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Travail enseignant et formation : la culture des enseignants des spécialités agricoles au Chili / Trabajo docente y formación : la cultura de los profesores de especialidades agropecuarias en Chile / Teachers’ work and training : the culture of teachers in vocational agricultural education in ChileNunez Moscoso, Javier 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche poursuit le double objectif d’analyser le travail des enseignants des spécialités agricoles au Chili (en particulier, les difficultés professionnelles) et de proposer des pistes pour leur formation. Pour ce faire, elle mobilise une démarche par abduction (Peirce, 1965) basée sur une épistémologie de la découverte et prolongée par une approche herméneutique, qui permet de faire émerger des hypothèses a posteriori.Le travail enseignant est appréhendé comme un système de pratiques professionnelles (Marcel, 2004) et étudié à partir des dimensions de l’activité, du statut et de l’expérience (Tardif & Lessard, 1999). Ce cadre théorique structure un dispositif méthodologique qui favorise la production d’un corpus empirique conséquent et diversifié.L’interprétation de ces éléments permet de mettre au jour la nature symbolique du travail des enseignants et de défendre l’hypothèse générale d'un horizon culturel de ce travail. Cette hypothèse est déclinée en deux volets, d’une part celui que les enseignants ont un rôle de médiateurs culturels entre l’espace professionnel agricole et l’espace scolaire et, d’autre part, celui que la difficulté professionnelle est normalisée dans le travail quotidien. Sur cette base, peut être décrite une « zone de médiation culturelle » des enseignants du secteur agricole.Afin de mettre ces apports au service de la formation, est déployée une démarche d’ingénierie de formation qui « traduit » certains éléments de la « zone de médiation culturelle » en termes de savoirs professionnels. Ces savoirs sont intégrés dans une proposition des scénarios de formation, dans une perspective non pas prescriptive mais d’aide à la décision politique. / This research has the dual purpose of analyzing the work of teachers in vocational agricultural education in Chile (especiallytheir professional problems) and making proposals for their training. For this, it mobilizes an abduction procedure (Peirce, 1965) based on an epistemology of discovery extended by an hermeneutic approach that gets hypotheses to emerge later on.Teachers’ work is viewed as a system of professional practices (Marcel , 2004) and studied from the points of view of activity, status and experience (Tardif & Lessard, 1999). This framework structures a methodological set of tools that enhances the production of a consistent and varied empirical corpus.The interpretation of these elements allows to uncover the symbolic nature of teachers' work and support the general assumption of a cultural side to this work. This hypothesis comes in two parts. First teachers have a role as cultural mediators between the agricultural professional world and the school system and, secondly, that professional difficulty is normalized in daily work. One can therefore describe a "cultural mediation area" for teachers in agriculture.To get these contributions to benefit training, an engineering approach to training is deployed, which "translates" elements of the "cultural mediation area" into terms of professional knowledge. This knowledge is integrated into a proposal of training scenarios, not as a prescription, but as an assistance to policy decision-making. / La presente investigación persigue el doble objetivo de analizar el trabajo de los docentes de especialidades agropecuarias en Chile (especialmente las dificultades profesionales) y de proponer pistas para su formación. Para ello, se moviliza un procedimiento abductivo (Peirce, 1965) basado en una epistemología del descubrimiento y en un ejercicio hermenéutico que permiten la emergencia de hipótesis a posteriori.El trabajo docente es aprehendido como un sistema de practicas profesionales (Marcel, 2004) y estudiado a partir de las dimensiones de la actividad, el estatus y la experiencia (Tardif & Lessard, 1999). Este marco teórico estructura un dispositivo metodológico que favorece la producción de un corpus empírico amplio y diverso.La interpretación de estos elementos permite la puesta en evidencia de la naturaleza simbólica del trabajo de los profesores y la defensa de la hipótesis general del horizonte cultural de este trabajo. Esta hipótesis es declinada en dos aspectos, por una parte el rol de los docentes como mediadores culturales entre el espacio profesional agrícola y el espacio escolar y, por otra parte, la normalización de la dificultad en el trabajo cotidiano. Sobre esta base, se describe una “zona de mediación cultural” de los profesores del sector agropecuario.Con el objetivo de poner estos aportes al servicio de la formación, se despliega un proceso de ingeniería en formación que “traduce” ciertos elementos de la “zona de mediación cultural” en términos de saberes profesionales. Estos saberes son integrados en una propuesta de escenarios de formación, evitando la prescripción e inscribiéndose en una lógica de ayuda a la decisión política.
