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Creating a Graph Database from a Set of Documents / Skapandet av en grafdatabas från ett set av dokumentNikolic, Vladan January 2015 (has links)
In the context of search, it may be advantageous in some use-cases to have documents saved in a graph database rather than a document-orientated database. Graph databases are able to model relationships between objects, in this case documents, in ways which allow for efficient retrieval, as well as search queries that are slightly more specific or complex. This report will attempt to explore the possibilities of storing an existing set of documents into a graph database. A Named Entity Recognizer was used on a set of news articles in order to extract entities from each news article’s body of text. News articles that contain the same entities are then connected to each other in the graph. Ideas to improve this entity extraction are also explored. The method of evaluation that was utilized in this report proved not to be ideal for this task in that only a relative measure was given, not an absolute one. As such, no absolute answer with regards to the quality of the method can be presented. It is clear that improvements can be made, and the result should be subject to further study. / I ett sökkontext kan det vara födelaktigt att i några användarscenarion utgå från dokument lagrade i en grafdatabas gentemot en dokument-orienterad databas. Grafdatabaser kan modellera förhållanden mellan objekt, som i detta fall är dokument, på ett sätt som ökar effektiviteten för vissa mer specifika eller komplexa sökfrågor. Denna rapport utforskar möjligheterna i att lagra existerande dokument i en grafdatabas. En Named Entity Recognizer används för att extrahera entiter från en stor samling nyhetsartiklar. Nyhetsartiklar som innehåller samma entiteter är sedan kopplade till varandra i grafen. Dessutom undersöks möjligheter till att förbättra extraheringen av entiteter. Evalueringsmetoden som användes visade sig mindre än ideal, då endast en relativ snarare än absolut bedömning kan göras av den slutgiltiga grafen. Därav kan inget slutgiltigt svar ges angående grafens och metodens kvalitet, men resultatet bör vara av intresse för framtida undersökningar.
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Teachers' beliefs and implementation of CALLStolt, Daniel, Vibe, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The National Curriculum in Sweden states that students should be given the opportunity todevelop understanding of digital tools. However, based on previous international research onthe subject, teachers rarely find that they have enough digital competence and knowledge ofthe tools to implement them properly in their teaching practises. This study aims atdiscovering what active teachers’ experiences are with Computer Assisted LanguageLearning (CALL) and how well they implement it in Sweden. This paper provides anoverview of the previous research done on teachers’ beliefs and their tendencies to implementCALL. Directly accessed primary data was collected through a survey and semi-structuredinterviews with five teachers in years K-6. Analysis of this data showed that teachers doimplement CALL on a regular basis, however, some of them find it difficult to utilize fully. Itwas also found that the age of the teachers might play a part in how well they understand the CALL software. Furthermore, after analysing the policy documents from Skolverket, it wasfound that teachers in general feel they lack the necessary digital competence to teach digitalcompetence to their students. The main conclusions of this study are thus that (i) teachersimplement CALL on a regular basis, (ii) teachers feel that they lack basic digital knowledgeand thus struggle in using the digital tools efficiently in their teaching practises, somethingthat should be included in the teacher training programs, (iii), that the age of the teachersseem to play a part in how well the they implement CALL in their teaching practises, and(iiii), that whilst teachers find CALL useful and convenient, it can never replace the role of a teacher.
