Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dissipation systems""
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Concepts thermodynamiques et d'entropie pour la modélisation et la régulation d'un réseau de transport / Thermodynamic and entropy concepts for modelling and control of transportation networksZhou, Huide 28 March 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous avons présenté notre contribution portant sur la modélisation et le contrôle a priori de congestion des réseaux de carrefours signalisés. De point de vue de la modélisation, nous avons introduit un nouveau regard sur les systèmes de transport en proposant un premier travail sur la manière dont les liens se tissent entre ces systèmes et la thermodynamique. Le point de vue dominant est l'assimilation des véhicules à l'énergie fournie ou/et échangée entre les intersections signalisées. L'avantages majeur de la modélisation thermodynamique est l'introduction de la notion d'entropie du transport mesurant le désordre du système. Elle peut être considérée non seulement comme un moyen pour la compréhension des phénomènes du trafic, mais aussi comme un outil d'évaluation surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter des réseaux de grande taille. De point de vue du contrôle, nous nous sommes intéressés essentiellement à un travail en amont permettant d'éviter la congestion en forçant les files d'attente à ne pas dépasser le niveau du trafic correspondant à l'optimum opérationnel des lignes. Nous avons traité le problème de deux façons différentes. La première fait appel à l’approche de la commande dissipative. Nous avons exploité cet outil pour arriver à des résultats théoriques dont la vérification permet de conclure sur la possibilité de dissiper les véhicules au moyen d'une action de la commande adéquate. L'existence d'une commande dissipative est caractérisée par la faisabilité de certaines inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI). La deuxième façon de traiter notre problème de commande fait appel à la commande H∞. Nous avons tiré profit de cet outil pour développer des résultats assurant l'invariance positive en boucle fermée d'un domaine ellipsoïdal contenu dans l'ensemble des contraintes. Le test d'existence et le calcul d'une loi de commande robuste par retour d'état peut alors se faire de façon simple par la résolution d'un problème de programmation linéaire convexe. Enfin, ses travaux ont été appliqués sur deux types de réseaux de carrefours, artériel et en grille afin de montrer l'intérêt des résultats. / In this work, we have presented a thermodynamic point of view for the transportation network. Analogies have been drawn between thermodynamic and transportation systems by considering traffic lanes as thermodynamic sub-systems and the vehicles as the abstract energy supplied to them. In addition, the concepts of thermal capacity and temperature are also introduced into transportation context to correspond to lane capacity and occupancy respectively. Then, it has been demonstrated that the first law of thermodynamics corresponds to the conservation of vehicles. It is also demonstrated that the transportation network can have a similar notion of entropy. Such transportation entropy is a measure of disorder of the system and hence may provide deep insight in the analysis of transportation control problems. In particular, this work has presented a dissipativity phenomenon of transportation entropy that reduces the system disorder and hence renders the system better organized. Though this phenomenon doesn’t exist naturally in transportation context, the ways to construct feedback control strategies have been proposed to achieve such objective by means of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). However, since transportation systems involve massive complex human activities, there exist substantial unpredictable uncertainties of the traffic demands. In this context, we have proposed a robust controller for disturbance attenuation of transportation network. The errors between input flows and the nominal ones are considered as disturbances and a constrained H∞ control has been formulated in terms of maximization of the tolerance under control constraints. The problem of disturbance attenuation is solved by means of a convex optimization with Linear Matrix Inequality. Finally, two types of networks (arterial and grid) are carried out to illustrate the performances of our strategies.
