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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Llars infantils: una alternativa als nens en risc social

Panchón i Iglesias, Carme 21 January 1994 (has links)
Les organitzacions residencials per a nens-nenes i per a joves són una alternativa sòcio-educativa pel que fa al camp de l’inadaptació social. Es tracta d’una alternativa promoguda des dels Serveis Socials (S.S.), que proven cada cop més d’orientar les intervencions des d’una perspectiva educativa, que és la que pot millor –a partir de l’immersió dels individus en processos d’aprenentatges– aportar eines pel canvi personal i pel canvi social. Els objectius d’aquesta investigació han estat els següents: A) Analitzar d’una manera crítica la realitat organitzativa actual dels centres residencials d’atenció a l’infantesa o la joventut amb problemàtica social situats a la comarca del Barcelonès. B) Establir els elements estructurals fonamentals en l’organització d’un centre i les seves relacions. C) Integrar el model organitzatiu dins d’un model general de funcionament. / Las organizaciones residenciales para niño/as y jóvenes constituyen una alternativa socio-educativa en el campo de la inadaptación social, alternativa promovida desde los Servicios Sociales (S.S.) Los S.S. intentan, cada vez mas, orientar las intervenciones desde una perspectiva educativa que es la que puede, a partir de la inmersión de los individuos en procesos de aprendizajes, aportar herramientas tanto para el cambio personal como social. Los objetivos de la investigación han sido: A) Analizar críticamente la realidad organizativa actual de centros residenciales de atención a la infancia o juventud con problemática socio-familiar del Barcelonès. B) Establecer los elementos estructurales fundamentales en la organización de un centro y sus relaciones. C) Integrar el modelo organizativo en el marco de un modelo general de funcionamiento.

Revisorns dilemma : En studie om riskproblematik i perspektiv av skadeståndsansvar

Wikfeldt, Emma, Chammas, Michella January 2018 (has links)
Revisorer har i uppdrag att granska företagens finansiella räkenskaper för att säkerställa attsiffrorna är rättvisande, trots att det inte är en fullständig garanti. Revisorn har ettskadeståndsansvar i de fall han eller hon vållar skada i det granskade företaget. Dennahermeneutiska studie har genomförts till följd av ett gap i forskningen gällande denriskproblematik i granskningen som kan föranleda skadestånd. Syftet med studien är attbeskriva riskproblematiken i granskningen kopplat till skadeståndsansvaret och hurproblematiken påverkar revisorns arbete, samt utveckla begreppet revisorns dilemma.Forskningsfrågan: Vilken riskproblematik i perspektiv av skadeståndsansvar finns och hurpåverkar den revisorns granskning? har med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod besvarats. Empirinär uppbyggd av tio personliga intervjuer med auktoriserade revisorer från små och storarevisionsbyråer verksamma i Västsverige. Resultatet visar att skadeståndsrisken och revisornsriskmedvetenhet har ökat de senaste åren. Risken för skadestånd är högre för större byråer,eftersom deras klientstock består av större klienter, till skillnad från mindre byråer. Revisornförhåller sig till skadeståndsansvaret, men påverkas dock inte av det i sitt dagliga arbete.Dessutom anses sanktioner från Revisorsinspektionen vara en mer betydande risk än ettskadeståndsanspråk. Många svårigheter i granskningen grundas i att de kräver en bedömningav framtida prospekter, som ibland stöds av få konkreta revisionsbevis. I granskningenbedömer revisorn poster utifrån revisionsrisken. I det fall klientens företagsledning undanhållereller förfalskar information ökar risken för att revisorn gör en felaktig bedömning. Därmedökar risken för att förskingring och annat mygel inte upptäcks. Denna farhåga stiger också dåföretagsledningen visar på hög riskbenägenhet. Slutligen kan skadestånd föranledas då revisornupplyser för mycket eller för lite i revisionsberättelsen. Både typ I- och typ II-fel utförda avrevisorn kan skada klienten och ligga till grund för ett monetärt anspråk. / The auditor has a task of reviewing a company's financial accounts to ensure that the numbersare accurate. Nevertheless, it is not an absolute guarantee of ensurance. The auditor is liablefor damages in the event of injury to the audited company. This hermeneutic study has beencarried out due to a research gap regarding the problematic risks in the audit that could lead todamages. The purpose of this study is to describe the problematic risks in the audit associatedwith the auditor’s liability of damages and how this affects the auditor's examination, as wellas to develop the concept of the auditor's dilemma. The research question: What problematicrisks in terms of liability of damages exist and how does it affect the auditor's examination?has been answered by means of a qualitative method. The empirical evidence consists of tenpersonal interviews with authorized auditors from small and large auditing firms operating inwestern Sweden. The results show that the auditor’s risk of being liable for damages, and thusthe auditor’s risk awareness, has increased in recent years. The risk of a claim for damages ishigher for larger auditing firms because their client base more often consists of larger clients,unlike smaller auditing firms. The auditor maintains an awareness for the damages liability butis, however, not affected by the liability in his or her daily work. In addition, sanctions fromthe Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors are considered to be a more significant risk than a claimfor damages. Many difficulties in the audit are based on the fact that they require an assessmentof future prospects, sometimes supported by few concrete audit evidence. In the audit, theauditor makes assessments based on the audit risk. In the event that the client's managementwithholds or falsifies information, it increases the risk that the auditor makes an incorrectassessment. This amplifies the risk of not detecting embezzlement and other manipulationsmade by the management of the client. This apprehension also enhances when the client’scorporate management exhibits high risk propensity. Finally, damages can be induced whenthe auditor remarks too much or too little in the audit report. Both Type I and Type II errorsmade by the auditor can damage the client and may form the basis for a potential monetaryclaim.

