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Impressões de um corpo conectado : modos de governo que se produzem a partir de incitamentos publicitários à conexão digitalMozzini, Camila January 2013 (has links)
A partir das impressões de um corpo conectado em diversos aspectos e intensidades, o presente estudo visa problematizar o modo como estamos sendo incitados, através da publicidade, a constituir uma vida melhor vivida porque perpassada pela conexão digital. O ponto de partida para tal empreitada está ancorado nos caminhos teórico-metodológicos foucaultianos, os quais possibilitaram a emergência de uma série de encontros que abriram as brechas necessárias para a constituição de três problemas ao pensamento: as redes digitais enquanto locais de veridicção, o compartilhamento como forma de universalização da conexão digital e a composição deste universal como uma esfera de subjetivação. Cada um destes tensionamentos se desdobrou em diferentes capítulos de análise: o primeiro se debruça sobre o modo como a noção de redes digitais vem, atrelada a tantos sonhos e expectativas, diluindo-se discursivamente no tecido social ao ponto de se constituir enquanto uma possível instância de produção de verdade; o segundo repousa sua atenção sobre a forma como o compartilhamento em rede vem se posicionando enquanto um processo de atualização constante do viver que, alinhado à ideia de trabalho imaterial, produz sujeitos compartilhadores que mobilizam a composição de uma estratégia de universalização da conexão digital; o terceiro e último mergulha mais intensamente neste possível estatuto de universalidade da conexão digital constituído não só devido a sua expansão espacial e intensificação temporal, mas especialmente ao caráter de bem maior, de existência mais completa se conectada. O fio condutor deste trajeto em meio à incerteza dos passos foi o conjunto de incitamentos publicitários à conexão digital composto por 10 vídeos e três embalagens de produtos encontrados no percurso do viver. O traçado desta longa e descontínua caminhada buscou mapear algumas rotas para o tensionamento das verdades que estão circulando e objetivando modos de subjetivação nesta contemporaneidade cada vez mais conectada. / From the impressions of a connected body in several ways and intensities, this study aims to discuss how we are being incited, through advertising, to constitute a life better lived because pervaded by the digital connection. The starting point for such an enterprise is anchored in a theoretical-methodological Foucaultian approach, which made possible the emergence of a series of encounters that opened the gaps required for the constitution of three problems to the thought: digital networks as a local of veridiction, sharing as a form of universalization of the digital connection, and the composition of this universal as a sphere of subjectification. Each of these tensions unfolded in different chapters of analysis: the first focuses on how the notion of digital networks is, tied to several dreams and expectations, being diluted discursively in the social fabric to the point of constituting itself as a possible instance of truth production; the second rests his attention on how the network sharing is positioning itself as a process of constant updating of living that is, aligned to the idea of immaterial labor, producing sharers that mobilize the composition of a universalization strategy regarding the digital connection; the third and last one dive more intensely into this possible universality statute of the digital connection constituted not only due to its spatial expansion and its temporal intensification but especially thanks to the character of a higher good, of a more complete existence if connected. The thread of this path amid the uncertainty of the steps was the set of advertising incitements to digital connection composed by 10 videos and three packages of products found in the course of living. The tracing of this long and discontinuous walk sought to map some routes for the tensioning of the truths that are circulating and objectivating modes of subjectification in this increasingly connected contemporaneity.