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Path probability and an extension of least action principle to random motionLin, Tongling 19 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis is devoted to the study of path probability of random motion on the basis of an extension of Hamiltonian/Lagrangian mechanics to stochastic dynamics. The path probability is first investigated by numerical simulation for Gaussian stochastic motion of non dissipative systems. This ideal dynamical model implies that, apart from the Gaussian random forces, the system is only subject to conservative forces. This model can be applied to underdamped real random motion in the presence of friction force when the dissipated energy is negligible with respect to the variation of the potential energy. We find that the path probability decreases exponentially with increasing action, i.e., P(A) ~ eˉγA, where γ is a constant characterizing the sensitivity of the action dependence of the path probability, the action is given by A = ∫T0 Ldt, a time integral of the Lagrangian L = K-V over a fixed time period T, K is the kinetic energy and V is the potential energy. This result is a confirmation of the existence of a classical analogue of the Feynman factor eiA/ħ for the path integral formalism of quantum mechanics of Hamiltonian systems. The above result is then extended to real random motion with dissipation. For this purpose, the least action principle has to be generalized to damped motion of mechanical systems with a unique well defined Lagrangian function which must have the usual simple connection to Hamiltonian. This has been done with the help of the following Lagrangian L = K - V - Ed, where Ed is the dissipated energy. By variational calculus and numerical simulation, we proved that the action A = ∫T0 Ldt is stationary for the optimal paths determined by Newtonian equation. More precisely, the stationarity is a minimum for underdamped motion, a maximum for overdamped motion and an inflexion for the intermediate case. On this basis, we studied the path probability of Gaussian stochastic motion of dissipative systems. It is found that the path probability still depends exponentially on Lagrangian action for the underdamped motion, but depends exponentially on kinetic action A = ∫T0 Kdt for the overdamped motion.
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Emissão de metano por reservatórios hidrelétricos amazônicos através de leis de potência. / Methane emission of Amazonian hydroelectric reservoirs from Powerlaw relations.Ivan Bergier Tavares de Lima 20 August 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a emissão de metano em dois reservatórios amazônicos, Tucuruí e Samuel. A análise leva em consideração flutuações da área/cota e medidas isotópicas e de fluxos de d13CH4 obtidas em campo, as quais são influenciadas por diversos fatores simultaneamente, como ventos, pressão atmosférica, oxidação na coluna d´água e outros. A composição isotópica do metano em bolhas do sedimento indica que a principal via metanogênica é a redução de CO2. Os resultados também mostram que as emissões em reservatórios rasos são bem mais elevadas que nos mais profundos. Usando conceitos e técnicas da teoria fractal, baseada fundamentalmente em leis de potência, um modelo entre nível de água, área do reservatório e fluxo de metano permitiu estimar a emissão do reservatório de Tucuruí, num horizonte de 100 anos de vida útil, em 2,5 ± 2,7 x 10^6 toneladas de CH4. As emissões locais são amplificadas com a diminuição da cota, porém a emissão total do reservatório diminui, em função da contração da área do reservatório. Num cenário mais otimista, as emissões de Tucuruí em CO2 equivalentes devem ser 0,13 ± 0,14 x 10^6 toneladas de C/ano. / The purpose of this work is evaluating methane emissions from two Amazonian reservoirs, Tucuruí and Samuel. The analysis considers fluctuations of the reservoir area-height and isotopic measurements and fluxes of d13CH4 acquired in the field, which are influenced by many factors simultaneously, such as winds, atmospheric pressure, oxidation in the water column, and others. Isotopic composition of methane in bubbles indicates that CO2 reduction is a major pathway for methane production in the sediments. The results also show that fluxes are higher in shallow reservoirs than in deeper ones. Using concepts and techniques of fractal theory, fundamentally based on power law functions, and considering a time horizon of 100 years, a model between water level, flux and reservoir area of Tucuruí allowed to estimate methane emission from Tucuruí at about 2,5 ± 2,7 x 10^6 tons of CH4. When water levels drop local methane emissions are enhanced, although, total reservoir emission decreases, due to the shrinking of the reservoir area. Over an optimistic scenario, the emissions of Tucuruí reservoir in CO2 equivalents would be around 0,13 ± 0,14 x 10^6 tons C/year.
