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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des mécanismes de transferts couplés de chaleur et d’humidité dans les matériaux poreux de construction en régime insaturé / Study of coupled heat and moisture transfer mechanisms in porous building materials in unsaturated regime

Bennai, Fares 28 June 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail a pour objectif de comprendre l’influence des paramètres géométriques des éco-matériaux d’enveloppe, tels que le béton de chanvre, sur les mécanismes de transferts couplés de chaleur, d'air et d’humidité afin de prédire le comportement du bâtiment dans le but de le piloter et de l’améliorer dans sa durabilité. Pour cela, une approche multi-échelle est mise en place. Elle consiste à maîtriser les phénomènes physiques dominants et leurs interactions à l’échelle microscopique. S’ensuit, une modélisation à double échelle, microscopique–macroscopique, des transferts couplés de chaleur, d’air et d’humidité qui prend en compte les propriétés intrinsèques et la topologie microstructurale du matériau moyennant le recours à la tomographie rayon X conjuguée à la corrélation d’images 2D et 3D. Pour cela, une campagne de caractérisation fine des propriétés physiques et hygrothermiques du béton de chanvre confectionné au laboratoire a été réalisée. Elle s’est focalisée sur l’étude de l’impact du vieillissement, l’état thermique et hydrique du matériau sur ses propriétés intrinsèques. Les résultats montrent une excellente capacité d'isolation thermique et de régulation naturelle d’humidité du béton de chanvre. Puis, une caractérisation microscopique par différentes techniques d’imagerie a été effectuée. Les reconstructions 3D du matériau réel scanné au tomographe aux rayons X à différentes résolutions montrent que le béton de chanvre possède plusieurs échelles de porosité, allant de la microporosité au sein du liant et des chènevottes à la macroporosité inter-particulaire. Le comportement hygro-morphique sous sollicitations hydriques a été ensuite étudié. Les résultats de la corrélation d’image numérique 2D et de la tomographie aux rayons X couplés à la corrélation d’images volumiques, montrent la nature du comportement du béton de chanvre soumis à des hygrométries différentes. En effet, la chènevotte subit des déformations plus importantes que le liant, causant ainsi des modifications de la microstructure du matériau. Sur le volet de la modélisation, moyennant la technique d’homogénéisation périodique un modèle des transferts couplés de chaleur, d’air et d’humidité dans les matériaux poreux de construction a été développé. Les tenseurs de diffusion et de conductivité thermique homogénéisés ont été calculés numériquement. Ensuite, une confrontation entre les résultats du calcul des coefficients de diffusion macroscopique et ceux expérimentaux obtenus au LaSIE a été réalisée. Elle met en évidence la qualité de la prédiction. De plus, la conductivité thermique de la phase solide a été ainsi déduite. Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse ont mis en exergue l’influence de l’état hydrique et thermique du béton de chanvre sur ces propriétés intrinsèques, et sa microstructure très hétérogène. Ils ont révélé aussi les limites des approches phénoménologiques basées sur l’établissement des bilans de masse, de quantité de mouvement et d’énergie. / The aim of this work is to understand the influence of the geometric parameters of envelope eco-materials, such as hemp concrete, on the mechanisms of coupled heat, air and moisture transfers, in order to predict behavior of the building to control and improving it in its durability. For this a multi-scale approach is implemented. It consists of mastering the dominant physical phenomena and their interactions on the microscopic scale. Followed by a dual-scale modeling, microscopic-macroscopic, of coupled heat, air and moisture transfers that takes into account the intrinsic properties and microstructural topology of the material using X-ray tomography combined with the correlation of 2D and 3D images. A characterization campaign of physical and hydrothermal properties of the hemp concrete manufactured in the laboratory was carried. It focused on studying the impact of aging, thermal and hydric state of the material on these intrinsic properties. The results show an excellent thermal insulation and natural moisture regulation capacity of hemp concrete. Then, a microscopic characterization by different imaging techniques was performed. The 3D reconstructions of the real material scanned with X-ray tomography at different resolutions show that hemp concrete has several scales of porosity, ranging from micro-porosity within the binder and hemp shiv to the inter-particle macro-porosity. The hydromorphic behavior under hydric solicitations was studied. The results of the 2D digital image correlation and X-ray tomography coupled with the volumetric image correlation show the nature of the behavior of hemp concrete subjected to different relative humidities. In fact, the hemp shiv undergoes greater deformations than the binder, thus causing changes in the microstructure of the material. On the modeling part, a model of coupled heat, air and moisture transfer in porous building materials was developed using the periodic homogenization technique. The homogenized tensors of diffusion and thermal conductivity were determined numerically. Then, a confrontation between the results of the calculation of the macroscopic diffusion coefficients and the experimental results obtained at the LaSIE was carried out. It highlights the quality of the prediction. In addition, the thermal conductivity of the solid phase was thus deduced. The results obtained in the framework of this PhD thesis have highlighted the influence of the hydric and thermal state of the hemp concrete on these intrinsic properties and its very heterogeneous microstructure. They also revealed the limitations of phenomenological approaches based on the establishment of the balances of mass, amount of motion and energy

