been taken chiefly from variousarchives. The area investigated is primarily Sweden, but other parts of Fenno-Scandinavia, chieflyNorway and parts of Finland where Swedish is spoken, have also been included. The plant namesanalysed are either equivalents or synonyms: they have the same meaning but different geographicalareas of distribution or the same meaning and the same geographical areas of distribution.Three popular "species", each of which represents three different correspondences betweenpopular and scientific botany are described."Grass with a panicle" illustrates underdifferentiation. A number of grasses are collectivelygiven the same name. The grasses are primarily characterised by their similarity in appearance,but they are also used in the same way, as fodder grasses. "Grass with a panicle" has five namesin Swedish dialects: ven, tåtel, bunk, jägarn and tannar."Vegetative tillers" exemplifies overdifferentiation. The tillers are only one part of the plant,which means that the popular classification is more differentiated than the scientific one. Thereare probably several reasons for this differentiation: The vegetative tillers are the first to appearin spring, before the culms with panicles. The tillers are grazed, not cut like the flowering stems.The names found in Swedish dialects are rysk, tov and sia."Mat-grass" represents one-to-one correspondence. The "species" is on the whole identicalwith the scientific species mat-grass. The reason for this identity is the characteristic appearanceof the plant and its hardness. It is difficult to cut. In Swedish dialects mat-grass has five nameswhich are widely spread: stagg, finnskägg, hära, sägg and fnugg. But it also has a great numberof names with a very limited distribution. Because of the special efforts required at harvesttime—mat-grass often bent to the scythe only to rise again soon afterwards—this grass could stirup emotions and hence it has been subject to affective word-formation.The material points to the conclusion that external characteristics of plants may be decisive fortheir classification in popular botany. It is important to note, however, that the use made of aplant is also important in the popular division of "species". / <p>Omslagets illustration producerad av konstnären Eva Skåreus.</p> / digitalisering@umu

Nivellement et contre-nivellement phonologique à Manchester : étude de corpus dans le cadre du projet PAC-LVTI / Phonological levelling and counter-levelling in Manchester : corpus study within the PAC-LVTI project

Chatellier, Hugo 02 December 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse propose une description et une étude multidimensionnelles (sociolinguistiques, phonologiques et phonétiques) de la variété d'anglais parlée dans le Greater Manchester. Nous offrons une discussion sur les enjeux méthodologiques et épistémologiques de l'étude du changement linguistique et de l'utilisation des corpus en linguistique. Notre travail est mené dans le cadre du programme PAC (Phonologie de l'Anglais Contemporain : usages, variétés et structure) et au sein du projet LVTI (Langue, Ville, Travail, Identité) sur la base du corpus PAC-LVTI Manchester, constitué de données authentiques et récentes récoltées sur le terrain. Notre analyse se concentre notamment sur le phénomène de nivellement dialectal, qui a été l'objet de nombreuses recherches récentes en sociolinguistique anglaise. Nous nous intéressons en particulier à l'hypothèse de l'expansion d'une variété supralocale dans le nord de l'Angleterre. Notre étude concerne essentiellement les voyelles du Greater Manchester, et repose sur une analyse phonético-acoustique de la production des locuteurs de notre corpus. Nous relevons les caractéristiques majeures de la variété mancunienne, telles qu'elles ont pu être décrites dans les quelques travaux publiés jusqu'ici, et étudions leur corrélation avec des facteurs sociolinguistiques classiques comme l'âge, le genre, ou le niveau socio-économique. Nous explorons également la pertinence des facteurs attitudinaux pour l'étude de nos données. Sur la base de nos résultats phonético-acoustiques, nous nous prononçons en faveur de la pertinence de l'opposition de longueur en anglais, repensée en termes de poids vocalique au niveau de la représentation des voyelles, et proposons une modélisation du système phonologique de la variété du Greater Manchester dans le cadre de la phonologie de dépendance. Nous discutons des évolutions du système à la lumière du phénomène de nivellement dialectal, et nous interrogeons sur la pertinence des facteurs internes et externes pour les expliquer. / This thesis offers a multidimensional (sociolinguistic, phonetic, and phonological) description and study of the variety of English spoken in Greater Manchester. We discuss the study of linguistic change and the use of corpora in linguistics from a methodological and epistemological point of view. Our work is conducted in the framework of the PAC programme (Phonology of Contemporary English: usage, varieties and structure) and within the LVTI project (Language, Urban Life, Work, Identity), and based on the PAC-LVTI Manchester corpus, which is composed of authentic and recent fieldwork data. Our analysis notably focuses on the phenomenon of regional dialect levelling, which has been largely documented in recent English sociolinguistic research. In particular, we are interested in the hypothesis of the expansion of a supralocal variety in the north of England. Our study deals mainly with the vowels of Greater Manchester English, and relies on a phonetic-acoustic analysis of our informants' realisations. We describe the major characteristics of the Mancunian variety based on the few studies published so far, and statistically evaluate their correlation with traditional sociolinguistic factors such as age, gender or socio-economic profile. We also explore the relevance of attitudinal factors for the study of our data. On the basis of our phonetic-acoustic results, we speak in favour of the relevance of the opposition of length in English, which we reconsider in terms of vocalic weight in the representation of vowels. We then offer a model of the phonological system of Greater Manchester inspired by Dependency Phonology. We discuss the evolutions of the system in the light of regional dialect levelling, and question the role played by internal and external factors in these linguistic changes.