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O local digital das culturas: as interações entre culturas, mídias digitais e territórios / The digital local of cultures - the interaction between cultures, digital media and territoriesEliete da Silva Pereira 10 April 2013 (has links)
No interior do amplo processo de digitalização, que se caracteriza como um qualitativo fenômeno de dinamismo e de transformação sociocultural, difunde-se, em diversos contextos e por diversas modalidades, um importante processo de digitalização de grupos étnicos. Tal realidade é responsável não somente por um processo de tradução digital de saberes e culturas locais, mas, ao mesmo tempo, pela instauração de um importante processo de alteração da condição habitativa dessas culturas. De fato, ao conectar-se às redes digitais, uma comunidade expande seu território e seu ecossistema, estendendo-o por meio de um dinamismo metageográfico que o conecta aos outros contextos e culturas e a outros mundos. Criase, assim, um complexo ecossistema que une reticularmente os grupos envolvidos, suas culturas, seus territórios, aos circuitos informativos digitais através de um singular dinamismo tecno-comunicativo-habitativo. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa da qual resultou esta tese objetivou investigar o processo de digitalização decorrente das relações entre \"culturas, mídias digitais e territórios\" - inspirada no conceito do habitar (HEIDEGGER, 1951; ABRUZZESE, 2006; DI FELICE, 2009). Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa experimental baseada na imersão, na interação, na observação, na interpretação e na comparação de experiências que se desenvolvem reticularmente, propondo, portanto, uma leitura teórica em torno dos significados do \"local digital das culturas\". Tal objetivo foi alcançado pela descrição dos dinamismos associativos dos seus atores-redes (LATOUR, 2004, 2012) mediante o estudo comparativo de dois casos exemplares. A Rede Povos da Floresta compreende o processo de digitalização das culturas e das territorialidades de comunidades situadas na região amazônica e a \"e-diáspora\" dos povos cabilas, originários dos povos berberes (Amazigh) do norte da Argélia, atualmente espalhados no mundo e reunidos nas redes digitais. No primeiro caso, a digitalização significou, além da disseminação dos saberes tradicionais dos Povos da Floresta, a criação de um complexo ecossistema informativo emergente (MORIN, 2001), que estende sua rica biodiversidade a uma dimensão tecno-informativa. No caso da \"e-diáspora\" cabila, a digitalização proporcionou um ecossistema informativo que tornou possível a reunião, a disseminação, a tradução da cultura amazigh (berbere) nos fluxos informativos das redes digitais. O estudo e a análise desses dois casos nos permitiram problematizar o conceito de social, abrindo-nos a uma perspectiva reticular e conectiva do mesmo. / In the interior of the extensive process of digital conversion, which is characterized by a qualitative dynamic phenomenon and by socio-cultural transformation, an important process of digital transformation of ethnic groups is diffused, in various contexts and by diverse modalities. Such reality is responsible not only for a process of digital translation of wisdom and local cultures, but, at the same time, for the implementation of an important process of alteration of the dwelling conditions of these cultures. In fact, in connecting with digital networks, a community expands its territory and ecosystem, extending it by a means of a dynamic metageography which connects it to other contexts and cultures and to other worlds. Thus is created a complex ecosystem which reticularly unites the involved groups, their cultures, their territories, to digital informational circuits through a singular dynamism of techno-living-communication. In this sense, the object of the research which resulted in this thesis was the investigation of the process of digital transformation, deriving from the relationship between \"cultures, digital media and territories\" - inspired by the concept of Dwelling (HEIDEGGER, 1954; ABRUZZESE, 2006; DI FELICE, 2009). For this we realized an experimental research based on immersion, interaction, in observation, in interpretation, and the comparison of the experiences which are reticularly developed, proposing, therefore, a theoretical reading in terms of the \"digital local of cultures\". Such objective was reached by the description of the associative dynamisms of its actor-networks (LATOUR, 2004, 2012), by means of a comparative study of two exemplary cases. The Network of the People of the Forests understand the digital transformation of cultures and territories of communities situated in the Amazon region; and the e-diaspora of the Kabyla people, descendants of Berbers (Amazigh) of the north of Algeria, actually spread throughout the world and connected by digital networks. In the first case, this transformation signified, besides the dissemination of the traditional wisdom of the People of the Forest, the creation of an emerging complex informational ecosystem (MORIN, 2001), which extends its rich biodiversity to a techno-informational dimension. In the case of the Kabyla \"e-diaspora\", this transformation provided an informational ecosystem which made possible the reunion, the dissemination, and the translation of the information flows through digital media. The study and analysis of these two cases permits us to problematize the social context, opening us to a reticular perspective and connection of this social context.
