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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les axes prioritaires face à l'émergence de phénomènes criminels en banlieue québécoise : l'exemple d'un quartier de laval

Tissot, Céline 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Pocit bezpečí a obavy z kriminality v České republice / Feeling of Safety and Fear of Crime in the Czech Republic

Krulichová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The research on feeling of safety and fear of crime abroad has been developed since 70s of the 20th century. In the Czech Republic it became of interest at the beginning of 90s after the fall of the communist regime, while the discrepancy between actually committed and formally registered offences resulting in the sharp increase of officially recorded crime manifested itself. In response to this increase there were written first scientific studies, which mainly dealt with the development of feeling of safety and models explaining such feeling in the context of former social problems (economic stress, trust in the government). In our opinion, however, we lack a comprehensive study that discusses the feeling of safety and fear of crime phenomenon from different aspects and intend to verify the validity of the results of international studies in our milieu. Based on the existing theoretical approaches and selected data sources, the study therefore aims to illuminate the structure of the relationship between fear of crime and individual or social factors that correlate with it. The study particularly deals with the relationship between perceived risk of victimization and fear of crime, i.e. concepts that were often used interchangeably at the beginning of research in this area. The analysis has showed...


FAVARIN, SERENA 02 March 2015 (has links)
La criminalità sembra essere fortemente concentrata in un ristretto numero di micro aree di una città. Studi condotti in diverse città degli Stati Uniti mostrano come il 50% degli eventi criminali si concentrino nel 3%-6% dei segmenti stradali delle città stesse. Partendo da questi risultati, Weisburd, Groff e Yang si sono interrogati sulla effettiva presenza di una legge delle “concertazioni criminali” che sia applicabile a diverse città e che rimanga stabile nel tempo. Infatti, nonostante la generale diminuzione dei tassi di criminalità a Seattle, gli autori hanno riscontrato che, negli ultimi 16 anni, la stessa percentuale di eventi criminali si concentra in un egual numero di segmenti stradali della città. Questi risultati sono confermati da un altro studio condotto a Tel Aviv-Jaffa (Israele), suggerendo la presenza di una sorta di “normale livello di criminalità” tra città a livello micro. Il presente studio mira a testare la presenza di “concentrazioni criminali” in un contesto differente rispetto a quello degli Stati Uniti, dove tale ipotesi non è ancora stata testata e dove non sono ancora stati sviluppati studi quantitativi a livello di segmento stradale. In particolare, è stata condotta un’analisi sui segmenti stradali nella città di Milano (Italia) ed è stata confermata la presenza di micro-concentrazioni criminali. Inoltre, per capire le principali cause della presenza di tali concentrazioni nella città di Milano, sono stati elaborati dei modelli di regressione binomiale negativa (negative binomial regressions models). I risultati dimostrano come i fattori di disorganizzazione sociale sembrano avere una maggior influenza sulla criminalità a livello di segmento stradale, se comparati ai fattori appartenenti alle teorie dell’opportunità. / There is a strong evidence that crime is tightly concentrated in a small number of micro places in urban areas. Indeed, studies conducted in different U.S. cities show how 50% of crime events are concentrated in about 3% to 6% of street segments. Moving from these findings, Weisburd, Groff and Yang raise the issue as to whether there is a law of crime concentrations, applicable across different cities and stable over time. Indeed, despite the general decrease of crime trends in Seattle, the authors find that almost an equal number of street segments in the city produce the same proportion of crime in the 16-year period under study. These results were confirmed in Tel Aviv-Jaffa (Israel), suggesting the presence of a sort of “normal level of crime” among cities at micro level. This study aims at testing the presence of crime concentrations outside the U.S., in a different context, where this hypothesis has not yet been tested and quantitative studies at street segment level have not yet been developed. In particular, a street segment analysis was conducted in Milan (Italy) and the presence of crime concentrations was confirmed. In addition, in order to understand the main determinants of crime concentrations in Milan, a set of negative binomial regressions models were run. Findings show how social disorganisation factors seem to have stronger influence on crime at street segment level, compared to opportunity factors.

The Function of Social Structure in Controlling Violent Crime in Turkey

Guclu, Idris 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the relationship between social structural factors and violent crime rates in Turkey. The relationship between social structural characteristics and violent crime is worth exploring in areas that have attracted little academic attention, such as violent crime in Turkey. In order to understand and prevent the occurrence of crime, researchers have long investigated possible factors related to crime. Examining how crime varies across different regions can help us to understand underlying reasons for violent crime, which is considered one of the enduring problems in society. The findings of this research, to some extent, support the assumptions of social disorganization theory regarding the distribution of violent crime. Both the findings of multivariate and bivariate analysis indicated that poverty, unemployment, and family disruptions may have a positive effect on the distribution of violent crime in the cities of Turkey. The analysis of the effects of the social structure variables through the mediating variables, such as religious institutions, libraries and voluntary associations on the number of violent crimes and violent criminals, to some extent, support the tenets of social disorganization theory. However, all mediating variables cannot mediate all the indirect effects of social structural covariates. In brief, none of their indirect impacts on the social structural variables on the outcome variable was significant via mediating variables.