Caractérisation par corrélation d'images et modélisation par zones cohésives du comportement mécanique des interfaces / Characterization by digital image correlation and cohesive zone modeling of interfaces mechanics

Azab, Marc 29 August 2016 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l'étude de l'intégrité des matériaux ou des structures assemblées en s'intéressant à la modélisation du mécanisme de rupture à l'aide des modèles de zones cohésives (MZC). Cette approche présente l'avantage d'incorporer une longueur caractéristique dans la description de la rupture, ce qui permet notamment d'évaluer des effets de taille. Trois paramètres caractérisent ces MZC : la contrainte de traction Tmax à laquelle l'interface ou le matériau peut résister avant d'amorcer sa décohésion, l'ouverture critique à partir de laquelle une fissure est créée localement et finalement une loi traction-ouverture qui décrit la répartition des efforts cohésifs selon le mécanisme opérant.L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'identifier les paramètres cohésifs caractérisant la rupture interfaciale dans un joint de colle ou cohésif dans un matériau. Pour cela, une première étape était d'élaborer un modèle analytique, décrivant correctement la cinématique d'un essai DCB ou Wedge, pour caractériser la rupture mode I. Bien que le mode d'ouverture soit opérant, le champ de déplacement au voisinage de l'entaille n'est pas K-dominant pour ces essais, du moins pas toujours. Plusieurs lois de traction-ouverture ont été considérées afin d'étudier leur influence sur la réponse locale et globale de l'essai. Une méthodologie d'identification inverse a été proposée à partir d'un modèle analytique, qui consiste à extraire les paramètres cohésifs en minimisant l'erreur au sens des moindres carrés entre les déflections analytique et numérique. Une fois validée, elle a été par la suite appliquée à un cas réel, qui est l'essai d'insertion de lame. La mesure du champ de déplacement expérimental est possible grâce à une mesure du champ de déplacement par corrélation d'image.Une analyse approfondie a été aussi consacrée à l'étude de la "Process Zone" pour un essai DCB ou Wedge. Cette étude met en évidence la variation de Lcz en fonction de la géométrie des éprouvettes, des propriétés de la zone cohésive, des propriétés mécaniques du matériau ou encore la forme de la loi traction-ouverture utilisée. Une nouvelle expression pour estimer Lcz est établie pour les zones cohésives rectangulaires et triangulaires.Une deuxième approche d’identification locale, basée sur le travail de Réthoré et Estevez (2013), a été aussi proposée et discutée. Elle a été mise en oeuvre pour un essai d'insertion de lame, avant d'être appliquée à un essai de flexion 4 points entaillé. Un aller-retour entre simulation numérique et résultat expérimental permet d'identifier les propriétés cohésives du matériau ou de l'interface / This work concerns the study of materials and assemblies structures integrity using cohesive zone model (CZM) to analyze fracture. These models have the advantage to incorporate a characteristic length in the description of fracture initiation and propagation, which can lead to size effects studies. Three parameters characterize the CZM : the maximal cohesive traction Tmax to which the interface or the material can resist before the onset of debonding, the critical crack opening from which a crack is created locally and finally the traction-separation law which describe the cohesive traction distribution depending on fracture process.The main purpose of this thesis is to identify the cohesive zone parameters describing fracture at the interface or in the material. The first step was to elaborate an analytical model which can describe properly the DCB or Wedge Test kinematic, to characterize mode I fracture. Despite the fact of mode I fracture, the displacement field near the crack-tip is not K-dominant for these tests, at least not always. Various traction-separation laws were considered in order to study their influence on the local and global response of the test. An inverse identification methodology has been proposed from the analytical model, which can extract cohesive parameters through a least square error minimization between numerical and analytical deflection. Once validated, it was subsequently applied to a real Wedge test. The experimental displacement field measurement was done due to digital image correlation measurement.A deep analysis to evaluate the fracture process zone length has been also dedicated in the case of Wedge or DCB Tests. This analysis shows that Lcz is not an intrinsic interface or materials property and it can vary depending on the sample's geometry, the cohesive zone properties or the traction-separation law. A new expression to determine Lcz was established for rectangular and triangular cohesive zone.A second local identification approach, based on the work of Réhoré and Estevez (2013), has been also proposed. It was implemented to analyze the Wedge test, before applying it to a notched four points bending test. A round trip between numerical simulations and experimental results allow identifying the cohesive properties in the materiel or at the interface.