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Prediction of user action in moving-target selection tasks / Etude de la prédiction de l'action de l'utilisateur dans une tâche de sélection de cibles en mouvementCasallas suarez, Juan Sebastian 26 June 2015 (has links)
La sélection de cibles en mouvement est une tâche courante et complexe dans l'interaction homme-machine (IHM) en général et en particulier dans le domaine de la réalité virtuelle (RV). La prédiction de l'action est une solution intégrale pour aborder les problèmes liés à l'interaction. Cependant, les techniques actuelles de prédiction sont basées sur le suivi continu des actions de l'utilisateur sans prendre en compte la possibilité que les actions d'atteinte d'une cible puissent avoir une composante importante préprogrammée—cette théorie est appelé la théorie du contrôle préprogrammé.En se basant sur la théorie du contrôle préprogrammé, cette thèse explore la possibilité de prédire les actions, avant leur exécution, de sélection d'objets en mouvement. Plus spécifiquement, trois niveaux de prédiction d'action sont étudiés : 1) la performance des actions, mesurée par le temps de mouvement (TM) nécessaire pour atteindre une cible, 2) la difficulté prospective (DP), qui représente la difficulté subjective de la tâche estimée avant son exécution, 3) l'intention de l'utilisateur, qui indique la cible visée par l'utilisateur.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des modèles de prédiction d'intention sont développés à l'aide des arbres de décision ainsi que des fonctions de classement—ces modèles sont évalués dans deux expériences en RV. Des modèles 1-D et 2-D de DP pour des cibles en mouvement basés sur la loi de Fitts sont développés et évalués dans une expérience en ligne. Enfin, des modèles de TM avec les mêmes caractéristiques structurelles des modèles de DP sont évaluées dans une expérience 3-D en RV. / Selection of moving targets is a common, yet complex task in human–computer interaction (HCI), and more specifically in virtual reality (VR). Action prediction has proven to be the most comprehensive enhancement to address moving-target selection challenges. Current predictive techniques, however, heavily rely on continuous tracking of user actions, without considering the possibility that target-reaching actions may have a dominant pre-programmed component—this theory is known as the pre-programmed control theory.Thus, based on the pre-programmed control theory, this research explores the possibility of predicting moving-target selection prior to action execution. Specifically, three levels of action prediction are investigated: 1) action performance measured as the movement time (MT) required to reach a target, 2) prospective difficulty (PD), i.e., subjective assessments made prior to action execution; and 3) intention, i.e., the target that the user plans to reach.In this dissertation, intention prediction models are developed using decision trees and scoring functions—these models are evaluated in two VR studies. PD models for 1-D, and 2-D moving- target selection tasks are developed based on Fitts' Law, and evaluated in an online experiment. Finally, MT models with the same structural form of the aforementioned PD models are evaluated in a 3-D moving-target selection experiment deployed in VR.
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Using Ant Colonization Optimization to Control Difficulty in Video Game AI.Courtney, Joshua 01 May 2010 (has links)
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is an algorithm which simulates ant foraging behavior. When ants search for food they leave pheromone trails to tell other ants which paths to take to find food. ACO has been adapted to many different problems in computer science: mainly variations on shortest path algorithms for graphs and networks.
ACO can be adapted to work as a form of communication between separate agents in a video game AI. By controlling the effectiveness of this communication, the difficulty of the game should be able to be controlled. Experimentation has shown that ACO works effectively as a form of communication between agents and supports that ACO is an effective form of difficulty control. However, further experimentation is needed to definitively show that ACO is effective at controlling difficulty and to show that it will also work in a large scale system.