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Quantum Condensates and Topological Bosons in Coupled Light-Matter ExcitationsJanot, Alexander 29 February 2016 (has links)
Motivated by the sustained interest in Bose Einstein condensates and the recent progress in the understanding of topological phases in condensed matter systems, we study quantum condensates and possible topological phases of bosons in coupled light-matter excitations, so-called polaritons. These bosonic quasi-particles emerge if electronic excitations (excitons) couple strongly to photons.
In the first part of this thesis a polariton Bose Einstein condensate in the presence of disorder is investigated. In contrast to the constituents of a conventional condensate, such as cold atoms, polaritons have a finite life time. Then, the losses have to be compensated by continued pumping, and a non-thermal steady state can build up. We discuss how static disorder affects this non-equilibrium condensate, and analyze the stability of the superfluid state against disorder. We find that disorder destroys the quasi-long range order of the condensate wave function, and that the polariton condensate is not a superfluid in the thermodynamic limit, even for weak disorder, although superfluid behavior would persist in small systems. Furthermore, we analyze the far field emission pattern of a polariton condensate in a disorder environment in order to compare directly with experiments.
In the second part of this thesis features of polaritons in a two-dimensional quantum spin Hall cavity with time reversal symmetry are discussed. We propose a topological invariant which has a nontrivial value if the quantum spin Hall insulator is topologically nontrivial. Furthermore, we analyze emerging polaritonic edge states, discuss their relation to the underlying electronic structure, and develop an effective edge state model for polaritons.
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Path probability and an extension of least action principle to random motion / L'étude du principe de moindre action pour systèmes mécaniques dissipatifs, et la probabilité de chemins du mouvement mécanique aléatoireLin, Tongling 19 February 2013 (has links)
La présente thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la probabilité du chemin d’un mouvement aléatoire sur la base d’une extension de la mécanique Hamiltonienne/Lagrangienne à la dynamique stochastique. La probabilité d’un chemin est d’abord étudiée par simulation numérique dans le cas du mouvement stochastique Gaussien des systèmes non dissipatifs. Ce modèle dynamique idéal implique que, outre les forces aléatoires Gaussiennes, le système est seulement soumis à des forces conservatrices. Ce modèle peut être appliqué à un mouvement aléatoire réel de régime pseudo-périodique en présence d’une force de frottement lorsque l’énergie dissipée est négligeable par rapport à la variation de l’énergie potentielle. Nous constatons que la probabilité de chemin décroît exponentiellement lorsque le son action augmente, c’est à dire, P(A) ~ eˉγA, où γ est une constante caractérisant la sensibilité de la dépendance de l’action à la probabilité de chemin, l’action est calculée par la formule A = ∫T0 Ldt, intégrale temporelle du Lagrangien. L = K–V sur une période de temps fixe T, K est l’énergie cinétique et V est l’énergie potentielle. Ce résultat est une confirmation de l’existence d’un analogue classique du facteur de Feynman eiA/ħ pour le formalisme intégral de chemin de la mécanique quantique des systèmes Hamiltoniens. Le résultat ci-dessus est ensuite étendu au mouvement aléatoire réel avec dissipation. A cet effet, le principe de moindre action doit être généralisé au mouvement amorti de systèmes mécaniques ayant une fonction unique de Lagrange bien définie qui doit avoir la simple connexion habituelle au Hamiltonien. Cela a été fait avec l’aide du Lagrangien suivant L = K − V − Ed, où Ed est l’énergie dissipée. Par le calcul variationnel et la simulation numérique, nous avons prouvé que l’action A = ∫T0 Ldt est stationnaire pour les chemins optimaux déterminés par l’équation newtonienne. Plus précisément, la stationnarité est un minimum pour les mouvements de régime pseudo-périodique, un maximum pour les mouvements d’amortissement apériodique et une inflexion dans le cas intermédiaire. Sur cette base, nous avons étudié la probabilité du chemin du mouvement stochastique Gaussien des systèmes dissipatifs. On constate que la probabilité du chemin dépend toujours de façon exponentielle de l’action Lagrangien pour les mouvements de régime pseudo-périodique, mais dépend toujours de façon exponentielle de l’action cinétique A = ∫T0 Kdt pour régime apériodique. / The present thesis is devoted to the study of path probability of random motion on the basis of an extension of Hamiltonian/Lagrangian mechanics to stochastic dynamics. The path probability is first investigated by numerical simulation for Gaussian