Survey of U.S. Undergraduate Self-Reported Opioid Diversion and Heroin use, Motives, Sources, and Collective Efficacy as Mediating Factors

Plaushin, Mark Francis 01 January 2019 (has links)
Epic morbidity and mortality, and intractability make prescription opioid diversion a wicked problem. Meanwhile, college undergraduates are vulnerable to opioid misuse and its consequences. The purpose of this quantitative study was to assess U.S. undergraduate students' opioid misuse and the relationship between mediating factors. The study's theoretical framework rested on Wakeland's et al. opioid system model and Shaw and McKay's social disorganization theory. This study bridged the gap, measuring collective efficacy and testing its relationship to undergraduate decisions to regulate misuse. Thus, research questions focused on gauging the problem's scope and assessing relationships between factors that drive or potentially regulate diversion. The Campus Opioid Diversion Survey, designed for this study, was administered to a nonrandom, undergraduate survey panel (N = 434), revealing past year opioid misuse at 6.9% and heroin use at 2.9%. While a chi-square test revealed no significant relationship between motives and sources for misuse, significant relationships were found between filling a prescription for opioids and misuse, between opioid and heroin use, and between observing the negative consequences of misuse and social action. An independent samples t-test showed a significant relationship between collective efficacy and social action. Findings show campus diversion remains an emerging health and safety issue, but that collective efficacy indicates a capacity for regulation. Anticipating misuse, public safety stakeholders should complement responses to diversion schemes with continuous assessment, communications that empower student-citizens, and focused promotion of social cohesion that will fuel mitigation via social action aimed at social change.

Våld i nära relation och socioekonomisk status : En kvantitativ studie av skillnader i brottsnivå mellan kommuner / Intimate partner violence and neighborhood disadvantage : A quantitative study of differences in crime rates

Davidsson, Evelina, Stråle, Therése January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att med kvantitativ metod undersöka om samband föreligger mellan låg socioekonomisk status och förekomst av brott i nära relation i landets kommuner. Regressions- samt geografisk analys används för att studera socioekonomiska faktorers påverkan på frekvensen i antalet anmälda brott i nära relation, samt belysa geografiska variationer i brottsnivå. Resultatet ger stöd för hypotesen samt vad som förväntades utifrån teorin om social desorganisation samt strainteori avseende socioekonomiska faktorers samband med nivåer av våld i nära relation. Vi kan dock inte utesluta vare sig medierande eller modererande faktorer som tidigare forskning visat på. För det krävs vidare forskning. Våld i nära relation skulle alltså, baserat på resultaten, vara mer sannolikt att förekomma i kommuner med högre andel individer med låg socioekonomisk status. Följaktligen bör sannolikt brottspreventiva åtgärder som syftar till att motverka effekterna av låg socioekonomisk status även motverka förekomsten av våld i nära relation. / This study considers the effects of concentrated disadvantage on the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Sweden. The purpose is to quantitatively study the relationship between rates of reported IPV to police. Multiple regression analysis is used to examine the relationship between socioeconomic factors and differences in crime rates among municipalities. Geographical analysis is used to examine variations in crime rates between municipalities. The results seemingly confirms the hypothesis that concentrated disadvantage significantly increases intimate partner violence, as expected from social disorganization and strain theory. However, we can not rule out the possibility of mediating and/or moderating factors as indicated from previous studies abroad. For that, further research needs to be done. Based on the results, municipality representatives should consider crime prevention strategies aimed at decreasing the effects of concentrated disadvantage among residential areas.

