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Mary, the Communion of Saints and the Chinese Veneration of AncestorsChua, Celia January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Generic insistence : Joseph Conrad and the document in selected British and American modernist fictionManocha, Nisha January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the citation of documents in the modernist novel. From contracts to newspaper articles, telegrams to reports, documents are invoked as interleaved texts in ways that, to date, have not been critically interrogated. I consider a range of novels, including works by Ford Madox Ford, Virginia Woolf, Nella Larsen, and Willa Cather, which are selected, in part, as a litmus of Anglo-American modernism, though they can more productively also be understood as coalescing around the example set by Joseph Conrad. Replete with allusions to documents, Conrad’s oeuvre is developed across the thesis as a meta-commentary on the document in modernist literature. In placing the document at the centre of analysis, and in using Conrad as a diagnostic of the document in modernity, the manifold ways in which authors use interpolated texts to perform denotative and connotative “work” in their narratives emerge, with the effect of revising our understanding of documents. These authors reveal the power of mass produced documents to lay claim to novelistic language; the historical role of documents in reifying inequality; on the level of narrative, the thematic potential of the document as a reiterable text; and finally, the capacity of the document, in its most depersonalized form, to realize social collectivity and community. This project therefore asks us to rethink and relocate the document as central to the modernist novel.
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Secure digital documents using Steganography and QR CodeHassanein, Mohamed Sameh January 2014 (has links)
With the increasing use of the Internet several problems have arisen regarding the processing of electronic documents. These include content filtering, content retrieval/search. Moreover, document security has taken a centre stage including copyright protection, broadcast monitoring etc. There is an acute need of an effective tool which can find the identity, location and the time when the document was created so that it can be determined whether or not the contents of the document were tampered with after creation. Owing the sensitivity of the large amounts of data which is processed on a daily basis, verifying the authenticity and integrity of a document is more important now than it ever was. Unsurprisingly document authenticity verification has become the centre of attention in the world of research. Consequently, this research is concerned with creating a tool which deals with the above problem. This research proposes the use of a Quick Response Code as a message carrier for Text Key-print. The Text Key-print is a novel method which employs the basic element of the language (i.e. Characters of the alphabet) in order to achieve authenticity of electronic documents through the transformation of its physical structure into a logical structured relationship. The resultant dimensional matrix is then converted into a binary stream and encapsulated with a serial number or URL inside a Quick response Code (QR code) to form a digital fingerprint mark. For hiding a QR code, two image steganography techniques were developed based upon the spatial and the transform domains. In the spatial domain, three methods were proposed and implemented based on the least significant bit insertion technique and the use of pseudorandom number generator to scatter the message into a set of arbitrary pixels. These methods utilise the three colour channels in the images based on the RGB model based in order to embed one, two or three bits per the eight bit channel which results in three different hiding capacities. The second technique is an adaptive approach in transforming domain where a threshold value is calculated under a predefined location for embedding in order to identify the embedding strength of the embedding technique. The quality of the generated stego images was evaluated using both objective (PSNR) and Subjective (DSCQS) methods to ensure the reliability of our proposed methods. The experimental results revealed that PSNR is not a strong indicator of the perceived stego image quality, but not a bad interpreter also of the actual quality of stego images. Since the visual difference between the cover and the stego image must be absolutely imperceptible to the human visual system, it was logically convenient to ask human observers with different qualifications and experience in the field of image processing to evaluate the perceived quality of the cover and the stego image. Thus, the subjective responses were analysed using statistical measurements to describe the distribution of the scores given by the assessors. Thus, the proposed scheme presents an alternative approach to protect digital documents rather than the traditional techniques of digital signature and watermarking.