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Romové na pranýři - trestání Romů v průběhu 20. století očima veřejných politik / Roma on the pillory - punishment of the Roma in the course of 20. century through the eyes of the public policiesNovotná, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis focuses on the discursive analysis of period documents, drawn from archives, laws, parliamentary debates, other expert texts and researches. The aim of the diploma thesis is to find an answer to the question of how public policies approached to crime and punishment of Roma during the 20th century in the Czechoslovakia, later in the Czech Republic (from 1918 to 2000). The diploma thesis seeks to reveal how public policies approached the Roma as a minority in general, what information they based their decisions on their punishment, what measures they proposed for their re-education and assimilation, and how the public was informed through the periodical and therefore how it was formed public opinion about this minority. The analytical part of the work is based on the basic ideas of important sociologists, including Anthony Giddens, Erving Goffman, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault. Keywords: Roma, period documents, punishment, public policy, assimilation
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Climate adaptation to urban heat : A study of how Swedish municipalities with larger cities are adapting to warmer temperatures through urban planningKindberg, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The world is currently facing a changing climate and the various negative effects that it entails. In recent decades, enhanced climate adaptation responses have therefore become increasingly common across the world. In Sweden, climate adaptation through urban planning has mainly focused on challenges such as flooding, erosion and sea level rise rather than heat. However, warmer temperatures are recognised as one of the main challenges of climate change, not least for urban areas and the people who live there. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to explore how Swedish municipalities with larger cities work with urban planning to address the challenges of warmer temperatures and how strategies for adaptation to urban heat are portrayed in municipal planning documents. This was done through a qualitative document analysis of municipal planning documents from three Swedish municipalities, Huddinge, Kristianstad and Norrköping. The results show that Swedish municipalities in the planning documents mainly portray urban heat as problematic but that some municipalities also choose to highlight possible positive effects. Furthermore, the results show that preserving and enhancing green structures of various sizes can be considered the main strategy for climate adaptation to urban heat in Swedish municipalities. However, some municipalities are also working with a few other strategies, including local investigations, technical measures and increased local knowledge. Lastly, some Swedish municipalities can also be understood to have as strategy to work with clearly formulated goals and measures in their planning documents.
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ÄTA ARBETEN FÖR PROJEKT INOM VÄGARBETE : Fallstudie av cirkulationsplats Hammarbykorset, EskilstunaLieu, Kevin, Sium, Nahom January 2023 (has links)
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the different contract changes that potentially could be added to projects made on the road. For this study specifically, a project where a traffic circle is produced, is used as a reference. This is then further investigated by how these contract changes occurred and what type of temporal, economical and technical influence each and every contract change has on the project. By knowing why and how these contract changes occur, there is an evaluation made to list the different factors that entail the contract changes and different methods to prevent these factors which results in less appearing contract changes. Methods: The methods used in this study contains literature studies and case studies as well as analyzing documents regarding the project, calculations made and measurement values and lastly interviews with the different members that are involved in this project. Results: The results gave a perspective of what types of contract changes the project had and how each one affected the project temporally, economically and technically. The results also included answers from the entrepreneur, the client and the consultant for the interviews. It gave a perspective of their view on the project and their thoughts on the contract changes. By compiling their opinions and views one could detect the similarities and the differences. Further after gathering all of the previous results and comparing them, one could identify a common denominator where there clearly is a mismanagement and find ways to fix and evade the problems which results in less contract changes arising. Conclusion: All of the contract changes has been summurized and conlcuded in a UR-sheet. The following conclusions could be drawn from the framing of questions and results: there were a total of 18 different contract changes where as two of these were regulated from outsider factors. The rest were regulated through factors within the project itself, meaning they could have been either prevented or some what predicted and could have had a less of a effect on the project. All of the contract changes had some type of technical effect on the project however not all of them had an effect temporally or economically. The one that had most effect was UR_ÄTA_006 where this was regulated because of a previous project that wasn’t completed in time and stood as a hindrance for the roundabout. This contributed in extra charges, more time spent of certain moments and changes in the timetable. Based on the answers from the interviews, one could conclude that all of the people who are involved in the project think that there are some deficient working power in the project planning. As a solution to the issue, they sugested that one of the people from the entreprenuer side and the client should be some what involved in the early stages and work as a helping hand for the project planning side of the project since they have more experience in how the actual production of a project is done, thus resulting in less contract changes. Keywords: Contract changes, roundabout, entreprenouer, client, consultant, temporal, economical, technical,, documents / Oftast inte
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Förskoledigitalisering : Förskollärarnas syn på digital undervisning i förhållande till policytexter / Digitalization Of Preschool : Preschool Teachers’ view on Digital Teaching in Relation to PoliciesBalandyte, Guoda Marija, Zolotova, Inna January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine why and how preschool teachers work with digital teaching in Sweden. To understand the purpose of digital teaching in preschool we have studied policy texts with the WPR approach, as well as making a survey consisting of 24 preschool teachers from different parts of the country. The survey was analyzed from the perspective of sociocultural theory to understand preschool teachers’ view on digital teaching and the practical use of digital tools in preschool. Our survey along with previous research shows reluctance to using digital tools in teaching due to lack of digital competence. By comparing the results of the survey with the WPR-analysis we were able to see how policies control educational content in preschool in the context of digitalization and reveal the necessity of studying risks of negative effects on children's health. The result of our study along with previous research shows lack of studies and knowledge regarding the use of digital tools in early childhood. Despite a lack of research, the Swedish government implemented policies to apply digital teaching in preschool.