La Tunisie à l'épreuve de la territorialisation : réalités et perspectives du modèle de développement territorial / Tunisia in the test of territorialisation : realities and prospects of the territorial development model

Labiadh, Ines 03 May 2017 (has links)
En Tunisie, le développement a toujours été une affaire de l’Etat. A travers ses organismes déconcentrés, il veille à l’application de ses programmes aux différentes échelles infranationales. Depuis l’indépendance, ces programmes pour la plupart héritiers des stratégies et politiques nordistes se sont soldés par un échec, en particulier dans les zones difficiles à fortes contraintes naturelles et socio-économiques. La marginalisation longue et profonde couplée à l’incapacité des pouvoirs publics à résoudre les problèmes dans ces zones ont conduit à une révolte populaire dans les zones défavorisées, où les marges de manœuvre et les possibilités de prise de décision par les acteurs locaux sont les plus rétrécies. La révolution reflète la saturation des politiques publiques et la nécessité de laisser libre cours au dynamisme des territoires et des collectivités locales pour penser leur propre développement. Certaines dynamiques territoriales ont, d’ailleurs, réussi à faire leur preuve à travers des mécanismes consensuels de valorisation et de construction des ressources et des richesses. Ainsi, Cette thèse analyse l’émergence des expériences de développement territorial en Tunisie et questionne leurs éléments de force et de faiblesse. Elle permet aussi de réfléchir sur le statut d’aujourd’hui et de demain des territoires et sur le rôle qu’ils devraient jouer dans la réinvention de la pratique du développement. Ce travail propose à cet égard, d’aborder la révolution comme un moment historique et le processus de transition démocratique tel une opportunité à saisir par les territoires pour mettre au service de leurs populations la richesse de leur capital humain et de leurs patrimoines et ressources. L’analyse de terrain, des pratiques des acteurs et des apports de la révolution nous permet d’examiner tous ces aspects. / In Tunisia, the development was always a State affair. Through his devolved public bodies, he watches the application of his programs in the various infranationals scales. Since the independence, these programs for the greater part heirs of the strategies and northern policies, failed, in particular in the difficult areas with strong natural and socioeconomic constraints. The long and deep marginalization coupled with the incapacity of public authorities to solve the problems in these areas led to a popular revolt in the disadvantaged zones where the margins of operation and the possibilities of decision-making by the local actors were the most limited. The revolution expresses the saturation of public policies and the necessity of giving free rein to the dynamism of territories and local authorities to think of their own development. Especially that number of territorial dynamics prove their benefit by consensual mechanisms of valuation and construction of the resources and wealth. So, This thesis analyzes the emergence of the experiences of territorial development in Tunisia and questions their elements of strength and weakness. She also allows to reflect about the today and tomorrow’s status of territories and on the role which they should play in the reinvention of the development practice. This work proposes in this regard, to approach the revolution as a historic moment and the democratic transition process like a opportunity to be seized by territories to put in the service of their populations the wealth of their human resources and their heritages and resources. The analysis of terrain, practices of the actors and the contributions of the revolution allows us to examine all these aspects.