stochastic motion of non dissipative systems. This ideal dynamical model implies that, apart from the Gaussian random forces, the system is only subject to conservative forces. This model can be applied to underdamped real random motion in the presence of friction force when the dissipated energy is negligible with respect to the variation of the potential energy. We find that the path probability decreases exponentially with increasing action, i.e., P(A) ~ eˉγA, where γ is a constant characterizing the sensitivity of the action dependence of the path probability, the action is given by A = ∫T0 Ldt, a time integral of the Lagrangian L = K–V over a fixed time period T, K is the kinetic energy and V is the potential energy. This result is a confirmation of the existence of a classical analogue of the Feynman factor eiA/ħ for the path integral formalism of quantum mechanics of Hamiltonian systems. The above result is then extended to real random motion with dissipation. For this purpose, the least action principle has to be generalized to damped motion of mechanical systems with a unique well defined Lagrangian function which must have the usual simple connection to Hamiltonian. This has been done with the help of the following Lagrangian L = K – V – Ed, where Ed is the dissipated energy. By variational calculus and numerical simulation, we proved that the action A = ∫T0 Ldt is stationary for the optimal paths determined by Newtonian equation. More precisely, the stationarity is a minimum for underdamped motion, a maximum for overdamped motion and an inflexion for the intermediate case. On this basis, we studied the path probability of Gaussian stochastic motion of dissipative systems. It is found that the path probability still depends exponentially on Lagrangian action for the underdamped motion, but depends exponentially on kinetic action A = ∫T0 Kdt for the overdamped motion.
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Um estudo sobre processos de descoerência em qubits de estado sólido / A study of decoherence processes in solid state qubitsBrito, Frederico Borges de 20 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Amir Ordacgi Caldeira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T02:34:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Esta tese teve como objetivo estudar processos de perda de coerência quântica, chamados de descoerência, em sistemas de matéria condensada eleitos pela literatura como possíveis implementações do bit quântico (qubit). Esta perda de coerência quântica ocorre devido ao inevitável acoplamento do sistema de interesse com o seu ambiente. Como os estados de superposição quântica são a chave para a realização de operações baseadas na lógica quântica, tem-se que tais processos limitam ou até mesmo impedem o uso de determinados sistemas na esperada realização física do computador quântico. Os sistemas de matéria condensada padecem de uma dificuldade maior para se isolar o qubit do seu ambiente, o que acarreta, em geral, na observação de tempos de coerência piores do que os encontrados em seus concorrentes. Por outro lado, a possibilidade de construção de vários qubits acoplados e de manipulação de cada um de modo individual, usando-se técnicas convencionais de engenharia, têm impulsionado esforços nestes tipos de dispositivos. Os sistemas abordados na tese foram: qubits supercondutores contendo junções Josephson; e qubits de pontos quânticos. Para a investigação completa do primeiro tipo tivemos que desenvolver o modelo Caldeira-Leggett para o caso de várias fontes de dissipação acopladas ao qubit. Com a prescrição apresentada aqui, pudemos determinar o número de banhos de osciladores necessários para a correta descrição das fontes, e verificar que as taxas totais de relaxação e de descoerência não são necessariamente as somas das taxas devido a cada fonte individualmente. Além disso, pudemos aplicar o formalismo desenvolvido no estudo de um qubit de uxo em investigação. Para o sistema de pontos quânticos seguimos a linha de determinação do banho efetivo visto pelo grau de liberdade de spin do elétron aprisionado no ponto quântico. Determinada a função espectral efetiva, pudemos encontrar soluções analíticas para a dinâmica do valor esperado para cada uma das componentes de spin s x,y,z. o que permitiu uma análise completa dos efeitos de cada parâmetro físico do sistema. Em ambos os casos, fomos capazes de indicar os melhores regimes de operação de cada qubit, e dar estimativas dos tempos de relaxação e de descoerência / Abstract: The purpose of this thesis was to study the process of loss of quantum coherence, named decoherence, in condensed matter systems cited in the literature as possible candidates for the implementation of a quantum bit (qubit). Decoherence occurs due to the inevitable coupling of the system of interest to its environment. Once the quantum superposition states are the key to perform operations based on quantum logic, these