Um ambiente computacional de alto desempenho para cálculo de deslocamento usando correlação de imagens digitais. / A high-performance computing enviroment for displacement using digital image correlation.

Várady Filho, Christiano Augusto Ferrario 04 April 2016 (has links)
This work proposes a high performance computing environment using digital image correlation techniques to determine physical quantities associated with engineering problems. Software ar- chitecture supports this computing environment, integrating several advanced technologies for calculation of displacement and strain fields of structural elements from testing. The method- ology applies the study of concepts, formulations and techniques for image processing, digital image correlation, high performance computing and software architecture. The methodology also includes specific procedures in a single environment for the evaluation of physical quanti- ties. Among the main procedures used in the presented software architecture, one can cite the digital image correlation techniques known as Full-Field and Subset, non-linear optimization methods and two-dimensional interpolations. In addition, high performance computing strate- gies are included into the computing environment to achieve performance speed-ups on evalu- ating the displacement fields using digital image correlation. Comparisons with Scale Invariant Feature Transform and Q4-DIC are also evaluated. Following, the development of a computer prototype has the purpose of validating the presented high performance environment, allowing the calculation of physical quantities in structural elements through the correlation of digital images. Then, submission of case studies into the prototype validates data acquired from tech- nologies built into the prototype, including quantitative analysis of results and measurement of computational time. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O presente trabalho apresenta um ambiente computacional de alto desempenho que utiliza téc- nicas de correlação de imagens digitais para determinação de grandezas físicas associadas a problemas de engenharia. Sua arquitetura computacional integra diversas tecnologias avança- das para o cálculo dos campos de deslocamentos de elementos estruturais a partir de ensaios. A metodologia utilizada prevê o estudo de conceitos, formulações e técnicas de arquitetura de software, processamento de imagens, correlação de imagens digitais e computação de alto desempenho, além de incorporar procedimentos específicos em um ambiente único para a de- terminação de grandezas físicas. Dentre os principais procedimentos utilizados na arquitetura apresentada, pode-se citar as abordagens locais e globais de correlação de imagens digitais, mé- todos de otimização não-linear e interpolações bidimensionais. Também são incorporadas ao ambiente computacional estratégias de computação de alto desempenho para alcançar ganhos de performance na determinação dos campos de deslocamentos e deformações usando a corre- lação de imagens digitais. Uma comparação com o método Scale Invariant Feature Transform e com o método Q4-DIC de análise de imagens também são realizadas. Um protótipo compu- tacional é desenvolvido com o objetivo de validar o ambiente de alto desempenho apresentado, permitindo o monitoramento de elementos estruturais através da correlação de imagens digitais. Também são realizados estudos de casos que permitem a verificação de tecnologias incorpora- das ao protótipo apresentado, incluindo análises quantitativas de resultados e medição de tempo computacional.

