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Utvärdering av provmetod till säten för fordonsindustrin : Utvärdering och vidareutveckling av ny provmetod inriktat mot ökad hållbarhet på säten vid Volvo Car Group / Evaluation and further development of new test method focusing on increased quality on seats at Volvo Car GroupThörn, Christopher January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes på Karlstads universitet i samarbete med Volvo Car Group, en svensk tillverkare av premiumbilar. Arbetet är fokuserat på ett kvalitetsproblem på Volvos produktionslinje då ett tillverkningsfel uppstår när montörer sätter sig i bilarna för att utföra arbetsuppgifter. Detta gäller på andra generationen av XC90 och senare bilmodeller. Ett permanent instegsveck uppstår och återhämtar sig inte när kunden får sin bil levererad. Idag har Volvo inga provmetoder som kan efterlikna problemet och ett arbete sattes igång under 2015 för att komma fram till en ny provmetod. Arbetet fick avslutas mitt i projektet pga. andra prioriteringar, vilket resulterade i en prototyp som behövdes utvärderas vidare för att kunna bli en fullständig provmetod. Målet för det här examensarbetet var att utvärdera prototypen med hjälp av designprocessen. En förstudie utfördes med fokus på information från det tidigare projektet, nuvarande provmetoder, läderteknik, granskning av sätesdesign, benchmarking och observationer på Volvos bilmodeller direkt från fabriken och ute hos återförsäljare. Efter förstudien påbörjades en utvärdering om prototypen kunde efterlikna problemet mellan Volvos olika varianter av stolar, såsom sportstolar. Genom att betygsätta resultatet med en betygsskala mellan 1–5 var det möjligt att se stor skillnad mellan stolarna med referens från produktion. Andra typer av slitage som nötningsskador uppstod innan det önskade resultatet, speciellt på stolar inriktade på god komfort. På sportstolarna var den avancerade geometrin ett problem att applicera efter provmetodens möjligheter. Sista delen av projektarbetet utfördes det en bedömning av prototypen baserat på resultatet från mätningarna. Prestandan från prototypen bedöms vara svår att efterskapa på alla typer av stolar. Ett av de större problemen var att få lädret i ett skört tillstånd då prototypen hade en begränsad rörelse. För att projektet skulle fortlöpa så utfördes en kort granskning baserat på erfarenheterna där fokus låg på faktorer som hade påverkat resultatet mest, dessa var rörelse och material. Resultatet för att kunna efterlikna samma instegsveck i produktion är det optimalt med en tryckrörelse på 45° riktat mot sätets sidobolster samt ett mjukt PUR-skum. Detta gav ett optimalt resultat på alla stolar utan att andra slitage uppstod. För att lösa problemet är det nödvändigt för Volvo att titta på två områden, antingen åtgärder inom produktion med extra skydd eller tillämpa konstruktionsändringar i stolarna med en nyutvecklad provmetod som är framtagen på rätt premisser. / This thesis was carried out at Karlstad University and in corporation with Volvo Car Group, a premium car manufacturer from Sweden. The work focuses on a quality problem at the assembly line. A problem occurs on the front seats with the new generation of XC90 and further released car models. It is to Volvo Cars knowledge that an early wear occurs on the leather seats when assemblers ingress and egress the cars during work tasks and the wear then never recovers. To fix this problem and previous work has been carried out at Research & Development in 2015 but was unfortunately required to be held because of other priorities. The previous work resulted in a prototype which purpose was to become a new test method to this issue. However, the prototype needed further investigation to verify if it can replicate the early wear like the seats at the assembly line. The goal of the research was to evaluate the prototype with a theory based on Engineering Design Process. A pre-study was performed focusing on collecting data from the previous project, current test methods, leather technology, seat design, benchmarking as well as an excursion of Volvo’s lineup of cars at the assembly line and dealerships. After the pre study, a measurement task was performed with the variety of different seat design. This was done to evaluate whether the prototype met the requested requirements or not. By grading the result with a number between 1-5 it was possible to see a difference between the seat design and to replicate the wear problem. Other attritional wear would occur before the desired outcome of wear, especially on comfort seats. It was hard to apply the sports seat to the benefits of the prototype because of the more advanced design. The last part consisted of an assessment on the prototype and was based on its performance. The results show that the prototype does have a problem to replicate the wear and isn’t applicable on all available seats. One of the main issues was to get the leather in a brittle state based on the movement from the prototype. Furthermore, a short research was carried out on in-depth knowledge of this work to gain an understanding and cognition for continued work. For replicate the requested wear a pressure movement was required at a 45° angle and aimed to the seat side bolster with a soft polyurethane foam. It shows successfully results at every kind of seat design. To solve this issue it’s necessary for Volvo to consider precautions at the assembly line or changes in seat design with a newly developed test method based on the right premises.