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兒童摘取文章大意的能力 / The Ability of Summarizing Texts in Children楊韻平, Yang Yun-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
(包括摘取大意過程與成果) 的影響,並對兒童在摘取大意過程與成果各
項工作上的答錯情形作錯誤分析,以作為教學上的參考o 摘取大意過程是
北縣二所國小四、六年級學生共720人o 研究結果敘述如下:一、兒童摘
取文章大意的能力,因年級不同而有顯著差異o 年級愈高,愈能正確完成
,造成題目難度出了問題,因此不能測出學生刪掉不重要訊息的能力o 但
由學生在六年級、國中程度文章題目的作答仍可反應出年級的差別o 。
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應用模糊統計於試題難易度評量 / Application of fuzzy statistics in assessment for test difficulty謝昇倫 Unknown Date (has links)
試題難易度評量一直是許多人研究的課題。但傳統方法的五點量表問卷只提供固定尺度的選擇,似乎無法完整地表達受測者真實且複雜的思考。因此本文將以模糊問卷調查進行試題難易度的探討。許多研究應用模糊平均數、模糊眾數或模糊中位數等概念於試題難易度評量。而本文將以此為基礎,定義一種新的距離,再透過一些轉換取得試題的難易度指標,進而比較各試題之間難度的差異。本文的另一個重點,是各個不同難度因子的向度來決定各試題的難度。再以模糊相對權重的概念,對各向度的難易度指標作加權,進而比較、分析。 / Assessment for test difficulty have been the subject of many studies. The traditional method of a Likert scale questionnaire provides only a fixed scale choice, but it seems that we can’t fully express the real and complex thinking of respondents. Therefore, the thesis will apply fuzzy questionnaire to probe into test difficulty. Concepts such as Fuzzy mean, Fuzzy mode or Fuzzy median are applied in studies of assessment for test difficulty. The thesis will be based on these conceptions to define a new distance, and obtain the difficulty index of test through some conversion. Moreover, it will compare the differences of difficulty among test items. Another focus of this paper is to determine the difficulty of each item according to various dimensions of difficulty factors. Afterwards, the difficulty index of each dimension will be weighted, compared, and analyzed with the concept of fuzzy relative weight.
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Difficulties to Read and Write Under Lateral Vibration Exposure : Contextual Studies Of Train Passengers Ride ComfortSundström, Jerker January 2006 (has links)
Many people use the train both as a daily means of transport as well as a working place to carry out activities such as reading or writing. There are, however, several important factors in this environment that will hamper good performance of such activities. Some of the main sources of disturbance, apart form other train passengers, are noise and vibrations generated from the train itself. Although there are standards available for evaluation of ride comfort in vehicles none of them consider the effects that vibrations have on particular passengers' activities. To address these issues, three different studies were conducted to investigate how low frequency lateral vibrations influence the passengers' ability to read and write onboard trains. The first study was conducted on three types of Inter-Regional trains during normal service and included both a questionnaire survey and vibration measurements. Two proceeding laboratory studies were conducted in a train mock-up where the perceived difficulty of reading and writing was evaluated for different frequencies and amplitudes. To model and clarify how vibrations influence the processes of reading and writing the fundamentals of Human Activity Theory was used as a framework in this thesis. In the field study about 80% of the passengers were found to be reading at some point during the journey, 25% were writing by hand, and 14% worked with portable computers. The passengers applied a wide range of seated postures for their different activities. According to the standardised measurements, even the trains running on poor tracks showed acceptable levels of vibration. However, when the passengers performed a short written test, over 60 % reported to be disturbed or affected by vibrations and noise in the train. In the laboratory studies it was found that the difficulty in reading and writing is strongly influenced by both vibration frequency and acceleration amplitude. The vibration spectra of real trains were found to correspond well to the frequency characteristics of the rated difficulty. It was also observed that moderate levels of difficulty begin at fairly low vibration levels. Contextual parameters like sitting posture and type of activity also showed strong influence on how vibrations cause difficulty.
