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Connecting Cameras : Putting a New Twist on Connected Consumer ElectronicsGaunt, Kevin January 2016 (has links)
Camera makers are now increasingly adding WiFi chips to cameras to make transferring photos to smartphones or computers easier. At the same time this new technology brings on the opportunity to rethink what a connected camera could be and how it might shape our relationship with these devices. As the features in our consumer cameras start to move beyond physical constraints of the device itself, we will rely more on the device’s inherent character to make sense of it. Through multiple workshops, experiments, mockups and prototypes I explored a set of alternative characters and concepts for our digital consumer cameras and ultimately give an example of how a playful camera might inspire us to look at ourselves and the world around us with new eyes. The resulting provocation is KOPPLA, a prototype of an Internet-connected camera that treats its owners as a creative collective. It offers inspiring creative challenges at the touch of a button. These challenges come from other camera owners in the collective, from local communities or from organizations interested in gathering personal perspectives. The final design aims to provoke new ideas for what the industry considers a connected camera to be. In that sense, as a connecting rather than connected camera, KOPPLA goes beyond offloading photographs to a smartphone or the Internet – instead connecting its owners to new places, people and ideas.
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Det dolda sociala spelet : En kvalitativ studie om digitala handlingar på InstagramCross, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyze how 18 year old Instagram users experience the strategic social interaction, which can be seen as a digital interaction online while using Instagram application. The main focus was to se how it affects and influences social life outside the digital sphere. The study consists of two focus groups with a total of eight young secondary upper school students. This method worked out with reality-based scenarios based on Instagram, which we in our study refer to as “cases”. With the case the young students discussed their thoughts, opinions and ideas. In addition to the focus groups, the study was supplemented with two interviews. A total of three theories were used to analyze the material; Pierre Bourdieu's Habitus and social capital, Jay Blumer and Denis McQuails Uses and Gratification and Anja Hirdman's perspectives on gender in society and in digital media. The result showed that 18 years old users tend to strategically use different combinations at the platform Instagram to influence their social life - the social room, a sphere that involves people in the real life (meetings). The fact that young people are affected both positively and negatively was also evident. Instagram can be seen as an interconnection tool but also a source of inspiration where you can escape your reality. However, all participants were aware that those who exist on the platform are exaggerated and far from reality.
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El Social Commerce como factor subyacente en la Intención de Compra de smartphones en Millennials pertenecientes al nivel socioeconómico B de Lima MetropolitanaVasquez Enciso, Maricielo 10 July 2020 (has links)
La finalidad de este trabajo de investigación es descubrir la relación del Social Commerce con la Intención de Compra de smartphones, tanto de gama media alta y alta, aplicado en jóvenes Millennials. Esta investigación brindará una visión detallada de los componentes o constructos del Social Commerce en el ámbito de la categoría de smartphones y así descubrir el impacto que realmente poseen las redes sociales entre los usuarios consumidores.
A su vez, esta investigación ofrece la contextualización de la dinámica digital en redes sociales durante las etapas de Intención de Compra, lo cual es muy rico para que a partir de esto las marcas de smartphones tomen decisiones importantes y certeras al momento de establecer campañas con un ecosistema digital potente. Esto permitirá no solo inducir a la compra sino también identificar los mejores momentos o situaciones para crear lazos y prosumidores positivos para la marca. / The purpose of this research work is to discover the relationship of Social Commerce with the Purchase Intent of smartphones, both upper-middle and high-end, applied to young Millennials. This research will provide a detailed view of the components or constructs of Social Commerce in the field of the smartphone category and thus discover the impact that social networks really have among consumer users.