Obtížný temperament v raném dětství / Difficult temperament in early childhood

BAJGAROVÁ, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
The presented dissertation consists of both a quantitative part and a qualitative part. The quantitative part deals with the relationship between 5-HTTLPR S/L, MAOA H/L, and COMT Val158Met polymorphisms, the stress reaction of new-born infants after a heel stick blood draw (measured by determining salivary cortisol at three time points) and temperament assessed at age three months by Rothbarth's Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised in a sample of 84 infants. Observed polymorphisms were related both to the course of the stress reaction and to temperament. The short allele of serotonin transporter polymorphism was connected to higher scores in the secondary scale of Negative Affect and lower scores in the secondary scale of Attention/Regulation. Homozygotes for the more active allele of MAOA polymorphism (HH) had the lowest scores in Negative Affect compared to both of the remaining groups, they also had higher scores in the secondary scale of Extraversion and Attention/Regulation and a greater decrease of cortisol in comparison to HL heterozygotes. The presence of low-active L allele predisposed their carriers to higher scores in Negative Affect and lower scores in Attention/Regulation. LL homozygotes had the highest increase of cortisol after a heel stick blood draw. The Met allele of COMT Val158Met polymorphism was connected to higher Extraversion and Attention/Regulation and a greater cortisol decrease. It was possible to predict all three secondary scales of IBQ-R from the stress reaction after the heel stick blood draw. Negative Affect was predicted by a higher increase and a lower decrease of cortisol. Extraversion and Attention/Regulation were predicted by a greater cortisol decrease. The magnitude of cortisol decrease partially mediated the influence of COMT Val158Met polymorphism on Extraversion. The qualitative part of the dissertation is a multi-casuistic study of six couples parenting infants with difficult temperaments. It is based on semi-structured interviews that were analysed in accordance with qualitative procedures. The most difficult infant displays to manage were unsoothable crying in the first six months and early sleeplessness and a later escalation of sleeping problems. Mothers were esentially not able to gain control over the amount of crying, but some of them managed to influence their experience to achieve a greater acceptance of it. To do this, it was necessary for them to eliminate their feelings of failure in the parental role. The parents' biggest dilemma concerning their infants' sleeping problems was whether to use the "cry it out" strategy or not to manage them. For some parents parenting a difficult infant was an opportunity to re-evaluate their approach to parenting and the parental role, significantly broadening the concept of both. Caring for a difficult infant significantly strained the marital relationship; four couples experienced marital crisis during the care of their child. The father's involvement in infant care seemed very important in this respect. Insufficient involvement led to dissatisfaction in the mother, the way the mother communicated her demands further influenced the marital relationship. Particular behaviour that the mother understood as the father's involvement in infant care emerged.