Identification de paramètres mécaniques de matériaux composites à partir de corrélation d’images numériques multi-échelles / Mechanical parameter identification of composite materials using multiscale digital image correlation

David, Christoph 14 November 2014 (has links)
L’amélioration du caractère prédictif des simulations numériques requiert une meilleure maîtrise des modèles constitutifs. Des procédures d’identification exploitant des mesures de champs ont été développées afin de valider les modèles et d’identifier un jeu de paramètres constitutifs à partir d’un nombre réduit d’essais hétérogènes. Bien évidemment, les résultats de telles procédures dépendent grandement des incertitudes des mesures. Dans cette thèse, une stratégie d’identification de paramètres constitutifs à partir de mesures de champs par corrélation d’images numériques éléments finis (CIN-EF) multi-échelles est proposée et développée. Une variante régularisée du recalage par éléments finis (FEMU-R) est adaptée à cette approche multi-échelles. Elle exploite des champs de déplacements mesurés par CIN-EF d'une part à l’échelle de la structure (fournissant les conditions aux limites pour la simulation EF) et d’autre part à une échelle plus locale (fournissant des champs de déplacements mieux résolus pour la comparaison essais/calculs). Un algorithme de recalage d’images est développé pour faire le lien entre les échelles. D’abord validée à l’aide d’images de synthèse, la procédure est ensuite appliquée à un essai de traction sur plaque trouée réalisé sur un composite stratifié verre/époxy. On montre qu’une telle stratégie permet de diminuer nettement non seulement les incertitudes de mesure mais également les incertitudes d’identification. Finalement, la question d’un mouchetis adapté à cette approche multi-échelles est évoquée et des éléments de solutions sont proposés et testés. / Improving the prediction of numerical simulations requires a better control of constitutive models. Identification methods exploiting full-field measurements have been developed in order to validate models and to identify a set of constitutive parameters from a reduced number of heterogeneous tests. The results of those methods largely depends on measurement uncertainties. In this PhD thesis, a strategy is proposed and developed for the identification of constitutive parameters from full-field measurements obtained by multiscale finite element digital image correlation (FE-DIC). A Regularised Finite Element Model Updating method (FEMU-R) is adapted to this multiscale approach. It exploits displacement fields measured by FE-DIC at a structural scale (in order to obtain the boundary conditions for FE simulation)and at a local scale (giving a better resolution on the displacement field for the comparison between experiment and simulation). An image registration algorithm is developed to bridge these scales. First validated on synthetic images, the multiscale approach is then applied to an open-hole tensile test of a glass/epoxy composite laminate. It is shown that such a strategy allows to reduce not only the measurement uncertainties but also the identification uncertainties. Finally the question of a speckle pattern suitable for this approach is discussed and some first technical solutions are proposed and tested.

Etude des interactions hydro-chimio-mécaniques dans les tissus biologiques : application à la nutrition du disque intervertébral. / Analysis of hydro-chemo-mechanical interactions in biological tissues : application to the cell nutrition of intervertebral disc

