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Transformace Public-Private Partnership v éře post-New Public Management: výzvy britskému a španělskému modelu / Transformation of Public-Private Partnership in the post-New Public Management era: challenges to British and Spanish approachesWitz, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to examine and compare public sector structures involved in managing the deals under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)/Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in the UK and Spain as well as application of Public-Private-Citizen Collaboration (PC2) framework within the two systems in the era of post-New Public Management. The spread and use of knowledge and skills capacities and the overall ability of the national institutional models to protect the public interest in an effective and efficient way is assessed together with openness and transparency of PPP programmes using the Web 2.0 tools able to reach and engage citizens in the process of implementing the policy and procurement of individual schemes. Special attention is paid to the ways in which the private sector entities on the one side and citizens on the other can approach the public authorities and influence the shape and features of the partnership and its results. PPP has been widely used for financing of investments into the public infrastructure in many countries in Europe and elsewhere. Through PPP, private sector is invited to take care of financing, construction or modernization and subsequent maintenance of certain public assets over the life of the contract that usually lasts about 30 years. The programmes of...
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Navigating the road to distributional social equity using smart cities technologiesAzhar, Annus 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation aims to understand the mechanisms behind the adoption of smart cities technologies (SCT) and how they can promote social equity in local communities in the United States. There is a distinct lack of empirical research addressing the methods designed for the promotion of social equity despite their numerous benefits. The present study will address this omission in the scholarship by providing evidence-based insights on how public administrators can leverage SCT to promote distributional social equity through the Digital Era Governance (DEG) and Adoption Theory frameworks. This study also demonstrates the efficacy of applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to understand better the mechanism leading to the acceptance and adoption of SCT in the United States. Lastly, it provides insightful evidence demonstrating the value of these approaches and their influence on policymakers’ decisions using SCT to address one of society’s most challenging issues, fostering social equity. It utilizes data from the ICMA’s 2016 Smart Cities Survey, the 2015 Sustainability Practices Survey, and the U.S. Census Bureau. The study employs logistic and negative binomial regressions to examine the factors influencing commitment to using SCT, engagement with SCT, and distributional social equity. The findings indicate that factors such as ‘perceived usefulness’ and ‘ease of use’ influence commitment to SCT usage, which impacts SCT engagement, leading to social equity outcomes
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Samordning, effektivisering og forenkling : En sosiologisk analyse av begrunnelser for digitaliseringsprosesser i moderniseringen av norsk offentlig forvaltning / Coordination, efficiency and simplification : A sociological analysis of the rationales for digitalization processes in Norwegian public administrationMadsbu, Jens Petter January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the arguments used by politicians and civil servants to justify the implementation of digitalisation processes to modernise and reform the Norwegian public sector. The research questions are “What arguments are used within the Norwegian public administration to justify the implementation of digitalisation processes?” and “How can these arguments be understood in relation to ideas about modernisation and ongoing reforms within the administration more generally?”. Three studies of digitalisation and reform processes within the Norwegian public administration have been carried out to answer the research questions. The first study is of the Minside public electronic communications service from its inception in 2004 until the service was discontinued in 2012. The second study is an analysis of governmental documents on the role and importance of digitalisation reforms in the Norwegian public sector from the mid-1980’s to today. The third outlines how digitalisation is related to a reform process within the public sector, widely referred to as New Public Management (NPM). The analysis shows that justifications for the implementation of Minside and for digitalisation in the Norwegian public administration are generally focused on the simplification, coordination and rationalisation of the public sector. These justifications are closely connected to key normative ideas of NPM on how and why modernisation and reform processes should be carried out within the public sector in general. Despite high expectations, many digitalisation and electronic service implementations aimed at the population do not achieve the effects expected. This does not, however, appear to have had any impact upon these seemingly deeply entrenched expectations. They continue to be as widely held and as high as they have always been, despite widespread evidence to the contrary. / Hvordan begrunner aktører innenfor norsk offentlig forvaltning digitaliseringsprosesser? Hvordan kan disse begrunnelsene forstås i forhold til ideer om modernisering og pågående reformer innenfor forvaltningen mer generelt? For å svare på disse spørsmålene presenteres tre historier: Først studeres den offentlige digitale tjenesten Minside, deretter undersøkes offentlige dokumenter som omhandler digitaliseringsprosessers rolle og betydning for modernisering i forvaltningen fra 1987 opp til i dag. Til slutt analyseres ideene bak moderniseringen av offentlig sektor, New Public Management, som har hentet ideer og inspirasjon for hvordan offentlig sektor skal organiseres fra privat sektors markedstenkning. Funnene viser at begrunnelsene for digitalisering er å nå mål som forenkling, samordning og effektivisering. Disse målene står i et nært forhold til normative idealer innenfor New Public Management for hvordan reformer og modernisering begrunnes mer generelt. Avhandlingens viser også at forventningene til fordelene ved digitalisering synes å være robuste. Til tross for at en rekke digitaliseringsprosesser ikke har oppnådd de ønskede resultater, så synes ikke de omfattende og sterke forventningene til hva som kan oppnås gjennom digitalisering å avta.
