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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvržení pracovní doby / Scheduling the hours of work

Vejvarová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive look at the evolution of schedule of working time legislation and to highlight the longtime process of the institute to evolve to its present form. Since the Czech Republic is the member of the European Union, the thesis is prepared with regard to the law of the European Union. The thesis consists of introduction , three chapters and conclusion. In the introductory chapter, I briefly focuses on the development of schedule of working time legislation. Historical overview began in 1918, although it is certainly possible that the institute had already existed earlier. This chapter deals mainly with the law No. 65/1965 Coll., Labor Code, the predecessor of the current legislation. The second chapter deals with the schedule of working time under the current Labor Code and focuses in detail on the various types of working time schedule, particularly working time account, which is a novelty in our legal system. The final chapter describes schedule of working time in relation to an international documents and European Community law, which the Czech legal system must be consistent with.

Návrh projektu a aplikace metodiky projektového managementu v podniku / Project Proposal and the Application of the Project Management Methods in a Company

Zvolenská, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on the project design of hackathon and application of project management methods in the selected company. The first part is devoted to theoretical background in the area of project management, the second part contains the analysis of the current situation in the company. The output and third part of the thesis is devoted to the project itself.

Návrh projektu a aplikace metodiky projektového managementu ve firmě / Proposal for Project and Application of Project Management Methodology in the Company

Zápotocký, Eduard January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis fouses on the practical use of project management methods and project proposal with the aim to propose a new content strategy for the content website of the company. The first part deals with the theoretical background of the project management, in the second part the current state of the company is analyzed. In the last part of the thesis the project proposal itself is processed.

Standardiserad tidsplanering för SSM i produktionen / Standardized time scheduling for SSM in production

Tahan, Annabel, Al-kazaz, Haydar January 2019 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet har utförts åt företaget SSM där syftet var att standardisera deras tidsplaner och arbetssätt kring planering i produktionen.   Detta arbete har grundat sig på analys av några av SSM:s tidsplaner inom produktion, där dessa har granskats in i minsta detalj. Tre av sex projekt har studerats djupare och författarna har sedan gjort egna standardmallar som baserats på dessa. Utöver detta har även intervjuer/möten hållits med tidsplanerare både inom företaget men även utanför.   Dessa metoder resulterade i slutsatsen att alla platschefer på SSM samt personal på projekteringssidan bör använda sig utav Vico Office i framtiden för att en standardisering av tidsplanerna ska ske. Detta då programmet sparar återanvändbar information från varje projekt som genomförts, vilket på så sätt kan nyttjas i kommande projekt. I programmet finns olika verktyg för hur man väljer att presentera tidsplanen vilka framgår i rapporten.   Efter att ha provat på programmets olika funktioner rekommenderas att företaget använder sig utav det i framtiden då de kan kombinera olika planeringsverktyg samt koppla ihop modellen med bl.a. kostnader, mängder, resurser och tid. Anpassade standardmallar har tagits fram för att förenkla och standardisera tidsplaneringen enligt SSM:s arbetsprocesser. / This thesis has been carried out for the company SSM where the purpose was to standardize their time schedules and also their working methods regarding planning in production.   To achieve this, the thesis has mostly been based on analysis of some of SSM's time schedules in production, where these have been examined in the smallest detail. Three out of six projects have been studied in more depth and the authors have then made their own standard templates based on these. In addition, interviews/meetings have also been held with time planners both within, but also outside the company.   These methods resulted in conclusion that all site managers at SSM and personnel in the design department should use Vico Office in the future in order to standardize the time schedules. This because the program saves reusable information from each project that has been implemented, which can be used in future projects. The program contains various tools, which are stated in the report that allows the user to choose how to present the time schedule.   After trying the different functions of the program, the recommendation is that the company use Vico in the future as they can combine different planning tools and connect the BIM-model with e.g. costs, quantities, resources and time. Custom standard templates have been developed to simplify and standardize time scheduling according to SSM's work processes.

Avstämningsmetod för installatörer kopplat till slutkostnadsprognos / Reconciliation method for installers linked to final cost forecast

Löfgren, Kim, Hannula Virving, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis has mainly been built on interviews with interested parties at Arcona and the installer, Nymans Elektriska, since it was decided to limit the study only to the project Glömstaskolan. The aim of the study is that Arcona should be able to report a more accurate final cost forecast to the client regarding the installer and to simplify the reconciliation for both the construction company and the installer. The background is based on the fact that installers do not calculate components and activities such as other building production, which makes it difficult to reconcile if an activity has been carried out in accordance with budget. Both parties agree that it is working hours that need to be checked, as this is where the difficulty of control lies. To be able to check real hours, knowledge of the planned number of hours is needed. The time schedule is an important tool in the project and should be included in reconciliation. Arcona and Nymans Elektriska are recommended to use existing control documents with certain appendixes for the measuring progress. / Detta examensarbete har mestadels byggts av intervjuer med berörda parter hos Arcona samt installatören Nymans Elektriska då avgränsning gjorts till att endast omfatta projekt Glömstaskolan. Syftet med studien är att Arcona ska kunna redovisa en träffsäkrare slutkostnadsprognos gentemot kunden/beställaren gällande installatören samt att underlätta för både byggföretaget och installatören kring avstämningen. Bakgrunden ligger i att installatörerna ej kalkylerar på byggdelar och aktiviteter som övrig byggproduktion, vilket då gör det svårt att stämma av om en aktivitet har genomförts i enlighet med budget. Båda parter är överens om att det är arbetstimmar som önskas följas upp, då det är där svårigheten till kontroll ligger. För att kunna följa upp verkliga timmar behövs kunskap om planerade antal timmar. Tidplanen är ett viktigt verktyg i projekt och bör involveras i avstämningen. Arcona och Nymans Elektriska rekommenderas att nyttja befintliga styrdokument med visst tillägg för mätning av framdrift.

