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Information design of public documents : applying Gestalt principles to improve user understandingGad, Darin 08 May 2024 (has links)
La conception des documents publics joue un rôle important dans la manière dont l'utilisateur perçoit et comprend les informations importantes qu'ils véhiculent. De plus, la conception de tels documents peut avoir un impact important sur l’utilisateur en ce qui concernesa confiance et son processus décisionnel. Les principes de design d’informationpeuvent apporter de précieuses perspectives sur comment les documents publics devraient être conçus pour qu’ils réalisent leurs objectifs. Cependant, le domaine du design d’informationdes documents publics souffre d’un manque important dans l’application de ces principes. D'autre part, les principes perceptuels delaGestalt peuvent expliquer comment les humains organisent des éléments visuels en groupes et comment ils reconnaissent des patrons. Depuis leur introduction au début du XXesiècle, les principes delaGestalt ont servi à améliorer le processus visuo-perceptuel dans différents champs d'application (telles que la peinture, la sculpture, la création graphique et le design d’information). Dans ce mémoire, nous étudionsl’application des principes de la Gestalt pour améliorer la compréhension de l’utilisateur des documents publics. Pour ce faire, en premier lieu, une méthode d’évaluation heuristique est adaptée pour identifier les problèmes d'utilisabilité dans les documents publics. Deuxièmement, une méthode d’analyse de documents, reposant sur des mesures des éléments visuels dans les documents, est proposée pour étudier l’application des principes de Gestalt, ainsi que les principes de conception graphique, dans les documents publics. Un échantillon de deux documents publics est utilisé pour démontrer et tester la méthodologie proposée. Sur la base des failles de conception identifiées par les deux méthodes susmentionnées, une approche minimale est proposée pour appliquer les principes de la Gestalt pour résoudre les problèmes identifiés. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’application des principes de la Gestalt peut améliorer l'accessibilité et la compréhensibilité de l'information présentéedans les documents publics. / The design of public documents playsan important role in user perception and understanding of the important information they contain. Moreover, the design of such documents can have an important impact on user self-confidence and decision making. The information design principles pertainingto how to visually structure and verbally construct documents to be easily well perceived and understood can provide valuable insights on how public documents should be designed and presented. Yet, in designing public documents there is a lack in applyingthe information design methods and frameworks. On the other hand, the Gestalt principles of perception can explain how humans organize visual elements into groups and how humans perceive and recognize patterns. Since their introduction in the early twentieth century, the Gestalt principles were examined and studied various times to improve the visual perceptual process in many application areas such as: painting, sculpture, graphic design and information design. Accordingly, this work studies the application of the Gestalt principles to improve the user understanding of public documents. To this end, first an adapted heuristic evaluation method is proposed to identify the usability problems of public documents. Secondly, based on precise measurements of thevisual elements within the documents, a document analytics method is proposed to examine the application of the Gestalt principles as well as the design principles in public documents. A sample comprising two public documents is used to test and demonstrate the proposed methodology. Based on the design flaws detected by the aforementioned two methods, a minimal approach is adopted to apply the Gestalt principles to solve the identified problems. The results obtained show that the integration of the Gestaltprinciples in the design process can improve the accessibility of information in public documents and resolve many of the usability problems in these documents.
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The legal role of the bill of lading, sea waybill and multimodal transport document in financing international sales contractsProctor, Carol 07 1900 (has links)
The legal nature of the bill of lading as a negotiable document of title has allowed it to provide
the basis of a system in which bankers provide credit for the financing of international sales
contracts on the strength of the security afforded by the goods represented in the bill. The sea
waybill has appeared as a substitute for the bill of lading and, despite its nature as a nonnegotiable
document, it can be employed in a manner which allows it to provide collateral security
to banks. Multimodal transport documents which may be issued in negotiable or non-negotiable
form assume the same legal role as the bill oflading or sea waybill respectively. The inclusion of
specific articles in the 1993 Revision of the UCP relating to non-negotiable sea waybills and
multimodal transport documents affirms their acceptability to banks financing international sales
contracts under documentary letters of credit. / Law / LL.M.