Etika a kultura v interakci s obtížnými klienty / Ethics and culture in interaction with difficult clients

DUŠKOVÁ, Helena January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on the ethical and cultural dimension of social work, application of ethical principles and choice of attitude by a helping professional when working with a client. Subsequently, I followed changes in application of these ethical principles and changes of attitude in high-strain situations in the contact with a so-called difficult client. Further, I focused on the defence mechanisms which a helping professional chooses to cope with high-strain situations and manage his job well. In the individual chapters of the theoretical parte, by the analysis of scientific literature I described theoretical bases of the professional relationship between a social/health social worker and a klient and I focused on the realization of this relationship and on what it brings the worker in high-strain situations when working with the so-called difficult client. In the empirical part, I set one main goal to find out how social workers react on the ethical level in high-strain situations while interacting with difficult clients. Partial goals were designed to find out what ethical principles social workers apply, what attitudes they choose, which clients they consider difficult and what defence mechanisms they develop to cope with high-strain situations. To reflect these goals, I set one main research question and four partial ones. For the collection of data, I opted for the method of quantitative research and I used the questioning method in the form of a half-structured interview. I chose the set of respondents for my research by the method of simple random sampling. To process the research data, I chose the method of case study. Processing the interviews and analysing them, I found out that social workers in high-strain situations do not change their application of ethical principles. Further, I found out that the choice of attitude in high-strain situations changes and that social workers choose, instead of a partner attitude based on equality, a more or less directive stance. All of the respondents met a difficult client at work and dealing with high-strain situations causes them certain indisposition they have to cope with. The answer to the main research question is thus that on ethical level social workers react in high-strain situation by a shift in the choice of their attitude and solving ethical dilemmas. It was a hostile client that the social workers listed most frequently in the typology of clients. It became evident during the interviews what kind of defence mechanisms social workers choose to be able to cope with high-strain situations. The thesis may provide information to the general public and experts.

Les pratiques culturelles, artistiques et musicales, lues comme dispositifs d’insertion pour les jeunes Martiniquais sans qualification professionnelle / Cultural artistic and musical practices, read as devices of insertion for Martinique youth without professional qualification

Loiseau, Ambroise 10 December 2016 (has links)
Au moment où la Martinique découvre, non sans stupéfaction, que les jeunes de 18 à 25 ans représentent la classe d’âge la plus pauvre de l’île − ils représentent 12,3% des personnes reçues au Secours Catholique −, cette thèse jette un regard inquiet sur les jeunes qui sortent de l’école sans qualification professionnelle. Le temps de latence qui les met à rude épreuve – c’est la période qui va de la sortie du système scolaire à la stabilisation professionnelle − s’est considérablement allongé. De deux ans il est passé à cinq ans. Ces jeunes sont éjectés d’un système scolaire, resté très élitiste. Les traumas qui les assaillent risquent fort de compromettre le processus qui participe de leur individuation, de leur réalisation. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser les manques, les besoins de cette population, et, au vu des résultats obtenus, de proposer des alternatives. L’approche est qualitative. Elle tente de comprendre l’expérience humaine en situation de chômage. Elle tente d’explorer les difficultés des jeunes sans qualification professionnelle, afin de voir comment il est possible d’améliorer leur situation. Et de manière à prévenir en faveur de cette jeunesse martiniquaise, trop souvent en proie à la spirale de la violence, elle propose des pratiques culturelles, artistiques et musicales. / At a time when Martinique is discovering with amazement, that youths from 18 to 25 are the poorest part of the island populationthey are 12.3% of those coming to the Catholic relief this thesis focuses on the serious problem of young people leaving school without qualifications. The very difficult period of waiting time  that is mean the period that goes from their leaving the school system to a professional stabilization  has risen from two years to five years. These young people are ejected from a school system that is still very selective. Their traumas are so serious that they can compromise the process leading them to their individuation, to their achievement. In this thesis we aim at analyzing the lacks, the needs of this population and then after observing the results obtained, at proposing other alternatives. The approach is qualitative. It attempts to understand the human experience in a situation of unemployment. It tries to explore their difficulties to see how it is possible to improve their situation. And to prevent Martinique youth from being too often in the grip of the spiral of violence, it offers cultural, artistic and musical practices.