At the same time, this research offers the contextualization of the digital dynamics in social networks during the stages of Purchase Intent, which is very rich so that from this the smartphone brands make important and accurate decisions when establishing campaigns with a powerful digital ecosystem. This will allow not only to induce the purchase but also to identify the best moments or situations to create positive ties and prosumers for the brand. / Trabajo de investigación
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Ledsagande av seniorer i samband med webben : Identifiering av tillvägagångssätt att bistå seniorer i utförandet av uppgifter på webbenLindahl, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Webben kan användas i många syften och kan skapa ett mervärde både i arbetslivet och det privata livet för människor. Idag förekommer användande av datorer, webben och IT generellt i ett flertal branscher. IT har också blivit en del av det svenska utbildningssystemet där det händer att skolan förser eleverna med en dator och tillhörande program att utföra studier med. De flesta av svenskarna får idag någon form av datorvana genom antingen jobb eller studier, något som vissa seniorer har gått miste om. Personer över 75 år är med marginal den åldersgrupp (räknat från tolv år och äldre) som i Sverige använder internet mest sällan. När frågan ställs om varför är svaret ”det är för krångligt” vanligt förekommande. Denna studie syftar att ta reda på hur användande av webben kan underlättas för seniorer (definierat till personer 75 år och äldre i denna studie). Till en början gick studien ut på att ta reda på vad seniorer kan få ut av att använda internet och webben. Det gjordes genom en litteratursökning och genom ett antal intervjuer. Det framkom att seniorer som faktiskt använder webben på ett eller annat sätt nyttjar exempelvis internetbank, mail och nyheter genom såväl dator som smartphone och surfplatta. Dessa tre områden (mail, internetbank och nyheter) användes i studien som centra för testen som skulle undersöka hur seniorers interaktion med webben kan underlättas. Ett webbläsartillägg utformades anpassat till ovan tre beskrivna områden. Kort beskrivet är ett webbläsartillägg ett lokalt program/tillägg som går att installera i sin webbläsare för att personligen ha tillgång till extern funktionalitet, exempelvis att blockera reklam. Webbläsartillägget som skapades i denna studie gav användarens webbläsare grafiska element som var tänkta att hjälpa användaren att lösa ett antal fördefinierade uppgifter. Tre olika koncept testades under studien. Med koncept syftas här hur den grafiska hjälpen utformas. Användartester utfördes med och utan webbläsartillägg som hjälp för att kunna se om det var någon skillnad på resultaten. När tester utfördes med webbläsartillägget roterades koncepten beskrivna ovan så att alla tre koncept testades under likvärdiga förutsättningar. Testpersonerna som utförde tester med webbläsartillägget fick även möjlighet att ge anonym respons på koncepten genom att fylla i enkäter. Enligt resultaten av denna studie lyckas seniorer bättre (större andel lyckade försök) och snabbare att utföra vardagliga uppgifter när det fanns tillgång till en lista med hur uppgiften ska utföras eller genom att viktiga rubriker och knappar för uppgiften är markerade. / The web can be used in multiple purposes and can create a value both at work and in the personal life of people. Today computers, internet and IT in general are commonly used in multiple professions. IT has also become a part of the Swedish educational system where it happens that the schools provides the students with a computer with including programs to conduct their studies. Most swedes today gets some kind of computer habit from either work or education, something that certain seniors have missed out on. People above the age of 75 is by margin the age-group (taking in to account twelve years and older) that most seldom uses internet in Sweden. When asked why a common answer is “it is too hard”. This study aims to find out in what ways the use of the web can be made easier for seniors (in this study defined as 75 years of age and older). For starters the study focused on finding out what seniors can get out of using internet and the web. That was done by literature searching and a number of interviews. It showed that seniors who actually uses the web one way or the other uses for example internet banking, mail and news by computer, smartphone and/or tablet. These three areas (internet banking, mail and news) was used as a Centre in the user tests who was conducted in order to find out how seniors can be assisted in their interaction with the web. A browser extension was formed suited to the three areas mentioned above. Browser extensions is a sort of a local program/extension to install in your browser to personally have access to external functionality, such as blocking advertisement. The browser extension formed in this study gave the users browser graphic elements with the purpose to help the user solve a number of predetermined tasks. Three concepts was tested in the study. In the context of this study a concept is the way that the graphic assist is formed. User tests was conducted with and without the browser extension as an assist in order to see if there was a difference in the results. When tests was conducted with the browser extension the concepts was rotated so that all three concepts was tested on equal basis. The test persons who conducted the tests with the browser extension also got the opportunity to give anonymous feedback on the concepts through an inquiry that was filled out after conducted test. The result of the user tests and the inquiry indicates that seniors would appreciate a step by step guide for tasks on the web. According to the results of this study seniors conducts everyday tasks both quicker and with more success when there is a step by step list or highlighted headlines and buttons describing said task.