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Varför är du brun? : Relation fritidshemslärare-elev i ljuset av normer, maktperspektiv och ledarskap som leder till agerandeMohseni-Tabrizi, Daniel, Hjelte, Ramona January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med vår essä är att undersöka situationen för fritidshemslärare med utländsk bakgrund inom svensk skola. Vi har fokuserat på situationer då elevers ifrågasättande av att de avviker från normen på grund av att deras hudfärg. Vi har skrivit berättelser som bygger på våra egna erfarenheter ifrån vårt arbetsliv som vi ser som dilemman. Fyra frågeställningar har vi kunnat forma utifrån våra dilemman. För att kunna förstå våra dilemman och besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt teorier som handlar om dialogiska samtal och erfarenheter, interkulturellt ledarskap, normer, maktperspektiv, svenska styrdokument för skolan och yrkesetik. Vår slutsats är bland annat att genom dialog om våra personliga erfarenheter kan man förstå sig själv och andra bättre. I vår essä framgår det också hur viktiga styrdokumenten är som stöd för fritidshemslärare i sina ageranden som påverkar elevernas sociala utveckling. / The purpose with our essay is to research the situation of leisure-time teachers within the Swedish school that has foreign background, specifically the situation when pupils question them of being different from the norm through the color of their skin. We have written stories that we have based on our own experiences from our professional lives and that we view as dilemmas. We have been able to form four questions from our dilemmas. For us to be able to understand our dilemmas and to answer our questions we have used theories that are about dialogue, experience, intercultural leadership, norm and authority perspective, Swedish regulation documents for school and work-ethics. Our conclusion, amongst other things, is that through dialogue about our personal experiences one can understand oneself and others better. In our essay, it also shows the importance of the regulation documents as support to the leisure-time teachers in their actions that influence pupils`, social developement.
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Utredning av förfrågningsunderlag gällande byggandet av trästomme med fokus på offentlig upphandling / Investigation of tender documents regarding the use of wooden frames with focus on public procurementSjöberg, Felix, Johansson, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
In the mid 1990s a previous prohibitions against multi-story buildings higher than two floors with a wooden frame was changed. Today multi-storey buildings are being built in Skellefteå, Sundsvall, Växjö, and Stockholm with others. Despite this only one of five houses being built today has a wooden frame. Since the municipality is a key force to get projects with wooden frames, this papers purpose is to improve tender document for the opportunity to submit bids and building with wooden frames. To help us forward with our work three questions were formulated. 1) What is the basis from a wooden constructions company perspective, of which they determines if they can place a bid or not? 2) What is the difference between tender documents made by a municipality compared to a private buyer? 3) How can tender documents be improved to create an opportunity to place a bid containing an alternative frame system? To answer these questions a literature study was carried out. The literature study is the basis of this paper. To obtain empirical data a document analysis of tender documents was carried out. The result of the study shows that wood frames are hard to adapt to an already finished technical specification, or to a tender document containing an extensive technical specification. To obtain alternative solutions, the buyer should focus on object design, form and function, or a general technical specification. Instead the technical specifications should be drawn up by the supplier, or in collaboration with them. The tender evaluation should be made by the most economically advantageous rather then the lowest price. Then the buyer can evaluate the offers against each other, rather then choosing the lowest price. This also gives the possibility for suppliers to make a bid containing an alternative solution. As a continuation of this paper, we recommend a study on which impact a general technical specification has on the project final cost. Furthermore a study exploring which possibilities partner procurement can have alternative solutions in the Swedish procurement act. This report deal exclusively with how tender documents should be formulated. Life cycle analysis, carbon dioxide emissions and strength calculations will not be executed.
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Biologi i förskolan - med eller utan styrdokument : En studie om inkluderingen av ämnet biologi i förskoleverksamheten och hur det har förändrats under de senaste femtio åren / Biology in early childhood education – with or without a curriculum : A study on the inclusion of biology in early childhood education and how it has evolved over the past fifty yearsGrundin, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the inclusion of biology in the early childhood education and how it has evolved over the last fifty years. What subjects and approaches have been included and what motives were given. This study was divided into two sub-categories were text analysis was used to find out how biology has been included in the early childhood education throughout the years. On the basis of this field study was conducted, as well as qualitative semi-structured interviews to find out how the early childhood education works and has been working with regards to biology. The results show that the curriculums as well as the teachers who have worked with this subject, has done it differently over the years. It’s also been found that the community has had a significant impact on the preschool content, as well as knowledge and personal interest.
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Plate-forme pour l'indexation spatiale multi-niveaux d'un corpus territorialiséLesbegueries, Julien 26 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail s'insère dans la problématique de l'accès à l'information spatiale présente dans des corpus textuels territoriaux. Nous proposons d'aller au-delà des systèmes de recherche d'information classiques basés sur l'analyse statistique des documents, peu adaptés pour ce cas particulier, via un traitement linguistique ciblé interprétant l'information spatiale. Notre hypothèse est que des traitements relativement peu coûteux suffisent à dégager l'essentiel de l'information. Ils sont un bon point de départ pour une interprétation plus poussée par la suite, utilisant les propriétés géographiques de l'information extraite afin de développer un système d'indexation à plusieurs niveaux d'abstraction.<br />Nous proposons en effet une méthode de recherche d'information spatiale multi-niveaux indexant un corpus textuel brut. Cette méthode qui extrait l'information d'un corpus et l'interprète, permet d'améliorer l'efficacité de systèmes de recherche d'information à chaque fois que l'interrogation comporte une connotation spatiale. L'interprétation permet en outre de retrouver le contexte dans lequel l'information spatiale a été utilisée. En particulier, elle permet d'indexer des unités de texte en leur associant des contextes de type itinéraire, description locale ou comparaison de lieux.