Baldit, Adrien 20 September 2013 (has links)
Le disque intervertébral est principalement composé de deux types de tissu : le nucleus pulposus au centre contenu par l'annulus fibrosus en périphérie.Le nucleus est relativement bien décrit dans la littérature contrairement à l'annulus dont la constitution bi-phasique couplée à une structure à fibres orientées reste délicate à modéliser. La caractérisation hydro-chimio-mécanique représente un point clé dans la compréhension des phénomènes qui régissent le comportement de l'organe.Pour répondre au manque d'information, deux axes de travail sont mis en place : expérimental et numérique.La réalisation de tests de traction cyclique associés à des techniques de corrélation d'images permet de fournir une base de données complète du comportement.Elle est ensuite utilisée pour identifier un modèle hydro-chimio-mécanique qui traduit le comportement non-linéaire, anisotrope, dissipatif ainsi que la sensibilité aux variations d'environnement chimique du tissu observés expérimentalement.L'intérêt majeur de cette méthode est l'identification simultanée de l'ensemble des paramètres du modèle au cours de sollicitations proches des conditions physiologiques sur chacune des éprouvettes.Ce protocole réduit ainsi les incertitudes liées aux variabilités inter-individus et inter-localisations pour obtenir des valeurs de paramètres plus fiables.La formulation identifiée permettra de proposer un modèle compréhensif des transferts de fluide impliqués dans les processus de nutrition cellulaire.Ce sujet s'intègre dans une réflexion plus large relative à la compréhension des couplages hydro-chimio-mécaniques dans les tissus biologiques.L'enjeu est de quantifier l'impact des stimuli mécaniques sur l'évolution des tissus humains et leur adaptation aux conditions environnementales. / Intervertebral disc is mainly divided into two parts : nucleus pulposus surrounding by annulus fibrosus.Nucleus is relatively well described in literature, on the other hand annulus remains difficult to model due to its bi-phasic constitution coupled with an oriented fibres structure.Hydro-chemo-mechanical characterization represent a key point to reach a better understanding of this organ.To overcome this lack of knowledge, two axes are developed in this work : experimental and numerical.Cyclic tensile tests associated to digital image correlation techniques allow to obtain a large amount of data on global tissue behaviour.It permit to identify a hydro-chemo-mechanical model which takes in account the non-linear, anisotropic and dissipative behaviours.It also highlights sensibility to chemical variations in tissue environment observed experimentally.The most important point of this work is the simultaneous parameter identification performed on each sample during solicitations similar to in vivo conditions.This protocol reduce inter-individuals and inter-localisations discrepancies and leads to an accurate bundle of parameters.The formulation aims to accurately model fluid motion inside intervertebral disc tissues which is related to cell nutrition, growth and homoeostasis.This work is involved in a larger problematic about hydro-chemo-mechanical coupling within biological tissues.It will allow to quantify mechanical stimuli influence on human tissues evolution and adaptation to environment conditions.

Mechanisms for Kink Band Evolution in Polymer Matrix Composites: A Digital Image Correlation and Finite Element Study

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are attractive structural materials due to their high stiffness to low weight ratio. However, unidirectional PMCs have low shear strength and failure can occur along kink bands that develop on compression due to plastic microbuckling that carry strains large enough to induce nonlinear matrix deformation. Reviewing the literature, a large fraction of the existing work is for uniaxial compression, and the effects of stress gradients, such as those present during bending, have not been as well explored, and these effects are bound to make difference in terms of kink band nucleation and growth. Furthermore, reports on experimental measurements of strain fields leading to and developing inside these bands in the presence of stress gradients are also scarce and need to be addressed to gain a full understanding of their behavior when UDCs are used under bending and other spatially complex stress states. In a light to bridge the aforementioned gaps, the primary focus of this work is to understand mechanisms for kink band evolution under an influence of stress-gradients induced during bending. Digital image correlation (DIC) is used to measure strains inside and around the kink bands during 3-point bending of samples with 0°/90° stacking made of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fibers. Measurements indicate bands nucleate at the compression side and propagate into the sample carrying a mixture of large shear and normal strains (~33%), while also decreasing its bending stiffness. Failure was produced by a combination of plastic microbuckling and axial splitting. The microstructure of the kink bands was studied and used in a microstructurally explicit finite element model (FEM) to analyze stresses and strains at ply level in the samples during kink band evolution, using cohesive zone elements to represent the interfaces between plies. Cohesive element properties were deduced by a combination of delamination, fracture and three-point bending tests used to calibrate the FEMs. Modeling results show that the band morphology is sensitive to the shear and opening properties of the interfaces between the plies. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 2016

Efeitos do uso de próteses múltiplas implantossuportadas, unidas e isoladas, nas tensões geradas em áreas posteriores da mandíbula / Load transfer characteristics in the posterior region of the mandible of implant supported, splinted and non-splinted restorations