Stimulus Control Effects of Changes in Schedules of Reinforcement

Abdel-Jalil, Awab 08 1900 (has links)
Sometimes, changes in consequences are accompanied by a clear stimulus change explicitly arranged by the experimenter. Other times when new consequences are in effect, there is little or no accompanying stimulus change explicitly arranged by the experimenter. These differences can be seen in the laboratory as multiple (signaled) schedules and mixed (unsignaled) schedules. The current study used college students and a single-subject design to examine the effects of introducing signaled and unsignaled schedules, and the transitions between them. In one phase, a card was flipped from purple to white every time the schedule was switched from VR-3 to FT-10. In another phase, the schedule still changed periodically, but the card always remained on the purple side. Results showed that the participants' responding was controlled by the schedule of reinforcement, by the color of the card, or both. These results suggest that changes in patterns of reinforcement lead to changes in stimulus control. In addition, the stimulus control for a behavior can come from several different sources. During teaching, it may facilitate the development of stimulus control to change the environment when a new behavior is required.

Tid att passa, tid att anpassas : Om timplanens roll i likvärdighet och skolans åtgärder vid skolbyte / Making up for Lost Time : The Role of Time Schedule in Equity and In-school Measures upon School Switching

Wong, Yiu Tong January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker begreppet likvärdighet genom att analysera hur elevernas bristande kunskapskontinuitet vid skolbyte upplevs och hanteras av rektorer och lärare, samt deras uppfattningar om den nya stadieindelade timplanens påverkan i måluppfyllelse och likvärdighet. Studien baseras på en semikvantitativ webbenkätundersökning med 145 rektorer och lärare i grundskolor i hela landet.  Mer än hälften av informanterna får inte någon information om elevernas tidigare undervisningstid. Kartläggning av elevernas kunskapsnivå vid skolbyte är utbredd och många bekräftar att påtagliga kunskapsluckor existerar. Majoriteten menar att eleverna får möjlighet att ta igen undervisningen genom kompensatoriska åtgärder som innebär anpassning av undervisningssätt och extra insatser utanför skolans ordinarie schema. Tidsstyrningen i skolan påverkas huvudsakligen av timplanen istället för lärarnas och elevernas önskemål. Ramfaktorteori och händelselogik visar att begreppet likvärdighet har två dimensioner. Likvärdighet mellan skolorna påverkas negativt av den befintliga timplanens brist på avstämningstillfällen, som leder till låg kunskapskontinuitet vid skolbyte. Detta avspeglas i informanternas positiva attityd mot centraliseringsåtgärder som exempelvis en stadiepreciserad timplan. Likvärdighet mellan eleverna är det mål som informanterna enligt sin inre logik strävar efter med hjälp av pedagogisk kartläggning och kompensatoriska åtgärdar. För att öka likvärdigheten måste timplanens implementering vara mer realistisk och stadieprecisering måste kompletteras med uppföljning i förhållande till måluppfyllelse. / This study examines the interpretation of educational equity by analysing how students’ lack of knowledge continuity upon school switching is experienced and handled by principals and teachers, and their opinion on the new level-divided national time schedule’s effects on goal attainment and equity. 145 principals and teachers in primary and lower secondary schools in Sweden participate in a semi-quantitative web survey for this study.  More than half of the informants do not receive any information concerning students’ former teaching hours. It is a common practice to chart students’ level of knowledge and one third of the informants confirm a significant knowledge gap. Catching up on lost teaching is possible according to most informants, with compensatory measures that encompass adaptation of teaching methods and extra-curricular activities not included in the normal timetable. Time allocation is mainly determined by the constraints of the national time schedule instead of the needs of teachers and students. By applyingthe theory of frame factor and practical reasoning, it is shown that equity has two dimensions. Equity between schools is dampened by the current national time schedule’s lack of follow-up occasions, leading to inadequate knowledge continuity upon school switching. This is reflected by the informants’ positive attitude towards educational centralisation by means of a more precise, level-divided time schedule. Equity between students has been the main goal that most schools strive for, by implementing knowledge-charting procedures and compensatory measures in the light of practical reasoning. In order to improve equity, a more precise and realistic time schedule needs to be complemented by more rigorous control in relation to goal-fulfilment.

Návrh projektu zavedení internetových stránek / Project Design Implementation of Website

Kováčik, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with design of project which is designed for creation of websites. There are included fundamental terms and issue of project management. The company, where this project will be applied, has dealt with language education.

Návrh projektu a aplikace metodiky projektového managementu v podniku / Project Design and Application of Methodology of Project Management in the Company

Hlavinka, Roman January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the design of a project creating an electronic business for a company with the help of the application of project management methodologies . The selected firm to which the project will be applied does business in the trucking and retail sales.

Stavebně technologický projekt rekonstrukce a nástavby pavilonu polikliniky v Praze / Architectural and technological project of reconstruction and extension pavilion clinics in Prague

Zemánek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
My thesis deals with the technological design of reconstruction and extension pavilion health center in Prague. The building is divided into two buildings. The construction will be dismantled roof strata of the existing building and the subsequent installation of two new floors. Inside will be built new partitions and other fittings. Then the building will be insulated. The thesis describes the installation detail superstructures Eye Center of reinforced concrete prefabricated parts and assembly of the external thermal insulation system.

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