Platser som attraherar cannabislangning i stadsmiljön: En observationsstudie i stadsplaneringen / Places that attract the dealing in cannabis in the urban environment: An observational study in urban planning

Bakhaya, Jeanette, Kassem, Farah January 2021 (has links)
Till följd av att cannabisförsäljningen tillfört konflikter och varit en grundläggande orsak till ökat antal dödsskjutningar i Sverige de senaste åren, råder det därmed ingen tvekan om att det krävs satsningar för att minska cannabisförsäljningen och dess skadliga konsekvenser. Dessutom handlar en del av de globala hållbarhetsmålen i FN:s Agenda 2030 om att främja den sociala hållbarheten genom att bland annat öka tryggheten och säkerheten i den byggda stadsmiljön. Denna studie syftar på att undersöka de platser som attraherar cannabisöverlåtelse, dvs. langning, i stadsmiljön, för att kartlägga när, var och vid vilken situation som brottet förekommer. Detta för att sedan kunna ge förslag till förbättringar för utformandet av platsen för att förhindra cannabisöverlåtelse och skapa en trygg miljö för alla. I och med detta syftar arbetet till att få en ökad förståelse kring sambandet mellan säkerhet och den fysiskt utformade stadsmiljön. För att kunna uppnå syftet med studien grundar sig den kvalitativa formen av studien på data från svenska polismyndigheten där ett urval på 25 brottsplatser i Stockholms län undersöktes under kvällstid. Väl på plats fylldes en mall i löpande, kallad Trygga Platser Mallen, samtidigt som områdena fotograferades. Vidare sammanställdes och analyserades resultatet från fallstudien med underlag av olika trygghets- och säkerhets principer samt teorier. Denna studie är avgränsad och berör endast 25 brottsplatser inom Stockholmsregionen där samtliga cannabisöverlåtelser skett under kvälls-och nattetid mellan klockan 18–01.  Resultatet av studien visar att det är många miljöfaktorer som samspelar på en miljö där cannabislangning sker. Den visar att de omständigheterna på kvällstid som möjliggör cannabisöverlåtelse är i huvudsak att det blir svårare att synas, vilket gör det lättare att sälja cannabis på en del platser. Dessutom stänger de flesta verksamheter under kvällen, vilket minskar flödet kraftigt och den naturliga övervakningen försämras. På mikronivå, visar resultatet att de fysiska egenskaper som underlättar utförandet av cannabislangning är vägar, gångvägar och grönska. Vägarna kan öka tillgängligheten och mobiliteten till platsen. Dessutom ger gångvägar även en möjlighet för möte mellan potentiella kunder och cannabisförsäljare. Vidare blir grönskan ett hinder för den formella och naturliga övervakningen. Dock finns det förbättringar som kan tillämpas på den fysiska miljön för att förhindra cannabislangning. Men i huvudsak skulle det krävas en kombination mellan brottsprevention genom urban design och specifika lösningar som riktas mot en förbättring av den sociala sammanhållningen i olika områden, vilket kan vara att fler offentliga mötes-och aktivitetsplatser skapas under dagens alla timmar. I grund och botten krävs det djupare kunskap av dessa platser som är särskilt utsatta för droghandling för att kunna skapa säkrare miljöer för samtliga medborgare i dagsläget och framöver. Kandidatarbetet avslutas med en kritisk diskussion av metoden och rekommendationer för framtida studier presenteras. / In the past few years, dealing cannabis has led to conflicts, and had a significant role in the increased numbers of fatal shootings in Sweden. Hence, measures to solve the issue are undoubtedly needed to prevent these consequences. Additionally, part of the global sustainability goals in the UN's Agenda 2030 is about promoting social sustainability by, among other things, increasing the safety and security of the urban environment. The aim of this study is to examine the places in the urban environment that attract the dealing of cannabis to map when, where, and in what situation the crime occurs. Consequently, the possibility of identifying different changes to the environmental design enables the prevention of crime and promotion of safety.  To achieve the purpose of the study, a sample of 25 crime scenes in Stockholm County were examined during the evening and night, based on data from the Swedish police authority. Once in place, a template, called “Trygga Platser Mallen” (Safe Places Template), was filled in on an ongoing basis, while the physical environment was photographed at the same time. The results were then compiled and analyzed based on various safety and security principles, as well as theories. The study is delimited and therefore only contains 25 crime scenes in the Stockholm region. Also, the cannabis exchange at those places occurred during the evening between 6 pm and 1 am.  The results of the study show that there are many environmental factors that interact in a setting where dealing cannabis takes place. In essence, cannabis crime is strongly linked to the social interaction between people. However, the physical aspect facilitates the execution of the crime. The results show that the conditions of the environment in the evenings enable cannabis dealing because dealers are less likely to be seen, making it easier to sell. Additionally, most businesses close during the evening, which greatly reduces the flow of people, and the natural surveillance deteriorates. At a micro level, the results show that the physical properties that facilitate cannabis dealing are streets, walking paths, and greenery. The reason is most likely due to the streets increasing the accessibility and flow to these places. Moreover, walking paths provide an opportunity for cross paths between potential customers and dealers. Furthermore, the greenery obstructs formal and informal surveillance.  However, there are approaches to prevent the dealing of cannabis, such as combining methods for crime prevention through urban design and focusing on the improvement of social cohesion in different areas. An example would be to create spaces that encourage social interactions and activities at all hours of the day. Essentially, it is necessary to gain a deeper knowledge of the places that attract the dealing in cannabis to create safer spaces that discourages crime. Lastly, this project ends with a critical discussion of the methods and mentions recommendations for future studies.