O processo de ensino aprendizagem da libras por jovens surdos através dos sinais dialetais

Silveira, Briele Bruna Farias da 10 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fernando Souza (fernandoafsou@gmail.com) on 2017-09-20T13:45:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3130037 bytes, checksum: 93a797fd36431e9d40270f40cf9d18b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-20T13:45:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3130037 bytes, checksum: 93a797fd36431e9d40270f40cf9d18b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-10 / In this study, we identified and described the signs brought by three deaf people from rural communities who are assisted by the Rural Training Center - Specialized Care Center (CRF-CAE), located in the Cruz do Espírito Santo City - PB. In order to investigate these signs, both common to all deaf and variable, we are based on the sociolinguistic perspective, which considers language as a social institution (WEINREICH, LABOV, HERZOG, 1968; LABOV, 1975). However, we discussed language and social interaction (SAUSSURE, 1975; MARTELOTTA, 2013; GÓES, 2002) and the acquisition of sign language (QUADROS, 1997; LANGEVIN, 1995). After the analysis of the signs, we worked with three didactic sequences, using them in the teaching-learning process of the Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS, the first two sequences being from instructional texts and the third, from cordel literature. The results show that the signs developed by the deaf within the family, in addition to being linguistically structured, are subject to extralinguistically motivated variation, which accredits them to have the status of dialectal signs. They demonstrated, mainly, that the teachinglearning of an official sign language, mediated by the dialectal signal, is fundamental to the process. We hope, therefore, that this study may serve as a basis for other works with a similar purpose. / Neste estudo, identificamos e descrevemos os sinais trazidos por três surdos oriundos de comunidades rurais e que são atendidos pelo Centro Rural de Formação - Centro de atendimento Especializado (CRF-CAE), localizado no município de Cruz do Espírito Santo - PB. Para procedermos à investigação desses sinais, tanto os comuns a todos os surdos como os variáveis, embasamo-nos na perspectiva sociolinguística, que considera a língua como uma instituição social (WEINREICH, LABOV, HERZOG, 1968; LABOV, 1975). Antes, porém, discutimos sobre linguagem, língua e interação social (SAUSSURE, 1975; MARTELOTTA, 2013; GÓES, 2002) e sobre aquisição de língua de sinais (QUADROS, 1997; LANGEVIN, 1995; entre outros). Após a análise dos sinais, trabalhamos com três sequências didáticas, utilizandoos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Língua Brasileira de Sinais - LIBRAS, sendo as duas primeiras sequências a partir de textos instrucionais e a terceira, a partir da literatura de cordel. Os resultados nos mostram que os sinais desenvolvidos pelos surdos no seio familiar, além de estruturados linguisticamente, são passíveis de variação motivada extralinguisticamente, o que os credencia a ter o status de sinais dialetais. Demonstraram, principalmente, que o ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua de sinais oficial, mediado pelo sinal dialetal, é fundamental ao processo. Esperamos, dessa forma, que este estudo possa servir de base a outros trabalhos com propósito semelhante.

Acomodação dialetal: análise da fricativa coronal /S/ em posição de coda silábica por paraibanos residentes em Recife

Lima, Izete de Souza 07 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:43:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1122033 bytes, checksum: e744f4565a80e1b014656a9aa14d6b1c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present study aims to understand the dialectal accommodation process of paraibanos who live in Recife (PE), based on Communication Accommodation Theory (GILES et al., 1987) and in the theoretical-methodological contributions of the Variation Theory (LABOV, 1996; 1972). The phonological phenomenon which will allow us to check the accommodation effects is the realization of coronal fricative /S/ in coda position by the fact that this segment clearly marks the difference between the dialects under study. The corpus was constituted by 9 paraibanos informants residing for at least two years in Recife. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis enabled us to identify statistically the factors that are contributing to the accommodation, while the qualitative analysis enabled us the interpretation of subjective data that contributed to the accommodation of the new dialect or the preservation of the dialect of origin. The statistical treatment realized through Goldvarb X (SANKOFF, TAGLIAMONTE & SMITH, 2005) showed, in increasing order of significance, which the most relevant variables were: permanence time, amount of exposure to dialect, following phonological context, the style and the frequency of visits. The qualitative analysis developed through the participants speech allowed us identify the linguistics attitude of the informants. We realized that positive evaluation influenced the linguistic accommodation even as the negative evaluation led them to preserve their dialect of origin as a way of distancing. / O presente estudo visa compreender o processo de acomodação dialetal de paraibanos que vivem em Recife (PE), com base na Teoria da Acomodação da Comunicação (GILES et al., 1987) e nos aportes teórico-metodológicos da Teoria da Variação Linguística (LABOV, 2008; 1972). O fenômeno fonológico que nos permitirá verificar os efeitos da acomodação é a realização da fricativa coronal /S/ em posição de coda silábica, pelo fato de que esse segmento marca claramente a diferença entre os dialetos em estudo. O corpus foi constituído por 9 informantes paraibanos que residem há no mínimo dois anos em Recife. Os dados coletados foram analisados quantitativamente e qualitativamente. A análise quantitativa possibilitou identificar estatisticamente os fatores que estão contribuindo para a acomodação, enquanto a análise qualitativa possibilitou a interpretação dos dados subjetivos que contribuíram para a acomodação do novo dialeto ou a preservação do dialeto de origem. O tratamento estatístico realizado através do Goldvarb X (SANKOFF, TAGLIAMONTE & SMITH, 2005) mostrou, em ordem crescente de significância, que as variáveis mais relevantes foram: o tempo de permanência, o contato diuturno com falantes recifenses, o contexto fonológico seguinte, o estilo e a frequência das visitas. A análise qualitativa desenvolvida através das falas dos participantes permitiu-nos identificar a atitude linguística dos informantes. Percebemos que a avaliação positiva influenciou a acomodação linguística, assim como a avaliação negativa levou-os à preservação do seu dialeto de origem, como forma de distanciamento.