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Perspectives et limites de l'autorégulation des médias en Europe : essai sur les conditions d'exercice de la liberté d'informer à l'ère du numérique / Prospects and limits for media self-regulation in Europe : the default conditions of media freedom in the digital eraHulin, Adeline 04 December 2013 (has links)
À l’heure où le modèle de l’autorégulation des médias connaît un succès grandissant en Europe, avec la multiplication du nombre de conseils de presse, mais aussi une remise en question fondamentale, suite à l’affaire anglo-saxonne de News of the World, ce travail de recherche tente de définir les bienfaits et les limites du modèle de l’autorégulation en matière de liberté des médias. D’une manière générale, cette recherche tente de montrer dans quelle mesure une responsabilisation collective des journalistes peut soutenir et promouvoir la liberté des journalistes. Pour le comprendre, cette recherche explore les liens entre liberté et responsabilité des médias. Elle montre que si l’État et les cours de justice, en tant que représentants démocratiques, peuvent être les mieux attribués pour définir les responsabilités de journalistes idéalement au service de l’intérêt public, d’autres considèrent qu’il faut laisser aux journalistes le soin de définir leurs responsabilités eux-mêmes pour limiter tant que possible les tentations étatiques de mettre sous contrôle les “chiens de garde” du système démocratique. Cette recherche nous enseigne que le juste équilibre entre régulation et autorégulation des médias dépend alors de la nature du régime politique en place ainsi que des traditions et cultures journalistiques. Elle montre qu’une responsabilisation collective des journalistes par l’autorégulation peut promouvoir et défendre la liberté des médias, lorsque des garde-fous existent pour limiter l’instrumentalisation du système. Elle montre aussi que l’autorégulation ne peut en aucun cas créer les conditions de la liberté des médias. Cette recherche souligne enfin les avantages de l’autorégulation des médias à l’heure du numérique. / At a time when the model of media self-regulation is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, with an increasing number of press councils, but also at a time when the model is being fundamentally questioned following the Anglo-Saxon scandal of the News of the World, this research attempts to define the benefits and limits of media self-regulation for media freedom. In general, this research tries to show how the collective accountability of journalists can support and promote media freedom. In other words, this research explores the relationship between media freedom and accountability. It shows that if the State and the courts, as democratic representatives, can be attributed to better define the responsibilities of journalists ideally serving the public interest, others consider that journalists should rather define their responsibilities themselves in order to limit as much as possible the temptation of state control of the "watchdogs" of the democratic system. This research tells us that the right balance between regulation and self-regulation of the media depends on the nature of the political regime and journalistic cultures and traditions. It shows that a collective journalists’ accountability can promote and defend media freedom when safeguards exist to limit the exploitation of the system. It also shows that media self-regulation can in no way create the conditions for media freedom. Finally, this research highlights the benefits of media self-regulation in the digital era.