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L'allaitement autour de 1800 : discours, enjeux et expériences rendus évidents à l'aide d'études de cas situées à Munich et NurembergChumova, Martina 08 1900 (has links)
Dans l’Europe du 18ème siècle, plusieurs médecins, pédagogues et moralistes conçoivent la maternité comme un enjeu politique. À l’intérieur de leurs discours, l’allaitement maternel devient le ciment reliant bonheur individuel, harmonie sociale et intérêts de l’État.
L’examen de traités médicaux et moraux nous permet d’expliciter les significations que les médecins, pédagogues et moralistes rattachent à l’allaitement, et nous pouvons retracer la popularisation de leurs idées dans certains médias de l’époque tels que les périodiques. Toutefois, ces sources ne nous en disent pas long sur les significations que les femmes concernées elles-mêmes accordaient à l’allaitement.
C’est précisément ce point que nous tentons d’élucider, à l’aide d’études de cas. Nous nous basons sur la correspondance d’une mère, sa fille et son beau-fils habitant Nuremberg et Munich au tournant du 18ème au 19ème siècle, afin de reconstituer les discours, enjeux, et pratiques autour de l’allaitement.
Nous nous intéressons d’abord aux différentes émotions suscitées par plusieurs expériences d’allaitement, heureuses et moins heureuses. Ensuite, nous explicitons les arguments, relations et autorités mises en scène lors de discussions conflictuelles sur l’allaitement et le sevrage. Nous montrons aussi quelles personnes étaient déterminantes dans la pratique de l’allaitement, pour finalement tenter d’atteindre les expériences et représentations du corps allaitant. / The eighteenth century sees the rise of influential discourses treating motherhood as a political matter. Breastfeeding is at the heart of these discourses. Represented as a way to increase the health and vigor of citizens necessary to the state’s power, breastfeeding is therefore linking individual happiness, social peace, and state’s interests.
We can reconstruct the web of meanings physicians and moralists gave to breastfeeding from moral and medical treatises where their ideas are first exposed; new media like periodicals show us how these discourses were popularised. The meanings breastfeeding women gave to this practice is a lesser studied object: it will build the core of this master study.
With the help of a case study located in Nuremberg and Munich around 1800, I highlight the meanings breastfeeding bourgeois women and their relatives linked to breastfeeding. The sources used, mainly letters between a woman, her daughter and her son-in-law, allow me first to differentiate some of the emotions generated by happy and unhappy breastfeeding situations. Then I investigate a conflict about the issues of breastfeeding and weaning; this leads me to show that relations between the protagonists, as well as health concerns, are used as arguments in this matter. I also portray the concrete context in which breastfeeding is taking place and the people assisting to this practice. Finally, I try to assess the underlying perceptions and representations of the breastfeeding body. / Während des 18. Jahrhunderts kamen mehrere Ärzte, Pädagogen und Moralisten dazu, sich für Mutterschaft als eine politische Frage zu interessieren. Die von diesen Männern entworfenen Diskurse stellten das mütterliche Stillen in den Mittelpunkt: als Mittel, das Glück des Einzelnen, die gesellschaftliche Harmonie und die Interessen des Staates zu verbinden.
Das von den Ärzten, Pädagogen und Moralisten entworfene Beziehungsnetz ist in verschiedenen Traktaten sichtbar, und es wird durch neue Medien wie Zeitschriften popularisiert. Die Bedeutungen, die die Frauen und ihre Umgebung mit dem Stillen verbanden, können allerdings nicht anhand der Untersuchung dieser Medien erschlossen werden.