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Visualizing partitioned data in Audience Response Systems : A design-driven approachWiigh, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Meetings and presentations are often monological in their nature, creating a barrier of productivity in workplaces around the world. By utilizing modern technologies such as a web-based Audience Response System (ARS), meetings and presentations can be transformed into interactive exercises where the audience’s views, opinions and answers can be expressed. Visualizing these audience responses and relating questions-specific partitioned answers between each other, through visualization structures, was the topic of this report. The thesis project was carried out in collaboration with Mentimeter, creator of a web-based ARS and online presentation tool. The Double Diamond design process model was used to investigate and ground the design and development process. To guide the implementation of the prototypes, a focus group was held with four visualization and design professionals knowledgeable about ARSs, to gather feedback on high fidelity sketches. The final prototypes were evaluated with the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for information visualization to survey end-users' attitudes and willingness to adopt the visualization structures. Eight end-users tested the final web-based prototypes. The findings of the user tests indicate that both visualizations prototypes showed promise for visualizing partitioned data in novel ways for ARSs, with an emphasis on a circle cluster visualization as it allowed for the desired exploration. The results further imply that there is value to be gained by presenting partitioned data in ways that allows for exploration, and that audiences would likely adopt a full implementation of the visualizations given some added functionalities and adjustments. Future research should focus on fully implementing and testing the visualizations in front of a live audience, as well investigating other contemporary visualization structures and their capabilities for visualizing partitioned ARS data. / Möten och presentationer är ofta sedda som ett produktivitetshinder på arbetsplatser runtom i världen på grund av deras monologiska natur. Genom att använda moderna tekniska lösningar såsom webbaserade Audience Response Systems (ARS) så kan möten och presentationer omvandlas till interaktiva moment där en publiks perspektiv, åsikter och svar kan uttryckas. Att visualisera en publiks svar och relatera frågespecifika partitionerade svar mellan varandra, genom visualiseringar, var denna rapports huvudämne. Projektet utfördes i samarbete med Mentimeter, skapare av ett webbaserat ARS och digitalt presentationsverktyg. Double Diamond-modellen användes för att undersöka och förankra design- och utvecklingsarbetet i projektet. För att guida utvecklingsarbetet, och få feedback på designförslag, genomfördes en fokusgrupp med fyra visualiserings- och designexperter som besatt kunskap om ARS. De framtagna prototyperna utvärderas genom den utökade Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) för att undersöka slutanvändares inställning och villighet att använda visualiseringarna. Totalt testade åtta slutanvändare de framtagna webbaserade prototyperna. Resultatet av användartesterna indikerade att båda visualiseringsprototyperna har potential att visualisera partitionerad data på nya sätt i ARS, men att en klustervisualisering var överlägsen från en utforskningssynpunkt. Resultaten innebär vidare att det finns ett värde i att presentera partitionerad data på sätt som möjliggör utforskning av publikens svar, och att publiken troligen kommer att anta en fullständig implementering av visualiseringarna förutsatt några extra funktioner och justeringar. Framtida forskning bör fokusera på att fullständigt implementera och testa visualiseringarna framför en faktiskt publik, samt undersöka andra samtida visualiseringsstrukturer och deras möjligheter att visualisera partitionerad ARS-data.
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Using a multi-stakeholder experience-based design process to co-develop the Creating Active Schools FrameworkDaly-Smith, Andy, Quarmby, T., Archbold, V.S.J., Corrigan, N., Wilson, D., Resaland, G.K., Bartholomew, J.B., Singh, A., Tjomsland, H.E.,, Sherar, L.B., Chalkley, Anna, Routen, A.C., Shickle, D., Bingham, Daniel, Barber, S.E., van Sluijs, E., Fairclough, S.J., McKenna, J. 23 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / UK and global policies recommend whole-school approaches to improve childrens' inadequate physical activity (PA) levels. Yet, recent meta-analyses establish current interventions as ineffective due to suboptimal implementation rates and poor sustainability. To create effective interventions, which recognise schools as complex adaptive sub-systems, multi-stakeholder input is necessary. Further, to ensure 'systems' change, a framework is required that identifies all components of a whole-school PA approach. The study's aim was to co-develop a whole-school PA framework using the double diamond design approach (DDDA).