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Statistical Methods for Dating Collections of Historical DocumentsTilahun, Gelila 31 August 2011 (has links)
The problem in this thesis was originally motivated by problems presented with documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS). The central problem with these medieval documents is the lack of methods to assign accurate dates to those documents which bear no date.
With the problems of the DEEDS documents in mind, we present two methods to impute missing features of texts.
In the first method, we suggest a new class of metrics for measuring distances between texts. We then show how to combine the distances between the texts using statistical smoothing. This method can be adapted to settings where the features of the texts are ordered or unordered categoricals (as in the case of, for example, authorship assignment problems).
In the second method, we estimate the probability of occurrences of words in texts using nonparametric regression techniques of local polynomial fitting with kernel weight to generalized linear models. We combine the
estimated probability of occurrences of words of a text to estimate the probability of occurrence of a text as a function of its feature -- the feature in this case being the date in which the text is written. The
application and results of our methods to the DEEDS documents are presented.
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Mångfaldsarbete i en kommun : en kvalitativ stuide utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv / Diversity management in a municipality : A qualitative study from a management perspectiveLorge, Malin, Storm, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för denna studie är att mångfald i arbetslivet är ett komplext område som är i ständig utveckling. Syftet med studien är att belysa en kommuns interna mångfaldsarbete utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv. Detta undersöks utifrån kommunens styrdokument, användningen av dessa och respondenternas uppfattning kring mångfaldsområdet. Empiri har inhämtats genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserats med inspiration från hermeneutiken. Resultatet påvisar att styrdokumenten, dess implementering samt uppfattningen kring mångfaldsarbetet och mångfaldsområdet är oförenade. Det råder en enhetlighet kring vilka styrdokument som är kopplade till mångfald och hur dessa ska användas. Den faktiska användningen av dessa är dock sparsam och det råder bristande överensstämmande kring vad mångfaldsarbete och mångfaldsområdet innebär. Baserat på detta diskuteras utmaningarna kring mångfaldsarbetet i kommunen utifrån bristen av kontextualisering och utifrån mångfaldsarbetet som en förändringsprocess. Avslutningsvis redogörs en slutsats utifrån studien och förslag på vidare forskning inom ämnet. / The approach for this study is that diversity in working life is a complex area which is constantly evolving. The purpose of the study is to investigate a municipality's inhouse diversity work from a management perspective. This is examined by viewing the municipality's governing documents, the use of these and the respondents' perception of diversity. Empirical data has been gathered through five semi-structured interviews and analyzed with inspiration from hermeneutics. The result shows that the governing documents, its implementation and the perception of diversity and diversity work are disconnected. There is uniformity around which governance documents that are linked to diversity and how these should be used. However, the actual use of these documents is sparse and there is insufficient consistency about diversity work and the respondent’s perception of diversity. Based on this, the challenges of diversity work in the municipality are discussed based on the lack of contextualization and by viewing diversity work as a change process. Finally, a conclusion for the study is presented and proposals for further research on the subject is offered.
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Postmoderní společnost a současné úkoly výchovy a vzdělávání / Postmodern Society and Contemporary Tasks of EducationWirthová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This Diploma work is examining the relation between contemporary social conceptions and aims of education how these are expressed by curriculum documents mainly in Czech Republic. But this relation is not the case of easy and unidirectional impact of social knowledge to educational science. That is why the first part of this thesis is focused on four important postmodern philosophical and sociological concepts differently delimiting as distinct from modern society. General overview of contemporary society change characteristics proceeding from these analyses is the basis of rather different ways of pedagogical thinking followings. With three pedagogical conceptions simultaneously present in nowadays pedagogical discourse, but originally emerged in different eras and different social backgrounds I am trying to point to considerable antinomy demands on present aims of education. I am delineating which phrasings of social reality the contemporary Czech educational policy is rising from. I am stating that the reduction of social reality as background of education in general can lead to formation of ambivalences in suggested educational policy solutions. Finally this diploma work is trying to put forward brief proposals for solution of these new problems of education.
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