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Lärarens bedömning av elevers psykosociala skolsituation : Dolda funktionshinder/psykosociala problemZendegani, Behzad January 2006 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med min C-uppsats är att granska lärarens bedömning och perceptio-ner för elever i behov av särskilt stöd och vidare belysa vilka möjligheter och begränsningar de anser sig ha för att kunna ta hänsyn till elever i behov av särskilt stöd samt få en syn på de skolsituationer som barn och elever med dolda funktionshinder och i behov av särskilt stöd kan befinna sig i. För att få svar på mina frågor har sex lärare inklusive en special lärare intervjuats och samti-digt diskuterades de psykologiska och biologiska faktorer kring barns och ungdomars utveck-ling. Den historiska återblicken ger oss en uppfattning på hur begreppet ”en skola för alla” har utvecklats inom loppet av tiden och vilka syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd har pedagogerna idag. De centrala frågorna rörde sig om pedagogernas uppfattning om barn med koncentra-tionssvårigheter och deras syn på diagnostisering av barn med problem. En inkluderande inte-grering i jämförelse med segregering diskuterades också samt hur pedagogerna kan hjälpa dessa barn. Eleverna i skolan är olika och deras olikheter måste mötas med omtanke. För att uppfylla de-ras behov krävs kunniga och kompetenta personal i skolan. Skolan måste ha en fungerande och tillfredställande elevvård för att kunna nå skolans mål. Skolornas neddragningar på grund av ekonomiska problem gör att barn med dolda funktionshinder misslyckas allt oftare i da-gens skola. Dessa orsakar att barn får ett dåligt självförtroende med upprepade misslyckande och försämrar deras problem. Allmänt finns det en del olika faktorer som ligger bakom barn med koncentrations svårighe-ter. De biologisk och ärftliga faktorer samt tillväxtmiljön och deras samhällsställning kan ge-nerellt nämnas. Brist på tid, ekonomi och kunskap i skolorna är det en barriär för att kunna hjälpa barn med svårigheter. / The comprehensive purpose with this paper is to have a look at teacher’s assessment and per-ception of pupils with special educational needs. And further illustrate which possibilities and restrictions they believe to have, to take children with special educational needs into consid-eration and get a view of school situations who children with hidden functional disability and with special educations needs are at the present. To get answer to my questions, six teachers inclusive a special teacher for pupils with im-paired disabilities have been interviewed and discussed the psychological and biological fac-tors around children’s development. The historical review gave us a perceptive on how defini-tion of “school for all” has been developed during the time and what is teacher’s opinion on children with special needs today. The central questions were concentrating on teachers un-derstanding of children with concentration difficulty and their opinion on diagnostic of chil-dren with problems. An “including integration” compared to segregating been discussed as well and finally discussed how teachers can help these children. Pupils in school are not comparable and these differences must meets carefully. To meet chil-dren’s requirements schools have need of personnel’s competence and proficiency. Schools required having functioning and satisfactory pupil welfare to achieve the aim. Lowering of school resources due to economical problems do that child with hidden functional disability fails more often in schools these days. These effects cause that children get a horrific self-confidence and worsen their problems. Generally, there are different factors behind the con-centrations difficulty. The biological and hereditary factors as well as home environment and their class society can points out in general. Lacking of time, economy and knowledge stops teachers to helping children in school.
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Suivi d'élèves ayant des difficultés d'adaptation scolaire à l'école secondaire Honoré-MercierLemaire, Isabelle 02 1900 (has links)
Les difficultés d’adaptation scolaire que peuvent développer les élèves dans une école secondaire entraînent bien souvent des conséquences. En effet, ces dernières peuvent mener au décrochage scolaire et parfois à l’adoption de comportements délinquants. L’instauration d’un suivi auprès d’élèves prend tout son sens lorsqu’il est question de difficultés d’adaptation. Ce suivi a été offert à cinq élèves présentant ces difficultés de l’école secondaire Honoré-Mercier de Montréal. Il y a deux objectifs à ce stage. Le premier vise une diminution des présences au local de retrait et le deuxième de diminuer les difficultés d’adaptation scolaire des élèves ciblés.
L’atteinte de ces objectifs est considérée en fonction de données factuelles sur les présences au local de retrait, des résultats obtenus à un test standardisé, soit le Achenbach (Achenbach, 1991), mais également en fonction des perceptions des élèves et des professeurs sur le cheminement de l’élève.
Les résultats illustrent que les élèves n’ont pas modifié significativement leur présence au local de retrait, que différentes problématiques définies dans le Achenbach ont été amplifiées tandis que d’autres ont été diminuées et que, finalement les élèves ont apprécié leur suivi puisque ce dernier les a amené à vivre des changements intrinsèques. Des conclusions découlent de l’analyse des résultats, soit concernant la durée des interventions et les problématiques présentes chez les élèves. Le rôle que peut assumer le criminologue dans le milieu scolaire est également abordé.
Mots clés : adaptation, difficulté, scolaire, suivi, école, secondaire, adolescent / There can be many consequences when students have difficulties in adapting to the academic environment. They can lead to higher school dropout rates and to the adoption of delinquent behaviour. In the presence of adaptation difficulties, accompanying and monitoring the students is crucial. A monitoring program was offered to five Honoré-Mercier students presenting adaptation difficulties. The intervention program has two objectives. The first one is to decrease the number of classroom exclusions of those students. Another objective is to offer a place where they have the freedom to express their feelings openly. The results of the program are based on the number of classroom exclusion during the intervention. They are also measured on the results of an Achenbach test (Achenbach, 1991) and on the opinions of the students on their own progress.