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Contribution à la modélisation d'un système interactif d'aide à la conduite d'un prodédé industriel / Contribution to the modelling of an interactive aiding system for industrial process controlDobre, Dragos 15 November 2010 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire s'inscrivent dans le contexte de l'Ingénierie d'un Système Interactif d'Aide à la Conduite (SIAC) d'un procédé industriel. Nous défendons l'intérêt d'améliorer l'interactivité numérique entre un procédé et un agent (opérateur de conduite, rondier) qui applique des procédures de conduite. L'originalité du SIAC consiste à encapsuler le système physique par un canal d'objets logiques afin de mieux équilibrer la distribution des rôles entre l'humain et le système technique qu'il conduit. Ce SIAC fournit aux opérateurs et aux rondiers des services d'aide à la conduite tels que la localisation des équipements, l'autorisation des actions à exécuter et la validation des actions exécutées, de même que la gestion des contraintes d'exclusion et de dépendances entre actions, imposées par la physique du procédé. La spécification de ce système sociotechnique interprète les travaux des « Problem Frames » en génie informatique pour proposer un procédé de modélisation itératif dans le cadre d'une Ingénierie Système Basée sur des Modèles (ISBM). Cette ISBM s'appuie sur le langage SysML, dont la syntaxe et la sémantique sont spécialisées pour supporter le procédé de modélisation proposé. Cette spécialisation met en correspondance les artéfacts clés extraits à la fois des bonnes pratiques de l'Ingénierie Système et des bonnes pratiques de SysML. / Within the context of the Engineering of an Interactive Aiding System for industrial process Control (SIAC), these works aims to improve the digital interaction between a process and a human operator (control room operator, field operator) which applies control procedures. The proposed SIAC enhances the digital capabilities of the field operator in order to better balance the role distribution between the technical system and the human system. It provides active control services to field operators such as equipment localisation, action authorization and action validation, as well as man-agement services for the verification of exclusions between procedures constraints and verification of de-pendencies between actions constraints.The specification of such socio-technical system interprets the ?Problem Frames? from software engineer-ing in order to propose an iterative Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) process. This MBSE is based on SysML modelling language, whose syntax and semantics are specialized to support the proposed meth-odology. This specialization maps the key artefacts that are extracted from the System Engineering and SysML good practices.
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Parental Perception of Mobile Device Usage in Children and Social CompetencyTopper, Christin 01 January 2017 (has links)
Parents in the 21st century are concerned with the ubiquity of mobile devices and their effects on the progression of social development. A review of the literature indicated that although digital interaction has become more prominent, limited empirical data existed on whether children who spend more time interacting in the digital realm would develop the necessary competency to handle social situations in real-life settings. Using social constructivist theory and the Schramm model of communication as the theoretical foundations, the present study examined the relationship between mobile device usage and the level of social competency in young children as perceived by their parents, in relation to parental monitoring. A total of 401 parents of children age 5 to 12 years who have their own personal mobile devices completed the online questionnaires. Pearson correlation and linear regression showed that parental report of children's social competency was positively correlated to parental perception of mobile device usage and parental monitoring. Parental monitoring was also found to be a statistically significant moderator of the relationship between parental perception of mobile device usage and parental report of children's social competency. Positive social change of this study may include alleviating the misconception that digital interaction impeded social development, promoting parental role in raising socially competent children in the digital age, and advocating for a more collaborative parental monitoring strategy.