Crime prevention and safety measures in socio-economically vulnerable areas in Sweden : A comparative case study of Uppsala and Norrköping

Ibrahim, Nesma January 2023 (has links)
Crime prevention and safety measures in socio-economically vulnerable areas are important incentives for creating a socially sustainable city. The topic has been debated in Sweden, and to address the challenges, a new law in Sweden will come into force on June 1, 2023, giving Swedish municipalities greater responsibility for crime prevention. Previous research indicates that crime prevention and safety promotion can be categorized based on physical and social efforts. These efforts are partly about creating better social cohesion between people and partly about changing the physical environment to make it more difficult for people to commit crimes. The master thesis aimed to study crime prevention and safety promotion measures in two socio-economically vulnerable areas in Sweden to find out how the work can be developed through the theories of social sustainability, social disorganization theory, and collective efficacy. The results indicate that both neighborhoods work with social and physical measures, but that their circumstances are different. This is because crime statistics indicate that Gottsunda has significantly more crime rates than Klockaretorpet. Finally, the results show that it is important to implement both social and physical measures in socio-economically vulnerable areas. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with planners, police, property owners, and one social sustainability consultant. A document analysis of policy documents has also been conducted. Furthermore, crime statistics from the police have been analyzed to visualize the number of reported crimes in the neighborhoods

Analyse de la variation des taux d’homicide et de la perception de la criminalité à travers les grandes villes du monde

Schwinen, Quentin 04 1900 (has links)
De plus en plus d’études s’intéressent aux variations des taux d’homicides et de la criminalité à travers les villes. Ces dernières suggèrent que des facteurs sociaux, économiques et démographiques expliqueraient ces variations, comme le revenu national brut par habitant, les inégalité de revenus, la corruption, la consommation d’alcool, la taille des populations des villes, etc. Cependant, ces recherches ont été effectuées en Amérique du Nord majoritairement, et aucune ne s’est intéressée à ces variations à l’échelle mondiale. Ce mémoire analysera la variation des taux d’homicides à travers les grandes villes du monde en lien avec les prédicteurs déjà connus. Il intègrera en plus des données issues du site Numbeo.com sur la perception de la criminalité contre la personne et les bien, ainsi que le sentiment de sécurité le jour et la nuit. L’objectif est d’observer s’il existe des différences ou ressemblances au niveau des facteurs contributeurs des taux d’homicides des villes. La présente étude portera sur le taux d’homicide, la perception de la criminalité contre la personne et les biens et sur le sentiment de sécurité le jour et la nuit à travers 108 villes de la planète. L’objectif est d’identifier les principaux facteurs associés à la criminalité. Des analyses bivariées permettront de voir jusqu’à quel point ces variables se ressemblent, en plus de sélectionner les variables sociales, économiques et démographiques restantes à intégrer dans le modèle de régressions linéaires multiples. Les résultats des analyses multivariées indiquent que les inégalités sociales et la corruption sont les meilleurs prédicteurs des taux d’homicides, de la perception de la criminalité et du sentiment de sécurité. La corruption est ressortie plus forte concernant la perception de la criminalité et le sentiment de sécurité que les inégalités sociales comparées aux taux d’homicides. Ainsi, ces résultats établissent que les mêmes facteurs sont associés à la criminalité des villes comparées aux pays, même s’il existe quelques petites différences. / More and more studies focus on variations in homicide rates and crime across cities. These suggest that social, economic and demographic factors explain these variations, such as gross national income per capita, income inequality, corruption, alcohol consumption, cities population size, etc. However, these searches were mainly conducted in North America, and none were interested in these changes across the planet. This thesis will investigate homicide rates, in respect to known predictors, of the largest cities across the world. It will also incorporate data from Numbeo.com about crime perception against person and property as well as the feeling of safety during the day and night. This is done to observe if differences or similarities in the factors linked to homicide rates in cities exist. This study will focus on the homicide rate, the crime perception against person and property as well as the feeling of safety in 108 cities across the globe. The goal is to identify principle-contributing factors to crime. Bivariate analysis will determine to which degree these three variables share common area and further, which variables form the social, economic and demographic variables can be appropriately integrated into the linear multiple regressions analysis model. Multivariate analysis results indicate that social income inequalities and corruption are the strongest predictors of homicide rates, crime perception and safety feeling. Corruption emerged stronger on crime perception and feeling of safety than social income inequalities compared to homicide rate. Thus, these results indicate that the same factors are associated with crime in cities as in countries, although some small differences exist.