Fifty stakeholders engaged in a six-phase DDDA workshop undertaking tasks within same stakeholder (n = 9; UK researchers, public health specialists, active schools coordinators, headteachers, teachers, active partner schools specialists, national organisations, Sport England local delivery pilot representatives and international researchers) and mixed (n = 6) stakeholder groupings. Six draft frameworks were created before stakeholders voted for one 'initial' framework. Next, stakeholders reviewed the 'initial' framework, proposing modifications. Following the workshop, stakeholders voted on eight modifications using an online questionnaire.
Following voting, the Creating Active Schools Framework (CAS) was designed. At the centre, ethos and practice drive school policy and vision, creating the physical and social environments in which five key stakeholder groups operate to deliver PA through seven opportunities both within and beyond school. At the top of the model, initial and in-service teacher training foster teachers' capability, opportunity and motivation (COM-B) to deliver whole-school PA. National policy and organisations drive top-down initiatives that support or hinder whole-school PA. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first time practitioners, policymakers and researchers have co-designed a whole-school PA framework from initial conception. The novelty of CAS resides in identifying the multitude of interconnecting components of a whole-school adaptive sub-system; exposing the complexity required to create systems change. The framework can be used to shape future policy, research and practice to embed sustainable PA interventions within schools. To enact such change, CAS presents a potential paradigm shift, providing a map and method to guide future co-production by multiple experts of PA initiatives 'with' schools, while abandoning outdated traditional approaches of implementing interventions 'on' schools. / The conference and workshop were jointly funded through an internal Leeds Beckett Research grant, the Yorkshire Sport Foundation and Public Health England (Yorkshire and Humber). Twinkl Educational Publishing kindly sponsored the conference and workshop event. DDB and SEB’s involvement was supported by Sport England’s Local Delivery Pilot – Bradford. DDB and SEB invovlement was also funded by the National Institute for Health Research Yorkshire and Humber ARC (reference: NIHR20016), and the UK Prevention Research Partnership, an initiative funded by UK Research and Innovation Councils, the Department of Health and Social Care (England) and the UK devolved administrations, and leading health research charities. ACR is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands (ARC EM).
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俄羅斯半導體產業發展之研究:台俄產業合作機會探討 / A Study of Semiconductor Industry Development in Russia王麗銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對俄羅斯半導體產業過去發展、現況與未來發展進行研究,同時了解台灣與全球半導體產業現況及發展前景。運用文獻檢閱法搜集全球、台灣、俄羅斯半導體產業現有資料。筆者也使用訪問法,自行設計訪談問題,以台灣及俄羅斯半導體產業專家為對象進行訪談,並將搜集到的第一手資料資料進行整理,以Rugman 與 Verbeke的「雙鑽石模型」,分別為「生產因素條件」、「需求條件」、「相關及支援性產業」、「企業策略、結構與競爭」,以及第五個因素「政府」作為理論架構,分析台灣與俄羅斯半導體產業發展現況,並提出雙方可能合作機會與策略之建議。
研究發現俄羅斯科學基礎研究實力豐厚,晶片應用著重在軍事、航太等方面,晶片生產朝向少量多樣方向發展。從俄羅斯政府許多政策上可以其支持國內微電子產業的發展,並期望微電子產業的振興能帶動國內其他產業的升級。台灣晶圓製造能力強,供應鏈完整,應用領域主要專注於資通訊方面,雙方競爭可能性低。台灣在基礎研究與設備開發所需技術方面,實力較為不足,與俄羅斯進行技術合作可謂實現設備國產化的策略之一。經由理論架構分析,台灣與俄羅斯進行技術合作,有望能縮短設備開發所需的時日。台灣供應鏈及先進製造能力,能為俄羅斯特殊晶片提供生產製造、封裝檢測等服務。台俄雙方在半導體領域的合作機會大,可互相補足缺口,促成產業升級。 / The semiconductor industry in Taiwan is well developed. Because of the high cost of wafer manufacturing process, having a second source of equipment, components, and materials would be beneficial for Taiwanese semiconductor companies. The cost of production and dependency on original equipment suppliers will decrease. In addition, Taiwanese companies seek the opportunity to be self-reliant on developing production equipment in order to reduce the high cost of importing equipment. However, the capacity of Taiwanese equipment manufacturers is limited. Cooperate with foreign companies on key technology is the preferable solution. This thesis focuses on the cooperation with Russia companies and check whether Taiwanese companies can have a breakthrough at current situation.