Rodrigo Tiossi 21 December 2010 (has links)
O comportamento biomecânico de próteses implantossuportadas foi analisado por fotoelasticidade e por correlação de imagens digitais (CID). Este trabalho estudou o comportamento biomecânico de próteses parciais fixas parafusadas sobre implantes, com coroas isoladas ou unidas, simulando a reabilitação de área posterior mandibular, com e sem a presença de elemento dental distal aos implantes. Devido às dificuldades em produzir estruturas múltiplas com assentamento passivo, alguns autores sugerem que implantes adjacentes sejam restaurados por próteses unitárias, minimizando os efeitos das tensões transferidas aos implantes. A análise fotoelástica é uma técnica experimental para análise de tensões, bastante empregada devido à sua relativa simplicidade e confiabilidade quanto à correspondência clínica dos achados observados. A análise por correlação de imagens digitais produz o mapeamento completo das tensões geradas na superfície do modelo analisado, possibilitando análises precisas. Não existe consenso na literatura quanto ao melhor planejamento protético para reabilitações parciais com múltiplos implantes adjacentes, a fim de minimizar as tensões geradas na interface osso-implante. O material de recobrimento estético empregado na restauração protética também foi analisado (cerâmica e resina). O modelo de estudo foi composto por um pré-molar em resina, dois implantes (Titamax GT - 4,0 x 11,0 mm - Neodent) substituindo o 2º pré-molar e o 1º molar, e um 2º molar em resina. Outro modelo foi produzido sem a presença do 2º molar. Os grupos analisados foram: UC - coroas unidas e recobertas por cerâmica; IC - coroas isoladas e recobertas por cerâmica; UR - coroas unidas e recobertas por resina; IR - coroas isoladas e recobertas por resina. O efeito do torque na fixação das estruturas foi avaliado por meio de análise fotoelástica. Análise fotoelástica qualitativa e quantitativa foi realizada após a aplicação de carga vertical puntiforme (50 N) na superfície oclusal da coroa substituindo o 1º molar. A análise por correlação de imagens também foi feita qualitativa e quantitativamente, com a carga aplicada na mesma posição que para a análise fotoelástica, mas com maior intensidade (250 N). Tensões na direção horizontal (εxx) e de cisalhamento (εxy) foram analisadas e comparadas pelo método CID. Os dois métodos para análise de tensões aplicados neste estudo foram satisfatórios e adequados para as comparações necessárias ao trabalho proposto. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a esplintagem de coroas sobre múltiplos implantes adjacentes promoveu melhor distribuição de tensões em torno dos implantes e pelas estruturas de suporte, principalmente quando o contato proximal distal esteve ausente. As tensões totais no modelo não foram influenciadas pela presença do 2º molar, mas este dente participou da distribuição de tensões entre as estruturas. O material de recobrimento das coroas não foi significativo para as tensões transferidas ao modelo fotoelástico e para as tensões compressivas (εxx). As tensões de cisalhamento (εxy) foram influenciadas diretamente pela presença do 2º molar inferior e, com sua ausência, um material de recobrimento com baixo módulo de elasticidade (resina) foi significativo para minimizar estas tensões. / A photoelastic stress analysis and a digital image correlation (DIC) method were used to analyze the biomechanical behavior of implant supported prosthesis. This study compared the biomechanical behavior of screwed, splinted and non-splinted, implant supported fixed partial dentures, simulating the rehabilitation of a mandibular posterior region, with and without the presence of a second molar proximal contact. Since complete passivity is difficult to achieve when splinted restorations supported by multiple implants are used, some authors suggest individually restoring adjacent implants to allow for a passive fit in the resulting restorations, thus reducing the strains transferred to the implants. Photoelasticity is an experimental technique for stress analysis and has been constantly used due its simplicity, reliable results and correlation with clinical findings. The digital image correlation method is capable of providing a full-field surface strain measurement, allowing for an accurate analysis. The ideal restoration of a partially edentulous space remains controversial as to the best prosthetic design for a partial rehabilitation with multiple implants in order to minimize the strains transferred to the bone-implant interface. The influence of the veneering materials was also compared (porcelain and resin). An epoxy resin model was made with acrylic resin replicas of a mandibular first premolar and second molar and with threaded implants (Titamax GT - 4.0 x 11.0 mm - Neodent) replacing the second premolar and first molar. Another model was made without the presence of the second molar. Groups were: UC - porcelain-veneered splinted crowns; IC - porcelain-veneered non-splinted crowns; UR - resin-veneered splinted crowns; IR - resin-veneered non-splinted crowns. Strains transferred to the photoelastic model were analyzed after tightening the prosthetic screws. Qualitative and quantitative photoelastic stress analysis was performed after the application of a vertical load (50 N) on the occlusal surface of the crown replacing the first molar. The image correlation analysis was also performed qualitatively and quantitatively, with the load applied in the same position as for the photoelastic analysis, although with greater intensity (250 N). Strains in the horizontal direction (εxx) and shear strains (εxy) were analyzed and compared with the DIC method. Both methods for strain analysis used in this study performed satisfactory and are adequate for the comparisons proposed in this work. According to the results found, it can be concluded that splinting multiple adjacent implant supported crowns provided a better strain distribution around the implants and the supporting structures, especially when the distal proximal contact was absent. The total strains in the model were not influenced by the presence of a distal proximal contact, but the presence of the second molar optimized the strain distribution between the structures. The crowns veneering material was not significant for the strains transferred to the photoelastic model and for compressive strains (εxx). Shear strains (εxy) were influenced by the presence of the second molar, and when it was absent, the use of a veneering material with low elasticity modulus (resin) significantly reduced these tensions.