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L'intégration du droit d'auteur dans les pays en voie de développement à l'ère de l'économie de la connaissance / The integration of copyright law in developing countries in the knowledge economyRostama, Guilda 07 November 2014 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse porte essentiellement sur deux points. Le premier est de démontrer que l'intégration du droit d'auteur, telle qu'elle a actuellement lieu dans les pays en voie de développement rencontre d'importantes difficultés. Une analyse du droit positif international permettra de constater que les conventions internationales en matière de droit d'auteur ne permettent pas de répondre aux problématiques se posant dans les pays en voie de développement. Ensuite, une étude du droit d'auteur en République Islamique d'Iran ainsi qu'en République d'Inde permettra d'illustrer les difficultés auxquelles le législateur dans les pays en voie de développement doit faire face, notamment vis-à-vis de l'équilibre délicat qu'il lui incombe de trouver entre une harmonisation avec le droit international d'une part, et les besoins des populations en termes d'accès à la connaissance d'autre part. Le second point vise à analyser les perspectives pour une intégration efficace du droit d'auteur dans les pays en voie de développement, d'abord celles tenant à l'émergence de l'économie de la connaissance (qui a contribué au développement d'importants mécanismes d'assouplissement), ensuite celles déduites des spécificités même d'un droit d'auteur instaurant un équilibre, telles que la valorisation des limitations et exceptions, accompagnée de la mise en place d'un contexte favorable au droit d'auteur. / The purpose of this thesis is two-folded. First of all, this study aims at demonstrating that the integration of copyright, as it is currently taking place in developing countries remains problematic. An in-depth analysis of the state of international copyright law will help demonstrate that international conventions do not tackle the particular issues arising in developing countries. A detailed study of the copyright legislations in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of India will also help illustrating the difficulties encountered by the legislator in developing countries, who needs to strike a delicate balance between the harmonization with international law on the one hand, and the needs of the people in terms of access to knowledge on the other. Second of all, this research aims at presenting the prospects for an effective integration of copyright law in developing countries, including those relating to the emergence of the knowledge economy (which has contributed to the development of key flexibility mechanisms). Prospects will also be deduced from the specificities of a balanced copyright legislation, by analyzing the importance of achieving the full potential of limitations and exceptions, and establishing an external environment conducive to copyright.
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Les musiques expérimentales à l'épreuve de l'innovation : l'exemple du GRIM à Marseille / Experimental music through innovation : the example of the GRIM in MarseilleDebade, Nicolas 08 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis les premières expériences de John Cage et de Pierre Schaeffer jusqu’aux hybridations bruitistes de la noise, les musiques expérimentales ont suivi une reconfiguration de leurs pratiques au contact d’une évolution technologique constante. Cette thèse propose de présenter ces musiques dans leur constitution en tant que scène artistique à l’ère du régime numérique à travers une démarche historique, esthétique et sociologique.Cette recherche sera mise en perspective par une monographie du GRIM (Groupe de Recherche et d’Improvisation Musicales), un lieu marseillais dédié aux musiques expérimentales et improvisées.Par l’étude de cette scène territoriale emblématique de la multitude des pratiques chez les artistes et les publics, nous présenterons les différentes interactions qui alimentent ce contexte créatif émergent. C’est en cela qu’il convient également d’étudier à la fois l’incertitude des carrières chez les musiciens professionnels et l’expertise des amateurs de ces musiques. De plus, cette scène artistique se retrouve dans une économie en mutation face aux innovations technologiques d’un côté et aux enjeux institutionnels de l’autre.Dans ce contexte pluriel, nous proposons de définir les codes et conventions régissant les musiques expérimentales pour caractériser cette scène spécifique au sein des mondes de l’art. / Since the first experiments by John Cage and Pierre Schaeffer up to the loud hybridations of noise music, experimental music has followed a reconfiguration of its practices in contact with a constant technological evolution.This thesis aims to present experimental music as a singular and radical scene in the digital era through a historic, aesthetic and sociological procedure.This research is seen through the context of the GRIM, a venue located in Marseilles dedicated to experimental and impovised music.Through the study of this local scene, emblematic of practices by artists and audiences, we will present the different interactions that feed this emancipatory and emergent creative context. This will lead us to assess incertitudes in professional musicians’ careers and the expertise of amateurs of this music scene.Furthermore, faced with technological innovations on one hand and institutional issues on the other, this artistic scene finds itself in a changing economy.In this pluralistic context, we shall define the codes and conventions that rule experimental music to model the characteristics of this specific scene inside the art worlds.