This study includes the past, present, and the future development of Taiwanese and Russian semiconductor industry. Literature review and interview method are two main research methods. Collecting current reference of global, Taiwanese, and Russian semiconductor industry and primary sources from the interview with semiconductor industry experts, the author conducts an analysis on the development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and Russia with the “Double Diamond” model of Rugman and Verbeke. The analysis factors include “Factors conditions”, “Demand conditions”, “Related and supporting industries”, and “Government.” Further, this research proposes advice for cooperation and strategies.
Through theoretical analysis, technical cooperation between Taiwan and Russia is expected to shorten the develop time of equipment. Industrial supply chain and advanced manufacturing capacity in Taiwan can provide manufacturing, packaging and testing service for Russia. Cooperation between Taiwan and Russia in the field of semiconductor can complement each other and will promote industrial upgrading.
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CHECK this out : Designing a resource planning feature into an existing accounting systemEidet, Maya, Bergman, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Oh My is a design and brand agency that has been developing CHECK, an accounting, billing, and time reporting system. CHECK has been developed to ease the billing and accounting process by making a front-shell system that is easier to use than the existing back-end economic system (Fortnox). To further enhance CHECK’s user experience, a need for a resource scheduling feature arose. The mission of this master thesis project is therefore to design a resource scheduling feature by going through the double diamond design process. The double diamond design process consists of four phases, a discovering phase, a defining phase, a developing phase, and a delivering phase. The discovering phase consisted of a literature review, interviews, user observations, a market analysis, and workshops to discover the current resource scheduling market and Oh My’s resource scheduling needs. The defining phase consisted of collecting and sorting the information gathered in the previous phase, which were conducted by using a design specification. The developing phase was the creative phase where solutions were beginning to emerge through paper prototyping. The delivering phase was the iterative phase where user tests were conducted, and the design was changed and improved. The delivering phase contained 4 different user test that resulted in the final version of a resource planning system.
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Designing an Assistive Technology for Self-reflection for Students Suffering from ADHD at Malmö UniversityRavishankar, Vandana January 2022 (has links)
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a behaviour disorder, usually first diagnosed in childhood, that is characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. ADHD is often associated with co-morbid disorders like bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. The diagnosis of ADHD is clinically established by a review of symptoms and impairment from the child’s young age. There are numerous assistive technologies that exist for people suffering from ADHD but there exists a research gap in developing self-reflective tools for people with neurodevelopmental disorders. This paper bridges this research gap for students at Malmö University. This project will focus on developing a personalized interactive AI-based system that captures contextual data, analyses it to find relevant patterns in user’s behaviour, and visualizes it effectively to provide students with ADHD with insights into the parameters influencing the nature of their disorder. The project is performed under a Double Diamond method which allows for iteration. The methods used mostly comprise co-design methods to ensure the concept caters to the user’s needs. The project is based on learnings from three key areas: Interactive AI, Personal Informatics and Systems as dialogue partners.
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Samtidskonstmuseet och virtuella utställningar i den digitala konstproduktionens tidsålder : ett informationsarkitektoniskt perspektiv på hur museer kan ställa ut digital och digitaliserad konst / Contemporary art museums and online exhibitions in the age of digital art production : an information architecture perspective on how art museums can exhibit digital and digitized artBrinkborg, Iris January 2021 (has links)
Most contemporary artists work digitally in one way or another, despite the fact that established art museums do not offer a platform to display digital art, which means that it is difficult for visitors to find it and that media art will have a lower status compared to physical art. For a long time the art museum business has had a complex relationship with the digitization of physical works, virtual museums and intangible art works. These are discussions that had to be ignored when the pandemic started and the art museums were forced to digitize activities that had previously been completely analogous. This report with associated artifacts strives to map digital exhibition trends and create a digital exhibition format that takes into account artistic intention and the art museum's activities, and puts the user experience in focus. The report concludes that it is difficult to generalize when it comes to art, but that digital exhibitions have great potential because you do not have to deal with gravity, wires and other physical aspects when installing digital works in a physical space. Another conclusion is that art museums must begin to look at the developer as part of the core business for the digitization initiatives to work in the long term. Perhaps the pandemic will ultimately mean that art museums to a greater extent dare to break new ground, test new exhibition formats and become more positive about the possibilities of digital exhibition formats.