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Avstämningsmetod för installatörer kopplat till slutkostnadsprognos / Reconciliation method for installers linked to final cost forecastLöfgren, Kim, Hannula Virving, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis has mainly been built on interviews with interested parties at Arcona and the installer, Nymans Elektriska, since it was decided to limit the study only to the project Glömstaskolan. The aim of the study is that Arcona should be able to report a more accurate final cost forecast to the client regarding the installer and to simplify the reconciliation for both the construction company and the installer. The background is based on the fact that installers do not calculate components and activities such as other building production, which makes it difficult to reconcile if an activity has been carried out in accordance with budget. Both parties agree that it is working hours that need to be checked, as this is where the difficulty of control lies. To be able to check real hours, knowledge of the planned number of hours is needed. The time schedule is an important tool in the project and should be included in reconciliation. Arcona and Nymans Elektriska are recommended to use existing control documents with certain appendixes for the measuring progress. / Detta examensarbete har mestadels byggts av intervjuer med berörda parter hos Arcona samt installatören Nymans Elektriska då avgränsning gjorts till att endast omfatta projekt Glömstaskolan. Syftet med studien är att Arcona ska kunna redovisa en träffsäkrare slutkostnadsprognos gentemot kunden/beställaren gällande installatören samt att underlätta för både byggföretaget och installatören kring avstämningen. Bakgrunden ligger i att installatörerna ej kalkylerar på byggdelar och aktiviteter som övrig byggproduktion, vilket då gör det svårt att stämma av om en aktivitet har genomförts i enlighet med budget. Båda parter är överens om att det är arbetstimmar som önskas följas upp, då det är där svårigheten till kontroll ligger. För att kunna följa upp verkliga timmar behövs kunskap om planerade antal timmar. Tidplanen är ett viktigt verktyg i projekt och bör involveras i avstämningen. Arcona och Nymans Elektriska rekommenderas att nyttja befintliga styrdokument med visst tillägg för mätning av framdrift.
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Hur kan boendesegregation motverkas? : En studie om hur boendesegregation beskrivs och vilka åtgärder som lyfts för att motverka boendesegregation i Malmös kommunala dokumentTseng, Sasha January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to research how residential segregation is described within a municipalities municipal planning document. Furthermore, proposed strategies to prevent and work against residential segregation will also be researched in the same documents. The chosen area for the research is Malmö municipality, Hyllie and Rosengård which are neighborhoods within Malmö municipality. The research represents how residential municipality is described in the chosen areas of the studies. In addition, the research also represents the suggested approaches to prevent residential segregation. The informational for the research has been collected by examining relevant documents provided by the Malmö municipality. The result of the study shows that there are several keywords that are used to describe the phenomenon residential segregation. With the help of previous research, it was not difficult to determine such keywords. Social sustainability, mixed housing, integration, equality are examples of terms used to describe residential segregation.
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Collaborative Writing and Individual Writing: Improving Writing in an L2 ClassVithanage, Ramyadarshanie I. 26 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Reading and Writing in Science: How do the Reform Documents Attend to the Fundamental Sense of Science Literacy?Frandsen, Kimberly J. 12 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine and describe fundamental literacy messages found within three major science reform documents: Science for all Americans: Project 2061 (AAAS, 1990), Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS, 1993), and the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996). A qualitative content analysis was performed in an effort to reveal any messages or statements supporting fundamental science literacy. Results from this study indicate that key science reform documents do in fact contain multiple messages supporting the fundamental sense of science literacy, however, the nature of these messages, the quantity, placement and presence of negative literacy statements may impact the way teachers view or support fundamental literacy skills within the classroom. Implications concerning the role of science educators and science teacher educators are also discussed.
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