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Democratização do Estado na era digital : e-participação no ciclo de políticas públicasPossamai, Ana Júlia January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva identificar as potencialidades e os constrangimentos existentes ao desenvolvimento da democracia digital no Brasil. Por democracia digital entende-se o emprego de ferramentas de participação eletrônica no ciclo de políticas públicas com a finalidade de promover a democratização e o controle social da gestão pública. O método empregado é o estudo de caso de três experiências de democracia digital que abrangem os níveis federal, estadual e municipal: as consultas públicas eletrônicas, o Gabinete Digital e o OP Digital, respectivamente. A análise dessas iniciativas aponta para as possibilidades de: i) adoção da e-participação em diferentes etapas do ciclo de políticas públicas, e ii) ampliação significativa do número de participantes quando comparado a experiências presenciais. Contudo, percebe-se ainda um subaproveitamento das tecnologias, bem como um padrão insuficiente de resposta da administração pública às contribuições da sociedade, encaminhadas dessas ferramentas. Além dos problemas relacionados à exclusão digital, fatores políticos, organizacionais e institucionais limitam o impacto da e-participação, dos quais se destacam o papel da burocracia e a carência de arranjos institucionais que sustentem a operação da democracia digital. / This paper intends to identify the potentialities and the constraints of the development of digital democracy in Brazil. Digital democracy consists of enacting electronic participation tools throughout the public policy cycle, aiming at enhancing social control and democratization of public management. This research employs the case study method for analyzing three digital democracy experiences in Brazil at the federal, state, and local levels: respectively, public e-consultations; Digital Cabinet; and Digital Participatory Budgeting. These initiatives indicate that it is possible to apply e-Participation tools for i) the democratization of each stage of the public policy cycle and ii) increasing the number of participants in comparison to in-person experiences. Nonetheless, one can observe the underutilization of the ICT‘s potential and an unsatisfactory pattern of feedback from the public management about the inputs of society delivered by these tools. Besides the problems related to digital divide, some political, organizational, and institutional issues limit the impact and the adoption of e-participation, out of which is worth underscoring the role of civil servants‘ bureaucracy and the lack of institutional arrangements to sustain the digital democracy operation. / Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las potencialidades y los factores limitadores existentes en el desarrollo de la democracia digital en Brasil. La democracia digital consiste en el empleo de herramientas de participación electrónica en el ciclo de políticas públicas con la finalidad de promover la democratización y el control social de la gestión pública. El método empleado fue el estudio de caso de tres experiencias de democracia digital que abarcan los niveles federal, regional y municipal: las consultas públicas electrónicas, el Gabinete Digital y el Presupuesto Participativo Digital, respectivamente. El análisis de las iniciativas apunta a la posibilidad de: i) adopción de la e-participación en diferentes etapas del ciclo de políticas públicas, y ii) la significativa ampliación del número de participantes en comparación con las experiencias presenciales. Sin embargo, todavía se percibe un escaso aprovechamiento de las tecnologías y un patrón insuficiente de respuesta de la administración pública a las contribuciones de la sociedad encaminadas a través de esas herramientas. Además de los problemas relacionados con la exclusión digital, factores políticos, organizativos e institucionales limitan el impacto de la e-participación, de los cuales se destacan el papel de la burocracia y la carencia de arreglos institucionales que sustenten la operación de la democracia digital.
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A Menina, o Cavalo e a Chuva: A arte de contar histórias e a cibercultura / -Ceschi, Cristiana Souza 18 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma reflexão acerca da Arte de Contar Histórias como uma importante ferramenta artística e educativa na formação do ser humano de todas as épocas, vista especialmente em suas relações com as questões trazidas pelo universo contemporâneo da cibercultura. Ao problematizar e dialogar com a emergência e complexidade desse universo, a função social do contador de histórias, sua arte e seu papel formador encontram visões divergentes, antagônicas e polêmicas trazendo assim discussões pertinentes para seu lugar e importância na vida atual. O que é importante saber para contar histórias no mundo de hoje? Qual a relevância da arte de contar histórias em um mundo mediado por telas? Qual o impacto da cibercultura no universo do contador de histórias e o impacto do trabalho do contador de histórias na Era Digital? Tais questões foram discutidas partindo de imagens significativas que serviram de metáforas para o aprofundamento dos problemas bem como do depoimento de contadores e ouvintes de histórias, teóricos da comunicação, antropólogos, filósofos, poetas e educadores. / This work is a reflection about the Art of Storytelling as a major artistic and educational tool in the educational process of human beings of all ages, especially seen in its relations with the questions raised by the contemporary universe of cyberculture. When discussing and questioning the emergence and complexity of this universe, the social role of storyteller, his art and his educational role, we came across different, antagonistic and controversial sights bringing relevant discussions to his place and importance in the present life. What is important to know in order to tell stories in today\'s world? What is the relevance of storytelling in a world mediated by screens? What is the impact of cyberculture in the storytelling universe and the impact of the storyteller\'s work in the Digital Age? Such issues were discussed starting from meaningful images that served as metaphors for the deepening of the problems as well as the testimony of storytellers and listeners, communication theorists, anthropologists, philosophers, poets and educators
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OLTRE IL FRANCHISE. TRANSMEDIA STORYTELLING FRA NARRAZIONE E PRATICA DISTRIBUTIVA NELL'ERA DIGITALE DELLA CONVERGENZA / Beyond Franchise. Transmedia Narrative and Practice in the Era of Media Convergence.NEGRI, ERICA 23 March 2015 (has links)
I processi di digitalizzazione e convergenza hanno avuto un forte impatto sulle modalità di produzione, distribuzione e fruizione dei contenuti audiovisivi. Ma tale impatto non si è limitato ai suddetti ambiti. Fenomeni come il transmedia storytelling, le narrazioni distribuite, l’intertestualità, l’ibridazione delle forme discorsive, l’integrazione di elementi di game-playing all’interno di strutture narrative tradizionalmente lineari, e la crescente rilevanza del world-building all’interno del processo creativo di una storia dimostrano che il cambio di paradigma non sta avvenendo solo a livello delle strutture economiche, produttive e comunicative, ma anche a livello narratologico. Scopo di questa ricerca è mappare tale cambio di paradigma, approfondendo in modo particolare l’emergere delle forme narrative transmediali. / The processes of digitalization and media convergence have had a major impact on the procedures of production, distribution and reception of audiovisual content. However, the impact has not been limited to those areas. The emergence of cultural phenomena such as transmedia storytelling, distributed narratives, intertextuality, the hybridization of forms of discourse, the integration of elements of game-playing within the traditionally linear narrative structures, and the growing importance of world-building within the story development process attest that the paradigm shift is not only occurring at an economical, industrial and communicational level, but also at a narratological one. The aim of this research is to map this paradigm shift, with particular focus on the emergence of transmedia narrative forms.