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How to Solve the Problem of Inactivity Amongst Preschool Children with IoT / Hur man löser problemet med inaktivitet bland dagisbarn med hjälp av IoTLeander, Malin January 2024 (has links)
WHO has set up activity guidelines for children between 0-5 years of age. If children fail to follow the guidelines they risk developing NCD diseases in the future as a consequence. Several children in the age group fail to follow these guidelines all over the world. Adults have used IoT solutions to track and maintain their activity. There have been IoT devices developed for kids but none focus on the age group of 0-5 year old’s. Therefore the objective for this study was to examine how the age group could reach the guidelines for physical activity with the assistance of an IoT device. To study this the goal was to design an application that will assist parents in tracking their children’s activity and giving them suitable exercises. To investigate the subject a theoretical framework was created. It focused on investigating how physicalactivity can be measured, what sensors could be used, how could the data be visualized effectively, what motivates children to move and what research method and data collection methods that could be used throughout the project. The method chosen was the double diamond method which consisted of the stages discover, define, develop and deliver. During the discover phase an interview was performed with a key-informant with expertise in sports medicine and activity tracking with 3-5 yearold’s. A survey was also sent out to parents to investigate the population. In the define phase a concept was formed from the collected data. In the develop stage a Lo-fi Figma prototype was created and tested on both the key-informant and expertswithin UX and/or IT-consulting. The Lo-fi prototype contained graphs showcasing the family’s activity, activities to perform with their child, a reward page were children could gain rewards for activity and much more. The results showed that the rewards system introduced confused the participants and some thought it would berisky to introduce rewards for activity to children. This since they might then only be active for the reward, not for the fun of the activity itself. In the deliver phasea Mid-fi prototype was created from the feedback received through Lo-fi usabilitytesting. The Mid-fi removed the rewards and added a calendar page. At the calendar page the family could plan and wish for activities. The Mid-fi was tested on parents and the results showed that several of them had a hard time finding the wish-list functionality. There were also many participants who wanted to interact with thegraphs to read more specific information. The discussion evaluated the Mid-fi inrelation to the test results and the theoretical framework. Through the analysis it was concluded that improvements can be made for future versions of the prototype. The conclusions evaluated the Mid-fi in relation to the objective and found that the prototype needed further testing with children to conclude if it would be able to help them follow the WHO’s guidelines. It was also concluded that the application would help parents track their child’s movements as many parents would want to use the application and they all understood the used data visualizations. It was lastly concluded that further research with child care practitioners would have to be performed to identify suitable exercises for the children. However, as the app provides a template to sort and recommend activities, it will help parents choose suitable activities for their child when the library has been built up. / WHO har upprättat riktlinjer för fysisk aktivitet för barn mellan 0-5 år. Om barn inte följer riktlinjerna riskerar de att utveckla icke-smittsamma sjukdomar (NCD) i framtiden som en konsekvens. Flera barn i denna åldersgrupp misslyckas medatt följa dessa riktlinjer över hela världen. Vuxna har använt IoT-lösningar för attspåra och upprätthålla sin egen aktivitet. Det har utvecklats IoT-enheter för barn, men ingen av dem fokuserar på åldersgruppen 0-5 år. Därför var syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur åldersgruppen kan följa riktlinjerna för fysisk aktivitet med hjälp av en IoT-enhet. För att studera detta var målet att designa en applikation som hjälper föräldrar att spåra sina barns aktivitet och ge dem lämpliga aktiviteter. För att undersöka ämnet skapades ett teoretisk ramverk. Det fokuserade på att undersöka hur fysisk aktivitet kan mätas, vilka sensorer som kan användas, hur data kan visualiseras effektivt, vad som motiverar barn att röra sig och vilka forsknings- och datainsamlingsmetoder som kan användas under projektet. Den valda metoden var Double Diamond, som bestod av faserna upptäcka, definiera, utveckla och leverera. Under upptäcktsfasen genomfördes en intervju med en nyckelinformant med expertis inom idrottsmedicin och aktivitetsspårning för barn mellan 3-5 år. En enkät skickades också ut till föräldrar för att undersöka populationen. I definieringsfasen