Genau dieser Frage gilt das Interesse dieser Masterarbeit. Am Beispiel einer Fallstudie werde ich die Bedeutungen des Stillens für die Frauen und ihre Umgebung erläutern. Untersucht wird die Korrespondenz zwischen einer bürgerlichen Mutter, ihrer Tochter und ihrem Schwiegersohn, die in Nürnberg und München um 1800 lebten. Zuerst werde ich mich den durch verschiedene Stillerfahrungen ausgelösten Emotionen zuwenden; danach werden die Kenntnisse und Beziehungen, die in den Debatten über das Stillen und Entwöhnen als Argumente benutzt werden, untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, welche Leute konkret den Verlauf des Stillen beeinflussten. Zum Schluß wird eine Annäherung an die Erfahrungen des stillenden Körpers gewagt.
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L'identité de la personne humaine : droit fondamental / The identity of the human person : a fundamental rightStephan, Jérôme 02 December 2017 (has links)
Au-delà de son paradoxe polysémique, l’identité est une notion parfaitement définie par les différentes sciences humaines, tandis qu’en droit ses contours demeurent beaucoup plus flous. Que recouvre la notion juridique d’identité ? Le droit qui s’y rattache peut-il être qualifié de fondamental ? L’identité n’est pas seulement un ensemble d’éléments qui permet à l’État de nous différencier les uns des autres. Les procédés étatiques d’identification que sont l’état civil et les documents d’identité se trouvent confrontés aux thématiques actuelles et notamment sécuritaires. Mais l’identité, après avoir été pendant longtemps un monopole régalien, devient de plus en plus un support de revendications. En effet, l’identité tend à s’affranchir de plus en plus du cadre imposé par l’État pour permettre à l’individu d’exprimer son individualisation. Aujourd’hui, l’identité ne permet plus uniquement de répondre à la question « qui suis-je ? », mais également à « qui je veux être ? ». La revendication identitaire s’inscrit dans une démarche personnelle de reconnaissance de ses composantes essentielles. L’identité n’est pas en crise, elle est en réalité en pleine mutation. Si elle en connaissait éventuellement une, cela serait dans le sens originel tel que le psychologue Erik Erikson l’avait théorisée, à savoir la crise d’identité liée à l’adolescence. Ainsi, l’identité serait en transition avant de connaître l’âge adulte et la pleine consécration de sa reconnaissance juridique. Le droit de l’identité est en passe d’être complété par l’émergence d’un droit à l’identité, actuellement fragmenté, qui tend à être reconnu comme un véritable droit fondamental inhérent à la personne humaine / One of today’s debates which can no longer be ignored and which has been on everyone’s lips for several years is the concept of identity. It is at the heart of numerous and diverse problematics. Beyond its polysemous paradox, identity is a well-known notion in humanities, whereas in law its outlines are still unclear. What does the legal notion of identity integrate? Can the right to which it is linked be a fundamental one? Identity is not only a set of elements that allows the state to make a distinction between two persons. The official state identification procedures, like civil status and identity documents, have to face current themes and particularly security ones. But identity, after being a long-time state monopoly, is becoming more and more often a way to claim. Indeed, identity, versatile and evolving, is freeing itself from the state regulatory framework so that the individual can express himself and enhance its individualization. Today, identity is not only the answer to « who am I? » but also to « who do I want to be? » Identity claim is part of a personal approach of multiple recognitions such as sex, gender, name, religion and origin. In fact, there is no identity crisis. On the contrary, identity is actually changing. The only crisis it would face would be, as theorized by psychologist Erik Erikson, due to adolescence. Therefore, identity would face a transition before adulthood that would ensure full legal status recognition. The right of identity is being complemented by the emerging right to identity. Even if it is still fragmented, it tends to be recognized as a real fundamental right inherent to human person
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Rights and liabilities of the consignees/endorsees : a comparative study of the Rotterdam Rules and English LawMajdzadeh Khandani, Kourosh January 2018 (has links)