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No tan diferentes : apropiación de Facebook en nativos e inmigrantes digitales desde una aproximación comunicacionalAdrianzén-Sandoval, Laura January 2016 (has links)
El presente estudio contrasta el efecto que genera Facebook en nativos e inmigrantes digitales peruanos, durante la interacción con el otro y en la construcción de su identidad virtual. Durante el proceso de investigación se conversó con dieciocho jóvenes y doce adultos a través de entrevistas a profundidad y grupos focales; y se descubrió que Facebook se presenta como una plataforma que logra uniformizar la apropiación de esta red social en dos generaciones estereotipadas como opuestas, al estar separadas por una brecha tecnológica. Vemos que la brecha va desapareciendo y la digitalización de la identidad, dentro de Facebook, sienta sus propias reglas de juego cuando nativos e inmigrantes pertenecen a un mismo contexto social y comparten un estilo de vida. / Trabajo de investigación
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Le soin du monde : incursions anthropologiques dans le Pan-African e-Network ProjectDuclos, Vincent 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse enquête sur l’émergence d’espaces de soin à l’ère de la mondialisation numérique. Elle s’articule autour d’incursions au sein du Pan-African e Network Project (PAN), un réseau de cybersanté par l’entremise duquel des hôpitaux tertiaires situés en Inde offrent des services de téléconsultations et de formation médicale à des centres de santé africains. Des incursions sur la piste d’un projet en constante mutation, pour en saisir la polyvalence ontologique, la pertinence politique, la valeur thérapeutique. Le PAN, c’est une entreprise colossale, aux ramifications multiples. C’est le travail quotidien d’ingénieurs, médecins, gestionnaires. Ce sont des routines techniques, des équipements. À la fois emblème d’une résurgence de la coopération indo-africaine et expression d’une étonnante histoire cybermédicale indienne, le réseau incarne une Inde néolibérale, portée par l’ambition technique et commerciale de propulser la nation au centre de la marche du monde. Le PAN, c’est une ouverture numérique de la clinique, qui reconfigure la spatialité de la prise en charge de patients. C’est un réseau clé en main, une quête insatiable de maîtrise, une infrastructure largement sous-utilisée. C’est le projet d’une humanité à prendre en charge : une humanité prospère, en santé, connectée.
De part en part, l’expérience du PAN problématise le telos cybermédical. Au romantisme d’une circulation fluide et désincarnée de l’information et de l’expertise, elle oppose la concrétude, la plasticité et la pure matérialité de pratiques situées. Qu’on parle de « dispositifs » (Foucault), de « réseaux » (Latour), ou de « sphères » (Sloterdijk), la prise en charge du vivant ne s’effectue pas sur des surfaces neutres et homogènes, mais relève plutôt de forces locales et immanentes. Le PAN pose la nécessité de penser la technique et le soin ensemble, et d’ainsi déprendre la question du devenir de la clinique autant du triomphalisme moderne de l’émancipation que du recueillement phénoménologique devant une expérience authentique du monde. Il s’agit, en somme, de réfléchir sur les pratiques, événements et formes de pouvoir qui composent ces « espaces intérieurs » que sont les réseaux cybermédicaux, dans tout leur vacarme, leur splendeur et leur insuffisance. / This thesis investigates the emergence of spaces of care in the era of digital globalization. It revolves around several lines of inquiry into the Pan-African e-Network Project (PAN), an eHealth network through which tertiary hospitals in India provide teleconsultation services and continuing medical education to health centres across the African continent. These lines of inquiry lead into a project in constant mutation in order to grasp its ontological versatility, outline its political relevance, assess its therapeutic value. PAN is a colossal, multifaceted enterprise. It involves the daily work of engineers, doctors, and managers who must tend to technical routines, hardware infrastructures, and patient treatments. At once the flagship of a resurgence in Indo-African cooperation and the consequence of India’s eHealth venture, the network is a poster child for neoliberal India, driven by technical and commercial ambitions that seek to position the nation at the heart of global developments. PAN also enacts a digital opening of the clinic, as it reconfigures the spatiality of healthcare access and delivery. A turnkey solution, it displays an insatiable quest for mastery; it is a massive yet largely underutilized infrastructure. PAN embodies an emergent object of political intervention: a prosperous, healthy, connected humanity.
This examination of the Pan-African e-Network challenges teleological accounts of eHealth on several fronts. To the romantic conception of a fluid, seamless circulation of expertise and knowledge, it opposes the embeddedness, plasticity and sheer materiality of concrete practices. Whether one speaks of “apparatus” (Foucault), “networks” (Latour), or “spheres” (Sloterdijk), spaces of care have little to do with neutral, homogeneous surfaces, and rely on a multitude of local and immanent forces. PAN obliges us to consider technology and care together, untying the question of the “becoming of the clinic” from both the modern triumphalism of emancipation, and the phenomenological contemplation of an authentic experience of the world. The present challenge is to examine the practices, events, and forms of power that shape the “inner spaces” of eHealth networks, in all their turbulence, splendor, and inadequacies.