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C2C relationships and the co-creation of value : A mixed method study of the streaming industrySchwartz, Patrik, Tidelius, Axel January 2021 (has links)
Music- and video consumption has rapidly changed during the last years and a growing number of consumers use different streaming services which allow for greater interaction with other users than was previously possible. Meanwhile a growing focus within the scientific world has been placed on consumers’ ability to co-create value with other users. A mixed method study was consequently conducted to investigate how streaming companies help consumers co-create value by facilitating customer-to-customer relationships. The qualitative approach showed that there was a clear ambition by streaming companies to utilize C2C relationships to market their products and help co-create value. The quantitative approach showed, however, that their efforts were not always effective and that focusing on other aspects of streaming services may provide more value for the consumer. / Video- och musikkonsumtion har snabbt förändrats de senaste åren och en växande andel konsumenter använder sig idag av streamingtjänster som erbjuder möjligheten att interagera med andra användare. Under samma period har ett växande fokus placerats på användares möjlighet att samskapa värde med andra konsumenter. En blandad metod användes för att undersöka hur olika streamingbolag främjar konsumentinteraktioner för att hjälpa samskapande-processen. Det kvalitativa tillvägagångssättet gjorde det tydligt att streamingbolag har en ambition att använda sig av C2C-interaktioner för att marknadsföra sina produkter och göra dem mer värdefulla för konsumenten. Det kvantitativa tillvägagångssättet visade däremot att deras strävan att skapa värde inte alltid var framgångsrik och att de sannolikt skulle kunna skapa mer värde på andra sätt.
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Identité et altérité par écran : modalités de l’intersubjectivité en interaction numérique / Existing on screen : modalities of intersubjectivity in digital interactionIbnelkaïd, Samira 01 July 2016 (has links)
Notre recherche, bien qu’ancrée dans les Sciences du Langage s’inscrit dans une démarche interdisciplinaire entre Linguistique et Philosophie articulant Analyse des Interactions et Phénoménologie. Il s’agit d’étudier l’identité en interaction en tant que phénomène intersubjectif, langagier et technique. L’existence corporelle, sensorielle, relationnelle, et sociale des humains se trouvant désormais engagée dans des dispositifs d’interactions numériques, des modalités inédites d’intersubjectivité se déploient notamment par écran. C’est pourquoi nous nous proposons d’analyser les nouvelles dimensions constitutives de l’intersubjectivité et mises en jeu dans les interactions numériques. Dans la première partie de notre thèse, notre parcours théorique, il s’agit de saisir la nature de la co-construction identitaire, les enjeux de la rencontre interindividuelle en tant que phénomène intersubjectif et les spécificités des interactions numériques aux cadres spatio-temporels complexes. Nous proposons, en premier lieu, de définir, par une approche phénoménologique, l’événement de la rencontre avant de nous intéresser aux propriétés phénoménotechniques de l’intersubjectivité numérique. En second lieu, dans ce parcours théorique, par une approche interactionniste, nous nous attardons sur la place du langage dans la co-construction des identités ; une place importante est accordée à la séquentialité interactionnelle par laquelle les sujets façonnent l’interaction ainsi qu’à la corporéité de l’action hors et par écran. Nous soumettons alors, dans la seconde partie de notre thèse, ces théorisations à l’analyse des données de notre corpus. Dans ce parcours empirique, sont analysées des rencontres par écran entre participants géographiquement distants. Cette analyse nous permet notamment de dresser une topographie des espaces-temps impliqués dans l’interaction physico-numérique, une typologie des actes de prise d’existence à l’écran et une description du processus ontologique identitaire en interaction. / Though our research is firmly anchored within the field of linguistics, it constitutes an interdisciplinary approach as well, aiming to establish a dialogue between Interaction Analysis and Phenomenology. This research examines the complex notion of identity by defining it as a verbal, technical, and intersubjective phenomenon. The bodily, sensory, relational and social human existence is henceforth engaged in digital interaction devices inducing unprecedented modalities of intersubjectivity. Therefore, we propose to analyze the novel features of intersubjectivity involved in digital interactions. In the first part of our dissertation, the theoretical exploration, we seek to apprehend the nature of identity co-construction, the stakes of interindividual encounter understood as an intersubjective phenomenon, and the spatio-temporal characteristics of digital interactions. Firstly, through a phenomenological approach, we define the encounter as a meaningful event and we explore the phenomenotechnical properties of digital intersubjectivity. Secondly, through an interactionist approach, we focus on language and its role in identity co-construction, and more specifically on sequence organization and embodiment within physical and digital interactions. Thereafter, in the second part of our dissertation, those theorizations are submitted to a data analysis. This empirical exploration consists in studying online encounters between geographically distant participants. This study allows us to draw a topography of the spatio-temporal framework of phygital interaction, a typology of the acts of enacting existence on screen and a description of the ontological process of identity co-construction.