In the context of an international carriage of goods by sea contract, the consignees and endorsees are the two important categories of the parties whom their rights and liabilities have not been legislated for in any international carriage of goods by sea convention until the adoption of the Rotterdam Rules. The truth is that, in contrast to the rights and the correlative liabilities and obligations of the shippers and carriers, the rights and liabilities of the consignees and endorsees have always been dealt with by the domestic and national laws. However, the Rotterdam Rules, with the goals of promoting legal certainty, improving the efficiency of international carriage of goods and harmonization and modernization of the carriage rules, for the first time at an international level, have attempted to regulate the provisions governing the rights and liabilities of the latter parties. Thus, the application of the Rotterdam Rules, in case they gain the force of law, will be broader than any other international maritime convention. Therefore, this has compelled the necessity of carrying out a profound and detailed critical analysis of the new, and somewhat innovative, regulations, since the impact of the application of the Convention on the existing carriage of goods by sea rules, both nationally and internationally will be crucially significant. The UK as one of the major actors of the maritime industry has a long-established set of rules particularly in the field of rights and liabilities of the parties, both in the common law and statutory senses, governing the carriage of goods by sea affairs for centuries. This thesis aims to evaluate the relevant provisions of the Rotterdam Rules by way of comparison with their corresponding rules of the English law in order to find out whether these new sets of regulations can establish a reliable source of reference for the consignees and endorsees who wish to ascertain their rights and become aware of their obligations and liabilities. In other words, the main objective of this study is to examine whether the Rotterdam Rules clearly define and specify the rights and liabilities of the consignees and endorsees to a contract of carriage of goods by sea. Further, it is going to investigate whether the Convention succeed in achieving its goals with respect to the rights and liabilities of these parties. Also, ratification of the Rotterdam Rules is believed to have a significant impact on the English maritime law and therefore, the question whether it is reasonable for the UK to ratify the Convention will be answered in this research. It is suggested that the findings of this thesis in addition to the solutions proposed to solve the difficulties, ambiguity and complexity of the existing rules, will be of assist to the UK authorities as well as the legislative bodies in other jurisdictions in order to obtain a more effective decision on the adoption of the Rotterdam Rules. This study ends with illustrating an alarming vision of the future of maritime law which will be largely affected by the evolution of smart technologies in the shipping industry.
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Enseignement de la communication non verbale par la vidéo authentique en classe de FLE en Libye / Teaching non-verbal communication by the authentic video in class of FFL in LibyaMiqil, Salem 12 December 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, l'enseignement des langues étrangères a pour objectif général d’apprendre aux élèves à communiquer. En se référant à la communication visant à l'expression d'un vaste univers de croyances et de comportements qui sont exprimés de manière interactive et/ou non-interactive, grâce à des systèmes sensibles et/ou intelligibles. Lorsque ces croyances et comportements, ainsi que leurs formes d'expression, sont partagés par un groupe de personnes, nous sommes face au concept de culture. Les étudiants étrangers doivent donc acquérir l’essentiel des compétences qui leur permettront de communiquer avec des personnes d’une autre culture : ils devront alors connaître, comprendre et, autant que possible, acquérir la totalité des informations caractérisant cette culture, c'est-à-dire leurs activités verbales et non-verbales, leurs croyances et leurs systèmes de communication. La communication non verbale est un vaste champ à l'intérieur du système de communication culturel, qui concerne tous les signes et les systèmes de signes linguistiques qui sont utilisés pour communiquer. L'importance de l’intégration des signes et des systèmes intégrant la communication non verbale dans les programmes d'enseignement de FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) est signalée et incluse dans le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues : apprendre, enseigner, évaluer (Conseil de l'Europe, 2001). Dans le chapitre sur l'utilisation du langage, le CECRL recommande de tenir compte des compétences que les élèves doivent acquérir concernant les actions et gestes utilisés avec des mots (la communication verbale et non-verbale), et les situations dans lesquelles les étudiants auront à mettre en œuvre ces compétences. En outre, il est indiqué que les apprenants de langues étrangères doivent être capables de déterminer, reconnaître et comprendre les comportements para-linguistiques, gestuels, proxémiques et mimétiques de la langue cible (Conseil de l'Europe, 2001 : 72-73). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de sélectionner des signes non-verbaux au sens large pour l'application à l'enseignement et à l'apprentissage du FLE pour un public libyen. Dans la classe, ces éléments peuvent être introduits à l’aide de documents vidéos représentant des situations authentiques afin que les apprenants puissent observer les signes non verbaux et les réutiliser correctement lors de contacts interculturels / Currently, the teaching of foreign languages generally aims to teach students to communicate. Referring to the communication to the expression of a vast universe of beliefs and behaviors that are expressed interactively and / or non-interactively, thanks to sensitive and / or intelligible systems. When these beliefs and behaviors, and their forms of expression, are shared by a group of people, we are facing the concept of culture. Thus, foreign students must acquire the essential skills that will enable them to communicate with people of another culture : they will then know, understand and, if possible, acquire all of the information characterizing this culture, that is their verbal and non-verbal activities, their beliefs and communication systems. Nonverbal communication is a vast field within the cultural system of communication, concerning all signs and linguistic signs systems that are used to communicate. The importance of the integration of signs and systems incorporating non-verbal communication in the curricula of FFL (French as a Foreign Language) is reported and included in the European Framework of Reference for Languages : learning, teaching, assessing (Council of Europe, 2001). In the chapter about the use of language, the CEFRL recommends taking into account the skills that students must acquire concerning the actions and gestures used with words (verbal and nonverbal communication), and the situations in which the students will have to implement these skills. Furthermore, it is stated that foreign language learners must be able to identify, recognize and understand the behaviors of paralinguistic, gestural, proxemics and facial expressions of the target language (Council of Europe, 2001: 72-73). The main objective of this study is to select non-verbal signs in the broadest sense for the application to the teaching and learning of the FFL for a Libyan public. In the classroom, these elements can be introduced using video documents representing authentic situations so that learners can observe non-verbal signs and re-use them correctly when intercultural contacts
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O \"Dicionário\" de Documents (1929-1930) e a Antropologia de Georges Bataille / \"Dictionary\" of Documents (1929-1930) and Georges Bataille\'s AntropologyZorzi, Maria Victoria Gaburro de 02 December 2013 (has links)
A produção textual de Georges Bataille (1897-1962), privilegiadamente estudada nos campos da Literatura e da Filosofia, apresenta uma vasta gama de temas e é considerada por seus comentadores como refratária a qualquer classificação rigorosa e indexável. Contudo, ele é autor de uma obra de grande interesse para área da Antropologia em função de um forte experimentalismo dos conceitos e da escrita e de uma compreensão totalizante da experiência do pesquisador e do escritor. O presente estudo tem como objetivo o exame de parte específica da produção e atuação de Bataille que coincide com os inícios da institucionalização da antropologia francesa (anos 1920- 1930), quando o autor encontra-se envolvido com o projeto da revista Documents, Doctrines Archélogie Beaux-Arts Ethnographie (1929-1930) e bastante próximo dos antropólogos que colaboram com a publicação. Ao recuperar a formação primeira de Bataille como arquivista paleógrafo na École des chartes e seus primeiros escritos e interesses, entre os quais se encontra a antropologia de Marcel Mauss, o trabalho se dedica a construir as conexões entre a profissão de arquivista paleógrafo nas bibliotecas Francesas e a produção do escritor que tem lugar entre os anos 1918 e 1930, interessado em destacar os nexos entre essas dimensões e o processo de constituição