Zdravotně sociální služby pro osoby se sklony k suicidálnímu chování / Health and social services for people with inclination to the suicidal behaviour

TIŠL, Bořivoj January 2010 (has links)
The presented graduation thesis is entitled {\clqq}Health and Social Services For Suicidal Patients``. Lot of learned papers were written on the suicide theme by researches who are trying to find out specific causes, motives, symptoms and interventions related to suicidal behavior. The professional care includes both medical and non-medical support. In case of an individual who attempted to take his/her life, the help starts after the intervention of the lifesaving service or other factors, mostly in the anaesthesiological-resuscitation wards and intensive care units. As soon as the patient is outside danger to life, he is subjected to a psychological and psychiatric examination. After repeated suicidal tendencies are excluded by the psychiatrist, the care of the client is handed over to outpatient psychiatric clinic. An option of psychotherapy is also considered. His/her integration into normal life may be supported by healh and social services that are the subject of this thesis. This thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a research part. The theoretical part deals with definitions of terms related to the theme of the graduation thesis {--} suicide, affecting factors, types of suicidal behavior, health and social services for suicidal individuals. The aim of the thesis is to map out the situation in the health and social services rendered to suicidal clients in the Region of Jihlava and to establish the knowledgeability about these services among the population or clients´ satisfaction with these services, as exemplified by several case studies. The case studies also describe the treatment of patients after the suicidal attempt, how the life of suicide attempters has changed since the attempt, how do they perceive their suicide attempt retrospectively and also what should be done so that their troubles do not occur again. The existing thesis may give an insight into the health and social services situation in the region of Jihlava, into availability or non-availability of the services in the region, and may give an idea for broadening health and social services for suicidal individuals.

What challenges do staff in psychiatric inpatient settings face? : the development of the Staff Emotions, Attributions, Challenges & Coping Scale (SEACCS)

McColgan, Nadia Estelle January 2011 (has links)
Background: Psychiatric inpatient staff members work with arguably the most challenging service users. However, reference to these challenges often does not go beyond ‘challenging behaviour’, offering no insight into the actual presentation, thus preventing formulation of the perceived challenges, or subsequent interventions. Moreover, studies have shown that staff responses to challenging presentations can impact on both the staff member and the service user. In particular, staff causal attributions have been shown to impact on their therapeutic response (Apel & Bar-Tal, 1996), as well as being associated with staff emotions (Colson et al., 1987). In turn, the emotional response has been found to be associated with coping, both of which have also been found to effect staff behavioural response, as well as staff members’ psychological well-being (Wykes & Whittington, 1998). However, there have been limited studies assessing these relationships with psychiatric inpatient staff. This may be due to the lack of assessment tools developed for this staff group to measure these particular domains. A specifically designed tool would enable consistent assessment to take place to build on our theoretical knowledge of psychiatric inpatient staff members’ perceived challenges, and their responses to them, as well as highlight specific areas within these domains where further staff training and support is required. Aims: The first aim of the study was to explore psychiatric staff’s views on the challenges they faced when working with service users in inpatient settings, their emotional responses, attributions, and coping strategies about those challenges and then to develop a measure which would accurately capture these (the SEACCS). The second aim was to assess the reliability of the new scale as well as explore relationships within the SEACCS. Finally, the third aim was to assess content and face validity, as well as conduct preliminary psychometric investigations of the construct validity of the newly developed measure. Method: The study was conducted using various methods across three phases. In order to generate items for the SEACCS, a systematic review of the relevant literature and semi-structured interviews took place during the first phase. Secondly, the results of Phase I were combined in order to develop and construct the SEACCS. The third phase involved a postal survey of the SEACCS (including re-test), followed by psychometric investigations to scrutinise the items, explore the reliability, and construct validity of the SEACCS.Results: Twenty three studies were included in the systematic review. The results highlighted inconsistent measurement and findings of the domains concerned. Seven multi-disciplinary staff interviews took place. Thematic analysis was used to conduct four separate analyses focusing on each of the research questions. Several themes and sub-themes were found. Themes such as: ‘Engagement’, ‘Attributions of controllability’, and ‘Behavioural responses’. Findings from the review, thematic analyses, and consultation groups (content and face validity) were combined in order to develop the 64 item SEACCS. A total of 76 multi-disciplinary psychiatric inpatient staff members completed the SEACCS, 15 of which completed re-tests. No items were removed following item scrutiny assessments. Preliminary psychometric investigations indicated good reliability, significant relationships across domains within the SEACCS, and partial construct validity with the GHQ-28.Conclusion: The results of the current study provide the first step in the development and construction of a clinically relevant tool that can be used to assess these domains. The methodological limitations and clinical implications are considered, and future directions for research in this area are suggested.