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Democratização do Estado na era digital : e-participação no ciclo de políticas públicasPossamai, Ana Júlia January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva identificar as potencialidades e os constrangimentos existentes ao desenvolvimento da democracia digital no Brasil. Por democracia digital entende-se o emprego de ferramentas de participação eletrônica no ciclo de políticas públicas com a finalidade de promover a democratização e o controle social da gestão pública. O método empregado é o estudo de caso de três experiências de democracia digital que abrangem os níveis federal, estadual e municipal: as consultas públicas eletrônicas, o Gabinete Digital e o OP Digital, respectivamente. A análise dessas iniciativas aponta para as possibilidades de: i) adoção da e-participação em diferentes etapas do ciclo de políticas públicas, e ii) ampliação significativa do número de participantes quando comparado a experiências presenciais. Contudo, percebe-se ainda um subaproveitamento das tecnologias, bem como um padrão insuficiente de resposta da administração pública às contribuições da sociedade, encaminhadas dessas ferramentas. Além dos problemas relacionados à exclusão digital, fatores políticos, organizacionais e institucionais limitam o impacto da e-participação, dos quais se destacam o papel da burocracia e a carência de arranjos institucionais que sustentem a operação da democracia digital. / This paper intends to identify the potentialities and the constraints of the development of digital democracy in Brazil. Digital democracy consists of enacting electronic participation tools throughout the public policy cycle, aiming at enhancing social control and democratization of public management. This research employs the case study method for analyzing three digital democracy experiences in Brazil at the federal, state, and local levels: respectively, public e-consultations; Digital Cabinet; and Digital Participatory Budgeting. These initiatives indicate that it is possible to apply e-Participation tools for i) the democratization of each stage of the public policy cycle and ii) increasing the number of participants in comparison to in-person experiences. Nonetheless, one can observe the underutilization of the ICT‘s potential and an unsatisfactory pattern of feedback from the public management about the inputs of society delivered by these tools. Besides the problems related to digital divide, some political, organizational, and institutional issues limit the impact and the adoption of e-participation, out of which is worth underscoring the role of civil servants‘ bureaucracy and the lack of institutional arrangements to sustain the digital democracy operation. / Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las potencialidades y los factores limitadores existentes en el desarrollo de la democracia digital en Brasil. La democracia digital consiste en el empleo de herramientas de participación electrónica en el ciclo de políticas públicas con la finalidad de promover la democratización y el control social de la gestión pública. El método empleado fue el estudio de caso de tres experiencias de democracia digital que abarcan los niveles federal, regional y municipal: las consultas públicas electrónicas, el Gabinete Digital y el Presupuesto Participativo Digital, respectivamente. El análisis de las iniciativas apunta a la posibilidad de: i) adopción de la e-participación en diferentes etapas del ciclo de políticas públicas, y ii) la significativa ampliación del número de participantes en comparación con las experiencias presenciales. Sin embargo, todavía se percibe un escaso aprovechamiento de las tecnologías y un patrón insuficiente de respuesta de la administración pública a las contribuciones de la sociedad encaminadas a través de esas herramientas. Además de los problemas relacionados con la exclusión digital, factores políticos, organizativos e institucionales limitan el impacto de la e-participación, de los cuales se destacan el papel de la burocracia y la carencia de arreglos institucionales que sustenten la operación de la democracia digital.
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