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Le soin du monde : incursions anthropologiques dans le Pan-African e-Network ProjectDuclos, Vincent 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse enquête sur l’émergence d’espaces de soin à l’ère de la mondialisation numérique. Elle s’articule autour d’incursions au sein du Pan-African e Network Project (PAN), un réseau de cybersanté par l’entremise duquel des hôpitaux tertiaires situés en Inde offrent des services de téléconsultations et de formation médicale à des centres de santé africains. Des incursions sur la piste d’un projet en constante mutation, pour en saisir la polyvalence ontologique, la pertinence politique, la valeur thérapeutique. Le PAN, c’est une entreprise colossale, aux ramifications multiples. C’est le travail quotidien d’ingénieurs, médecins, gestionnaires. Ce sont des routines techniques, des équipements. À la fois emblème d’une résurgence de la coopération indo-africaine et expression d’une étonnante histoire cybermédicale indienne, le réseau incarne une Inde néolibérale, portée par l’ambition technique et commerciale de propulser la nation au centre de la marche du monde. Le PAN, c’est une ouverture numérique de la clinique, qui reconfigure la spatialité de la prise en charge de patients. C’est un réseau clé en main, une quête insatiable de maîtrise, une infrastructure largement sous-utilisée. C’est le projet d’une humanité à prendre en charge : une humanité prospère, en santé, connectée.
De part en part, l’expérience du PAN problématise le telos cybermédical. Au romantisme d’une circulation fluide et désincarnée de l’information et de l’expertise, elle oppose la concrétude, la plasticité et la pure matérialité de pratiques situées. Qu’on parle de « dispositifs » (Foucault), de « réseaux » (Latour), ou de « sphères » (Sloterdijk), la prise en charge du vivant ne s’effectue pas sur des surfaces neutres et homogènes, mais relève plutôt de forces locales et immanentes. Le PAN pose la nécessité de penser la technique et le soin ensemble, et d’ainsi déprendre la question du devenir de la clinique autant du triomphalisme moderne de l’émancipation que du recueillement phénoménologique devant une expérience authentique du monde. Il s’agit, en somme, de réfléchir sur les pratiques, événements et formes de pouvoir qui composent ces « espaces intérieurs » que sont les réseaux cybermédicaux, dans tout leur vacarme, leur splendeur et leur insuffisance. / This thesis investigates the emergence of spaces of care in the era of digital globalization. It revolves around several lines of inquiry into the Pan-African e-Network Project (PAN), an eHealth network through which tertiary hospitals in India provide teleconsultation services and continuing medical education to health centres across the African continent. These lines of inquiry lead into a project in constant mutation in order to grasp its ontological versatility, outline its political relevance, assess its therapeutic value. PAN is a colossal, multifaceted enterprise. It involves the daily work of engineers, doctors, and managers who must tend to technical routines, hardware infrastructures, and patient treatments. At once the flagship of a resurgence in Indo-African cooperation and the consequence of India’s eHealth venture, the network is a poster child for neoliberal India, driven by technical and commercial ambitions that seek to position the nation at the heart of global developments. PAN also enacts a digital opening of the clinic, as it reconfigures the spatiality of healthcare access and delivery. A turnkey solution, it displays an insatiable quest for mastery; it is a massive yet largely underutilized infrastructure. PAN embodies an emergent object of political intervention: a prosperous, healthy, connected humanity.
This examination of the Pan-African e-Network challenges teleological accounts of eHealth on several fronts. To the romantic conception of a fluid, seamless circulation of expertise and knowledge, it opposes the embeddedness, plasticity and sheer materiality of concrete practices. Whether one speaks of “apparatus” (Foucault), “networks” (Latour), or “spheres” (Sloterdijk), spaces of care have little to do with neutral, homogeneous surfaces, and rely on a multitude of local and immanent forces. PAN obliges us to consider technology and care together, untying the question of the “becoming of the clinic” from both the modern triumphalism of emancipation, and the phenomenological contemplation of an authentic experience of the world. The present challenge is to examine the practices, events, and forms of power that shape the “inner spaces” of eHealth networks, in all their turbulence, splendor, and inadequacies.