Caracterização linguística do oeste Goiano: o uso variável das vogais médias pretônicas na fala de Iporá/GO / Linguistic characterization of west Goias: the variable use of the pretonic mid vowels in speech of Iporá/GO

Silva, Wildinara Karlane Luiz da 04 October 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-11-10T12:45:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Wildinara Karlane Luiz da Silva - 2013.pdf: 4862355 bytes, checksum: 2a378e1f67d6d49f8c1a9964eec73ffb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-11-18T10:24:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Wildinara Karlane Luiz da Silva - 2013.pdf: 4862355 bytes, checksum: 2a378e1f67d6d49f8c1a9964eec73ffb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-18T10:24:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Wildinara Karlane Luiz da Silva - 2013.pdf: 4862355 bytes, checksum: 2a378e1f67d6d49f8c1a9964eec73ffb (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-04 / This work is devoted to describe the behavior of pretonic mid vowels <E>and <O> in the speech community of Iporá / GO and grasp the linguistic and social factors that control the occurence of variants. This variable phenomenon has role in the demarcation of dialect areas in Brazil, in which three variants are found: high [i, u], closed-mid [e, o] and open-mid [ε, ͻ]. Based on the methodology of Variationist Sociolinguistics, this research is based on the sample of 22 participants with stratified profile according to sex / gender, age and level of education and the correlation between selected language and social independent variables such as: height of the following vowel, preceding and following contexts, grammatical class, distance from the tonic vowel, sex/gender, age, level of education and origin. The collected data in sociolinguistic interviews, after being transcribed and coded, were processed using the statistical program Goldvarb X. The results without data (almost) categorical point that the variants closed-mid and open-mid vowels, in Iporá, present an approximate percentage and a different distribution in relation to Formosa/GO (GRAEBIN, 2008), the other speech sample of Goiás, in which was studied the same phenomenon. The vowel harmonization is the rule that controls more variation in the use of the three variants <E>and <O>. The variables are less active in this variation and it is not a change in progress, because the variant high is linked to low level of education and variant open-mid to the participant's origin Bahia. The variant high of <O> is favored by elderly and the variantclosed-mid of <O> by young. The variant closed-mid of <E> is favored by female and the open-mid of <E> by male. / Este trabalho se dedica a descrever o comportamento das vogais médias pretônicas <E> e <O> na comunidade de fala de Iporá/GO e apreender os fatores linguísticos e sociais que controlam as ocorrências das variantes. Este fenômeno variável tem papel na demarcação de áreas dialetais no Brasil, em que são encontradas três variantes: a alta [i, u], a fechada [e, o] e a aberta [ε, ͻ]. Com base na metodologia da Sociolinguística Variacionista, esta pesquisa é baseada na amostra composta pela fala de 22 participantes com perfil estratificado quanto a sexo/gênero, faixa etária e escolaridade e na correlação entre variáveis independentes linguísticas e sociais selecionadas, tais como: altura da vogal seguinte, contexto precedente e seguinte, classe gramatical, distância da tônica, sexo/gênero, faixa etária, escolaridade e origem. Os dados colhidos nas entrevistas sociolinguísticas, após serem transcritos e codificados, foram processados no programa estatístico GoldVarb X. Os resultados sem dados (quase) categóricos apontam que as variantes aberta e fechada, em Iporá, apresentam percentuais próximos e uma distribuição diferente em relação a Formosa/GO (GRAEBIN, 2008), a outra amostra da fala goiana, na qual foi estudado o mesmo fenômeno. A harmonização vocálica é a regra que mais controla a variação no uso das três variantes de <E> e <O>.As variáveis sociais foram menos atuantes nesta variação e não se trata de uma mudança em progresso, pois o alçamento está ligado à baixa escolaridade e a abertura à origem do participante de ascendência baiana. O alçamento de <O> é favorecido por idosos e o fechamento de <O> por jovens. O fechamento de <E> é favorecido pelo sexo feminino e a abertura pelo masculino.

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