Identificação de um modelo constitutivo para simulação computacional do processo de prensagem a frio de um material refratário sílico-aluminoso

Montilha, Fernanda Silveira 05 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2016-12-19T10:10:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSM.pdf: 13052828 bytes, checksum: d7bc48b1bd94b3c0b5c9de86b2b4f85d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-16T17:50:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSM.pdf: 13052828 bytes, checksum: d7bc48b1bd94b3c0b5c9de86b2b4f85d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-16T17:50:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSM.pdf: 13052828 bytes, checksum: d7bc48b1bd94b3c0b5c9de86b2b4f85d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T17:50:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissFSM.pdf: 13052828 bytes, checksum: d7bc48b1bd94b3c0b5c9de86b2b4f85d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / One of the methods for the processing of refractory material is cold pressing of the powder material, followed by sintering. Heterogeneous distribution of density can occur in the green compact during pressing because of the friction between the particles of the material and the pressing tools, that may hinder the sintering step. In this context, the simulation of the pressing process constitutes an important tool for the study and improvement of this step, to obtain green compacts with good microstructural homogeneity and also analyze the pressing tools to optimize its design in industrial applications. The identification of a constitutive model to represent the powder material is required to perform the simulation and it is the most complex step. The Drucker-Prager/Cap model implemented in the commercial software of finite elements, AbaqusTM, is suitable primarily for soil compaction study and is able to simulate the mechanical compaction of particulate materials. The parameters of this model have been obtained for a silico-aluminous refractory by a combination of simple, diametrical and hydrostatic compression tests. In studies available in the literature, the material models are partially identified, and in many cases, inadequate simplifications are applied. This study aimed to identify the parameters of the material model more precisely using the digital images correlation technique in the mechanical tests, which enabled a greater understanding of the yielding mechanisms and the achievement of data not obtained by conventional techniques. This methodology allowed the identification of a constitutive model and it was valitaded by the good agrrement between experimental results and those obtained in computer simulations, applied to a uniaxial case followed by isostatic pressing. / Um dos métodos para o processamento de materiais refratários é a prensagem a frio do material particulado, seguida da etapa de sinterização. Durante a prensagem pode ocorrer uma distribuição heterogênea de densidades no compacto verde, causada pelo atrito entre as partículas do material e as paredes da cavidade do ferramental de prensagem, que pode prejudicar a etapa de sinterização. Neste contexto, a simulação computacional do processo de prensagem constitui-se em uma ferramenta importante para o estudo e aperfeiçoamento desta etapa, visando obter compactos verdes com boa homogeneidade microestrutural e também analisar as solicitações no ferramental a fim de otimizar seu projeto em aplicações industriais. A identificação de um modelo constitutivo que represente o material é necessária para realização das simulações e trata-se da etapa de maior complexidade. O modelo de Drucker-Prager/Cap implementado no software comercial de elementos finitos AbaqusTM é adequado principalmente para o estudo de compactação de solos e é capaz de simular o adensamento mecânico de materiais particulados. Os parâmetros deste modelo para um material refratário sílico-aluminoso foram identificados pela combinação de ensaios de compressão simples, diametral e hidrostática. Em trabalhos disponíveis na literatura, os modelos de material são parcialmente identificados e, em muitos casos, são aplicadas simplificações inadequadas. O presente estudo visou uma identificação mais precisa dos parâmetros do modelo de material, uma vez que os ensaios mecânicos foram auxiliados pela técnica de correlação de imagens digitais, que possibilitou a avaliação mais profunda dos mecanismos de escoamento e a obtenção de dados não alcançados por técnicas convencionais. Essa metodologia permitiu a identificação do modelo constitutivo e a validação consistiu na comparação entre resultados experimentais e os obtidos em simulações computacionais, aplicados a um caso de prensagem uniaxial seguida de prensagem isostática, apresentando boa concordância.