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Mouvements-Réseau : technique, environnement et socialités à l'époque de l'Anthropocène / Movements-Network : technology, environment and sociality in the age of the Anthropocene / Movimentos-Rede : técnica, meio ambiente e socialidades na época do AntropocenoSilva, Dayana Karla Melo da 21 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s'interroge sur les nouvelles formes de mobilisation sociale qui répondent à l'émergence des réseaux numériques et à la crise environnementale. Nous privilégions deux axes de compréhension épistémologique. Le premier basé sur la question de la technique au-delà de l'instrumentalité et le deuxième sur la notion d'écosophie. Notre réseau d'observation empirique est constitué par les collectifs mobilisés autour de la thématique écologique qui concerne les plus de trois cents rivières canalisées et enterrées dans la ville de São Paulo au Brésil, dorénavant visibles par le biais des dispositifs et des architectures numériques tels que les cartographies, audioguides, plateformes collaboratives, sites web et réseaux sociaux. À partir de l'immersion dans ces réseaux, nous essayons d'élargir notre regard sociologique compréhensif considérant le social non comme le terrain de jeu exclusif des humains, mais comme constitué par différents êtres et modes d'existence, notamment les objets techniques et les éléments et phénomènes naturels. Dans ce sens, nous proposons dans cette recherche la notion de mouvements-réseau afin de donner une forme à ces nouvelles mobilisations et associations caractérisées par l'hybridisme entre le territoire et les espaces urbains, environnementaux et techniques, ainsi que par le désir d'habiter autrement la Terre. / This research reflects on the new forms of social mobilization that emerge in response to the advent of digital networks and the environmental crisis. We value two epistemological axes. The first based on the question of technology beyond the instrumentality and the second on the notion of ecosophy. Our empirical observation network is formed by the groups mobilized around the environmental theme relating to the more than three hundred canalized and buried rivers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, henceforth visible through digital devices and architectures such as maps, audio guides, collaborative platforms, web sites and social networks. From the immersion in these networks, we try to expand our sociological view considering the social not as the field of exclusive human acting, but as consisting of different beings and modes of existence, including technical objects, natural elements and natural phenomena. In this sense, we propose in this research the concept of movements-network to give form to these new mobilizations and associations characterized by hybridity between the territory and urban, environmental and technical spaces, as well as the desire to dwell the Earth otherwise. / Esta pesquisa se questiona sobre as novas formas de mobilização social que respondem ao surgimento das redes digitais e à crise ambiental. Privilegiamos duas linhas de compreensão epistemológica. A primeira baseada na questão da técnica para além da instrumentalidade e a segunda na noção de ecosofia. Nossa rede de observação empírica é formada pelos coletivos mobilizados em torno da temática ambiental que concerne aos mais de trezentos rios canalizados e enterrados na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, doravante visíveis por meio de dispositivos e arquiteturas digitais, tais como mapas interativos, audioguias, plataformas colaborativas, sites e redes sociais. A partir da imersão nestas redes, tentamos expandir nossa visão sociológica compreensiva considerando o social não como o terreno de atuação exclusivo dos humanos, mas como composto por diferentes seres e modos de existência, incluindo os objetos técnicos e os elementos e fenômenos naturais. Neste sentido, propomos nesta pesquisa a noção de movimentos-rede a fim de dar uma forma a estas novas mobilizações e associações caracterizadas pelo hibridismo entre o território e os espaços urbano, ambiental e técnico, bem como pelo desejo de habitar a Terra diferentemente.
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Future of asynchronous transfer mode networkingHachfi, Fakhreddine Mohamed 01 January 2004 (has links)
The growth of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) was considered to be the ideal carrier of the high bandwidth applications like video on demand and multimedia e-learning. ATM emerged commercially in the beginning of the 1990's. It was designed to provide a different quality of service at a speed up 100 Gbps for both real time and non real time application. The turn of the 90's saw a variety of technologies being developed. This project analyzes these technologies, compares them to the Asynchronous Transfer Mode and assesses the future of ATM.