formades ett koncept utifrån de insamlade datat. I utvecklings-fasen skapades och testades en Lo-fi Figma prototyp på både nyckelinformantenoch experter inom UX och/eller IT-konsulting. Lo-fi prototypen innehöll grafer som visade familjens aktivitet, aktiviteter att utföra med deras barn, en belöningssida där barn kunde få belöningar för aktivitet och mycket mer. Resultaten visade att belöningssystemet förvirrade deltagarna och vissa ansåg att det skulle vara riskabelt att införa belöningar för aktivitet till barn. Detta eftersom de då kanske bara skulle vara aktiva för belöningen och inte för aktivitetens egen skull. I leveransfasenskapades en Mid-fi prototyp utifrån den feedback som erhölls genom användbarhet-stester av Lo-fi prototypen. Mid-fi prototypen tog bort belöningarna och lade till en kalendersida. På kalendersidan kunde familjen planera och önska aktiviteter. Mid-fi prototypen testades på föräldrar och resultaten visade att flera av dem hade svårt att hitta önskelistefunktionen. Det var också många deltagare som ville interagera med graferna för att läsa mer specifik information. Diskussionen utvärderade Mid-fi pro-totypen i relation till testresultaten och det teoretiska ramverket. Genom analysen konstaterades det att förbättringar kan göras för framtida versioner av prototypen. Slutsatserna utvärderade Mid-fi prototypen i relation till målet med studien och fann att prototypen behövde ytterligare testning med barn för att fastställa om den skulle kunna hjälpa dem att följa WHO:s riktlinjer. Det konstaterades också att applikationen skulle hjälpa föräldrar att spåra sina barns rörelser då många föräldrar ville använda applikationen och alla förstod de använda datavisualiseringarna. Slutligen konstaterades det att ytterligare forskning med barnomsorgspersonal måste genomföras för att identifiera lämpliga övningar för barnen. Men eftersom appen tillhandahåller en mall för att sortera och rekommendera aktiviteter, kommer den att hjälpa föräldrar att välja lämpliga aktiviteter för sina barn när bibloteket byggts upp.
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The new generation of Smart Home Device : Health Monitoring system for Smart Homes / Ny generation av Smart Home DeviceJarque Antolí, Carlos January 2019 (has links)
This thesis project was conveyed in collaboration with Block Zero, a strategic Design Studio in Malmö, Sweden, with the purpose to design a product that develops a new type of interaction within the Smart Home. This design project will primarily focus on the research, exploration and definition of possible solutions, and the resulting design and development of the final product, a Smart Home Health Hub. From a global perspective, throughout the following document is covered a description of the design process from initial research to the final prototype. The project is defined in this approach and establishes the mentioned principles to guide the execution of the project through a deductive method, synthesising until the final result.
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Development of a Novel Device for Optimal Sample Blood Volume Collection from Patients with Sepsis / Utveckling av ett Instrument för Insamling av Optimal Blodvolym från SepsispatienterBoltshauser, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
When performing sepsis diagnosis, the most important preanalytical variable is blood volume. Too little blood increases the risk for false negatives whereas overfilling causes increased risk for false positives. Even though this fact is known, there are case studies showing that in a majority of tests, the taken blood sample volume is not the recommended amount. As previously tried methods have been limited in their ability to tackle the problem this study aimed at creating a technical device to aid healthcare providers with blood volume sample collection. As a base, the double diamond approach by the Design Council was used. This design approach splits up the design process in four distinctly different phases (discover, define, develop, and deliver) all using their own methods to aid the creative process. After completing the discover and define phase it was determined that a non-contact capacitance liquid level sensor could operate as an ideal blood volume sample device. During the development and delivery phase prototypes were created and evaluated. The final results of this work could not give conclusive evidence concerning if a non-contact liquid level sensor could operate as an ideal blood volume collection device. The methodological approach used in this thesis can be used as inspiration for a designer to create a device for a similar or different purpose. Moreover, information from this thesis can also work as reference material to develop a device to perform ideal blood volume sample collection. Such a device would have the potential to be an essential part of the everyday workflow in sample collection from patients with sepsis worldwide and would aid in ensures effective and fast diagnostics.
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