Mechanical behavior of recycled polypropylene reinforced by coconut fibers using X-ray tomography and digital image correlation

Alexandre de Souza Rios 18 December 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior

Fabricação e controle de espessura de juntas coladas single lap joint: caracterização mecânica dos aderentes e do adesivo / Manufacture and thickness control of single lap joints: mechanical properties characterization of adherents and adhesive

Fernando Madureira 28 September 2018 (has links)
Devido a suas vantagens comparadas aos métodos tradicionais de união mecânica, a utilização de juntas coladas estruturais só tende a crescer, entretanto, devido suas propriedades e modos de falha dependerem de diversos parâmetros (tratamento superficial, geometria, material, condições de tralho, etc.) uma utilização mais ampla desta técnica ainda é restrita pela ausência de modelos de falhas confiáveis. O presente trabalho consiste na apresentação de métodos para fabricação de juntas coladas em material compósito e verificação da influência da espessura da camada adesiva na resistência de juntas simples coladas (single lap joints) submetidas à tração. São também apresentados métodos para fabricação dos aderentes, corpos de prova de adesivo puro para ensaios de caracterização e realização de ensaios mecânicos para obtenção das propriedades mecânicas tanto dos aderentes quanto do adesivo. As propriedades mecânicas dos aderentes e do adesivo foram obtidas através de ensaios realizados em uma máquina de tração universal com o auxílio da técnica de correlação digital de imagem, e a obtenção das energias críticas de resistência à fratura (GIc,GIIc) da camada adesiva foram calculadas através de ensaios Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) e End Notched Flexure (ENF). Foram estudados métodos para gerar falha coesiva nas juntas adesivas, sendo que o melhor método encontrado foi o de tratamento superficial dos aderentes com jateamento abrasivo seguido pela limpeza superficial com acetona. O controle preciso da espessura da camada adesiva foi alcançado através do desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de fácil construção, compostos por suportes de madeira, hastes e linhas de nylon. Nos ensaios em juntas coladas foi constatado uma relação inversamente proporcional entre a espessura da camada adesiva e a resistência máxima suportada pela junta, ou seja, quanto maior a espessura do adesivo menor sua resistência. Os métodos aqui apresentados foram os resultados de vários meses de estudo e compreensão das normas e técnicas disponíveis na literatura, o aprimoramento das técnicas foram frutos de um ciclo compostos por fabricação, testes e análise de resultados. / Amongst the joining techniques, adhesively bonding joints are one of the most commonly applied nowadays. However, a lack of reliable failure criteria still exists, limiting in this way a more widespread application of adhesively bonded joints in principal load-bearing structural applications. An accurate strength prediction of the adhesively bonded joints is essential to decrease the amount of expensive testing at the design stage. This work consists to show methods for manufacturing single lap joints and to verify the adhesive thickness influence on the joint resistance. The manufacturing process of the composite adherends and adhesives for bulk tests was also covered. The mechanical properties of the adherends and bulk adhesive were performed on a universal testing machine with assistance of a digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The fracture toughness energy release rates (GIc,GIIc) of the adhesive layer were obtained respectively through Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notched Flexure (ENF) tests. Cohesive failure was achieved by grit blasting the adherents followed by cleaning with acetone. A constant adhesive thickness was guaranteed by placing nylon fishing lines between the adherents. Single lap joints tests showed that the joint resistance decrease with increasing adhesive thickness.

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