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Approche d'intégrité bout en bout pour les communications dans les systèmes embarqués critiques : application aux systèmes de commande de vol d'hélicoptères / End to end integrity approach for communication incritical embedded systems : application to helicopters flight control systemsZammali, Amira 13 January 2016 (has links)
Dans les systèmes embarqués critiques, assurer la sûreté de fonctionnement est primordial du fait, à la fois, des exigences en sûreté dictées par les autorités de certification et des contraintes en sûreté de ces systèmes où des défaillances pourraient conduire à des évènements catastrophiques, voire la perte de vies humaines. Les architectures de ces systèmes sont aujourd'hui de plus en plus distribuées, s'appuyant sur des réseaux numériques complexes, ce qui pose la problématique de l'intégrité des communications. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons une approche bout en bout pour l'intégrité des communications, basée sur le concept du " canal noir " introduit par l'IEC 61508. Elle utilise les codes détecteurs d'erreurs CRC, Adler et Fletcher. Selon le niveau de redondance des systèmes, nous proposons une approche multi-codes (intégrité jugée sur un lot de messages) pour les systèmes dotés d'un niveau de redondance important et une approche mono-code (intégrité jugée sur chaque message) pour les autres cas. Nous avons validé ces propositions par des expérimentations évaluant le pouvoir de détection intrinsèque de chaque code détecteur et la complémentarité entre ces code en termes de pouvoir de détection, ainsi que leurs coûts de calcul avec une analyse de l'impact du type de leur implémentation et de l'environnement matériel (standard et embarqué : processeurs i7, STM32, TMS320C6657 et P2020). L'approche mono-code a été appliquée à un cas d'étude industriel : les futurs systèmes de commande de vol d'Airbus Helicopters. / In critical embedded systems, ensuring dependability is crucial given both dependability requirements imposed by certification authorities and dependability constraints of these systems where failures could lead to catastrophic events even loss of human lives. The architectures of these systems are increasingly distributed deploying complex digital networks which raise the issue of communication integrity. In this context, we propose an end to end approach for communication integrity. This approach is based on the "black channel" concept introduced by IEC 61508. It uses error detection codes particularly CRC, Adler and Fletcher. Depending on the redundancy level of targeted systems, we propose a multi-codes approach (integrity of a set of messages) for systems with an important redundancy level and a single- code approach (integrity per message) for the other cases. We validated our proposals through experiments in order to evaluate intrinsic error detection capability of each error detection code, their complementarity in terms of error detection and their computational costs by analyzing the impact of the type of implementation and the hardware environment (standard or embedded: i7, STM32, TMS320C6657 and P2020 processors). The single-code approach was applied to an industrial case study: future flight control systems of Airbus Helicopters.
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Imaginaire mystique contemporain et réseaux numériques / Imaginário místico contemporâneo e redes digitais / Contemporary mystical imaginary and digital networksAguiar, Carlos Eduardo Souza 26 November 2015 (has links)
En tant que phénomène social, le sacré se manifeste à partir d'un médium, de sorte que la sacralité est conditionnée par les matérialités. L'émergence d'un nouveau médium signifie ainsi l'apparition de nouveaux imaginaires mystiques. Ce travail de recherche s'interroge donc sur les aspects mystiques de l'imaginaire contemporain dévoilés par les médias et les réseaux numériques. Notre stratégie de recherche consiste, dans un premier temps, à engager une approche archéologique des médias, examinant trois différents objets en tant qu'artefacts mystiques : l'écriture, la relique et l'électricité. Cette approche, en s'intéressant à la façon dont chaque médium engendre une fantasmagorie différente, illumine la compréhension de l'imaginaire mystique découlant d'un habitat stratifié en multiples couches. Ensuite, nous examinons certains aspects de la mystique numérique à partir de l'opposition de deux régimes d'imaginaire provoqués par deux écologies matérielles. Premièrement, à l'époque du PC et des interfaces informatiques, il y a l'émergence d'un imaginaire mystique transcendant, cristallisé dans l'image du cyberespace et caractérisé par un nouvel angélisme. Deuxièmement, avec l'introduction des réseaux sans fil et des dispositifs mobiles, l'image d'un environnement réticulaire animiste caractérisé par un retour du paganisme se renforce. Une des formes de cet imaginaire mystique immanent est le technochamanisme, notre terrain de réflexion pour comprendre l'actuel réenchantement du monde marqué par la synergie entre la technique et l'archaïque. / The sacred, as a social phenomenon, manifests