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Brand Community en relación al Customer Engagement y Brand Loyalty de las marcas de ropa juvenilVela Melgar, Natalia Alexandra, Vidal Del Carpio, Verónica Elizabeth 09 July 2020 (has links)
Este texto explica la importancia actual de las redes sociales ya que son parte esencial de los planes estratégicos de cada marca ya que se construye una relación a lo largo del tiempo con los usuarios. La comunicación que se transmite en las plataformas digitales influye en la comunidad, también llamada Brand Community, que interactúa diariamente de manera positiva o negativa según sea la experiencia del consumidor. Es así como una comunidad mantiene una retroalimentación constante sobre sus experiencias o pensamientos que motivan entre sí a la recompra o también para mejorar la reputación de la marca.
Las interacciones en el mundo digital por parte de la Brand Community se ven como resultado de un compromiso que se mantiene frente la marca, a esto se le llama Customer Engagement. Los seguidores de la marca, motivados por el valor que representa para ellos y por sus experiencias, desarrollan el Brand Loyalty. El sentimiento que las marcas están buscando que sus consumidores tengan hacia ellos, ya que se trata de una relación que perdura a lo largo del tiempo y difícilmente puede quebrarse.
El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación de cómo estas 3 variables se relacionan entre sí y resaltar la importancia que se debe tener dentro del marco de prioridades de las marcas. / This text explains the current importance of social networks since they are an essential part of the strategic plans of each brand since a relationship is built over time with users. The communication that is transmitted on digital platforms influences the community, also called the Brand Community, which interacts daily in a positive or negative way depending on the consumer experience. This is how a community maintains constant feedback on their experiences or thoughts that motivate each other to buy back or also to improve the reputation of the brand.
Interactions in the digital world by the Brand Community are seen as the result of a commitment that is maintained with the brand, this is called Customer Engagement. The followers of the brand, motivated by the value they represent for them and by their experiences, develop Brand Loyalty. The feeling that brands are looking for their consumers to have towards them, since it is a relationship that lasts over time and can hardly be broken.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the relationship of how these 3 variables are related to each other and to highlight the importance that must be had within the framework of brand priorities. / Trabajo de investigación
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A reduction in physical interaction : its effect on B2B relationshipsSanfridsson, Niklas, Öhrn, Johan January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine how a business-to-business (B2B) relationship is affected by a decrease in physical interactions between firm representatives. Previous studies have shown that external events can affect B2B relationships but not how these effects take shape. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic in mind, the need to investigate how reduced physical interactions affect B2B relationships becomes relevant. A qualitative method is used through a multiple case study where data is collected through semi-structured interviews with three firms within the Swedish vehicle financing industry. The study finds that a reduction in physical interaction between firm representatives affects the trust generated between the representatives themselves and the companies they represent. Digital interaction can only replace face-to-face communication for shorter periods of time to enable clear communication and trust in a B2B relationship. The study also finds that a company’s means of interaction leads to an adaptation in the framework of interaction in B2B relationships.
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