dos museus na França sobretudo aquele que culminará no Musée de lHomme (1937). As experiências nas bibliotecas, nos museus e na revista colocam Bataille diante da questão da classificação e do arquivamento de objetos e documentos. O interesse em uma leitura de Bataille por essa via que procura relacionar a institucionalização da disciplina etnográfica na França ligada à formação, catalogação e arquivamento de documentos nos museus e o processo de criação do Dicionário de Documents auxilia a iluminar uma dupla intervenção crítica que consiste em construir um deslocamento, uma derivação da forma de pensar. Essa perspectiva diversa nos oferece um duplo olhar para os modos pelos quais a reflexão sobre o lugar das histórias da disciplina e seus praticantes tem sido experimentada. / This present study has the purpose of examining some specific parts of George Bataille´s production and action that correspond with the beginning of French anthropology institutionalization (1920s and 1930s), when the author finds himself immersed in the Documents, Doctrines Archélogie Beaux-Arts Ethnographie (1929-1930) magazine project and building a very close relationship with the professionals involved in the publications creation. By resuming Batailles first occupation as paleographer archivist at École des chartes and his primary written pieces and interests, among which is the anthropology of Marcel Mauss, the work is dedicated to build connections between his job inside French libraries and his activities as a writer from 1918 to 1930, when his interests were focused on highlighting the links between these dimensions and the constitution of the museums in France - especially the one that will culminate at the Musée de l\'Homme (1937). The experiences in the libraries, museums and the magazine put Bataille before the classification and filing of objects and documents. His interest in this path that searches for relating the institutionalization of the ethnographic discipline in France connected to framing ideas, cataloging and archiving documents in museums and the creational process of the Dictionary of the magazine helps to illuminate a double critical intervention that consists in building a movement, an offshoot of thinking. This different perspective offers us another look to the means through which the reflections on the place discipline stories and its practitioners have been experienced.
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Sfax, ville tunisienne à l'époque ottomane : sa topographie, son histoire urbaine, sociale, économique et ses waqfs / Sfax during the Ottoman period : its topography, its urban, social and commercial history and its waqfsTarchoun, Abdelhariz Mounira 13 February 2018 (has links)
Titre : Sfax à l'époque ottomane. Sa Topographie, Son Histoire Urbaine, Sociale et Commerciale et Ses waqfs Waqf, l'institution qui a joué un rôle primordial dans le développement urbain et l'organisation d'espace dans des villes d'époque d'Ottomane, souligne des relations entre les hommes et les femmes et l'environnement construit. Sfax est l'exemple étudié ici et le rôle de waqf dans intra et le développement urbain extramuros si les documents waqf représentent un champ bien documenté de nos jours, ce n'est pas le cas pour l'étude de la nature et de la typologie de ces documents, ni pour la terminologie et la diversité d'informations a trouvé en eux. Le doctorat se concentre sur l'impact de waqf sur le tissu urbain d'Ottoman Sfax de la fin du 16ème siècle à la colonisation française. Il étudie la vie urbaine organisée autour des endroits soutenus / Title: Sfax during the Ottoman Period. Its Topography, Its Urban, Social and Commercial History and Its WaqfsWaqf, the institution which played a primordial role in urban development and organisation of space in Ottoman-era cities, underlines relations between men and women and the built environment. Sfax is the example studied here and the role of waqf in intra and extramuros urban developmentIf the waqf documents represent a well-researched field nowadays, this is not the case for the study of the nature and typology of these documents nor for the terminology and diversity of information found within them.The PhD centers on the impact of waqf on the urban fabric of Ottoman Sfax from the end of the 16th century to the French colonisation. It studies urban life organised around places supported by waqf (mosques, zawiyas) as well as waqfs whose revenues supported society’s poor or the city infrastructure such as the maintenance of its walls.Furthermore, waqf participated in reinforcing the presence of European merchants and traders and the development of commercial life in Sfax.