The results illustrate that the students did not significantly lower their number of classroom exclusion. They also show that some problems detected in the Achenbach test were amplified whereas types of problems decreased. Finally, the results show that students appreciated their follow-up because it allowed them to experience intrinsic changes. Based on these results, we can emit several hypotheses on the need to change the duration of the intervention or the problems experienced by the students. The potential contribution of a criminologist in an academic environment is also analyzed.
Keywords: adaptation, difficulty, school, follow-up, secondary, teenager
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台灣高中英文快速閱讀測驗研究 / Testing English expeditious reading in Taiwan senior high school張捷, Chang, Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示台灣高中學生在快速閱讀測驗上的表現略優於他們在仔細閱讀測驗上的表現。此外,學生們在掃讀上表現得最好,優於在搜索閱讀上的表現,而略讀上的表現則是最差。關於策略的使用,學生們雖然會運用快速閱讀策略來完成快速閱讀的任務,但他們仍然在快速閱讀測驗當中普遍地使用仔細閱讀的策略。至於閱讀的困難,學生們進行快速閱讀時的困難主要來自於文章的用字、主題熟悉度跟長度。根據研究的發現,本研究對於教導與評量台灣高中學生的快速閱讀能力提出了實務上的建議。 / As a crucial language skill for EFL learns to gain English knowledge and culture (Alsamadani, 2009), reading receives considerable pedagogical attention in English classes in Taiwan (Wu, 2010). However, the reading instruction at the senior high school level focuses on the careful reading (Hsu, 2004). The expeditious reading, including skimming, search reading, and scanning (Urquhart & Weir, 1998), is often neglected. Considering the usefulness of expeditious reading in daily and academic life (Brown, 2007), the present research examined the expeditious reading ability of Taiwanese senior high school students, their strategy use and difficulties they had experienced in conducting expeditious reading. The researcher composed an expeditious reading test and a careful reading test to compare the students’ reading performances. Besides, the researcher designed a questionnaire to survey the strategy use and difficulties experienced by the students in the expeditious reading test.
The result showed that the Taiwanese senior high school students’ performance on the expeditious reading test was marginally higher than their performance on the careful reading test. In addition, the student’s scanning score was the highest, followed by the search reading, and the skimming was the lowest. As for strategy use, the students applied expeditious reading strategies to approach expeditious reading tasks in the test, but they also appealed to some careful reading strategies in the expeditious reading test. Concerning difficulties, the students faced more problems with the vocabulary, topics, and length of texts when conducting expeditious reading. The findings yielded practical implications for teaching and assessing the expeditious reading at the senior high school level in Taiwan.
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Student Difficulties with Linearity and Linear Functions and Teachers' Understanding of Student DifficultiesJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The focus of the study was to identify secondary school students' difficulties with aspects of linearity and linear functions, and to assess their teachers' understanding of the nature of the difficulties experienced by their students. A cross-sectional study with 1561 Grades 8-10 students enrolled in mathematics courses from Pre-Algebra to Algebra II, and their 26 mathematics teachers was employed. All participants completed the Mini-Diagnostic Test (MDT) on aspects of linearity and linear functions, ranked the MDT problems by perceived difficulty, and commented on the nature of the difficulties. Interviews were conducted with 40 students and 20 teachers. A cluster analysis revealed the existence of two groups of students, Group 0 enrolled in courses below or at their grade level, and Group 1 enrolled in courses above their grade level. A factor analysis confirmed the importance of slope and the Cartesian connection for student understanding of linearity and linear functions. There was little variation in student performance on the MDT across grades. Student performance on the MDT increased with more advanced courses, mainly due to Group 1 student performance. The most difficult problems were those requiring identification of slope from the graph of a line. That difficulty persisted across grades, mathematics courses, and performance groups (Group 0, and 1). A comparison of student ranking of MDT problems by difficulty and their performance on the MDT, showed that students correctly identified the problems with the highest MDT mean scores as being least difficult for them. Only Group 1 students could identify some of the problems with lower MDT mean scores as being difficult. Teachers did not identify MDT problems that posed the greatest difficulty for their students. Student interviews confirmed difficulties with slope and the Cartesian connection. Teachers' descriptions of problem difficulty identified factors such as lack of familiarity with problem content or context, problem format and length. Teachers did not identify student difficulties with slope in a geometric context. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction 2011
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