Výchovně vzdělávací problémy dětí v obtížné životní situaci / Educational problems of children in a difficult life situation

Polánková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on educational problems of children in a difficult life situation. The theoretical part deals with social pedagogical concept of a difficult situation in life. It also goes about coping of those situations and their specifics in children. It focuses on child endangerment of his family background and its consequences and symptoms at school. It also describes the various teachers' approaches to the child's situation. The practical part using qualitative research methods, in-depth interviews and document analysis examines the concrete manifestation of difficult life situations from the perspective of three children and their teachers with emphasis on their understanding, assessment and approach to this situation. The difficult life situation of children showed on many levels at school. It revelas at the level of relations with classmates, at the level of behavior, school performance, relationship to the teacher, etc. Teachers' attitudes were mostly responsive and supportive. Key words Difficult Life Situation, Pupil, Family, Educational Process, Teacher, Syndrome Child Abuse and Neglect, Endangered child

Threshold estimation in normal and impaired ears using Auditory Steady State Responses

Bosman, Riette 28 October 2004 (has links)
The Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR) procedure has been established as a frequency specific, objective audiologic measure, which can provide reliable thresholds to within 10 dB of the behavioral thresholds. In order for ASSR to find its place in the existing framework of audiometric procedures, the full potential of the procedure needs to be explored. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of monotic ASSR in estimating hearing thresholds in a group of 15 normal hearing subjects and 15 hearing-impaired subjects. A comparative research design was implemented. Indicating that results obtained in the study was compared to relevant literature where dichotic multiple ASSR was implemented. This was done in order to ascertain ASSR’s capabilities with regard to stimulus presentation methods. Monotic single ASSR predicted behavioural thresholds in the normal hearing subjects within an average of 24 dB across the frequency range (0.5, 1, 2&4 kHz). In the hearing-impaired group, ASSR thresholds more closely resembled behavioural thresholds, with an average difference of 18 dB, which is consistent with recent literature. The literature suggests that better prediction of behavioural thresholds will occur with greater degrees of hearing loss, due to recruitment. The focus in this group also centered on the accurate prediction of the configuration of the hearing loss. It was found that ASSR could reasonably accurately predict the configuration of the hearing loss. In the last instance, monotic single and dichotic multiple ASSR were compared with regard to threshold estimation and prediction of configuration of the hearing loss in the hearing-impaired group. Little difference was reported between the two techniques with regard to the estimation of thresholds in both the normal hearing and hearing impaired groups. In conclusion it was established that monotic ASSR could predict behavioural thresholds of varying degrees and configurations of hearing loss in normal and hearing-impaired subjects with a reasonable amount of accuracy. At this stage, however, more research is required to establish the clinical validity of the procedure, before it is routinely included within an objective test battery. / Dissertation (M (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / Unrestricted

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