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高木家文書の高度活用における関連文書調査の意義SAITO, Natsuki, 斎藤, 夏来 31 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis Of Multi-lingual Documents With Complex Layout And ContentPati, Peeta Basa 11 1900 (has links)
A document image, beside text, may contain pictures, graphs, signatures, logos, barcodes, hand-drawn sketches and/or seals. Further, the text blocks in an image may be in Manhattan or any complex layout. Document Layout Analysis is an important preprocessing step before subjecting any such image to OCR. Here, the image with complex layout and content is segmented into its constituent components. For many present day applications, separating the text from the non-text blocks is sufficient. This enables the conversion of the text elements present in the image to their corresponding editable form.
In this work, an effort has been made to separate the text areas from the various kinds of possible non-text elements. The document images may have been obtained from a scanner or camera. If the source is a scanner, there is control on the scanning resolution, and lighting of the paper surface. Moreover, during the scanning process, the paper surface remains parallel to the sensor surface. However, when an image is obtained through a camera, these advantages are no longer available. Here, an algorithm is proposed to separate the text present in an image from the clutter, irrespective of the imaging technology used.
This is achieved by using both the structural and textural information of the text present in the gray image. A bank of Gabor filters characterizes the statistical distribution of the text elements in the document. A connected component based technique removes certain types of non-text elements from the image.
When a camera is used to acquire document images, generally, along with the structural and textural information of the text, color information is also obtained. It can be assumed that text present in an image has a certain amount of color homogeneity. So, a graph-theoretical color clustering scheme is employed to segment the iso-color components of the image. Each iso-color image is then analyzed separately for its structural and textural properties. The results of such analyses are merged with the information obtained from the gray component of the image. This helps to separate the colored text areas from the non-text elements.
The proposed scheme is computationally intensive, because the separation of the text from non-text entities is performed at the pixel level Since any entity is represented by a connected set of pixels, it makes more sense to carry out the separation only at specific points, selected as representatives of their neighborhood. Harris' operator evaluates an edge-measure at each pixel and selects pixels, which are locally rich on this measure. These points are then employed for separating text from non-text elements.
Many government documents and forms in India are bi-lingual or tri-lingual in nature. Further, in school text books, it is common to find English words interspersed within
sentences in the main Indian language of the book. In such documents, successive words in a line of text may be of different scripts (languages). Hence, for OCR of these documents, the script must be recognized at the level of words, rather than lines or paragraphs.
A database of about 20,000 words each from 11 Indian scripts1 is created. This is so far the largest database of Indian words collected and deployed for script recognition purpose. Here again, a bank of 36 Gabor filters is used to extract the feature vector which represents the script of the word. The effectiveness of Gabor features is compared with that of DCT and it is found that Gabor features marginally outperform the DOT. Simple, linear and non-linear classifiers are employed to classify the word in the feature space.
It is assumed that a scheme developed to recognize the script of the words would work equally fine for sentences and paragraphs. This assumption has been verified with supporting results. A systematic study has been conducted to evaluate and compare the accuracy of various feature-classifier combinations for word script recognition. We have considered the cases of bi-script and tri-script documents, which are largely available. Average recognition accuracies for bi-script and tri-script cases are 98.4% and 98.2%, respectively. A hierarchical blind script recognizer, involving all eleven scripts has been developed and evaluated, which yields an average accuracy of 94.1%.
The major contributions of the thesis are:
• A graph theoretic color clustering scheme is used to segment colored text.
• A scheme is proposed to separate text from the non-text content of documents with
complex layout and content, captured by scanner or camera.
• Computational complexity is reduced by performing the separation task on a selected
set of locally edge-rich points.
• Script identification at word level is carried out using different feature classifier combinations. Gabor features with SVM classifier outperforms any other feature-classifier combinations.
A hierarchical blind script recognition algorithm, involving the recognition of 11 Indian scripts, is developed. This structure employs the most efficient feature-classifier combination at each individual nodal point of the tree to maximize the system performance.
A sequential forward feature selection algorithm is employed to. select the most discriminating features, in a case by case basis, for script-recognition.
The 11 scripts are Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odiya, Puniabi, Roman. Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
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