processes limit, or even hinder, the utilization of some of those systems in the physical realization of the quantum computer. Relatively to its competitors, condensed matter systems usually present a higher degree of difficulty as one tries to minimize the coupling between the qubit and its environment, which, generally, worsens its coherence time observations. On the other hand, these devices present advantages which stimulates its study, such as: the possibility of construction of several coupled qubits and the possibility of manipulating each one individually, using conventional engineering techniques. The systems studied in this thesis were: superconducting qubits with Josephson junctions; and electronic spins quantum dots. Aiming at a complete investigation of the first system, we developed the Caldeira-Leggett model for the case of several dissipation sources coupled to the qubit. With the prescription presented here, we determine the number of oscillator baths needed to the correct description of the noise sources, and verify that the total relaxation and decoherence rates are not necessarily the sum of the individual rates relative to each source. Moreover, we applied this formalism to the study of a ux qubit currently under investigation. For the quantum dot qubits, we employed the effective bath approach to treat the dynamics of the spin of the electron localized in the quantum dot. As a result, we found analytical solutions for the dynamics of the average value of each one of the spin components s x,y,z . In both cases, we indicated the best operational regime of each qubit and gave estimates of the relaxation and decoherence times / Doutorado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Doutor em Ciências
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Mécanique statistique de systèmes macroscopiques hors-équilibre / Statistical mechanics of macroscopic out-of-equilibrium systemsChastaing, Jean-Yonnel 13 July 2016 (has links)
Au cours des vingt dernières années, le formalisme en mécanique statistique permettant de décrire des états loin de l’équilibre s’est beaucoup développé. Cependant, les réalisations expérimentales permettant de tester les résultats, et leur robustesse lorsque le système s’éloigne des hypothèses dans le cadre desquelles ils sont établis, sont peu nombreuses et récentes. Partant de ce constat, nous proposons de considérer des systèmes macroscopiques qui permettent un bon contrôle des paramètres expérimentaux. Nous rapportons principalement l’étude de deux systèmes dissipatifs maintenus dans un état stationnaire.D’une part, nous étudions la dynamique d’une bille seule rebondissant à la verticale d’une surface vibrée. Nous considérons tout particulièrement les propriétés des échanges d’énergie entre la particule (la bille) et le thermostat (la surface vibrée) : propriétés statistiques, écart à la situation d’équilibre, réversibilité. D’autre part, nous considérons les propriétés d’un gaz granulaire maintenu dans un état stationnaire sondées au moyen des fluctuations de la position angulaire d’une pale plongée dans le système. Nous avons vérifions ainsi que certaines prédictions théoriques destinées à la description de systèmes non dissipatifs restent encore valables dans ce système dissipatif : théorème de fluctuations, théorème de fluctuation-dissipation, etc.L’utilisation de deux dispositifs expérimentaux couplés, nous permet, de plus, de discuter des échanges d’énergie entre des systèmes maintenus dans des conditions expérimentales différentes, température ou densité, en particulier dans la limite des gaz très raréfiés. / Over the last two decades, formalism in statistical mechanics describing states far from equilibrium has been significantly developed. However, there are few experimental achievements to test exact results and robustness when the system is far from the assumptions under which they are established. On this basis, we propose to consider macroscopic systems that allow good control of experimental parameters. We report here the study of two dissipative systems maintained in a steady state.On the one hand, we study the dynamics of a single bead bouncing vertically upon avibrated surface. We consider the properties of energy exchanges between the particle (bead) and the thermostat (the vibrated surface) : statistical properties, deviation from equilibrium, reversibility. On the other hand, we consider the properties of a granular gas maintained in a steady state, studying the fluctuations in the angular velocity of a blade immersed in the gas. We test some theoretical expectations for non dissipative systems and show that they are compatible with our measurements : fluctuation theorem, fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Using two coupled experimental devices, we discuss energy exchanges between systems maintained under different states, temperature or density, especially in the limit of very low density gases.