An analysis of homicides in Recife, Brazil

PEREIRA, Débora Viana e Sousa 01 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-08T14:34:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Debora_Pereira_thesis.pdf: 4477202 bytes, checksum: 0af71560a8db492ecea51ebedad76427 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T14:34:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Debora_Pereira_thesis.pdf: 4477202 bytes, checksum: 0af71560a8db492ecea51ebedad76427 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-01 / FACEPE / CAPES / In Brazil, since 2000, approximately 50,000 people are murdered every year. In a span of 30 years (1980 – 2010), more than 1 million homicides were registered. In 2012, the homicide rate in Brazil was 29 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. All Brazilian states exceed the threshold of epidemic established by World Health Organization. In this context, the present study has the objective of to investigate homicides in Recife, taking into account temporal, spatial, environmental, and multicriteria analysis. The temporal analysis shows that the difference of homicides between seasons and months is not statistically significant. However, there is a significant increase in homicides during the weekends (42 percent of all homicides) and evenings (62 percent). Moreover, the spatial results show that the spatial patterns are different within the temporal dimensions in many cases. The findings from spatial analysis reveal that homicides are very concentrated in the city of Recife and in a time span of five years (20092013) all the homicides occurred in less than 10 percent of the street segments. In addition, our test showed that the spatial pattern was not stable over the years. However, when we consider the temporal dimensions (as suggested by temporal analysis), the patterns were stable along the years – except for weekdays and night/dawn. Furthermore, through the environmental analysis, we found that inequality, rented houses, and number of residents have a positive relationship with homicide. On the other hand, income, education, public illumination, population density, and street network density have a negative relationship. The findings of these analyses indicate that homicide in Recife can be understood by the perspective of social disorganization theory and routine activity theory. Finally, multicriteria approach was applied to highlight vulnerable areas to homicide in Recife. We considered six variables to evaluate vulnerability and the areas were identified by PROMETHEE II method and local Moran’s I. Other application was made in Boa Viagem neighborhood, so we were able to perform a more detailed analysis. Three different approaches were tested for Boa Viagem and we suggested some actions in order to reduce criminality in long term. / No Brasil, desde 2000, aproximadamente 50,000 foram mortas todos os anos. Em um espaço de 30 anos (1980 – 2000), mais de 1 milhão de homicídios foram registrados. Em 2012, a taxa de homicídio no Brasil era 29 homicídios para cada 100,000 habitantes. Todos os estados brasileiros excedem o limite de epidemia estabelecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de investigar os homicídios em Recife, levando em consideração análises temporal, espacial, ambiental e multicritério. A análise temporal mostra que a diferença de homicídios entre estações do ano e meses não é estatisticamente significativa. Porém, existe um aumento significante de homicídios durante os finais de semana (42 por cento de todos os homicídios) e noites (62 por cento). E ainda, os resultados espaciais mostram que os padrões espaciais são diferentes dento das dimensões temporais em muitos casos. Os achados da análise espacial revelam que homicídios são muito concentrados na cidade do Recife e que em um espaço de tempo de cinco anos (2009-2013) todos os homicídios ocorreram em menos de 10 por cento dos segmentos de rua. E ainda, o teste do padrão dos pontos espaciais mostrou que os padrões espaciais não foram estáveis no decorrer dos anos. Porém, quando se considera das dimensões temporais (como sugerido pela análise temporal), os padrões foram estáveis ao longo dos anos – com exceção de dias de semana e noites/madrugadas. Além disso, através da análise ambiental encontrou-se que desigualdade, casas alugadas e número de residentes têm uma relação positiva com homicídio. Por outro lado, renda, educação, iluminação pública, densidade populacional e densidade da rede de ruas têm uma relação negativa. Os achados dessas análises indicam que os homicídios em Recife podem ser entendidos pela perspectiva da teoria da desorganização social e da teoria das atividades de rotina. Finalmente, abordagem multicritério foi aplicada para destacar áreas vulneráveis aos homicídios em Recife. Considerou-se seis variáveis para avaliar a vulnerabilidade e as áreas foram identificados pelo PROMETHEE II e pelo índice local de Moran. Outra aplicação foi feita no bairro de Boa Viagem e foi possível realizar uma análise mais detalhada. Três diferentes abordagens foram testadas para Boa Viagem e sugeriu-se algumas ações no sentido de reduzir a criminalidade no longo prazo.

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