from a medium, so the sacredness is conditioned by materialities. The emergence of a new medium means, consequently, the emergence of new mystical imaginaries. This research examines the mystical aspects of the contemporary imaginary unveiled by the media and the digital networks. Our research strategy consists, at first, of engaging a media archaeological approach, examining three different objects as mystical artifacts: the writing, the relic and the electricity. This approach, by focusing on how each medium engenders a different phantasmagoria illuminates the understanding of mystical imaginary arising from a habitat constituted of multiple strata. Then we examine some aspects of digital mysticism from the opposition of two regimes of imaginary caused by two material ecologies. Initially, in the era of PC and computer interfaces, there is the emergence of a transcendent mystical imaginary crystallized in cyberspace image and characterized by a new otherworldliness. Afterwards, with the introduction of wireless networks and mobile devices, the image of a reticular animist environment characterized by a return of paganism is strengthened. One form of this immanent mystical imaginary is the technoshamanism, our field of reflection to understand the current re-enchantment of the world marked by the synergy between technology and archaic. / Enquanto fenômeno social, o sagrado manifesta-se à partir de um medium, de modo que a sacralidade é condicionada pelas materialidades. A emergência de um novo medium significa, assim, o surgimento de novos imaginários místicos. Este estudo interroga-se, portanto, acerca dos aspectos místicos do imaginário contemporâneo desvelados pelos media e redes digitais. Nossa estratégia de pesquisa consiste, em um primeiro momento, em mobilizar uma perspectiva arqueológica dos media, examinando três diferentes objetos como artefatos místicos: a escrita, a relíquia e a eletricidade. Essa abordagem, interessando-se à maneira pela qual cada medium engendra uma fantasmagoria diferente, ilumina a compreensão do imaginário místico resultante de um habitat estratificado em diferentes camadas. Em seguida, examinamos certos aspectos da mística digital a partir da contraposição de dois regimes do imaginário provocados por duas ecologias materiais. Inicialmente, na época do PC e das interfaces informáticas, há a emergência de um imaginário místico transcendental, cristalizado na imagem do ciberespaço e caracterizado por um angelismo renovado. Posteriormente, com a introdução das redes sem fio e dos dispositivos móveis, a imagem de um ambiente reticular animista caracterizado por um retorno do paganismo se reforça. Uma das formas deste imaginário místico imanente é o tecnoxamanismo, nosso campo de reflexão para compreendermos o atual reencantamento do mundo caracterizado pela sinergia entre a técnica e o arcaico.
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Authenticity, performance and the construction of self : a journey through the terrestrial and digital landscapes of men's tailored dressBluteau, Joshua Max January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores high-end and bespoke menswear, tailoring and fashion, asking the question - why do some men choose to spend large sums of money to have clothes made for them? Using tailors and high-end menswear as a lens, this thesis unpacks how men construct their notion of self in the digital and terrestrial worlds through the clothes that they wear and the identities they perform. Based on twelve months' terrestrial fieldwork in London and twenty-four months' concurrent digital fieldwork with Instagram, this thesis examines notions of dress, performance and the individual across a multi-dimensional fieldsite set within a blended digital and terrestrial landscape. The fieldwork comprised visiting and interviewing tailors, and observing inside their workshops and at their fashion shows. In addition, the analyst-as-client built relationships with tailors, and constructed a digital self within Instagram through the publication of self-portraits and images of clothing. This thesis is presented in four chapters, flanked by an Introduction and Conclusion. These chapters move from an exploration of terrestrial research in the first two, to an analysis of digital research in the latter two. Five major motifs emerge in this thesis: the importance of the anthropology of clothing and adornment within western society; the nature of the individual in a digitised world; the difficulty in conducting western-centric fieldwork without an element of digital analysis; a methodological restructuring of digital anthropology; and the idea that a digital self can acquire agency. This thesis employs a pioneering blended methodology which brings together the fields of digital anthropology, visual anthropology and material culture to question how selves are constructed in a rapidly changing and increasingly digitised modernity. In conclusion, the thesis argues that individuals construct multiple digital selves and a sense of identity (around the notion of 'authentic individualism') that is illusory.
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