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Contrôle quantique adiabatique : technique de passage adiabatique parallèle et systèmes dissipatifs / Adiabatic quantum control : parallel adiabatic passage technique and dissipative systemsDridi, Ghassen 16 December 2011 (has links)
La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'élaboration théorique de processus adiabatiques permettant le transfert de population entre un état initial et un état cible d'un système quantique. La stratégie du passage adiabatique parallèle pour laquelle les paramètres de couplage sont conçus de telle sorte que la différence des valeurs propres du système reste constante à chaque instant, permet de minimiser à zéro les transitions non-adiabatiques données par la formule DDP. Cette technique permet de combiner à la fois l'efficacité énergétique des méthodes impulsion-pi et la robustesse du passage adiabatique. La seconde partie de cette thèse concerne les effets de la dissipation sur le passage adiabatique. La formule de probabilité de transition d'un système à deux niveaux tenant compte des effets de la dissipation est établie. Cette formule permet de reformuler la solution générale d'un système dissipatif à deux niveaux dans la limite adiabatique qui est valable au-delà du régime de faible dissipation. / The first part of this thesis is devoted to the theoretical analysis of adiabatic processes allowing the transfer of population from an initial state to a target state of a quantum system. The strategy of parallel adiabatic passage, in which the coupling parameters are specifically designed to optimize the adiabatic passage corresponding to parallel eigenvalues at all times, allows one to combine the energetically efficiency of pi-pulse and related strategies with the robustness of standard adiabaticpassage. The second part of this thesis concerns the effects of the dissipation in adiabatic passage. The non-adiabatic transition probability formula of a two state system with dissipation is established. This formula allows on in particular to derive the general solution of a dissipative two-level system in the adiabatic limit which is valid beyond weak dissipation regimes.
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Robust Control for Hybrid, Nonlinear SystemsChudoung, Jerawan 20 April 2000 (has links)
We develop the robust control theories of stopping-time nonlinear systems and switching-control nonlinear systems. We formulate a robust optimal stopping-time control problem for a state-space nonlinear system and give the connection between various notions of lower value function for the associated game (and storage function for the associated dissipative system) with solutions of the appropriate variational inequality (VI). We show that the stopping-time rule can be obtained by solving the VI in the viscosity sense. It also happens that a positive definite supersolution of the VI can be used for stability analysis. We also show how to solve the VI for some prototype examples with one-dimensional state space.
For the robust optimal switching-control problem, we establish the Dynamic Programming Principle (DPP) for the lower value function of the associated game and employ it to derive the appropriate system of quasivariational inequalities (SQVI) for the lower value vector function. Moreover we formulate the problem in the <I>L</I>₂-gain/dissipative system framework. We show that, under appropriate assumptions, continuous switching-storage (vector) functions are characterized as viscosity supersolutions of the SQVI, and that the minimal such storage function is equal to the lower value function for the game. We show that the control strategy achieving the dissipative inequality is obtained by solving the SQVI in the viscosity sense; in fact this solution is also used to address stability analysis of the switching system. In addition we prove the comparison principle between a viscosity subsolution and a viscosity supersolution of the SQVI satisfying a boundary condition and use it to give an alternative derivation of the characterization of the lower value function. Finally we solve the SQVI for a simple one-dimensional example by a direct geometric construction. / Ph. D.
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Renormalization-Group Theory for Quantum Dissipative Systems in Nonequilibrium / Renormierungsgruppentheorie für dissipative Quantensysteme im NichtgleichgewichtKeil, Markus 29 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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